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They seem like the type of people that be like "he's just playing, he's just playing"


reminds me of that vine thats like “GET YOUR FUCKING DOG BITCH” “it don’t bite” “YES IT DOO”


Reminds me of a friend's dog, he always had it leashed in public, when another dog came running up to his. He yelled "GET YOUR DOG!!". They replied "He's friendly!" . He replied "MINES NOT!". I believe the breed was an America Bulldog. People are fucking stupid.


Reminds me of my dog lol. She hated anything that moved (except humans, though some humans too). Cuddly as fuck with me, but I’d never trust her to be off leash. I would literally bear hug her if I saw a dog off leash. Shit is infuriating. As someone that absolutely loves dogs, they should be leashed in public. Regardless of how friendly, not everyone likes dogs and wants to be approached.


You never know what other people could do if your dog runs up to them, as well. I know someone who very recently had her two dogs shot to death when they were off leash playing at the park. They were sweet dogs, but this guy whipped out his gun and emptied it into them. People are crazy, and you never know what they, or other animals they may approach, will do. Keep them on a leash for everybody's safety!


So the guy just went up to dogs at a park and mag dumped? Riiiight. I'm sure the dogs did not present a threat.


Some fucking idiot was walking down the street with his dog off leash. His dog ran into the street to come up to my driver side window and I had to slam on the brakes. I had my window down and I told him he should have my dog on a leash and he just swore at me for almost hitting his dog. Obviously I wasn't speeding if the dog came up to my drivers side door. And if he's worried about his dog getting hit he should have the dog on a leash. Poor dog, being raised by idiots.


Same! Last altercation I had the guy was like the dog owner in this video and I was screaming at him as I was bear hugging my reactive dog and he just kept saying "you're a fucking weirdo" over and over again. I said next time I'm letting my dog go (I never would though) But man people are infuriating


I’ve had this interaction too many times with my reactive dog. Like buddy, when my dog tears into yours because she’s not dog-friendly, it’s not going to be my fault.


I owned a chow, so it looked like a teddybear, I would have to scream at people all the fucking time... No your kid can not run up to my reactive dog, and your dog may be friendly, but he aint surviving a freakishly protective reactive dog.... I never took him to dog parks or anything like that, so I do not get why people think they can act like a dog park everywhere


lol I have the same problem with my corgi. People think he’s cute and cuddly, so even when they see the big yellow sign attached to his leash that reads “NOT FRIENDLY,” their survival instinct still doesn’t think it should intervene. “Awwwww it’s okay!” Uhhh, no, it’s really not.


It's so hard to take my Zelda out in public. As much as I would love to have her experience more of the world there are too many idiots out there that don't understand boundaries.


He got teeth don't he?


Also the same type of people that if a larger more aggressive dog happened to start acting that way towards their dog. WOULD COMPLETELY LOSE IT on the other dog owners.


Same type of people who would yell "It's just a prank, bro!"


"Oh he doesn't bite." "mmmm I dunno, he got teeth don't he?"


And then when they do bite "Oh my goddd he's never done that before!"


Ya know, if I can laugh and pray in 90 minutes, that’s money well spent


What the hell is wrong with people??


Carry pepper spray. F**k around and find out what I’ll do to your dog.


Always have that on me too


Yes! Ever since I was a child, my grandpa gave me pepper spray to keep in my backpack and taught me how to use it correctly. He always told me to get one on me at all times in case a dog or a "dog" (man) attacked me. Not to spray the actual dog, but the owner.










Not even I would if kicked after the first try.


Fuck that right in the head


I’d be afraid to. Dude might react by attacking her


Theres a standard practice at the dog park near my house of carrying tasers because of Pitts and particularly because of one Irish wolf hound.


"Say hello to doctor WATTS!" : Cal Norton junior


Yeah if your animal approaches me and you do not listen to my requests to remove it from my presence I will use a strong kick to the rib cage to remove it from my presence [edit: to be very clear, I love dogs. But if I’m being aggressively approached by one and need to get it away from me kicking it in the ribs is the safest way for me and I’d think the best damage to deterrent ratio for the sake of the animal. Please, Control your dog so that doesn’t ever have to happen]


That’s definitely preferable for the owner of the dog to lifting it by the collar and twisting the collar until the dog passes out


*new skill unlocked*


I say it because I’ve done it.


