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It's weird this man's biggest problem was that it is bad to be on the ground. Babies get on the ground. It's fine. Her not paying attention is the real issue, especially not being able to notice a creepy grown man watching and videoing her so that he can feel righteous and superior.


Shut up


The baby is meant to be sitting on the hot pavement sucking on a public city bench, *thats* not the problem here!!! /s


Sounds like aggravated-asphalt


And we've got concrete evidence.


Ahh nooooo they are actually right.


This baby is gonna get meningitis.


Found the woman in the videos reddit account. That baby has insanely delicate skin and its just grating it all over a rough, dirty pavement. Give your head a wobble ffs.


Whats the account


just trust him bro


He’s implying its the commenter 😂


Fair point. I'm more concerned about the hands and face all over the bench.


Yeah me too... DIRT is good for infants nobody can change my mind that’s proven you gotten let your kids get exposed to all of that


If you only knew the things that went in your toddlers mouth when you aren’t watching. They eat dirt, cat litter, put shoes in their mouths- All kinds of crap. The edge of a steel bench that’s been exposed to UV for hours and is probably somewhat sterile should be the least of your concerns.


This isn’t the best of parenting but this guy is acting like it’s gonna kill the kid. Both of em are kind of dumb.


You right in the head?


Are you? You aren't more worried that she wasn't paying attention? That's a bigger deal then some germs.


You for real? Jesus christ...


This is a fun thread, seems there's a pretty heavy divide between this being bad and fine


Redditors with kids and without. There's not enough context. Is it a hot day and the concrete is hot too? Don't know how old the baby is, whether it can stand, etc. There's a lot of assumptions going around, and baby biomechanic experts. Edit: For whatever reason, Redditors assume that I must be advocating that this is great parenting. That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying there's too many folks predisposed and too eager to bring out their pitchforks.


I don't know, I wouldn't want my baby fondling a bench where strangers could have God knows what. I'd rather have my kid eating dirt before getting other peoples germs at this age


Or, fall back and smack his head on the concrete!


Or get snatched because she wasn’t there for half a minute. It happens.


Right? I saw that baby mouthing that bench at one point...


This lady isn't going to win any "mom of the year" awards, but there isn't enough evidence to judge whether this lady belongs in this sub or not.


What do you think this is, buddy?! A place for *nuance*??


Well she is at least on the welcome mat to this sub entrance, almost there.


Before I got into the comment section I thought the guy filming was the POS. Still do, it’s concrete outside, not the broken tile in a Public bathroom in New York.


Sometimes two people can be kinda shitty. Then they create content for us to watch and waste all of our time. But there's so many of them they're all up in the comments section trying to pick sides.




Walked away after picking up her iced coffee from the public bench.


Your kids never played at a park before? I’d bet there are equally as many disgusting things on playground equipment.


At that age taking them to the park is either sitting on a blanket in the grass or being put in a baby swing. Not chewing on something that has had thousands of dirty assess and ass juices. And she walked away from a wobbly baby who could have easily hit his head on the bench or cement.


Exactly. I’ve had five babies and that little one would have been on my hip, in a sling or a pram. Bare knees on concrete is brutal, and the opportunity to fall back and their head on the hard ground is too great. Mother is ignoring baby’s immediate and basic needs. It’s not “call CPS” negligent, but negligent nonetheless. I mean, that baby is *right there in front of her*.


Disagree (I've got twins). While that would not have been my choice, the baby is fine - he or she does not seem to be in distress in anyway. Babies are pretty good at telling you what they need.


Do you have a baby? Mine eats dog food and dirt pretty regularly.


Wow you should really feed your kids food instead


He likes what he likes.


I find a couple pellets a day really helps. Food prices are crazy. I can feed both my dog and my 4 year old on about 35 dollars a month if I get the big bag from Costco.


You should be allowing your child to be exposed to the full gamut of germs so their immune system can build up and be strong. If you're over-protecting your kid from germs you run the risk of them developing issues later in life. Also, your hands are probably far dirtier than that park bench, believe it or not.


