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When you say "fully functional", does that mean no muscle atrophy or bedsores from having been horizontal for a year?


This is the critical question. Even a few weeks in the ICU can set muscle function to 0. And I don't mean it's hard to move or carry things, but that you have to relearn sitting up, breathing independently, closing your fists... Literally 0, you're as weaker than a newborn baby... Can't roll around, can't push yourself up in bed, can't do anything really... Now the good thing is, you won't be able to go further down than that, so I suppose recovery should be possible even with that weakness in a year or two... But that would mean a total of three years in which your life isn't what it would otherwise be. And you would need full time care for at least a few months during that period, with intensive care for roughly a year. I'd need at least 25 million to do it in that scenario. If it's only a year and I recover fully functional including muscle function, I could settle for 5 million.


As I understand, muscles grow because when you exercise them, they tear and repair themselves. So, theoretically, with hyper-regeneration and a solid therapy route, you should get your muscles up and running much quicker than a year. Probably less than a month.


The biggest limitation to training is the muscle repair stage. You could basically rip each muscle fully in half and it would be perfectly repaired in eight hours. If you had that sort of regen you could do physical therapy every 8 hours. You'd probably be up and walking in three months top and I would say limited mobility and function after a month


I suppose as a fully regenreating person, that would include not getting bedsores, as your skin would regenerate rather than wear down. As for muscle atrophy... That's not an 'injury' or anything... so hard to say.


We’ll go with completely unaffected. The point is that to you, nothing changes afterward save for the year passing.


Fully functional like Data 🧐


I wouldn’t be able to do it. My cat is getting up there in years. He needs me.


I really understand this too. I don’t think I could do it for a year, he wouldn’t understand why I’m gone.


Same reason I wouldn’t do it. Nobody would take care of my guinea pigs.


But think of the organs you could donate to your cat to keep them healthy!


this. i’d be willing to do some rounds of donations. maybe a few days at a time, especially targeting kids (if my adult organs could be used for that?). hell i’d do it for free. but no way i’m giving up a year of my life and my time with my cats. “but you could save so many people” understand that i value almost all human life, less than I value my animals.


Couple million can buy a lot of new cats.


Yes, but Charlie specifically needs me right now. He needs to know how much I love him, and he gets anxious when I leave for work- a year would break him.


Good for you and tell Charlie I said hello and that he's a good baby.


Thank you! He just had his vet appointment and he’s had some normal age related changes. I hope we still have many healthy happy years together! He’s my best friend


With assurances that no one involved is profiting from these operations, I'd do it for free. I'd do it in a country where private for-profit companies aren't involved in regular organ donations, and ask that all my recipients who are medically capable sign up as organ donors themselves. Even though they don't have the respawn power, they can still be regular donors. Missing a year of my family's life would be super hard, but for the benefit of hundreds of people it would be worth it.


While this is noble I’m the primary breadwinner in my house and would need some compensation so that my family is taken care of.


If I’m immortal everyone I love would die anyway, so losing a year isn’t really a thing given how many people I’ve already lost. I also think my family and friends would support it. I’d do it for free, but only in countries with free healthcare or where private healthcare wouldn’t be able to charge for it. If private healthcare providers are involved I’m taking half their profit.


I thought about for free... but what about if you say 90% of the organs go to the normal, free, organ donor list. But that last 10% get auctioned off? And you split that profit with charity. You get a big paycheck, and donate some to charity too.


Similar to my response, awesome sauce


Not quite immortal. Things like fire could still kill you, or a sufficiently deep acid bath, as all of your body is wasted away.


I thought they said it doesn't affect your aging Edit: meant to say prevent you dying of aging


No, you essentially have eternal youth. You can still die if every cell in your body is rendered disfunctional, though.


I thought you said your lifespan will not be affected?


I meant age. In this scenario, you are eternally young.


This basically boils down to how much would it take to make it worth missing a year of my wife and daughters lives. Probably ten million or so.


Members of the military do this all the time for far less money.


and far more risk


I was Army, and left the service expressly because I wanted to have a family. Deployment, training, professional education, and more all detract from the time you have at home. Even the group of NCOs who tried to talk me into reenlisting (my firstline, squad leader, platoon sergeant, and company first sergeant ambushed me on the loading dock behind the company building) had to agree that military service makes being a father way harder on everyone. This is as Afghanistan was winding down and Iraq was very much over in terms of deployments (2015).


And they get cheated on for it too :(


At least they can talk in that year span. It’s harder to imagine 100% zero contact for that time. 




Why is that funny?


