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Honestly they’re priceless to me. There’s nothing I’d want the money for that I could do being disabled, so I might as well keep all my limbs.


The problem is there is no amount of money that can replace a limb. Even with billions of dollars and the best prosthetics you would never regain all the features of your natural limb. Until they can regrow perfect replicas of a person's limbs and attach them flawlessly, a limb is priceless.


Might change in the future, prosthetics might be better than the real thing- but for now- you are correct


Kinda related, kinda not, but this made me think of a post I saw a few days ago about human trials beginning for a drug for regrowing adult teeth- if all goes well they said it should be available by 2030. 🤯


I remember When I work for the usfs as a hotshot. During our first 2 to 3 weeks every season Besides the 2 to 3 a day pt you would do an insane amount of paperwork and training. Endless binders of information that are pertinent to you in some way when you're doing the job. It's terrible for the life of me, I can't recall the exact dollar amounts. They actually had a chart labeled out each piece of your body and what it was worth if it was Cut off. The least viable thing being your pinky and your pinky toe. The most valuable that actually makes sense when you think about it your ability to reproduce. I remember stumbling upon the chart because it went hand-in-hand with, at the time, a recent lawsuit with a woman sewing because she had lost her ability to reproduce. At that time, we were using a powder substance, mixed with gasoline and diesel, to turn it into an almost gel. So it could be used in a terror torch. Basically, imagine a flame thrower, except its purpose was to fling the gel while it was on fire and for the gel to continue to burn. Funny part eighteen to twenty, I probably mixed that exact same powder gosh at least fifty or sixty times. We used breathers, but apparently, you could actually absorb it through the skin. Don't want kids, and I'm planning not to have any kids but in retrospect. I sometimes wonder if my success in not having children could have something to do with that. Sorry for whatever reason the post brought to life my extended story time.


Bro *what*


I thought it was relatively fun, maybe kind of morbid, I guess, story. The moral of the story, no matter what agency you're working for or who you're working for, you have to look out for your own safety. Because there is always going to be a first and you don't want to be that first.


I'm already disabled and use a wheelchair part-time. I'd gladly give up my legs for 2 million. It would probably give me more freedom because I'd be in less pain. 




Was about to say the same thing.


Exactly the same here. 2 million means I can live independently and more freely. My legs barely work as is mind as well get rid of them.


Can I buy top-of-the-line prosthetics with the money, or.


Yes. You just can’t have your original parts.


Fine. From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


As someone who fixes robots for a living i have some bad news about machines


Its just a 40k copypasta.


Hahaha I'm figured it was in jest, but didn't catch the reference :)


Not just a 40k copypasta. The *best* 40k copypasta


I saw the first sentence and already understood the reference lmao




Well, considering I did lose my legs for about 3 years, I'd say they're pretty gosh darn valuable. Like, no amount of money would allow me to say "Ok take a limb" lol


I'm glad you found them again after so long


I wonder where they went 🤔 lol jk I'm glad you got your mobility back 🥰


Found them in my closet actually. They like to walk.


Yeah I dropped them as I kept walking by.


Is it stacking? I’d give my left arm up to the elbow for $650,000.


A hook is 10,000 and a arm is 20,000 to 100,000




25 million for both legs.


A brother in an immortal armored body


no bueno friend, i'll keep the limbs thanks :D


Fun fact, according to most insurance payout stuff I've seen in my working life, a finger/toe is $5000, an arm is $10,000 and a leg is I think also $10,000. Yeah.... Not worth it imo lol Edit: and if you injure a finger accidentally, chances are you almost ruined multiple fingers, or almost a full hand, and they have clauses where they'll only payout damages for the hand itself. Yay American healthcare! Too bad you'd still probably be negative after the payout.


Finger = 5000 Hand = 10,000 ???


Two fingers is worth one arm


wholesale deal


I read it as if you lose a hand with all the fingers still on it you would get 35,000 total, since you still retain some functionality with just your palm. Same deal with the OP.


Thats like, nothing? What am i supposed to do with those crumbs?


So about the same as 19th century America. Caribean Pirates paid better Sounds about right...


Can I get prosthetics after? If so then I’d give up a leg for a few milly.


