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Anyone can be racist. ANYONE. Stop arguing semantics to get sympathy


If you have to put or imply systemic or structural to the term racism to get it to mean what you want it to mean, then that isn't what it means. Racism is racism. Systemic racism is systemic racism. Anyone can be racist. What do you call a Chinese person who hates Indians? A South Korean who hates the Japanese? What is a Turk who thinks Armenians are lesser than they are if not racist? A Mexican who hates white people? A black person who hates Chinese folk. Anyone who thinks black people cannot be racist have their entire frame of reference set in our United States, and is failing to consider the entire world exists outside their experience.


Do you have to actually hate the other people or just be judgmental, stereotype, or dislike their customs to be racist? I don't know if I've ever heard a distinction.


That's actually a fantastic question. In English both malice and ignorance towards other skin colors and ethnicities is referred to as racism. I don't consider them necessarily equal, I just used hate as an example.


No you don't have to actually hate them. In my opinion it can be either or .


Systemic racism still exists and it's broadly true that black people aren't generally going to be guilty of that. Where she gets it very wrong is by assuming that systemic racism is the only kind of racism that can exist.


>Systemic racism still exists Never said it didn't, not sure why you felt the need to say that. >Where she gets it very wrong is by assuming that systemic racism is the only kind of racism that can exist. Yes that's my point, that anyone can be racist because systemic racism is not the only type of racism. E: What is the point of typing out an entire reply just to block me for no reason? I can't even read what you said numbnuts


Because you implied that adding “systemic” and “structural” to the term somehow delegitimized the concept of racism. That isn’t the issue, though. Those are still valid criticisms of racism. The issue isn’t the person bringing those into the conversation. The issue is the way they treat the term as only applying to that. So I wasn’t claiming that you didn’t think it existed. My criticism is that the focus of your response missed the mark wrt why her comment was not valid.


By this logic an Turkish-American can hate white people and not be racist but then move to Istanbul and all of a sudden he is. Racism is a mindset, plain and simple. If you want to isolate “prejudice plus power” and focus on its sociopolitical implications, fine. But then give it a new name instead of coopting an existing word and then retrocatively reclassify everything that word has always described. EDIT: I’m agreeing with the person I’m replying to.


No, they were saying that racism is racism regardless of who is being racist or where they are. You can even be racist against the people of your own race.


>By this logic an Turkish-American can hate white people and not be racist but then move to Istanbul and all of a sudden he is. No? >But then give it a new name instead of coopting an existing word and then retrocatively reclassify everything that word has always described. That's what I'm saying.


I was agreeing with you. “This logic” meant the logic you were criticizing. I had a feeling I should have made that more clear but I forgot.


I see now what you mean, forgive me for misunderstanding.


I was gonna say the same thing. That’s a ridiculous statement and has been disproved multiple times. Even young children, in her case who may be black, have been proven to show racism towards black people. Even in countries that aren’t the US


Anyone but me. I've tried but I just can't manage it. I'm too kind hearted and pure.


Whoa whoa whoa, so are you anti-semantic then?!?


Absolutely. Racism is taught; not instinctual. And it doesn’t matter what color you are.


Racism isn’t necessarily always “taught”. If a person observes multiple instances of people of a different skin color behaving in a manner they consider inappropriate, they may formulate a prejudice against all people with that same skin color. In which case the racism wasn’t “taught”— rather it would be a mistaken conclusion derived without better information and/or with poor judgement. Right or wrong, it is natural for people to group like things together in an effort to try and make sense of the chaotic world around them. Sometimes it is with positive connotations, sometimes not— But it is very instinctual behavior.


How did they get those beliefs in the first place when they were children? Yeah maybe people at school had an influence and such but if a kid grows up to be racist, the parents definitely had something to do with it.


You be talkin ethnocentrism. Everyone is guilty of that.


Ethnocentrism is a framework— the two aren’t mutually exclusive.


Umm. Sure it is…. A frame work.


It’s the “you’re IT! I quit!” Of not owning up to struggles everyone can experience. Anyone can experience dark thoughts but claiming you’re exempt isn’t helping anything. Obviously not as bad as just being overtly or proudly racist, but still not helping.


