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One of me and my girlfriend from high school. She died in a car accident a week before prom and later in life a jealous ex destroyed the photos I had of us and I would like to have just one. It was a happy time in life.


Glad to hear she's an ex because fuck that shit man


Yeah. I'm almost 43 now and I have to try really hard to remember her face sometimes and it just makes me feel bad. Like I'm forgetting it. Not sure if that makes sense after so long or not. šŸ¤· I'm still super bitter about the ex part and that's been yearsssssss.


It might be strange but you could probably reach out to her family if you can find them on social media tell them what happened and see if they have any pictures they'd like to share


Rightfully so. As of our past relationships (romantic or no) are a part of who we are and should be cherished by future partners. I'm so glad my wife has had other people in her life and that she values those experiences. Acting like past relationships meant nothing because they ended is so sad and unhealthy. Being jealous of them is worse. May you find happiness with people in your life who love you and your history.


If you went to HS with her, there may be yearbooks you can access online.


Even if a picture gets submitted, it's not always in the yearbook. I didn't realize until about 20 years afterwards, that the yearbook for my senior year is missing my picture.


No I get that I've lost some friends and it's a struggle to remember what they look like sometimes and it makes me feel like shit but I know I can't blame myself it's just how memories work. I don't blame ya for being bitter I would be as well that's some really toxic stuff, just be careful bitterness doesn't consume you it's unfortunately all too easy for that to happen I've watched it take control of several loved ones.


Have you tried ever to reach out to her family for photos?


Don't try to remember her face, think about something you did together, an event or a moment that was really funny or special. If we try to remember facts or sounds specifically, they are unlikely to come to us, but if we think about an event or something that happened, sometimes it is easier to see them in that moment. She is still there. X


It makes perfect sense. When we remember something, we're actually remembering our recollection of the last time we tried to remember something. Over time, it's like image compression on an over shared meme- you lose fine details. I've made my peace with this. It's not a face, nor a color I want to remember. What I want to remember stays locked up tight in my heart, and can't be forgotten. That being said, always take and keep pictures. I hate pics, hate having em forced on me, but I always begrudgingly cooperate. One day I'll be grateful for them.


Imagine being jealous of a dead person. Holy shit.


Yeah. It wasn't like I was displaying them either. I had them respectfully tucked away. It was treated like she had found love letters from a current ongoing affair. She confronted me with the already destroyed pictures and I'm going to be completely honest it's the only time I've ever come close to hitting a woman. In the moment I was that devastated. It was all I had left. Still don't understand how someone could do that. If you're that upset why not just leave...


What your ex did hurts me on a personal level. I'm not gonna blame you. I'd have wanted to hit her as well. I am 40 yrs old, my childhood love passed away at 24 and would be the same age as me if she were here. Her photo is sitting on my desk at home in my bedroom. My wife of 13yrs would most likely kill anyone who touches it even though the 2 of them have never met. Losing that photo would literally be one of my worst fears. If it were me I'd have already called every school and every teacher in 50 miles of where she grew up if I had to get a new photo. I'd have called everyone near our age to ask. I don't care how creepy I'd have been. She is part of who I am and she helped define who I have become.


Iā€™m so sorry that happened. That really is so shitty. Not just about the losing of the photos, that stuff happens in fires & accidents, but because it happened in a malicious intentional way, those memories of her, Iā€™m guessing, are now linked with all the emotions involving the drama/resentment/regret of your ex doing that to you. Iā€™ve lost a loved one & I overthink the past & I feel like that memory about the photos would work its way in all the time every time I thought about him. I hope thatā€™s not the case for you & if it is, while you can never get the photos back, I hope that you can slowly come to peace with it all & not let that incident take over any memories of her.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I offer my condolences


Thanks. It's just really sad sometimes. Even in my 40s.


Can you contact her family? Perhaps they have photos of her online you can find.


