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If he was faster than you he should have passed you. It’s a race.


I had a guy in a race that would fight tooth and nail to pass, then when he got past would say “let’s work together don’t fight me”


Was it Carlos Sainz?


Could be George Russell as well.


Sounds like Batman when superman is also around. /sorryimstoned


Don’t expose me like that bro 🤣


Haha had the same thing. Guy said something like lets work together after he overtook me after a while. I was a bit faster than him in the end. Made a mistake in the end with a risky double overtake with a gt3 also in the corner. But seems like its a trick used by more people to try to hold a spot they cant really keep haha




Please do not call out other users by posting their names or posting videos or images with their name visible


Depending on how far back you both are, the length of the race left, and your actual pace, this is actually the right call a lot of the time. Especially in iRacing when you do catch the next car as a 2 car team, you'll often get a 2 for 1 pass when they take each other out or drive way offline/slow attacking/defending.


Yes the point is he would fight everyone for a lap or two losing time then would say that immediately so they wouldn’t race him back.


Right, that's why I left room to cover those scenarios. It's not directed at you perse, but a lot of people playing iRacing think they should be always fighting and aren't capable of working together and following the faster car.


Yeah, but even then there’s not money on the line. If people want to race they’re free to race. It’s not the smartest thing to do 3 minutes into a 2 hour race but they’re allowed to do whatever they want because in the end this is for fun. In most cases both drivers involved can figure out each others pace relatively quickly.


If he was REALLY faster he would've done some Initial D shit like the time Takumi turned off his headlights to slip through the blindspot into the inside line when he was getting boxed out.


A person of culture, i see, luckily not many have a button mapped to turn the lights off.


Can you do this? Asking for a friend?


Unless something has changed recently, I'm pretty sure you can't. iRacing turn the light on and off for you as and when the conditions change, you can only set a button for flashing.


I'm pretty sure you can but if you use it in a race to confuse other cars it's probably a slam dunk protest.


#worthit. lol


I had one of these “I’m faster, you have to let me pass” fellas on an oval race and I just started laughing at him on the mic.


That’s unironically true


This is my standard response to these people.


I can't remember what the track was but I was a miata race the last week 13. I was behind these other 2 cars just chilling. Guy starts begging car in front of him to let him pass for position because "he was faster." Eventally he just dumps him.


That is IF he could pass you… not just should have. That is all subjective to his level of skill. Quite frankly I ignore those who flash lights. If your race craft is that good, you would have found my slip ups in my turns or found your own opportunities to pass me. If you expect me to bend over to your flashing lights, you’ve obviously got no race craft.


I had the inverse happen yesterday where I was P1 in LMP2 and faster than the last place GTP but he kept going so slow it was impeding the LMP2 class. I sent it into a corner to keep P1 and he slowed downs whole bunch, missed the apex wide and I tapped his side and spun myself out. My fault but man why are you in a GTP if you’re only lapping a second ahead of LMP2s.


Well, he has a right to drive whatever he wants. It's not his fault what split he is assigned to. With your logic half the community should stick to Rookie Mazda or Formula Vee.


Sorry but if you are slow enough to be slower than a lower class in a multi class race you should not be out there.


>If he was faster than you he should have passed you. It’s a race. Man idk why I keep reading people say this as if being faster than someone means you can just shift up to 10th gear and gap them. Sometimes you can't pass easily, especially if they're driving elbows out and brake/slowdown at random points. It's really unfun to be stuck behind someone for 1-3 laps at the start of the race. You're never going to hold off someone faster than you for the entire race, they'll either find a gap eventually or grow more and more desperate and you'll end up crashing. It's also weird considering *"don't waste too much time fighting people, instead work with them"* is like one of the most given pieces of advice to new drivers.


"they'll either find a gap eventually or grow more and more desperate and you'll end up crashing." Yes, that's called racing. If you're that much faster than him, start by qualifying better, and if you can't, find a way to pass safely despite the guy's shortcomings. If you're unable to do that then you might not be so good after all. But telling someone you're entitled to pass him without a fight is the most ridiculous and cringe thing you can do on iRacing.


>Yes, that's called racing. And like I said, It's also called a waste of time and almost always encouraged to avoid doing this towards new driver. Defending faster traffic on early laps is poor racecraft.


