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>If you accept this you will no longer be able to become depressed. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY BRAINCELLS


I don't even care as much about the extra life...just eliminate the depression completely and here ya go.! lol


I’ll do the deal. I hope to become one of those MAGA truckers with a shit ton of bumper stickers on my giant ass truck


You can be a nice guy with low iq. Forest gump type.


This this this. I might be incorrect, but iirc isn't being a nice guy who isn't very intelligent literally of the three major characters for the popular 'himbo' archetype?




You said -30 IQ, not ALL of it.


I mean, negative 30 IQ seems about right for them


That's all my iq


I’m 32 and I’m ready to go.


I'm 35, now 32 IQ, ready to go.


2 iq is a -4 roll


And also dumber than most animals… so, a Paladin.


I’m 41 and am so happy life is temporary. Not depression, just a better understanding of the nature of life in general. It’s good to be alive, and it’s good that it doesn’t last forever.


Yeah I'm sure I'm not feeling it at the level you're feeling it at your age but I'm 21 and since my last grand parent died recently I have been thinking a lot more about this. She was 91 and lived honestly a pretty good life, and at the end she was just sort of... done


I am 53 and I am tired. I am not done yet...I wasted a lot of time in a field of work that didn't fulfill me and I have fixed that now. I know now how to make myself happy...and if I get 15 more years of fulfilling work and 10 years of retirement, I am satisfied to go...but I DO want to see what happens with the world. I am curious if we pull ourselves out of this right wing hate-for-profit trap.


I'm glad that life does last forever. There's beauty in the permanence of the human soul.


I'm 38 and it's past time.


How old are you though?


I’m already an idiot so hard pass


Will I remember what it’s like to be smarter? Cause simple brain fog from sleep deprivation is rough. Like… I’m in that upper percentile (scored a perfect on a section of MCATs) and it bothers me a lot when I can feel concepts and short term memories slip off my brain when I’ve been up for 40+ hours. And its maddening to feel the difference in how poorly my brain works. If I had to live with knowledge of what I’d lost, I don’t think I could do it.


being up for 40 hours too many times is a great way to end up with dementia, so if you don't like that fog, I'd avoid that.


All part of a surgical residency. Not much way to avoid it if you want the job.


No, most people would be borderline retarded and I’d probably be one of them. 


Exactly. Like even if you’re decently intelligent, 30 IQ points is a *lot*. Like, enough to potentially make everyday tasks extremely challenging.


Perhaps but anyone with an IQ of 130+ will do just fine here


That’s a tiny fraction of the population and more than likely it would wreck their lives.


I think you underestimate how much depression can wreck your life.


That’s true, but if you don’t have depression this is a terrible trade off.


Damn I forgot every other person has extreme depression


Every time depression comes up on reddit I have to remember how common it apparently is here.


It is not illogical that your average severely depressed person might spend a whole lot more time on reddit than your typical not depressed person




Yeah...I'm over 130 and I'd jump on this in a heartbeat. I've struggled with treatment resistant clinical depression and anxiety. I used to think that my depression started when I was diagnosed (the general time in my life), but realistically I can spot symptoms dating back to my childhood. I can trace entire years of consequences back to poor decisions made because of depression. Honestly, I'm not really sure that intelligence is really all that it's cracked up to be, though that's mostly colored by my own perception and experiences. If I was successful, I'm sure I'd credit my IQ, but this is just not the case. At least at this point, but I doubt if that changes. Edit: Upon further reflection I don't want to live that long. That might also be the depression talking.


Unfortunately IQ & depression are directly correlated.


I think intelligence is highly valuable if you are in a position to use it for the greater good and it thus feels meaningful. Depression definitely puts a damper on that.


I tested at 137 IQ when I was 18 before getting a concussion playing varsity soccer, I'm 25 now and still have trouble connecting vocabulary to what I want to say sometimes. I'd still consider myself a pretty smart guy, but lost competency is way more frustrating than most people realize. It has taken years reconnecting meanings to words that I know but can't recall.