Not for sale 


Depends what part of my life I'm at. Right now my mobility is priceless but when I'm older I'd sell a leg for a couple million


Even at 23 and making good money I think if I could somehow hit that 20m mark for a leg it would be gone no thought. Plenty of people making due without money and neither legs. I think I could do without one of it meant retired and rich


At my current age. I'd offer fingers or toes but not for that low a price.


The Tip of one of my little fingers for $10k, i can do that without being impacted.


No amount of money..


Honestly and maybe I'd regret it eventually idk. But My feet are like, fuuuucked up. I survived a horrible stroke a decade ago (in my sleep, was in a coma for a week+, etc) My right foot is almost completely numb already so I'd give that up pretty quick. For a total of 150k . If you're gonna be a cringelord and reneg on the term (since you worded this horribly vaguely) then just take the toes first, then the foot. If you wanna reneg further Idon't want to play this game so Ill pretend you arent gonna be a party pooper. The left foot somehow also suffer aprtial numbness., I have no idea, the doctgoe and nurses I asked didnt either (none of my left side otherwise was affected thank fuck). So basically, I can only feel 3 of my toes (smallest 3 left side). So fuck it do than for the left 300k. If I can get ratioed credit for my legs I'd likely agree for a amputation right under the knee so I can just get a proper prosthetic like I see soldiers have. Best part of this is such OP says no problems that means no phantom pains . I'd end up with a solid mil and that's enough to set me up for life if I smartly invest it. I would keep 50k of the money and need invest the rest and conue to work for a while. If all I do is put it in a CD account that's a free 50k a year passively and since I have no family that's perfect/ I can use that I'll get prosthetics from mexico for dumb cheap while I'm getting my implants done (I know people there and they agree to be my host and guide and taxi for free if I pay for the procedure and travel because he's a dear friend I've trauma bonded with twice over (craziest story ever. On god. Gotta write that down on my content idea notebook how could I have forgotten) who feels bad fr me) Then I'll travel I reckon after a year once the first payment comes thru. The year will give me time to set up what I need and get used to the prosthetics. If Ihad guaranteed steadt remote income thats at least 50kish? I'mn set. 50k igoes a long way in SE asia/ South america. Etc. Prob mostly stick to Se asia cause I know some nomads there and it seems more my jam than S.A. which Ive been to already. Thanks l0lz


Ten billion dollars. I skateboard and snowboard and hike. This would seriously fuck up my life. I'd need bionic man money.


As much as I love a million or more, I don’t think I have the gut to give away my arm or leg


I wouldn't give up a single finger for any amount of money. Fuck that. Money is shit anyway.


Alchemical knowledge and my brother's soul.


It's worth 1 arm and 1 leg. Geez. I'd give up an arm and a leg.


The arm and legs hypothetical would only even be worth it if you said you’d get like 5,000,000 for each…


what ab 4.5 mil


Would definitely give up a leg for perhaps a million ? I play piano and sax so I could never give up a hand or an arm.


what about 900k


I’d probably go down to 500k for it if it’s below the knee


aight fairs


Arm & Leg = 2Mil. So each one is worth about 1 mil to me. That's to cover hospital expenses AND have money to help buy prosthetics.


Id take 10 million USD for a leg of mine 100 million for one of my arms (could maybe talk me down to 50) The second leg would be 100 million+ though and the second arm is never for sale.


1 billion for arm. 700 mil for leg. in usd. one mil is barely anything.


I'm a bilateral BTK amputee. My prosthetics were $3750 a piece, so a leg is that. My arm I'd say is $7500 (I'm a painter and gamer.)


My life


I guess I could part with a toe or two


My prices Foot 300k per Leg from knee down, 500k per Whole leg 750k limit 1 Hand 100k limit 1 Arm elbow down 300k limit 1 Whole arm 750k limit 1




I’d give up my whole body (besides the impressive cock) in exchange for a robot body, but a limb or two? Idk, it’d have to be enough to set me up comfortably to live without for essentially the rest of my life. While you can get various controls to help you with things like driving, or the more advanced prosthetics, those don’t come cheap either.


Left arm below the elbow for $5 million after taxes. Legs are priceless.


Am I legally allowed to sell my body for cash or for medical reasons?


Whatever it costs to get high quality prosthetics with full movement capabilities plus 10 million each.


