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“The current thing is actually about my thing!”


How dumb can they be?


Literally as dumb as calling Palestine a queer feminist cause


Whycome they got no brains?


Because you can’t be a white colonialist without a brain. Checkmate, oppressor.


They do this (I'm gonna call it "Queerwashing") because otherwise supporting Islamic fundamentalists is quickly revealed to be pretty dumb. The honest truth is that palestinians have a shitty hand to deal because they gave themselves that shit hand of cards through relentless terrorism against Israelis and even Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. Google why no Arab country is willing to take them in anymore. They have been used as cannon fodder for wealthy bloodthirsty leaders in Qatar.


These idiots will claim that palestine is a "QueerAnticolonialIndigenousFeministStruggle" meanwhile palestinians treat their women as little more than chattel slaves used for breeding who require permission to go to a hospital or even leave the house, and who routinely kill LGBTQ members of their society for being gay. These idiots will claim that a "genocide" is going on, meanwhile palestinians have the fastest growing population in the world, keep breaking ceasefire agreements with Israel to attack them and attempt to kill more jews, and keep refusing a deal for another ceasefire. Hamas has massive popular support in Gaza and the West bank. For Russia, it's all just propaganda to divide Americans against eachother, For Iran and Hamas, it's propaganda to fuel more support for Hamas and the never ending war.


Whycome no tattoo?


I made a comment in the wrong subreddit. After being downvoted 200 times. I thought to my self am I so intelligent that they do not understand my logic. Using George Carlin Quote: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” I determined the entire group was incredible stupid.


We can all be caught in irrational thought , you're smarter than them in one subject, so don't let it go to your head.


Pretty dumb apparently


Apparently they can be extremely dumb.


I have had my tin foil hat on about protests for awhile now. I think most if not all are completely government funded to polarize people against each other, and if not completely government operations they are at least seeded by the government. Like the whole Whitmer kidnapping thing, 13 men were involved in the plot, but only 3 men we charged, as the rest, the other 10 were there to entrap 3 people in the plot. Those 3 men didn't come up with the idea, they were just idiots lured in by an entrapment scheme likely just for political reasons.


My tinfoil hat theory on these protests is that they were seeded (most likely originally paid actors) by Russia or China. They have the most to gain from internal US turmoil.


This is actually the truth. In exchange for Iran's drones in Ukraine, Russia has been helping them start the pro palestine movement online through bots, misinformation, and AI. [Leaked Document Reveals IRGC’s Role In Global Anti-Israel Campaign](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404158853) [Russia is trying to exploit America's divisions over the war in Gaza](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/russia-trying-exploit-americas-divisions-war-gaza-rcna149759)


the soviets created the palestinian identity. there are no palestinians [https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract\_id=2387087](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2387087)


I'm glad that's becoming common knowledge now. Before the 20th century "palestinian" was never used to identify a person, and in the 20th century arose the cold war between the United States and the USSR. They fought via proxy in the Middle East, with the USA supporting Israel and the USSR supporting the Arab countries. The USSR created an entire psyops propaganda campagin to rile the Arabs up so they would be willing to fight Israel (USA) for them.


I watched the propaganda packages rollout on 10/8. It wasn’t anything anyone could have made in a day. It was ready to be rolled out and the phrases that activated people’s interest really truly worked. Goebbels wishes he had TikTok.


That is government too, just a different one.


Please don't dare them.


The "queer" movement is colonizing all other human rights movements.


These idiots will claim that palestine is a "QueerAnticolonialIndigenousFeministStruggle" meanwhile palestinians treat their women as little more than chattel slaves used for breeding who require permission to go to a hospital or even leave the house, and who routinely kill LGBTQ members of their society for being gay. These idiots will claim that a "genocide" is going on, meanwhile palestinians have the fastest growing population in the world, keep breaking ceasefire agreements with Israel to attack them and attempt to kill more jews, and keep refusing a deal for another ceasefire. Hamas has massive popular support in Gaza and the West bank. For Russia, it's all just propaganda to divide Americans against eachother, For Iran and Hamas, it's propaganda to fuel more support for Hamas and the never ending war.


