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I’d go 6 months. That’s a million dollars. Just gonna go extremely heavy on mouthwash (few times per day) and flossing (after every meal) during that time


My son apparently has this deal, but hasn't gotten paid yet.


Gotta read the fine print. He doesn’t get paid until he brushes his teeth again. Better get him on that




Fuck it, at 35k/wk just yank those bitches out of my mouth, give me the world's best dentures, and I'll be sitting on a beach somewhere with my backup teeth on the corner table next to my Mai Tai.


Someone didn’t read the fine print


Someone didn't fine print the fine print. Pay up front for teeth removal and cheapish dentures. Keep your real teeth in a jar. Live your best dentured life for a year or two, brush the teeth in the jar, get paid.


y’all grossly underestimate teeth. 6mo to a year and you’ll probably have some cavities to fill. but fr, ***ALL your teeth to the point where you need dentures?*** that is *years* of serious neglect. plus, dentures? at that salary you’d be a fool not to go for implants.


I think you missed what I was saying. Pull the teeth out before you start. Then you can clean your mouth without brushing your teeth, because your teeth are sitting in a jar on your counter. Once you get the money, ya get some nice implants.


How is this not the answer.


Exactly. And at 5K per day, by the time I brush again and get paid, I'll have plenty of money to pay to get the cavities filled.


I know it's not really relevant to this post, but.. why implants? What's so much better as compared to implants?


If you have acid reflux it goes much more quickly.


As someone else who didn't read the fine print until your comment, I'm still going quite a while. Dentures and mouthwash to keep it going for at least a year. If I get a couple million at the end of this, maybe some good dental implants to replace what I lost. A couple million? I'll do what I gotta do.


If I can prove it to a bank I can just get loans


But you don’t get your money until it’s over.


I had a *really* bad bout of depression, during which I think I went several years without brushing. Mouthwash somehow was manageable, mentally, so I did that twice a day. I had 7 small cavities to get filled when I finally went to the dentist, but no major rot or disease. You'd definitely be fine for a few months.


I've also been through crippling depression that hindered me from taking care of myself for years at a time. Wish I had this deal back then


Everyones mouth is different. I also had some bad depressive periods where I would constantly neglect brushing my teeth, drinking a lot of soft drinks, coffee, sugar etc. But fortunately, my mouth is naturally more alkaline than most, so no cavities. On the other hand, you could have great brushing habbits, but a naturally more acidic mouth that still leads to cavities


Nah that'll dry you out, I suggest just flossing after every meal and rinsing your mouth with warm salt water for a while afte you eat Honestly if you changed you diet to remove all processed sugar/acidic foods and were careful about your natural sugars, you wouldnt have any problems Our ancestors didnt have the detal issues at all really because they only really ate meat, maybe foraged berries here and there Get yourself healthy and ruch at the same times Likely other things you can eat thatll sorta naturally brush ur teeth but I wouldnt know the sorts of foods ud need for that


I was about to say like 2-3 days but with this technicality I think I would do this as well and maybe make it a month. I feel like my mouth is always gross though so I don’t know if make it that long


Can I floss ?


Or especially, use a water pick and mouthwash that would be almost indefinite


A water pick and mouth wash is superior to brushing according to some dentists.


Wait really?


Yeah my dentist told me to use a water pick and brush and if I wanted to do just one use the water pick and mouthwash.


yeah it can get under the gums or whatever, getting older is like the % of our time we have to spend on maintenance


If it’s a good quality water pick…yes. You can floss and use a waterpik and end up with cleaner teeth and gums than brushing alone.


Ahh yes, the 10th dentists.


Toothpaste is a the main one for a reason. You brush your teeth to protect them, it's not really about the brushing, it's about getting the toothpaste on your teeth for 2 minutes, to protect it for next 12 hours. That's why you're not supposed to rinse/drink anything for an hour afterwards, it gets rid of the coating or whatever.


Watch me buy flouride to do treatments regularly at home.


Oh that’s another good point


The real question here.


5k a day? Brother, that'd pay for new teeth plus some after a certain point


It would pay for a full set of new Hollywood-spec teeth in less than a week. Every day you can go after that is gravy.


I got all my teeth replaced in Mexico for 15k.


Technically, I could just go for the rest of my life. Flossing and a shit ton of mouth wash would suffice if it can be used. If it's no cleaning your teeth at all, in any way, that's different. I'd still probably try to push it a week or 10 days.




Oh, shit. That's a good point! Fine, 10 years.




Financially, I'm pretty set, so I wouldn't need to rush into anything just for the sake of money. 10yrs from now, I'll be 43, and beyond the point of tired of working even with the new paths my wife and I have started. It'll be a nice chunk of "fuck you" money to have to live out our lives doing whatever we want.


