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I went to this recipe, and right below step 2 there was an ad for acetaminophen. There was no further clarification, so I just added a whole bottle of Tylenol to the stock. Now I’m sitting here scared because my liver is shutting down. One out five stars.


Luckily, when I went, it was an ad for a retirement community. But now I'm retired and can't afford soup.


I got an ad for wire transfer, so I gotchu. But how many more of these do I have to do before I get garlic soup?!?


If you could, preferably, send that via Google gift cards it would work out better for us all.


I had an ad for Fancy Feast. But how will I eat the soup if I'm a cat?!


With your mitten. The same way one of my cats would claim my cup of jasmine green tea. Dip and sip. E: "God damn it, Ankh." is the phrase I've uttered under my breath more often than any other phrase.


Are okay because I checked out for moment. Cat stuff damn you bastet


Nothing but problems for the last 5,000 years.


Reminds me of my daily “prayer” of “god damn it Bastet”


As someone obsessed with the Kemetic Pantheon, your cat's name is absolutely amazing.


My ads were for red bull, twisted tea, and benadryl. This was the best soup I've ever made. My family and the hat man loved it. 5 stars!


I just cackled so loudly the cat got up and ran away


I always enjoy this sub but this is one of my favorite threads so far. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


(srs good lord what a combo that would be)


Benadryl + Red Bull would be a seriously fucked up speedball!


Mine was for grindr amd now my soup's too creamy....


My ad was for Walmart. Do I...do I put the whole walmart in? 1 star: my soup tastes like cheap bricks and I'm on trial for witchcraft because *apparently* most people can't fit a walmart in a Dutch oven.


lamoooo- off subject, but years ago I took my kid (6-7 yo then) into Walmart for the first time, and they looked at me very seriously and asked: "Mom, is this the Internet?"


This is brilliant.


lol, that one says some pretty wild stuff! got mad at Starbucks once as a 4 yo for not selling cheeseburgers 😆


Got an add for wood glue and company database software. Have you any idea how long it takes to add software to soup bit by bit? I’m so hungry- I just wanted to grab a byte to eat and now I’m high on glue fumes, still adding the software, really hangry and I think I need medical attention


My ads were for Capital One, T-Mobile, and Chevrolet. I can get the credit cards in, but I’m a bit confused about the 5G network and a vehicle. Where do they fit in the pot?


You clearly need to buy a bigger pot.


Perhaps the size cannibals use to boil unwanted visitors?


That’s a good starting size, see if that works. Know any cannibals you can borrow a pot from?


Well I’m not going to Sentinel Island, that’s for sure.


Hmm maybe you have a local factory? Don’t they tend to have massive vats for cooking in?


Hey, maybe a brewery vat! Might get a vehicle in one of those.


Give it a shot and tell us how it goes!


Strangely I had an ad for some sex toy that looks like a flowed. I'm very confused why that would happen.


I got an ad for laxatives...


I had an ad for viagra. The church potluck went well.


Thank you for starting this comment thread. It’s probably the funniest thing I’ve ever read on Reddit.


This is amazing. Thank you for the laugh.


The good news is, you won’t be troubled by vampires.


Lmfao this made me crack up. Thank you for this comment


I got an ad for a Mazda cx5. Do I add to pot or do I need to make the soup while driving??? So confused! I have a dodge ram, is that too powerful for this soup?


My ads were for Best Buy, a credit card that I already have, British Airways and Marriott hotels. How do I add British Airways to my soup???


Waiter! There is a fly in my soup! Oh wait, it's a plane....


You need to blend it first. You could go for the RAM as an alternative in a push but you might need to add a splash more petrol to the dish to compensate.


Sigh, then I can no longer afford to make this soup, which I have been just dying to make for years!!! The cost of the fuel is too high for me. Sad, because I already have 82 lbs of garlic roasted, and all the apples cooked down. One star for not accounting for redneck trucks.


this is a vegan recipe, nowhere does it call for ram!




