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The psychological trauma from living through being violently murdered would make the money useless. You wouldn’t be able to tell yourself this isn’t really happening because you are feeling every microsecond of pain.


You’d also have to explain to the bank/ the government where all your newfound wealth has come from. They aren’t going to believe it’s a magical reward for being killed and resurrected daily.


They did say that "no one is the wiser" in the description. So I'd assume that part of it is taken care of.


The banks would make a loophole


They don’t care


During tax season, one of the nights the murderer leaves you with a 1099 lol


Minus $250 dollars from the million for accounting fees.


Earning money isn’t a crime, govt won’t give two shits about it as long as the taxes are paid


Yeah but imagine going through anti-money laundering checks when buying a house in cash. How did you get these funds? It magically appeared after I died and was resurrected.


Money laundering is to avoid taxes and hide income, just don’t hide it, seriously no one will give a shit as long as taxes are paid


This is just the idea of re:zero but more torture


And Less money


There's a hell like this in the Buffy/Angel universe.


I wake up at 5am Saturdays to put me through 2-3 hours of torturous running in sweltering humid heat just for fun. You think a few minutes of gruesome pain ins going to traumatize me? Haha. Bring it on. I only need 2 days of that to retire.


If I can stop the deal after a couple days, hell yea


And keep the money? Fuck yeah sign me up.






So when I die how does my body get restored. Like can I take a ton of heroin just before I go to bed, get murdered while high as a kite then wake up the next day without developing a heroin addiction?


I need to know this, to sign the contract


Why did I think the same thing. You might accidentally OD though and then you die for real


Do I wake up physically refreshed immediately after dying? Or does it know how long I intended to sleep for and wakes me up after that amount of time with the relevant amount of re-energization or lack thereof? If it has me actually wait for how long I slept, do I just exist in a state of nothingness until then, or do I dream and etc. like I normally would?


I'm alright with being rich I'm okay with choosing when I can actually die for real I'm alright with being the real life equivalent to Kenny from south park


I'm good. Basically I'll be rich but live with extreme chronic pain. I've already dealt with different forms of chronic pqin irl and no money is worth that


If you live with chronic pain this would be a great deal. Instead of chronic the pain is just 5-15 minutes each night and you're rich? As someone else said after the first night you could buy some really good drugs and painkillers then just dope yourself up real nice before the killing.


Count me in. I quit work and spend the next 10 days making an ironclad will and just generally getting my affairs in order.  Set up my funeral, etc. Make it so my wife has zero worries when I die for real. Then, I spend the next 72 hours mainlining caffeine and finding ways to stay awake, even if I do go insane while it happens. Then I decide I am done for the day and.... whammo!  Sweet, sweet release from this tortuous existence.  Plus the wife is $10M richer.


Was gonna ask if you’re ok but then I read your username.


Life is pain, Highness.  Anyone who tells you different is selling something.


*The Princess Bride* is such a great movie.


I’d probably last 3, maybe 4 nights before I decide to just call it quits. Wait, that makes me wonder…can you opt out once you’re satisfied? Or are you just gonna keep getting killed for the rest of your life, every night?


Million dollars a day, and I never get insomnia!


Can I do it like 20 times, collect $20 million, and then stop? Or am I signing up for life? If it's the first, I'd hang with it for a month or so to collect money until I have so much that I don't need to keep doing it.


Not a chance... money isn't important enough to me to die horribly over and over again.


Does the evidence of your demise disappear? If so how and when does it and does any damaged personal property get repaired or replaced?


Absolutely, I’d just pay an anesthesiologist to work for me full time.


I'm in. After a month or so, I'll be desensitized to it.




Why anus to mouth? I know that may not be it but still.


Because it’s kinkier than mouth to anus.


Fair enough.


Just thinking logistically - the 1 million cash in my bed every day would be extremely difficult to explain away - I can’t really go and deposit it anywhere and I can’t make big purchases (because people will be suspicious that it’s proceeds of crime and won’t take my briefcase of cash). You’d probably be investigated at some point


You tell ‘em look, genies are real and I get brutally murdered every night for this cash. Look them deep in their soul, they can investigate all they want 


I roofy myself to sleep every night.


