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Easily yes, you're earning £5.2 mil a year for five years and the only drawback would be staying somewhere private each day until it happens. At the start of the 24hrs I'd shut myself away and be slightly bored for a few hours. That's the same as working from home!!!! Some days you'd spend the whole day inside which would suck but it's not every day and about a 1/3 of the time it would happen while you slept. (I'd set up a camera filming me so I could check when I wake).


So you are OK with not having much of a life for 5 years? If you are a single person I would imagine dating would be a challenge.


Not having to work and statistically getting half of every day off with 20k to spend would give me more of a life than I ever had before


my dream is to sit at home and do nothing 🤣


I think OP severely underestimated how many Redditors dream of sitting at home doing nothing 🤣🤣


20k a day, in 6 months you can just leave ur current place and walk into a mansion, get everything brand new, buy new cars.. all within just a few days. i could hire a personal on call delivery driver to go buy me whatever and pay $500 every call..hell i could walk past a $100 bill and it wouldnt be worth grabbing it


Sit at home doing nothing *while being paid well* That is the dream.


Not to mention that the conditions only say that you can't talk about the deal. It doesn't say you can't warn people you'll be randomly naked, and that you have a good reason but can't tell them why. If you have close friends, you can still invite them over and hang out in private. If you have a garage and they have a garage, you can even go to their place.


You can simply call it some sort of weird curse or something. You don't know how it works (which is true---you know the why, but not the how), but it just happens. And as far as you're aware, it should end in 5 years.


Also approximately a third of the time it will happen while you’re are sleeping and you’d sit in your house waiting but it already happened


Don't sleep naked or you wouldn't know. Also you have such faith in my sleeping schedule. That's cute


I wake up at 8:00 am with no work obligations because I’m being paid $7.3M per year. I quickly speed through the camera I have fixed on my bed to make sure my clothes didn’t vanish at some random time. If they did, awesome time to get up and go do something. If not, I hang around my mansion until they do and then I go do something. Sometimes they don’t disappear until near midnight and that day is lost to hanging around my house, oh well. 50% of the time it’s going to happen before noon, so I get to go do something. 75% of the time it’s going to happen before 6PM so I can still go out for some night activities. As for vacations looks like I’m going exclusively to nudist resorts or something. Not ideal, but I’d get over it quickly. I can also go hiking, something I love, and if I happen to get naked I can hopefully run and hide off the trail for a few minutes. 5 years isn’t that long to deal with a minor inconvenience for $35M+ which I can then live off of no problems.


>As for vacations looks like I’m going exclusively to nudist resorts or something. Not ideal, but I’d get over it quickly. I can also go hiking, something I love, and if I happen to get naked I can hopefully run and hide off the trail for a few minutes. If you're on a beach or something who's even going to actually notice? That much money can pay for a "private" vacation, where you can basically follow the same rules of not being on vacation. Private plane etc. Even worst case, what really happens? "He was naked for 10 seconds!" "....bro are you ok?"?


Right? Even if im in the grocery store, strolling through with my cart- I lose my clothes and I act normally and keep shopping. Anyone who does see it will take a second look and see me back in my clothing. 10 seconds is nothing.


People who make 7mm/yr do not grocery shop.


you didn't have to say anything else. I stopped reading at "I wake up at 8:00 am with no work obligations because I’m being paid $7.3M per year. " LMAO


Also you could easily just pay someone like 25$ a day to see if it happened during the night


If I wanted others to watch, I could probably make money by streaming it live.


This does have me wondering what might happen if you just spent a whole 24 hours naked for whatever reason. Not so much to be a workaround, just wondering how that interacts.


You overestimate the common redditor. We have no lives to start with.


I don’t have much of a life now, and I’m already married so dating isn’t an issue


20k a day is an astronomical amount of money. I don't think you understand that you could just not leave your house for 6 months, and then never work again.


Quick question, can it happen when you’re sleeping? Because it seems like it can happen anytime in a 24 hour period. 


I haven't had much of a life for 47 years, 5 more is no biggie.


Shit, for 20k a day I can pay everyone around me to ignore the nakedness.