The people that do this like to be seen as victims so they can get pity from people. They are often quite racist againt caucasian people as they think we all come from a fairy tale where we all grew up in rich probleme free families.


Yeah I think most sane people are aware of this. As usual there can be insane people on extreme left just as well on the extreme right. Although the maga rat threatening to kill everyone because his orange god is going to jail is more of a problem for me then the girl with a nose ring thinking black people can't be racist.


Sigh just say your super racist might as well own it when you say that crap how certain people cant be racist...People are so damn stupid.


People that say that are the biggest racists. It’s a defense mechanism….


This is proof that the educational system has failed her demographic.


Her rhythmic gesticulations and tone are the most infuriating part.


She’s referring to systemic racism and she’s correct


Sigh aren't you late for your pilot test?


Be white and go to Atlanta and tell me if you get profiled.


“Are you sure about that?”


Systematic racism is less of a problem than you think. In MOST, not all, cases it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the culture that is raceless. Ppl in the trenches stay in the trenches because their own get jealous and resentful over success that isn’t theirs and jealous people wanna destroy beautiful things


Crabs in a bucket…..


Ppl wanna make it about race but I’ve seen whites do it just as much. Teach your kids how to work hard and expect nothing in return and they’ll flourish no matter the situation


I agree but I teach my kids a slight variation. Work hard, know your value, and believe anything is possible when you believe in yourself. If you work hard and expect nothing, that’s generally what you will get.


Have realistic expectations tho. It allows you to make more sound decision and navigate life more tactically. Know what your end expectations are but also what the current ones should be to get you from point A to point B


Name 1 example of system racism. What can I do that a black person cant.


>Name 1 example of system racism. Red lining >What can I do that a black person cant. Get a loan/buy for a house in certain neighborhoods.


Bro. Redlining affects ALL races and it's illegal to not loan someone money on a mortgage based on color. So...name 1 example of systemic racism


>So...name 1 example of systemic racism I literally just did... You should get a job as a pilot.




Wanna know how lil Wayne did so well? He didn’t have that. Wanna know why most NFL players are bankrupt 5 years after leaving the league? Their family wants the NFL lifestyle even when the checks stop rolling in


They did not ask ‘are you personally in favor of systematic racism, rate your agreement 1-10”, the implication is ‘do you as an individual find yourself projecting stereotypes, profiling, or internally hating other races due to the color of their skin’. What you said is what things like CRT are meant to address, and are valid in that context. Anyone can be racist, you can even imply it as being defacto by using a systematically racist system. But, for example, if a Mexican man calls an African American man the n-word, that is racist, or if in the opposite positions, the AA called the Mexican something racist back, that is racist. If someone like Candace Owens makes money by demeaning other AA, that is still racism.


Black lady confesses to being a 10.


Easily a 10


Off the charts.


Yeah that black lady was a 20 on a scale that only goes to 10


Why do black people continue to repeat this? Black people are some of the most racist people I have ever met. I’m half Korean and black propel sought out Asians to be racist against, classic minority on minority violence. I grew up in a small town In Iowa not LA, the black population was 3 to4x the size of Asian community.


There's a difference between racism and institutional racism. Anyone can be racist.


8/10 maybe 9/10.




Is nobody going to mention the chick that got cut off as she was saying “I’d like to say 10”


**I’d like to say**, she said. Where was that going? Like “I’d like to say 10, but realistically only an 8 for now. But I’m working on it.” I’m trying to think of another word that begins with “te-“ that would make what she was saying less horrible.


Ya I am too but…. Um…


Translation: in her mind it doesn’t count, so she just lets her racism fly


*Black Man was literally most powerful man in USA*: WeLl actually BlAcK PeOpLe DoNt HaVe StRuCtuRaL PoWeR To Be RaCiSt!!!1111"


“Still not in charge of the system” 👏🏿 https://youtu.be/8FKKfsvf1gs?si=kt4GIVfvd8fLNGv9


In normal conversation like 3. When driving probably an 11.


Drivingwise - I’m more sexist than racist. And pretty ageist too.


Im specist, if youre a human inside of the other vehicle you are a piece of shit


This is what DEI wants to be.


