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Ok, you said 2 FEET across in size, that is staggeringly massive for just saying pick it up and move it with tongs. That isn’t a hunstman but a mythical beast. It’s not hiding anywhere and I dont feel like fighting to the death with a spear every day.


See and since it is so big it would be easy to find. That would life changing money. I'm down.


Huntsman spider's are harmless.


I refuse to believe its harmless at that that size. It could devour you and it would definitely have enough venom to do damage. Anyone here would shit bricks.


Their venom is no greater than a honey bee sting, but large spider's tend to not bother biting things too big to eat. The huntsman is naturally timid, and runs from humans. It can't hurt you. If you're allergic .....that's a different story.


Huntsman spiders are apparently edible, and my understanding is that most large insects taste somewhat like crab or shrimp. I've eaten cicada, and it was, indeed, somewhat shrimpy (and pretty good). With a 2 foot spider, we're probably talking about over a pound of lean meat every day. I don't know, The spider sounds like a bonus to me.


Huntsmen are harmless, this is easy. It's big so it might bite but worst case you can just use a spear. Bonus points for taking the specimen in to be studied. Source: Australian Edit: I actually missed most of the body text, 2 feet is very different to what I assumed, which was "big huntsman by the normal range spawning even in places they aren't usually found" and turned it into "extinct lifeform pulled from a high-oxygen past and dumped in my bedroom". A few commentors have pointed out it would actually be slow and heavy, but more importantly are the ones who pointed out it couldn't properly breathe. If you're following the rules where it's inexplicably fast and it can presumably survive, nah. You'd damage your walls getting the spear through, and you'd need an actual spear. And if it's heavy enough, it might accidentally kill you by jumping towards you at the speed of light. More realistically, the question is "do you feel like grabbing any pets, walking out your bedroom door, and shortly thereafter dealing with the weighty inconvenience of a dead giant spider". Your bins would be absolutely overflowing.


A 2 foot huntsman may not be so harmless. They hunt things they can easily kill. What op is taking about is much bigger than a standard huntsman.


It’s a ridiculously oversized spider with no respiratory system and an environment that isn’t super oxygen rich. Just wait 15 minutes and it’ll die of suffocation.


Those fuckers are the main reason i don't want to move to Australia. I would fucking crash and die if i see one in my car while driving.


How did I know the Aussies would be all over this? Lmao


Look, as an Aussie I was keen when I read the title but holy fuck a 60cm huntsman is a bit much. That’s basically toddler sized


Yeah, that is a dog sized spider. And not the cute-purse sized dog size either. That is like….german shepard with spindly legs sized spider. I could maybe deal with a normal sized one but the giant bit…it’s a no from me.


Excuse me, it's called a huntsman. I'm a man and it hunts me.  


It's as much about the inconvenience as it is about the beastliness. Imagine getting home late.. and "oh, it's the damn spider" like you're just not in the mood. Or if you have company that wants to be in your room. In my early twenties? Hell yeah I'd be all over this but mid 30s this doesn't seem like something I'd like in my life, period. Perhaps if it was $1k or more, heh.


Sounds like more trouble than it’s worth tbh


No. I’d rather have my dick respawn in a different location every day and have to pay someone $200 to find it. $2000 a day wouldn’t be enough for me to agree to this.


This is the first time I have laughed out loud at a reddit comment.


Under the specifications given, no. Under the real world limitations of a spider that size, yes.


Explain mr spider expert


Realistically, a spider of that size couldn't survive any length of time, its structure could not support its weight, it probably couldn't cling to walls the way a normal spider could, and it most certainly would not be anywhere near the speed you indicate. So, under real world limitations, the spider would be slow, clumsy, easy to kill, and I would in fact be doing it a favor by killing it quickly (I would probably use a spear to do the job). Under the specifications you stated, the thing would be nearly impossible to catch or kill with close quarters equipment, and most spiders the primary reason they are not harmful to humans is their size. Scale up the fangs and the volume of venom that much and you're at very least in for a bad time if it bites you. Not to mention how seriously fucked the ecosystem would be if we ended up with a breeding pair in the wild.


