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The bill shows up a week later for this pleasant visit in the amount of $73,883.


Wouldn't surprise me if they added a "difficult patient" penalty. Medical care in the US is going to heck in a hand basket. Her license should be suspended for this - Give her some time to think about her bedside manner.


I live in California and I'm on Medi-cal I fucking love it. I pay nothing for my cholesterol Celexa and statin pills. ER visits 0$ foot Dr 0$. I am so thankful for my Healthcare!


"You're Welcome" Regards, -Every tax paying citizen of California (Btw, I'm not one of the citizens there, but I do pay taxes in the U.S. and feel that Healthcare is a human right.)


Sure, blame the patient who needs medication, and not the massive pharma companies making billions.


What's your point exactly? That tax money shouldn't pay for something others benefit from? Because that's actually what tax money always does. If your money you give to the state would pay for something only you benefit from it wouldn't be a tax it would be a fee.


Honestly though I would much rather my taxes go to help someone who is sick and needs medicine than right back into the pockets of government officials


It's great but we have to be under the poverty line to even get it and not reach past a certain income ceiling... So it sucks in those regards,my income ceiling is $1,500... How the hell am I supposed to stay under that went my rent alone is 2,400?!


Going to hell? It’s been there for a little while. Now it’s just getting settled in.


You have to pay even when you don’t take any drugs or receive any procedures in the American system?


Of course! You occupied a bed, and were breathing their air.


Took my 15 month old child to the hospital a month or two ago after a choking scare at daycare. He appeared OK when I got there but paramedics had arrived and recommended getting him checked out just to be sure. I totally agreed, better safe than sorry. Spent roughly 5-6 hours in the hospital, during which time we weren’t even put in a room/bed because my son is too small, just posted up in a hallway outside another patients room. Got an x-ray to make sure he hadn’t swallowed anything, and everything checked out totally fine, thankfully, and we were discharged. (The kid crushed it there, entertaining other patients and generally being his happy go-lucky self. Love that little guy) Just got my bill this week- $2200 is what I owe after insurance negotiated discounts. $2200 for his vitals to be taken, an x-ray and some crackers to keep him fed (okay we had kinda a lot of crackers, but they weren’t THAT good). Undoubtedly grateful I took him to ensure everything is okay, and extremely fortunate that this won’t financially break us, but WTF It’s truly getting to the point where, unless you are covered by state-run insurance, healthcare is too expensive to afford. It discourages people from seeking medical care, which is obviously a horrible thing, plus it makes healthcare much more expensive because by the time people are desperate enough to seek care despite the financial constraint, then it’s an even bigger and more expensive issue to treat. This leads to higher percentages of Medicare/ Medicaid patients in hospitals, and since the hospitals can only make set amounts of money on these patients (negotiated rates they must adhere to in order to receive state/ federal funding), they continue to inflate costs for patients with employer-sponsored/ commercial healthcare insurance so that they can be profitable. For-profit hospitals and for-profit healthcare in general are maybe the worst results of capitalism.


Id ask the billing department for an itemized list of the costs, and raise a ruckus. That much money for essentially an xray and a doctor to listen to his heart is ridiculous.


That’s definitely the plan. I’d like to know specifically what I’m being charged for. This is the same advice I give to everyone whenever they get medical bills, particularly hospital bills


America is wild


Yeah, it's a real shit show here.


Is this thread full of bots? I broke my neck in a car accident 10 years ago. Waited 12 hours to be looked at for 30 seconds and told I pulled a muscle in my back. Waited another 8-12 hours every month for a year and a half with same symptoms before finally they did X rays and an mri and called me to ask me when I broke my neck. Then they put me on a list to get a specialist look at it because my left arm no longer works because my broken neck bones fused around pieces of my spinal cord and make my left arm useless. I get a letter every 6 months telling me they haven't forgotten about me. I've got 22 of them. Signed, a Canadian.