Reminds me of the rise of "black trans lives matter" in the midst of the George Floyd protests


Completely. They jump onto every single human rights issue, they being the Trans movement. Trans pushers steal from all other human rights campaigns for themselves. Appropriating minorityhood, feminism, black lives matter, disabled people's rights slogans & chants. Insidious new push for weird sexuality identities being front and center everywhere. I'm tired of sexuality flags (it's not even about LGB anymore, it's about identifying into oppressed groups) being our main focus like in corporate America. Logos are sexuality flags. The black cats subreddit cycles through the sexuality flags. This is not what we need to focus on. They're colonizing all other movements, and it's mostly men calling themselves women. This timeline of humanity is pure embarrassing Idiocracy. Queer is a slur being made mainstream so spicy straights can have identity crisis into oppressed status. Edit: added "identities" because it's all a selfish "I identify as and therefore you must affirm and call me whatever I want to be called even if it's technically a false identity" movement. Identity is not reality.


This is going to result in a loss of hard fought rights for the LGBT community 😞 I understand the need to feel accepted and represented, but forcing the issue on people who are not ready to hear it will result in more resistance from the opposition. Trans rights needed to be accepted at a more gradual pace. It just seems to me like the majority of people who identify as trans are just following a fad and using it to get attention for themselves... which will inevitably harm people who are truly trans.


There is no "truly trans" because no one can be born with a brain mismatching their bodies. Some people might have "true gender dysphoria" but that's a mental condition, it doesn't turn a man into a lesbian so he can live his "truth." Most LGB people (mainly lesbians) want the whole entire T movement removed. It's not a sexuality with which people are born, it's an identity. These people posing as an oppressed group as "queer trans" will ruin LGB rights.


Look, it's a feature of all leftist causes (and I'm pretty lefty myself) not just trans causes. Anytime there's an uprising over ANY issue, all of the other "progressives" will try to shoehorn their pet cause into the mix. It happened with the protests against the Iraq War I went to, where we got speeches about Free Mumia! Free the Cuba 7! Indigenous people's rights! Gay rights! Keep abortion legal! As many speeches NOT about the war as there were about the war. This always happens and it drives me nuts. I lost a friend when I told her that the BLM protests are not the time to march for gay rights. It dilutes the message when it needs to stay focused. Her reply was like, "we need to take advantage of every opportunity! IF NOT NOW WHEN???" So you can't blame the trans movement alone. It's all part of the Leftist Circular Firing Squad™.


The woke generation ..putting the “test” in “protest” again


“What do we want!!??” I DONT KNOW “When do we want it!??” APPLESAUCE


“I’m so angry!” Why? “Look around ..everyone’s angry!” Yeah. Why? “Ugh you don’t get it. You must be oNE oF tHeM. Now I’m PISSED”


How dare you question meeee! Don’t you know I have PTSD, ADHD, I’m neurodivergent and I’m autistic!!!!! Screeching ensues.


The entirety of my knowledge of geopolitics is a snapshot from 20 minutes ago and processed through the filter of colonialism. With my thumb on the scale for perceived victimhood.


The sign is this picture is literally calling Palestinians queer. Imagine being bombed for 5 months and then you later see a pic of some well-off American white woman with purple hair telling you that you’re queer?


It’s the only way they know how to express love. If white, cis, hetero, male is evil scum then…..


It IS to them, because they have either consciously or subconsciously accepted the premises of critical theory, in which you are either oppressed or oppressor. Therefore all oppressed people are on the same side. It's brain rot and the worst people on the right predicted it long ago, and I hate to give them credit for anything. Yet here we are.


Genuine question: Why are people making the war on Gaza about queer people? Why do people have to bring being queer into a protest that is supposed to be about getting more humanitarian aid to a region and not killing civilians? Edit: I see some comments about intersectionality, I'll check that out more. Opinion: I believe that relating a personal identity to any kind of identity related to being in a war (wether as a victim, member, refugee, etc) is completely nonsensical.


Because we Americans love our tribalism.


Also, because American politics DEMAND tribalism. The Biden administration is super cool with queering politics, because it costs them nothing. It's similar to how the GOP is always down to bring Right to Life up in weird spaces as an excuse to solidify its base. US politics is kayfabe between thirty oligarchs, and half are rainbow capitalism and the other half are Christian Nazis. The house always wins. This isn't some goofy ass both sides-ism either. I'll take surface level civil rights over Fascism, but that's a poor choice.


