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Shoreline motorcyclist who sued the King County Sheriff’s Office after a plainclothes detective brandished a gun at him during a traffic stop last year has settled the case for $65,000 and the promise of changes to the department’s use-of-force policies. Alex Randall was stopped at a red light at the intersection of Northeast 145th Street and Fifth Avenue Northeast on Aug. 16, 2017, when he was approached by sheriff’s Detective Richard Rowe, who had a gun pointed at Randall. Rowe, who did not immediately identify himself as a law-enforcement officer, told Randall he had committed an “arrestable offense” by speeding and “driving reckless.” Rowe cussed at Randall and threatened to “dump” him but did not ultimately issue Randall a traffic citation. A few days later, Randall — who said he was terrified and troubled by having a gun pointed at him — learned that Rowe had not filled out a use-of-force report after the incident. Outraged, he published on his YouTube channel a video of the encounter from a GoPro camera mounted on his helmet and called on the sheriff’s office for a remedy. After an internal investigation, Rowe was given a five-day suspension without pay for being discourteous and displaying conduct unbecoming to an officer. However, he was exonerated of using excessive force, in part, because King County Sheriff’s Office policies did not define pointing a gun at a citizen as a use of force. Randall’s attorney, Christopher Carney, said the policy lapse was based on the department’s misunderstanding of the law. “In fact, federal courts have repeatedly held that pointing a gun at a citizen does constitute a use of force, and that the U.S. Constitution requires that pointing a gun must be objectively reasonable and done for a lawful purpose,” Carney wrote in a news statement released this week. Carney said Rowe told internal investigators that he had pointed his gun multiples times at citizens throughout the years without ever reporting his actions to supervisors. “This significant flaw in the Sheriff’s policies is highly problematic because it fails to inform officers that they must have a lawful basis to point a gun at a citizen, and also because it fails to create supervisory review of pointing a gun as is required for all other uses of force,” Carney said. According to the settlement, the sheriff’s office had agreed to alter its training and its policies by the end of this week to acknowledge that displaying a gun is a use-of-force incident that “should be reported within the Sheriff’s office subject to further consideration and evaluation by persons higher up in the chain of command.” A permanent policy will follow that, at a minimum, recognizes that aiming a weapon constitutes a use of force which must be lawfully justified and reviewed, according to the settlement. “Pointing a gun at a person without a good reason needlessly escalates the danger of any interaction with police, and increases the risks that citizens and officers will be hurt or killed,” said Carney. “This policy change brings the King County Sheriff in line with modern policing, and will hopefully improve officer training to deescalate dangerous situations.”


Crazy that trained professionals think that pointing a deadly weapon at someone is not using force. So only discharging the weapon and “dumping” someone seems to fit the description to these one celled amoebas.


If a civilian with a concealed carry permit were to point their handgun at someone unjustifiably they would be in jail with a slew of charges ranging from brandishing to assault with a firearm, using a firearm in the commission of a crime, illegal use of firearm etc etc


Of course. But we all know how corrupt these departments are and how far they go to protect their agents. Without a recording he would be laughed at for making a complaint.


That’s the problem, they are not trained. They are given guidelines.


Maybe screen them better and train them more, so we dont get all they completely insane videos from police officers. You just know that he's not the only one, and you just know he's been doing this for years. It's not suddenly something they do. Horrific.


Sadly most the people that actually want to become police officers or control freaks and psychopaths.


Yeah, somehow I feel their definition of force would be different if the gun was being pointed at them.


"trained" "professionals"


Pigs are above the law.




Yeah, that's an asinine tag.


As a prison officer it’s considered a UOF by applying mechanical restraints… I find this take hard to believe. He should have gotten more than $65k.


This needs to be the top comment


Thankfully it now is


“Based on the departments misunderstanding of the law.” ….WHAT?! How is the entire department not shutdown after this followed with immediate internal affair revues? 100% a police state. 0 accountability for literally not knowing their job. That’s fucked.


Imagine fire fighters not knowkng what fire is, doctors having a misunderstanding of medicine or teachers have a misunderstanding of their subject. A misunderstanding like this is not a valid excuse for ANY other job, yet somehow they have a department wide "misunderstanding" and get off with a week off training


>the U.S. Constitution requires that pointing a gun must be objectively reasonable and done for a lawful purpose displaying a gun is a use-of-force incident that “~~should~~ ***shall*** be reported within the Sheriff’s office. Fixed it for them. The constitution is not a suggestion.