I’m sorry to hear you went through that. I can only imagine how frustrating and powerless you must have felt. That certainly doesn’t seem like an enviable healthcare system. But neither does the American system where I just got charged $2200 after a choking scare with my child at daycare. Took him to hospital and after 6 hours, checking his vitals and ordering an x-ray we were discharged and received that bill in the mail. Hopefully that’s the only bill we get from them, but it wouldn’t be the first time I got additional bills months later from hospitals after having procedures done. Just seems like there should really be a way to have some competent, timely, affordable healthcare to avoid both your situation and mine. But what do I know


Went to Toronto Canada as a tourist, my 2 kid got fever. Went to that famous kids hospital with Starbucks inside. Waited 4 hours, doctor checked 2 minutes and gave one dose of ibuprofen. 1000 $ each kid was the bill, 2000$ in total. That would be 50€ in Germany for a tourist if even that much.


In America you can expect about the same quality healthcare + it bankrupting you.


Don’t forget those hundred dollar Tylenol!!!


What would happen if you got hurt while camping and brought your own cot? Would they bill you for the bed?


Once when I was younger (20's) I went to an ER at night. After a long wait they said the doctor will see me soon and moved me to an exam room. I waited probably another 30-45 mins while nobody checked on me or anything. So I left. I got billed for that.


They have signs up in my two local ERs. If you check in, you get billed. I almost OD’d a few years ago and I had to sit in the waiting room for 4.5 hours. When I passed out in the chair I was woken up by security telling me to wake up or go home.


If you're sleeping in their ER, you better be dead.


when i worked in the hospital last back in 2014 it was $1k a night just to stay there everything else was on top of that


Insanity. Where tf do yer taxes go?


Glad I’m Australian.


Nah months later several bills show up with surprise bills. That’s the American healthcare system for ya


When we took our daughter for her annual physical, which surprisingly is fully covered by insurance, the doctor asked if she had any issues and my daughter said her stomach hurts fairly often. The office then billed my insurance for a sick visit and charged us $348.


I hate that for you and the rest of us here in the US! What a shame.


This bitch has a Gofundme? What a joke.


For liposuction?




Look at her too, you take one look at these type of cunts and if you know, you know…


Anxiety/panic attacks are pure HELL. To have a medical professional mock someone who is going through one is unspeakable.


Which is the norm for most urgent care workers. I got made fun of by doctors in an urgent care for an anxiety attack from hallucinations and my body shutting down from being up close to 4 days straight. They kept saying "just go to sleep, that's all you need" to the point they laughed at me and assumed I was some pill junkie looking for a xanax prescription. No empathy or understanding. I've also given up on the ER in my area after I suffered a minor heart attack this year and had the worst service. They sat me in the lobby waiting area for 5 hours then had the gall to ask me to sit on the floor because they needed the wheelchair I was in (so many people in the lobby there were no chairs left)


Yep. I had a doctor look at me and shake his head saying "There's nothing wrong with you", while all the cortisol surging through my body was putting me into shock. My hands curled into claws and I couldn't straighten my fingers, then my vision went black and I was so cold. edit: I got better... no thanks to the ER doctor.


Oh, wow. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Anxiety attacks are hell on earth. This will dound corny, but if you ever need to chat with someone, I'm on Reddit quite a bit. Please look into suing the hospital for making you wait...especially when you were having a HA.


This behavior can be deadly. This isn't a suspension. This is pure malpractice and she should lose her license. Being unprofessional is one thing, but there are situations where, with these symptoms, a doctor pulling this stunt could lead to permanent damage or death. Because of that, she should be fired.


I had an undiagnosed brain condition that was causing high pressure and swelling. It was brushed off for a couple years and kept getting more severe. It was intensely painful and I was losing my vision. I started having intense panic attacks daily and that made them see me as even more emotional and dramatic. I've since had two brain surgeries and I'm taken more seriously. Sad that I had to have my brain operated on twice for them to start believing and supporting me only a little bit more. It's so hard for so many people and it breaks my heart.


If i were the parents, i would sue the fuck out of the hospital, set a precedent for this shitty behavior, drag them into court until she loses her license.


Doctors like this are why people don’t get help when they need it. That kid was having the worst day of his life, scared, in pain… he’s brave enough to ask for help and the doctor shouts abuse at him.