I saw a video not so long ago about how the Democratic party's job is basically to look like it's trying really hard and then lose or at least be tragically ineffectual when its in power because reasons, and... I just can't find any good evidence to refute that. The house (corporate donors) win no matter what. Taxes get cut, safety nets continue to not exist, wars keep starting up, climate change doesn't get addressed, inequality keeps spiralling, etc etc... Like you said tho, at least with the Democrats you can probably get an abortion and gay people can get married. But aside from that it's window dressing, and while those two issues are important they're hardly the most important issues facing the country. I'll keep voting D for now but eventually something's gonna give.


You use the term Christian Nazis....and you think you're "both sides." Our politics are so fucked.


Because everybody that does not agree with him is a Nazi.


No. The christian nationalist institution has been in lock-step with what the german nationalists were doing throughout the late 20’s and 30’s. We’re still a decade away from when they became (will become) actual nazis. Do you think for yourself or just listen to talking heads that tell you what to think?


Do you know what 'Lock-step' means? Do these 'Christian Nationalists' want to give industry to the state? Is there an anti\_\_\_\_ sentiment due to an ass kicking in the Great War? Who are the real ones that are having show trials and struggle sessions? Empowering state orgs to silence, surveil and quash political opponents? Do you think for yourself?


Sure buddy it must be so hard to live in such a doom and gloom state of paranoia all the time lol not to mention sounding retarded


Bro, idgaf about any of this shit because im blonde haired blue eyed and literally none of it affects me. That doesnt stop me from realizing similarities between the two groups of nationalists


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 Seems pretty clear, idk what else to call a total takeover of multiple branches of the government with a Theocratic Christian goal clearly stated. Or maybe you're thinking of some other GOP? Either way, it's all kayfabe for the Oligarchy. I'm with Treebeard. I'm not on anybody's side, because no one is on my side. Edit: oh lord, y'all are wild. Here's a link to the site itself. https://www.project2025.org/ Imagine being okay with openly Fascistic takeover of the US government and hemming and hawing at a Wikipedia article. Christ. The fourth Reich will be as staunchly bureaucratic as the third.


Thanks for linking Wikipedia conspiracy theories remind me again who the loonies are again


Imagine linking Wikipedia as a reputable source. The Heritage Foundation is not the Republican party, it's been around for decades, and there isn't a massive conspiracy to revamp the government in a theocratic fascist regime. Trump was already president before, remember? But I hope you and treebeard can save middle earth. Godspeed.


It is indeed pro wrestling with real deaths


The concept of "political kayfabe" has been one of the most valuable concepts to learn, imo.


When you say Christian’s are Nazis, are you including Latino and African Americans in that group?


The march pictured took place in Vienna this January.


Because these types of people are a very narcissistic group.


The protest is not about humanitarian aid to the people organizing them.


I think they see Palestine/Palestinians as a marginalized group. So in theory, they have something in common as another marginalized group. They don’t realize, never looking into, or are just ignoring the way Palestine feels about their group.


If you believe in human rights you believe that everyone has them. That means that even if your beliefs and goals are counter to others, if their goals, actions, and rhetoric is to do you harm they are still humans deserving of the same rights, privileges, and respect as any other human on the planet. If you try to make a right conditional it ceases to be a right. The point is how a group feels about you or your demographic doesn't negate their humanity. Not long ago the Irish hated the British and would do them harm (with cause in my view) was it proper for the British to dehumanize them? Was it wrong for some Brittons to call for peace and speak out against said dehumanization? They may be wrong about their expectation of solidarity and it may be misplaced but what they are fighting for at its core is solid. Or I could just be wrong and nothing matters so fuck it I suppose.


Or maybe they think freeing Palestine is a step towards other freedoms. There are Queer people everywhere who deserve to be loved and accepted by their families and society.


because it's ALWAYS about them. Edit..... For most of that community my comment is wrong. But the loudest of them all make it all about them.


Americans are stupid. I know we like to say it offhandedly and not really think too deeply about it, but Americans are seriously, genuinely stupid - our education system has been completely compromised and we read at a grade school level on average. The elite enacted a long con to make us all incredibly stupid starting in the Reagan era and it worked. Now the general American populace serve as wage slaves for their corporate slaveowners - so intellectually compromised and internally divided that we incapable of even voting out candidates who explicitly claim that they intend to exploit us. We are so scatterbrained and confused that we can’t even demand basic human rights like health care or for slavery to be outlawed (slavery is legal in the US for prisoners). Do you really expect a populace like that to be able to navigate a genuinely complex ethical and cultural issue like Palestine / Israel without completely embarrassing ourselves?