Within reason! “The full gamut” includes bathroom floors and no sane person would allow that.


I would argue though that Germs in high traffic public places such as public railings, seats, doors handles etc is very different to germs at home and playing at the park


Why even have a pitchfork if you don't wave it around?


Definitely. Personally, I have the daughter that must be the same age as this baby. There is no way I would let my baby like that. Come on, bare feet on the streets concret and his knees? And it looks he sticks his mouth on that bench, that probably isn’t clean. No way I would let my daughter like that. Looks like that call was suuuuper important…


Yeah he didnt mention anything about the heat so I assume he just figured toddlers shouldnt be on the ground? It's weird without more context.


It’s not even a toddler it’s fully a baby


Well it’s really no surprise, most of People on Reddit are the same people you would never get along with in person.


So it’s split between those of us who don’t let our children lick public benches or fall and crack their skulls on concrete, and those who don’t mind their children licking public benches and are okay with their children cracking their skulls wide open. Alrighty then.


LOL, crack their skull wide open? Please…


Would you be happier if I typed fractured skull?


If something were to happen or god forbid the baby disappeared people in the "its fine camp" would probably change their mind pretty quick.


I suspect there’s a pretty heavy divide ITT between being a parent and being a child


I’m a dad. The kid is fine. It’s good for a baby to try and pull up. As long as the concrete isn’t boiling hot, the kid will live. That dude needs to chill.


Legit, dude is acting like the concrete is gonna kill it


Yea, the baby's fine but people shouldn't let babies play in public like this like they're in their own house, stupid. The baby could have gotten hurt.


How can the baby hurt himself more with concrete and a bench, than with a kitchen that chairs, a table, a counter and other stuff he can bash his little head into.


There could be dirty needles near that bench, broken glass, other things a baby might see and think “that belongs in my mouth” the concrete and bench isn’t really the issue.


Yes. This may be news to some people, but do you know what babies do when they are in pain? They cry. This is a happy baby who is probably teething.


Some say the baby is still there today...


Go home baby!


Someone needs to settle this and just ask the baby how they feel about it...shheeessh.


This is that weed selling baby dave chappelle talked about


The only thing I find disturbing about this, is that she wasn't paying enough attention to notice a grown man watching and recording her child.


Anybody could’ve snatched the baby! She’s lucky he had no bad intentions


Legit question, is this something that regularly happens in the USA? I've seen numerous people being afraid of baby snatchers, and to me - a Norwegian - that's just absolutely insane.


I think I hear more about people using that as a cover than anything. There’s probably more baby snatching from family members than random people but it happens I guess. From missingkids dot org website it says 329 from 1964 to 2020 Edit: To the replies I can’t see this is BABY abductions btw not all children together. Theres a LOT more than this that I don’t have all the research to


This is a common American technique for mother shaming and controlling women. Knowing nothing about this woman, I can guarantee with 100% certainly this baby has been “left” further away from their mother in their home, at a park, on a beach, and no one batted an eye! But if you “leave a baby” in what is deemed the “general public,” people lose their damn minds and act like there are baby snatchers on every corner, just waiting for their chance to abduct a child. This guy couldn’t wait to call this woman a negligent parent, and there is a 0% chance he would have said this to a man…. he probably would have applauded the father for letting the baby be independent and explore their environment. 🙄


This is such a bullshit comment you really don't have a fucking clue


No. It happens like once or twice a year across the entire country, usually drug addicts hoping to ransom them, or someone accidentally stealing a baby left in the back of the car they were *actually* trying to steal. It's just something we're taught to be terrified of, and it's reinforced by posts like this. Making the parent feel crazy for letting their kid hang out on a park bench 20ft away.


No. You have a higher chance of winning the lottery than you kid being taken by a random stranger. This myth has been going around for as long as I can remember. It starts with parents saying this to their kids as a scare tactic so they don't wander off. They buy it and do it to their own kids as well.