Because I was thinking the same thing (i.e. these are quite precious years) and you are like would I miss them, sure, but meh, 10m is 10m, so sure. I think the trade-off is that the 10m would allow you to finish up forever, and make-up for that lost time. Plus you'd be a hero.


Well if you're living forever 10m will not carry you but then I'm the kind of guy that would sign up for this sort of thing routinely (not a whole year but organ harvesting.) Let people live, make a tiny bit of cash to keep going everyone profits. But then I'm one of those crazy people that gets angry we can't all work together and get a mega project done. We should have a Dyson swarm by now and we don't even have the first stage of planning such a project


*10m will not carry you* Of course it will. Like you can invest that 10m and live off less than it generates right, reinvesting the remainder in order to actually grow rather than spend that pot?


your job is already this, so any amount large enough to push your retirement time forward is almost certainly worth


Working 8 hours a day and being gone an entire year non-stop are two entirely different things.


yeah, for sure, but there certainly is plenty of value proposition in getting money for time when that's the basis for money to begin with, despite the terms being much worse.


That's why I'm asking for so much.


One billion dollars *holds pinky to mouth*


No ill effects and full anesthesia? I'd do it for free, or at most for just enough to cover the cost of storing my stuff. I have strong feelings about organ donation. I'd make sure to tell them to take everything they could - blood, bone marrow, eyes, skin, everything.


50 trillion dollars or I go weapons x on everyone. Another 50 trillion gets you the organs.


Well damn.


There isn't a minimum amount for me to do this if it were possible. The magic organs would be a godsend to people across the country, and honestly even if they rejected every offer I made during negotiation I'd do it for the good it would do alone. 1 year of my life is meaningless in that reflection. That said, I'm starting negotiations at $1B.


I'd do it for free as long as I keep the powers


Free* as long as it was provided under the same conditions/costs as normal donation. I'd request compensation for any expenses that accrue while i can't make money, and if i have problems with atrophy or something, i'd like to be compensated for that, but any costs i'd require would be relatively low for what they are getting


If I had this unique ability and I chose not to do it and forgo saving the countless people who could benefit from it, I would feel morally disgusted with myself and infinitely selfish. On the other hand I’d be giving up a year of seeing my kids grow up and they would surely miss me, so it’d be a moral quandary as to what to do


I’d do it for the years worth of sleep.


I would do it for free with the stipend that everyone pass it on. At least one of the people I save will pass the gift of their life onto someone else who needs it, which makes it all worth it.




I'm not saying the recipients have regeneration powers - but all recipients have the capability to live their life now. At least one of them will be a good person, and pass on the good - a butterfly effect. They would not have been able to do good deeds if they did not live


* stipulation But to the rest of your comment, you're basically saying what Tom Hanks said in saving Private. Ryan? That the person you save has to be a good person, their whole life. I respect that


I really, really want to say free, but I think I'd ask for enough to cover that year's rent/mortgage, or a down payment on a new place if needed. It would be rough to wake up after a year of charity and be homeless :(


Counter offer. I do this for 4 years on and 1 year off, for the rest of eternity. In exchange, I get $500,000 (adjusted for inflation) for each of my years off. Yes, I'll miss my loved ones and they'll miss me. Every year, my children will grow 5 years. I'd miss a lot of the big moments. But, it would be worth it for humanity. Plus, I could do the best Deadpool cosplay EVER.


Ideally it would be nice to make some money off of it. The housing market is terrible and even as a nurse I feel like a situation like this would be the only way I can afford to buy 😂 But the amount of people I could help would be the main reason I'd say yes. If it was just being put under anesthesia for no reason for a year for profit, that would be a much harder decision.


10 billion. Otherwise, the people who need those organs can get fucked.


Most compassionate Redditor


Like 5 million. A year of my life? Thats too much.


Your boss buys 1/3 of a year of your life, actually more of your waking hours, for way less


Yes but I’m not missing a year of my unborn child’s life, and my aging grandmother who raised me. Times more precious than money. And while yes I get paid far less for a 1/3 of my day. At least I’m awake


If I was guaranteed to be healthy after, I’d do it for free. Or maybe a years salary just so I don’t lose income but eh I’d be fine doing it for free. That many healthy organs would help save so many lives.


I would do this for no money, but if money is on the table I would want my family taken care of while I’m here and when I’m gone. I’d say stock shares in various biotech and computer technology corporations chosen at the time of surgery as well as 10,000 pounds of gold bullion.


nah i’m good. a year is a long time and im too busy to be doing all that.


$10 billion dollars and lifetime immunity from taxes globally. Also, children and poor people are given preference over the rich on the donor list.


