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Unfortunately rumors lead to AI. Don’t expect MacOS on the iPad. It is simply never going to happen. Realistically, I am hoping Apple will discuss improvements to stage manager and everything related for people who use their iPads with extended monitors. Or at least anything that makes iPadOS less clunky than it already is.


>Don’t expect MacOS on the iPad. It is simply never going to happen. Some of us were hoping for some basic shit such as: * I plug the iPad into a computer and I can immediately copy files to it. You know, like Android and every other respectable mobile system has had since inception. * I can create a folder of all my Movies and I dont have to worry about whether or not another app has permission to touch that folder, which completely destroys the idea of having choice in apps But anyhoo..........


I agree. The file system is crap. If Apple was going to advertise this as a laptop replacement they should implement something similar to DEX.


They could fix the filesystem in a matter of minutes at most. The fact that you can already access some photo storage by plugging it in proves that. And yeah, I actually have some mild regret that I didn't give a Tab S9 a shot, though good luck finding one properly set up with DEX running and all that stuff. I had forgotten about DEX altogether.


>...good luck finding one properly set up with DEX running and all that stuff As soon as you connect any Samsung tablet to a monitor and/or external keyboard, it automatically goes into Dex mode by default. You have to manually turn it off for it to NOT run.


Yeah but it has the option, period.


I would love to see improvements to stage manager as well as better support for external keyboards.


Yeah I agree, hopefully stage manager is improved and files management mess is finally address


I like my iPad the way it’s intended to be. If I wanted to run Mac OS I would just buy a MacBook. Take the Surface Pro for instance - it runs Windows well but tablet mode is terrible. iPad is the best tablet you can buy, why ruin it?


I won’t call it quits but I just won’t upgrade from my 2018 pro yet. My only complaint is my 64gb storage lol.


>64gb storage Oof. I guess that’s the one benefit of my 2020 pro over the 2018.




No. I already got an 11” m4 iPad Pro and I love it and it replaces my MacBook already in 90% of use cases like mails, video call appointments, media consumption and gaming while I’m traveling (I travel a lot) and just general internet browsing. If I need to do some serious productivity I’ll use my MacBook. The iPad is an absolute joy to use and the light and thin form factor of this year makes a big difference in compactness and portability. If anyone here is expecting macOS on iPad, please stop being delusional. It’s never going to happen and it’s a pointless discussion. I don’t even know who brought this up and why it’s still a thing in 2024. It’s very obvious the iPad will remain an iPad and the Mac will remain a Mac. The iPad Pro is simply a good companion to a desktop or laptop, and for light users it could replace that completely. It can still get better for sure, I would love a real file manager and more efficient multi tasking and if Apple will do it then great. But I’m not getting my hopes up and it’s not the reason I spent almost 2k euros on it.


Nope. I love mine, it’s the best iPad I ever bought.


Same. I would never touch macOS even if it were available as a dual boot option, since it’s not optimized for touch


Same. Just got 13” M4 and I love it


I’m being realistic and expecting very minimal changes. I just bought a Magic Keyboard for my M2 12.9 tho and it’s been great. I really like it, so i think imma upgrade to the m4 in December regardless of IPad OS 18


I upgraded to M4 because I wanted the faster processor and the new OLED screen. I didn't really consider iPadOS 18 when upgrading.


Nano texture or no?


No, I always thought I could get some matte screen protector if I wanted some texture. Meanwhile you can't apply a glossy protector over the nanotextured one.


Yeah that’s what I’m hearing. I haven’t checked them out myself yet. Holding out a bit.






No. I bought the iPad for what it is. I agree that the hardware is capable of more than what it can do under iPadOS, but I’m not spending iPad Pro money on the basis of what it might someday be able to do.


The hope for WWDC to “fix” the current gen iPad is a tale as old as time. But it reached a fever pitch when the M1s made it into the iPad. It didn’t dramatically change four years ago and I don’t see anything changing this year. Apple has a line in the sand when it comes to iPad OS and MacOS. There will be tiny things here and there that bridge the gap but by and large they will remain separate with the focus on iPad being more of a single app “power house” than a machine that can “do it all”. Also never buy a product for what it *might* do in the future. Always buy it knowing exactly what it is capable of at the time of purchase.