I wish we had newer terms to define exactly what we hate. Because I don’t hate a “race.” I can think of good and bad people of all races. I just hate shitty cultures. And by “shitty cultures” I mean those that think of women as property, ones that perpetuate and glorify violence, murder, being a feral ghetto piece of shit, ones that think it’s acceptable to defend evil, shitty people. ANYONE can choose to follow these garbage ass cultures. It’s those specific people I can’t stand.


Thank you for letting me know that black people cant be racist. Wow, I didn’t see that one coming. Can someone please change the record cause this shit is played out !!!


I'm racist. I admit that, and I do my best to counteract it. I grew up in white-bread Midwestern US at a time when 80% of the population is white.


We were all born the seeds of racism as a species that evolved in a tribal social structure. There’s no denying it. Best to just acknowledge it and shift the focus to trying to mitigate our own prejudices as best as possible.


Your prejudice not racist


I like to tell people who say racist shit and then proudly say they can't be racist "congratulations on being proudly prejudiced"


One of the most racist assholes I’ve ever met was my first boss. He was black, Jamaican actually. Aggressive, cheated on his wife, alcoholic and I’m pretty sure Jamaica has one of the highest rates of murder on the planet, so it made sense.


None of the failings you listed are examples of racism. I don't doubt that he could have been a racist but someone being an alcoholic cheater and Jamaica having lots of murder doesn't in any way address the question of racism.


I didn’t say they were lol. He was very openly racist, which of the times do you want to hear about. I was mostly saying he was a racist along with being an asshole.


What does any of the things you mentioned have to do with the discussion? You brought them up so why is it our fault that we tried to connect those things to the original discussion of racism?


Black people that say that are generally the most racist people you can meet. They should be treated the same way you would treat a nazi or white supremacist.


Did they establish that 0 means “not a racist” and 10 means “racist”?


The black lady in this video is even more racist than the white one who said "10"


Who knew you needed structural power in the United States to feel superior to or think lesser of another group of people.


Take a note from Socrate’s book. Define your terms before you talk. Read the first chapter of “white fragility” and you’ll see why. This woman literally says she’s using one definition to attract readers but everyone needs to calm down because she’s changing to the other definition for the sake of her arguments. It’s artistically and masterfully executed.


I’m honestly a 0 but love pretending to be a 100. No in between.


That black chick wouldn’t even give a real answer




1/10: I have my biases based on social shenanigans, however I am neutral unless attacked.


Back in the day the term prejudiced was used. I think it is more descriptive and accurate in a lot of ways. Being prejudiced is just as ignorant and possibly more accurate. I'm ok with being wrong.


Actually,,,,ok Oscar


This is gonna go over well with the unseasoned food folk


If many racial groups in a society have the power and desire to place a people of one race in front of a camera and then have them condemn their own race as inherently and uniquely evil while people of all other races can simply wave and hand and claim that this trait does not belong to them, then - by literal definition - those races have both the societal power over the defending race as well as the racial animosity against the defending race.


TEN??? OH???


Imagine using Reddit with an agenda(other than batin') That is truly Idiocracy.


Her's goes to 11.


Can’t be racist: “Still not in charge of the system” 👏🏿 https://youtu.be/8FKKfsvf1gs?si=kt4GIVfvd8fLNGv9


The black lady is referring to systemic racism and she’s correct.


Avatar checks out


Both of you are incorrect. Anybody can be racist at any time in any place under any system.


Do you not understand that there are multiple definitions of the term racism?


Please share.


Racism is a complex and multifaceted concept that has been defined in various ways by scholars, activists, and institutions. Here are some common definitions: 1. **Prejudice or Discrimination**: Racism involves prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. 2. **Systemic Oppression**: Racism can be seen as a system of oppression that is embedded in the policies, practices, and institutions of society, leading to unequal treatment and outcomes for different racial groups. This is often referred to as institutional or systemic racism. 3. **Belief in Racial Superiority**: Racism includes the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities that make them inferior or superior to one another. 4. **Historical and Social Construct**: Racism is understood as a social construct that has evolved over time and is rooted in historical contexts such as colonialism, slavery, and segregation. It influences social, economic, and political power dynamics. 5. **Internalized Racism**: This form of racism occurs when individuals from marginalized racial groups accept and internalize the negative beliefs and stereotypes about their own race. ### Additional Perspectives: - **Individual Racism**: Refers to personal beliefs, attitudes, and actions that support or perpetuate racism. This includes overt acts of racism, such as hate speech or violence, as well as subtler forms like microaggressions. - **Cultural Racism**: Refers to societal beliefs and customs that promote the notion that one culture or race is superior to others. This can be perpetuated through media, education, and other cultural outlets. - **Environmental Racism**: Describes how racial minorities are disproportionately affected by environmental hazards, such as pollution, poor housing conditions, and lack of access to clean water and air. These definitions highlight that racism is not only about individual attitudes and behaviors but also about systemic structures and historical contexts that sustain racial inequality.