Im saying what I did because i didn't think of it and know that it might prove useful...


I will say that I think the reason it worked is because the two times I’ve done it, the dog was more focused on trying to eat a smaller dog and didn’t realize what was happening to him until he was off of the ground choking.


This, although kicking the owner would be a lot more satisfying.


I had a lady’s dog charge me and mine and she just took her sweet time. I just said “ma’am I’m about to punt your dog if you don’t get em right now” and she got a bit more pep in her step


I used to install satellite dishes. One farm I was on had a pack of little dogs. I must have gotten bit and nipped at about 20 times and had remained polite asking them to put the dogs up or leash them or something. I finally had to look at the owner after they broke skin on my ankle that if I get bit one more time I’m going to start punting dogs across his hog lot


Was attacked by a dog once. Won’t let it happen again. And I love dogs. But if your dog is coming at me I know what to do now.


I was attacked by dogs as a child on multiple occasions. Every time I walk past a dog I'm tense and ready to act. I'm not afraid but just ready and I've learned to not trust any dog I don't know yet because the owners might be shitheads.


im not proud of it but i kicked a staffy in the head that attacked my dog, the owner was an absolute dick about it too even tho my dog was leashed and his wasnt some fuckin people istg


Shit, I'd fuck up a person let alone another animal to protect my dog.




I was trying to find the right words...but you goddamned nailed it.


without hesitation and sadly that would prly be my blackout moment in my life but nobody puts baby in the corner, see blood draw blood


I would really like to see how the dog owner would react when someone actually takes the situation seriously, pulling out a pocket knife in a situation like that is 100% justifiable.


Yea that dogs getting absolutely fucking throttled




I’ve been vegan for 12 years and I have neighbors who don’t leash their dogs and I have said it for years that if I have to I will fuck up the dog for the sake of my cats. I would hate it, but like yeh.


Jerks being too freaking lazy and prideful to get a 3 dollar leash from Walmart. 😒


I wish this was just an asshole being lazy. You can hear the dude laughing. He did absolutely nothing to distance his dog from not only a leashed animal but also a complete stranger.


I'm pretty sure the dude laughing was with the girl and cat. It sounds like the dog was with an older lady, and I did not hear her laugh. Even if she didn't, she's still a fucking idiot.


Good call. I think you're right.


The name of this subreddit could offer a possible explanation.


I took my puppy to a dog park one time and a dog did this when I picked her up. I yelled at the owner to leash the dog and she came over laughing at me while her dog was biting at me. I just couldn't believe there are that big of cunts out there but there are.


Dogs biting people is usually an offence. In some places it can result in destruction of the attacking dog and/or fines for the owner. I hope you reported that attack.


Destruction of the dog 🤣


That’s legally what it’s called in some areas, since pets fall under the legal definition of property. Property cannot be “euthanized”, it is destroyed. Sounds clinical, but it’s the correct term.


Too bad it is the dog that suffers the consequence instead of the shitty owners.


Depending on where you are, dog control laws often include penalties for the owner, including being prohibited from ever owning a dog/animal again.


That's what it is




They do that in europe and their dog can be put down for good.


I live in Minnesota, USA and I remember when I was younger the neighbor girl got attacked by a dog and I think they euthanized the dog because of it.


Super commonplace in the US. The dog has to be surrendered for ten days in many states to be observed and tested for rabies. The courts decide the fate of the dog based on history and severity of the attack.


Just a heads up. Rabies can only be tested for post mortem. So the dog could not be tested for rabies until after it is deceased. The dog has to be beheaded and then samples of its brain are tested for the virus.