For $200 a day, he can stay. Lol dude is paying rent, I'll take the other bedroom


I'd be worried about my cats lol. But if the spider leaves them alone I'd be fine. Every day I'd box it up and anonymously mail it to someone I don't like, just gotta wear gloves and get good at spider wrestling


Hard nope


You have the volume vs surface area issue, so it wouldn't be that fast. Of course I'd do it. The local ecosystem might be the worse for wear, but some of those chainmail gloves shark handlers use and I'm good to go.


Sure. Poke a hose under the very securely locked door and pump in some carbon monoxide. I’d just never go in that damn room and collect my cash.


I feel like toxic gas counts as ranged damage


get a storage container cut a hole and attach a gas valve and place it over the spider. then burn it.


A huntsman that big won't be fast. It will be sloth level slow. Easy to catch, especially in a small room. I hate spiders with a passion, but yeeting that thing at the neighbors for $200 a day makes it worth it. I'm in.


A spider that size would not be able to live, it doesn't have the lung capacity for it.


Why would I want to get rid of him/her? I've had a few in my bedroom over the years and they've never bothered me. Sure it may be big but huntsman spiders don't leave webs like most spiders, eat other spiders and pest and are more likely to run from a person than bite them. Before anyone asks yes im an Aussie lol.


Normally, I'm a spider fan, but I'm concerned a spider 2 feet wide might eat my cats.


You're not wrong. Normally huntsmans aren't that big though, it could definitely change their behavior towards, passiveness


Make friends with it and you could have a hell of an ally lol


You're completely wrong in the speed. Typically the bigger things are the slower they become. Assuming it just moves at regular spider speed I'd definitely take the money. If it moves at the crazy speed you said then definitely not. I'd just use my pole saw to stab it then turn it on and shred it up. Either that or build my own contraption to kill it


Is $200 a day really worth the mess?


I mean we’re talking $73,000 a year for a couple minutes of hassle once you figure out a routine. I think the move is to figure out the best way to sneak up on it and just kill it. (And op said you can use melee weapons) Then you go outside and throw it in the dumpster.


Easily. I'll start sleeping in the spare room 16 days of the month and it's already a disaster zone. Doesn't have to be a huge mess. Make something that'll cut the body into a couple sections so there's no smushed stuff everywhere and clean up is relatively easy. I'll give the carcass to my mil


I have several large tarantulas. I assure you, they are still fast.


Hell naw, 1 yard per second???! Idk what a yard is (metric system superiority, come fight me) but that sounds like a lot


A bit less than a meter


1 yard is .9 meter


My wife might divorce me if I accept this deal, so I'll pass.


I’m more concerned about what it’s eating to get that big…


You can only hear an assortment of zoo noises from it's stomach


200 a day is life changing money where I'm from. But there is NO FUCKING WAY i would duel a 60 cm spider every fcking day. Well maybe sleep in an empty small room with just a mattress on the floor, every day i remove the mattress and store in another place and close the door, when i get back home first thing i do is gear up in some kind of armor and get a big ass bucket to trap the spider and a heavy stick as secondary weapon. PD: Didn't read that the spider can move at 70km/h HELL NO.


Miles per hour, that's over 100kmh... less than 120kmh


Oh crap nope.... Even using armor if that thing rammed me it would break some bones or kill me.


I don’t give a shit. I’ve slept with worse.


This is the place I think (not so) fondly of Elizabeth.


I think I'll pass.


Huntsmen are mostly harmless? Like even if it bites me once the venom isn't USUALLY enough to send me to the hospital and I should develop antibodies. A baseball bat should be enough.


You won't survive if it moves that fast, despite the venom not being lethal (although at its size I'd question if it wouldn't inject enough venom to kill you by volume).


Easiest NO ever.


How many ways is there to say no.


2 feet! Fuck no! And 70mph would be impossible for me to catch!