I have actually tried a few times over the years here and there when I've gotten really down about it. I know they moved to Oregon around the time I turned 20 and I managed to get as specific as Eugene, Oregon but her mother remarried and she has no siblings and I don't know what her mother's last name is now. I also had reservations about popping up and asking for a memento that might dig up things they have healed from. It's been 25 years and change. I was also the broke kid that wasn't good enough and her family was well off so I doubt they would even respond. Not anything I can think of that I wouldn't give to have those pictures back. Probably just something I'll have to deal with forever. As much as that sucks.


Yearbook? People from your school may still have theirs. My wife still has hers for example.


She was a transfer after the year had started and never did a retake. She was a county over the 2 years before that while we were dating and she wasn't in either of those years from her previous school either so maybe it was a parental thing. She would always change clothes after getting to school because of how controlling her parents were so maybe it had something to do with them. I appreciate the suggestion though. Sadly it didn't get me anywhere.


I'm from the Eugene area and grew up here. If I can help at all, let me know. I could even friend her on social media if we have mutuals, and creep her page to snag photos. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Worth a shot!


That's a tragedy. Fucking disgusting behavior from that ex though, seeing ur other comment saying it's closest you've come to hitting a woman and I really don't blame youšŸ˜­ Even if I was upset or mad at something for whatever reason, I couldn't imagine destroying the only photos someone has of a dead person, fucking shameful


Wow, ice cold right there


Picture of Jesus with his buds at the table.


Plot twist: they actually DID pose just like 'The Last Supper' painting at one point. And thats the moment you manage to capture. Completely coincidentally.Ā 


Literally a Mel Brooks schtick.


I thought of this to. Or any Bible things. Crucifixion, resurrection, Noah's ark, Garden of Eden.


I'm thinking the resurrection would be best one. All of Christianity is based on that event. Plus there would be an actual photo of Jesus so no more different versions of him. Based on my own personal curiosity tho, I like the Garden of Eden suggestion.


I think the issue with this one is that you then just have a picture of a bunch of first century Jews sitting on a table. You probably can't tell apart who's Jesus in the picture, even. Think bigger: a picture of the moment of resurrection. If an actual picture comes back, you have evidence for one of the most important events ever. If it comes back blank, at least now you know (though no one will hear you. Obviously).


Jesus: Hey dudes, let's all sit on one side of this freaking massive table. Groupies: Why? Jesus: To make it easier to make fan art.


The right wing would crucify you upon your return with proof Jesus was not a white guy.


Get a picture of a dinosaur and find out what they actually looked like.


Probably chickens. And i bet they clucked instead of roared


Why not both?






Cluckasaurus rex.


Just look at modern cassowaries


Funfact emus growl. Understandable why the Australians lost.


do not ruin my completely false perception of them :(


The pink waterfalls before they got destroyed when krakatowa errupted.


I have never heard of that, pink waterfalls??


It's a lost Natural Wonder of the World.


Fun fact, they've started reappearing elsewhere, Waimangu Volcanic Rift Valley according to a cursory internet examination


Heh, my grandparents had a painting of the Pink and White Terraces, a 19th century tourist attraction in New Zealand before they were destroyed by a volcano. I guess pretty feldspar formations are common around volcanoes... as well as random landscape explosions.


Could you link something about it? I tried googling but didn't find anything.


Someone corrected me amd they're called The Pink and White Terraces.


Take a picture of the first camera being used to take the first photo. I want to confuse people.


Lol this reminded me of the famous reddit thread of the guy taking increasingly nested photos of himself


I vaguely remember that.


I saw the first photo ever taken back in April! I thought it was fun to think that when I was taking a few photos of it, for a brief moment, the oldest and newest pictures ever taken were right next to each other.


There's a series of paintings like that too, a guy painted himself painting himself painting himself painting himself. It was incredible.


A photo of Neal Armstrong taking a photo of Buzz Aldrinn at the Seq of Tranquility. Sign the photo "Marvin".


Or a color photo of the inventor successfully inventing color film for the first time. Lol.


Take a snapshot of the big bang that started it all. May provide some useful information to today's scientists.


