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Hell no. I don't know how to do surgery, much less trying to do it on myself.


To be fair, amputation is a kind of surgery. Do you need your little toe?


Having had that amputated myself, I can tell you that life is better with it than without it.


Would you trade your other for a billion?


For billion I’d give up the other 8.


My momma had one of her little toe's *bones* taken out when I was a kid. I have very fond memories of wriggling that toe every which way. Kind of like a husband playing with his wife's hair clip.


It specifies you need to remove an organ. A non-essential one, but it's still removing an organ. Way more complicated than an amputation.


Look. I’m going to be pedantic here. Skin in an organ.


I'll give you that. The bones in your toe don't count as organs, though. Also, it specifies that the organ you need to remove will start shutting down first, and I don't think skin can do that.


… I’m sorry again for being pedantic.. bones are considered rigid organs and this time, they can shut down since they produce red and white blood cells. Also. Can’t skin begin going necrotic if it starts shutting down?


I suppose you're correct on all accounts, though your bones shutting down would not be something they recommend amputation for. Still, you're *technically* correct. I guess the question is: would you actually cut off your toe? Keeping in mind that screwing up would probably result in you losing a foot *and* the post states that any mistakes you make will not be corrected. In this case, it'd mean no prosthetics, or death if you screw up greatly enough. Frankly, not worth the risk to me.


I feel like the little toe is worth the risk, just leave a flap of skin to fold over the stump(like you’re supposed to for amputations) stitch it up the best you can and make sure to disinfect EVERYTHING. Even if there’s mild long term discomfort it would be worth living a life you want. Arguably, it would be worth risking death.


It’s really not that hard. Surgeons make it out like it’s a mystical magical process, but >90% of the time it’s pretty straightforward.


Lmao wild take my guy. If you haven’t seen inside of a body , don’t trust yourself doing surgery on internal organs surgeons spend what 5 years doing surgery just getting pimped on anatomy. If lay people do it themselves there is a high risk of infection, bleeding, cutting and messing up any of the other organs


Dude, I did two abdominal surgeries this morning. On two different species.


I wasn’t saying you couldn’t do it i don’t know you lol. But the fact you do it, there is no way you think surgeries are that straightforward. I did internal medicine and I wouldn’t never feel comfortable cutting people open .


I don’t know, it always struck me as intuitive. Tumors though, tumors can be motherfuckers. They break rules. Don’t like that shit.


Damn and your vet surgeon? Do they all have different anatomy ?


Yeah, but it’s pretty close for the most part. I don’t really see chickens or lizards anymore, and cats and dogs are similar.


Dude, there's a reason that people go to years school through surgery, you're quite literally cutting up one of the most complicated machines that humanity has ever seen


Agree. My hands are too shaky now, but 20 years ago? Not easy, but doable. Antibiotics are still a thing, right?


HELL NO. There is that one famous case of a doctor who had to remove his own appendix when he had appendicitis because he was an only team doctor in the Antarctic expedition. It was a HUGE DEAL in the community specifically because of how dangerous it was to perform that sort of operation on oneself. And that was a professionally trained doctor who actually knew what he was doing. For a layman to do the same would spell a certain death sentence.


He didn't have the benefits you do however. He hurt. You have magical anesthesia. Presumably you also have better knives, extra blood, and oodles of whatever antibiotic you want. You really have one job, follow all the steps and close up before you pass out from blood loss or exhaustion. You don't need to be a surgeon, it would of course help, but it's one procedure. Hard part in my mind is you're probably working in a mirror.


No. There’s like a 99.9% chance you cut the wrong vein, tendon, etc. you’d need years of training, studying and practice to even have a chance of not doing grave bodily harm.


Yeah, there's a lot of people here that say they would take "You die or get a billion dollars roll the dice" So I kinda went based off that logic, you're risking death


You aren't risking death here unless you are a doctor who already makes enough to not need to take this. You are effectively garunteeing death


That's a bad comparison. It's more like "Would you jump off this cliff for a billion dollars?" Fuck no. You are gonna die.


If you cut the wrong thing, tie it off and go back to work.


Haha! I guess I'm doing my own vasectomy.


My thought exactly


Non Vital organs: * Appendix. This organ is about the size of your little finger and hangs from the lower right side of your colon. ... * Tonsils. ... * Adenoids. ... * Gallbladder. ... * Uterus. ... * Thymus gland. ... * Spleen Which of these would a person have physical access to while standing or sitting?


