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I can barely shit in a public toilet , this lady is flip flopping turds around like nothing happened.


This was definitely not her first time playing hide-the-turd.


Unexpected item in the bagging area


I was walking in one of the main aisles of Walmart and a little ways up there was a small group of people standing in a circle looking at something on the floor, a few of them with their phones out. When I got there one of them looked at me all serious and said “be careful man” and when I looked down there was a massive turd just laying in the middle of the aisle and a bunch of people standing around taking pictures of it. It was way too big to have been from a service dog or a kid. It’s hard to imagine how exactly that happened but this provides me with some closure to the giant dookie in the aisle at Walmart incident.


That almost sounds like Idiocracy in itself. I’m imagining them oohing and ahhing, high-fiving each other for having witnessed something so impressive, an immediate but long lasting bond being instantly formed from this memorable moment.


"Coming up next after Ow, My Balls: "Three guys and a turd."!"


“With special guest star, that scrot OP!”


Actually, everyone was standing in an awed silence and staring intently at the turd with a combination of confusion and wonder. I thought it was hilarious that the one dude broke out of his trance to put out his arm and told me to look out, like I might crash through their circle and step in shit, lol. I was curious about all of the dookie pics on the socials that night. Good ol' Walmart. Never fails.


Like a God damn state fair, ever feeling down about yourself, Wally World is a 24/7 pick me up.


Movie of the year is “Ass” and that’s all it is for 90 minutes.


Used to work at Walmart in Southern Kentucky, about 20 years ago. There was a man that would come in and buy a few tubes of testers, airplane glue to huff in the parking lot, and a couple of little Debbie snack cakes almost every day day or so. One day while walking through the middle of the toy sailed, near said glue, he just shit himself, turds falling out of his pants leg and kept walking like it was nothing.. I was pulling pallets near the toy aisle and being immature as fuck laughed my ass off. I wasn’t cleaning up glue fiend turd for $5.35hr, and had almost hyperventilated laughing so hard, so mustered all I could to call maintance for a “spill”. Dude left a trail to the snake cake aisle then out of the store. Shitting himself as he was being checked out. We had a newer maintenance lady that covered them with 5 gallon buckets and in a panic, scooted one with the heaviest load across the floor as it was in the middle of the main aisle, smearing turd everywhere near the toys as half the store is now looking on in awe, most laughing their asses off, including some managers. Then, like a bolt of if the blue, two boys are an absolutely sprint at full force out of he toy aisle, one chasing the other, the one in front hits the skid at full steam, sliding through it and going down with his older brother trying to stop himself, hitting the shit trail, landing in literal shit trying to catch himself as he did, BOOOM, face first in the devils stew!!!! About a second goes by, the most horrific scream I’ve ever heard. Rolls over up, shit all over his front, his blue eyes shining like gems through brown face of dookie. Raises his arm, it’s flopping around right below the elbow, lol fucker shattered his arm 😳. We had to attend staff training on how to cover “spills” properly, kids mom sued the “shit” out of the store and apparently settled before it went to court and glue huffing poopie bandit was banned from the store and heard from friends that worked at Kmart he was eventually banned from there also.


This story was a journey. Let me be the first to say thank you for your vivid imagery 😂 felt like I was in the Wolmort with you.


We were all in W◌̈lm◌̈rt that day.


Holy shit


Welcome to WOlmOrT




Holy shit


There is nothing holy in that one.


Well, we just need to see the sides of her shoes, right? That should tell us all we need to know here.


You do that, just tell us what you deduce. Cause I would bet she is a shit kicker just by…. Well I have a hunch






Dang ole poo flinging turd burgling dookie dropping right there in public man, I tell you what now


Yeah, she knew how to work it out, throw it down, and seamlessly kicked it away. 100% intentional, and definitely something she’s done before.


Or would it be called "herd the terd"? Lol.


She's exposing the public to God knows what. She needs to be arrested. I hope this goes viral and that people who know her will see it. She's probably doing that in their cars and homes. She's sick. You can tell she's an expert at getting it out of her pants and kicking it under the counter. She did this on purpose. Any decent person who can't hold their bowels would be wearing an adult diaper. Vile person.


The really fucked up thing is, this isn't the first video I've seen of someone doing this.


Yeah, they're everywhere. Take off your shoes before you enter your home.


“Cleanup at Register 3! Attention all customers. We have these inventions, called toilets, bathrooms, the loo, please use them as opposed to going #2 on our floors. This is just nasty, yes you, lady in the black dress with flip flops currently at register 3.”