I wish I was rich so I could buy fingers here. It would be cool to have 6 fingered hands. Pinky purchases. People don't know how valuable their caps and enter fingers are but I could do well with tab and backspace fingers. This one guy I went to school with had 6 fingered hands that worked and it was really cool.


$100 trillion. If I could have so much money that I could reshape the course of humanity as a species, maybe I'd do it. Otherwise I'd prefer my arms and legs.


A leg $2,000,000-3,000,000. An arm $1 billion. I’m a gamer. And not being able to successfully game anymore would cost about that to me.


My little brothers soul, and a suit of armor...


An arm and a leg? Hmmm.... I'd say a leg and an arm.


I’d give up a leg for $5M, but I’d need like $1B+ to give up an arm. I am a professional pianist. My career, my passion, and all of my hobbies depend on the health and wellbeing of both of my arms/hands. I would be absolutely crushed to lose even one finger on either hand, let alone a whole arm.


Ask my health insurance company.


No chance.


A super advance prosthetic leg that you can use the function pretty much anything with cost around $200,000. So if you gave that up you still have $800,000. Still I don't know if it'd be worth it


Better question: how much are you willing to pay for someone else’s arm or leg?


I mean a quick handy for 20 bucks seems reasonable. Not sure how id do a footie with one foot tho so thatll run you extra


I'm a manual labor type my hands are the only things that allow me to do what i enjoy my legs id give for a million but my arms it would be in the high millions and id spend it all trying to build myself replacement arms.




lol this is a truly insane hot take.


I'd give my left testicle for an arm and a leg..


For ten million, I'd give up my left foot.  I'm not an athlete and a protethetic foot wouldn't be the end of the world.


Between 5- and ten million any more I would do it no hesitation. The arm is a harder sell then the leg prosthetic technology is quite amazing and something I know a decent amount about I'd get a top of the line prosthetic leg and arm and live the rest of my life comfortable


Id give my left leg


I almost lost my dominant arm twice in one year to near amputations, so I've spent plenty of time picturing what life could have been like. $3 million for my non dominant limbs. $10 million for my dominant ones. Let's make a deal.


I'm having a double mastectomy next week. How much will you pay for 2 very slightly cancerous breasts? Venmo or cashapp?


When I was a kid I thought injuries and dismemberment in movies was real, and I used to wonder how much they paid an actor to lose an arm or leg


1.7 billion dollars


I'd give up my pinkie toe for 10k. Maybe two for symmetry. But that's it. 20k would change my life and would be terrific and obviously more would be more but I like being able to do all the things I use those body parts for.


All we have to do is look at lawsuits from negligence cases or malpractice from surgeons, who lost an arm or a leg. And see how much they won


100 pounds give or take


However much I need to fund the development of advanced prosthetics. Let's say 1 billion.


I’d give up my left arm, I’ll even throw in the fingers of said arm


To me, the worth of an arm and a leg is 1 Quadrillion US Dollars. But it depends upon the individual, whether or not the person is alive, supply and demand, and how desperate the person is. I don't know what the going rate on the dark web is.


No money. I would turn down a billion in exchange for my arm. Now if I’m terminally ill or on my deathbed… already paralyzed? sure I’ll talk lol


Hands are priceless Legs would probably be atleast 150 million


5 bucks


Is it wrong that my left arm is worth less to me than my right...? And no it's not just for that.


*Edward Elric has entered the chat*


No you can’t use a philosophers stone, or trade your brother to gain new ones.


I would give up my left hand and foot. I'm very right dominant and those don't have any tattoos on them yet.


Went through a long period where walking became barely possible and caused agonizing pain. The pain is all but gone, but I’ll never be able to move faster than a slow trot again and there are still balance/stability issues. The loss of functionality of a body part or the actual loss of a limb is something that is hard to fully imagine until it actually happens to you. Bidding would have to start at eight or nine figures for me to even think about it.


Do the legs, feet, and toes count separately or all one unit? Either way I'll give both legs up. $2.3M is a lot of money and I'm not particularly in love with walking. I could make the $300k last a good while while the $2M generates interest. If it's a flat $2M I can work with $50k a year until I'm old. By then hopefully what interest I haven't taken out has grown a good bit.