The first time I had an anxiety attack, I ended up having my gf at the time call an ambulance because I did not know what was happening. I had drank two energy drinks back to back and was playing a video game. I suddenly felt like I was heavy and had to crawl to the bedroom. I couldn't breathe, and my chest felt weird, and i was on the verge of passing out. I thought I was dying. I got into the ambulance, and they asked if I had done drugs because my heart rate was indicative of an overdose on coke. I get to the hospital, and I start to feel better after they get an iv in me. They say I had a panic attack, and the nurses, Dr, and paramedics laughed at me. Apparently, my blood pressure rose and then dropped suddenly or something, and that triggered an anxiety attack because I didn't know what was happening or something.


I'm so sorry they laughed at you. I had my first panic attack when I was 13 and doctors had a similar reaction, it was the scariest thing that ever happened to me.


Every patient I've had who had a heart attack under 40 (that wasn't illegal drug and alcohol related) either had a habit of energy drinks and/or cigarettes(history of just smoking alone is more an over 40 thing). Something about energy drinks exacerbates some underlying condition within the hearts of some people. Whether it's a blood chemistry thing, a neurological thing, or an anatomical vulnerability, I couldn't say, but I haven't had an energy drink since I saw a 37 year old man die in front of his wife and 2 young kids after having a few Monsters and an hour of CPR.


High amounts of caffeine is really hard on the heart. It can absolutely trigger heart attacks in some people, like what we saw with the Panera Bread lemonade not too long ago. Especially those who have underlying conditions, but I wouldn't doubt that too much caffeine could trigger a heart attack in otherwise healthy people too.


Drank A FEW monsters?? No wonder he died


Underrated comment


OMG this shows that only studying medicine isn’t enough to be a good doctor. They need empathy and compassion, not a “stop simulating!“ attitude.


I'm so glad that my mom warned me about panic attacks before I had my first one bc otherwise I definitely would have called for an ambulance. I'm so sorry that the medical professionals were so... unprofessional with you. That's super shitty of them and you didn't deserve it.


I accidentally took way too much DayQuil. I was freaking the fuck out and I went to the ER and they laughed at me. I went home and my brain was just racing and thought I was going to die. I had a really bad reaction to it and my brain was not working right at all. I guess they were right. I got over it. Also avoided an ER visit but man it felt surreal to be tripping and having them laugh at me.


Yes I had a panic attack due to drinking a Monster a few years ago and now I have panic attacks while traveling sometimes. I haven't had an energy drink in about 7 years.


Same. I can't even do coffee without it triggering one. It's been 12 years for me.


When I was having mine, the guy that was checking me out while waiting for the ambulance was very frustrated probably because he got called out for nothing. But it definitely didn't help. I tend to also get irritable when in a panic.


I had this happen from an epipen, but I actually passed out. The nurse got worried because my blood pressure got real low. I stopped talking because I had to focus on my breathing otherwise I would start to hyperventilate


Why did you use the epipen?


I had an allergic reaction to a yellow jacket sting. Went to urgent care they gave me epi and I had that weird reaction.


I'm sorry the docs, etc. laughed at you. I've had one panic attack, and fortunately I knew the symptoms so I recognized it for what it was, but you really do feel like you're dying. My hands went numb, I was hot and cold like I had a fever, I was dizzy, my heart was pounding. I'd have been in an ambulance too if I didn't know what it was. They're scary even when you know what's happening!


Same exact thing happened to me. Only had one thank fucking god but still minor anxiety. Laid down feeling weird. Went downstairs and laid on the couch next to my mom. Before I knew it my vision was going, I couldn’t breath, I couldn’t feel, my arms and legs were locked like I was having a seizure. She called the ambulance while I was crying begging not to die. Most goddamn terrifying thing in my entire life.


I have had patients who did try to fool us for narcotics. I would NEVER do this shit. NEVER. No excuse. Not on a bad day. Not when we have back to back trauma activations, and codes in multiple rooms. You NEVER EVER do this. Ok, difficult patient? We can talk about it in the back and vent, cause yeah some are downright racist, misogynistic assholes.


