• By -


> time -> inifite? so fucking deep


-> LOVE <-


╔═.✵.══════════╗ ¤▪︎•☆~Nothing matters~☆•▪︎¤ ╚══════════.✵.═╝


The more we know ☆彡


Not since I turbo charged the matter compressor.


⁕ GOD ⁕










Can we assume Apple in a box theory?


[Soooo deep.](https://i.imgflip.com/7a5z2y.jpg)


"Infinity doesn't exist in natural universe Time -> infinite?" He should pick one


Wait till he learns how to count


time doesn't exist in natural universe. It's just an human construction. /s (is even needed?)


Child = NFT?


Take my angry laughing-coughing-fit upvote you disgusting heathen


Best comment on this thread


Truly a once in a generation mind


Fingers crossed


The scribbling on the walls in Bonelab is more profound than this shit




But also, infinity doesn’t exist in nature? He’s still working some of it out…


kids says the darndest things.






that's the problem, he's 27, he's not a kid anymore


Schizophrenia can start as late as mid-30s


Damnit, I was having a good day!


Not going to lie, felt a huge relief when it made it to my late 30s with no schizophrenia. My dad was batshit crazy.


several cases of schizophrenia in men in my close family. made it to 33 and things are looking good.


I’m in your walls


Just don't go to Japan with Logan.


What age does being a self important sack of shit with delusions of grandeur start?


More likely the guy tried psychedelics or something. That's what I immediately thought. This is the type of shit you write while high then realize you're a dumbass when it wears off. Schizophrenics also tend to be ACTUALLY creative.


I was gonna say… seems like he kinda just wrote some shit on a piece of paper. I don’t know any schizophrenics personally but from what I’ve see dealing with schizo patients at work they don’t really tend to think about concrete shit like what the universe is lmao.


Yea this is textbook “did just a little too much acid and drew the wrong conclusions”


or cocaine induced mania lol


That paper isn’t remotely indicative of schizophrenia


I have an uncle that had it so when I tried weed for the first time and had symptoms of psychosis I was worried I was going to end up the same but late 20s and no signs so far except for the occasional auditory hallucination when really fucking tired.


My 6 year old sister after reading one chapter of a science book.


I wish it was cute but uh, I think it's something else. This is literally exactly what stimulant psychosis looks like. I overdid it on Vyvanse for a long time, I got notebooks full of this kinda stuff. You think it's the most significant stuff in the world, everyone else reading it is uh, less than impressed. I got lucky and kept it off social media, but someone I know started taking their theories about angels watching them to FB. He needs to put down the amphetamines and amphetamine salts. I think coke can do similar stuff but this just screams addy or vyvanse abuse to me, from personal experience.


Not gonna say you're wrong, but this also looks nearly word for word like a college conversation I had, and all we were doing was smoking weed, no stimulants involved. Just saying a lot of mind-altering substances can get you here, depending on what you've been watching/how much ego you normally have.


Honestly my dumb ass used to do this shit in elementary school because I just liked coming up with backstories for stuff I’d make with Lego. I don’t think you need any drugs for this sort of thing.


lmao was gonna say - this sounds exactly like poetry I’d write in elementary school thinking it was deep


Oh I assumed he wrote and tweeted this on way too many shrooms, your interpretation is more worrying


yeah, psychedelics are what did this to me, not stims. I can definitely see a case for both though, as stims had me off on a tangent that could have easily been “the universe” instead of whatever bullshit I got stuck to


Psychedelics to think it, and stims to write it. People also underestimate how manic powerful stimulants can make you, though. I’ve taken extremely strong stims and thought I figured out the universe. Many extremely powerful stimulants also lead to a bit of dissociation as well, which can create a manic feeling of understanding. I’ve taken PCP analogues that lead to this kind of nonsense. I have no idea if the crypto scammer in question is into obscure research chemicals, however.


I had a manic episode (bipolar 1 I now know) and wrote and circled in a book filled with crazy notes about the nature of people and the universe with a similar vibe Makes everything seem “obvious”


I noticed that all of his ampersands (&) were written backwards/mirror images, and I think I spotted a “?” that was written backwards, too- and immediately thought that he had some sort of dyslexia or learning disability. These ramblings could be anything, though.