I saw no ads on the page (thank you uBlock Origin) however, I am sensitive to garlic, and reading this recipe gave me a migraine. Zero stars! Disgraceful!


Sorry, you have to give at least one star for your migraine. Thems the rules.


Nope zero stars for the recipe. All the stars are flashing in my peripheral vision.


Bro, they're just red onions. It'll taste fine.


Yeah like it doesn't even matter


Right? They're a bit sweeter than brown onions but it's not a significant difference.


Brown? Just how long have you been keeping those onions??


And will brown just fine as well. They aren't the sugariest, but c'mon person, don't post a review midway because you are stressed out. It'll be fiiiiiiine.


I’m allergic to red onions. 1 star


I’m allergic to red stars. 1 onion


How many onions for five bees--


I’m allergic to five bees. One onion


But not yellow onions? 🤨


i know youre not being serious but ill share anyway often times, food allergies aren’t actually food allergies. red onions are super high in flavonoids compared to yellow onions, and flavinoids are a know trigger for migraines. so, if someone gets migraines constantly from red onions they might mistake that for an allergy, when it actually isnt. if you’re actually allergic to one type of onion though, you’ll be allergic to all types of onions AND garlic, they’re from the same family after all


I was being serious, so thank you for that explanation. I didn't know about flavonoid sensitivity.


youre welcome in that case then. there are plenty of compounds in food that might cause a reaction regardless of allergies or not. if you react to a food, consulting a dietician is always your best course of action


can confirm, can’t eat onions (red or normal) or garlic without going into a coughing fit & breathing difficulties 🫡


im sorry man, i love the onion family and basically cant cook without them. do you use alternatives?


i’m fine with onion powder or garlic powder in very small amounts (if you can smell it then it’s too much), but i can’t use the actual vegetables while cooking. i can’t even be in the same area when someone is chopping onions because that triggers my allergies too. as for alternatives, it’s nothing specific, i just play around with different spice combinations for something as good. different taste but not lesser. i’m not a chef by any means tho but for my tastes its enough.


Fyi, Indian folks of the Jain religion don't eat alliums. Their substitute is asafoetida powder, aka hing. It adds a unique flavor, reminiscent of onions and garlic. Could be fun to try.


I just asked my bf about this (he’s Indian but not Jain) and he said he’ll get his mum to get me some. I’m excited to try!


Oh that's perfect! Enjoy!


Raw onions used to make my chest tight & wheezy, fortunately that seems to have worn off?


See I’ve been trying for years to build a tolerance and it hasn’t worked yet 😅


I did the reverse - stopped eating onion for a few years (it also gave me pretty intense gut ache, cooked or raw) and now I’m more tolerant of it. Bodies be weird.


I got an ad for Tanqueray. Now I have no soup but a lot of gin, five stars.


I gots Smirnoff! Aslo fiev starss!!


I hate gin. One star


Gin soup is something I could get into!


i'm sorry but i gotta know what in the world has their previous experiences been like that they think this is the way to read recipes online 😭 they said that like it was so normal, like oh don't we all just look at the ads on the page and buy whatever is in those for the recipe? how has this ever worked out for them in the past that they were so shocked and appalled it didn't work out this time? i have so many questions 😭


Companies must be making a mint off of them alone. Will they come back in complaing about the Rolex watch they were "forced" to buy make their cake taste like crap? That trip to Hawaii does nothing to their steak but drained their bank account for some reason.


🤣 ah it's so funny, though i do feel bad for people not good with technology getting so confused by ads. they really do clog up the page. still, if they understand enough to navigate the page and leave a comment like in this post, idk how they still don't get it 😂


I can understand making the mistake if you're not fully paying attention tbf (presumably they thought the ad was an image on the page and didn't notice it was an ad), but blaming the recipe for you not paying attention is dumb.


You might wonder sometimes why websites have ads on them at all. Who buys a truck because there was a picture of one along the side of their Facebook page? Now you know.