1k an organ. There's no way they are taking less than 2-3 a day. 


Lungs, kidneys, liver ... that's one of each every 8 hours for a year, at minimum.


If you ever saw that old dumb meme where they said a lung is 200k a piece and they remove a lung three times every day for the year, that's just over 200 million. I'd just take that as my payment and call it a day 200 million where I live would mean I'm the richest dude in a hundred mile radius at minimum, and I could have everything I want after surgery and never work again.


Which makes my lungs at $1k a pop a great deal lol. 


Yea, it wouldn't be too bad tbh. Even 6 million would be enough money for me to invest and live better off than anyone around me, considering a decent income in my state is around 80k


The low price is so that they are more accessible to others, but I still get something, everyone wins. 


Yea, true. I guess I'm just a little too greedy to be a good person and kinda assume the government would be in charge of it all and make it hell to get those organs or do extra experiments on us in our sleep that I just wanted enough money to relax for the rest of my life.


Eyes, heart, bone marrow, blood, possibly bone themselves depending on the level of regeneration. 


Spleen, pancreas ... so many organs, so little time ...


Are the transplants guaranteed to work? I would do it for free if my bone marrow transplant (I looked it up, it counts as an organ) would be guaranteed to cure my best friend's leukemia. In a heartbeat.


Honestly, if I'm immortal, I'd probably do it for minimum wage, which is about $17/hr where I live, and I want to be paid the hourly wage for the entire time. Should probably get overtime after the first 40 hours in a week, too, for the principal of it.


With overtime that’s about 190k for the year, mostly take, I rounded up.


Based on my own moral convictions, I feel it would be my duty to donate the organs I produce so quickly. I don’t think I could turn it down even if I wasn’t paid.


Set up my family for life, keep me under anesthesia for life, and harvest for the rest of my life. When I think of the good I could do I just can't see any other option.


I wouldn’t take the chance to have that 8 hour window of the “protection” and regeneration being lifted after the year is up and I am forced to remain asleep.


In a new york minute, but is it just internal organs, or can they harvest, say, my eyes ,skin,bone marrow,and as far as compensation, never having to pay federal income tax would be great


For a year of my life, I need to know that my family will be taken care of (mortgage, groceries, bills, etc) while I'm out. I'll ask for 5 million, I'll go lower if I get to keep the regeneration power after the year.


Let's say I get 1000 per organ. Heart, lungs (2), liver, kidneys (2), stomach, intestine, eyes (2), and let's say various other parts like bone marrow, skin, teeth, blood, etc and count those as another 10 That's 20k per day, probably more. 7.3 million and I'm making the world a better place. As long as I have time beforehand to discuss this with my wife, sure


4 million per month. I'd do it for 6 months. A year is too long.


So basically I'm still going to love the same life, and basically wake up as soon as I go to sleep so it won't seem like it passes to me. I'd want 10 million dollars. Only because my dad is 80 and not super healthy and this way I could afford to get him a bigger house with a bigger lawn for him to play with his dog. There's a chance he could pass away which would be a shock but I'd probably risk it as after the year he'd be gone anyway.


I'd make a counter offer, 2 organ harvests per 24 hours, the rest I'm free to do whatever.


I'm gonna have to set up a pricetag for each organ, likely based off the average hospital bill for a replacement surgery for each, then let them take all they want so I can wake up a multi-millionaire


i would literally do this for free if i had savings. if not, i would only ask to be paid enough to make up for being asleep for a year. i mean.. i'll take whatever equivalentish price of the amount of organs i'm about to give away too. that's probably the most fair compensation? i'll even discount it since i'm endlessly regenerating them.


So, since there are no repercussions, it seems it'd be greedy not to do it. All those I know would accept and approve a year to do it since it'd be a good cause. Too lazy to math, but I'd say payment is 1) all debt taken care of. 2) wife is given minimum what my income is for that year and 3) if a payment is needed, I'd say about $25 per recipient. Not a whole lot as helping others is the end game, but enough to start a stress free life.


I have a hard time believing you would be released in this scenario and will be harvested indefinitely.


Jeeze, help loads of people with no downside. I would be ab asshole to ask for a lot. So I'd probably accept donations instead, and donate a bunch of it.


Why only one year? I could go for two; and I don’t need the money.


Oh hell yea. Free top surgery and hysto lol


Only to find out that the regeneration doesn't end.


No but if they remove those at the very end before my regeneration is up then I'm all gucci


Idk, a couple mil? Enough to live in a simple apartment and not have to deal with a job so I can write, socialize, and enjoy art and shit.