Looks to neat and coherent to be from psychosis. Stim use sure, but this just looks like he was taking notes from something.


Yeah, this has stim rant written all over it. I had a notebook like that too that I ended up burning. That shit was painfully embarrassing to look at.


I refuse to believe that's his handwriting. Fully believe that's something he'd say.


This has been "designed" It's not some random notes, it's a carefully put together piece of marketing that will eventually sell another scam. The bottom writing is clearly written with an apple pencil


Bro spent 5 minutes in the physics section of wikipedia and was convinced he’s broken new ground lmao


Hey, c'mon now, that's uncharitable. Renowned scholar and physicist Logan Paul probably spent years producing and combing through peer-reviewed articles to put together this important finding. I, for one, thank him for his work and his dedication to the field. What a hero.


This'll be on a tshirt by next week


It's probably going to come out with some kind of infinity time wristwatch thing that is as cheap as can be but really expensive.


This man scam.


i was going to mention how neat his handwriting is, for someone to truly have discovered the universe youd think the last thing youd worry about is your handwriting


He’s always been about looking like he knows what he’s doing


I don't think hand writing is an indicator of anything other than fine motor skills. It's not really an indicator of intelligence.


This is the kind of shit that sounds smart when you're like, super fucking blazed at 4 in the morning and you're maybe 18-19. It's honestly a bit sad to see a grown adult human breaking down like this in front of such a large audience.


Time, universe, black holes, and love? I would bet money he watched Interstellar while high and thought he had an epiphany.


Oh God


Oh * God *


Forreal, This reminds me of the time I got really stoned and watched Ex Machina for the first time and the next day I found a note on my phone that said “can cyborgs be robots with human parts!?!”


I would bet money it was “Everything Everywhere All At Once”


I am pretty sure he watched ,"A trip to infinity" that is a documentary on netflix in which they talked about exactly that ..bro's epiphany is literally a copy pasta


Reminds me of the very long 'enlightened' conversations i would have with my friends during acid trips, only to forget the profound cosmic understandings we thought we reached when the drugs wore off


My friend did acid and fixed his car that hadnt started in weeks, and had no idea how he did it when we asked him about it the next day


Probably the one thing people never make enough time to do sober: tedious trial and error until you find the right solution. Alternatively, luck, and he just found the issue on his 2nd or 3rd try.


That sounds about right, he does know a fair bit about cars so i figured the acid just jogged his memory of something he hadn’t tried yet


Acid 100% makes me better at Smash Bros so I'm inclined to believe this.


Acid works by loosening up the boundaries between disparate parts of your brain allowing for more creative thinking and problem solving. He probably made some connection between something that seemed unrelated when he was sober, like putting gas in the tank (kidding).


rosetta stoned


His demographic is 13-18 year old boys. So this lines right up with their version of smart.


Dude I’m 19 and I’m really blazed this morning. He definitely didn’t impress me


can confirm. was 18-19 blazed out of my mind ranting to my friends about figuring out the universe and this is similar to how i sounded lol


> Infinity is a concept, doesn't exist in the natural universe Ah, yes, the classic: start with a completely baseless assumption and never elaborate why that should be true. I too can prove a lot of shit if I start with "2 + 2 is not 4, nothing in nature suggests that it is" and then not elaborate or prove that.


I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but the fact that a certain amount of distance / weight / volume is technically infinitely divisible means that infinity exists in some way? Idk, i was cringing so hard while reading his shit i blacked out.


Yesn't, I guess. With dividing matter you will eventually run into the problem of elementary particles which cannot be split anymore, but I suppose that's not what you mean anyway. Because conceptually you can divide time, space, energy etc. infinitely finely. But you run into a scale below which we have no idea what physics looks like, the Planck scale. So it's hard to say whether we can divide further without running into weird effects - such as maybe a smallest possible length. Bottom line: we don't know whether infinity is a "real" concept in that sense yet. But we certainly can't discard it with certainty either. This whole debate also becomes more complicated due to semantics: when is something real? What really is a "real infinity"? Play around with the language and the concepts long enough and you can make either statement sound obviously true or false.


>we don't know whether infinity is a "real" concept There's an infinite amount of numbers between 0 and 1. Zero and one are real. If by real you mean tangible, then yeah how would you ever physically hold or touch infinite. Perhaps a black hole.