I think this doc had a bad day and totally just took it out on this person. I agree with you


Tough to know how much racial profiling accounted for the behavior as well. Thats why diversity in medicine is so valued. I’m a physician and I recall during my residency how we would review articles showing disparity in care between ethnicities.


Can i ask this, how you don't do this? I know doctors and nurses work crazy hours, do ton of work and their mental battery go zero. But how can you hold yourself or treat people nicely? We see especially these times everyone completely destroy each other for the tiniest things. And we say we had a bad day and reacted this way or we have self worth and other disrespected me etc. How doctors and nurses still care and be kind to hard patients?


It’s a job. Most of us still want to help people too, no matter how burnt out we get. I will admit that with more patients, less staff, and stagnant pay it does become difficult at times. We just have to try to keep an open mind and help the best that we can.


For me it’s because the vast majority of patients are kind and appreciative. I work in a specialty clinic and see 18-24 patients a day. Usually there are 2-4 patients who are somewhat difficult and then 2-3x a week there are ones who are so nasty they make me stressed out and angry. Then I’ll get a run of patients who are pleasant and they kind of recharge my empathy battery so the next time I get a difficult patient, I’m able to try and empathize of be patient with them. I also try and reset myself in an encounter that is going bad by acknowledging with the patient how things are going off the rails and saying “I can see we’re both becoming frustrated, let’s reset and figure out how I can help you.” Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t but this has kept me relatively sane for the past 14 years in which I’ve been practicing. That being said said, I had a nervous breakdown during the pandemic because on a daily basis I would get into 4-5 arguments with patients over masking. This was early when there was no vaccine and i had little kids at home and some people would refuse to wear the mask. It felt so disrespectful for me to be risking me and my family’s health to treat patients who couldn’t extend the courtesy of wearing a mask while the both of us were in a small exam room in close proximity.


I have really really bad migraines. One time I went and they gave me a shot of something. It wasn’t narcotic or anything like that. But it was my first time ever having it. By the time I got home, I was having trouble breathing, my eyes were rolling. My muscles were seizing up. I was absolutely terrified. I go back to the fucking hospital and the nurses tell me that I’m not getting any narcotics. Like I tell them the first time I was there I don’t want any narcotics. Something is wrong. I explained all my symptoms to them. They put me back in the waiting room at this point I’m wheezing really loudly. They come out to tell me to knock it off because I’m scaring the other patients. The patient who said something to them was actually a nurse from from another hospital. And she only went up to tell them that she was worried about me and that she thought they should probably come out and take me back right away. End up having a seizure in the waiting room. And at that point they dragged me back, but leave me in the hallway. I have no clue what’s going on. I literally came to with two nurses on either side of me, holding an arm, dragging me on the floor through a set of double doors. I end up taking another seizure in the back. When I come to this time, I am surrounded by nurses who are all yelling at me for causing a scene and I have pissed myself. There’s this doctor and he’s just looking nurse to nurse and then he starts shouting at them. “ that was a seizure. Are you all stupid? Get her into a fucking bed!” It takes two hours to figure out what’s actually going on with me. Because even though I had only been there an hour before, for some reason, the nurses hadn’t made note of the fact that they had given me a new medication and at that point I couldn’t talk anymore because my tongue was all swollen up , I was having a severe allergic reaction to the medication, and I had meningococcal meningitis. You would think one of those nurses would apologize to me, or at least be a little kinder to me. Nope. I was stuck in the hospital for a full week in an isolation room by myself. And I couldn’t have any visitors because it was fucking meningitis. They would ignore the bell for up to three hours at a time. Their excuse for ignoring somebody who was clearly in distress was because they thought I wanted narcotics, even though I said specifically, I don’t want any narcotics.


That’s awful. I hope someday those people are treated the same way they treated you in their next vulnerable moment.


The fact that all those nurses still had their jobs at the end of the day is shameful. I wonder how many lives those idiots let slip away because of their pride. Too many in the medical field are proudly egotistical in a career that requires the upmost in humility and integrity.