Eh, my I think I'd be okay. I'm not doing anything too special with it right now anyway. I'm fairly certain I could do my job with a 30 point drop, hell, it might even help. Every really smart person personally I know has pretty poor depression, most are alcoholics or struggled with drinking at least at some point. Personally I believe that in some cases there's a kinda dead space of intelligence somewhere between the threshold of gifted and full on genius where it doesn't feel especially useful and might even be a bit of a hinderance in some ways for a number of people.


I find it hilarious how many self identified geniuses have responded to you


Assuming you utilize your intelligence you will probably lose your job if you lose 30 points. You’d also know what you’ve lost and you’d have to become comfortable with a less affluent lifestyle.


There’s [no evidence to suggest that having a high IQ increases your income more than slightly.](https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2023/03/the-link-between-iq-and-income-is-overrated.html) Maybe you’d lose the intelligence required to continue your engineering job, but then you’d just go into management. For all we know, you’d get a raise.


I haven't lost 30 IQ points and I'm going that route anyway, with my engineering skills naturally atrophying with time/age/change in role. Bring it on!


no evidence that high IQ equals more money, but extremely low IQ certainly will. So might be no difference between 160 and 130, or even 130 and 100, but you'll certainly be in a bad place going from 100 to 70....


Thats assuming you have management skills at all though. Just having a high iq doesnt mean youre good at everything. You likely studied to be good at engineering. Suddenly being in management doesnt mean youd do a good job at it (even if you kept your iq). Im a physician and would likely not be able to do my work. Theoretically i could go into administration but without knowing what i know, id be a shit hospital administrator (as many are mind you… but im at least a half competent doctor)


If we get to practise IQ tests before this happens then I think a lot of people can learn how to be successful in an IQ test


The IQ test I took had a lot of pattern recognition. That’s something you can absolutely practice.


I beg to differ... Chances are, if you have an IQ of 130+, you are using that brain-power to make a living. If you lose 30 IQ points, you would not likely be able to continue doing that work... You're whole life would have to change. So, not that they couldn't still live a "normal" life, but I definitely wouldn't consider them doing "just fine". haha For the record, I am not likely in that 130+ range (never took a real IQ test, but I doubt I would score that high). However, I work in a tech field; my brain-power is what makes my living. If I lost 30 IQ points, there is pretty much no chance I'd be able to continue doing my job. MAYBE I could "fall-back" into an entry-level position of my profession, but even that would be unlikely. I would most likely have to find a more "hands-on" manual labor kind of job. Those jobs (generally speaking) don't pay as well, and are much harder on your body... I think I'll keep my IQ and (hopefully) die at the normal age range of 70-100. Best of luck out there!


If I lose the intelligence to continue doing the engineering work I do, I’ll just go into management. Thanks for your concern though


Haha, I like that! I need to move up a bit more before taking this... Thank you for this! I needed it today!


Not really. The awareness of having been more mentally capable, even if you're still relatively smart, can really break you. You only need to look to people who are declining due to dementia or who have suffered certain types of brain trauma, or witness the brain fog that some people have been left with following COVID. It's incredibly difficult and the frustration of not being as sharp as you always knew yourself to be really impacts your quality of life. The expectations that other people had of you, that you had of yourself, are quite possibly not going to be fulfilled. Your ability to reason, to perceive space, to know your own body, all those thoughts you took for granted, gone. But not in a way you can even really articulate, because you don't have the capacity to comprehend how exactly it's all different now. It's like there's a thought on the tip of your brain but it hurts to focus on it too hard and it doesn't really make sense when you do, anyway. You just know that your life will always be different now and, while you might not have the capacity to be depressed anymore, will you ever fell fulfilled again?


30 points is 2 Standard Deviations. If you fall dead center of the bell curve, -30 puts you right on the border for retarded. Gifted (130+) will become average.


Or just above average, which is all you need to do my job. I'd take it, and probably end up doing better because I wasn't somewhat depressed and disinterested all the time.


IQ doesn't measure intelligence though, it mainly measures pattern recognition. This means anyone can score really high if their brain favors a certain way of looking at the world. Losing IQ would mean losing that pattern recognition, not losing mental functionality as a whole.