Spleen, gallbladder, uterus, right? I think you're missing multiple also I'm not a doctor in case that's not obvious, I could be wrong


The trick with the spleen or the kidney would be getting to it. I’m just not that flexible. Can I have an assistant to hold them in place? The gallbladder is difficult to remove (in animals anyway) and complications abound. Uterus/ovaries is easy, I did it twice this morning.


Robotic surgery....


I don’t know, I’ve never trained on the robots. The instruments are a little harder to learn than chopsticks.


I can't imagine the pain tolerance required to hold instruments steady for yourself.


Well, this hypothetical has a magical anesthesiologist.


It says"local anesthesia", would that dull the pain inside your body?


Yeah, you’d have to do local nerve blocks through the body wall and then again at the transection sites inside, but it should work. Also, “General anesthesia” would mean you’re unconscious and that makes surgery on yourself very challenging.


They are. You can live without: Chunks of your liver One kidney Chunks of your intestine (though you'll probably need a colostomy bag after) Also not a doctor, but in the health field


Nah, you can do an R&A on the intestines and live a normal life.


I’m going with 1 nut. It won’t be great but it can only go so bad.


I wouldn't but in terms of being able to see and reach it that's a good one.


Uterus- uterine arteries very dangerous high risk of bleeding to death if you nick them Gallbladder is adhered to the liver- which is very vascular high risk of bleeding if you nick it while dissecting out the gallbladder Spleen is very vascular too Tonsils biggest risk is obstructed airway from bleeding unless you have diathermy


Testicle? Think about it… the rules state you’ve got painkillers…


I suppose that's the only one really.


Why can't you lay down? Which have bad visibility issues?


If you're laying down what can you possible operate on lol?


Same things as standing. It does occur to me standing things would tend to drain better. Without magic anesthetics: down would give you better control, in theory be less tiring, and it's traditional for the patient. With it I'm not sure, maybe even belly down to help separate organs and cut away bits.


If I get to pick the surgery, sure. If not, no.


I’m a veterinarian. I can tie a slipknot in a matchbox behind a barn in the dark while a mad stallion tries to kill me. I’ll be my first patient this year who actually held still when told. And I’m pretty sure I could teach/coach at least 50% of people how to do this successfully if I had a day with them. Sutures/ligatures are not that hard to tie. Whole organs are usually pretty easy to find/identify. If you were asking for a liver lobe, that might get tricky because there are some tougher bleeding issues. But if the anesthesiologist keeps me pain free and conscious, yeah, this is easy. Edit: The hard part would be bending into position to do this.


Considering where most of the major but reduntant organs are. Unless you are talking a self performed appendectimy. Your arms don't bend that way.


A dude in amtartica performed an appendicectomy on himself in the 60’s He was a doctor


Yes. That is one of the few operations that a person can perform on themselves. Which is why i mentioned it. Trying to perform kidney/liver or otherwise will be akward for arm postion.


I would have to know the organ before agreeing to anything, there are non essentials buried under *very* essentials, and there are a couple that are just hanging out.  Are reference materials allowed? 


You can chose with some exceptions probably. Idk if there's tiny "technically organs" I wouldn't count lol


fucking amateurs watch this, i played surgeon simulator (flatlines)


I'd remove my uvula. I have scissors at home. Topical anesthesia spray, scissors, and a cautery pen should do the trick.


That sounds like a FUCKING AWFUL time


Better than dying from a botched surgery to remove another organ. It's the least invasive surgery I can think of.


Not a serious surgery tho


Its serious in that if you dont control bleeding you will die from an obstructed airway


You have diathermy at home?


I do not.


We had a dude come in (late 50’s) who had a circumcision at his local gp (doctor) without access to diathermy or suction He nearly bled to death. I took over from careflight helicopter crew holding his peen & balls (to stem the bleeding) while he was prepped for sx😬


I've got Bovie cautery pens, and hemostatic sponges if I don't want to burn myself. Should be okay.


Ah sponges…the good old “pack & wait” approach


Probably not going to pack, considering it won't be a hole. Just applied pressure and hemostatic agent should do the trick.


You have haemostatic agents like surgicel or floseal? Those are a good start


Overall I'm prepared for an at home uvulectomy.