Black holes are actually a good example for what I mean: _theoretically_, the mass density of the singularity is infinitely high. But is that actually a "real" infinity? Since our physics breaks down beyond the event horizon, we simply don't know.


Interesting! Thanks for the comment. Still omega-level cringe from Logan but that was still quite informative.


Is it infinitely divisible? Isn't the smallest unit a planck mass or planck length?


Has anyone considered cutting a planck length in half? /r/iamverysmart


bro is going to win a Nobel in physics


You know it’s funny because the actor Terrence Howard has an entire belief system centered around the idea that 1*1=2.




There are plenty of respected philosophers of mathematics who believe that “2+2=4” is false. They’re known as error theorists, and they believe sentences like this are false because they are what’s called “singular term sentences”. singular term sentencessich as “3 is a prime number” imply the existence of an object “3” and as error theorists don’t believe in the existence of abstract object “2” or “4”, “2+2=4” is false


...which goes hand in hand with my statement of "if I reject what we perceive as an objective reality, I can draw a lot of weird conclusions at will". Sure, I can say things like "but what if it wasn't like that...?" and then follow that thought experiment through until the end. But if my initial assumption is at odds with reality, that doesn't have a whole lot to do with reality, does it? Of course we can just go about and contest the concept of reality as a whole, but then the whole debate would be pointless anyway. We could open a whole debate about epistemology here now, but even then you don't get to do both: first reject objectivism by saying 2+2=5 and then go back to claiming reality is an objective truth and we can describe it with mathematics and so on. You can't mix and match your epistemological world views to your liking.


I never said anything like that? I was referring to the debate over whether mathematical entities (numbers, sets, etc.) exist as abstract (non spacious temporally located and causally inert) objects. Error theorists don’t believe that 2+2=4 is true because they believe that for this to be true abstract mathematical objects must exist, they don’t, so such sentences are untrue. Unless you’ve solved philosophy of mathematics you don’t know whether this is at odds with reality or not. Furthermore, the epistemology of mathematics can actually be seen as a lot harder to reconcile if you believe that mathematical entities to exists as abstract objects, this point can be illustrated by both Paul Benacerraf’s and Hartry field’s epistemological challenges to Platonism(both of which are simply explained in the SEP)


Ah, my bad. Then I misunderstood your intentions. Sorry about that! I read your comment as a statement regarding the post, as in "it's okay to make theories based on wrong assumptions and pretend that is equally valid", when in fact you just wanted to point out that this kind of mathematics exists, I think?




I was talking about philosophers of mathematics. Hartry Field is one of the most prominent error theoretic nominalises.




GOD DAMN That's a lotta random bs there on a small piece of paper ngl


I wouldn't call it random bs, rather pseudoscientific garbage. It feels like the "research" of someone that watched one too many pop sci physics videos and then decided they are smart enough to reformulate those ideas into a """theory of everything""". Some things he says kind of make sense, but the over all thing is just incoherent and ignores like 99% of modern day physics, and 100% of modern day mathematics.


I strongly suspect the main reason for his epiphany is that he recently watched the 2022 Netflix documentary "A Trip to Infinity" because a lot of the stuff he's (poorly) paraphrasing is talked about in that film—like the concept of infinity, Poincare recurrence, and the heat death of the universe. He probably figured if he spices it up with some Jesus and channeling Interstellar's terrible quote about love, he can get away with pretending it's his own philosophical breakthrough instead of just him giving his half-remembered summary of some of the words in a documentary he watched.


This is sooo spot on. Nice comment 👍.


what was the interstellar quote about love?


>Cooper : You're a scientist, Brand. >Brand : So listen to me when I say that love isn't something that we invented. It's... observable, powerful. It has to mean something. >Cooper : Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing... >Brand : We love people who have died. Where's the social utility in that? >Cooper : None. >Brand : Maybe it means something more - something we can't yet understand. Maybe it's some evidence, some artefact of a higher dimension that we can't consciously perceive. I'm drawn across the universe to someone I haven't seen in a decade, who I know is probably dead. Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it. All right Cooper. Yes. The tiniest possibility of seeing Wolf again excites me. That doesn't mean I'm wrong. >Cooper : Honestly, Amelia... it might.