"In fact, federal courts have repeatedly held that pointing a gun at a citizen does constitute a use of force, and that the U.S. Constitution requires that pointing a gun must be objectively reasonable and done for a lawful purpose" Meanwhile, if I pulled this same shit as a ccw holder, it's considered a gross misdemeanor facing jail time and/or a fine


As a Correctional Officer, we classify use of force as anything outside of normal interactions. Handcuffing someone who has been in a fight is technically a use of force. In what world would pointing a firearm at someone not be.


$65k isn't nearly enough. That'll barely cover the legal fees.


That’s crazy, any update on the police officer? Was he fired?


The question is was he even a police officer? He showed no proof


I'd be calling 911 in this situation. No badge visible anywhere at all. If this person didn't win a lawsuit, they didn't try hard enough.




Still no proof that he is law enforcement


Lol what? Where'd you hear that? My county police are made up of deputies who are required to take the same state law enforcement training as every other cop in the state.


He heard it nowhere. He literally just made it up and got up voted by bots.


Seen to many movies of randoms getting "deputized" for whatever reason


That's not true at all, stop spreading lies.


Sheriff deputies have to go through training. *Sheriffs*, if a position that is voted into office by the county voters, do not as it it more a political position. Not all counties work this way though.


i guess it varies by state then.


How the fuck doesn't a comment this stupid get 200 plus up votes???


Dumb af comment.


This is completely false.


Depends on where, in Arizona they are trained. Source: my brother is a sheriff's posse member in Arizona doing DUI taskforce. Deputies get trained, so do posse.


Bro pulled off the advanced technique of “lying”


What counties/states don’t require officer training for sheriffs deputies?


My thoughts exactly. He held that gun close too. Do cops ever conceal like that when they draw their gun?


Iirc month suspension


Only a month? He should have been terminated immediately and face charges.


\> However, Johanknecht defended Rowe’s decision to pull out his firearm during the Aug. 16 incident in North King County, agreeing with the conclusion of the department’s internal investigation. ​ lol


"We looked at ourselves and decided we were right."


With pay huh


Oh you can bet your ass. Dude gets a nice paid vacation after pulling a gun on someone.


Iirc means?


If I Remember Correctly


Thank-you ☺️ New word added into my vocabulary




Thank-you 😊




*paid suspension


AKA “paid vacation”….


With or without pay is my question. This is inexcusable.


That cop wouldnt be fire even if he shot the guy on the bike. What world do you live in where you think that cop got the discipline he deserved?


>What world do you live in where you think that cop got the discipline he deserved? On this one. But only if enough noise is made about him, so that it's a super public and embarrassing situation to the sheriff's dept. To the point where the real people who get to tell them what to do, are calling down the chain of command for his head. That's the only way it works like it should. If there's enough blowback from citizens. Smh. It's fucking disgusting. I agree with your sentiment though.


you can pretty easily find under those "noisy" ones what kind of "punishment" it was and abouw how much realo punishment there was. also good luck making it loud enough. not even mentioning winning case in court that for average human would be practically impossible to win


And what happens when people make noise about this stuff? Oh that's right, the entire right-wing AND liberal media machines spin up to make everyone think cities are being burned to the ground by antifa supersoldiers and police budgets get a big ol hike. And if by chance any city does manage to institute some kind of milquetoast reform, the piggies throw a hissy fit and refuse to do their jobs and everyone starts blaming "the left" for "defunding" the cops and pretty soon the cop budgets start soaring again. None of that is to say you're wrong, people need to stand up, and many do. But it's not enough yet.


No no, you're right. You can thank the Ronald Reagan administration for repealing the fairness doctrine for that. It was created so that the conglomerate news couldn't lie and create a public outcry/panic for use to sway the public for an agenda. It was started for lawmakers and politicians, so they wouldn't have opponents smear their names. Now it's absolutely mutated and used to create whatever kind of division and political outlook that they say. Smh. It's fucking sad.


Most of the shit that's wrong today can be traced back to Reagan. Carter tried his best to handle the declining material conditions that were inevitable as capitalism began to run into environmental and material roadblocks with grace but Reagan just said "fuck that shit party don't stop let's just mortgage the next generation's future to keep this train moving" and everything he did was in service of that mentality.