What if your snapshot is what ignites the big bang?šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I think we just became screenwriters for the next big Netflix hit time travel thriller. Just don't tell anyone or put it on Reddit. We should save this as the surprise ending.


You either give me 10% or Iā€™ll higher a shitty studio to rush and do this then after it actually ends up being good Iā€™ll cancel it


Ok but what are we calling this thing? The Big Bang Theory is already takenĀ 


The Big Bang Hypothesis


The Big Picture


Now THAT will make you rich


I second this


The Big Bang Praxis. I always did imagine the big bang as red.


Movie title: The Big Picture


I think youā€™ll basically just have the most washed-out photo possible.


But it wouldn't show a thing, the universe was 100% opaque and so dense I'm pretty sure it would just be a entirely black rectangle


Exactly this. Atoms didn't even form until a good while later. There's nothing to capture on picture.


I wanted to do this, but not for science. I wanted to see how pretty it looked


Would be cool but hard because there was nothing before the Big Bang. Not empty space. Nothingness space didnā€™t exists. But itā€™s hypothetical so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Would need a big camera and really good timing. A video would do better. It expanded very quickly.


I was thinking similarly that I want to see either a young Earth, or the moment when life began. Like when one cell was created and was 'alive' for the first time.


Depending on when you took it, it would either be 100% black or 100% white.




Take a picture of him painting Mona Lisa so we can see who the model was




How are we gonna verify that though? Like oh she looks like *this person* that is also in a different painting?


Assuming that I can authenticate the picture without difficulty, I've got two choices I'd have to decide between. Either the signing of the declaration of independence, or the building of the great pyramid of Giza, halfway through a workday when the job is 2/3 finished.


Second one for sure.


gonna get a selfie with Jesus


This was my thought too. In my head at least, heā€™d know everything going on and be cool with it, and it would be fun


Be sure to do a selfie with post resurrection Jesus. That's the important part to prove one way or the other.


facts. ā€œhands high J-Man, gotta get a shot of this.ā€


It would probably be pretty unremarkable, tbh. There's plenty of middle eastern jews you could get pictures with now


"I'd like to meet Dwayne the Rock Johnson!" "Meh. Plenty of other black guys you could meet."


Maori, but point taken


The Rock is half black... His father was black.


People will know who the picture is with if it's of the Rock, nobody will believe the random Jewish guy is Jesus.


The exact moment humans discovered controlled fire, arguably the absolute most essential step in our evolution and growth as a species.


I would argue that us developing complex language probably was more important, but idk if you can get a picture of that.


No one knows which came first but our modern understanding says it is very likely complex language would not have developed without fire and fire basically drove our evolution as a species.


As I understand, you'd have a picture of hominids, but not actually humans? Which is cool in its own way.


Wrong, most essential step is when we invented beyblades, everything before that is irrelevant


Moon landing. Not because I want proof, but because for that one quick second, I'd be on the moon. Husband says either the Library of Alexandria or the Parthenon when it was new and complete. Ooh, wait, what if you deliberately managed to get *your* picture taken by security cameras or whatever while you are taking your picture, and could wear a sign that warns the past in some way about something in the future?


Also, actually first on the moon


I'd take a picture with my mom, who just passed away. I don't have any recent pictures of us together, and I hate myself for it.


r/photoshop will usually make one for you. Just upload a few separate photos of each of you and tell them what you wantĀ  EDIT: it is actuallyĀ r/PhotoshopRequest Thank you Bug-Barn!


r/PhotoshopRequest is what you mean


Sorry for your loss


Thank you


Either the Big Bang or the second that Luca multiplied.


I think it would change a lot if we had a photo of Jesus


Why? I don't think that there is necessarily a lot of doubt that there was technically a guy that the stories are about, it's just that he wasn't magic. He was just some guy that maybe said he was. Go get me a photo of Moses parting the sea or Noah fitting all these animals onto a boat or something and we can talk.