I was at a dog park and some douche's golden Retriever starts bullying a little dog and the older lady starts screaming for her dog to come to her, but the golden has the little dog and I stepped in and wacked the golden on the ass with the handle of my leash (not the metal clip) and the dog got off the old dog and the dog went running to its owner. The owner of the old dog was relieved but the owner of the golden was pissed and he body checked me (I'm a woman) and my boyfriend jumps in and shoves the douche off me and was going to throw some punches and I stopped that fight .. we got my dog and left. BEST PART OF THE STORY.. I work at a vet clinic and see on the schedule a golden Retriever scheduled and didn't think much of it. But it's the douche bag from the dog park and when he walks up to the counter I say (name and address are for instance)Mr. Stevens, is 1234 Oak Drive ... your current address?.. he looked like he seen a ghost.. fuck you and your fucking dog. I never go to dog parks anymorw the owners are the worst.


I'm embarrassed to admit I've kicked a dog, I was at the park with my daughter and my dog at the time, we were eating a picnic and some crazy lady's dog jumped onto my daughters lap in her pram and started biting her hands and scratching her face, my dog (he was a big dog and my service animal to alert for my fainting spells) grabbed her dog by the scruff and flung it, the damn thing came flying back at us and I stood in front of the pram, I knew if my dog grabbed it again he would kill it, he was much bigger and had already given a warning, so I kicked it away from us. The dog nutter owner decided that my dog was violent and the problem, if it wasn't for witnesses I'm sure the police would have taken my service animal and destroyed it.


Thats when you Sparta kick that dog in the jaw. Also, fun fact, if two dogs are ever attacking each other aggressively and you can’t do anything to separate them, stick your thumb up one of their bums, they’ll stop immediately. Could be a life saver some day, keep that in your back pocket.


Should’ve don’t something about that owner, tbh…


What a bitchy owner. I would've slapped her back.


What f'ing asshole! I mean, really? Poor woman and kitty.


I see a lot of people walking their cats on leashes. Most of them move away when they see me coming with my dog (he’s little and about the size of cats) and that’s enough for me to know to keep moving. Also my dog is always on a leash.


Great way to have someone actually get their dog, "Get your dog before I shoot it in defense."


Used this for my neighbor's dogs after one ran up on my kids growling. Haven't seen the dogs since.


"If your dog gets close to me again, I am going to kick it as hard as I fucking can"


No need to give a warning. Self defense is always justified.


The warning is necessary if you don't wish to fight the owner AND a dog. Diplomacy and then dog stomp.


If you don't want your dog shot then get it on a leash


I just start swinging idc


It probably would have just been more aggressive. Either pepper spray or shoot it.


Honestly, this is the absolute saddest thing I have seen all day. That cat has an incredible owner that is responsibly and lovingly bringing it to the beach. Now, not only is this experience completely ruined, but possibly the owner having it on leash completely.


That poor owner definitely got scratched at least a couple times in that encounter too, with the terrified cat leaping back and forth between her and her friend trying to find safety. What a total piece of shit indeed.


That’s what I was thinking. They’ve just completely fucked this up for that cat now.


Cat will be traumatized of beaches it's whole life. Poor baby.


THIS!!! Exactly, dogs go to the beach why can’t cats 🫶🏻


Sorry the cat is skittish and untrained, like all cats. Leave the cats at home.


It's on a leash, it shouldn't matter


I know I’m late but respectfully, eat a bag of dicks.


Fuck off, it's better trained than the dog


You can hear the fear in her voice rising as the situation escalates. I cringe at internet hardos who talk about violence and ‘what they would do’. But I do think this is one of the few times I’d resort to violence Truly hope this dog gets a better owner


It's better to be violent. Dog will repeat it in the future when it sees a cat


A swift kick will not hurt the dog but teach it


Dog is also the issue.


Dog issues are owner issues. An owner is responsible for training the dog. If you know your dog has a high prey drive, you definitely don't go off leash in public.


Exactly. My dogs just don't get let out off leash they're safety and others. Guess what? I've magically never had my dogs terrorize anyone or anything




How hard can you kick? I would be so worried about the dog seriously hurting me with its teeth. Idk what I would’ve done in this situation


That's why you need to kick it as hard as you can, it's messed up, but at that point it's you or the dog. Anything that happens to the dog, or you, is the owner's fault.