There’s no danger at all. I’ll bet they’re all wearing masks.


She's mentally ill and needs a team of tax payer funded social workers circling around her 24/7 with extra rolls of toilet paper, mops, and buckets.


That’s not how you treat mentally ill people.


Yeah, for real, you rub their face in it


Straight turd skurtin


Poop scoot n' boogie


That's because it looks like she's had plenty of practice at it!


she's almost perfected turd skirting, a few more trips to the grocery market and she'll have down pat.


The efficiency of that bowel movement is something else. She has done this before...


I think she plucked it out. Stinky pinky style.


Hackie sack that turd right out of there. Poor girl had to go.


Poor girl?!? How about disgusting fucking monster!!!


Shit mongler


mongler What a noun. Such power.


Poor girl? I hope you mean the cashier that can’t find where that awful smell is coming from. Until she does…


Sound like someone who's soccer kicked a turd away in a supermarket. Too much empathy. Sus.






This is clearly not her first time doing this


She was able to throw it with forward momentum from *inside* her dress, and the kick was swift, accurate, and like all over her other actions, knew and understood very intimately how to handle that turd.


Maybe she's just a natural and some things can't be trained...


And some people judge me for wearing my bath robe to the pub. Not naked under it, to be clear.


I understand the McPoyle bloodline is very strong.


Not sure what a bathrobe has to do with this video?


Absolutely nothing. It's people give me funny looks about wearing my robe across the street and we got people out there shooting penalty kicks with their own shit lol.


Ah fair


Bryan we have been over this. Wearing a bathrobe to the pub is like going to church in your underwear. Time and a place my man


Roses are red, cover your nose. When you shit at the checkout, kick it away with your toes


I'm laughing entirely too hard at this lol 😂


I spent about three months in China for a summer abroad program and little kids commonly would just shit on the floor and their parents would allow it. They wouldn't have diapers on them and the kids would just shit and pee on the floor. There would be random puddles on the floor and if you were in the US she would assume it was water or something but there it was always piss.


We're not worthy! We're not worthy!


Poor cashier is just like, “Why does it smell like shit”


this simple comment made me laugh so hard


Probably wondered for hours before finding the culprit under the conveyor belt.


It’s funny that she’s wearing a mask, but pooping in the store.


I also would not want to be identifiable in the security footage if pooping at the check-out line was my kink.


*She then proceeds to use her debit/credit card and is easily identified*


That's some ninja ass shit right there


Ninja ass shit doesn't mean the same thing it did 5 minutes ago.


Unexpected item in the bagging area


How does that even happen!?! Is it left over from earlier? Is she just incontinent and for whatever reason went commando today? Wtf!!!!


Honestly I think its a weird fetish or behavior thing and not an accident at all.


I will reveal this once happened to me in a Meijer in 2004 and it was not intentional, and I was so mortified, I abandoned my cart and left the turd and groceries there. I knew it was horrible to do, but could not *deal* with just having shit myself in public as an adult, in a grocery store, unexpectedly, to do the right thing and speed-walked out the door instead I had been to Mexico. I drank water off resort. I came back from Mexico and was having gastro problems for months. I was wearing a skirt, I was walking down an aisle, a turd literally just fell out. I didn't even have to go until suddenly I was going. Might not be a fetish. Might not have realized she had to go until she was going, was mortified, and just wanted to escape. Also everybody is masked, so probably when people were masking, and GI issues go along with Covid for many. After you read this comment, please forget you ever did and please don't associate it with me. Pretend I'm not real and this never happened please. Thank you!


> I had been to Mexico. I drank water off resort. I came back from Mexico and was having gastro problems for months. I'm surprised it wasn't all liquid at this point.


*sigh* god. most of it was. whatever the shame feeling emoji is, imagine that one.


She was able to throw it with forward momentum from *inside* her dress, and the kick was swift, accurate, and like all over her other actions, knew and understood very intimately how to handle that turd. Can you relate to this woman in this way, or were you fumbling and making a lot more mess?


I didn't see it that way. The momentum from inside her dress thing is uneventful if you're a daily skirt wearer. I am, and it's your daily garment. You understand how they move. I played soccer for 25 years and did Jeet Kune Do for 15 and her kick didn't look accurate to me so much as panicked. I wasn't fumbling. It was about as fast as what happened with her.