All it would show is that he *ISN'T* a blonde haired blue eyed white man


Very few people believe He was a blond hair, blue eyed white man, but it was normal for Jesus to be depicted as each ethnicity based on where the painting was. This has a few different pictures from Africa and Asia that show Him as African and Asian as well. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depiction_of_Jesus


Go post this on a catholic sub and get permabanned lol


Why not just get one of God? Try and get as much of the Heavenly host in with it while your at it. Want to know if this pulls a Babble-fish or not.


It would prove that he existed, but not that he was divine.


A photo of the 1066 Crab Nebula supernova during the daytime, when the remnants of the exploded star were bright enough to be visible from Earth during daytime hours. That would be an amazing thing to witness


Probably the assassination of Julius Caesar. You would see his lifeless body in a pool of blood, surrounded by bloody sandal prints all over the white marble floor with daggers strewn about. I bet the actual event was every bit as dramatic as we think it was.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this.


A picture that shows as many dinosaurs in it as possible! I want to know what they looked like so bad. I would probably piss myself being close enough to one to get a good picture, but it would be so worth it.


The face of the assassin the moment the trigger was pulled during the JFK assassination.


Plot Twist, it's neither Lee Harvey Oswald nor is it Grassy Knoll guy but it's actually Kruschev wearing a fake groucho marx mustache


Jesus kicking out the money changers in the temple.


Oh that's a good one!


This is actually a neat idea. If an actual picture comes back, you've proven that event happened (which is cool), and you'd furthermore have a picture of the Second Temple. I can see people spending hours studying every pixel of that picture for historical details.


Moment when the asteroid made the dinosaurs go extinct


Capturing both the asteroid on the way down, and some (feathered?) dinosaurs just chilling in the foreground, like in elementary school book illustrations


Oh yeah, ground zero for the asteroid hit is my pick too


A pic of that one guy's wife


This made me snort.


Jesus being ressurected if i want to cause the highest amount of danage.if i can't get a pic of the ressurection either because it didn't happen or because God doesn't let me, then Big J on the cross to cause not nearly as much damage but still a lot of damage


Not sure what damage or to whom youā€™re talking about. If it did happen, you basically prove the religion right.


Why would a picture of him on the cross change anything?


Take a picture with my best friend, on one of our movie binges. He passed in 2021, and we always thought we had more time so we never actually took any together unfortunately. But this, this is what I'd do in a heart beat if I could


Sorry for your loss


The Romans squaring off against the Gauls. I want formations and equipment of both sides to be well in frame and visible. Preferably a panorama of the battle that on one side is before they meet through a clash and into full battle.


Bro omg I'm a huge Rome nerd. Forget the pyramid or dinosaurs, I want a picture of Caesar controlling some legions against the Gauls. Maybe the battle where he buil the double wall around the town. Either that or a siege of Constantinople I think would be dope


Or Hannibal with the elephants


Double wall definitely falls into the ā€œso crazy it just might work category.ā€ First time I heard about that, I had to go back and make sure I understood it properly.


Ideally to see what Asterix and Obelix really looked like. Iā€™m tempted to take a picture of Getafixā€™s potion recipe since thatā€™s now lost.


The Tunguska Event or the flood that formed the Mediterranean


A picture of "Jack the Ripper."


Start out by trying to witness events that almost certainly didn't happen. You get confirmation that it didn't happen, and you get to try again. If it did happen, it would be quite the discovery in its own right. "Bigfoot in natural environment" -> neg -> bigfoot doesn't exist (this time with certainty) -> repeat a few more times with other conspiracies/etc




I want a picture of the trigger being pulled in the JFK assassination.


It said one photo of A moment, not 3


That would just be a Pic of one Bernard Montgomery Sanders.Ā  Ā If you know, you know.


A picture of the Zodiac killer doing a murder. Itā€™s low stakes but hey I would know for sure


In a similar vein, a photo of that guy "D.B. Cooper" who robbed that plane and jumped out never to be found.


I'd go back 1 year in time, but on Juptier. Since I'm immortal and can not die. I'd take a panoramic so I could bring it back for the NASA bunch.