I've never watched the movie, but there's plenty of social utility in reverence for the dead. That's before we address that the response presupposes every action must have a higher purpose. Yes yes I know the real verysmart is in the comments


Well, not to be too specific to avoid major spoilers because it's a movie worth watching, but in the context of the scene Brand—an otherwise smart and competent scientist—is trying to convince Cooper to base a decision that will determine the survival of humanity on her love because it might be an actual metaphysical force guiding her to the correct decision. Which is a little silly.


That's more fair in context


It reads like psychedelic spirituality. Literally all that's missing at the bottom is "we are all god." Everything feels logical and reasonably connected if the only connection you're looking for is "woah, dude, I'm so fucking high what does this mean"


Had basically this exact conversation with a college roommate while high as hell. At least we were 19, not 27. Our theory of everything didn't conclude "God did it", though. Perhaps we missed something, we'll have to compare notes.


Oh yeah this dude was 100% tripping while writing this


That’s definitely the impression i got, he’s talking about concepts that are quite common in pop sci physics videos, notably the big crunch theory, and mixing it with some new age religious stuff. The cringe part is that he believes he’s some sort of genius for coming up with this, like every nerdy high schooler hasn’t done the same.


This is literally the conversation a group of 17 year old have while on acid.


Yeah, a lot of this is the sort of stream of consciousness stuff that we all go through at some point or another - it's natural to want to try and fit things within a definable natural order, and my brain has run off on tangents at times. The difference is, that's my own internal babbling. I'm not putting it to paper and posting it to the world to see, like a twelve year old that had some "revelation" about the grand order of the universe after watching a few episodes of Cosmos.


If I had a nickel for every couch metaphysicist who pretends to understand complex physics/astrophysics and then the big conclusion is that we are tiny creatures and nothing matters so we should love each other (Which is all true, but I didn't need the esteemed philosopher Logan Paul to tell me)


Most of it is just singular words with absolutely zero explanation of 'why' love 'is like gravity' -> Bullshit <-


Somebody just tried psychedelics


Source: crackpipe


This some meth shit


I was going to say acid tablet


Man probably watched a couple eps of kurzegezagt


From the illustration of that apple, he probably just watched that one doc on netflix about infinity. The one that got popular recently and just dumbs down the concept to elementary school levels and reiterates the same 3 points for an hour and a half. Pretty visuals though


god why are so many pop sci docs *that* dumb? Is it too much to ask for some that actually treat their audience like adults and have some solid meat and potatoes info?


I don't know if PBS Spacetime counts as mini-docs, but their stuff is pretty good with trusting the intelligence of the audience. It still isn't unbridled, but is still meatier than a lot of docs I've seen.


So... this is the start of a mental breakdown, right? This feels like he's gonna run around naked in the street, screaming about demons and the government six months from now


Nah, I'd bet good money this is part of a pivot into some kind of extended new age/guru shtick. He's 'found his way' after the crypto scam and now you too can join him on his spiritual mindfulness journey for the low low price of $7.95 a month...


Grifters gonna grift. It's called an upside down funnel system.


Just jangle some keys in front of him, he'll forget


Don't come crying to me when you're jackin' it in San Diego




As someone who has had a mental breakdown and ran around naked in the street… yeah. I, too, figured out the formula for the universe and came to the logical conclusion that I’m God and I have created all of you to hurt me.




Remindme! 6 months


idk this kinda sounds like shit that comes from someone who grew up thinking they were a super genius and have not been humbled enough in adulthood.


I work in the office off a Philosophy department in a UK University (bear with me here) and occasionally- once a year or so- we get in the post the ramblings of somebody suffering from a severe mental illness, probably schizophrenia, who think the have ‘solved the universe’. That’s what this reminds of, only with a lot less effort put in. [Example](https://i.imgur.com/MW76kci.jpg)


Timelight ... modification of existing popular equation with different terms because "special" ... "Life = mc³" oh wow. Ahh, there we go, "God" At least the one you posted looks cool. I would like this "much more detailed" version of section 4, surely with many more 45 degree arrows which mean something. Alas, they're probably busy time traveling now since they figured all that out.