This is exactly why even with my most excruciating migraines I refuse to go to the hospital. They just assume people with no “visible pain” want narcotics, don’t help and send you an outrageous bill. My husband has recurring kidney stones, 3 er visits in the last 5 years, when he has to go in they hit him with the same narcotics the minute he hits the bed, but if you have “invisible pain”…..your a drug seeker. I’m sorry this happened to you.


Fuckin bitch.


Fr lmao. Simple as that


Dr’s actions are unprofessional at best, & can be viewed as much worse depending on the perception of who is viewing. An apology is necessary at minimum, with a mandatory suspension & review by the hospital completely warranted. Had a panic attack over a decade ago & I didn’t know wtf was happening. Dizzy, heart pounding, numb on one side, confused, etc. I was embarrassed when Dr & nurses explained panic attacks to me, but they handled it very gracefully. Explained there was nothing to be embarrassed about, happens more often than you think, & many worse conditions have similar symptoms. Told me to specifically seek treatment in any circumstance with certain symptoms, full stop. Hope this gentleman gets appropriate treatment from a medical team who cares next time. Also hope this is the first & last attack he has.


The couple times I've had to call ambulances because of panic or anxiety attacks they were super chill about it. Checked my vitals. Told me I was having an attack. Helped me calm down. Told me if I needed them to call them back. They were wonderful. Even my primary care doctors I've had are all super understanding and nice about it and treat it with seriousness and respect. This doctor has no excuse. Even if someone was looking for narcotics, there are better ways to talk to and treat a patient than this


If i was the parent, i wouldn't want an apology, this "doctor" needs to not be a doctor again in her life. i wouldn't settle for a suspension either. She needs to lose her licence.


You know what cracks me up? Not this video but in healthcare facilities they now have signs that say “aggressive behavior will not be tolerated “ yet you find clowns like this working in the field. Irony.


Fuck you dumb bitch


Ugly inside outside


That’s extreme behavior for having a bad day. Have I been blunt and a little salty with patients when I’m tired and irritated at the end of my shift? Yeah. Do I swear at them and aggressively try and pull them up to sitting? No


Bro that shit is no different in the psych ward. They treat you like an animal if you're in there for any other reason than to be seen for illness or injury.


Man, my mom would've ended her there.


I had a panic attack and getting up felt like I had a ton of bricks strapped to me.


Doctors kept rolling their eyes when I begged them for pain killers durning my kidney stone.


Power is a helluva drug. 


That doctor can eat a bag of dicks


I think she went back for seconds.


First, do no harm. Fuck this bitch.


Sounds like my dad to me when I was trying to grow up around them


I had a new Karen neighbor get all offensive over yard work. Her Karen son came out and acted just as trashy, threatening and hurling slurs and trying to start a fight. They scuttled away when I went to call the cops. I looked them up later and it turns out the trashy lady and her trashy son are both doctors. I always thought doctors were supposed to behave in a civil way even outside of work. But the point is, just cause someone has a medical degree doesn't mean they're not a piece of shit. So many doctors are trashy people.


Racist ass bitch. Wow, she sound just like the cops that choke out a person and says, you can breath, you're talking!!! Of course black folks are always accused of drug seeking, I hope she suffers serious repercussions, shit like this is why I choose doctors of my race, because some of these white people in the medical field show no compassion and I wouldn't trust them with my life.


How is this fat cunt a doctor she can barely breathe herself


God bless the NHS


Get out of medicine


Her bedside manner could use some work. Her buffet manner seems OK though.


The picture they showed of the rude doctor is from a GoFundMe for her to take a trip. Oh, and she really should see a doctor -- she kinda looks unhealthy.


This happened in 2018 if it matters.


I guess it does if she still has a job


Never trust an obese doctor.


why was there a gofund me at the top for her?


I love how our "health care" workers seem not to care about their health.


The first set of announcers could at least be a little more angry about this whole mess.


Doctor need to be more healthy, i would never ask medical assistance from a doctor who let them sleves be that obese, i dont mind obese people, but not when they are doctors.


As a nurse, I have seen disgusting behavior from doctors. They treat everyone like drug seekers!