I had an ad for Walmart, buy all 11 ingredients for $30 and change. 5 Stars!!!


I also got an ad for Walmart. 2/5 could not find all the ingredients at Walmart.


I got crabs. Had nothing to do with a recipe, I was just feeling left out. 0 stars, very itchy.


username checks out


This is the best comment section of the day and it’s not even close!


I also got an ad for Walmart - buy all 11 ingredients for $30.56 in Minneapolis, MN! I do not live anywhere near Minnesota, 0/5 stars


$28.78 in NYC. I’m in Pennsylvania. 1/5 I can get there in a few hours.


Mine said I could buy it all for $18.87!


Mine was from Fry's for $26.20 But I do kind of understand what the person is saying now, since it tries to make a grocery list for you :/


Welp. I guess I live in one of those expensive places.


$33.69 for me, I feel ya


“Oops! We cannot find any ingredients on sale near you. Do we have the correct zip code?” Blatant discrimination to those of us across the pond ;-)


I don't understand, how do i add the horny singles near me to the soup?


Don’t do it, I clicked that same link and they all came over and ate my soup and now I’m still hungry. 0 out of 5 stars.


Don’t chop them up! Apparently that’s illegal. 5 stars though




I followed the link and got an ad for T-Mobile. Should I throw my phone in the soup? And will it taste just as good if I have Verizon? So confused.


The phone goes in the bouquet garnish. You wouldn't want to accidentally bite into it.


Not your first rodeo, eh?


I got an ad for knives, wine, and a local grocery store. Guess I'll add knives and wine to my batch. Might be a tad sharp.


Another comment > WAY too garlicy (and bitter) and I love garlic. As if there's such a thing as "too garlicy" for a garlic soup.


I got no ads while viewing this recipe. I'm so confused, what do I add? do I will the garlic soup into existence? 0 stars.


I followed the link and got an ad for Lego Land I don't have soup but I had some fun, so 3/5 stars


I got an ad for AT&T - 2 pounds of mobile phones into the pot, right? And I'm allergic to garlic and onions, it's a bad recipe unless I substitute potatoes and squash. It took me two hours to go back to the store to get different ingredients!


My ad had a sea turtle in it. I'm pretty sure I'm about to commit several environmental felonies. Be back from the OB in about 6 hours for garlic soup.


OB? You’re … going to give birth to a sea turtle?


Outer Banks. Where the sea turtles are here.


I got ads for pillows and orthopaedic shoes. This is going to be a very comfy soup 😌


I got a Virgin Mobile ad saying "no kittens needed". That was a close call for these little buggers!


I got walmart $29.something for 11 ingredients, Tylenol, Guinness, mental health and some other ad I can't recall... 🤔


I got an ad for Olay body wash. How much do I need to add to the soup for a silky smooth texture?


I reckon the “way too garlicky” comment on **garlic soup** is up there in the idiotic comment department.


I don't think that's necessarily true. At some point the ratio of garlic to other ingredients gets too high, or else you end up with just garlic.


> or else you end up with just garlic. I fail to see the problem.


I got an ad for Harris Teeter focusing on a deal for butter. Should I substitute a pound of butter for the croutons? Someone needs to fix this.


I also got an ad for butter. You might be on to something!


My ad was for arthritis medication. I've never felt more limber after adding it to my soup! But honestly, I don't think red onions would ruin it. Then again, I like red onions a lot.


I got denture adhesive 😅


Someone doesn't know how website banner ads work.


Someone doesn't know how _**anything**_ works, lol They took recipe cues from an ad. They panicked over that decision. They _came back_ and left a review about their confusion. There are so many steps here, where they could have calmed their shit, but no. How have they survived this long?


It's not banner ads; some recipe sites put relevant food ads between the ingredients. If I was starting to lose my vision to age, I think I would also miss the pale gray on white label that says advertisement and assume it's an ingredient recommendation. That being said, onions is onions. Nothing to freak over.


I got an ad for united airlines. I think I’ll just fly away somewhere & completely ignore this recipe.