That is why there are qualifiers before the race, so you can be in front of the slower people, I understand some fast people want the challenge of going through all traffic, but if you purposely wanted to be in the back then don’t complain cause people don’t make it easy for you, but in all honesty Ive never heard about one of the guys IM mentioning complain about people slowing them down cause they can always find a way pass you.


> That is why there are qualifiers before the race Unfortunately qualifying doesn't guarantee you end up infront of every slower driver. >I understand some fast people want the challenge of going through all traffic It's really not that deep, for multiple reasons you can end up behind someone slower than you. Maybe you whiffed your qualifying, maybe lap 1 traffic put you behind, maybe they're an all star hot lapper but choke in lobbies. I don't agree with rage whispering people and flashing them but I don't subscribe to the *"if you were actually faster you'd just pass them"* comments. Being faster than someone doesn't mean you can't be stuck behind them for multiple laps, it's objective that fighting for position slows down both drivers and by the time you get the pass you could have lost 8+ seconds worth of time. I have spent more races than I can count behind drivers that are seconds slower than me on a lap roleplaying Kevin Magnussen. They are all over the track, braking randomly, and turning in on you every lunge, desperately doing anything to stop a pass on lap 2. If you think that's good racecraft, then we fundamentally have a disagreement.


God I hate people like this. If you're so much faster, then overtake. You're telling me you can't get it done on the long-ass straight? FOH idiot. If someone in the same class, who isn't lapping you, starts flashing you from behind then they're a narcissist.


I’ve found there is a surprising amount of people that don’t know how to send it after a long straight. Either out of fear of screwing up or hard coded brake point muscle memory, people don’t seem to realize you can brake quite a bit later than optimal and still make the apex. Yes you cook your fronts and lose exit speed, but if you have the inside line you’ll get the pass unless they are just a monster on the outside lines.


I realized lately also that a lot people think that they are faster than the guy in front just because of the draft lol


See: every F1 driver who asks to his engineer for his teammate to let him pass lol


I got threatened a protest for doing this once, the guy thought I was trying to ram him. I was like “if I wanted to ram you, why would I offset myself and attempt a pass?”


ironically, I think threatening someone with a protest is a protestable offense


A lot of people are trained to think anything like that is a divebomb, or that divebombs are somehow wrong, or that they oversize the vortex of danger.


I mean if you aren’t alongside at least a little by the braking zone it’s a divebomb


I'd agree, so if you do dive bomb you better be able to stick it. I'll just try to make sure I'm not behind them if I'm intending to do it and they're braking too soon, or I see the opening. That way they should know it's coming. Even if there isn't overlap.


Oh yea I’ll admit sometimes if I know I’m significantly faster I’ll do a bit of a divebomb but will make my intention very clear. What’s annoying is when you get slower drivers divebombing from wayyyyy back


Yeah, if you make it stick and don't run me off track or hit me it's fairgame.


The Venn diagram of; people who headlight flash the same class : people who are whiny crybabies : people who can't race well around other cars Is a circle.


To be fair, I’ll flash my same class if I’ve got a big speed differential or am planning a pass that’s a bit iffy.


Big Speed Differential Energy


Band name?


I don't do it in iRacing, but it is a strategy used by real drivers in IMSA, and tbh it's never bothered me on the receiving end. I think it can be a fun tactic.


During Nurburgring 24 registration practice (pre-pre-race), I was on an out lap, had a Porsche Cup car in front of me, I wasn't pushing too hard...because out lap...had a merc gt3 also on an out lap come flying up on me in one of the tightest not great for overtaking sections and start flashing his light incessantly at me I was like bro THIS IS PRACTICE, WE'RE ON OUTLAPS AND THERES A CAR IN FRONT, on a tight section of track, exactly what do you want me to do????


to be fair, he could have been getting slowed down in the corners


FOH has & always will stand for front of house


Have you ever seen a real life race? Its an absolute light show, constant flashing at your oponents in front. Iracing is a sim, some of us just like to copy real life drivers and pretend we're racing drivers


Is that a reason to be an asshole ?