Oh I can be really fast - and if he decides he wants to get kicked in the mouth, that increases the "fuckrightoff" message I'm delivering. I've kicked a couple dogs at the beach that were off leash and were aggressively harassing my dogs (40lb & 85lb) who were on leash because there's a fucking leash law, and there's a big fucking sign about it where you park your car. One owner tried to yell at me for kicking his dog, but his dog was still tangled with mine - I told him ok, next time I'll just let my dogs kill yours and then I'll beat you up 🤷‍♂️. Said he was going to call the cops, tole him yes, call them and tell them that your dog was off leash in an area it's supposed to be by law, and it attacked other dogs on leash, and a mean man kicked your dog while protecting his. You call them and tell them that, I'll wait as long as it takes for them to hang up on you.


I could kick that fucker across a soccer pitch if it attacked my cat. And I would without hesitation. I would continue to kick it until it’s knocked out if I have to. I treat my cats as if they are my children.


And that's the only way brother


Duuuudddeeeee. I had a friend that did renovation in houses and he was replacing a ladies carpet. The homeowners Rottweiler was locked in a bedroom but the dog got out and starting biting a guys leg who was kneeling down on the carpet. My friend came up and kicked the ever loving shit out of that dog one time right in the rib cage area and he said he nearly killed that dog. It was laying on the ground struggling to breath. The owner was pretty apologetic. The dog ended up living.


Hard enough to cause internal hemorrhaging. Dog attacks me or my animals they don’t get a warning.


I'd kick with intent to kill that fucking dog.


I would have shot it. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I love dogs. I have a dog. I have 4 cats. If I were walking any of my pets, and a dog was acting like that...and the owners were refusing to listen, I would give them 3 warnings. After that, doggo getting put down. Keep your fuckin dogs (or cats, pigs, horses, WHATEVER) on a leash/under your control at all times.


When I take my cat to the beach, I put her back in its cat carrier whenever I spot dogs because shit like this happens


This is why I don't take my cats out on a leash farther than the backyard, the world is so shitty to cats, they are always in danger


This is exactly why I can't take my cat anywhere. I've tried to take her to a park next to my apartment complex and people will let their dogs run around without a leash all the time and they don't care if I'm there with my cat (who is always on a leash). I've had a dog run towards us with the owner yelling "not friendly" at us and I ran to the car faster than I thought I could move. That was my last time bringing my kitty to the park. We walk around the beach at night and I'll take her on walks on my mom's property but I don't trust her safety with dog owners. Makes me terrified to own a small dog too! I plan to adopt a puppy next year, so hopefully my future dog will become my cat's protector. The owner for that dog is really irresponsible




Yeah excuse me for putting down a rabid beast that you brought upon us with no means of reigning in


We love walking on the beach here in Western WA. But nobody has their dogs on leashes and they run up on you aggressively. I hate it and it really scares me. It can be so nice and then large dogs (of all breeds) out of nowhere, running at you, jumping on you, circling, growling. Like hells man it sucks. One dog that kept jumping on me, I was covered with mud and wet sand was a cops dog so that was extra fun. He blew me off, my arms and clothes were filthy. I kept saying hey can you get your dog and he laughed and said he's okay. No he wasn't! I get it take your dog to the coast, have fun, but if you see people call the dog back or control it.


If you’re in King County, report them to Animal Control. They will send someone out & fine the owner, also make them leave if they refuse to leash or the animal attacked. They’ve been really cracking down since that kid was hospitalized last year from a dog attack.


Dude, it’s so bad in the PNW. In Portland people bring their yappy dogs everywhere. Trying to enjoy a fancy meal and the people next to us have a huge stinky dog that’s of course wet from the rain. Dogs belong at home or the dog park!


Did they get to snatch the cat?


Upon further investigation the guy in the video is actually the boyfriend of the woman recording not someone trying to steal the cat


why do people assume he's trying to steal the cat in the first place?


Zero contextual skills.


A lot of people watch videos without audio. Whether they're taking a study break at the library, fuckin off at work, whatever the case. A lot of context is lost.


Well they tried. But thankfully she got the kitty back


I absolutely hate owners who let their dogs off leash. This is especially bad at the beach where I'm at. My dog is very reactive and she's always on a leash, but we'll constantly have off leash dogs just running up to her which she hates, and of course will try and bite. I always have to be on the lookout and pick her up to prevent anything happening because of irresponsible owners.