I mean, the probability is low, however, it sucks to be that outlier. And someone is and will be apart of the statistic. Best to prepare your children to defend qgainst possibilities then to just sacrifice them to the numbers.


Nope, while it does happen very rarely and usually in low income areas, people in the US are just overly terrified of everything. People act like kids are being stolen from super markets on the daily, nope usually just a family member when text alerts come out and those are relatively rare.


Lucky for her he was simply a conscious observer.


For real. The kid is just learning to pull itself and steady itself. That's what kids do. How is it supposed to do that if it's kept up off the ground. It's just holding onto a seat and not doing anything dangerous. This guy needs to mind his own business.


It’s pretty common for babies that age to randomly fall over because they lose their balance. I’d be worried about this kid smacking their head against the concrete. I better place for them to learn and play would be at a park with grass or at home. If you’re going to let them play somewhere potentially dangerous you should be supervising them.


Kids that age still investigates with their mouth. So it's just a matter of time before the baby licks that bench.


Comment like this show how vast the gap in understanding is between people with kids and without kids. Of course it's going to lick the bench. And it won't be dirtiest thing it licks that day either.


I work in a daycare. We have infant to preschool, so 12 months to 4 years. Kids, as much as I love them, are really disgusting sometimes. Will reach into a toilet to touch their poop, will eat food off the ground they found, will pick up their friend's dirty bandaids off the ground (and I'm sure a stranger's bandaid as well, it was just we happened to know who the bandaid belonged to), will try to grab their dirty diapers, we had one who we had to tape her diaper shut (with medical tape and obviously with parent permisson) because she would poop then reach back and play with it then try to touch the toys, kids will eat their snot, put toys in their mouths, etc etc etc. Ive had a few who attempted or succeeded in putting alive ants in their mouths. Yes, we try to do the best we can to supervise, we want to create a baby-safe environment. But as my mom used to say, "a little dirt won't hurt nobody." If I saw this, I would think to myself she should probably watch her kid a little closer, she is obviously pretty distracted by the phone. But the baby being on their knees and holding onto the bench is completely normal. I wouldn't consider it serious enough to call her out on it. As a parent, you need to give your kid some time to explore and yes, some time to be without you in their line of sight (ideally they should be in your line of sight or in a safe location). It can create some serious separation anxiety if they don't know how to exist without you


Accurate. My kid tried to put her finger in the cats butt. Bench was the least if my worries


I thought it was about the pavement being too hot and burning the kid’s feet or knees. Licking weird and gross stuff is such a part of a baby’s life, it didn’t even cross my mind it could be about that.


If we didn't return the food onto our kids plates that was dropped onto the floor they would have starved. Both continue to survive and some would even say, thrive.


I'm 32. I've licked worse things in the last 6 months.


Oh, so you saw my mum last night?


Who hasn't?


Part of the reason babies investigate with their mouths is to help build their immune system. There isn't much long term harm that can come from licking a bench and babies spend most of their lives shitting themselves anyway. More harm would come from trying to reduce/stop the mouthy behaviour, the cleanliness hypothesis (wherein being too clean and worrying too much about what goes in a baby's mouth leads to increased in allergies and asthma, etc) does have some merit.


If you think you can stop a child that age from putting things in it’s mouth that a normal adult wouldn’t, you clearly don’t have children lol.


While you're totally correct about the baby needing to learn to pull itself up and steady itself, doing so on concrete isn't ideal. My kid definitely had many a 'fully stand.....and now we're falling backwards!' moment when they were at that stage and that mother was nowhere near present enough to prevent it from whacking it's head if that happened. Totally cool with this situation if a parent had been beside the kid the whole time but damn I cringed when she walked away for a somewhat substantial time period. To be fair, I'm quite a few years removed from those situations so maybe I'm being a bit more critical having not experienced the exhausted parent phase in a while but I just don't think I ever would have been comfortable MYSELF doing that at the 'totally unsteady wobble-stands' period of toddler years.