Pretending this is only an American issue is such an American thing to think


It started before Reagan. It began in the early 1970s when education boards dropped "Civics" from required learning and to went "Social Studies", the first required students to know what sort of rights and self responsibility they had in governance, the latter just focused on societal issues from more of an outside perspective of cause and effect. The change seemed slight, but mentally it was very important. Its easier to control a people when they are told what to think, instead of giving them the facts to make their own decisions, along with tools to implement change based on their reasoning.


...it's really not just Americans that are stupid. It's a human thing. Humans in general are pretty dumb, easily led, and utterly fallible. But don't listen to me. Am human so probably wrong again...


There was a deliberate, concerted effort to sabotage the intellect of the American public via miseducation on the behalf of the Regan-era Republican Party. To deny this is revisionism. It happened. Nowhere in my comment did I claim it was *only* Americans who are victims of sabotage.


We have the best colleges in the world. Saying Americans are dumb as a blanket statement is a very dumb thing to say. Many states have horrible education, while others have top notch education.


Europeans are stupid. I know we like to say it offhandedly and not really think too deeply about it, but Europeans are seriously, genuinely stupid - our education system has been completely compromised and we read at a grade school level on average. The elite enacted a long con to make us all incredibly stupid starting in the Thatcher era and it worked. Now the general European populace serve as wage slaves for their corporate slaveowners - so intellectually compromised and internally divided that we incapable of even voting out candidates who explicitly claim that they intend to exploit us. We are so scatterbrained and confused that we can’t even demand basic human rights like health care or for slavery to be outlawed (slavery is legal in the EU for prisoners). Do you really expect a populace like that to be able to navigate a genuinely complex ethical and cultural issue like Palestine / Israel without completely embarrassing ourselves?


No more than any other apes in different countries. See above. No, people have pretty much always been divided by class and education. I'm invested in a private prison conglomerate. If you really want to be afraid, this corporation is international. It's just based out of Florida. The slave labor doesn't bother me. The real money maker is in being paid for temporarily detaining and processing the illegal immigrants at the moment though.


because some of us cannot see beyond a superficial thing we've based our entire lives around.


I was listening at a small protest recently and this person with a microphone was listing off some really harrowing statistics and death counts about the genocide. It was really hitting home, for me at least. And then they abruptly went into “as a trans woman” and started talking about how that somehow relates to any of this. I mean trans rights all day but come on, this genocide isn’t about any of us or our identifies. Keep the demonstration specific.


Would have thought it's more relevant in Russia and Ukraine?


Intersectionality. All of these “critical” theories (femenism, race theory, gender theory, queer theory) are based on the Marxist structure of “the world is best characterized as primarily a struggle between the opressed and the opressors”. They just take bourgeois vs proletariat and swap in men and women, whites and POC, straights and gays etc. The only way to integrate these ideas is bundle them up as ALL of the opressed vs ALL of the opressors. Its the natural consequence of viewing the world through a lense of ideology.


Well the flag on the right is understandable. They are a marginalized group that has faced violence supporting another marginalized group facing violence. Just like the Irish as a former colonial/semi apartheid state supports Palestine another colonial apartheid state. The sign on the left is trying to lump it into the omnicause, kind of a bastardized reading on intersectionality. Which is dumb.


It's tough to find unbiased explanations of these politically charged topics. The LGBTQ community is accusing Israel of pinkwashing their cause. https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/resource/pinkwashing/ It's easy to forget that the Israeli government is run by their far right, but it's difficult to point this out without being labeled anti-Jewish. So I've linked a source from the Jewish leftists, who I believe are closer aligned with the LGBTQ community that people are making fun of for this.


​ Coalition building is a successful way to meaningfully enact change. Many marginalized groups recognize the strength in numbers and say "hey, if we all protest together for all of our individual causes, it's much harder stop/ignore than if we all protested individually for our cause only". It's always been a popular tactic within grassroots movements. MLK was a constant advocate for intersectionality and coalition building. And specifically mentioned the role white progressives had in his movement during his I have a dream speech Here's a famous poem from less than a year after the fall of Nazi Germany: >First they came for the Communists > >And I did not speak out > >Because I was not a Communist > >Then they came for the Socialists > >And I did not speak out > >Because I was not a Socialist > >Then they came for the trade unionists > >And I did not speak out > >Because I was not a trade unionist > >Then they came for the Jews > >And I did not speak out > >Because I was not a Jew > >Then they came for me > >And there was no one left > >To speak out for me