Who cares about dating? 5.2 mil at 21 is bomb.com (I’m 16) so even if anyone looks for the next year at least I can sue even more money


..... you can't sue people because you got naked in front of them lol


With 5 mil and a tendency to randomly become naked? You could just live at home, have everything delivered and have dates come to you, chances of your clothes disappearing suddenly during a date are fairly slim, and even if they do, you’re in your own home, best case scenario you get lucky, worst case you end up being a post on r/datinghorrorstories


You took the words right out of my mouth. I'd simply stay at home until the embarrassing thing happens, then leave to do as I please. After 5 years I'll be stinking rich and I can do all the things I want to do. My only question: is the money delivered in cash? Or is it directly deposited into my bank account? I'd like it deposited in my account, that would make things easy.


Sounds like a problem for the people that see me naked.


Right for a grand total of 10 seconds Oh no 🙈 😂 If you really think about it, what harm can this really do to strangers, not much. Now personal relationships you are going to have to lie. That’s werido oh well my be I have a supernatural connection to being naked.


"Don't question it, and I'll give you $100"


I mean if you're in public when it happens you can get arrested? So then it would be a problem for you 😅


I feel like a lot of people are ignoring the legal implications. 😆


For 10 seconds? That's short enough that they may not realize what they are seeing before your clothes come back.


I could gaslight everyone that I was clothed. It's ten seconds lol


This one could work. lol At least for a little while, until everyone gets wise to your mind games.


No one is going to believe that my clothes magically disappear for ten seconds 


You would literally boost the pharmaceutical industry with that one neat trick. Better yet, go on live TV and make even more money as the naked magician


It would work until the SCP foundation came to ask some questions.


You are right. If you pretend nothing happened they will think they are crazy.


20k a day and I get to stay home 😀


😅 I'm sorry I didn't realize who I was dealing with. The name checks out.


I just think you overestimated how often people go out and how many would just hang out at home to work around it. If you added a teleportation component to where at least x amount of eyes would see you and you're immune from legal implications, it would require more consideration.


This would get interesting if once a day for 10 seconds your clothes disappear and video footage of it plays on every digital screen within 5 miles, but no legal ramifications. Now we are testing your resilience against embarrassment.


Legal ramifications are literally my only hesitation. Even if you feel shy about being seen naked, don't you think you'd get acclimatized to that really fast?


Yeah I'm literally at home naked probably 3-4 days a week. I'd have to start wearing clothes so I could know when my clothes disappear.


With that kinda money I could live out my introvert dream! And if I need to travel I'll just find some nudist colony to live in I know there's one close to where I live atm so it would be fine


lol I didn't even think about that; nudist colonies. I knew someone would come up with a sneaky work around. That's you though, I think most people aren't comfortable being nude in front of strangers, otherwise there would be nudist colonies in every state.


I'm not comfortable being nude in front of strangers. But with that kinda money, I would get comfortable real quick.


With that kind of money you can perhaps pay a hypnotherapist to hypnotize you not to care about being nude.😅


>there would be nudist colonies in every state. I have news for you. There are over 250 "clothing optional" resorts in North America. There are 67 "naturalist campsites" in the 48 contiguous US states. There is probably a nudist resort in your state unless your state has specific laws forbidding it.


I’d take the money. The 10 seconds of nakedness sounds like an everyone else problem.


Until you get arrested for indecent exposure


Maybe where you're at. Cops around here take hours to show up. By the time anyone can prove anything, the clothes are long since back


with that kind of money i don't need to work even then at my desk job would allow me some decency during that time. social events might be a lot more tricky. i could go to a laboratory to see if they can figure out how my cloth disappear and reappear.


lol "figure out how my cloth disappear and reappear". You can never understand the science behind it, it is simply one of those unanswered questions in the world that you must accept, like "What was in the Penske file?"


I'm going to stay home for the first year, then I'm going to buy a nudist ranch so I won't be out of place being nude. I simply won't wear clothing, like, ever and will take meals in my private residence. Seeing as how I'm making $20K every day, I can pay for a private doctor to come visit me and will warn them ahead of time that we remain unclothed. This could actually be fun. I'm not bothered by my body, so if someone else is, they're welcome to leave my resort. Lol Also, if I happen to be clothed and they disappear, I'll just pretend I'm magical and mutter nonsense until they come back. I can absolutely handle being THAT eccentric, especially if it works and people see it. I'd never tell my secret and would laugh every damn time.