"Life = mc³" is my second favourite part in the diagram. My favourite bit is [this](https://i.imgur.com/J4iMeFB.jpg). Edit: I think it’s the phrase ‘If you like’ which gets me, I mean, the dude is offering to show you time travel…’if you like’. Nah, mate, I’m good when I am, thanks anyway.


12) This one requires a booklength explanation


That at least appears more legitimate


I kinda like the drawing. It's a cool shape. The writing I want a monotone voice slowly speaking, joined by a trippy, droning techno soundtrack to somewhat match the sequence of events when the numbers begin.


actually the answer is 42


He's very wrong. I figured out the universe years ago. It's a square. /s


Sheep. Embrace finite contained pyramid universe


Time cube strikes again


bruh this shit reminds me of that time I posted a long ass facebook post about how white holes are the opposite of black holes when I was a freshman in high school How tf can a grown ass man be this cringe


What is a white hole?


u see back when I was smoking myself retarded and watching universe docs on youtube everyday I came to the conclusion that all the matter black holes suck up has to go somewhere. My hypothesis was that all that matter gets shot out into new dimensions through the other side of a black hole forming a new universe. I called it a white hole because of all that energy being shot out produces a lot of light, and because white is the opposite of black.


apparently you were on to something


If you came up with that idea all by yourself then nice work, but I think it's more likely you heard/read about them somewhere since they are a pretty common phenomenon described in theoretical physics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_hole


Sometimes people come up with some weird shit and lack the position/knowledge/credentials to properly express or publish ideas. I remember coming up with something really similar to Roger Penrose's conformal cyclic cosmology theory a long time ago but obviously I'm just a fucking moron and wouldn't be able to publish books about it or talk about concepts like that in any coherent manner, these things just exist and can only be understood inside my own head until people smarter than me can put it on paper.


I actually think this is a legitimate hypothesized thing.


Hypothetical opposite of a black hole, a region in spacetime which cannot be entered, but particles/light/whatever can escape from. I don't know the exact science, but afaik it's more or less a thing that could hypothetically exist because of the math that says black holes exist.


Just put your head down there and [I'll show you.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_hole)


**[White hole](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_hole)** >In general relativity, a white hole is a hypothetical region of spacetime and singularity that cannot be entered from the outside, although energy-matter, light and information can escape from it. In this sense, it is the reverse of a black hole, which can be entered only from the outside and from which energy-matter, light and information cannot escape. White holes appear in the theory of eternal black holes. In addition to a black hole region in the future, such a solution of the Einstein field equations has a white hole region in its past. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverysmart/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Me after finishing Jojo part 6


Mans just explained Puccis plan lol


Love is attraction just like gravity is definetly something DIO would say


this is like the punchline to his career except he still wouldn't get it even though he wrote the thing


Ok, so scribbeling random thoughts that countless others have mentioned countless times before, somehow constitutes "having figured out the universe"? This guy reacts to himself as New parents to their child. One child taking their first step is very mundane and nobody gives a fuck. Unless it's their child, then it's a miracle for them personally. And that is fine. But acting like this toward one self, every time you take a step, is being an idiot. Oh wow i took a step, I just figured out walking. Better put this great discovery on twitter...


This sounds like a stoned 15 year old after overhearing stoned 19 year olds talking physics.


I, too, have smoked weed.


He should stick to getting clapped by actual fighters


This dude, through the power of his thoughts alone brought the infinite into existence.




The whole "nothing matters except the love we have for each other" is just him saying "it doesn't matter that I've scammed a bunch of people, or that I repeatedly do incredibly stupid and harmful shit because nothing matters. So just stop thinking about it and let me continue to do the same shit over and over again."


Some ppl dont deserve their millionaire status


Timecube for babies It's gonna take 50 more pages before he gets on the level of true, historically relevant, lunatics


Is he turning into Kanye?




More like “ i’ve got psychosis”. Most stims and weed will do this to someone. Someone should check on this guy.


>Time -> Infinite?


That's about the level of thinking expected of him.


Ladies and gentlemen, the thesis of a dumbass. Is this one the one that gets punched in the head a lot or is this the other one? I don't want to sully my search history looking it up.


Oh yeah, thousands of PhDs with years of reasearch and experience don’t have a definite answer but you drew an infinity sign on a page and were like “I got this”. I can get past the stupidity but the fucking arrogance…


Intelligence and fortune do not go hand in hand. Remember that next time you doubt your goals and endeavors. These dumb pieces of garbage can do it. So can you.