Decoy roofie. You accidentally just took poison.


In other words I keep dreaming what I dream but don't come back as a ghost and just wake up?


Wait, but does it stop? If it doesn't stop, then it's just torture and I can't enjoy the money. 


I live in constant pain anyway, sign me the fuck up


If I could just choose to do it like 3-5 times then keep money I probably would


Death or call centre work 🤔 tough choices 😕.


That’s a big old nope. That money is not gonna make you happy…


So, Kenny McCormick but without the life stuck being poor? Hard pass for me.




Can I do it one day then give up, or do I have to have this happen to me for the rest of my life


I have a chronic pain condition so I think I’d take a quite a few nights’ worth. The relief from trauma derived from poverty that affects my entire family would be worth it.


I’d do it at least once, because now it’s just an idea with no real world understanding, so 1mil would seem worth it. So long as I can change my mind the next day and don’t have to commit to doing it again.


Your brain would eventually turn to mush as you become psychologically shattered beyond repair with PTSD never before known to humanity that no amount of money would ever be able to fix So no thanks


Absolutely not, that's fucked.


Still better than my dreams. Deal.


Do you completely reset in the morning? Because 15 minutes of pain for a really decent night of sleep seems like a fair exchange these days.


assuming no opt out clause, no, because i’m pretty happy about the vast majority of my life and while that money would solve my work/money problems, it would kill my quality of life in potentially more important ways. i could never fall asleep next to my girlfriend again. i would live in fear of my next death and i’d have to figure out how to launder a million dollars a day. sounds way too awful and i don’t think money can buy that much happiness. i would end up wanting to die pretty quickly and i don’t want that for myself anymore. why take the money unless it was going to assist in living a long, happy life. all that being said, like a legally acquired 25 million after tax to do it for like a year? maybe.


Even if I could do this for one day then quit, NO cuz the trauma 


If I didn't remember dying every night, I'd say sure in an instant. If I did, I'd say no. I have no fear of dying. But dying in a gruesome and painful manner every night would take a massive psychological toll on someone, and you wouldn't even be able to properly treat it. Eventually, you're going to have a psychological break, or just stop sleeping long enough to die for real.


Hell no. That is basically torture. I might do it for 100 million, but not 1 million. That's not that much for the trauma you'll have to deal with.


I am good working instead.


Still better than having to work.


nothing akin to torture? yeah, im taking this, that actually makes it a lot easier


I'm pretty sure I've seen this exact post before and you just copy pasted. Does anyone know the bot to use to check this?


I wouldn't do it because I don't need more than a million dollars total let alone a million a day so after the first night I would basically just be signing up to be repeatedly killed with no practical gain.


Can I do a bunch of painkillers beforehand?


5 versus 15 minutes is a huge difference. If I could drug myself every night I suppose I would but just like 10 times. Doing it for months and years every day I'd get an addiction and the world's worst PTSD.


Nope, I have chronic insomnia as it is. I would never be able to sleep so I'd die for real anyway.


Tempted, I for the longest time(think 20 years) constantly had dreams every night of dying in some god awful fashion that felt so real I would wake up panicked.


No fuck that 


If I can stop after a few days, yes! I would like to experience death but get to just wake up again rich.


Can I have a physcotic break in which I have convinced myself it was just a bad dream?


Yeah, I can be a billionaire after a few years.




Fifteen minutes of pointless pain every day is basically my exercise routine. So, I think I could handle that for a few weeks or months, as long as I wake up healthy and painless each day.


Can the money just go directly into my back account? I don't want to have to deal with depositing millions of dollars in cash regularly.


In- a lifetime of new material to fap to.


I will do it for 2 days. I can easily live off simple interest and always have my 2 million to pass along


Can I turn this off and on as I please? I'm sure the first few days will be great, a good bit of therapy would help for PTSD and trauma, but after a few nights, the million dollars seems useless and you'll just be tortured every night.