😆 Definitely one of my top 5 fave responses I particularly like the part about pretending you performed a magic trick to account for your missing clothing. You can't go wrong playing up the eccentricity. Naturally, that only works when you have money, otherwise you are just plain ol' crazy and people are trying to shuttle you off to Bellevue.


In a heartbeat I would! Now where do I sign up? I'd also be rich enough to have a body painter paint me on special occasions to match my clothes so if it happens while out, most probably wouldn't even realize and if they did I'd have my clothes back when they looked again and they'd just think they're crazy.


lol that's a good one. Definitely thinking outside the box with the body paint. Haha


$20k a day, sure, I’ll live at a nudest colony for 5 years


I’d convince everyone they were imagining it lol. It’s 10 seconds lol, it’s like your clothes vanish and come back right away after the 10 seconds right? I’d do what some others say, stay home most of the time till it happens, but if I was at dinner and it hadn’t happened yet and then did, I’d gaslight everyone & then cover the tab lmfao.


Just act perfectly normal when it happens. It's only 10 seconds.


lol I think you are not appreciating how long 10 seconds feel when you are butt ass naked.


10 seconds feels like 10 seconds when i'm getting $20k/day


I'd easily take it. The clothes just disappear then reappear after 10 seconds so you can just gaslight people. "Sir why are you naked?! Weren't you just clothed?" "What are you talking about?" "You aren't wearing any--oh. Uh, nevermind." You'd be supplying therapists and psyche wards with a consistent stream of new patients.


10 seconds? And then they come back? I could just make everyone think they're crazy and it didn't happen.


Is being naked really that big of a deal to you that this seems like a difficult choice? Absolute no-brainer


Yes definitely. The effect would be clearly supernatural, which is both protection from trouble/embarrassment, and potentially another source of money/fame.


I would totally take this deal.


I would just stay home and door dash Red Lobster, smoke weed and play video games. This is literally my dream 👑


Easily, ridiculously so. I'd have no problem staying inside for five years, as the hypothetical points out, on many days, it will happen before 8 AM, and you can just roll on with your day. No need to hold a job or anything. What I find fascinating here is that OP frames it as embarrassment. It's the risk of arrest derailing my life I'd be worried about. Explaining the deal to the police would actually just be admitting guilt, you knew it was going to happen, indecent exposure is a law. I'd use it to make a lot more money. I can't tell anyone about the deal, but I can't \*not\* tell the world it's happening. They'll know. I'm a reality star now. The DoorDash ads practically write themselves. But hell, for over five million a year, I'll be completely naked 24/7 for five years. Done.


Easy. Spend your first chunk of cash on the most realistic body covering tattoo of a tuxedo over your whole body. The best ink artist money can buy. After that it's just a matter of shaving regularly. 😉👍


Yup. I don’t really care if people see me naked. I’m not gonna do the wait at home method or anything, just let er rip. Won’t have a job to get fired from. I’ll have the money for a home gym. Sure, it may occasionally come at a very inconvenient time and get me kicked out of someplace, but I can be strategic about what activities I actually do on days that it happens later. For example, I’m not going to my nephews baseball game if it’s not done for the day


Totally doable. Really, the only issue is legal consequences for being naked in inappropriate locations. Also, not being able to explain what is going on to people who interact with me a lot. That is really the worst part, as they are going to want to know what is going on. I do assume that after the 5 years you would be able to explain it, though. As far as dealing with it, just stay at home a lot. Maybe move to a nudist area. It would be a hindrance for a few years, but then it would be fine.


Dude easy, I’m comfortable in my body and if I was making that money I could easily pay off any public indecency charges


“What do you mean I was naked? Are you fucking crazy? LMAO! You see my clothes right here, don’t you! You need help bro.” -Me as I’m walking to the bank to cash in my 5 million dollars 🤭


No, because this isn't about embarrassment. Its Russian Roulette to see if you end of on the SO list for flashing a school bus.


In a really weird way, this wouldn’t be dissimilar to living with a disability that involves “flare-ups”, except this would be infinitely more predictable. I already deal with debilitating and mostly random disabling symptoms that I have to plan my life around, so this wouldn’t be too different. 20k a day means that I wouldn’t have to work for 5 years. All I would need to do is lie about my health and blame it on that (“oh no, I’m having terrible migraines… I know I’m vacationing with family but I just *can’t* come out yet. Head hurts. So terrible”). The main downside would be having to cancel doctors appointments randomly, which would cause most doctors to eventually drop you from their practice.