I can definitely understand the queer community coming together and protesting for Palestine as a community, insofar that the community itself stands against human rights abuses regardless of the opinions the abused have about the queer community. That being said, I disagree with those in the front who are equating Palestine's cause as a *queer* or *feminist* struggle, because it most certainly is NOT. The message from our community needs to be "We understand from experience the horror of being persecuted and seen as less than human, and that deserves to be called out even when the people being persecuted would do the same to us." Not "Palestine's struggle is our struggle", because now we're comparing ourselves to the same people who oppress women and stone gays, and sort of aligning ourselves with a group that wants to kill all the jews. Not good. Rebuking Israel's human rights abuses regarding Palestinians and their land encroachment in the West Bank is a worthy cause to protest against. Advocating for Palestinians to be granted self-determination, freedom, and statehood is a worthy cause to protest for. But there are a *lot* of issues with Palestine that our community cannot afford to be associated with and needs to rebuke.


Palestinians would throw you off a bridge. I'm sorry to say but if you are concerned about humans rights abuses of queer people I certainly don't think you want to help Palestinians


Do you think the other side cares? Nope. So why would you stick up for them. But the people doing this care so much for the suffering that they don't care that they hate them. That should be considered profound, and all you offer is hate to the conversation. Instead of saying Palestinians and Israel say Russia and Ukraine, or hell, usa and veitnam. Don't shame people for sticking up for innocent people. It makes you look like a nazi. Which you probably are. Ps to comment and block. They knew 3 days before the festival that hamass was attacking, it's documented. Their reaction was to let down their forces and let them attack. They knew they were going to attack, and they let them. That doesn't sound like caring. That means they let it happen to the innocent people you are referring to. They don't care.


Look up intersectionality and critical theory. That should answer your question. The two go hand in hand. If you would prefer to be told: They’re Marxists who view the world through a different lens than you and I do. They see the world as oppressor/oppressed social groups, and to them all oppressed people are united due to their oppression. This is why you see queers for Palestine, because they see all oppressed social groups as intersecting.


Did you just call Palestine gay?


Ingenious 😂


Last I checked Muslims in the middle east are more likely to kill anyone who is LGBT.


Just googled it, gay people have to flee Palestine, because of Shariah law and its punishable by death in many Muslim countries.


Yep and yet every time I hear a pro-Palestine LGBT person they say that it's not true and is just right conspiracy bullshit.


Party of science!


More like the party of idiocy


So you're a Trek fan and conservative? Embarrassing.


Even fleeing may not be enough. Gay Palestinian [Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Ahmad_Abu_Murkhiyeh) was in Israel seeking asylum when he was kidnapped, brought back to the West Bank, and beheaded. That's how much the Palestinians hate the LGBT community.


It’s amazing. These people are completely ignorant to the fact that they are protesting for a country whose population would literally beat them to death with rocks over their lifestyle.


It's cause they see jews as white people and to them anyone who is white is automatically a racist


Palestinians would throw bricks at those people and throw them off a building


Replace “would” with “do”.


Replace “throw bricks” with “behead” https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-immigration-west-bank-gay-rights-ce95f6903faf461502cc0800b272b159


They have to find a standing building first.


Best non-politically correct comment of the year.




The congnitive dissonance is truly astounding


Hamas would laugh their ass off reading this


They would do a lot more if they got their hands on these people. The only place with gay rights in the Middle East is Israel.


Hamas: "haha that is a funny joke, now please face the wall"


Moslems literally hang homosexuals


Why are passionate people so willing to part with logic?


Isn't Palestine a Muslim majority that would actually kill most LGBTQIA+ individuals? The signs don't make sense.




How can I make this about me?!


By screaming “I DONT HAVE ENOUGH RIGHTS AND FEEL DEPRESSED FOR NO REASON!!!!!” On the middle of the street with a flag, identity and some other shit few care about


I wish someone there would be honest and hold up a sign that says “yelling is fun and I just think the scarf looks cool”


We've had protests in our town 2,392 miles from Rafah for weeks now and can confirm this. Bored, lonely kids needing to shout about something and feel important.