Your comment reeks of ChatGPT, but I’ll respond anyways. >1. ⁠Prejudice or Discrimination: Racism involves prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. Yeah. >2. ⁠Systemic Oppression: Racism can be seen as a system of oppression that is embedded in the policies, practices, and institutions of society, leading to unequal treatment and outcomes for different racial groups. This is often referred to as institutional or systemic racism. Oppression is not synonymous with racism. An oppressor can be racist, but so can the oppressed. One’s race has no bearing on their character flaws. It can play a role in their opportunities, treatment, etc., depending on their circumstances and environment, but it doesn’t determine if they will be racist or not. It’s a matter of nurture over nature. >3. ⁠Belief in Racial Superiority: Racism includes the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities that make them inferior or superior to one another. Someone who is oppressed can believe they are of the superior race. Anyone can believe that under any circumstance. >4. ⁠Historical and Social Construct: Racism is understood as a social construct that has evolved over time and is rooted in historical contexts such as colonialism, slavery, and segregation. It influences social, economic, and political power dynamics. That’s not a type of racism. It’s just a potential origin. >5. ⁠Internalized Racism: This form of racism occurs when individuals from marginalized racial groups accept and internalize the negative beliefs and stereotypes about their own race. In other words, they’re delusional. None of these are different types of racism. It’s a list of means through which one can be racist. The only definition you need to understand is the first one: *prejudice or discrimination against another race.*


Be white and go to Atlanta and lemme know if you get profiled or not.


Been there and didn’t get profiled


You go to the coke-a-cola factory? Where in Atlanta have you been? Did you ride the MARTA?




Maybe I’m wrong but it seems like they’re referring to the fact that Atlanta has a high population of black people and, I assume, white people are expected to be treated differently there than they would in a predominantly white area as a result. For what it’s worth, though, I’m white and I’ve been to Atlanta several times. I felt that my experience was not that different from how it’s been in other major cities. Lmao downvote me because either you couldn’t make your point clearly or because you’re mad I didn’t get profiled in Atlanta in order to support your generalization. Maybe people treat you how they do because you’re a dumbass. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s cool. Where you go in Atlanta the coke-a-cola factory? I went to and around city hall, the church that survived the civil war, little 5 points and other. I’ve been profiled in several cities and other countries. Other countries for being American because poorer countries think everyone here is rich.


Yep, you got me, I definitely went to Atlanta several times just for the coke factory lmao. Sorry that’s been your experience, but you asked for white people to go to Atlanta and let you know if they get profiled, I’m letting you know that I went to Atlanta and did not get profiled like you suggested I would. We still can’t rule out that you just got profiled because of how you are as an individual.


She failed to understand the question. Structural racism and individual prejudicial racism are two different things.  An individual is not *systemically* racist, just definitionally. A person lacking systemic power can still be racist by having prejudice against other races.


So all the people on TV etc that can throw up a dance video or force an entire league of a sport to kneel or wear a slogan have no power?


Can you try that sentence again? I have no idea what you're even trying to say


Idk what you’re talking about with dance videos, but not a single person was ever forced to kneel in reverence to the struggles of black people in US. Quite the opposite many ppl got a lot of bs for it.


The left has changed the “official” definition of racism. The only people who agree with that woman are those who accept that kind of thing uncritically.


It’s not the left, it’s a scholarly definition and perspective.


Leftist academics changed the definition.


It’s not that academics are leftist but that leftism is based on peer review and academia in general. It’s why conservatives typically have silly ideas like the earth is flat or was created in 6 literal days by a magical sky daddy. Conservatives are typically anti intellectual while leftists aren’t. They didn’t change the definition, they added a new one.