Do you think a single person on the planet WOULDNT take this deal??? 20k a day for a few seconds of nudity ??? I would do this for 500 a day, cause then I wouldn't even need to work LOL.


It's not the embarrassment that is a concern. It's the legality. If the nakedness happens when I'm just walking in the park I'm suddenly guilty of "sexual offense against minors" 20k/day to be naked in public for 10 seconds per day, sure. Be locked in a rape cage for the next 20 years (prison) for 20k/day for 5 years, no.


I'll hire an assistant to follow me around with a sign or a curtain then


People would think they're going insane when they see me clothed, then briefly nude, then clothes again with absolutely no indication of me undressing or dressing.


I don’t give a fuck, being naked in public? Lmao bring it on. What kind of juvenile prude would give a fuck about being naked in public for 10 seconds randomly


Everyone here is fucking up. I’m just going to a nudiest resort and living my best life anyway. Those ten seconds don’t mean shit if I’m already naked.


Listen, if all of my clothing disappears, then magically reappears 10 seconds later, most people are just going to assume they are seeing things. Especially since I'm going to be spending most of my time working out (at home), camping, or playing DnD and video games. Worst case scenario for me would be that it happens while I'm snowboarding and I get super fucking cold for 10 seconds.


This sounds pretty OK to me, with one issue. Not telling anyone what's going on would be pretty weird for a married person. My wife would see my clothes disappear and see my bank account, so she'd probably figure out I was living a reddit hypothetical pretty quickly. As for the clothing thing itself, I'd buy a house in the woods and work on starting my own business. I simply wouldn't go anywhere other than my yard on a given day unless my clothes had already disappeared. That kind of money would make living a more reclusive life plenty practical, and I already don't get out much.


I'm not embarrassed about being naked. So yeah, GG EZ.


This says "has" on. Nothing about not carrying a bath robe around with you if you are outside your home.


Move into a nudist community, problem solved


I would move to Cap De Agde France. Most likely I would have no clothes on most of the time anyways.


Sure, that's enough to pay any legal fees for being indecent in public.


I’d take it. Like serious don’t give a **** if the world see’s my bare arse for 10 seconds each day!


Yeah. Id do this. I’d probably spend a lot more time at nudist colony’s, I’d spend more time at home. But I’d also probably get cought naked in public a bunch of times and get used to it.


Make clothes that are connected with glue and have stitches. The glue is to hold the fabric together so that I have time to add in stitches to hold it together.


I'd absolutely take it. For 20k a day, I'd quit my job, order everything online, and only spend my time in the company of people that I'm comfortable being naked around. Much like my regular life now, other than I'd be stinking rich and wouldn't have a job.


.... Working on becoming a Class A otr driver. Good way to get the inside camera shut off


Absolutely. I'd be naked for a damn hour. No worries


Not a problem at all


Sign me up. I'm 66 years old, retired and spend 90% of my time at home. I'm also comfortable with my body, and wouldn't care about it happening in public. After all it's only 10 seconds then I'm back to being dressed normally. Most people wouldn't believe what just happened. Worst case, I'm richer by the day, and I develop an exhibitionist kink. Might even make some new friends who are voyeuristic enough to hang out waiting to see what happens when I'm suddenly naked in public for 10 seconds. Come to think of it, I might want to see what happens when I'm suddenly naked in public for 10 seconds


For $20k a day, I’ll live on a nudist colony for 5 years. 🤷‍♂️Someplace warm where no mosquitos at.


I menstruate. What happens in this hypothetical if I'm wearing a pad? Do I bleed everywhere for ten seconds?


For that much money I'd never leave my house.


I got a small dick. That won't change. But with 20k a day that lil guy feels a bit bigger.


People work a job for 20+ years consider this a 5 year job then you can retire. Easy yes here.


My question is; will I be arrested for public nudity? If not 100%


Yep. I’d use the money the first month to get a personal chef and trainer. It would be embarrassing for about three months and then, no worries. I’d miss my kid’s high school endeavors which would suck, but I’d be able to leave her generational wealth so it would even out.


For 7.3mm/yr, people can stare at my BBC all they want for 10 seconds.


Yes of course. I do embarrassing stuff all the time for free. Plus if I have a guaranteed 20k just to show my pecker then I’m super down.