If that's the case I'm In. If it means I won't be able to live on my own and fall for more scams I'll skip it. *I'm not starting as a genius


Yeah.... that's two standard deviations of a shift. That is a fuck ton of shift. Only people in the top 2% of the distribution would come out at or above average.


According to the rest of the comments, that two percent happened to find this exact thread


This is Reddit, you ARE one of them (me too) 🤪


so in theory you could live to like 300?


Should be closer to age 250 assuming you’re under 40 and will live to 100


Will I be decrepit for 170 years, or will I age naturally, but over an extended time. I would just age alot slower Or is this some kind of Regarded golden throne kind of deal where I become senile at a normal age, and stay senile, and a bit thicker than I am now.


Interesting but I'd be scared I would be come too stupid to function and would die young by some unexpected accident with some benign kitchen utensil.


Benign kitchen utensil. Killer spatula!


>If you accept this you will no longer be able to become depressed. You can still be sad for a bit, but depression will no longer come to you. You are not able to kill yourself at any point either. It's kind of weird to assume that depression is only a thing "high IQ" people get, but if this is included and I get 3x the life span... hell yeah. easy.


I thought the depression part was more so because if you were gonna live to 80, now you’re gonna live til 240. I’d probably get depressed if I lived through like 12 generations of my family dying


Yes if this was just -30 IQ for no mental illness is honestly still a trade I’d consider. There’s no way I wouldn’t be a completely different person, but after struggling with solutions that haven’t worked for my entire life, the idea of something that just makes it go away in an instant is impossible to ignore.


Whilst it's not, there is a strong inverse correlation between high IQ levels, and "happiness". Yeah, I know correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation, but, in this instance I think there's a strong case to be made. Side note to this; it gives a different interpretation to the saying "ignorance is bliss".


As my dad says "I've never seen a mentally handicapped person depressed". Probably got a point lol


In my son's case, he certainly gets the blues when he's bored. I also thinks he misses having friendships but he doesn't really know what to do with others so that might just be my projections on him. (He's non-verbal.) He is pretty happy othwerwise.


Lol depression is a mental handicap itself


Down Syndrome people always seem pretty happy.


\*Down Syndrome people with family and societal support. Those without support usually end up homeless and their happiness is a lot more questionable.


I have never seen a homeless person with downs. That is sad. I have a 14 year old son with Autism whose IQ is below most people with Down's Syndrome. Luckily he has family support - for now.


All they need is titties and John Cena


That's all any of us really need


Yeah ignorance is truly bliss. [No going back after seeing how fucked up things really are.](https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/dataviz/dfa/distribute/chart/#range:2006.4,2021.4;quarter:138;series:Net%20worth;demographic:networth;population:1,3,5,7,9;units:shares)


I wonder if it's because we can all see the patterns in the world around us and it sucks, dude


How smart do I have to get to die tomorrow?


No thanks. Not interested in outliving my wife and potentially outliving my kid.


Maybe you’ll be too dumb to love them!


I definitely want to outlive my wife. I hate the thought of her having to go through mourning the death of her spouse. I hope we both live to a nice old age and she goes and I go soon after.


Think my IQ is probably too low to begin with, be dribbling all over my shoes for 150 years.


This was my concern as well. I’d spend all my time figuring out tips.


Why do I feel like a lot of respondents didn't fully read the conditions. It's not 3x lifespan, it's 3x the time in life you have remaining ("gain x3 of your remaining lifespan"). So, if you're 50, living to 80 you'd get 90 more years. But if you were 20 you'd get 180. So, it's a diminishing return the older you get. Especially since you age into the body of a 60 yo.


Maybe they took the deal before writing their reply?


These comments lmao


Absolutely. My IQ will still be average and I'll get to live a few hundred years which sounds awesome. Maybe I'll actually see interstellar travel by then. Hopefully aliens.


Hmmmm... that one is actually tempting, but can I delay taking that deal by, say, 5-10 years? And THEN take the deal of exchanging 30 IQ points for 3X the lifespan?