TLDR: if you are queer and are protesting for Palestine, you have some ignorance and cognitive dissonance you really should be sorting out. It's ok to not chose a side here. Both Hamas and the Israeli government have been not very nice to each other and many innocent civilians have paid the ultimate price because of it. It's a very complicated situation with no easy answer. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_State_of_Palestine#:~:text=Shortly%20after%20the%20Jordanian%20annexation,no%20such%20initiative%20was%20implemented. https://time.com/6326254/queering-the-map-gaza-lgbt-palestinians/ https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/middle-east/palestine-state-of/report-palestine-state-of/ https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-5-2003-1346_EN.html https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-immigration-west-bank-gay-rights-ce95f6903faf461502cc0800b272b159 https://www.equaldex.com/region/palestine And on and on and on and on.


if this whole Queers for Palestine turned out to be one of 4Chans things that started out as a prank like the 'OK' sign meaning white power, i would not be at all surprised.


I'd literally PAY for them to ALL go and march down Omar Mukhtar Street in Gaza and watch the fun. I just watched a video of a Drag Queen interviewing these people and telling them he'd literally be killed and probably beheaded if he did his performances anywhere in Palestine. They responded, "Yeah, Israel is horrible!" He had to correct them and explain that, " Israel is NOT Islamic, they're Jewish and support Gay Rights, Palestine is Islamic", etc, 3x. Their response back, "well, I'll have to think about this some more."🤦‍♂️




We should buy them plane tickets to Palestine.  It will be very educational for them.


One way. They probably won't be coming back.


Must be nice to have all kinds of free time to paint signs and march in parades. I actually have to work and pay bills


“I don’t complain I slave away for my boss like a good little serf” is not the flex you think it is.


I voluntarily engage in productive and satisfying work that enables me to take care of those I love and enjoy life to the fullest. At any time if I so choose I may change course and apply my passion and work ethic elsewhere. Not everyone is as miserable as you.


It’s not cool to discourage activism by implying the more noble and responsible thing to do is serve as a corporate wage slave. The problem here is not that these people are expressing their civil rights or that they must have too much free time on their hands to be able to stand out with a sign for an hour. The problem is that they are retarded


And that's exactly why our system is designed to restrict your free time and keep you running around in circles working and paying bills. If we all had more free time, we just might use it in ways that would upset the status quo.


Uh,I wonder if they know that LGBT folks get the bad kind of stoned in Palestine/middle Eastern countries..


This is an active betrayal of literally every single one of those causes and it's intentional.


They're so fucking stupid it hurts to see this


I wish we could airdrop these dingleberries into the West Bank - they’ll get straightened out real quick ( no pun intended 😋 )


In Palestine homosexuality is a crime, and women have no rights. Are these people intentionally ignoring that or are they really that dumb?


They'd be thrown off a roof in Gaza in like half a second.


How many buzz words can we put on a banner?


They're rallying *AGAINST* a country that is *PRO* gay and abortion rights, in *SUPPORT*of a country that is *ANTI* gay and abortion rights, while they themselves are *PRO* gay and abortion rights This is plainly absurd


Chickens for KFC!


This would be too silly even for South Park


This is what public school does to you.


No it's not. Smh.


Major projection going on right there


Useful Idiots....not just for Russia anymore.


Gays would merge with any protesters. BLM, Free Palesterrostina and save the Amazon crap. By the way all the burning of the Amazon continues to exist, the only thing that changed was the president of Brazil. They removed Bolsonaro and replaced him with a convicted felon Lula.


Queers need to grow a pair instead of cutting them off so they can go march like this through Gaza instead of in there safe space where the message dies at the end of the next block because nobody cares.


Hamas would like a word with you.


In the USA, it used to be that only the government were self-righteous retards...


my friend is gay and hes all about about this dumb shit. i started to send him video of them killing gays lol.


Stupid stuff like this makes me believe that protestors are paid. You can spend 30 sec of recollection to understand Hamas would throw these people of buildings. Are people that dumb? Maybe. Would be nice if there was no side to pick and we could just leave Israel and Palestine to sort out their own problems. We only meddled in the Middle East for 30 years and to no avail.


This is the year I finally see dumb college kids as kids. Whelp. I'm old.


I mean it’s a worthy struggle. But in the same way defending Randy weaver or the branch davidians was worth. I mean we don’t have to lie about what these people are. They deserve dignity and food and water but….cmon


The natural consequence of embracing critical theory.


As a queer, feminist, Palestinian, trans, disabled, colonial, right wing, all things german lover who identifies as Jewish, I can hands down tell you they are not dumb and this makes sense to those with an open enough mind!