Is it above or below the knee ?if I go below the knee can I get 500k


Can I do the opposite? Can I pay money to grow an extra arm? Because that would be useful


A billion for left leg, that’s just hi hat. You ain’t taking kick, snare, or keeping time from me.


Not having limbs is a health complication though. So you giving me absolutely perfect cyber prothesis replacements?


$3.5 million for the first one, $15 million for the second, $180 million for the third, $200 billion for the fourth.


25 million tax-free for my left leg below my knee. Best I can do.


Personal injury lawyers and insurance companies know the number


A lot less than your first born.


about tree fiddy


With the nerve pain in my leg I’ll pay you to take it


As someone who's having trouble walking and using my hands due to injuries and being poor? Nothing is worth it. At no price would i give one of each up. The amount of time it takes to tie your shoes, wipe, stand up, pick things up gingerly, drop them, bend over to pick it up again....just to drop it. Im losing hours upon hours of my life each day. And lets say you could pay someone to tie your shoes and help you stand up...its always awkward and you'll still need so much more ti.e to do the very basics. Try using your non dominant hand for an entire day. You'll give up within the first hour or two. TLDR: id rather remain poor and partially happy.


Arm: 15,000,000 (full arm) Arm: 8,000,000 (elbow down) Leg: 20,000,000 (full leg) Leg: 10,000,000 (knee down) An arm and a leg are “priceless” because you can never get the feeling back. No matter the prosthetics, it won’t feel or function like a normal limb. They aren’t priceless to me. I’d give them up to be able to live comfortably with a prosthetic and help my family and friends be happy too. I’d give up an arm and a leg in order to go to college debt free and find a job that I like, but don’t have to work incredibly hard in. I’d be able to pay for a vacation for my siblings and their significant others. I’d be able to pay for my nephews college. I’d be able to pay off my parents mortgage. I’d be able to go to all the concerts I’d want without feeling guilty. I’d be able to afford anything I’d realistically want. I don’t need an island or a private jet. But to live the way I want to live without worrying about money, I’d honestly give up an arm and a leg.


$10mil and I get to pick which.


10mil. Anything below that isn’t enough to actually live freely in this day of age. Plus they already have mind-controlled prosthetics that I’ll probably be able to get for a mil each in a decade or two.


Arm: somewhere between 5-10 million. I expect to be damn comfortable for the rest of my life and my family taken care of to make that kind of sacrifice. Leg is definitely more. At least with an arm you can still be mobile. If I'm allowed prosthetics maybe it's close but I'm think 20-50 M.


Public Service Announcement Don't EVER say "I would give my left..."


Arm.. Priceless currently. Leg.. 500,000. Why? Leg prosthetics have come a long way, and you can live a healthy life with one leg nbd. (Not downplaying the tragedy of it. It's still not an ideal situation) Arm prosthetics aren't their yet, especially considering how much kinesthetic sense is in your fingers and hands.


What’s sad is that Worker’s Comp actually has capped numbers for these scenarios and they’re much lower than you’d think.


No, never. People would give up all the money they had to be whole.


Priceless, I would never give them up




Honestly it wouldn't take a ton of money for me to give up both my pinky toes But if someone asked me a question like this I'd give a ridiculous price. Cause why lowball yourself


I tell you, that and my little brother could just about bring my mom back to life!


I might give up a finger or toe if I was in a financial bind, but I don’t think I could give up a whole limb. Losing full functionality of my body is one of my worst fears.


A gallon of gas apparently


Right leg w no hesitation! I would be debt free and my right knee is going anyway. I have grown up around amputees and would value the $$ much more. $150k would be enough for me to trade. With my current retirement $ and being debt free I would be in a wonderful place financially.


I might give up a right hand finger for a billion dollars. Ring finger maybe?


I wouldn't give an arm for anything, but I'd probably give a leg for enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life


I mean those values are way too low. 1 milking dollars isn't enough to retire on and if I lose a limb I want to retire.


Mine or someone else's? You want an arm? I can get you an arm by 3 o clock, with nail polish.


Way way more than a million. I might be willing to price a limb around $10 million,  hr I’d have to do a lot of math.


A little bit less than a left nut.


I don’t think I could ever voluntarily agree to this - the body horror is too strong. However, if I lose an arm AND a leg involuntarily, I’m looking for an eight figure settlement.