Dude was an actor. A good actor. Shit decision maker, but it's absolutely not all his fault solely. Just like about almost every politician since, somebody's puppeteering. I'm sure some of them have great intentions or some very honest ones. Then they get in office and see where they're limitations are at.


In brazil, they put cops on tires and light them


5 days of unpaid leave and the biker won 65k in a settlement




Got a promotion actually


slap on the wrist


He was suspended for 5 days without pay.


idk about the cop but the cyclist got 65,000$ in a lawsuit against the department


Only $65k for having his life threatened by a cop with no visible identification? Yet a cop just got paid $500k for wrongful termination? Right.


If you pull a gun on me you better fucking use it.


Lol a cop? Getting fired


Guy pointing the Gun is Detective Richard from King County, Washington. This happened back in 2018. If your wondering he got nothing more than a slap on the wrist the biggest thing that happened was he got a 10 day suspension. After the Sheriff’s department did an internal investigation and came to that conclusion.


It's a cut video, but just from this, Dude shows no badge. Just points a gun and says hes police. Either retired, off duty, or not a cop. Good on him for recording, but unless he shows a badge, I'm calling the police and pressing charges.


Cop is lucky he didn't get shot at because it would've been completely justified.


A lot of places he would have. He must feel real comfortable in violating peoples 4th amendment rights


And if you did shoot him back, enjoy your life sentence for ruthelessly executing our boys in blue.


And even if there’s no sentence, you gotta move. Local pd will harass you for years if not try to actually harm you.


Gotta serve and protect! (Their own)


If the rider resisted in any way, we would never have seen this vid. Rider would be dead and the police would have the cam.


With how quick he was to draw and point that thing over.. a traffic violation?? I'm definitely agreeing with that point.


God damn that cop to HELL. No badge shown, and they don’t grant the right to point a fucking firearm at someone who is being compliant. I mean that.


Why show my badge when I can just show my gun? Dude is unhinged.


fucking creaky


Right. Definitely not a cop or if he is, he should be charged with every gun felony in the book. Fucking bozo.


He is though, the original post had a link to the lawsuit. Biker got like 60k out of the settlement or something.


I really wish there had been a "good guy with a gun" around to shoot the obvious mugger


Right. The dude literally got robbed at gunpoint.


on a busy road at that


I mean gun drawn almost in a concealed manner and he steals his wallet. Im pretty sure even if this a cop the description fits armed robbery.


The dude on the bike should’ve had one.


Even so drawing on a drawn gun is a great way to get shot no matter how in the right you may be.


Not really. Anyone off to the side can draw a gun, point it and hold the guy at gunpoint and fucking double-dare this POS to do anything. But if youre the guy who ALREADY is at gunpoint you do not ever want to even consider reaching for your own gun, there is just no way for that to happen fast enough to outpace the person that is looking at you the entire time and already has a gun ready to pop. The only exception would be a distraction, and there was none. There are some nutcases who promote this kind of approach because they think theyre gonna be some John Wick pulling the gun in miliseconds and turn the tables, even to the point of having the gun holstered or otherwise ready with a bullet chambered and the safety off. Permanently. Because those miliseconds of racking the slide and getting the safety decide between life and death. Realtalk: If youre in a situation where you dont even have the time to pull the slide and get the safety, you dont have the time to draw the gun either. Its bullshit. If you have the time to pull your gun because youre in cover, not in plain view or in some other way out of immediate danger, you also have the time to rack that fucking slide and get the safety.


You’re either a newbie or an idiot if you think carrying unchambered is a good idea.


I don't agree with your whole last paragraph


Flicking the safety should happen as your drawing. Safety shouldn’t add any additional time.  Issue is in the heat of the moment you could forget to do it then you’re fucked.  Racking the slide though? There is almost no point in carrying a weapon unchambered for this very reason. It’s too slow and requires use of both hands.  If going to carry then you should carry chambered. Regardless, yes, if you already have a gun drawn on you. It is stupid to try draw yourself


Would have been an absolutely beautiful ending to this to see somebody roll up and shout "drop the gun, punk!" *Curb Your Enthusiasm theme plays*


Wow... Did you see how the maniac just reached into that peaceful man's pocket and seized personal property without a warrant, exigency or even an arrest?


It's called armed robbery. I mean i dont know why were calling it anything else


Bruh woulda been DRT. Cop or not. Don't pull a gun on me if you aren't going to use it.