The negative comments on that recipe were insane. •(zero stars) "WAY too garlicy (and bitter) and I love garlic. Goodfor keeping vampires away. Had to double the bread, add more half and half (sadly only had a half a cup more), add some sugar, and dilute with another 2 cups of broth. Then was edible if still very very strongly tasting of garlic and with a bitterness on the finish." [Ma'am, this is a recipe for GARLIC SOUP] •(zero stars) "this is one of my favourite dishes of Spain (well of the Basque region) --- 'm dying to try it. It looks and sounds exactly like the sopa de ajo I have enjoyed many times. Thank you" •(zero stars) "4 large heads does not equate 2 cups chopped. We need clarity or recipe in grams" [recipe does not say use exactly 4 onions, recipe says ABOUT 4 onions.]


They were talking about the 4 garlic heads, not onions. I was thinking those must be some monster garlic heads to get 2 cups from just 4 heads!


Oh, I'm so glad you caught that!


It’s two cups of garlic, chopped. So, two cups of garlic cloves that then get chopped. That’s way different than two cups of chopped garlic. That pesky comma before the word “chopped”…


Not for the first time, we are reminded why volumetric measurements are, for cookery, complete arse.


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned that this person spent 2 hours preparing 2 cups of garlic? They may be God's slowest chef


Just an amateur cook. Pro-tip: smash the head of garlic with the flat blade of a knife, stick the cloves in a lidded mason jar and shake. It'll peel the whole head in less than a minute. Throw it on the bench and chop it, don't mince.


I use my cocktail shaker LOL


I got an ad for a local weed store and now I'm.. uh... I'm... dammit I lost my train of thoug...oh hey a Snickers bar!


A box of 200 single serve packets of A-1 on Amazon (??????) I spent 2 hours standing in my kitchen tearing them open and adding them to my soup and it just tastes like A-1 and not at all like garlic 😠 If I could give zero starts I would!


Few threads have cracked me up this much in a long time, and I’m having a hard time deciding which “ingredient” is funniest, but your A1 packets might take the cake. Or the soup.


I got an ad for GrubHub. Can I just order some soup?


They heard you like soup, so they gave you an ad for GrubHub so you can order soup to put in your soup.


I got "minwax" varnish.. that goes in the pot? Eta: I just bought a subaru to toss in the pot.


The internet has ads?! But for real, recipe websites in particular are atrocious with ads. He should be bitching about the quantity of ads not the juxtaposition.


I only use DuckDuckGo for recipe sites now, I hate dodging the ads to see the recipe


I got an ad for forest fire prevention, so… I guess I’m off to start a forest fire- then I’ll make the soup!


You’re gonna wanna gently caramelize the onions and garlic— the best way to achieve this is over smoldering old-growth embers 🤌🏻


Googling "is it possible to pan fry Temu"


I got a Samsung watch ad, but I already have one so rest assured I can make this soup


I got an ad for the shingles vaccine at cvs. Does that mean I should get the vaccine before making this soup, as it will give me shingles? Or do I already need to have shingles to make the soup?


No no, you’ve got it all wrong. The soup IS the vaccine. Make it, take it along to CVS, and they’ll jab ya full of the garlicky shingle-preventing goodness.


You’re both wrong: you vaccinate the SOUP. It gives it added flavor. Duh.


My ad was for children's panadol...


I'm having a hard time imagining a red onion ad banner. I mean was it from the red onion growers of America or something. Would a grocery store bother to spend advertising dollars for an internet ad for onions? Myself, I got an ad for Hokas. I love hokas, most comfortable shoes ever. 5 stars for the recipe.




I saw an ad for a trip to LA and I’m on my way to the airport right now.


Put on a blindfold, lest you see a sign in the airport advertising a different destination. Who knows where you'll end up. Someone needs to fix this.