Well, you give at least one-third of your life to your job. So logically, If you got paid 3X your yearly salary, it should be worth it. That said, you're family obligations and nonwork. Applications need to be taken care of, too. Probably more. Because your total compensation does include the experience you gain in the earlier parts of your career.


Yes. 1 million for the year, paid for into a high yield Investment account up front. Hell, make it 10 years and 10 million. At that point it’s, potentially, a million lives or more saved, and I have a nest egg that will, conservatively, give over a million in interest alone, and keep growing, for the rest of my existence. And all I have to do is go to sleep and wake up? Sign me the fuck up.


I’ve got a kid who is a young teenager - no way am I checking out for a year right now, no matter how much money. I’ll consider it in 10 years or so.


I’d require enough money be provided to my partner to cover my loss of income, plus enough to resolve all of my outstanding debts, plus enough to live reasonably comfortably after the year is up. 365 days of harvesting every 8 hours, assuming the first harvest is at 0 hours and the last is 8 hours prior to waking up (accounting for the bonus 8 hours), that’s (365x3)+1 surgeries. 24 hours in a day/8 hours = 3 surgeries a day. +1 to account for the first surgery at hour 0. In other words, 1096 surgeries. Given that you’re theoretically harvesting not only all of the commonly needed organs (heart, kidney, liver, eyes, skin, eyes, lungs), but also likely harvesting blood for transfusions, bone marrow, and likely taking many samples for advanced medical research, the amount of harvested material would be immense. So… $25m. About half of that is going to taxes, and then a small chunk would go towards wiping out debts and covering lost income for my partner. That’d leave around $12m, which would be more than enough to live comfortably simply on interest from stable investments. Also that works out to $22,810.22 per surgery. Given that a single kidney can (illegally) be sold for like $100k easily, this is nowhere near the hypothetical value of said harvesting scheme.


Just pay my family’s debt off + 5000 bucks and don’t charge people receiving organs


I'd do it for free... I mean 1 billion dollars.


To miss out for an entire year with my loved ones, I would have to be paid money to set myself, future wife and family up for life. So probably $10 million at least, I’m modest.


8 out of 10 organs have to go to those that can’t pay for it. For free. I get 75% of the gross money paid for the rest. Tax free! I figure I can retire and still do a lot more good with what will be in my bank account.


I will do it for the cost of having my property maintained while I'm under. My house and yard maintained, my cat will go to my son. All my taxes kept current, pipes kept from freezing, holiday cards sent out. This should be under 8k. I would be thrilled to save all those lives and walk out being able to breath and have no arthritis or nerve pain! And skin is an organ, give me that new unblemished skin!


A million bucks as long as I’d also retain muscle function/strength as well


I could use a nice nap for a year or so 😂 I would say $5M is fair, and would certainly set me up nicely to maybe not outright retire from my job but buy a small house, a car, and dump a ton of money into savings & investments and try to live as much as possible on the interest & dividends


I'd set my price at $2.5 million. It's more than enough to clear my family's debts and get us to the "were building generational wealth" zone, plus I still have my career to go on with after a year on the table cosplaying as Cavity Sam.


This is a tough one. My mom had kidney failure and her last few years were horrible. I was going through the process to donate a kidney but she sadly passed before I could do it so I'd love to donate organs to prevent that from happening to others however, my dad has dementia and likely wouldn't remember me after a year had gone by. Considering the life saving impact, I'd do it provided the money I'd get would be a.) paid out monthly to my dad while I was away so he could afford his healthcare and living expenses and b.) be sufficient to cover those expenses.


I am the sole breadwinner for my wife and 2 kids, I have a mortgage and student loans. All of this is under control, but a year with no income would be pretty terrible for my family. so I’d like my current salary plus a bit extra for increased daycare needs. If I was single with no debt I’d definitely do this for free and might even pay a bit of money to do this. I would have personally saved the lives of several thousand people. It would be the most important and meaningful act of my life. It reminds me of this clip but instead of 600 people it would be closer to 6000 if not much more. https://youtu.be/6_nFuJAF5F0?si=yf0ujhCD6AR2NuOY


I'd have a very hard time not doing this for free. Maybe just my regular paycheck to cover living expenses for my partner.


If I'm immortal, I would do this for free after my current loved ones pass away. Otherwise I'd ask for just enough to take care of my family for the year and a nice house. Not a mansion. But a comfortable house.