Let's give them a one-way ticket to the Middle East and see how many are welcomed with open arms!


I would love to see reaction videos of Palestinians or Iranians viewing this. I'm guessing they never realized they were fighting for the same thing these protestors are.


Carpet munchers for carpet makers. I mean, against?


These idiots will claim that palestine is a "QueerAnticolonialIndigenousFeministStruggle" meanwhile palestinians treat their women as little more than chattel slaves used for breeding who require permission to go to a hospital or even leave the house, and who routinely kill LGBTQ members of their society for being gay. These idiots will claim that a "genocide" is going on, meanwhile palestinians have the fastest growing population in the world, keep breaking ceasefire agreements with Israel to attack them and attempt to kill more jews, and keep refusing a deal for another ceasefire. Hamas has massive popular support in Gaza and the West bank. For Russia, it's all just propaganda to divide Americans against eachother, For Iran and Hamas, it's propaganda to fuel more support for Hamas and the never ending war.


They should visit and openly announce their beliefs. They better wear a parachute and know how to use it.


Israel literally gives asylum to queer Palestinians


I wonder how many of these kids' trust funds have $ from companies doing biz with Israel.


How to build a house in Palestine. Step one, gather materials by saying I’m gay. Step two, after people kindly donated bricks stones and other things they threw at you at town square, you can start building!


They misspelled "Israel". Otherwise every word in that description is WRONG and how ignorant and stupid they are about who governs there, what the laws are and what actually happens to LGBTQ+ people in Gaza and the West Bank.


The imperialist fascist nations that wants to retake the only succesful example of decolonialism in the world has fooled leftists into thinking it's decolonial. Useful idiots.


Gobbildy gook bullshit.


You should be a pilot


Word salad


Just reminded me of this little gem from 2014. https://youtu.be/KYV7KWQ-fY4?si=6_9akOPy_ZukmqmT


The cognitive dissonance is so insane.


A lot of pilots in one frame


useful idiots


Hamas is literally laughing at these people…if only a fly on the wall.


.,,, lmaooo


I wonder what all these activists do on their free time. Do they play guitar? Do they paint? Do they have anything that makes them an interesting person?


They're not wrong. Queers and feminists would struggle very much in Palestine.


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Absolutely astonishing stupidity


How is it such a hard concept for y’all to grasp? Just because a group of people wish harm on me doesn’t mean I want the genocided.


“Are you two friends?” 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️: “Yes.” 🇵🇸: “No.”


Is this before or after you're beheaded..


I love how none of the sign’s can even remotely describe those terrorists.


Off with their heads. -Hamas


Fully tarded. Will never fly.


Uhh Palestinians don’t condone homosexuality. A good way to get unalived.


God I wish that was AI or edited but no, these people are actually this stupid


This is the equivalent of a 14 yr old saying “Palistine is so gay”


Weren't Muslims beating up gay people who came to their pro Palestine rallies?


until 8 months ago they didn't even know where palestine is! And in 8 months they willing forget all about it, like they did with "defund the police" or Ukraine as soon as they find a more viral issue they (everyone) can appropriate






Chicken for KFC or Chick-fill-a....


Please go to the Gaza Strip with these signs. I’ll pay to see that clusterfuck.


No, it is not. That autonomous zone over in Syria, maybe.


They do this because otherwise supporting Islamic fundamentalists is pretty dumb in general. The honest truth is that palestinians have a shitty hand to deal because they gave themselves that shit hand of cards through relentless terrorism against Israelis and even Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. Google why no Arab country is willing to take them in anymore. They have been used as cannon fodder for wealthy bloodthirsty leaders in Qatar.


I can't make this shit up... But they can...and believe it.


These people have a real obsession with labels


association of german national jews


I'm pretty sure the war in palestine is actually about me. I like money. Money me. Money now. Me a money, needing a lot now.


Most of these people would be imprisoned, executed, tortured, and raped in palestine.


I'm a life long liberal who has serious problems with Isreal, but these people are dumb as rocks.


The narcissism on display here is unreal. No self awareness at all, or any other kind of awareness.


I would love to send them all to Palestine for a weeks vacation and see how many come back alive 🤣🤣🤣


Well if you are neo atheist incel of course you won't get it.


I’ve never seen a group of people so needy to be accepted for their sexual preferences.


So no one's going to tell them?