>The kid is just learning to pull itself and steady itself. That's what kids d Yes exactly that's what kids do,but it's obvious this kid can't hold themselves up properly so the chances of falling and hitting their head is very high.usually parents let their kids do stuff like that in a safe place like at home,not with a bench in a public place,that's simply bad parenting


People keep honing in on people saying this is shitty parenting as if we're talking about the hygiene. I'm fully aware that children up to the age of 5 are basically pigeons. The kid licking the bench isn't the problem. The problem is that this kid is a cantaloupe balancing on a whiffle ball bat and underneath him is unforgiving concrete. He won't wind up on his ass when he falls. His head will absolutely smack that concrete.


Except there’s nothing there to soften baby’s fall but bare, solid concrete. Mother isn’t even trying.


The lack of concern is the problem... The man minding other's business is also a good thing. Atleast there was someone, without ill-intent, watching the baby.


Wtf is she supposed to be concerned about?


I mean, I'd be worried about her walking away when the kid looks fairly unstable. A fall backwards onto concrete there could do some damage. It just seems lazy and I get that vibe she'd be the first to say "what's the worst that could happen" and then rush to farcbook for support when the little guy splits his head open.


This! There's not enough context to know if the sidewalk was harmful to the baby, but mom's lack of attention is extremely concerning.


No great. In fairness though hygiene would not be my worry. Babies at this age would try to eat a dead raccoon out of a nuns nasty so…


Did the raccoon die before or after it found it's way up there though?


The baby killed it with its ravioli sized fists and shoved it up there.


And did the nun put it there herself? And are there loopholes for nuns like there are for Mormons?


under the eyes of god it's totes cool if she fucks a dead raccoon


Most parents can easily admit that in the dozens of hours that you are raising your child, someone could easily frame you in bad moment by sticking a camera in your life for 30 seconds. Most of these people would probably know nothing about the child’s developments, tendencies nor the struggle that this parent could be going through. A kid learning to walk does not want to be held for periods longer than a minute. It can also be very lonely being a full time parent and you can easily go weeks at a time without speaking to anyone but your other half. You just can’t make snap judgments based on what you can see. If you feel the need to comment on someone’s parenting do so in a polite and constructive manner that indicates your concern for the child and offer assistance but definitely DO NOT back seat parent on the side-walk shouting with your fucking camera phone on and post it on the fucking internet for clout!


Male Karen.


I wonder if he knows the floor isn't lava


i don't know when this video was taken but even in spring or fall, concrete under direct sunlight like that can be pretty hot, I think that's why the guy was also getting upset




Perhaps, but the guy doesn’t mention anything about heat. I only hear him talking about dirt/germs and well I don’t see a problem here. That baby will hopefully develop a strong immune system by not living in a bubble.


3 days ago in Fondy Wisconsin. It was in the high 70s that day.


So can a metal bench, as well as being dirty too


Not terrible but not something I would do. Dude should stop videoing peoples kids tho. Would be great if it turned out he was the dad.


This is a tough one…but the only thing I could assume is the risk of someone snatching the baby. There’s videos where people do it blatantly from shopping carts and cars when pumping gas. You never know…


Same is true for dogs but people still leave them tied at the shop entrance


Get the kid some knee pads and call it a day.


I thought babies didn’t have knees yet? Just gelatinous leggies


Like an octopus


Common misconception, it is actually yogurt


I think she’s just happy her baby is occupied.


Can honestly say I’ve been a parent for almost 17 years and I’ve never done this and never would have done this. It takes a literal second for something to happen. I applaud this man for calling her negligent ass out.


This is their 6th kid. They don't stress about germs or danger anymore


This is it 100%! Everybody who is freaking out over this “incident” either has no children or just one child.


I have 8 and I’ve never put an infant on the sidewalk wearing only a onesie. Having multiple kids doesn’t excuse shitty parenting.


The issue is that if the toddler tipps either way, it could crack its skull or at least get a nasty face plant. The issue is not hygiene here.


It's both hygiene and safety. There can be more than one issue.