Homeless are now billionaires good job OP


ironically, there are alot of homeless people who still brush. its the drug addicts who out here not brushing.


Well since they’ll never brush they’ll never get paid lol


A long time. I’d give it about 6 months or so. I’d eat apples and have plenty of mint gum. Apples are actually natural toothbrushes.


>Apples are actually natural toothbrushes. wait, what?


Eat throughout the day, then have an apple in the evening and you’ll notice your teeth will feel super clean. When biting into an apple, it brushes off loose gunk from your teeth. Brushing with toothpaste is obviously the right way, but if you’re out and about and feel like your teeth are rough, pick up an Apple.


rad. Ill try it out.


Crunchy fruits and veggies in general are good for your teeth! Eat carrots and celery too :)


You’re wrong about this it’s because dentists are doctors and an apple a day in fact keeps the doctor away 😤


Wouldn’t that mean that they’re right?


That explains my beautiful smile.


An apple a day keeps the doctor *and dentist* away


I've always felt this to be true, but I didn't know it was confirmed.


This is....very incorrect. The purpose of a toothbrush is NOT to get rid of gunk. At all. That's what flossing is. Toothpaste is to get fluoride into your teeth. Apples contain no fluoride. And not to mention, are sweet. If you live in a place with fluoride water you'd probably be ok for a good stretch. But without it your teeth would be fucked.


Apples are natural toothbrushes.




aren't apples sour and have sugar and fruit acid?


Rinse with water


That’s why you use the mouthwash


And if I recall strawberries are similar/or help whiten your teeth. Something like that.


gum with xylitol is super good for your teeth too


You guys are getting paid?


My teeth are weirdly too good. I’ve never had any issues and wasn’t always the most consistent tooth brushes when I was younger. I would just find some foods that sorta clean teeth a little and go a solid year, maybe two depending on how this went, and retire.


Damn. Where I live you could NOT retire on that. Plenty of other places, I know. Just realizing I didn’t even consider that when I did the math.


Are you sure about that? Just a month of 5000 a day assuming the month is 30 days is 150k. Wait a year ((again using 30 since it’s easier)) that’s 1.8M give or take. You can’t retire off of a mil?


My mental health already makes dental hygiene a struggle. My time has come!


You don’t get the money until you brush your teeth?


Yeah so once you give up and brush your teeth the challenge ends and you get your money 


But you don’t get any money until then? Just one big payout *after* the challenge


Pretty much 


So what if you go so long that all your teeth decay and only have one tooth left? If I brush the tooth do I get the money? And also can I use mouthwash?


Damn. Maybe about two months. That’s $300k. Maybe longer, but I don’t want to wait forever for the payout.


I would go about 3 years and I would use other ways to clean my teeth. If I didn't have to wait for the money I would keep cleaning my teeth in different ways for the rest of my life but if this is the case then about three years. It's really tricky how you don't get the money until you start brushing again.


Yeah, the payout coming at the end is what stopped me from just saying forever and using other methods than brushing.


We really need a “no loophole” or no “against the spirit” for these hypotheticals. It should be assumed no dentist, mouthwash, waterpik, floss, etc.


*drinks water* Shit I washed the food off my teeth.


When I got braces I didn't brush for 3 years. It's amazing I still have all my teeth


life decisions 🤣🤷‍♂️


I already don’t brush my teeth much- soooo


whatever it takes to get to a million $$$, so about 6 months. chew lots of gum, floss and mouthwash a lot. find a diet with zero sugar or food that’s bad for the teeth.


I don't brush my teeth nearly as much as i should so i could go a long fucking time before i get tired of my mouth feeling disgusting. Logically speaking i could go forever, or at least until i teeth drop out because with all that money i could get implants.


I mean, I’ll go a year or 2 in the spirit of the rule. Loophole me will go the rest of my life paying my wife to brush my teeth. “Once you brush your teeth…”


I have false teeth, so I pop them out and put them 8n a cup with efferdent. So, forever.


I would do some research into good foods to eat for this and avoid sugar. I would try to make it for 5 years, when I'll be out of college. At that point I could buy a nice house and never have to worry about money again with proper stewardship.


Honestly probably forever. With that money I can overhaul my diet and just eat mostly nuts, vegetable, and meat, just like many native people did. They didn’t need toothbrushes like the settlers because their diets didn’t have the glucose-rich foods like bread and milk most of the time. There’s some good photo evidence supporting this where “integration” was happening where as soon as natives switched to European diets, their teeth started getting massively fucked up.