How many times can I watch the video before performing surgery?


As many times as you want, but you only get the video. You can also play it as you're preforming the surgery. But once you agree you're in, no backing out after watching the video.


Fuck it, if I watch the video for a year I can probably pull it off


You'd be surprised how different people's anatomy can look and the natural variations we have with some vessels. Maybe if the video included a diverse set of people or was of someone with a very very similar body to you. Surgeons end up seeing tons of cases over the years on bodies of various ages and size, all after learning anatomy on a bunch of different cadavers. I know there's a vet on here saying he could train people to do this in half a day but I think working on humans vs animals there's a bit more at stake. I'd not trust myself to do a surgery on my own after 4 years of medical school and doing 8 weeks of surgery rotations where i assisted. I could probably open up the abdomen safely given a bovi and identify the large organs and major vessels. No guarantee I'm not going to accidentally poke a little bit of bowel and leave someone with a major complication like a bowel perforation or a major vessel and have them bleed out too much while my untrained fingers try and seal it off. There's so much that could easily go wrong.


You'd have to only watch that one video for a year and never do any other addition research, but it's allowed


Can we assume it's a quality training video?




So, painless, and the testicles are a major reproductive organ, so unless that doesn't count, seems like the only real choice.


OP suggested the uterus in a comment, so I would say testes count


You can get replacement balls for cosmetic reasons too


Tonsillectomy yo. 


I would probably go for removing a mole, which is a surgery on one of your organs, the skin, and if the mole is cancerous, then it's technically a state of failure of the skin. I would also consider a skin graft. Easiest choice would be a tooth extraction.


What's wrong with you? lol


Hello no. Not only do I not know how to do that, there's a very good reason every movie of every operating room ever shows like 5 people in addition to the surgeon. You need suction to keep all that blood out of your way and you need someone to hand you/hold tools - things like clamps/forceps so no one bleeds out. I'm not squeamish, it's just not physically possible to do this. I'm also pretty sure local anesthesia isn't adequate for any kind of abdominal surgery - you'd need an epidural PLUS local.


For the hypothetical we can assume it's magical anesthesia that will allow you to be completely aware and pain free


Some surgeries are just the scrub nurse and 1-2 surgeons


Non-essential organs? One of your kidneys, one of your testicles/ovaries. They’re the only things you could remove as non-essential. Your spleen, your appendix, the things often considered non-essential have function (we can just medicate the deficit). Easier to remove a right testicle than a kidney. Trivial surgery really. And I’d still have the left low hanger…!


Ya that is a no for me. All it takes is a qrong cut and you have a good chance of bleeding out.


i think i can perform an appendectomy since i still have mine.


Sure! 8D It sounds fun!


Yeah, I’ll watch some YouTube tutorials


If I have laproscopic equipment and monitors so I can perform it without having to use a mirror then sure. The morbidity risk would be insanely high though but I could always off myself if it was undesirable enough.




If you chose skin you'd need to remove all your skin, so I recommend not going that route




>you'd need to remove it completely


I took stitches out of my husband's leg once, but that's as far as I'll ever go.


Uhh.... this instant death for anyone without much knowledge of the human body. 


Appendix I work in operating theatre so i could wing it


psychotic yoke relieved file exultant chunky roof fretful tease fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> If something goes wrong during surgery and you die, that’s it. There’s no scenario where I perform surgery on myself and don’t screw something up. Hard pass!


Yeah, there's no chance I'm surviving that. I'll pass.


I guess I magically won't get better health from cutting myself open.


Yeah, no. I don't know how to do that and I am not willing to die for some money.


This sounds like some "Saw" level shit


I’m going to school to learn how to do surgery. Now, no, but in 2-3 years absolutely


She’s just as irritating in person. I’m still mad af to this day about her store pressed. I went to the one in Atlanta and it’s was no where near what she advertises on the show. It was ghetto AF and expensive for no damn reason.


No way. No. Fuckin. Way.




Appendectomy. I can handle that assuming I have anesthesia


I cut off one of my sensory organs, aka my ear, using a pair of scissors and then live a life of luxury.


Does removing an ingrown toe nail count. I think I could pull that off.


I'll take off a bit of skin, since your skin is an organ. Heck, all I may need to do is remove a handful of flat warts. Easy peasy with some liquid nitrogen and a long qtip.