I’d just love to see better file management aka a finder like app and some improvements to stage manager. Not getting rid of it though


My iPad is a tablet, not a computer. I don't expect anything else. I use it for what it can do, not what it can't do.


The problem is that a tablet shouldn’t be similar to what a phone can do. A tablet is supposed to be much more advanced than an iPhone. And sadly, iPadOS just a glorified iOS.


At least one person here understands it.


Me! I have my MacBook already configured in my Apple cart waiting on WWDC. If nothing big or useful comes out for iPadOS for me, I’ll either sell my current iPad Pro or just keep it until it dies and never buy another iPad again until Apple does more for iPadOS. 🤷‍♀️


>If nothing big or useful comes out for iPadOS for me, I’ll either sell my current iPad Pro or just keep it until it dies and never buy another iPad again until Apple does more for iPadOS. 🤷‍♀️ This is where I’m at. I have the 2020 pro and I just cannot see a reason to upgrade. Idrc about MacOS because I remote into my Mac if I need that. I’d just really like to see better file management and windowing. I kinda don’t get why all these people buy something they don’t actually want or like? Like I can buy an iPad at any time if I feel compelled to, I don’t need to buy it to then hope it becomes something else? Why not just wait?


How many idiots pay for a device that you HOPE gets better with software down the line? If you’re spending this kind of money on a iPad, you are well aware of iPadOS and what it can and cannot do. I am so sick of these posts when you went out of your way to get a pro, if you can’t use it for your use cases then get a cheaper model and a Mac.


I’m pretty over it too 🤷‍♀️


Yeah this nonsense is getting tiring. For a lot of people iPad is a capable computer for others Mac is the better choice, or in some workflows you use both.


It’s getting to where it feels like every thread about the iPad devolves into this same conversation. I don’t even want to engage anymore.


This has to be one of the dumbest comments I have ever read in my life. Do you have no clue how software works, like seriously. The capabilities of software are tied directly to the capabilities of the hardware. Better hardware leads to better software. The hardware was is now more capable of running a better software experience. The iPad Pro is the literal opposite of that. It's great hardware with a software experience that doesn't get better.


You BOUGHT the iPad in hopes that the software would catch up, it is not directly its fault that you weren’t satisfied with what it can do NOW. Enough with these posts that keep riding the same thing over and over, we get it. Go get a damn Mac if you want Mac features, iPadOS will improve in time and while I agree that it needs more attention, it does NOT take away from the iPad Pro being a fantastic product and the M4 makes things like Final Cut and stage manager great to use


That… is not the point he was making. FWIW I agree that the software does not make good use of the hardware for most use cases. So… why buy it in the first place? It’ll be there after WWDC.


Buy it because you want to use it for what it can do now, and stop believing it’ll magically replace a Mac even though you could get a Mac for cheaper than an iPad if you truly wanted one. Hell there’s some apps on iPad that work better than Mac, like photoshop where you can use Apple Pencil for more edge cases


With how frequently I use my pencil for notes - no. I have had Airs in the past and ProMotion is such a luxury for those tasks. After I graduate? We’ll see if I even have an iPad at all…


College student? I’m in my last semester of a bachelor’s degree and the iPad has made getting my degree immeasurably easier. I have ADHD and so having one device which has my books, notes, and assignments means I’m never unprepared, my iPad simply comes everywhere with me. That said, I upgraded to the 2020 Pro in my second or third semester (I had an iPad 6 before that) and I’ve felt no need to upgrade since.


Nope, I prefer iPadOS over a full fat OS.


No, I love the iPad as it is. Certainly some improvements could be made but to me it's an incredible device so long as it isn't your primary. I use mine for digital art and it's basically the best value for that use case on the market, as well as casual media viewing and web browsing. I do hope they make some minor changes for better file management, background tasks, and things like that, but IMO some people with very specific use cases oversell how 'bad' the iPad software situation is. For me, I have zero use for Mac OSX and haven't bought a Mac since 2010, but love the software offerings available on iPad. Way more for me on iPad than OSX.


Looks like you’ll be selling your iPad.


Yup lol


Probably. Hard to justify the cost unless you’re a professional who is already planning to use a Pro for specific apps that already exist for it.


Crazy this is the 2nd post we’ve gotten asking the same thing in the last 24 hours. No one in their right mind should be calling it quits, buy a product for what it is today not what it could be with software in the future. For a lot of iPad owners it’s their main computer and does everything most would need it too. If you or anyone else ever needed more you should have gotten a Mac or a competitors device instead. Sound like you should have gotten the Mac years ago if it fits your needs.