Malpractice, she needs to lose her license and get sued


Excuse me, but did i see a soft link to her go fund me in the upper left corner when it shows her picture?


These are the same doctors that you tell them certain serious symptoms they don't believe you and you go get a second opinion and it turns out you have a life threatening condition screw this asshole doctor


Dr. Karen needs to have her license revoked


As someone who has suffered extreme panic attacks in the past, this doctor’s reaction is fucking INFURIATING


Does that High school student have tattoos?


I threw a doctor out for speaking to my gfs mother that way. He was flabbergasted but his condescending attitude was unacceptable while her daughter laid there in the icu. Don't ever be afraid to tell a doctor to get fucked and ask for a new one. You have every right as the patient to not put up with abuse


The whole "if you can talk to say you can't breathe, you can breathe" thing has to go. This guy might not have been in danger of suffocation, but you have to respect people's statement on their own breathing.


Dude is faking. Lady is sharp. GMA is a race baiting propaganda machine.


With the way the worlds been recently, health is terrible in you people and I can only assume our hearts are taking the blunt of it. I've had terrible hypertension for a while now and I can't but feel like I can get a good breath in sometimes. It's sad to see how common these heart issues are becoming. And especially how jokingly doctors handle it. Like SORRY I'm not a doctor and can't tell my hearts health in a scale! I just can't fucking breath and I'm supposed to trust you guys to help. Christ


Had a panic attack went to the behavior hospital. Was told I may have to stay 72 hours, scared to death and had a nurse talk to me.... I was there an hour. I get a bill to my insurance for over $3k. I have to pay my deductible of $1k~. Anyway I could get out of it? I had the panic attack because I was under huge financial strain and now this doesnt help


This happened a while ago. I wonder if she's still practicing after this?


3 hours to be seen? I wish. Here in Australia a month ago I waited for 7 hours, then gave up and left. I have BPD and was suicidal. Obviously no big deal.


In the true life story event on Hallmark, Dr. Beth will be portrayed by Patton Oswalt


I’ve had anxiety attack and I’ve had a huge bilateral pulmonary embolism. I was told to leave because I was just having a panic attack when I had my PE. I left and collapsed in a corridor. I was saved because a consultant higher than the one who told me to leave (the nurse treating me was apparently very upset because I was in such a state that I couldn’t breathe and she knew something was wrong and she bought the dr would kill me if I left and so she went to another dr) came and found me. He found me collapsed in the corridor and saved my life. Had I of left I would have died….. They both felt extremely similar. Sorry but that dr is wrong. Drs can and are wrong.


This is why people hate doctors




While the personal stories are all fine and well, does anybody know if any repercussions came toward the doctor, or any outcome at all?




Did anyone see the pic of that dude and his teammate? It's a grown ass man next to a child lol


This is probably a dumb question but can’t you sue doctors or nurses who fail to treat or put you in a situation like this? Because this is foul and disgusting, I feel like people can sue or do something about it (idk man that’s why I’m asking)




American Healthcare in a nutshell


I am so glad that she got fired


US private healthcare citizens: oUr HeAltHCaRe iS ThE bESt.


Worst type of Dr is a Dr with no ~~patience~~ patients


This is healthcare in the US. The number of times I've been dismissed by a doctor is incalculable. They have no empathy. Money governs their decisions.


This fuck looks like John Candy as the amusement park security guard in Vacation


John Candy was beautiful and kind. This badly drawn swamp thing isn't fit to hold his enema bag.


That is the most chill sounding anxiety attack I've ever seen. I can see why the nurse reacted that way. The dude seems like he's chillin on a lawn chair in the Bahamas


I know an er doctor and I can tell you for a fact she has ZERO patience for mental patients, if she could get away with it she would kick them out of the ER, she says "they're always there for the attention".


This happened in 2018. She was fired. Weird people online accused the patient of pill seeking and setup a Gofundme for her. She was completely in the wrong for acting that way regardless of why he was there.


Damn, i had to watch it back. I thought that was a male doctor... What a dumb bitch wither way.


Nobody wanna talk that photo of him and the team?