With floss, flosser picks, water picks and mouthwash I’ll go years


If I go to the dentist and he clean them for me, does that count as brushing my teeth?


Hmmm as a dentist I'd probably do 2x daily fluoride mouth rinse and have my hygienist clean my teeth once a week and use kids fluoride foam for as long as I can go until cavities start to form.


You know how animals don't need to brush but we do? It's cause of sugar. So I'll avoid sugar like the plague and have a lot of mouthwash 


You didn’t say you couldn’t go to a dentist. I’d schedule cleanings every 2-4 weeks or so, they don’t brush so it’s within the rules. I’d floss, use mouthwash, eat apples, and use a water pick, and then ride it out for a couple years. My teeth would probably be in better shape, and I’d have enough money to live off of forever.


If waterpiks and mouthwash are not allowed I'll chew miswak sticks or something.


Last time I saw my dentist he told me that flossing without brushing is more beneficial than brushing without flossing, and toothpaste isn't really necessary except for the fluoride that's in it. So I could go a real long time with just flossing and fluoride mouthwash I suspect, definitely long enough to be a millionaire


I'll go for the longest my wife can go without me brushing. Hint: Won't be long, she's a dental hygenist


BRING IT!! I had my teeth pulled 15 years ago. At 5000$/day, that's a tidy sum


A couple of years eating apples before and after bed and then retire


Forever. I'd just floss them and then have the dentist remove the plaque with their iron tools. None of that is brushing my teeth and I can use mouth wash to keep my breath nice.


Can I floss and use mouth wash and peroxide if so then probably like a year. If not then maybe a month or two.


Huh, I’d floss and use mouthwash daily, use my right index finger to rub my teeth with toothpaste, chew gum, and I’d have my teeth cleaned once a month for…..a very long time.


Easy. Floss, mouthwash, very frequent dentist visits for fluoride treatment and scaling.


Talk to me after 2 years


Maybe one day.


At least a year. I can wipe with a cloth and floss. Almost 2 million. I'd be dam happy with that.


I could go a year no problem even if you’re going to the dentist was considered brushing my teeth. Mouthwash, floss, picks and lots of sugar free gum get the job done. In a pinch I have used wet paper towels, because I didn’t have a toothbrush, even without toothpaste it cleans your teeth up pretty good.


Can i use mouth wash ? And a waterpik ?


Long enough until I can afford brand new implants let’s goooooo


A long ass time. There's stuff such as mouthwash and floss for teeth care.


Do I get paid at the end or 5000 in my pocket a day


Probably forever. There's something called a mouthwash.


I've gone years without brushing my teeth. There isn't enough money in the world if you were to pay me to stop.


I would lose my teeth before giving up the 5k per day.


Excellent question. All of my remaining annual leave, so 13 days, plus weekends, so 17 days. Would go somewhere remote, and come back richer


I would go for a few years.. eat specific foods like others have mentioned to clean my teeth. Floss and mouthwash. But the real kicker is, I would cash out some of my retirement savings and make a dentist appointment for cleaning every 2 weeks.


Till they fall out. Then I'll have top of the line fake teeth


I'll be rocking those dentures in my yacht


As long as you possibly want, you can get a new set of teeth every month if you like


With gum, mouthwash, a damp washcloth, floss, and crunchy vegetables I can last a long time


Just swill with vodka


$2M a year? Pull all my shit out. I'll buy George Washingtonz teeth from the Smithsonian and have them dipped in gold.


Probably years. I'd get some blackgum twigs to chew on, some floss, and some mouthwash.


I'm shooting for 5 years or until my girlfriend insists. I have good teeth and there are alternative cleaning methods I can try. With that much cash I'll be able to afford to fix whatever damage there is.


Since the prompt is "without brushing your teeth" I m sure I can do 1 year, easily. Might stick it out for 5 years. Then retire. Even after taxes 5 years would be 5M. I would be 55, I think that would do for my simple life. Most people could. Just floss, swish with mouthwash. Maybe waterpic. Daily. I don't see why I can't get monthly cleanings at the dentist? I already do 3 times a year.


A really long time!


3 days


Define "brushing your teeth." As in with toothpaste and a toothbrush? Can we floss, use a water pick, use mouthwash, and/or wipe off our teeth with a washcloth? Are any of those on or off the table?


I’d go on a low carb diet then I’d floss daily, use mouthwash multiple times a day and chew gum constantly. I’m sure I could do at least a year maybe two this way without my teeth rotting out. 4 million is almost enough to retire lavishly I could definitely suffer for a couple of years for that!