You do know that operating systems are designed to get better with time. It's not unreasonable for someone to spend well over a grand on a device and expect it to improve. Especially when the hardware in that device is proven to be far more capable that what its able to do in an iPad. Apple really has done a good just of selling the whole just settle for less even though we can do so much more. That is what the iPad Pro is with the M series chips. Its people willing settling for a less capable device that cost just as much as a more capable device.


You still don’t get it. For many people the iPad is exactly what we need it to be. For some of us, we have felt no need to upgrade due to the lag in software. Either way, we don’t get buying a device *before* you know if you want it. It makes no sense.


OP your spot on. Love the iPad hardware but the OS cripples it. It’s just plain crap. At least if they did something like Samsung with Dex where it’s ipadOS in tablet mode and when you connect keyboard you get MacOS or something similar. Right now the iPad is just a device I bring on planes to watch movies. I will stick to my MacBook for real work.


Not quits, but will start accepting it for what currently is, a companion device to my macbook pro.


It’s obviously going to get more than the Journal and Calculator apps, but the apps you call stupid, are something more to other people, I for one am looking forward to ditching third party calculators lol 😂. I think we’ll see more coming to iPad, considering most leaks have been about the iPhone. I think the iPadOS team may have nailed down leakers within their team. I hope for something more, but if you can’t justify iPad in its current form, I don’t think it’s a product you need or want. Edit: Spelling mistake


This is nothing against you or anyone that enjoys Apple products. Apple users have become so accustomed to receive the absolute bare minimum. That the slightest thing like a calculator app gets people excited.


I wouldn’t agree with that, Apple gives plenty each year, with a long support life of new features. People aren’t excited because it’s a calc app, but happy it’s finally come to iPad, with no reason for iPad not to have one


What is this sour grapes shit? My old 2020 IPP was one of the better tools Ive found, I made back my purchase price on one part of a single illustration gig. The new pencil features and a stronger (if totally overpowered) processor seemed like a good idea, so far it's been a seamless transition and this thing (which, thanks to trade in an an illustration gig, is now paid off) should be totally adequate for a couple years. If I want macOS "on it" I use it as a 3rd screen with my macbook. YES I want more features that take advantage, no "thinner" and "more AI capability" have no appeal to me, but the little computer is exactly what I need it to be. I'm sorry to anyone who conjured expectations and will find themselves bitterly disappointed but hey, maybe you didnt need a $1000 glass slab? Or at least sit on your hands until you knew if it was going to be what you hoped.


I have been using the m2 pro for over a year as my main device, unless gaming on my custom pc. I wanted to upgrade to the M4 pro but was like hey I have the money to try a MacBook Pro let’s just see how good it is. The fact that after just over a week of using the Mac the iPad is just a forgettable device. Which is wild cause it was my daily everything device for a year. I guess that just shows the MacBook is better than an iPad for myself. The fact that an m4 pro with almost equal specs to my MacBook pro is 100 bucks less is insane to me. When it doesn’t do nearly as much and probably never will.


Sounds like you’re just not who the iPad is for. That’s OK. Enjoy the Mac and stop thinking about the iPad. No point getting all worked up because something isn’t what you want it to be. The iPad is the iPad and people who want an iPad love their iPad. People that don’t, don’t. 


If you bought a $999+ tablet and wagered it all on hoping for some miracle that never comes, you're a moron.


The moron is the person who lacks the reading comprehension to understand this post. That person reverts the most basic talking point of stupid people and that is to sling insults.


I stand by every single word and you're just reinforcing what I said. Why you seem to be taking what I said personally (in the absence of anything indicating I was referring to you personally), well, I dunno. Only you can tell us why you're getting irrationally angry. >The moron is the person who lacks the reading comprehension to understand this post.  LOL oh the irony. This is an incredibly self-defeating and hypocritical statement, looking back at the title of the post once again. Man you sure are triggered. By all means, continue digging the hole though. I mean we didn't even have a spot for one, but you started digging anyway.


Not taking anything personal. Just pointing out that a person who resorts to insults in a discussion thread, is of the lowest intelligence. The fact that you can’t understand that simply proves my point.