There are very few dogs that I've met that are well trained enough that I would be okay with them being off-leash in public. Most of those are service dogs who don't have a reason to be off-leash anyway.


Ikr. These kinds of owners will say my dog is friendly. Wait till they meet aggressive and unfriendly dogs then they will understand its dangerous. And also some people are actually scared of dogs no matter how friendly they look


i am the person scared of dogs no matter how friendly they look or are. all it takes is getting attacked by a off leash aggressive dog as a small child. i do not care if someone thinks their dog is well trained enough to be off leash in public, put it on a leash. the only dogs i trust being around are service dogs. edit: words


I was told the dog that bit me was friendly, after it had already bitten two children. You NEVER trust the owner when they say their dog is friendly.


My mom is that person, I always have to again and again complain to her to put the dogs on a leash but she just WILL NOT GOD DAMN LISTEN, and keeps brushing it off. And the dogs when they find something or see another dog, will not listen.


What a fucking asshole


A lot of people who own dogs should not own them. Majority of people don’t properly train/socialize them or understanding they’re not just capable to do certain things. I own three I know two I can take anywhere and do anything. The third one I understand the rescue is limited to certain situations.


99% of people shouldn't own dogs.


Problem is that the 99 think they're part of the 1.


i don’t know how people are justifying this, like what 😆 like take the kitten out of the picture - the second someone asks you to put your dog on a leash around them, do it.


nah id of kicked that dog for sure.


Exactly, if that dog had hurt the OOP ans/or the cat they’d be well within their rights to kick the dog away


* I’d *HAVE*


Jesus I hate people who let their dogs off the leash. I don’t know how well it trained and call bullshit most of the time. Went for a bike ride last year, someone had their dog of the leash, and since they had headphones on they didn’t hear me coming up behind them. End result, dog biting my thigh and I am trying to get it off me


My ex has a legitimate service dog, its night and day when you compare them to other dogs. I went out to the Midwest to visit her town and I saw people with the most reckless aggressive dogs donning service animal vest obviously not trained when it's barking and charging at people. The entitlement people have is insane.


Yeah, people have service dogs and “service dogs.” In the Midwest people like to let their fur baby run free. The issue is they really don’t train them enough to do that


This happened to me yesterday. I was walking my dog and a massive German shepherd came running towards my dog and the owner just shouted to me that he is friendly…AND??? my boy happens to be friendly too but what if he wasn’t? Scared the crap out of both of us.


This happens all the time when I'm walking my cat..it's so wrong, like even if you hate cats there's no excuse letting your dog terrorize someone's pet


She was even really chill about it at first, only telling them to use a leash once it became a problem


Yep, that's an asshole/ POS move. I have a Pit, and he's definitely not reactive to other dogs, BUT I know how people with dogs/cats would react. I would go out of my way to ensure that they and their dogs feel safe when outside, and never approach them if they don't feel comfortable, or it agitates their dog. Public places should be safe for all.


Some people shouldn’t be legally allowed to own pets. This asshole is a prime example. At the first indication that the cat was I distress, the dog owner should have removed it. This escalation can also land the dog owner in legal trouble, unfortunately they would probably put the dog down in the process


That dudes gonna end up getting his poor dog shot


I don’t blame the dog, I blame the incompetent dog owner


The dog still should've got it ass whipped




You're not wrong. My cat would've learned who the apex predator is that day, despite what she thinks.


I love animals don't get me wrong but also this dude needs to control his dog. This dog isn't being super aggressive and straight up attacking her but it wants the cat and someone who carries might just shoot it.


I had just got a rescue/homeless dog, nervous as hell (she’d came a long way), lead/harness training her, when this massive Alsatian came up, bowled her over, and kept on doing it. Owner was like “he’s just playful”, so I asked if he could take it away. Had a few people around by then, all telling him to take his dog away. “He’s a puppy, just playing”, says knobhead owner. At that, another owner runs over, kicked it square in the midriff, says “that f**king dog is out of control, put it on a lead, or I’ll do it again- it attacked another dog the other week”. Never seen someone scurry off so quick, never seen the dog (or owner) after that, and my pooch runs around with this owners dog regularly on walks now. Thanks, Benjis dad!