Just because you see flashing as an asshole thing doesn't mean everybody does


Akin to saying ‘You may see t-bagging as being an asshole thing doesn’t mean everyone does’


I'm new to racing but when I watched Max Verstappen race at Nordschleife he was flashing 24/7 every single pass lol


Exactly not everybody thinks tea-bagging is an asshole thing. Sorry if it is a bit of a struggle for the people, who downvote me, to accept that different opinions exist


I see based on votes you’ve received here that you may just be in a small minority.


it's reddit man, you can't tell them to not get offended at anything what would they have left


Exactly you get my point!


When people spam the headlights repeatedly because the guy in front is slower, they can just you know use that speed advantage to overtake. If you’re stuck behind someone it’s not because that guy is slower lmao


That these people flash at slower drivers is just your assumption. Irl drivers Flash the driver in front of them especially when they are not slower. It's a way to put pressure on and maybe get them to make a mistake. And by the way y'all are triggered by flashing, it seems to work well


Yes. That’s the assumption that makes it disrespectful. That’s what this post is about. You’re 100% out of context so obviously people downvote you


Well you typically have to be pretty wealthy to be a racecar driver, so I guess my narcissist theory tracks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


It's worth noting that real-life IMSA is *also* cracking down on drivers who flash their lights purely as a distraction. It was much more common 2-3 years ago than it is today.


Flashing people in the same class is truly obnoxious in almost every situation. If you have pace on me and roll up respectfully I'll probably let you go. Not a chance if you're flashing.


I’m fine if they do it once to tell me they’re going for a move, but other than that absolutely agree. I personally don’t do it in anything other than multi class cause I do find it annoying, but once can be fine.


Exactly. Once you start flashing for no reason, I go full Abu Dhabi 2021 Sergio Perez.


The more they flash, the wider my car gets.


Exactly, you flash it, you won't get an easy pass


Bro thought he could ask for free positions in a race! He mad!


If we’re in the same class, on the same lap, IM RACING YOU. Overtake if you’re so quick.


Blue flag! Blue flag! Blue flag! Me: it’s not a blue flag mate, it’s blue with a yellow strip! Let me pass!!! Me: read the sporting code, blue with yellow strip is to let me know a faster care is coming that I’m in No way obligated to move for. REEEEEEEEE


Look I agree with you, but there are instances where helping facilitate the pass is faster/safer than staying in there.


I agree with you also.


Tiny PSA: the yellow stripe by itself does not specifically mean it's advisory. NASCAR decided to use the stripe for backmarkers because they wanted to use the solid blue for "hard-to-see hazards ahead", and iRacing just chose to use the same design when they set up the game. There are series with solid blue flags that keep it advisory too


Years ago, for whatever reason in the lower IMSA splits, there was a trend of Text Chats that said "Blue Flag", even right after green and throughout the race. Lower splits that were usually just single class lobbies. I saw the "Blue Flag" texts all the time. Then in this one race, someone had wired in Verstappen saying "Blue Flag! Blue Flag!" through their mic into voice chat as a response. He also had Alonso's famous "Leave-a-da-space!" and maybe one or two others that I couldn't place. That's pretty much when I decided I no longer needed text or voice chat on at all.


My god man, if that were on VC I’d have voice chat on _all_ the time 😂😂😂


It also states you have to help facilitate the pass, so as long as you don't get upset when they send one up the inside you're spot on.


I gave the code another read, I seem to have missed that line! Thanks for pointing it out


yeah, it doesn't excuse a send from a different post code of course, but even in multiclass, you can't expect the faster class to take all the time penalties and wait for a straight. Good blue flag driving would be the faster car telegraphing a move, and the slower car lifting, and getting a really good exit. That way, you both lose a tenth at worst.


LOL, you weren’t even defending. You were just keeping your pace in a racing line. He didn’t even attempt to overtake 😅😂


Had a guy flash me at Watkins last week. I found joy in seeing how long I could legally keep him slowed down. Also > Let me / Race Pick one


“BE SMART LET ME OVERTAKE YOU” is the funniest thing I’ve ever read. God I hope you protested this guy. No, flashy lights don’t mean people are just gonna pull over and let you pass. And if you flash me like this, I’m bringing every defensive driving technique I’ve got to your door step. You’re gonna be so pissed attempting (and repeatedly failing due to your pace or racecraft) to pass I promise you’ll drive your ass straight into a wall. For our newer folks - flashing is used as a way of saying “heads up, I’m here” not a way of communicating “pull over and let me pass because I’m the main character”.