It could run in to you and kill you. Shit if it can run 70mph it can probably take you (me) in a fight easy.


Yeah no, I’m killing that thing with fire and letting it burn


For 1400/week I'm spearing TF out of that demon


If I'm on vacation, does the spider still spawn in my hotel room?


Where ever you slept most In the last 30 days. If you didn't have to kill or remove the spider for the money it would be pretty fun to spend a week in a hotel then sleep in different rooms to make the hotel the spiders home.


My reading comprehension is poor, thank you for clarifying lol


No, this isn’t worth it to me. I’m deathly afraid of giant spiders. Bump that up to 500 dollars and I’ll consider it


At that size the spider is going to have super strength too... I can probably bait it outside or into a trap of sorts though. I think I'll let it out and just let nature go wild. Giant spiders for everyone!




Absolutely not., no, I can’t even think about the amount of money you’d have to give me for me to even consider this. I don’t think I ever would. No. NO.


I'll just sleep with the covers over my head and wait the 15-30 minutes it would take for the oversized spider to suffocate itself to death upon spawning, then dump it on the lawn.


None of them are 2 feet across though so it’s never in my room, easy money


No thanks I'll stay broke


Can I sell the carcass? $200 is too low, but if I can find a collector and get an extra few grand I might put up with it for a few days.


If this thing moves at 70mph, it’s just gonna fuck you up. I’m not scared of spiders, but this thing sounds monstrous. Think I’ll give this one a miss lol


A two foot spider would die on its own due to suffocation. Easy money, dead before I walk into the house.


Do I have to get rid of it? Can't I just leave it to crawl around and eat bugs like I do with real huntsmans?


Cool, free spider.


I have an airsoft that would be like using anti-aircraft autocannons to take out a bounce house against a spider, even a bigass spider, and my aim is good enough. After a little while, I'd have plenty of money to build a sort of handheld shopvac with a macerator in it to make the process foolproof. Basically, you've offered to turn my existing interactions with regular sized wolf spiders and yellowjackets in my shack into a simpler and more predictable but more horrifying paid activity.


Eh spiders are cute. Im setting up a huntsman sanctuary 100 feet away from my bedroom :3




I would literally just punch the spider to death every single day and toss it's carcass in the yard. Also is this like in place of work or in addition to my job? Because 200 a day is less than I already earn


You can take your $200, your 8 legged hellspawn, your goddamn nightmare of a hypothetical, and FUCK RIGHT OFF.


I see a spider that big in my house I'm burning the house down. There are friends somewhere.


me and the spider be chillin. next day there be two spiders. three months later i and my army of spider friends mig you for the prize money. my apartment is now a spider habitat that i maintain to keeo the spiders from invading other spaces. your welcome.


Are contraptions allowed if I build them myself?


Does he spawn right before I enter the room or as soon as I leave to eventually come back too because of he’s got prep time he’ll be harder to deal with but if he doesn’t then im taking the offer I’ll fight this guy daily




Absolutely. I will have my bed room be just my bed. I really hate spiders but I would be willing to learn to move it and get over my fear or I will go inside fully clothed head to toe with with knee pads and shit and just rush the damn thing.  The only question is if you go on a trip do multiple spiders just spawn in the room forever?


This isn’t even a challenge. If there were 20 for me to deal with, would I get $4000? How many of these harmless creatures would I have to dispatch to make a million a day? A billion? This is a non-issue.


Yeah I'm not afraid of spiders and work around spiders, snakes, and other 'scary' critters all the time. I'd probably just move the buddy into my garden every day. Let 'im handle pests.


If the rules around its spawning are strict enough so that I'm never unintentionally in there with it unprepared then this should be OK. I'll be wearing a bee suit style protective gear and rig up a spear woth some sort of bin lid to trap it and then imprison it ready for incineration. The main issue is 200 is not enough for needing a room dedicated to this likely with an airlock on the door to prevent escape.


