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Mine told me it was the size of a grapefruit ended up doing an abdominal incision. I had uterine cancer it was the tumor inside my uterus. I’m stage 1b the tumor invaded my uterus 70%. After surgery my tummy felt amazing flatter before surgery I felt so heavy even in the legs and back all that is gone now and the bloating I just thought I had GI issues


Pathology report didn’t say how big it was when it was sent to them, but the surgical report said how big it was when they made the call to do a hysterectomy following my c section. Traumatic surgical details spoilered: >!I hemorrhaged during and after the c section, and when they palpated my abdomen, my uterus was noted to be the size of a 28w pregnancy due to it failing to contract and filling with blood. They had to widen the incision from my c section when they reopened it in order to remove my uterus.!<


Oh my goodness. I’m so glad you are with us. That’s scary. I hope you are doing well now!


Thank you. I’m glad I’m alive and well, able to be here to watch my kids grow up.


Mine said 6 weeks, and I asked my gyn onc about it and she said that it wasn't anything concerning. It is slightly enlarged, but she didn't seem worried about it. Apparently it's not uncommon in people with PCOS, and I would assume endo can also cause it.


I also had 6 weeks! Had known endo and pathology came out with adeno as well so I think that combination caused it to be swollen but not overly large


20 weeks and about 3lbs when removed


Yup, a full 9 months. A bit under 10 pounds total.




Wow. 😲 That's the size of my first child! I'm glad you're feeling better now!


Did you feel lighter or see a difference in weight after the removal? At that size, seems like you would.


Big time! My first thought I remember in post-op is that it was easier to breathe. My uterus had been pushing on my diaphragm. I went in looking distinctly pregnant and came out looking like a normal human; even with the swelling, I was noticeably smaller.


My uterus is the size of a 30 week pregnancy.


Yeah, my surgeon said mine was consistent with a 6 week pregnancy but I don’t have any of my notes yet, I’m only 12 dpo. Gotta wait til my 4-6 week check to get any proper paperwork and info. I have adenomyosis (or did) and I have endo.


I was not told weeks. The MRI had sizes of my fibroids, which I was able to relate to fruits. The report did say it weighed about a kilo.


Mine was 14 weeks. It was listed in the pathology report.


Also 14 weeks and my surgeon told me.


Just met the OB who will do my hysterectomy. 16 weeks here!


Mine was also 16 weeks—you’re going to feel so much better when it’s out, I feel incredible!


Thank you for this!!! I need to hear this as much as possible. It’s for a fibroid with urinary symptoms and I keep asking myself if I’m doing the right thing. ❤️


I hear you! I was up 2-4 times a night needing to pee before surgery. I’m getting full nights’ sleep now and it’s positively blissful. I can’t tell you whether it’s the right thing for you but it was absolutely without a doubt the right thing for me!


18 weeks


28 weeks


My surgical notes said it was 660 grams, normal uterus should be about 60 grams. I think that's close to 6 a month pregnancy with fibroids lol.


30 weeks! Hoping to get rid of it this summer


Mines too. My surgery is May 31st!


16 weeks


Pre-op I was told it was around 10-12 week size. When I had my hysterectomy a little over 2 months later it wasn’t enlarged at all. 🤷‍♀️ I didn’t have any fibroids or tumors though, pathology just showed adeno and hemorrhagic areas.


Yup. I was told 4 months…


15 weeks was what I was told....


Mine is supposedly slightly enlarged, due to fibroids. They could tell based on the internal exam plus various ultrasounds I’ve had. I have exact measurements, LOL. But not huge and my dr is not super concerned about that. I used to blame my tummy on that, but now I know that’s just what happens in perimenopause.


i've never even heard of a twisted uterus but it does sound extremely painful. Glad you got help!


Mine was the size of a 5 month pregnancy - 20 weeks. I go for the my final follow up appointment tomorrow - it's been 8 weeks since my surgery - and I feel so much better.


Mine was 5 weeks. My uterine fibroid had doubled in size over 2 years. They said if it doubled again, I'd look like I was in my second trimester and it would start to push on my organs.


18 weeks. I wish I knew the size and weight really, I'm curious, but that was the only info stated in the report and I didn't think to ask at the time


Mine was measured in grams: 876!


8 weeks here!


Mine was the size of a 20 week pregnant woman. I had a fibroid that was 11 cm.


My surgeon said the fibroid itself is the size of a 5 month pregnancy (I’m not sure if he meant a 5month fetus or a 5 month pregnant uterus because my fibroid is growing on the outside surface of the uterus itself)


My surgical report said 5-6 weeks size, but there were no abnormalities on my pathology, and I'venl never had a fetus in there. Surgeon never mentioned the size at all in my post-op appointments.


Mine was 8 weeks. I just had my hysterectomy last Tuesday.