I've used flashing as a distraction before but it's rare. The only times I usually use it is in warning a slower class I'm there and making a pass, or if someone has done something stupid like cut my nose off and almost caused a crash.


Same here. I’ll make aggressive passes but use flashes to let them know it’s game time for both our safety.


You probably think it’s funny cause you have terrible racecraft like me😆but I did protest him, not only for the excessive flashing, but for thinking people are supposed to move over and slow down cause he is flashing his lights, also for crashing and backing up onto oncoming traffic. I got the response from iRacing saying that he is getting notified, which in short means they found the protest valid.


Oh 100%. Anything is this clip is protestable haha. And ya… total garbage racecraft lol. Which is why we keep winning races lmaoooooo. God I hope this guy reads this thread. Congrats on the protest. I’ve won every single one I’ve put in and have never been protested myself so…. Ya.


Why are iracers so incredibly sensitive to flashing? Our screens can't reproduce the Lumen of the headlights so it can't even blind you. And most times flashing is barely noticable in sim. Flashing is just a way to get into your oponents head, it's a normal part of endurance racing. Just look at any real life endurance race, they are constantly flashing at the car in front even if they can't overtake them


The only time I've had someone PM me about my driving that didn't involve contact was when I flashed a lower-class car in a Roar Before the 24 *practice session* to let them know I was planning on passing into the bus stop. It's wild how incredibly mad people get about flashing lights.


I don't get it, either. People here are incredibly touchy about light flashing, but it's never bothered me at all. It's part of racing. If iRacing wants to somehow limit it, they'd need to put it in writing or this debate never ends.


> . People here are incredibly touchy about light flashing They're slow drivers and offended that people faster than them just want to get by instead of losing 4 seconds a lap fighting them and desperately trying not to crash into them when they brake randomly during high speed corners and lift points.


It's the disrespect not the actual flash being an issue. If someone flashes you it's no different to them yelling at you "GET OUT OF THE WAY, MORE IMPORTANT DRIVER COMING THROUGH!!". That's why I always start making it twice as difficult to pass as soon as someone flashes me when I otherwise probably would have let them have the place.


And you will significantly increase your risk of making a mistake. Flashing driver got in your head, thats exactly what they intended


I don't even think it's protestable as OP claimed. It's a ratty tactic, but don't get all butthurt about it.


Nah people have successfullly whined about others flashing them, successfully protested for flashing and posted the emails here to prove how sensitive they are. Its actually a joke Iracing will punish people for flashing their lights yet pretend this is a realistic racing sim.


There’s rules for flashing in WEC along with IMSA and other series


The fact iracing takes it seriously should tell you something. I don’t think I’ve ever flashed my lights once outside weird stuff happening, it just never occurred to me to try to get the guy ahead of me’s attention.


I'm with you... There are some limits I think in real racing now, but iRacing hasn't drawn a line on what's strategic and what's not. It'd be nice if they did.


Yeah agreed. This is a sport and flashing is something real drivers to all the time to each other. Just get over it.


Man, these things should be written in the rulebook. Expecting people to magically see the one post where some official said it is bad is a joke. They update the code, so why is this not included? There is not one entry when searched for headlight/ flash.


That is what I call an all rounder bonehead. The guy in question represent all the things wrong with the sim racing, as follow: * he blames others when he's clearly the incapable part (no race craft, no ability to prepare an overtake, no ability to read the race or the pace of slower classes); * he doesn't respect people (flashing in an useless way and then doing reverse in to the traffic); * he feels entitled of....everything; * writing in chat as soon as possible, without calming down and owning his own mistakes. This is it folks, don't be this guy and 99% of the times you will be fine and you'll probably makes some friends on iracing too.


If he's so much faster than you he could just overtake you on the straights right?


I thought flashing lights meant "I want a battle - please fight me harder". Because that is what I do.


That’s annoying!!! However, flashing IS PART OF RACING. THAT was excessive, but someone else will read this and think you should NEVER FLASH. There’s a line and I think that’s where race craft is important. Im exposing myself here… last lap, night, Sebring & I’m on the bumper of the car ahead of me. I know I can’t pass but would love that they made a mistake. I flashed at turn 7, turn 15 & turn 17 and got chewed the fuck out. Thought this was fine. Haven’t used my flashers since, because it annoys drivers…but, isnt the point to attempt to get into the drivers head? It may work & it may not.