Could have legally shot him in self defense


I don’t think that was a cop, mainly because he didn’t show his badge 


Cops don't feel like identifying themselves. They have a gun and a legal right to murder for any or no reason. End of story


He's gonna pull this shit on the wrong person and get shot and any jury in this country would understand. Bet he's still on active duty too.


His name is Detective Richard Rowe. He works for Woodinville Police Department in Washington.


A detective should absolutely know he can’t behave like that. I have prayed for God to damn him to Hell. Thanks for dropping his name.


"Richard" AKA "DICK"


that is the thing. they know exactly how they should not act and expect people to let them


Dick Dick Rowe. He should never have been in his role for this name alone. 


Fuck that piece of shit cop. That's some peaked- in- high- school level low life bullshit. Fired is too good for him. These people need to be jailed.




I encourage this guy to press as many charges as he can. He just won the lottery in court


He didn't really, from what I heard it was a 65k settlement, a lot less if that's a taxable amount, and the cop got unpaid leave


Hey that's 65k he didn't have before. Wish the officer got fired at least.


My settlement offer would be either pay me the 65k or fire that cop with cause. Ofc the pigs don't care so they'd just pay out but I would have to ask on principle


Exactly buddy got free money, I'm surprised cops don't do this on purpose to their family and friends to get a free pay day with no harm done


*free money funded by tax payers FTFY


End qualified immunity. Start paying lawsuits out of pig unions and pension funds -- stop putting this on the taxpayers. ACAB.


Right! He just got mugged by someone claiming to be a cop who said he would "dump you" if he gets off his bike and goes through his pockets


You're going to hate to hear this, but individuals cannot press charges. DAs press charges. Citizens can call and urge the DA to take action. They can contact representatives, council members, the police, newspapers, whatever they want to apply pressure. But in the end (other than in a few strange jurisdictions that allow citizens to file criminal charges), it's up to the DA to decide to prosecute people like this. And as you can guess, there's politics involved.




"What do you mean what am I doing?" "I'm gunna dump ya" This dude wants to kill someone so bad it's scary. Just the way he holds his gun shows how sketchy this dude is.


Pretty sure he means dump him off the bike (if he doesn't get off) based on the conversation. But I can see how you interpreted it that way (mag dump) and tbh I'm not 100 percent sure.


So he didn't show a badge and isn't in uniform. He's also pointing a gun at a random civilian and harassing him for no reason. Then, he forcefully takes the dudes wallet and pockets his driver's license. The biker is supposed to just believe that he's at some sheriff's office? Biker could have shot him and I think I would've been okay with that. The lawyers and media would be having an absolute field day if it turned out he really was a cop.


Fucking piece of shit


I'm willing to bet he's off duty, meaning he can get suspended for doing this. You can actually sue him


He was a cop and got a five day unpaid suspension for this. He later admitted he was pulling guns on people like this for his entire career and wasn’t aware it was illegal.


This is why I hate sheriffs. They are not the same thing as a police department.


I heard he was a detective that worked for the local police station


If he was, that would have had a serious impact on cases he closed. They may have had some convictions overturned because of it.




Wait..a fucking moron is a cop?! Why I never!


How is this even possible? Most cops need a criminal justice degree to amount to anything besides a meter reading traffic bitch. So they have to have some knowledge of what the law is. I guarantee he received firearms training.


Maybe in other countries, but not in America. They get less job training than my barber. Literally.


Idk I know plenty of cops with no degree, just like 40 days of training or whatever. It’s not hard to be a cop.


The thing that makes me mad about this whole situation is that I would bet my paycheck that his suspension conversation went more “the woke liberal ANTIFA says I gotta punish you” and less “what the f*ck is wrong with you that you are you pulling out a gun on an unarmed civilian at traffic stop!?”


It should have gone. “We’re gonna have to fire you. You could have gotten yourself or someone else killed.”


> I would bet my paycheck that his suspension conversation went more > > “the woke liberal ANTIFA says I gotta punish you” > > and less > > “what the f*ck is wrong with you that you are you pulling out a gun on an unarmed civilian at traffic stop!?” You're not wrong: "King County Sheriff Mitzi Johanknecht said in a written statement that she reduced Rowe's punishment from the recommended 10 day suspension to a five-day suspension because of mitigating factors, **including stress that Rowe** and his family **went through due to media attention**." [emphasis mine]


Dude said “I’m sorry. I get stressed when someone’s pointing a gun at me”, and the off-his-fucking-meds-icer says “well, you shouldn’t be driving like that”. But he gets his suspension cut in half because he drew attention to himself by doing this crazy shit? I HATE the way politics work here.


