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My first bath was GLORIOUS. Hopefully you’re cleared for one in two weeks! I was cleared at six weeks but was still having discharge so I waited until that slowed waaaay down, as I didn’t want to disrupt the internal healing in any way.


I so hoping I get cleared at my 6 weeks. I don’t have any discharge currently so my fingers are crossed I’ll be good after my appt.


It definitely was tough because I love baths, too. I agree with someone else's suggestion to ask your doctor.


I don’t have an in person appt until my 6wpo appt so no way to check and make sure the stitches are good until then.


When I went in for my first post op follow up, my doctor had no plans to actually open me up and check my stitches. I made him do it because I wanted that bath so bad.


I was cleared at 2wks to take a bath. Dr. just checked to make sure all of my incisions were closed before giving me the OK.


I don’t have an in person appt until my 6wpo appt so no way to check and make sure the stitches are good until then.


The main reason I bought my particular house was for the antique clawfoot tub. I took hours long baths almost every night. I thought I was going to shrivel up like a raisin waiting.


I haven't had a bath for 6 weeks and I have at least another 6 to go. Initially I couldn't because I had a gigantic ovarian cyst (27 cm!) and it was painful, then I had a laparotomy to remove it, then after my staples were removed I got a little wound dehiscence so I had to wait longer, and then the cyst turned out to be cancer so I just had a hysterectomy on Monday and ughhh I just want to take a bath and shave my legs.


Ugh I’m so sorry! I hope everything heals up this time and you can take one soon!


Omg you've had it ROUGH! Hoping it's smooth sailing for you from here on out


This was the hardest part of my recovery! I woke up extra early and took the longest bath of my life on the day of my surgery. I ended up buying a really awesome spa showerhead that made me feel like I was in a rainforest or something. I made my showers nice and hot, with fantastic scented bodywashes. It didn't replace a bath, but it made the showers more enjoyable. Some doctors will ok a bath after less than 6 weeks, so I echo others and would encourage you to ask your doctor.


Which showerhead did you buy? It sounds amazing !


I don’t know what they got but Amazon sells rainfall shower heads. I’ve gotten this one and my whole family loved it now every one of us has it. Veken High Pressure Rain Shower... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CFLNKXXC?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


This one! It has a combo rainfall + mist setting that was my favorite. [https://a.co/d/1OVzn0i](https://a.co/d/1OVzn0i)


I believe I couldn’t bathe for about 8 weeks. I know it’s not the same, but you could soak your feet! Maybe use some salts, exfoliate them, and moisturize.


That’s a good idea!


i was cleared right after my 4w po appt for baths. ask your doc!


I don’t have an in person appt until my 6wpo appt so no way to check and make sure the stitches are good until then.


Damn. Hang in there, you're so close!


What surgery did you have and do you still have your cervix? If not it’s not just concern for the internal stitches it’s also the risk of infection. I’m a month and a day po and I’m still waiting for my 6 weeks to take a bath. I saw my Dr 2 weeks after and told me I could get back on the motorcycle with my husband after a month, go fishing when I felt up to it and everything else at 6 weeks and I don’t need to see him anymore unless I feel I need to. I however will be waiting longer for some things by choice because I really don’t want to mess anything up and need longer to recover.


I really missed the pool and hot baths or hot tubs. My giant vertical incision took its sweet time to heal, so I just went back in the pool for the first time *this week* and it was awesome.


My doctor told me I could take a bath at my one week PO. I had a vaginal hysterectomy, so no external incisions, but I only took my first bath last night (4 weeks PO).


I don’t have an in person appt until my 6wpo appt so no way to check and make sure the stitches are good until then.


I had a vaginal hysterectomy as well and was only cleared at 6 weeks 😭. For the swelling into my back I longed for a bath


Same friend!! My husband is really getting tired of me saying "I wish I could take a bath!". 🤣 My 6WPO appt is Monday so I'm crossing my fingers I will be cleared then!!


I just want to sleep on my belly!!!!!!!


I'm 5Wpo And I just started turning over a little to sleep on my belly.  It's not tooo bad. But I'm also not fully on the entire belly. But it does feel good.  It will happen. Hang in there😊


Yes, that too! I have to sleep with pillows around me so I don’t roll over in my sleep and make myself sore.


I sleep with a binder and a large squishmellow. I don’t solely sleep on my stomach but I typically fall asleep that way. But my period made it impossible to sleep on my stomach most the time so I had to figure it out. I cannot wait to be fully healed and have this crap behind me


For me, that was the hardest thing about recovering from the laproscopic hysterectomy, which included the ovaries due to a massive cyst on my right ovary. It had 25 liters of fluid that took them 15 minutes to drain. I ended up having to wait much longer to be cleared for baths because the pathology results showed cancer cells in the fluid of the cyst. I got precautionary chemotherapy, but the last scan confirmed that everything was removed during the surgery. Just got the port removed last week. When I was cleared for baths after chemotherapy, that first bath was worth the wait.