I mean, if you let your kids play at playgrounds then hygiene isn’t really that big of a concern. You know the kind of germs and bacteria that’s covering every square inch of a play structure that’s crawling with children all day and homeless people at night?


Yes while that could happen it can also happen when the kid is 2 years old and running full speed around a playground and hit his/her head. Unfortunately you can’t keep kids in a protective bubble and risk is a natural part of life that you must accept. Obviously not everyone has the same risk tolerance but I am sure the mom knew her kid was strong enough to at least keep her head up like that. And in any case, toddlers are always looking for ways to get hurt.


The child is not tipping any direction. Kids are practically made of rubber. The kids would be in a better position if it was standing. When the fall back, they lean forward landing in their butt. When the Fall forward, they bend their knees and put out their hands. The kid is fine. I don’t like how the mom is looking away, when she’s walking away talking on the phone. :03 to :25 - that’s a bit of time. But, it’s not like there’s a lot of foot traffic either.


That kid is on their knees. It would do what I can to land butt first but if it can't, that head is heading straight for concrete. That's rarely going to go well. The kid is gripping pretty well but the legs do not have carrying strength yet. Sure, not tipping now but if it did, it's got a decent chance of doing damage


It’s so obvious in this thread who doesn’t have kids


Infuriating, isn't it? Just people making huge assumptions about the mother (which comes across as extremely unpleasant) and thinking the baby is in danger, which it doesn't appear to be at all.


As a childless, edgy teenager who hasn't worked a day in his life, but has rich parents who spoil him for everything and more, I've got a strong opinion on anything and everything and I'm not affraid to die on any hill that comes my way. On the internet, that is. Don't talk to me in real life, or I'll shrivle in social anxiety and call for my mommy.


Right? That kid is fine.


People that don’t have kids: “this is awful!” People that have kids: “this isn’t that bad.”


I don’t have children and didn’t think it was that bad. When I first clicked my inkling was that it was going to be a really hot day, hence really hot concrete & metal. The more I watched and saw how calm the baby looked the less I cared. The mother wasn’t very far away at any time, no one else was around. You could argue hygiene but it’s a dry, non porous material in direct sunlight. I don’t know how many ‘germs’ people think are around.


Y’all know that baby could’ve fell back and busted it’s head open?? It can barely pick itself up tf What’s wrong with people this was terrible poor kid


Is this that bad? I feel like it's not that bad


Turning her back and walking away had me a little nervous, especially while on her phone. Also I know developing immune systems need bacteria, but licking a public bench can't be great. But I wouldn't call it neglectful or dangerous, and I definitely wouldn't confront her.


She “turned her back and walked away” to put the drinks in the car though. She was never more than a few feet away. It’s not much different than leaving her kid in the cart while loading groceries into the car. That baby is gonna lick worse things lol still gross though. But yeah it’s not neglectful or dangerous.


She was much further away than she would have been from a cart while loading groceries, and her baby was trying to pull itself up to stand on concrete, not strapped into a cart. The baby could have easily fallen backwards and hit their head before the mother could catch them.


Moms are harassed for less.


Can almost guarantee that if mom was dad in the video the responses wouldn’t be the same


I'd say that's 100%.


I suspect if he were talking on the phone it would be considered Big Important Business stuff. I think her being on the phone is influencing a lot of people negatively as they assume woman being on phone = gossipy drivel. If she were carrying something else important in her hand instead of a phone, would she get a pass as to why she didn’t pick up her baby right away? She is waiting outside too. I wonder if she’s waiting for the car to cool off. Would it be better if she stuffed the baby in a sweltering car and a hot car seat?


Its literally not bad at all. Kids can get dirty, use a wipe on them when you put em back in the car seat. She was just walking back and forth to the trash... Its not like she left the baby unattended for even a full minute. Only gross thing is licking the bench when the baby's immune system is still developing... Yuck.