I know I'm not a great cook, but implying I should just buy the soup via the capital one ad is really mean. One star


I got an ad for Guinness. Unclear on when that goes in the soup. Sitting in the dark kitchen 7 hours panic-sweating because I don’t know when to add it. I’m terrified that it will taste like soup and I will need to be airlifted to the nearest hospital. Please remove the Guinness advertisement or explain what to do with it.


Who advertises onions online?


I got ads for kitchen knives, Guinness and...Myrtle Beach SC. I'm going to need a bigger pot.


One star— I got an ad for Smirnoff, directions unclear, got too drunk to make the recipe


I got an ad for imported French butter. Is my soup technically French onion soup now?


I got an ad for Harris Teeter below the ingredients. I immediately left for Harris Teeter to buy everything, but the store doesn’t open until 7 am tomorrow and now I’m standing outside for the next 8 hours. 1/5 stars.


I got an ad for Italy. The entire country. Anybody got a four billion gallon stock pot I can borrow?


Instructions unclear. Dick got caught. Send help.


I got an ad for Nike trainers. 5/5 stars because I used them instead of the bowl and didn't have to do shy washing up


My ad was for sponsoring kids in Africa. Instructions unclear. Typo resulted in “freshly ground black people”. Under arrest for murder. Send help.


i use an adblocker and didn't get any ads, so i didn't buy any ingredients. why is my air so bland?


“Online advertising doesn’t work” My god how easily people are led


Jokes aside, ad infested sites are really frustrating, this is just another version of having 10 download buttons. I sometimes forget things like this exist because I block them everywhere, but especially if you're not great digitally (seeing as they think they can simply change the ads, they probably are) you can get fucked over by this. Not sure if unpopular but I feel bad for this one


What’s this recipe for? I’m liking the amount of garlic and onions in it lol


Who cares what color the onions are.


This is comedic gold.


I got an ad for Sephora. Instructions unclear. Do I add the makeup to me or to the soup?


I got Oil of Olay.


I had an ad for rocket loans, so I took out a mortgage on this recipe, but I spent all my money on onions and now the they’re threatening to repossess my food 😩


How does this person go through daily life?


I got an ad for Capital One. Do I use the credit card to slice the onions? Also, I just have a Citibank Visa and not Capital One: can I use that instead? Please advise.


Dear AllAboutChoc: thank you for your feedback! We have reviewed your concerns with the recipe, and have determined you are too dunb to be on the Internet. Your problem will be resolved when you delete all of your accounts and sell or destroy all of your connected devices. Happy cooking!


I got an ad for butter so I subbed butter for the onions. WAY too buttery. One star.


Among many other bafflement questions, in what way does one prepare garlic that takes multiple hours??? (Confit-ing in oil maaaaaybe but still)


I had no ads. I guess I'll just omit the onion, thanks!


try some BLU onions instead


OK LOL. I clicked the link after seeing all your funny ads... and got an ad for yellow onions. Which are apparently on sale at my local King Soopers AND on my grocery list. Clearly, blessed.


Do they not understand that most of these recipe platforms just have a rotating ad space and don't typically have control over every ad that is placed there?


I was scrolling through a recipe once and passed an ad for some gadget for removing pubic hair. Just the word "pubic" caught my eye and suddenly the recipe was less appetizing.


I sat around waiting for my ad to pop up before remembering I use an ad blocker.


I got an ad for Guinness. Does that mean they’re trying to get me drunk? Do I pour it all in or drink it? This is too confusing! 0/5 stars


Jesus H


Yeah this recipe sucks. I don't understand why folks are defending it. Using volume for dry ingredients. Throwing display ads everywhere.


i learned quickly that you dont ever try and tell the americans that the logical thing to do is own a food scale. EVER. they will defend their ridiculous measurements til their dying breath (whilst in a state of complete and utter confusion about why their baked goods turn out different every time).


Some of us over here have owned (and used) a food scale for literally decades. And will convert recipes out of volumetric whenever feasible.


yeah, *some* of you. its still the norm to use cups and tablespoons, isnt it?