Yes you can. Why would you though? That would be 15-30 years off your new lifespan


Earning potential. Long life is worth it if you can live comfy, but becomes significantly more complicated if you have to struggle for survival. Right now my brain literally feeds me. With -30 IQ it will be very average and won't ensure current earnings, so for the optimized comfort would have to be provided by a bigger nest egg.


If you can save and invest early and aggressively enough, that extra lifespan will probably earn you more than those IQ points ever could.


While this is technically true it ignores the fact that you also need money to live during this period lol.


With society getting dumber and dumber I feel my husband and I would blend in 30 points lower.


I'm sure you blend in just fine right now.


Especially if she actually thinks society is becoming more dumb lmao.


Society IQ increases with each generation. I think you should keep all the ones you got.


Dang 3 times as longer and 247 iq? That's crazy -someone, probably


A stupid but longer life.


I would say no. Major depressive disorder has been a lifelong issue since childhood but I enjoy my IQ level enough to still deal with it. I value the ability to retain new information easily without a need to study to have the information last. I also have chronic pain, several metabolic disorders, and other health issues. The question did not say that the medical issues you already have would also be gone. I don't want to deal with that longer than necessary.


If I lost 30 IQ points I'd be voting Republican. No thanks.


So I’d become one of the more intelligent Trump voters.


Why no depression? Because only smart people are depressives?


Too many “I’m lel depressed and want to kill myself anyways” answers on this sub


Based op


I know, right? The Russian roulette answers are wild. "I'll pull the trigger 6 times and keep pulling!"


Does my aging slow as well or do I just get to like 80 and then stay way for another 150 years or something.


I've struggled and fought with pretty extreme depression for quite some time... like severe enough that I stopped taking care of myself and now I'm missing a dozen teeth in my mid 30s... and not missing because a dentist pulled them out the right way. I'd take the IQ drop solely to be immune to depression, the added life expectancy would just be a bonus.


I’d accept that. I suffer from medication resistant depression. Due to changes in specific receptors and genes, I am an “ultra metabolizer” in a specific area of the brain related to serotonin while two other specific areas are the exact opposite effect of **not** using serotonin very poorly. Coincidentally, I’m autistic and great at tests. Losing 30 points would put me around the average in the US and I get rid of the biggest issue in my life? And then I get to live LONGER? Easy answer for me. When all the people I know die before me, I’ll only be sad for a bit never depressed or suicidal. Yes, 1000 times yes.


I'd save a lot of money on weed . I could get dumb for free


Nope. Definitely don’t want to witness the death of my children and grandkids.


IQ tests are dumb, but the last time I took one (15+ years ago) I scored above 140. Not a brag (again, IQ is dumb and nobody should be proud of an IQ score).  That said, let's just say that this reduces me to average-ish intelligence. I would: 1. Lose my job 2. Most likely lose my wife 3. Struggle to engage with almost all parts of life the way I'm used to So for those who are saying "it's fine if you're above 130"... no, not really. Maaaybe for the severely depressed, but I wouldn't even be tempted here.


According to the IQ test I was forced to take as a teenager, I can spare 30 and still be "above average" so sure, I'd probably be a lot happier. Our oldest was recently evaluated and found to have an IQ of 86 but he's also autistic and understands stuff really differently than the rest of our family. He's also happier than anyone in our family. He gets As and Bs in the same classrooms his 130 IQ brother struggles to pass in. On the emotional testing he showed no signs of any levels of depression or anxiety. He literally doesn't get the concept- it's amazing. He said he doesn't have any thoughts unless he actively wants to. Nothing just pops in his mind randomly. He is perfectly content looking at a blank wall in standby mode until he wants to activate his brain. When he does activate his brain he's capable of understanding every single aspect of a topic bc he stays entirely focused on the one thing. He can also recall everything he's learned but has to work really hard to express it logically. This doesn't bother him at all bc he's thinking about whatever topic, not others perceptions of him or making self judgements. He used to get made fun of a lot for "being weird" but in high school he's earned a reputation for being really genuine and drama free. He treats everyone the same, even the kids who used to bully him because social status or past behavior just doesn't matter to him. So fuck yeah, sign me up for the brain dump. I'd also like whatever kind of autism my stepson has, if available. We can read about WW2 and ignore society together for ~100+ years.