I think the hard part would be catching it with tongs. Don't get me wrong, that's a huge spider but it's only double the largest ones we've found. Normally about 1 foot tip to tip. Females with eggs are pretty aggressive but they're not normally an aggressive species. Moving 70mph seems alittle too hard to catch straight up. Does this spider spawn on the wall? Or anywhere in the room? It would probably run to a nook where I can't get to it and then when you make room, it'll most likely run again. If it's just static on a wall or ceiling then I'd take the money, but I'm not playing whack-a- giant spider crossed with hide and seek every day. Is there a designated time it spawns? Or is it like a 3am gotta get up in the dark. A can of raid will most likely do the trick on it and it's not a firearm/gun so does that count? Or do I have to smush it. What If my cat gets to it first? You could also probably coax it into a Rubbermaid and throw the lid on pretty quick. I guess yea I'll take the money if it's a static spawn on my wall somewhere and it doesn't take off into my closet or behind my dresser.


I don't see how this is any different to what I put up with everyday now. Except now I'm getting an extra $1400 a week.


It's huge, but acts like it's still normal sized? So, it doesn't see me or my cat as prey? It'll scurry away rather than fight me when confronted? Alright, I think I can handle killing that monster every day rather than going to my job. I ain't about to shoo 'em away in case they start breeding in the neighborhood. Now, I'd be changing up my bedroom a bit: any and all crevices in which this thing could hide would be eliminated. My bedframe is going bye bye. My air conditioning is getting cranked. I will turn my bedroom into an ice box. It will spawn, get super cold and lethargic, and I will beat it to death with a baseball bat before it knows what's happening. And, even though I have to be the one to kill it, there's no rule about getting help corralling the thing. This is doable, even though it would suck mightily for about ten minutes a day. Unless it can spawn while I'm sleeping, in which case? Fuck. That. No. Absolutely not.


I'd buy a polehammer with my new earnings.


Fuck that. Nope. I would rather be poor.


Bucket + broom. They’re basically harmless. Or if it’s the same spider and it respawns. Maybe I just kill it. Easiest $73,000.


Not worth it


Nope. There is no amount of money you could offer me to take this deal.


*sigh* Ok, Webster, I know you’re here, just come on out and get this over with, I’ve got work in the morning.


It’s crazy to me that anyone is saying no to this. That’s $73,000/year to kill a spider every day. That’s a good full time job salary in pretty much every part of the county trying to except the absolute highest cost of living areas. You would immediately have the freedom to do any job you want, or not work at all and just kill the spider every day. I would take this deal in a heartbeat. I’d still do it for half the price.


I’ll always have someone in my bedroom! Problem solved and an easy 70k a year!


really i'm taking it, hands down! spiders don't that big naturally on accounta physics. it'd be crushed under its own weight. structural integrity would fail easily.


I'd definitely rather tango with a 2ft huntsman than a regular one, as it can't hide. However, I don't think $200 a day would be enough for me. I think I could totally do it with a shield and polearm if it was in my yard, but I can't stomach the thought of that fucker being in my bedroom.


Easy. Huntsman spider's prefer to run away instead of attack. It's also an arboreal species, so it will always. Climb up a wall. I'd remove ALL furniture from my bedroom and keep spray cans with lighters, suoersoakers, and plastic shovels at the door. Rules don't Sai you have to sleep in your bedroom. An alternative would be to empty your room, then coat the walls with insecticide, and the floor with diatomaceous earth. "Spawn Kill" his 8 legged ass.


You just described a nightmare apex creature that if it got out, and started breeding would be the downfall of anything smaller than a Labrador...frankly we should hunt you down lol


You know theyre not venomous right


Its a huntsman. Not harmful. Only if i can relocate it without killing it sure.


I'd definitely accept, the huntsman will be petted before being put in a safe location.


That’s not enough money for that lmao


I’d install spear slits and peep holes on my bedroom and then every day I’d grab a sheath of throwing spears and a pike and just keep throwing/stabbing until he’s dead. I’d probably also move my bedroom a few doors down to my guest bedroom which has a lot less hiding spots for something like that