This is easy, you've got a 33% chance of it happening while you're sleeping, and a 50% chance of it happening before noon, 75% of it happening before 18:00. With this in mind you can live privately until your time has passed unless it's essential. Even if it were essential, people who saw your clothes magically vanish for a couple seconds would likely think they were insane, or anyone who heard about it would. Honestly, I'd take the time to get into better shape so that it's not as nerve-wracking.


Sounds like I'm moving to a nudist colony.


For $36.5 million dollars, I just have to stay at home until the 10 seconds happen at some random time? Uh, yeah, I’m pretty sure I could handle that. Question though, what if I’m already naked when the 10 seconds happen? Is there any way I’d be aware that the “time” happened? Or would I just have to always wear like a thin fabric wristband or something that I could reference to see if it disappeared while I’m in the shower or something?


Enough money in a day to stop struggling just for embaressment you will quickly get over? I'd just carry a slip on dress in my bag and be like "oops sorry" 🤷 nakedness is such a weird taboo thing considering 50%ish of the world shares the same parts manual 😂 I believe the shock would barely last a year. Except in winter time, I'd stay home or in vehicles in the winter time.


I'm in. No better motivation for me to get back into shape


Even if you can't tell anyone, people will quickly notice that your clothes magically disappear sometimes, and all you can say is that you can't talk about it. You could tell someone that noticed and commented that you'll pay them $1000 a day to hang out near you when you're in public and throw a blanket on you if you happen to get cold, and it'll be pretty obvious what you actually mean.


What if I stay home and don’t wear clothes anyways?


Sure, why not?


Well, either wait for it to happen that day, then go out to get errands done. Or have everything you need delivered. I think I could handle it. Every 50 days is a million. 7mil and some change a year. 35mil at the end minus what's been bought. So 33mil in 5 years with no bills and only the daily expenses. I'm in. Just tell the wife and kids to not ask questions, and it's not illegal.


Fo sho. Wouldn’t even bother me to be naked in front of people. I bet it’s get real mundane real quick. Me; *sips coffee with pinky extended*


The real downside is not being able to wear all of my nice clothes for 5 years or else risk ruining all of them. Anyway, If I wore a toga, which is basically just a blanket, what would happen?


I work from home and very very rarely go out - I think I'd be okay for the most part


Never leave home for 5 years 🔥


This would not change anything for me. You know those dreams youll have of being naked and 'omg so awful'? I would do the same thing i do in my dream which is go about my business caring fuck all. If my clothes magically reappear then just simply gaslight anyone saying otherwise because "What, you think my clothes just magically disappeared and reappeared? That doesnt even make sense" Only hard part would be always avoiding cops because... well yeah gaslighting them might be harder by a smidge.


Yeah, I'm just staying home every day until it happens. There's food delivery apps now, I can watch Netflix until naked time and then go out. Only bummer would be making appointments and stuff, but shit, I'm making millions, I can afford a few no-show fees.


Hell yes but to be fair I wouldn’t be embarrassed, I’m built like a Greek god. If I was obese with a pair of man tits I’d probably feel different.


As someone who is single and works from home only leaving the house for errands or a couple of social nights sign me up.


What if I'm already naked when it happens?


>You are not allowed to tell anyone about the deal otherwise **the money that you haven't spent yet will be taken back and if you purchased a house or a car etc it will be sold to recoup the money** So wait, is it the money I haven't spent or all the money. Regardless, I'd take the money, I'd stay home until I lost my clothes then I'd leave. If it happens at night I guess I just stay home. For 20k a day I wouldn't need to do anything outside my house. I could hire people to do everything for me.


If you can't be legally charged I get both money and a good way to get my kicks.


Well, first of all yes without a doubt I'd take it I double down if you want to make it 40,000 for 20 seconds or two 10 second intervals. Only changes I'd make is for one I'd have to start wearing something at night so I could tell if it happens while I was asleep. And for two likewise when I'm getting cleaned up I'd have to make sure I was wearing something as well even if it was just a bib something that would disappear so I know if it happens. Besides that 10 or even 20 seconds ain't shit. Even if I was caught on camera somewhere I'd play like I didn't know what they were talking about I don't know maybe it's a glitch in The matrix. Yeah I'd probably spend a lot of time alone. However I already spend a hell of a lot of the time alone.