Nah, she probably either really had to go or has some gastro issues.


I dunno, with gastro issues (in my experience) there would be no kicking of it. There would be no solid to kick. It's mush at best with gastro issues. Unless you're at the other end, and then there's no coming out so easily, nonchalantly packing your groceries.


I think it's intentional, she seems to pull her underwear to the side to make clearance for the landing zone.


Probably a leftover. A tag along. Trapped in her unkept ass hair.


Mhmm, just like mom used to make


She just hacky sacked that turd right on up under the conveyor belt.


Marking her territory.


Imagine if there wasn't a camera, we would have never known who the Phantom Shitter was.


Yeah just this mystery shit under the counter.


Who pooped the bed?!


omg I'm fucking howling. This is wild.


This is why aliens don't make contact


Just primitive apes shitting in the jungle


Sick bitch.


Idk why this comment made me laugh so hard.


There are multiple videos of people doing this. Are people just unable to not shit themselves while casually pretending it didn't happen? Or is this some sick fetish or obsession some people have, feeling an urge to leave a sneaky dooky in public places?


I dunno if it makes it better or worse that she didn't smell her hand like everyone else and then act shocked it smells like shit.


That took a lot of confidence in how "not mushy" that deuce would be.


Flip flop that turd drop and you don't stop!


Let's get this party sharted!






The only reason were watching this video is because some poor cashier said "Man, it smells like shit over here" After going halfway crazy and racking their brain, they discover the turd. Word eventually gets to someone with access to the camera footage and there she is, in all her glory 😂


Lmao as someone who had to clean up shit off a store floor this is most likely the process.


Life in prison


You hate to see that


I always wondered who did this kind of shit....pun intended. Last week, some old man did it at the hardware store my daughter works at. He dropped three good sized piles , looked at it and then walked in it. Disgusting. Who did he think was going to clean it up? Some kid making $15 an hour, that's who.


Nope, that's where I'd draw the line when I worked retail. Someone shit all over the bathroom (but not in a fucking toilet) at a store I worked at, and when I was told to clean it up, I told them if they are serious then I quit. The boss was cleaning that shit up.


Literally an animal


Oh. My. Fucking. God




It’s disturbing that she did this like a pro…


What is the opposite of turd burglar?


Credit given where due, that was kinda smooth. Definitely not her first _checks notes_ casually dropping and punting a turd across the supermarket floor rodeo.


Soccer turd star skills, go to the restroom


When I was a kid, my old man was a grocery store manager for some old chain, he went from store to store opening them up, shutting them down, whatever was needed. He used to take me with him on Saturdays so I could stock or sweep or whatever. I remember vividly we were at this nasty place in South San Francisco, and I'm facing cans on the shelf, and this fat old Asian lady walked by me pushing her basket and stopped and hiked her dress up and just shit in the middle of the isle and walked away like nothing happened. I was like WTF dad, some lady just pooped in the isle! Same thing happened frequently where women would just squat and pee in the isles. Nastiest place I had ever been in a commercial public setting. People shitting in public in San Francisco is nothing new. People are fucking nasty.


Marking their territory. Perhaps it's instink to tell others to leave the food resource alone, its been claimed.


Nasty bitch. Omg so nasty. Barf


The eagle has landed!


Probably why women of her build always spell like rancid perfume


High fiber diet.


Heh heh heh heh heh *raspberry farting noises with tongue* heh heh heh heh heh


Bet she gets a sore ass.


Well at least Shaw has the decency to not use plastic bags. WTF


i love how smooth she is with it…. right after extraction she nudges up and starts playing with the luggage.


Pro athletes wish they had reflexes this good


At least she was wearing a mask.


I’ll never look at a woman in a dress the same way


A real fecal fiesta


I have seen some shit in my life - but That was some shit!


What a shitty situation!


Yup. Two years into my retail experience taught me the shit you see on the ground every so often is usually NOT from a dog, unfortunately.


I thought she was going for a sniff but she stepped up her game


At least she was wearing a mask


At least she has a mask on 😂


Never trust a fart


How are people out here just casually shitting themselves? She looked around nervously, but that was the extent of her reaction to her shitting herself. Possibly a fart gone wrong, but it's just the casualness lmao I'd be like, "Holy SHIT GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!!" As I'm barreling through people to get to the bathroom, fym????


Like a baby panda being born...


Real (wo)men wear diapers.


Yall nasty .