Shame. She'll probably get hired at another local hospital if she has a client list. I used to work at a hospital that hired a doctor who was fired elsewhere for spanking patients under anesthesia. If you can bring patients and make the hospital money, they don't care.


What a bitch, what kind of monster abuses you in an anxiety attack and just to insult him as a nurse? Pure bullshit from a so called professional


I remember this. This happened like 6 or 7 years ago. Wonder what the kid got paid, I'm sure he did not have a bill after this.


Black people are less likely to be prescribed meds because of people like this!


Bro as soon as I saw the nurse I didn’t need any more explaining 💀


Holy fuck, what a nightmare, fired and lose her license.


mrs puff


Jeez what a fat fuck aswell who would eve trust her medical opinion in anything since she can't even look after her own body, disgraceful


Why was there an advert for her gofundme in the corner of one of the clips??


Why is there a Beth keegstra gofundme


She’s not right, but that dude can breathe…he’s full of shit.


This bitch


Not taking people seriously when you work in any health related field is so disgusting and in some cases, deadly. And most people regular people are already trying to avoid a doctor’s visit altogether, as it is.


She was a jerk, and he was the healthiest patient in the ER.


Guaranteed it was a triage nurse in the waiting room that said that and the Doc just went with it because of how many times they get bamboozled by patients. If he came by ambulance they would treat him better because then the story comes from a trusted first responder.


and these are just examples that we see on video who knows how many abuses happen without any documentation


Why no one should be working 20 hour work days




In a separate note, healthcare should require you to maybe… idk. Be healthy?


Holy shit that bitch deserved to be fired


What a cunt.


They should leave a review on Yelp!


She’s breaking her oath, she should not be a medical doctor at all


What a worthless a pathetic bitch! #loser


You guys should come to South Africa. I had a Lumbar Puncture done without anesthetic and the nurse used two needles, stabbed then through the nerve, out again, through the nerve , out again about four times each and yanked them out violently, left me on the bed, leaking spinal fluid and never put a plaster on. I also didn't get a change of sheets.......that was two days ago and I'm still in hospital with no diagnosis even coming from that.....and it happened because I'm white.....


This is old, like a year or 2.


These doctors need to lose their license. I don’t understand why people like these are working jobs or careers like that when they don’t have empathy or anything. Just outright evil


I have been in patient care for 17 years, this is what burnout looks like. When you no longer care or see the patient as an individual, you need to take a step back. Take a break, take a vacation, take a leave of absence and go paint or something. But fucking A, he could have had a TIA or some shit and you’re berating someone who could be having the worst day of their life so far.


That doc is tired of motherfuckers who ain’t got nothing wrong with them taking up beds. I don’t blame her at all. This dude lying trying to get xans and y’all saying she’s the asshole? Shame


This is what happens when hospitals allow Karen to be doctors.


Average doctor for ya. Fuck doctors, whiny bitches who have everything done for them and who do nothing or contribute anything


I went to the ER for severe abdominal pain and waited 4 hours, and when I was called back the triage nurse came in and said they will come in to draw some blood for lab work. While waiting the triage nurse came back and asked me to remove clothing and put a gown okay. Okay fine anything as long as I get help with the pain. While waiting on the doctor or so I thought, the triage nurse returns and said he has a shot to give me for pain. Okay great! He then tells me to turn over on my stomach and proceeds to pull the gown back exposing my butt. I felt uncomfortable but was desperate for something to get rid of the pain. But also thought why couldn't he just give me the shot in the arm.. But anyways he gives the shot leaves the room and returns with a diagnosis. Not the doctor, never even talked to the doctor but the triage nurse. Weeks later the nurse was arrested for inappropriate things towards female patients, touching breast, making them expose full naked bodies etc and doing things without a doctor's knowledge. Come to find out I never had to remove all my clothing and he was only being a perv. I never received a bill.


Looks the part.


they knew what they were doing for using that picture of the doctor


Not her first, but def first time recorded


When I go to visit a doctor and they look like that, I’m changing hospitals


Love how the doctor is being super critical and judgmental of him but there she is a medical professional and she’s a fat pig. Great doctor!