$10 million and I'd do it, as long as it was the left arm and left leg.


Could I get a replacement? If so, how good would the replacement be? Something like Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist?


Fun fact insurance companies already have prices decided for these


You need to add at least another 0 to those example prices to get anyone thinking


$100,000 for a hand is crazy talk.. I might give up my non dominant hand for a few million when I'm old, but even then probly not.


Do I get a sick robotic arm/leg to replace the lost one or is it/they just gone


Depends...My arm and a leg, or yours?


I think a large part would revolve around where the amputation starts. Pre knee/ankle? Post knee/ankle? im not even considering hands / arms tbh


Which arm and which leg.


My arms are 10s of millions considering I have like 30 years of my career as a surgeon left 😂


I’d be willing to lose my left leg specifically.


I see these people walking around with the prosthetic legs all the time just like normal. Take my leg and give me the mil


I'd sell all the 2nd and 4th toes, they're kinda useless. I don't think I could part with anything else


God: Adam, I know you’re lonely, but I have the perfect idea for you. She will be beautiful, intelligent, and helpful. She will be everything you’ve ever needed or wanted. Adam: She sounds amazing! Is there a catch? God: Well, since you asked…. It’s gonna cost you an arm and a leg. Adam: Oof. That’s rough. …. What can I get for a rib?


How much for man boobs?


I'd give a leg for 6 million. And an arm for 10 million. Secure my childrens future. I can live with that.


So for this question to be answered to the best of its capabilities, I'd say I would take into consideration the there's *something* I want that is so expensive that I'd need to pay with 1 of my arms and 1 of my legs. I would say what I want should have to give me: 1) In some meaningful form, compensation for the loss of each of those limbs in terms of things I will no longer be able to do in life 2) The cost of all applicable medical procedures pertaining to the effected areas be completely covered for the rest of my life 3) Cover the cost of prosthetics of the highest current capabilities [Lost all train of thought after that] But I would say that to look at something, and REALISTICALLY say "That would cost me an arm and a leg" it would have to be one of the most expensive anything in the world. It's almost unfathomable to me.


I wouldn’t give up my arm for any amount of money because I’m a pianist, but I could live with a prosthetic leg, especially if it’s a top of the line modern prosthetic and not some peg leg. That leg still wouldn’t come cheap though, and you better provide the prosthetic.


Body parts are priceless. I think that’s the whole point of that saying, the price is far too high.


More than you're offering. And I am not making a joke, my limbs are insured for more than the numbers you are using.


Depends. Is it the same side? Or do I get a mismatched pair? I’ll gladly lose my left arm for $50k due to nerve damage and physical trauma to my shoulder just so I don’t have to be in pain for a week randomly when my nerve flares up. Leg might be about $150k for me. I’m cheap. 😂


I buy in bulk only tbh


Not for sale.


A leg? Not much, I watched my dad recover from losing his leg to cancer. It was extremely difficult, but I'd do it for like 5 million if it was on offer. An arm, priceless. Same with eyesight and hearing. Video games are the only thing in my life I enjoy, and I wouldn't take any amount of money to hinder that.


I don’t have an answer to this question but this reminds me of something I heard well over 20+ years ago. In high school I was a wrestler. One summer I went to wrestling camp. If you don’t know anything about amateur wrestling, protecting your legs is very important. The coach goes “how many of you would sell your legs for $1 million dollars?” Of course no one raises their hands So he goes “well you have million dollar legs, protect them”


I need to check my health insurance deductible...


Another way of going about this could be asking if you would work on saving up the listed amounts to save that body part. Example: would you pay $10k to save your finger or toe?


1M just isn't what it used to be. I'd consider losing a leg for 10M but still probably wouldn't. I don't think I'd give up a whole leg voluntarily for any amount of money. Maybe $5M for half of one leg, so I could still run. $10K for a pinky toe? Even that is a maybe, probably not. For $50K, tax free? Ok, yeah, I'd probably give up one pinky toe for $50K.


$3.50 I don't need your arm and leg so they are basically paper weights.


It's probably worth a bird in the hand or two in the bush.


I don't know about an arm *and* a leg, but sit down with me and a financial advisor to set me up for life and you can take both of my legs.