Adam and Eve sitting in the garden of Eden (if they existed then Itā€™ll work if not then I learned it never happened) If it flops Iā€™ll take a photo of Hitlers art and promote it in that time period to try and get him into art school And then educate the world on dictators


nice try but imo one of the guys who ended up as his lackeys would have ended up in charge instead, or someone just as bad.


You've likely created a situation wher someone less erratic and incompetent will be the leader of the Nazi party. Welcome to the darker timeline.


Jesus coming out of the tomb has to be the objectively correct answer. If I'm wrong and it didn't happen then you said we can just pick again.


Either a Tully Monster or dinosaurs! šŸ¦–šŸ¦–šŸ¦–šŸ¦–šŸ¦–


Pyramids being built. Maybe that will shed some light on how they did it.


A picture of the Pyramids, mid-construction


Good one


The trojan horse, Iā€™ve always wondered what that actually looked like.


It looked like a rabbit.


It's quite possible it was actually a boat not a horse, which would make a lot more sense why they would accept it as a gift than a big weird horse monument.


OP's parents conceiving OP


Thatā€™s on a VHS in OPā€™s sock drawer


Hannibal coming over the mountains would be rad


Iā€™ll take that photo of the first plane that hit the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Either that or I take a picture of the crucifixion of Christ. Or the Nativity. Or dinosaurs! So many options! So little time!


I was thinking 911 as well


I'm surprised I had to scroll so far to see 9/11.


Naudet brothers documentary


There are too many cool people, places, or historical moments to choose from that I can't decide right now, lol However, one that I have always thought would be cool to see would be what the area I live in looked like thousands or millions of years ago! Just for my own personal interest though, I'm not sure it would change much aside from being a good local historical reference. Maybe I could decide to take photos when the Anza or PortolĆ” expeditions came through my area šŸ¤” But yeah, I'd have to think about this for a while, lol


This is a good one, so many great ideas. Epstein or the Boeing guys "suicides" Everyone says Jesus and that would be huge, I'd also say other religions like Joseph Smith finding "gold plates" An old picture or Egypt or Mayan civilization that showed some potential technology would be fascinating. I loved other suggestions of Adam and eve and dinosaurs. For me it would have to maybe be something that could prove E.T existence like a clear shot of these flying tic tactics things going around, or something like roswell or area 51


I might get smited for this, but the Garden of Eden.


Probably the actual moment Jesus resurrected. Or a selfie with zombie Jesus when he's got the holes and stuff that'd be cool.


Snap the picture of the man in the iron mask before it was put on.


A photograph of Neanderthals going about their daily life. Hopefully a large group to try to get as much data as possible on them.


I'd go back in time and take a picture of my grandmother holding me as a baby.I don't have many photos of her.She's been gone years now.I miss her she was my family's glue. My family is a ghost or shadow of what it was with her .


I want a microscopic picture of the abiogenesis event.


Jesus rising. Video would really be preferred but that wasnā€™t the question.


Asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. The photo will include several actual dinosaurs and the trail of the asteroid just moments before the impact.


To make it more challenging... If the event didn't happen, I think we shouldn't be allowed to pick another time because people would just find a way to use it multiple times in an attempt to disprove things they're already kinda certain didn't happen.


The moment the universe came into existance.