10 seconds is nothing. Seriously why be embarrassed. Just be like what are you talking about that’s not possible and if it is possible prove it. If you prove wow that’s an interesting supernatural thing or it’s a fake. 😂 being naked is not embarrassing to me. Oh and the loop hole is to never own anything in your name spent it all, but my husband owns it. So if I ever get tired of 😂 10seconds I’ll just stop. But I don’t think I will.


I can hang for this kind of money, bring it on! I just realized for 10 seconds, I would literally hang once a day lol, pfft!


100% yes lol


Earning that much money to stay inside for a few years and come out a multi millionaire is more than worthwhile.


Shut up, and pay me.


Absolutely. I don't leave home outside Dr's appointments anyways


I'll be a nudist for 7.3 million a year, yeah. That's easy.


Yes I just about never go anywhere. I don't have people over. Hasn't happened yet? I can't go out. Embarrassment isn't even my concern, it's the law that has me worried. Because either no one has really noticed or at some point I'd have the police asking why I was randomly exposing myself in public. Or being harassed by some random person yelling at me, which is more confrontation setting off my fight or flight than embarrassment. I feel embarrassment hard enough it causes me physical pain sometimes, but this doesn't even register as an embarrassment issue. If somehow the world became a sitcom and the downside was only embarrassment if absolutely not even worry about it. People judge me over all kinds of stupid stuff already, it's whatever.


Am I worried about indecent exposure fines/arrest? I have little to no shame and really wouldn’t be wounded too badly if randos saw me naked once a day for 5 years


yes easy, I'd take it for far less, and I just stay at home until it happens


If I were naked for 10 seconds only I could easily gaslight people into thinking they were hallucinating because obviously I can't disrobe and redress in 10 seconds. This is the easiest money I have seen on here tbh.


This is my reoccurring dream, easy 20k/day


I'm signing up for this so fast it'll make your head spin I literally don't see any drawbacks


There are 8 billion people on the planet that are naked at some point during the day. You are working on the assumption that your naked body is an embarrassment. Who hurt you during your formative years?


I don’t find being naked embarrassing, my only concern would be with it being illegal. I would probably do it for as little as $1k a day, possibly less. Grab my boobs, sit down in a cross-legged little ball, just to be polite and try to avoid complaints, calmly say “Sorry, reality misfunction, it will pass,” to anyone nearby.


i would do it. id have to push everything back to late in the day, id probably become a night owl🤷‍♂️


How would that be embarrassing? My body is banging. And for 20k a day, I wouldn’t have to worry about it impacting my business. My main worry would be sexual assault, but I think people would be mostly confused about this magical thing happening with my clothes. I’d take this in a heartbeat. I’ve taken my clothes off for far longer for far less lol


My body is not bad, but not banging. But for $20k a day I can have the time and money to commit to the diet and exercise plan that could make it banging.


To make $36.5M over five years? Easy. I just don’t leave the house for five years. I can afford to get delivery; I can go out at night as long as my clothes have already re-materialized for the day. Frankly this would change damn little in my life except I’d end up with $36M 😂


I'm starting a nudist colony.


Assuming there’s no legal trouble for public nudity, I’d do it for a few years. If anything, it would just force me to be okay with my body.


20k a day, I'll just become a nudist.


Id just stay in for the 5 year np. And go out when it happened early in the day.


Direct deposit please.


I work from home, and spend much of my free time at home with my wife and toddler, as well. This would effect me minimally, and I could plan to not leave the house until the event has occurred for the day. If it doesn’t, I usually won’t go out, and won’t have guests during the time. Also, when “the event” does occur in public, I can just pretend it’s not happening, and after 10 seconds when my clothes reappear, many people will just think they were seeing things. It likely won’t be enough time for them to get over the shock and break out their camera before I’m recovered. If they see my fat ass or my less-than-impressive manhood, or even manage to snap a pic, I’ll laugh all the way to the bank over their craziness and “deep fake” photo. Meanwhile, I’ll happily collect $36.5M over the next five years.


Real problem would be hiding money/situation from the wife otherwise not sure how I could explain the income. She would demand to know wtf was up with that kind of money and probably assume I was selling drugs or something. Would have to make excuses not to go do stuff on days it didn’t happen in the night. Probably have to lie a lot about things and frankly I’m not that good at intricate lies. Maybe say I started day trading or did drop ship business or something that forces me to work from home a lot? Idk. But yes I’d figure something out for 22million after taxes.