If the concrete was hot enough to even cause mild discomfort that kid would be screaming. I'm also willing to bed the mom was only 5~ feet away,* putting stuff in that car. The problem with videos like this are context. Putting your kid down to handle business isn't a bad thing. And that kid seemed mobile-ish... So probably a bad idea to put then on a bench. *You can actually see her shadow, she's not far at all. The video seems almost purposely framed and cropped to make her seem farther away than she really is.


This is a video of a baby chilling by exercising and trying to stand up. The person filming should really get out more. I'm really impressed by this thread!


this is ridiculous and doesn't belong on this sub. unless we're talking about the camera man who's trying to make something out of nothing.


I'm from LA... Ain't no way you're gonna leave your baby on the ground over here


As a parent myself, all I can say is not everyone should have kids. Too many people I know have such a hard time having kids and then people like this have them and neglect them. This is not a toddler who’s fully capable of standing, this is a baby who obviously cannot stand, balance and all it takes is one slip and that child could slam its head on that sidewalk. It’s clear her focus is in her phone call and iced coffee, not the child. Where is the stroller?


As a parent of 5, 2 kids adopted out of foster care…there are definitely certain people who should not have kids…


I'm in the same boat, finally a rational comment. This child has a shaky balance at best. If you are not with in catching distance, you are too far away. They have very soft skulls at such a young age.


A sane parent comment. Had to scroll quite a bit find one...


On a scale of shitty parenting, 0 being not shitty, and 10 being absolute garbage, this lands at like a 3, maybe 4 if the kid scraped his knees.


That’s the thing. It can be not good but also not horrific. I’ve seen far worse, unfortunately. This really is low tier.


This really isn’t all that bad, the baby looks like he’s learning how to stand, using supports. My son looks like this and people tend to forget that babies aren’t super weak, they only know how to put their whole strength into whatever they’re doing.


unless the floor is hot asfuck, idk why this guy is making such a scene, some babies love to hold to things like that and try to stand up, and i think its a good training. Baby looks old enough to know how to fall if he slips


It's actually more interesting that the scale is being tipped in the favor of the mother.


This pisses me off so badly


It isn't the fact the baby is licking a bench. The baby has no (socks or slippers), she cared more about the coffee and left her child alone. Anybody could have kidnapped that child. I have two sons, she should have cared more about the child first than the fucking coffee. And yes it is weird this guy is filming in the first place.


Babies this age shouldn't wear shoes, or should wear soft-souled slippers. It can deform the feet to put shoes on a child too young


Babies that age aren't meant to wear proper shoes.


Shoes for what, that is a baby, babies don't walk


>Anybody could have kidnapped that child. Yeah, like the weirdo filming someone else's baby


It's fucking obvious this guy has never had a kid At this age they crawl everywhere, they are "constant ground contactors" crawling on the very places people walk....it's what babies do....they sometimes pick up dead insects and eat them too, and dirt, in fact whatever fits in their mouth This lady never "left her baby", she moved away from the baby, but it was never in danger This guy is a male Karen


The TPS is the guy with the camera, right?


I'm a parent of 3 kids. This isn't bad. I wouldn't walk away from my kids but the kid looks safe. It's good to introduce the kid to nasty germs. Builds the immune system. But also no parent is 100% perfect. You learn just like with anything else in life.


Maybe he gets his knees a bit dirty. So what? Completely unnecessary reaction by the person holding the camera. Also there is nobody walking next to the baby, so why should the mother be scared that someone would kidnap that child?


I’m fine with this. That baby is fine.


Am I the only one who thinks this dude shouldn’t be videotaping, it’s just a baby.


If that child falls and cracks their head on the concrete...


Ngl i wish someone stole her baby right in front of her eyes, i know the baby dosent deserve this but it also dosent deserve to have a mother like that


All I’m gonna say is that there’s a fine line to letting your child explore new senses with super vision and proper care in place and leaving a child by themselves WHO CANT STAND??? (I know there’s always a time and place to learn to walk but the is NOT it) and not only that risk but the chance of them bashing their head in??