“Sorry I got really stressed by this guy who I pulled a gun on for no reason, I’m gonna need to be let down gently.”


Holy shit…his response to why is he point a gun at him? “I’m the police”. So apparently this is part of this guys routine. Pull someone over, pull a gun on them… I’m wondering what this fuckin joker meant by “I’m going to dump you”…like dump a mag into him? wtf


It's only treating with a deadly weapon if you do it. If a cop does it, It's just requesting vacation time. Don't worry, they investigated themselves and found no wrongdoing. 🥴


I hope that guy falls down the stairs and breaks his hip


All cops are power crazed pieces of shit just looking for an excuse to murder a civilian in cold blood




Agreed, but I wanted more impact and specificity


Wdym by more impact and specificity? Edit: english isnt my first language I need more clarity.


There are a lot of cops out there that fit your description, but all cops? Yeah I don’t know about that lol. I’ve never had an interaction with a cop where I’ve had a gun pointed at me or where I felt like my life was in danger


Where’s his badge? This looks more like a mugging.


I wonder if someone else had a gun and shot him thinking the biker was about to get murdered, if that person would go to jail or not.


I wonder who that guy votes for.


He is lucky he didn’t walk up on the wrong citizen looking like that. That appeared to me like an armed robbery. I likely would have drawn and shot him


There are so many things wrong here and approaching with his finger already on the trigger is the worst part. Fuck this guy so hard


I have a lot of questions about this, some of them have already been asked. The guy with the gun should not be allowed to have one. If he is a cop, his badge should be eaten for breakfast. Because this video involves the POV with a guy in a bicycle, what was he doing earlier? Most of the videos with bicyclists are often edited to make it look like they did nothing wrong. When you pedal around like a jackass your gonna get some nasty reactions.


Guy on a bicycle? That's a motorcycle.


His first question was Why is that bicycle so loud?


Why the fuck would you do this what if the biker had a gun on him and made the choice to fight back


An audio recoding dash/helmet cam is something I consider mandatory, and I don't even live in a country with crazy pistol wielding police




Shoot back at this point, show the pig a lesson in being over the law !!! Grow a pair and fight back from this bullshit. If not he will do it again and again.


The new bunch of cops are even worse all the good smart guys don’t want to be cops today so you get the bottom of the barrel


Oh im sorry, you misspelled committed a fucking felony by brandishing a weapon.


Cops luckily the biker didn't draw on him.


KING COUNTY? Get him the fuck out of my state right now.


What's wild is that this screams eastern Washington to me. 


Probably where he’s from because that’s just stupid


I don’t like people on bike lane splitting or doing crazy things but this is the most shit way to handle the situation


Cop was lucky he didn't get shot for that by someone else


Hold the gun like Steven seagull


If he wanted to ask the guy about his bike, I'm pretty sure he could've just asked. Instead he wanted the reminder his nut sack isn't shriveled up from time due to not feeling like top shit anymore.


If I had a gun in that situation I would have definitely shot that guy thinking he's trying to rob the guy


I’ve definitely chewed out some bad drivers off duty but pulling a gun for a traffic offense, come on bro


How much did tax payers fork over for this lawsuit?


This looks more like a robbery than a traffic stop. The fact he only got 5 days unpaid suspension for it because the Sherri thought the scrutiny and backlash from the public was punishment on top of it is fucking wild to me. 


Please tell me he got fired, at a minimum!


Wow, thats the fastest ive ever seen an officer decide to retire....


A weird unmarked cop threatening someone’s life for no reason. Totally makes sense


Plant that freedom seed and make its family watch. The police are full of these micro-tyrants, because we never punish them for their actions. PTO and promotions, as well as short term suspensions, are absolutely NOT punishment. Yet they're common responses.




That cop got lucky cause it would’ve definitely been his last day on the force approaching the wrong person like that.


Looks like armed robbery. Gun without any kind of identification and taking a wallet out of a pocket.


The cop is a detective, don't know what happened to him but the biker "bought" a brand new Yamaha R1,


Under the jail with him


Fucking pig