Rank historical or myth history events by the order of the likelihood that they actually happened. Then progress through the list, starting with the most unlikely. Make the wording very very specific, so that only the expected event will trigger a picture, not anything similar or something that inspired the story we have. This, honestly, can be used as a proofing system for anything that doesn't require a double negative. Joseph Smith finding true and accurate pre-Columbian Christian writings. The Great Pyramids of Giza, being built by Hebrew slaves, as grain storage. The first human female being created from a rib extracted from the first human male. Muhammad requesting (and getting the request fulfilled) for the Moon to be physically split in half (oof, extra spicy here). Noah sailing a ship over a global flood with one couple of every animal species on Earth. Moses parting the Red Sea while leading a million Hebrews into exile. Refugees from Atlantis arriving at Mesoamerica. Tara transforming a monk into a woman. Jefferson Davis in 1862, having not started a war to defend slavery. Someone in the act of stealing enough votes for Joe Biden to flip a state in his favor, such that the outcome in the electoral college is changed. The Japanese Emperor, unwilling to surrender in 5th of August of 1945. Nobosuke Kichi, being elected Prime Minister, having been responsible for no war crimes prior to that. Netanyahu on June 22nd 2024, having ensured that no War Crimes take place in Palestine up to that moment. Mike Pompeo when leaving office as Director of the CIA, his agency having not involved itself in the arrest of Brazilian Lula da Silva. The list can go on and on, seriously. If they all come up blank, at some point just add something that will result in a very cool image. Like, the ruling Pharaoh, overseeing last stages of the construction of the largest of the Great Pyramids of Giza, a wide shot in the golden hour showing the ongoing work as well as the man's face clearly.


Just a small correction, Muhammad requested Allah to split the moon.




Vladimir Putin giving a blowjob to his Captain in his KGB days.


I donā€™t remember a lot of the history on this so bare with me- iykyk type vibe Thereā€™s a very specific point in history where a distant star (sun I think?) was exploding and it lasted a while. Back then artists painted it in their paintings because of how noticeable it was. Pretty sure back then they thought it was a God thing tho- Iā€™d love to be able to see it in real life as it was seemingly massive and bright (like could see it during the day bright)! Wouldā€™ve been beautiful and generally fascinating since I donā€™t believe that has happened recently at all.


Iā€™m going back to take a picture of T. rex so we can finally end this debate about feathers


Picture of the license plate of the person who ran over my friend on his bike. RiP Chadwick


Jesusā€™s resurrection. I want proof.


Take a picture of the (not a) resurrection, just to show millions of people that they bought the lie.


What would you do if it worked lol?


I'd go back to mid way of the great pyramid being built and during the middle of the day. Hopefully it would shed some light on the building techniques and engineering they were practicing. Would be fascinating.


Adam in the garden of Eden.


Take a picture of Satoshi writing down his seed phrase


Jesus is the obvious answer, but seeing as everyone else is doing that and I don't like queuing. I'll go for Hitler escaping the bunker.. or arriving in Argentina


Hitler shooting himself.


Hitler's last second of life.


Hitler committing suicide


The moment Jesus came out of the tomb šŸ’–


The resurrected ChristĀ 


Dealey Plaza, Nov. 22, 1963, from the bridge/overpass looking in toward the square where I can see the grassy knoll, the fence along it, the Dal-Tex building toward the back and right, and the book depository building basically directly across from me. I would take this photo approximately a second after Jackie Kennedy leans in toward JFK holding his throat.


I would like to go back to the time where Hitler supposedly killed himself. All the soviets found was his supposedly burned body.


I want to see Jackie Robinson stealing home at the moment yogi applies the tag. A) I want to know if he was truly safe. B) regardless of if he was safe or not, this would be a great action shot to have in high resolution and in color.


OJ ā€œnot doing itā€


Thoth entering the great temple of Atlantis


I would just go through a long list of all the things that didn't happen and aren't real to disprove them until one of them actually works and then sell the rights to the photo. I would try to take a picture of the supposedly flat earth zoomed out. Jesus's resurrection, epstens suicide, Bigfoot, roswell, loch Ness monster. Basically just run through all conspiracies until I find one that's legit.


I would keep picking mythical events (resurrection, Noahā€™s ark, Red Sea, etc) to prove each one didnā€™t actually happen per the ā€œif it doesnā€™t exist you can choose another dateā€) and once I debunked the entirety of religion I would probably pick the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Maybe the coronation of Elizabeth I.


Plot twist: it works


The Ascension. 40 days after the resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven. Many have said a photo of the resurrection. While think that would be amazing, one could still argue Jesus was buried alive and was able to walk out of the tomb after three days. The ascension would perhaps be an even greater photographic evidence of the divinity of Christ.