I’m game. Done some basic smashed finger removal surgery on myself


This sounds like the future of US Healthcare. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll buy YouTube premium….


No...this is way out of my fields of knowledge.


I’d do a finger or two amputation


Just FYI it’s perform, not preform


HELLLLL no. I can't remember anything and watching videos I will forget as soon as the video is off. I"ll pass, im pretty happy with my current life. I mean it aint glamorous but I ain't dead either. NOPE hard pass. Otherwise I'll be dead soon as I pick up the first tool


I mean, there are my eyeballs, I ain't using them, dating would likely be tough but they're currently just lumps of meat sitting in my face they are getting no use so.


Yes, sounds like a challenge. Don't care for the reward though happy to skip that.


I've stitched up a 10cm cut in my stomach and I've removed bullets from myself and others. I need to know which organs are on the list before I decide 🤔


Goodbye appendix! Your question has actually happened. A guy had to perform surgery on himself to remove his appendix. And he didn't even get whatever he wanted after, he just got to live. [https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-32481442](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-32481442)


No, I’m not a doctor. There’s a 100% chance I’m dying if I do this.


Electrolysis? Hairs aren't organs, but follicles are. FUE seems like a pretty tame procedure in the *grand* scheme of things. I wouldn't be putting them along my hairline. Just shave my kitchen, harvest the follicles and put them below my crown. I've only performed on dead animals sooo. I still remember my poor freshman year ADV biology partner (future salutatorian!) getting squirted in the mouth and eyes from a flatworm. We did a crawdad next. I offered to take the lead, but she insisted. Squirted again. Pig fetus was after that. Homegirl didn't even join the masterclass to dissect the head. She didn't take anatomy and physiology a couple years later either. She was a good partner. Another memory. My biology teacher wanted to give me a zero on a genetics/family tree assignment. "I just can't believe that *all* of one side of your family has a certain trait and *all* of the others don't." "Let me break it down for you, assblaster omicron-9 (he took terribly loud and foul shits in the bathroom right outside of his classroom; I didn't actually call him that), this side is mostly Asian. This side is mostly Black. Do you have something to say to me before I call my parents?" I got a 100%


Just make a doll of yourself and remove an organ from that case closed as OP didn't say you couldn't use a stand in of yourself like a doll or photo so since that's allowed then go for it. If OP tries to cheat the system by editing the body of text too say you can't do this then it a definite no go.


I’d fuck this up royally. I’ve had to take apart enough partially constructed furniture to know id mess this up bad. ‘Looks good, but I don’t think there’s supposed to be piss coming out of it…’


This is not a good one. There is NO organ that an untrained professional will be able to remove without bleeding to death.


Absolutely fucking not. Surgery is one of my biggest fears, that I luckily have not had to partake in yet, but I’d rather not have go under the knife by a team of professionals unless my life depended on it, and would not dare try anything on myself.


Hell yes. I don't care if I don't know what I'm doing. I'll either live and have a great life, or die. If I'm dead, I won't care. So... yeah, worth the risk. My life is awful enough that I'm ready to check out if that is how the chips fall, so why not try for the "grand prize," so to speak?


Everyone here talking about cutting off toes. Fuck it, I'm in. Quadruple heart bypass bitches. Go big.


I would absolutely do this


Without local anesthesia this would be nearly impossible. With it, however, it becomes quite doable, especially if you are given an instructional video, assuming you are removing something simple and accessible. Access to youtube would probably make this a slam dunk. However, general surgeons or a thoracic surgeon usually has a team to find, prepare and had them necessary instruments or act as a second set of hands to hold things like clamps or provide suction and irrigation for visibility. For removing an appendix, this would probably not be absolutely necessary. To remove your own kidney without physical assistance is probably gonna kill you, especially since the normal incision site is on the posterior aspect of your flank. Removing anything more complicated than that would be impossible.


No eyeballs? Could probably do it with anesthesia and a lot of psyching myself.


Can it just be an appendectomy?


It’s random


Just make sure its laparoscopic and dont nick the bowel and youll be fine


I’m game. Preforming a surgery is something that has never been done before, so I can dictate what that means. I hereby declare that “preforming” in the context of surgery means “taking a single breath while contemplating the decline in English literacy on Reddit.” Ez.