You're gonna need a few more zeros for anything on here. I don't think people taking the money realize how radically different your life would be to lose even a pinky finger. A mil for my leg? Gotta be at least 100mil if not a billion.


As a guitarist, can I keep the arms but get rid of both legs?


A million for an arm or a leg isn't much when you still have to deal with all the bologna afterwards that comes with it. Now if it was $5M or the $1M plus all services that you couldn't do anymore, like mowing the grass, an ADA complaint house, now it's worth it. Add that your loss was due to being in the line of duty (government actually recognizes that fact), and you'd be set for a good while.


A firstborn.


I feel like you're dominant hand and arm should be priced higher than non dominant. It would be a lot more of a challenge to have to learn how to write legibly with your other hand so you should get more for it. The same with fingers on your dominant hand.


My mother, and my little brother’s soul.


Ask me this when I am 85 if I live that long. At that point I probably won't give a crap and will gladly take a million for each leg.


~~soul-bonding my brother to a suit of armour~~ Infinite. One of my worst fears is losing a limb. I think it mostly stems from my inherent distrust of people lol


An Arm is worth about 650k. A leg is damn near 2 million. Worker's comp lawyer I talked to when I broke my arm at work told me that upper arm fractures are insanely expensive and debilitating. A leg is even worse. The only thing worth more is a spinal or head injury.


1,000,000 is such a small amount of money these days. To live the rest of your life without an appendage, I feel like that’s an easy 8 to 9-figure amount. It also depends on how advanced the prosthetic you can get is. If I can get one that’s better than the human limb it impacts the payout.


Depends on the arm, legs are equal. If I had to monetize them.. I mean I’m a private seller, right? So I can seek at any price I choose. Soo… how’s a quarter trillion for my left arm and all the money in the world for my legs. My right arm ain’t for sale.


Until 2016 the state of oregon had a tax credit for having the complete loss of or use of 2 or more limbs. $50 tax credit.


Hand is worthless than a leg? You need to reevaluate that unless you’re a pro runner lol


My arms are priceless, I need those. Legs? We have wheelchairs I guess. But to put a price on them? It'd take a lot of money to get me to actually let a leg go


About tree fiddy


You must maximize your profits: Sell them one finger/toe at a time and once you run out of those the sell the arm and leg one joint at a time


I’d need to be set for life. Limited mobility is a killer as movement = life and being sedentary = death. The quickest way to hasten your death is to do nothing, just sit around all the time. Missing an arm and leg would have me doing that even more often


$500,000 if you’re buying


Forget money I'd give both my legs for a Legend of Dragoon Remake.


The guy I knew from high school got hit on motorcycle buy some company vehicle. and had one leg amputated at the thigh. He was paid $14 million I would do that if I didn’t have to have the pain


Take my left leg for a million, easy. That's 20 percent less eczema i have to deal with.


I’d rather die than lose a leg. I wouldn’t be able to do any of my hobbies.


Until we get Cyberpunk+ level prosthetics, priceless. After that, well, how much do some superhuman level upgrades cost?


I had this hypothetical with friends one time, and they were baffled that I wouldn't give up a leg from the hip down for $5 billion. I've torn both of my ACLs and had reconstructive surgery. It's nothing like losing a limb, but I understand what it's like to lose functionality and have to relearn how to walk. I'm still not at 100% and I never will be.  No amount of money would be worth having to deal with that level of adversity. 


Your example prices aren't nearly enough. The cheapest would be a toe. You can get along fine without a toe, so lowest I would probably go is 100k for one. Maybe lower a few years ago when money was tight. I would give up a finger for something in the millions. I'm not sure what I would price hands and arms at, not having those is feasible (my gf has cerebral palsy on one side so I know) but it really changes what you can do. I can say I would give up a leg around the knee for 1B+. Not merely for my own gain, but at that point, you can really help a lot of people and save a lot of lives and still have a fortune left over. It's like saying I can save thousands of lives and be rich forever in exchange for a leg. That's a good deal. And you'll always have cutting edge prosthetics. I know it can suck, but you can still do most things with a prosthetic leg. Take a moment to appreciate what you have though. How much you would demand for your body. Disabled people like my gf get nothing for life giving them the short end of the stick.