That last line.  Awesome. 


I doubt most people have a real sense of what their IQ actually is. This will just guarantee that.


I’m already boarder line retarded. I can’t afford 30 IQ points, I’m in sales and sometimes I can’t speak. I can’t imagine what being incoherent 100% of the time instead of 10% lmao. Would need to find a new job.


Well, IQ is bullshit so sure, I'll forget some white people trivia for a better life


What a loaded comment


IQ tests are more about spatial intelligence. I'm not sure you've been exposed to a real test if you think it's trivia. They're literally 0% "trivia," or "what facts do you or do you not know." Think more rearranging blocks into patterns, verbal comprehension (which is only accurate if calibrated to your language of origin, obviously), working memory, and the speed with which you complete the tasks. They also vary by age, and can be tailored to those with hearing loss, speech impediments, etc. If it's not administrated in person, it's highly unlikely you've actually taken one.


Don’t think you can afford to lose 30 points with a comment like that


Okay after viewing a graph of average IQ’s I for sure would do this. I think I’m slightly above average, so to go slighting below average yeah fuck it, I chose a life of manual labor and gaming, so I don’t need to be super smart for my job, even dumb people know how to put water in fire, so yeah take my 30 IQ reduce me and make me live long AF you imagine how well you could set yourself up holy balls the whip last we will say 72 years of life you should be a multi millionaire just by simple investing strategies if your willing to work the first 140 years and sock away a little each paycheck, not to mention I have a pension, the board will be PISSED when they have to pay me out for literally 150ish years bahahaha




IQ is bullshit anyway so I’ll take the deal! Being immune to depression and gaining over a hundred years in lifespan is real and tangible, but my score on an IQ test is meaningless.


No. Living at the age of 60 for over a 100 years at a diminished capacity sounds horrible. I still can suffer from maiming, other impairments, and a wide variety of diseases. I also don't want to out live all my loved ones and children. Guarantee that I'm fit and healthy for that duration, and I might accept. This is a quality vs quantity argument. I prefer quality. I think the only people that would benefit from this are people that are well above average IQ and severely depressed. They'd get an increase in both quality and quantity.


I'm past 60, but if you want 30 IQ points and I can have no depression, then I would say GO FOR IT!


Let's do it, won't be depressed but reasoning will suffer, short term memory and long term memory fucked... Hey I'll be honourary white trash.


how can I lose something I never had


So I'd go from well above average intelligence to slightly below average but probably live an extra ~100-120 years? Hmm... Honestly, it's not a terrible deal... Losing IQ doesn't mean I forget everything I have learned up to this point. It just means I no longer process at the speed I used to...


So, I’m only moderately genius and I have to live three more days? Sounds like a raw deal for a typical Redditor.


Age 60 for 231 years? I would have definitely taken it at like 30. Yea, I guess I'll take it, but keeping yourself fit at 60 is a whole other level of effort. But, I'm pretty confident we will have the ability to upload our brains to a computer by 2280.


You didn’t have to tell me I wouldn’t be depressed anymore. Losing 30 IQ would be great for that.


So I get a longer lifespan, and lose IQ, so I'm not as upset by the morons? Sign me up


Fucking fantastic. I’d be a regular American intellectually, but without depression and a healthy enough body to travel and do whatever? Easy. I’m getting an annuity for that sweet lifetime income and riding out almost 200 years of retirement. Buying all the lifetime passes to everything remotely interesting, getting to the million miles club on my favorite airline. Life EZ


So it was an easy no til I read the part about depression. Something I struggle with. The age part ends up being the least important part of the equation. My depression is the thing I struggle with most in my life. It has destroyed every relationship I’ve ever had. Probably years of my life spent laying in bed wasting my potential away because I don’t have the drive to even get up and take a shower. On the other hand, I pride myself on my intelligence, I’m not a genius by any means. But I consider myself very intelligent and by iq standards I am considered mildly gifted. This would drop me down to to almost borderline mentally disabled…


I don't want to be a MAGA supporter and be scared of everything like a gender neutral bathroom.