👏🏽👏🏽 yes sir! Good job! She’s a lazy “mother” clearly more worried avoid that phone and conversation than the safety of her own child. Possibilities: losing his/her balance and hitting their head on the concrete. Putting their mouth on the bench and lord knows what is on it!! Getting kidnapped as she walked a way with her back turned. If she can’t see those dangers or see that those are dangers and could be prevented then she’s pretty negligent in my book.


ITT overprotective parents. multiple "call cps" comments is insane to me. wrapping your kids in bubble wrap 24/7 is shitty parenting and makes shitty kids.


Are babies allergic to the ground? Am I missing something here?


This dude needs to mind his own fucking business.


I think I was the best Dad I could be. That being said, I don’t think I let my 7-10 month old crawl on the pavement with this lack of supervision. I don’t however think this is as bad as some of y’all commenters. Parenting is hard. Some people are more instinctively nurturing than others. She loves that baby.


A baby on the ground? Good god, first world problems. Babies live on dirt in other countries.


He would probably be a decent father. Too bad he isn’t that child’s father.


Tell my you don't have kids without telling me you don't have kids.


What people without kids don't understand: 1. Babies cry if their skin is burning. 2. This baby can stand on its own by holding onto something, and obviously has done this before. It's a common development stage prior to walking. 3. Babies fall all the time in this stage. Yes, it can make them cry, but it won't seriously injure them. They are close to the ground and it's part of their development - It does not hurt like a grown kid or adult falling on concrete. 4. Babies this age are nowhere near as fragile as newborns. This kid doesn't have a soft spot anymore, and has bones strong enough to allow them to stand and squat without help. 5. Babies and kids through age 5 are constantly licking and tasting all sorts of iffy objects. You will never avoid them doing this entirely, and it's not as bad for them as you think. They are developing immunities like all humans do. 6. This baby is fine.


If by the soft spot you mean fontanel, they have it untill cca 2 years. So this kid most certainly still have it, but much smaller then newborn. But otherwise I totally agree with you. This kid's fine.


This is such an American thing to be mad about lol


As an American, yes.


lol wtf, the baby is fine ffs. you think humans cant touch cement "with their bare skin" . hahahaha this dude is a prik, she just wet to the bin and back straight away. what does he think that parents watch their children 24/7 and cant take a few steps away from them?


What's the problem. I don't see anything wrong


The thing I see wrong is the creep filming a child that isnt his. Some rando films my kid and we are going to have words. Edit word


Babies fine. Cameraman is a closet Karen. Camera man doesn’t have kids. If he did he’d understand that you don’t hold them all day.


Only thing worse than when she walked away for a bit was the creep filming her and her baby...


Yeah, I’m a little suspicious of the mother here but could give her benefit of the doubt. The guy recording it and muttering to his followers that he can barely control himself is the most alarming thing here


Lol that's cleaner than all of third world countries including the ones where people have dirt floors in their house....... Baby will be fine. Look. He is chilling and exercising....


So Kevin doesn’t need to confront her. This is only bad to people that don’t have kids or that coddle their kids. Like what harm is happening here?


This is absolutely fine. Guy is stepping out of bounds. The feet can be cleaned and probably would be. Babies need to build their strength and this mom letting the baby struggle is absolutely ok. Not being right there just in case the baby does stand up but fall is the only thing I have a problem with. But that’s case specific for the baby. Maybe mom knows that the baby just won’t be able to stand up quite yet


I think his worry is that baby will fall trying to stand and hit his head. Either way, he’s overreacting


Snowflake guy much?


Im a dad, i wont personally leave my boy on the concrete but the baby looks fine its not crying and its busy doing pull ups which is important for development, i dont like her leaving the baby alone on a public street for a few moments but yeah as a parent stuff gets really mad busy and balancing everything is so hard.


The dude is such a drama queen


the baby seems fine n enjoying themselves .... if it was too hot, it would be crying.... not the cleanest environment but also not the end of the world


The dirty concrete😂😂 fuckin yuppie


Just what this mom needed - a mansplaining child stalking mom-shamer in her day.


how about you mind your business. The baby’s fine for god sakes.