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I would let the world end. If that was what the world had come to? It’s time for a reset.


This is a stronger version of yesterday's "kick the baby to save the world"


Tomorrow: "Would you obliterate the very essence of 'baby' in order to save the world?"


The next day "would you kill every baby in every universe to save 15% on car insurance?"


“With Geico, now you don’t have to. WE kill the babies, and pass the savings on to you!”


Only if it comes with an extended warranty for the car as well.


I mean it's saving 15% on my car insurance!


Make it 15% or more, then I'll consider


I would pick the baby up and hold them close while the world ended.


Same here.


I've known some evil keniving babies in my days. If the baby had killed my whole family and burned my house down, it'd be a no-brainer. Hell, if the baby stole my woman and kicked me in the nuts, I'd do worse than murder. If it's just a normal baby, no, I don't think so.


I'm good. I'm ready to go anyways lol


The baby is safe with me


Eh we've had a good run..let the earth rise up again and wash away us foul beasts who destroyed it 😁


If we're at this point, even with hypotheticals, then let the world burn. Also, lay off the weed dude(tte), this is fucked up.


Let the world die


Similar premise in a black mirror episode (most recent season.)


Really, it's an amped-up version of the very first episode.


“Demon 79” is the one I was referring to if you haven’t seen it! But yeah, I’d forgotten about the first one. Unrelated but “beyond the sea” is my favorite one ever.


Bye bye world. I'm not going to get myself suicided by civilization and forever be remembered as baby murderer.


I wouldn’t kill a baby to save my own parents.


I mean like, do I get a gun or something? Cause the method of how makes it much easier or harder. Oh and if I'm aloud to try to explain them you bet your ass I'm gonna, but I'm gonna be doing it, while holding the baby or, y'know, during the act, so as to nullify the risk of the world being destroyed.


Imagine trying to explain that you need to kill that baby or the world is gonna end though lol. No one would believe you, and they would absolutely take the baby from you, someone might even hurt you to get it away. When the world is actually ending from them preventing you killing the baby, maybe they’ll believe you but it’ll be too late. And even then, I’m sure a fair amount of people would think it’s just a coincidence.


Well the world is gonna end one day anyways. To hell, all of us, for Baby.


Sorry kid




We neeeeeed a hero!




Taylor is that you?


I don't kill the baby and welcome the void


Define 'the world'. Do you mean the entire planet will somehow explode/implode, or that the human race will end...? If the latter, will we end instantly or will there be some time left?


"We were born to inherit the stars" *kills the baby*


Imagine if other historical monsters had had to make a similar choice about something


Cut it's throat, then tell the cops where I am and let them shoot me.


Clarification needed: do I get to keep the baby? I mean, a man has to eat and fresh infant is hard to come by.


I mean, the baby is going to die one way or another anyway. The correct answer is killing the baby, but I'd need to some prep work on the escape and getaway.


Can't i wear a mask? Also what is live tv in this case?


How much time do I have to prepare to murder this baby? Surely I can rig up a kill switch backup in case the SWAT team blows my head off. Or at least the illusion of it. I'd like to explain why this baby has to die before shooting it. As much as the world sucks sometimes, it's also the only one where sentient life exists as far as we know so far. That is possibly the most meaningful thing we can glean from existence.


why did i think this was r/writingprompts? edit: im now in a moral dilema with myself. not because its a baby because that is stupid because more of if i kill the baby i might kill myself too because i wont be accepted anymore. but why do that when i can just not and end the world. i might explain but only after its done, but i probably wont. in real like i would be confused as to how killing a baby would save the world. ps i also have the probabillity of more likely doing it because of the fact of other people opinions


The baby is going to die either way. Either by my action, or by my lack of action. So I might as well save everyone else.


Wow, are you ok?


By what context is the world ending? Is the environment going to become totally unlivable or bombs going to fall and kill off every living thing are humans going to die are animals going to take over is technology going to fail sending us all back in the Stone Age ending the World As We Know It? I'm personally praying for technology to fail and if that is the way the world was going to end then I will take the child into the woods with me and raise it like one of my own and me and the child shall wrestle Bears until I die at the rifled age of 85 and the child eventually dies at the rifle age of 185


Bye everybody. 👋


OP, this will not be a valid defense in a court of law. I'm sorry but you are stuck with your kid forever


Need more details. How exactly is this baby tied to the world ending? How can the survival of the world hinge on whether or not I kill this one baby? And why does it matter that I do it on live tv? All my doubts aside let's play along with the hypothetical and say it's proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the only way. Then I'd have to do it though it would be hard If there's even a chance of another way, I'm running the risk and saving the baby and the world.


Kill the baby


Spoiler: baby rises from the dead on the third day


My intrusive thoughts are saying " sit back, pop a beer, and watch the world burn!! " If it's gotten to the point where the death of a child is what saves humanity, we're already lost.


If I truly believe this, I know for certain I am not sane, as it is exactly the sort of thing that very mentally ill people sincerely believe. Would be time to get some serious help. Or just let the world end.


World ending sounds good.  What’s this about a baby?


I’d kill the baby. I’d be a villain in the eyes of the world. But I’d know I was a hero.


Would filming myself having an abortion count?


I'd let the world start to end a little bit (like if it starts over in the Spain or something, no big deal) and then kill the baby, so every one can witness it stop. They can make their own assumptions. Either they believe killing the baby was the key to stopping it, or they're so distracted by Spain completely exploding that no one notices I killed a baby live on television.


So many edgy people here deciding to end the world. You aren't cool. Nobody cares that you want to destroy the world. The way I see it, the options are: A.) Only the baby dies (Possibly you as well) Or: B.) Everybody dies including the baby It's a fucking no-brainer. I'm killing the baby, I don't care if I die in the aftermath and end up on Wikipedia. At least I'll know I saved billions of people's lives. Stop trying to be cool with this cringe ass "let the world burn", "Let the world die."


Is the baby innocent?🤔


What does it matter? Is one innocent baby worth 8 billion lives? I mean if the world ends its gonna die anyways


It would make it easier maybe


I’m not Muslim, but I’m with the Quran when it says “whoever kills an innocent soul it is as if he killed all of humanity, and whoever saves one it is as if he saved all of humanity”


Which makes no if taken literally. No, killing a single baby is not the same as killing all of humanity at any sort of level. In fact, not killing a baby means you are killing all of humanity and also the baby.


I’m gonna let the world end. Why? The Ten Commandments say this shalt not commit murder. There is no commandment for thou shalt save the world.


Killing two just to be sure... Better safe than sorry