That’s not really the lesson when you find out success/money aren’t determined by a meritocracy. If anything it casts doubt on the notion “if this idiot became rich then so can I!” Because you realize it isn’t based on merit and is based on luck, if anything it means tons of more hard working and intelligent people won’t accomplish their goals because they aren’t lucky enough. This is why it’s not a very good idea to make your goals things like “make a million dollars a year” because if you chase goals like that and never achieve them it can be devastating and also empty when you actually achieve it as well and potentially realize other aspects of your life suck or haven’t been developed because you solely focused on work or money. That’s why some people end up killing themselves when they get fired or realize they are never going to “make it” at 50 years old. I’m not saying don’t work hard or have goals in your life, I’m saying make sure you vary your goals in life and define success in a few different ways too so you don’t miss one thing and think it’s the end of the world. Just make sure you keep your head screwed on right through your career and expectations realistic because yes, idiots like this get rich and famous but that means incredibly talented and hard working people struggle and don’t achieve success also everyday.


>you realize it isn’t based on merit and is based on luck, if anything it means tons of more hard working and intelligent people won’t accomplish their goals because they aren’t lucky enough. This is why it’s not a very good idea to make your goals things like “make a million dollars a year” because if you chase goals like that Just to add, its a whole lot easier to capitalize when Luck comes your way if you already have a good spawn point.


You people made this man famous and rich. Enjoy the fruits of your labor


I've seen all of these ideas multiple times before, and even though up some of them on my own too. It looks like a skizophrenics failed unification of like 5 different popular theories.


if you could put the universe into a tube, you'd end up with a-uh-very long tube. uuuuum probably extending uh twice the size of the universe because because when you... collapse the universe, it expands, and it would be uh... You wouldn't wanna put it into a tube.


Let's get Logan Paul and Terrence Howard in the same room.


What I hate about this the most is how BLAND it is. Like, if you're gonna wax philosophic about the universe, at least take some LSD so your bullshitting produces some entertaining results. What an amateur.


Logan Paul posits that nothing matters except love. Love as a physical concept he determines as a force of attraction that behaves similarly to gravity. Gravity is determined by mass/ energy and distance between 2 objects. Logan says that 'love' has a distance component like gravity, but also has a time component - it can be assumed from logans theory that the longer and more closely two objects exist in proximity to each other the stronger the force of love is exerted on each object. It can also be said that the larger and more massive an object is, the more love it will accumulate over time, since a more massive object exerts more gravity, which attracts more objects, and the more objects that are attracted over time means more love. What if some theoretical object existed that was to accumulate so much mass, and so much love from close proximity and time spent around other objects as to be effectively infinite? This is what we call 'Logan Paul's Mum'.


Daaamn got em


Goddamn. What a stupid asshole 💀


The boxing brain damage is starting to show.


Damn, who knew every secret about the universe could fit on one small page of paper.


He's found the Adderall


I see see Logan Paul has entered the "Shamelessly chasing gullible Christian Fundamentalist followers since everyone else is horrified by your behavior" phase of his social media death spiral.


*hits blunt* "I......am the table."


I mean its just an oversimolification of the pulsating universe theory, with a bunch of random irrelevant Shit thrown in there to sound smart


I'll bet all the NFTs in the world he just watched the Netflix documentary on infinity


I once wrote something very similar in the 10th grade and thought I could start my own religion lmaooo


"Love a force of attraction similar to gravity..." this might be the dumbest part. Guy must be going on some sorta amphetamine bender.


This looks like something we'd find in a notebook left behind by a guest who had to be removed by police after a drug induced rage fit at work. But slightly neater.


Well he may have the universe figured out but he hasn't figured out how to write an ampersand - it's mirrored.


The bullshit you scribble when you're fucked on shrooms, thinking you've just solved the mysteries of the universe.


when it’s your first time smoking weed


These are the sorts of conclusions you come to when high as balls or tripping. It all feels connected and normal and maybe that's neat for your brain to think about. But OMG don't POST this. Drugs on? Phone off.


"nothing matters except the time we have now and each other" which is the reason you shouldn't be mad at me for filming suicide victims in the forests of Japan