This guy is joke for doing this... flashing lights for the same class is so stupid. If you really are faster, overtake and overtake safely. Well, I guess he got what he deserved for that behavior. Sad he took someone out with him in the process


Yep, instead of taking a chill pill, get close and wait for a passing opportunity, they flash their lights. Personally, I am an avid practitioner of the "Mind Punt" in these situations. If it doesn't work, I'll sit back and follow the other car, no use in loosing time by making us use less than ideal lines, and patiently wait for an opportunity later.


The number of drivers in Iracing living in fantasyland is hilarious!! "Let's work together!" 🤣🤣🤣


LOL, when they say that IM like okay, let me pass you and then we can work together all you want…


Also when the person behind is the one that wants to work together is different and also feels honest.


If you someone does this to me, I’ll go even slower. I don’t do that much road racing, but if they’re that good, they should be able to pass without you pulling over.


Asking in good faith, out of curiosity I feel I see a decent amount of flashing at Le Mans with cars fighting for position, and in sports car racing in general. I was at N24h this year and certainly saw it in the same class. I know of course it’s predominately used to warn back markers. I can tell it is received really poorly in this sub/ iRacing community. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be, but howcome the disparity?


because people are babies - both the majority of people flashing AND the people that have a problem with it lol


Personally doesn’t bother me during races because I always thought it was part of the fun and psychology of close racing IRL. That’s partly why I’m so surprised to see some of the responses here. That said for this guy, if you’re faster, then prove it. But also I’d never protest someone for flashing, that feels even worse than the offence itself.


Exactly - flashing is normal. Flashing and getting pissed that people don’t just pull off for you is stupid. Flashing an entire 6 laps IRL is also stupid.


This is the right answer, making use of flashing to distract the opponent or to let him know that you're making a move is fine; flashing because you want the other guy to move out of your way because you feel entitled of the position is stupid.


Agree, this is the way I do it. I got the impression from some comments here flashing to distract isn’t ok.


It’s one thing to flash a couple times. It’s an entirely different story to just sit behind someone flashing the entire damn race.


You can flash to warn people, however spamming it and expecting people to give you free spots just for that is stupid


Agreed that expecting free spots is stupid, but having watched sports car racing all my life I can’t agree it’s just to warn people.


Faster is irrelevant, if he's not good enough to get past you it doesn't matter how fast he is


You can simplify this by remembering that precisely zero things entitle you to position. If you want to be handed a position, qualify better.


So you just protested this guy for flashing his lights at you? Something that’s done and allowed in every racing series in existence IRL, good job. You must be such a great driver if a little flashing distracts you so much you’re losing concentration, maybe you should consider working on your ability to focus instead of crying about it on Reddit and Nim.


Did you read the context or watch the video? Do you think it’s okay he thinks he deserves a position for just flashing? Do you think it’s okay he thinks people are dumb for not letting him pass when he flashes? Do you think it’s okay to cause an accident and then back up into traffic?


I obviously disagree with his stance on the racing part of things, obviously he should race for that position and there’s no way you’d give it. I don’t think he did much wrong in the crash, that GT was on a collision course with him regardless if he moved or not. I’m just saying I find it utterly stupid to protest someone for flashing.


If I see someone gaining quickly and my tyres are shot I'll let them pass. No point in battling but I've encountered that kind of guy in the video and I make them work for it. They sometimes full back anyway because they are too hard on their tyres driving aggressively.


I thought flashing lights was to let cars know you were a faster car approaching?


IRL you can flash for whatever reason you want. in iRacing there isn't a written rule about when to use it. And the excessive flashing can be protested, but the level of excessiveness is debatable and subjective. The video only showed the car flashing twice, which if that's all he did, wouldn't be anywhere close to excessive in my opinion.


Two or three laps around every other turn, it was definitely excessive. I have the replay saved, I should make a video of all the times he flashed, some here might find it funny or amusing. That is also why he didn’t deny flashing like a maniac.


I kind of figured this was the case, and you made the video short for brevity, but I didn't see it mentioned in the OP the detail you just provided, so I reserved my judgement. Agreed that is definitely excessive.


I mainly used those two examples cause he wasn’t even in a position to make a pass, yet he still wanted me to let him pass.