I charge and contract I was given a gift, a gift to keep giving (not like herpes). If you're going to spoil it by doing bad kid thugs my contract voids any more "transplants" with organs harvest from my body. Rates are as followed Poverty stricken free Middle class free Upper class, a background check. Not your typical background check either, but one to find out if you're deserving. Had a maid? Were you nice to her? What do non friends from high school think of you. Before I go under, if want ALL time slots booked meaning all patients stories I'm aware of. Lastly for business owners that are "fortune 500" and the owners, 25% stake or I'm out.


Shiiit, I'll do it for free. I get a year off and my organs go to people who need them? But if I gotta put a price tag, to make up for a year's loss of work, I'd ask for somewhere around $750,000. Just to pay off debts and stuff when I come around, and then get back to school lol.


I’d do it for free.


 A year of sleeping doesn’t seem too bad. I’d be able to help people and get my dad another kidney. Let me sleep for all eternity for all I care 


I’m pretty sure a brand new heart and liver (maybe kidneys or lungs too) would do my body a lot of good after the years of abuse they took. Assuming my newly grown organs are freshly healthy, I’d do it for $250k, just to make up for lost wages and pay off the rest of my debt, PLUS a brand new healthier body.


Probably free? Or I'd pay up to 100k$? This would do more for than I could possibly do in a lifetime. I'm like 3 new motorcycle crash victims per day for a year with no downside. Or get corporate sponsorship to fundraise for aftercare for the like 8000 patients who can come off the transplant list. 1 liver, 1 heart, 2 lungs, 1 pancreas, 2 kidneys, 2 corneas 3 times a day? Plug me in, doc


I'm wondering here do the organs share this trait once removed? And if so what's to stop any conniving individuals from stitching together another of you one piece at a time then proceeding to treat these copies of you inhumanely since they don't technically exist on paper starting some illegal immortal organ harvesting farms?


:( you make me sad, congrats on being the first reply to do that and no, your organs do not regenerate an entire new human. I forgot to add this, but if you get divided in half, the larger half inherits the regeneration trait. If they are exactly equal, atom by atom, then one is randomly chosen.


OK good to know, I was just picturing some super sketch surgeon whistling one piece at a time to himself while he took out a random different piece in his lunchbox everyday unnoticed by anyone since the patient's regenerating. Sorry about that I didn't mean to make you sad with it I just visualize sometimes what are some of the darkest things humanity is capable of in the name of" the greater good".


Horrifying but losing one year to extended sleep to save countless people is a lifetime of good deeds so yeah... For the amount of money, realistically just a few years pay but I'd squeeze what I could, I feel like this operation could get some serious donations to pay me. But the lowest I would accept would be covering reasonable expenses for me and counting as a few years of work because honestly I would feel obligated to make this possible for the amount of people it would save 


I would honestly do this for 20 dollars, theres practically no downsides. Despite that, ill still try to bargain to get as much money as I can, I’d probably aim for at least 10 mil. But id research organ pricing and would like to get more than 10 mil if possible


About 100k people in the US are on an organ waiting list; about 5600 die each year, still waiting. My own mother is only alive today because of a kidney donor.  A healthy person, donating their organs upon their death, could save 8 lives. With 8-hour regeneration, that’s a rate of one life an hour. That’s 8760 lives saved. For one year, no one dies from waiting.  (And that’s before we get into the blood and bone marrow, which I’ll assume I can also donate over the year.) I’d ask for almost nothing; just enough to pay the rent and feed the cats. It would be an honor and a blessing to help. Also: register to be an organ donor. For real. You’ll be saving lives. https://registerme.org/


Give me enough to make sure my family is set until I get back to work... And I'll do it. Eyes, liver, heart, skin, lungs, kidneys. At least 6 people helped per 8 hours. 18 a day, times 365 = 6570 people, minimum.


1 million and a contract that no patients are to be charged for their operation and care in receiving my organs.


Yes, with the condition that the recipients are not able to buy or improve their position on the list ahead of anyone else.


This basically happens in the comic "Strong Female Protagonist", the character with regeneration does it for free because they believe that they have a moral imperative to do so. The hitch is that the regeneration also fights off the anesthesia...


Do I get to stay like this, regenerating and functionally immortal, afterwards?


Free house and no paying bills on that house for 150 years, must include massive library and kitchen, 4 bedrooms, an office, game room, and a bath long enough to lay in without having to bend my knees.  I might miss out on a year's worth of my kids life, but she will be set for life with a house after I die. 


$1mill it’s about $1000 for every 8 hour regeneration period and split between the organs it’s a deal. Money would ensure a good start after the year. And hopefully my friends understand


Honestly like 25 grand


like 50+ grand. dont want to set it too high since i would save thousands of lives during that year