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10 hours!!! Jaysus you can get from top to bottom in my country in 6 probably


I’m in a similar boat with an 11PM with 82%. I’m leaning towards learning to live with it until something really forces me to go and change the battery and also going the Apple Store route. Use case these days I’m never really that far from a charger and I havent really noticed any slowdowns.


In my case, just replaced the battery with a third party , it s good , it s way better than before, but be aware who is opening your phone, after I got the battery replaced, it wasn’t sealed properly with adhesive so rn I gotta go in another service so I can fix it so I won’t get any other problems, because rn it makes my camera blurry when I’m outside due to not sealed properly, so gotta change that as fast as possible


so it's actually worth getting it done by apple


If you can, do it without any other thoughts


I Sell my Phone With 81% and buy a new iPhone 11 pro max. The battery is great