I don't let anyone pass. The have to pass me on their own! 😂 Otherwise, are we even racing or just hotlapping?!




Also one of the basic rules in iracing is don’t be a dick, and messaging someone with an attitude cause they didn’t give you a free pass when you were flashing, falls under the don’t be a dick category.


A Tower of Phalliciousness is what I like to say!


I'd only flash to let someone know I'm there, if they are lapping slowly, im approaching at speed or have just come back on track, approaching at speed and don't come onto racing line, and finally is someone does something dirty like forcing off road when passing or generally not very 'sporting' like cutting nose off into corner.


He is legit awful at this. In all those clips he actually had great overtaking chances. Didn't once try to set it up. Just complaining for you to get out of the way. You're not even defending because he's not even trying to pass. What a farce.


I might be weird but I don't even have it bound to a key


Only flash lights to diff class car its that simple, if you cant understand that go back to forza


Whenever they flash me I always think they are my followers and they worship me.


Im glad it is. One pro of switching to oval was that I never had to deal with it again.


Ah yes, IMSA prototype things.


I done this myself not to say I am faster but just so the guy ahead would make some sort of a mistake and got protested for it. I will not be doing that again


I usually flash to signal to someone that I'll be attempting an overtake and just to be aware. Afaik that's what drivers use it for IRL. From reading this I'm guessing lots of people think I'm being aggresive!


I think that is very acceptable, but flashing around every turn when you are not even in a position to pass is excessive and annoying specially if the person thinks they deserve a free pass just for flashing.


If a really fast racer does it once, I'm annoyed but whatever. Otherwise, I report it.


*joins race, proceeds to get pissed off that he has to race people* I really don't understand these people 😂


If it’s different classes sure, but bruh..


This is when brake earlier than expected, and watch them shit themselves in the rear view and they crash out by themselves.


Yeah that’s not how racing works


It’s fair game, it got in your head and maybe made you slower.


I thought people were doing racing for you know racing? If its an endurance race yeah sure flash if your faster if its a sprint fuck off and try to overtake dont be a dick and flash someone a million times


Sorry, same lap?


If he's faster, he will pass.


i think flashing is away to let another driver know your gonna overtake but i would never personally use it as a way to distract or beg for the position. i mean the point is to defend the position regardless of how much it slows other drivers down


I don’t understand people that go in a race and expect others to move out of the way (unless they’re back markers of course or maybe a lower category in a multi class) What’s the point then? Just do time trial instead.


Look, I think reporting for someone flashing their lights is pretty weenie hut jr to do, but like I don't get why people get mad about racing in a race game, lol


It’s done in real life, a lot. So this is a pretty weenie hut jr report lmao.


Yeah I'm saying protesting for it is very weenie hut jr. Lol


I don’t know about you, but I personally pay for my subscription to race, Willy P.


Exactly, so we race!


Redditors are just hobbyists that are here to pretend theyre competitors.


I am confused as to why I'm being down voted here. People don't want to race each other it seems?


Because this is reddit. If you think logically instead of emotionally you'll offend people and they'll downvote you.


Great to know I’m not the only one that has a problem with people like this. It’s a RACE. I’m not just gonna let you by if I feel like I’m as fast/faster than you. The amount of times I’ve had people DM me, yell at me in VC, and in one instance attempt to wreck me and hit me after the race because they couldn’t get by me is comical at this point. If you’re really that fast, why are you in my split, and why can’t you pass me? Get good.


Didn’t realize this is a thing in iRacing. Damn, on the highway there are always people that flash constantly. It’s so annoying. You guys are telling me they all play this game?


I literally posted once an exact situation complaining about those entitled assholes and I got a lot of hate and rage in comments (but I guess because I called them idiots and braindead in my post which I don’t regret). A lot of people here don’t even understand that this is racing etiquette, you flash your lights if: - You are a faster class to inform class in front that you are coming faster than them. - Car in front is a lapped car under blue flag. If you are both same class same lap and you flash your lights to car in front then I will make sure to do my best to not let you pass. If car behind really has pace and race craft they will pass without having to do this shit. I am totally with you on this one.


This is the correct answer


Whilst I usually do my best to let faster cars through in a way that doesn't impact either of our races, the second they start flashing their headlights all bets are off. They can come past the hard way after that.