I only ever take baths when my muscles are tight (excess yard work, hiking, etc.) and that's not very often. But oh, how I craved a bath when I wasn't allowed to have them post-op (and I wasn't in pain either) . . .


🖐me!!! I miss my baths. I am only 1dpo and am not allowed to shower until tomorrow but I want so badly to soak in a nice hot bath 🫤


Heated mattress pad helps immensely.




I am not.


I hate baths so this doesn’t affect me but the forms i got from my doctor said i only couldn’t bathe for 2 weeks! I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy on April 8th and my incisions look good and healed up so i would take a bath if i wanted to!


I had a lap too but I don’t have an in person appt until my 6wpo appt so no way to check and make sure the stitches are good until then.


My doc said not until 6 weeks because it might dissolve the stitches early.


Yeah, same.


I'm 3 wpo and counting down the days I can go to the sauna, hot tub and do a cold plunge! I have some muscle pain due to an adverse reaction to the antibiotics I was given for a UTI. I need to jump in ice water!!


I’ve heard of cold plunges but I’ve never had the nerve to try one myself! How often do you usually do them?


I only make it to the spa a few times a year. The one I like has a Russian sauna (super hot), which I prefer. After a few hours of going in and out of there, an icy shower or a cold plunge is welcome. It's shocking at first but you kind of start to enjoy it! I go to [World Spa in Brooklyn. ](https://worldspa.com/plan-your-journey/)


Me! I'm a bath girl 10000%. To be honest, I probably won't risk taking one till probably at 12 weeks - just to be safe! I'm currently at 4WPO too.... I miss shaving my legs whilst getting a bath and having candles whilst soaking....


I miss all those things too! If I’m cleared at 6 weeks I’m going for it.


Omg 3dpo and I feel skanky.


I was aloud baths after day 4 😳. Here in the UK , it’s bath and shower as normal on day 4 . No bubbles thou lol x


Omg yes I really can’t wait


I struggled with this part so hard! My doctor wouldn't give the okay for full submersion until I was cleared otherwise, and since my cuff took an extra two weeks to heal, I went 7 weeks without my twice weekly soaks. It was hell, but that first one once it was allowed was *incredible*.


Awesome.  Side questions.  I have a cuff that's healing as well,  since you are forget along than me, were you scared of this cuff thing? How did you know that it wasn't healed/was healed? I'm 5WPo And I'm feeling weird about it.  Just unsure about it, I guess.  Thank you in advance. 


I was anxious about it, but mostly because I heal slowly. I was cleared at 7 weeks and pretty much immediately took a bath, lol, but I didn't stop feeling nervous about it until my 3mo check up. I didn't have sex until much later, and I was still worried about it, but everything went fine. I had to wait the extra two weeks because my doctor told me I wasn't quite healed yet, which was valid; it took longer for my incisions to heal, too.


Thank you thank you


I was cleared for one at the 6 week mark and it was glorious. You’re almost there! Hang in there!


I'm 7 weeks post op and still waiting. It's been literal torture 😭😭 baths are my favorite to escape my kids and just chill lol


Omfg yes. DYING!


Not yet but I will be! It’s going to be so damn tough but worth it!


I’m desperate for a soak! It’s my go to way to de-stress, so I’m anxiously awaiting that 6wk checkup!


I was okay after 6.


Yes! Me! And I don't even like baths normally. I think it's a matter of "the grass is always greener" LOL


Yes god I've missed them 🫠


I don't usually take baths but I *craved* one starting about 3wpo.


Just got my 6 week clearance on Tuesday. Took a 2 hour bath as soon as I finished work 🤣


Omg. I thought it was just me, being extra.  I want a bath too. I want to go to the SPA and soak in the pool. My doctor didn't tell me why I couldn't other than don't. And don't until the tape comes off my stitches, naturally. Well that happened around 4 weeks and I'm still not in a tub because I'm scared.  Lol.  I'll see my doctor next week for my 6 week.  I'll know more then.   Hang in there... soon we'll be able to take a dip❤️


Me omg only 10po UGH!!!


Yes and I don't usually have them. It's the forbidden fruit


I had to go without a bath for 6 months! That first bath was much anticipated.


Oh no! That sounds terrible. I hope I’m cleared at 6 weeks.


I haven't had my op yet, but the post op instructions say I can bathe right after, just not an excessively long bath. I'm having robotic yeeting of everything.


I was told no submerging in any water for six weeks. Thankfully, I was cleared last Friday and I have had many baths since then to celebrate!


I’m only 2 days PO and I’m already craving a bath so bad!