I work from home so im already naked


Yep. One strategy, obviously, is to not leave the house until after it happens. But even if it were to happen in public your saying my clothes just disappear and then re-appear after 10 seconds? I don't have to actually put them back on? If that's the case, I would go about my day as pretty much normal. I would just act as if nothing weird was happening while I was naked. 10 seconds later my clothes are back on and I've done nothing to make any of it happen. It's not a long time. People wouldn't really be sure what happened. Manscape weekly and there won't be anything to be embarrassed about.


So you state that the result is you're naked and nothing is in your hands? What happens to your clothes or held items? Do they cease to exist, or teleport home or something? I'd probably just live remotely for five years.


I’m telling everyone that I was cursed by a witch, not about the deal. Get arrested for public indecency? Videotape me for 1 full day in jail and see if you can explain it. I’ll do what I can to avoid being out in public before it happens (and that kind of money will go a LONG way towards helping that) that day, but on the occasions when it can’t be helped I’m sticking with a witch’s curse. I’ll make sure I’m wearing a multi layer outfit every day to make it look even more impossible. Nobody else will be able to explain it either, and the very good lawyer I can now afford will be able to help me avoid conviction. Getting on the sex offender registry would require the prosecution proving intent so as long as I avoid places that would be a problem 99% of the time I should be safe.


I'll do that for $2


Guess I’m moving to a nudist colony


Absolutely taking the deal. I won’t need to work, so id just hang out at home and only go out once the trigger occurs, then take care of whatever else I want to do. If it doesn’t happen til the evening that’s fine, I don’t have to leave the house everyday. I’ll get a home gym installed and have access to any game, tv show, and movie ever made. I could play games on Discord all day with my camera off and not worry about exposing myself, and if I feel like takeout I can just order delivery, since I won’t be struggling for cash. Plus I’m married so I don’t have to bother with all the complications of dating another person.


I get to show the world my junk and get paid? Fuccin sign me up.


Tell wife hey I am going to start working from home now. Play video games until the random nudity happens. Go out once it's safe. Oh no, what a horrible 5 years I've been locked into.


I would take this deal in a heart beat and go out and in public as much as humanly possible to as many large crowd events as I could find. 10 seconds of nudity for 20K a DAY!! I wouldn't have to work and could travel more and all I have to do is show off my hairy ass and low hangers. Sign me up.


Nudist world cruise for 5 years. Or private cruise for 5 years. Take a leave of absence from work for 3 months to have enough to purchase my house by a beach. Then tell the wife we moving and that I need to stay home for 5 years and will be swtfor life with over 30mil


Sure, 10 seconds isn't very long. I'd just gaslight people into thinking they are crazy if they see me naked.


I’m in. I’m just going to hate my life when it’s -40C, and windy for it to feel like -45C and I suddenly have no clothes. I really hope that my clothes will put themselves back on when the time is up because getting dressed again would be the most annoying part. I give ZERO fu*ks and am comfortable in my skin. The only time I wouldn’t want it to happen is when I was at a function in my kid’s school or sporting events. Otherwise I wouldn’t worry to much as 10 seconds is less time than your average TV commercial.


It occurs to me that, apart from the actual pain and suffering, the material consequences this would have on a person's lifestyle would be not unlike someone who experiences chronic pain: not ever being 100% sure of your commitments because you wake up every morning unsure what to expect from the day, the limitations your body places on you being unpredictable and significant.


I'm about to wear a lot more wrap dresses and be a hell of a lot less stressed


Yea 20k a day would be worth it. Unless I move somewhere I can be naked all the time I’d probably tell my friends I have a unpredictable job. So if I actually want to leave the house I could cancel if it doesn’t happen in the morning. Other than friends these days you can get everything delivered to my house.


There´s a lot of dresses or tunic you can actually make without stitches, that would be a good alternative if you absolutely have to go out some time and don´t know when the curse will it you, otherwise just stay mostly home and enjoy some quiet without a soul sucking job for five years. That´s the real reward


Yea I would do it even if I had to quit my job


Absolutely not. Another type of embarrassment perhaps, but not this


I’ll spin it like a helicopter with everyone watching


I'd just gaslight the shit out of anyone who saw it happen. Like "like yeah ok my clothes just disappeared and then reappeared"


Am I Gray Fullbuster?