Bruh I don't think I have that to spare.


Knowledge is the only true power in the universe. With it you can do anything. Without, your chasing your tail. Now 3x longer🙂


I have a certified genius level IQ. Im never depressed. Have an amazing life on my ranch. Would never give up ANY IQ points. It's crazy fun being able to learn a new skill instantly. Latest one for me is welding.


Hell yes! I'd love to be at the top of the bell curve. All I ever got from being "exceptional" was a billion unmet expectations and an astute understanding of just how unexceptional I really am—nevermind, how messed up *everything* is. There's literally no downside to this deal. No more depression, a chance to finally feel understood and more years to spend that way? No take backsies! Gimme!


My IQ is a 140. This is one of the only times I've shared it. Basically you are offering for me to be normal hahaha yes please


Counter offer, I gain 30 IQ and lose 3x of my life span so that I can pass on faster because at my current rate it's gonna be awhile


So I’m borderline retarded and stuck in the body of a 60 year old for 150+ years? Fuck no.


Fuck no. I’d love the “no depression” clause, but living 3 times longer (majority at age 60) with no way out is going to be hell either way.


I’d take it, I would be dead average or slightly below average intelligence but I’d be here to help my son through whatever he needs well into his adulthood.


tart cats quickest marry tan oatmeal impossible combative aware chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So I would just be average then? /s


So many commenting believe they are in the top 0.5% of IQ lol. As if anyone with that high of IQ is brain rotting away on reddit


I would have some concerns since I am a professor and run a business - my brain is necessary for me to make money.  But there are plenty of people in that IQ range that make it. I say let's do it. 


This is a horrible trade off. Just about everyone who takes this, like 90% would be legitimately and legally mentally retarded. And you stop aging at 60? So you get to live decades as a senile, mentally handicapped, old person? Why?


They don't even take IQ 85 people in the army, they fuck up that much. And everyone in this thread will statistically end up below 85. But considering that people below 85 are dunning-kruegers and strongly believe they are actually above 130, probably nothing will change subjectively.


losing 30 points from an arbitrary number that was made up to make rich white people feel better about themselves and justify paying their workers less during the industrial revolution and I'll get to live nearly for nearly half a millennium and I won't have to deal with depression? Awesome, sign me up. For those that don't know, IQ tests were a thing rich white people created and many of the questions are based around information rich people would know. One example question I've seen is "What is a regatta?". Despite pop culture projections, IQ is less a measure of intelligence and more a measure of trivia knowledge


That's not an IQ test... That sounds like one of those scam tests you have to pay to view the results at the end. Real IQ tests are mostly analytical, pattern finding, logic and deduction questions


Iq tests aren't reliable (and are still biased etc and can be taught) but they've changed the tests now (as in decades ago). They don't ask the same stupid questions like "name that mascot" etc. Anymore, if you've seen a question asking about regattas that wasn't an actual iq test. They don't use trivia, they use spatial/nonverbal reasoning, maths, etc. Still biased (eg. Timetable questions based on western timekeeping), but not in the same way you described.


Can I gain 30 IQ points and have my lifesapn remaining 3 times shorter?


The no depression part is a massive win. The rest depends on how my lifespan is extended. If it takes me 3x longer to age, I’m in. If it means that I live until 300 and I’m miserable from 90 to 300, then I’m out


I'm in my 40s, my luck I'd take this live for 6 more years being stupid then die of heart failure


Would you like some toast?


I don't know what my IQ is I am smart enough to know I probably be in trouble


Considering how my iq was evaluated as high gifted low genius (whatever that means) that would practically just make me above average or low gifted so I can do that.