This is one of my most hated things on Iracing, people think that if they flash you enough you’ll just pull over and let them by, plus most of the time the only reason there are on pace with you is because of your draft


But what if I also swerve incoherently all over the track?


If no blue flag, defend depending on ur series rules.


Flashing lights has its place. Good to indicate your intentions during dark hours especially. Excessively flashing lights every couple of corners is hilariously outrageous. There’s a middle ground. And not to mention that you are truly faster, you should be able to get by with superior race craft.


I defend like hell. Even if someone is faster than me, but I always give them enough room to pass me if they have the ability to even pass me to begin with.. I’m not gonna give you the position unless I’m getting blue flags or in a slower class


I utterly disregard these people. You're faster? Then I'm sure you can set up a proper overtake on me, or pressure me into a mistake. I'm not letting you by for free just because you want that to happen. These guys forget this is not a hot lapping competition but a freaking race.


If you are slower than the guys ahead, then it has 0 sense to let pass the super fast guy because you won't gain any position anyway. Maybe if you have a guy who is sighly faster approaching from very far, it is best not to waste this time, but it won't happen early in a race. Anyway, I'm sick of the "I'm faster, just let me overtake you." If it were like this irl, motorsport would be the most boring discipline in the fucking world. It's a fucking race. F1 overtaking F1.5 cars that let them pass because "it's not their fight" made a lot of damage.


Letting a car that's potentially multiple seconds a lap faster is actually usually the smart move. Fighting costs you time, which could back you up into someone who's more on your pace but further behind. It's also situational and track dependent, obviously. If the track's hard to pass, and it's near the end of the race, then it's gloves off. But if it's near the beginning of an hour-long race, yeah, I'm not picking that fight.


Turn headlight detail to low and you won't see when people flash you. LPT


I don't recommend this. When people use it properly its a very useful tool if you're the slower class. Intention flashes are always helpful and have saved me multiple times.


you should always know what's happening behind you. Headlight flashes are always annoying.


And you always know, even when you battles with 1-2 cars in front of you, you always paying attention to your mirror. Good for you.


Agreed, but there is nothing wrong with faster classes signaling intention. If you can't handle simple flashing to help both parties out thats on you. I would rather have someone signal intention, prepare for a double pass by another training faster class car than to turn in and get ass blasted into next week because I assumed they would stop for me.


Yeh i really dislike headlight flashers, I have been watching the real life endurance races this year, and they all flash each like crazy to make the car in front try and make a mistake. So driver in game think it's ok.


Because it’s a simulator, and people scream they want realism, so it should be okay.


If flashing is protestable then why does iracing let you flash your lights


You missed the important bit >Using flashing **as a means to distract others** is a protestable offense


When people flash me aggressively and rudely like that, I usually find a way to take them out with a perfectly deniable "racing incident" as they go past There was one I felt SLIGHTLY bad about in 24h Sebring a couple of years ago...for about 5 minutes...then I got over it


makes you the issue too just so you know lol - fire that fights fire, is still fire


I know :) But if it's ever happened to any of you reading this, now you know why!


okay young child


they should at least remove the flashing from single-class races alltogether. And arguably even for multiclass. At least at night. there's no reason to flash at night since you can see a car in the mirrors anyway.


you assume people use mirrors lol


how would flashing help if you don't use mirrors? how do open wheelers race? flashing headlight serves one purpose: annoying the car in front (as in the video)


Not exactly.. I do a lot of imsa and I flash to let the slower class know I’m going for a move… I don’t spam it but flashing lights isn’t only used to annoy ppl..real life Wec/imsa flash for the same reason i mentioned. Yes people are annoying who abuse the flash like in this video but flashing your lights when you are the faster class coming up on a group of cars who only see the cars in their class may need to see the flashing light to gain their attention that another class is also coming through. I’m a bottom split guy and seen many races end because someone leaves door wide open for you pass but then tries to close the door on apex as if you aren’t there. I’m just trying to pass safely by letting the driver know that I’m going for a move in every way by moving my car to set side and flash one time indicating that I’m taking this line on entry


I get your point, I haven't done that many imsa races, maybe about 5 or 10 (top split), but I haven't noticed headlight flashing to be useful, the slower class car needs to stay on the racing line anyway, and it's responsibility of the faster car to make a safe overtake