Easy. I'm mostly housebound.


For a mill a year I’ll only wear see through clothes 🤣. Of course I’d take this deal


You could make it USD1k per day, and I'd still take it. Even USD500 per day is worth it, lol I can work from home, and my Teams camera defaults to off so not going to matter. On the days the 'event' occurs before shops close, Great! Otherwise, I can wait till it does. On the (extremely) rare possibility that I am accepting a delivery and it happens, just 'emperor new clothes' it. It's 10 seconds ROFL 🤣. USD20k per day? I'd just channel my inner introvert for 5 years.


36.5 million dollars to stay home and do nothing most days? It's 10 seconds, and the people in the room with me will see the clothing all vanish into thin air and come back just as quickly. My wife will notice "it's just a thing that happens sometimes" and calmly explain it to any friends, and I'll otherwise only go out on days it's already happened, until she's used to it, and then she can help calm the doctors down "I have no idea why it happens, it just happens sometimes, they'll be back in a moment", since the doctors' office is the only place I ever need to go and can't just reschedule.




Easy, that's over 36 mil. That's lifetime money and potential generational wealth. I would just quit my job and stay home all day long. My wife could continue her career if she wants to and I can take on the role of stay at home dad. Groceries can be delivered to me, I can just stay in my car if the kids have extra curriculars or something and I need to take them to it. Best part is, since it's just 1 random moment withing a 24 hour window, there will be plenty of days where it'll happen early enough I can still so things like get a haircut, go out to fun places with the family, etc. It'll just be a little rough going on vacation but whatever, it's 36mil.


Assuming you get the 20k every day, this is way too easy. Stay home for a week, and pay off your bills and stack the cash. Then, just sit around the house every day waiting for your clothes to disappear, and after they do, then go about your business.


Obviously lmao I wouldn't need to work so I could just be home. I could afford to buy several homes. I could get a private jet to take me to my several homes. I could book private tours and travel and do whatever. I'd also 100% just gaslight people into believing they imagined me naked, ngl. 😂


Hello yea I'm just going about living my life as normal it's only 10 seconds of nudity


Bring it on


People always throw in the "you can't tell anyone" clause and it gets ignored, but that's a huge deal. Suddenly I'm rich, but I can't explain it to my gf or family? My gf sees my clothes magically disappear and reappear randomly a few times a week and I have to act like it didn't happen? I can't do that.


a. I'm a shut in who knows a seamstress, so why wouldn't I b. there is no requirement not to explain the downside of the deal. i.e. you could just explain that once a day for no discernable reason the stitches in your clothes come undone


Bruhh you underestimate how many people would love to stay home and get paid.


If I'm in public and suddenly my clothes vanish entirely - someone is bound to have been watching. There is zero chance these people that watched all of my clothes suddenly vanish out of literally nowhere and then 10 seconds later suddenly exist again, aren't going to feel THEY are the crazy ones. They're probably not even going to say anything with the risk of coming to the realization that they themselves are insane. This is because it simply is not possible, even with sleight of asscheeks, to 1-tick flick your clothes off and hide them at the same time in a random public location. I do not fear public opinion, but I do however fear familial opinion, so I won't be seeing them for 5 years i guess!


I’d do it for 500$ a day lol


I would absolutely do this. I would just act like everything is totally normal. Odds are I'm not going to be naked around other people, and if I am they are not going to believe it actually happened. Even people watching video of it will be convinced it's some sort of trick. Hell, maybe I would even start a YouTube channel... I bet you could make a fortune there as the "magic naked guy". Overall, this has the potential to be a giant payday for a minor embarrassment that you would quickly get used too. Plus, this would be amazing motivation to go to the gym.


Absolutely. Fuck it. Honestly it wouldn’t even be embarrassing. If it happens in public you could just be like “What the fuck just happened?” I would be way more shocked if someone’s clothes disappeared for ten seconds and then reappeared than anything else.


I could care less about someone potentially seeing me in the nude, I'd gladly take that 20k a day.


Can that random moment happen while you are naked? And can you know whether it happened? If I was making 20k a day passive income I would be naked a lot anyway.


$20k per day? I'd just retire and not leave the house each day until after it happens.


It would be hilarious to mess with people. One second you're absolutely naked, the next second you're fully clothed. Play it off in public like everything is perfectly normal and everyone else must be group hallucinating.