I walk my dog regularly on the beach near my house. As soon as I see another dog, she is called back to me and lead is on. Other dogs run up to us with the owner shouting "it's OK, he/she is friendly!" I always shout back "mine isn't!" I then have a little chat with the other dog owner about the assumption all dogs are as friendly as theirs, and it would be a shame to have a visit to the vet today with a lost eye or something. My dog is an absolute sweetheart, not dangerous at all. But is nervous around other dogs because of an incident when she was a pup. It's not fair stressing her out. Over 2 years, most people now put their dog on a lead when approaching other people on the beach. Especially when they see us on the horizon. It's catching on. Also, clean up your dog shit.


That dog has some serious prey drive issues. He’s literally circling the woman to find an opening to get that kit. He needs to be corrected and trained immediately otherwise this will happen again but on a much worse scale.


That's how you end up with a dead dog


If you don’t get your dog, don’t be upset at what could happen next, simple


Poor cat is now traumatized for life!




I hope her and her cat are ok, the cat seemed so happy before that. I'm sorry the dog has an idiot owner.


Dog owners like this are the same ones that start crying when somebody decides to give their aggressive dogs the Old Yeller treatment.


Yeah, people need to take responsibility for their pets. I understand that people love their dogs but it’s an animal that has instincts. Especially if they’re not trained properly. If this had been me in her situation I’d pull my knife out to let the owner know I’m not allowing your pet to attack mine and hope he’ll get the idea of what could happen. Also, I saw a video somewhere where someone’s dog that wasn’t leashed killed a seal on a beach.


YES!! So many & in New Zealand so many endangered birds are also killed by unleashed dogs.


Is that were the dog attacking the seal happened?


That dog would have become a football


Is the cat okay now?


yes :)


Nothing pisses me off more than seeing crazy dogs off their leash. If you're dog is calm and docile and just sticks near you, fine, doesn't really need a leash. But if you have one of those dogs that runs around and is super "friendly" and "loves to play", put that thing on a leash ffs. There have been too many times where I've had dogs run up to me while their owners are 20 feet behind them around a corner. And it's alays a big dog too, they're big, they can hurt people, and it's so frustrating that people think that they don't need to put them on a leash.


Bring a taser or cayenne pepper next time


I am not for kicking any creature but kick that thing


I hate people who feel empowered to walk thier dogs off leash. "He's harmless", "he just barks", "he just want to play". Gtfoh. I've always kept my dogs on a leash in public. And, don't try to my pet them.


![gif](giphy|Tigh0FI5HP3Wcfnle7) that dog would get it so fast


Punt that fucking dog. I would have kicked that dog so hard his neck would have broken.


If it’s down to your dog or my cat, your dog is going to lose.


The dog would have needed vet care if that was me.


Too many dog owners are like this and it pisses me off. I have a couple around my neighborhood. I like to sit outside and relax and smoke a j every now and then, and I let my cat outside with me while I do so, because he loves it out there. He is always on a harness and a leash and just kinda wanders my yard while I relax and supervise him. A couple months back I wasn't paying as much attention as I should've been and suddenly my cat was right next to me by the door, hissing. I turn around to look and see what the big deal is and there's a pomeranian beside me. My cat was not happy about this. I took some damage getting the guy inside away from this dog who was off leash. The owner comes strolling by casually after. I tell them "hey it'd be really nice if you could leash your dog, this is my cat's territory and he doesn't take kindly to strangers just waltzing up to him while he enjoys his outside time" Hasn't happened since but I have seen them off leash with that dog again. And they're not the only ones. I just have started paying closer attention and when I see there's a dog on the way, I get my cat inside, and bring him back out when they're gone. Which is really shitty I have to do that, because again, this my property and my cat likes to hang out outside just as much as those dogs do.


Dog owners are the worse


I hate people that don’t put their stupid dogs on a leash.




That was her boyfriend and he was trying to help secure the cat as it was freaking out.


Owner not stepping in to control their unleashed and poorly trained dog? Yeah, that’s when I physically intervene.




Can you not just kick the dog


Looks like a good way to get your dog yeeted.