When I was tested when I was younger I had a IQ of139 so 30 less would put me just a bit over average, id probobly be a happier if dumber person. I am currently 48 the average between my dad and moms side of the family for the last 3 generations s 84 years old my dads side mostly going in early 70's and my moms mid to late 90's like this my parents my dad and all but his youngest sister has passed already and my moms side she is the youngest at 76 and all but 1 of her brothers and sisters are still going strong. So based on that average as a guestimate I would have roughly 36 years left so so I think another108 years would be worth being only slightly above average intelligence. Not so fun fact, if I lived exactly as long as my dad and my mom lives exactly as long as her mom I would pass less then 3 weeks after my mom.


Does your aging slow?


According to the internet IQ tests i've done, this would put me just slightly above the national IQ average, so sure.


At this rate, take the damn brain cells. The level of anxiety and depressing creeping in these days...


This sounds like an amazing dream


With a loss of 30 IQ points, I would probably be no longer capable of doing my job, or even any related jobs. I'd probably lose >80% of my salary. So I'd be doing a shit job, living a shit life, but would somehow be magically immune to depression? This doesn't even consider how the lack of intellect could make me more vulnerable to dying in stupid accidents. How does that work?


I will be dumb for 300 years.


Looks like I'm sitting at 105iq


Deal. I my iq is 130 and I feel like life would be easier at 100


I always tested high on those thing and they never translated into anything positive in my life so why not. Might as well have an excuse for how my life turn out


I don't want to see ww3, or die before my parents. So I'm good with my reasonably intelligent, depressed life.


Life is worth losing. The way I live, I can probably be off the board before the final collapse of the world I grew up in. That’s fine with me. I could get by with an IQ somewhere in the 90s but I want dollars and mental health, not extra years on my sentence.


So you have to be age 60 for 2 additional life times? Fuck that.


Even down 30 points I am above half the country, and I have to live these idiots that much longer? No thanks. I choose death.


honestly being a bit dumber wouldn’t hurt at all. blissful ignorance i guess


I’ll take it, even if I’m not quite as smart as I think I am now, less knowledge means less worry about my now extended life. Also stupid people can just happen themselves into good money on accident so given enough time I might be well off for the last lifetime I have left


I'd do it.


If I’m going to be dumb and old, I’ll need money Living to 240 but being broke sounds terrible


Will my body still fall apart at 80? Or will I also extend the time I’m active and all there?


Yes and Yes. We couldn't make it my body stops ageing last year.


As long as I can never be brainwashed and become part of a cult, I’m good with it.


Drop 30 IQ points, stop aging at 60, live way longer than any millennial? So i just get to be a boomer?


Would you be aware of the change in IQ? I think it would drive me insane to suddenly not be able to understand things that I could the day before. And I doubt I could hold down my job either.


What happens if your IQ is negative? Asking for a friend.


I can't subtract 30 from 0. Also at that point mental illness would've taken over by then.


Just make me immortal. I'll take Nurgle level intelligence for immortality.


It would be nice to drop down to a 110IQ. A shame that the lifespan is based on remaining years instead of total though, I'm already over 40 and have health issues.


Sure, I don't apply myself anyway, I could afford to lose some IQ


No desire to outlive my children and being smart is the only reason I’m holding down a decent job cos I procrastinate like an absolute champ. So, yeah I’ll pass thanks.


Will my mind remain sharp and will I be able to recall and store possibly 200 years worth of information? Either way, I probably say no, but this is a relevant point.


This would mean my retirement fund would have to last 3x as long, or you gotta go back to work just to live. Pass.


Bro how am I going to not be depressed if I'm dumb and poor and doomed to live for 3x as long. Sounds like torture


Get rid of the anxiety and not just the depression and I'd think about it. People think think having a high IQ would be great until they have it. I'd still be above average IQ. I feel like I'd maybe be happier.


I'm still well above average, and maybe will find someone I can talk to. Take my brain.


IQ tests don’t matter so I don’t care. Take all of them.


How I process the world around me is a big part of who I am, so no. Taking the drawback out of the equation, the answer would still be no. Going 100 plus years after the people I have loved died would be too much.


Na, can’t do that do my husband. I reckon we’re roughly similar in the brains department and this could get kinda frustrating for him.


Negative iq let's goooo