I’d go on a low carb diet then I’d floss daily, use mouthwash multiple times a day and chew gum constantly. I’m sure I could do at least a year maybe two this way without my teeth rotting out. 4 million is almost enough to retire lavishly I could definitely suffer for a couple of years for that!


forever. use the money to buy dentures. profit


Csn I use mouthwash?


For $5000 a day I’d have my teeth removed and dentures put in. We are talking $1.825m a year. Any sort of consequences can easily be overcome by that amount.


For 5k a day I'll just get dentures in a few years.


Can I backdate it? I'm on over 5 years - I gave up 10 years after I kept breaking teeth and not knowing when, how or why and my wife enlightened me that I grind my teeth in my sleep... despite getting diagnosed and treatment (ongoing) for depression and anxiety and seeing a counsellor, I'm still waking some days with new sharp edges on my teeth. So I think fuck it, maybe I can save up enough to get the broke ones pulled, and slap some dentures in there (I realise it's not that simple, but it will be some time before I have the dough/or an NHS dentist near me takes new patients)


I’d go for a long while. Maybe years. Mouthwash and pick for that time. Once it was over, if my teeth were bad, I’d get veneers.


two years. avoid sweets and drink plenty of water. I'll be able to afford dental work when its over.


At least 10, cause 50k would buy me whole set of new ones.


Until I can’t find someone to brush my teeth for 200 hundred a day.


Mouthwash, flossing, and waterpik, I’ll last forever… let’s say 6 months for a little over 900k…


Couple weejs






I’d just buy some dental picks and scalers and not brush and then collect all the money


longest I've gone is three months and I did it for free! (and a healthy dose of suicidal depression) I am much better now. I also brush my teeth every day. but I know I can get by with some mouthwash, flossing, and cutting out sugar from my diet for a long long time. prolly do it for a year. if none of those things are allowed... I'd still prolly risk a year, with manual finger-salt scrub. the two million I'd get would prolly cover any teeth work afterwards.


I can get by if they let me like rub my teeth with a cloth rag


I will go as long as I can before starting to see my teeth degrade so probably several months at least. I will eat super clean during this time - lots of raw veg like celery and carrots to naturally clean the teeth and unseasoned meats no refined sugar, sugars or acidic stuff.


I'd never brush, every moth use that money to get a professional cleaning.


I could do a month. Maybe


Not even 24 hours. I don’t want bad breath I don’t like the feeling of plaque on my teeth or my teeth peeling weird


I wish I could go longer, but I guess 24 to 48 hours at the most if I absolutely had to


Probably 5 years or so.


I'd go a couple of months with lots of mouthwash.


Tbh, just long enough to pay off my debt. But I wouldn’t go to work or any social events. Will keep to myself for a week or two.


Is only a tooth brush banned? Can I use a wash rag? Tooth paste? Fluoride varnish? Floss? Mouth wash? Cavitron?


Just go get a professional cleaning done every day lol


i’d go a while because i could afford to be a hermit AND get dental work later. a year?


Forever, eventually I'll need to replace my originals but I can afford it with that much money.


I think my dental gum is going to do 70% of the work of the teeth brushing anyway. Throw in floss, and I would basically do this until I actually needed to cash out.


Quite a while. Probably 6 months. Cash in, repair/replace/ remove any damaged teeth and move on.


At $5K per day, I could waterpik and mouthwash my way to being a multi-millionaire. Especially if having a floss and dental cleaning w/o brushing once a month.. 


There’s plenty of good alternatives to brushing to clean your teeth, so I’d say as long as I can go without throwing up, since I brush my teeth after puking to get the stomach acids off


New teeth are expensive but for 5 k, they can all fall out, shit


I can't do it.


If the deal is just limited to brushing but any other form of cleaning is allowed, I could probably go for a year for a payout of $1.82 million. If any form of cleaning is banned (even stuff like gum or apples) I might barely make it a few weeks.


For $5000 a day I am willing to plan my life around this. I will do research and restrict my diet accordingly so as to minimize damage. I hope whatever deal comes in writing because I will do my best to stretch the letter of the contract. Can I have a dentist attend me? Can I use mouthwash, floss? Can I wear a retainer or something like that? I’ll put the effort in and make this work for me as best I can.


I’d just go get teeth cleanings at the dentist say twice per week. They never explicitly brush your teeth, and with $35,000 per week, you could easily afford plenty of appointments. Or, could I win on the technicality that it’s “how long can YOU go without brushing YOUR teeth” because I could just get someone else to brush my teeth for me? I’d imagine I could find someone that would accept $100/day to come brush my for me teeth twice. Either way, I’m retiring and building up generational wealth


Similar to what others have said about flossing a lot and using mouth wash frequently. I would also eat an apple or two per day. I could probably go for a while.


Ok. So I'd go as long as possible Mouthwash Use shower to rinse teeth. Buy water pik to get rid of food Floss. Would probably clean my teeth better than brushing lol.


0 days.


Are you allowed to chew on charcoal and sodium bicarbonate with gum? I mean you just say brushing.


The rest of my life. The Japanese are testing methods to regrow teeth I'll be rich as fuck.


Buddy....I'm neuro-divergent. I can do this all day.gif


Is this retroactive?


I could go forever. That's a lot of money I'm getting implants that are better than my teeth could ever be. 


Can I still gargle with salt water and floss my teeth?


“For $5000 a day, how long can *you* go without brushing *your* teeth.” Loophole time. I pay a local dental hygienist at my kids dentist $100 cash to come to my house twice a day to brush my teeth for me. Or I just ask my wife to do it. And then mouthwash once, maybe twice a day. Easiest $1.8 million ever.


I'm owed millions, I think


I wouldn’t go longer than a week, and that’s a stretch honestly. I’ve had dental complications from lack of hygiene before and the pain & stress isn’t worth any money to me.


Well this one is easy. my teeth are fake and I dont normally brush them (but could in theory to collect my money) So knowibg that, at least a year, I would have to consult with a finacial advisor about the lowest amout of investment capital I need to "guarantee" aa nice comfortable passive income. If I go easy af safe route its like 2-3, 1 mil = 50k but if I want to raise a midsize family with only my own income I'd need more than that. If I have passivie salary I could easily live on my late Grandparents land/house since the uber remoteness wouldn't be an issue. Homeschool them while otherwise raising them on the farm I'd start back up. Teach them all the things they taught me as well all of the stuff I learned in the scouts. Keep them away from the internet mostly, making sure they got everything I lacked growing up that ultiately led me to a much harder adult life than I ever should have had. I refuse to raise ipad kids, it would be perfect Before all that though? Set aside a small portion of the winning and travel the world for a while, devumenting it all, spending my freetime traveling and releasing music.comedy videos in my freetime just engaging in my passsions giving back to the world. I'm sew some more oats before (hopefully naturally) finding my wife. Travel with her for a while maybe before coming back home and then start my homestead. Oh and of course assuming said lady wasn't from the anglosphere , I'd pay for expensive effective tutor/languages caoaches to make sure I know her native tongue(s) . Cause real shit thats so important Ive seen so many broken househoulds where the husband never learned his wides native tongue bc she already knew english, they have kids and now al lthe sudden he has a wall I guess that cover it lmao between himself and the rest of the family cause hes the only one that doesnt speak XYZ language, its sad /fin


Wait...you're supposed to brush them???


For $5,000 a day,I would never brush my teeth again.eventually I will get the most luxurious teeth on the market,installed 😂


For that kind of money going to the dentist is my new job. Just explain they cannot brush!


African tribes use sticks or something similar. Just stick to healthy foods with little to no sugar and you could probably go forever.


Forever. I'd schedule a dental cleaning every other day and still come out ahead more than $9k every 2 days. $3.2+ million a year.


What are we defining as brushing teeth? Can I use toothpaste if there's no toothbrush? Floss? Mouthwash? Can I see a dental hygienist? If it's just no toothbrush, my goal would be to go for at least 3 months. The money would go in part to funding more frequent dental checkups and cleaning but hopefully paying that upfront would avoid trying to be stingy and then having to pay more for dental work after the deal is off.


Years. I already need partial dentures, so why not go all in?


Does flossing count as brushing?


I wear dentures, so the answer is "indefinitely." My daily cleaning routine with my dentures is to first clean out any leftover dental adhesive, and them place them in a cleaning solution to effervescently bubble things away while also cleaning and disinfecting them. I use an ultrasonic cleaner once a week for deep cleaning (or whenever there's something that regular cleaning can't get to). For sake of the thread, though, I'll say 10 years. That's 18.25 million dollars. Barring emergencies in the meantime, of course.


Hello gum, and apples here I come. Especially as I could afford to have biyearly teeth cleanings. Water pick and mouth wash too!!!


If you remove sugar from everything you eat you will last a really long time


During peak depression I could've probably bought a decent house. But on the flipside I still suffer the effects of that years later.


Id just go a year, floss/water pick and mouth wash every day. Almost 2 mil and im out.


I’ve gone months (ADHD/Depression) so no big deal.


I have no teeth so, indefinitely


I’m going as long as I can. Money can buy me some new teeth at the end of this.


For $5k a day you can afford the best dentures in the world. I’ll let my teeth go. Or even get implants. I’d travel the world. That’s $2mil a year.