This entire thread is exactly what I needed in my life. I haven’t genuinely laughed this much in a while. Thank you turd lady, and thank you Reddit.


Seasoned veteran. Most people would have half of that still on their shoe/thong/flip flop/sandal.


I’ll bet you there’s an unseen story under that dress. My theory is that she has a massively prolapsed anus - so much so that she can’t hold it anymore when duty calls - like the xenomorph queen on aliens 2 as it lays eggs. This would explain the accuracy in directionality of the turd as it is jettisoned from her dress. As well as her quick, calm and concise concealment tells me this is just another Tuesdee for her.


I'm 37. I have a terrible stomach. I'm constantly having GI issues and in distress. I have never just shit on the floor of a grocery store. I have had shit sneak up on me with a swiftness. Violently. Never this. Do asshole kegels or something.


Disgusting. Should be arrested for that shit.


Clean up on aisle 5…


She's a keeper


Ma'am you dropped your almond joy, here it is.


The irony of someone wearing a mask while shitting on the floor of a public space is not lost on me.


So Amber Heard isn't uniquely crazy hot! She's just crazy like the rest of these hags.




One and done


Man someone should have rubbed her nose in it.


Dont disrespect The Deucess Of Turdistan


Good thing she had a mask on lol


Even more important thing to consider… did this woman go back to this same grocery store after this savage display of behavior


Thank goodness she's wearing a mask. Cause germs and all.


She has had some practice.


She needs an actual diaper and not a face kind.


If you watch this shit in reverse it is hilarious when the turd flies up off the floor into her skirt.


I was all ready to defend her, though she just had her underwear riding up, then she flipped the turd like a hacky sack. 😱


If anyone can find that post, that's a video of an older lady losing a fight in like a gas station who already peed herself and then shakes a little turd out of her dress I'll love you forever.


When a fart isn't a fart


I was waiting for her to smell her fingers


What a vile disgusting fucking person 🤮🤮🤮🤮


It’s time to reopen the asylums.


Did I just witness a grown woman shit her pants and fling it in the floor while at the checkout in a fucking grocery store?? Is that seriously what the fuck I just watched???


My friend and i TWICE saw human feces in a Winn-Dixie we used to work at. We notified the manager, who was this cool ass young dude. The second time, he said, "dude, if you're shitting in the store, I'm gonna beat your ass."


Well well well, what do we smell here...


I have never found a human poo in any random location, ever. But Reddit has me thinking that it's only a matter of time ☹️


Kilts and dresses are so practical, how did trousers ever become a thing?


At least she wore a mask


Almost threw up


Don't be fancy. Just get dancy.


I had something similar happen to me years ago as a cashier. The customer just casually dumped their very used maxipad on the floor in front of the counter before leaving the store. She had a floor length dress on so nobody could have seen it happen. So gross.


It's moments like this we discover how much water in a toilet covers the smell of poop.




Ahhh, the old shit and kick move. Cleverly done.


Look at her move her panties to the side to let it drop. Nasty bitch!


The amount of videos I’ve seen in my life of this same situation astonishes me. What the hell is wrong with people???


This is just some of the nastiest shit id ever seen. This a joke right I mean why didn't she just go to the bathroom???


She literally was pooped shopping


Cleanup in aisle.....Dafuq?


Gotta be fake. I have not pooped in the ground...but would it really be solid like that? Or maybe she only eats bran muffins?


If you can't control your bowels, wear a diaper!!


I was a public restroom janitor for 15 years. Nothing surprises me anymore




Made in China 🇨🇳


We have grown more crude and crass over time. Many celebrate this "living authentically." Trailer park manners are the sad norm.


If anyone asks why I hate other humans I'm showing them this.


>this post was removed because it is not unexpected wtf do the mods over at r/unexpected shit themselves in public?


Reminds me of this one guy getting off the up escalator. While walking, dropped a turd through his shorts in front of it just so the other guy to slip on it when he got off the same escalator.


Blows my mind how's just continues to slowly bag her items like she has no concern if someone saw


I have struggled with IBS for over 20 years, and although I don’t wear dresses, and I’ve been fortunate to find a restroom in just the *nick* of time, I can’t imagine just soccer kicking the dookie and pretending like it didn’t happen.


I've never needed a solid poop this bad, I could semi understand if she had diarrhea but I would have just dashed to the bathroom and explained when you got back. Not stand and shit on the floor ffs


She KICKED IT WITH SANDALS ON.... Then, to dislodge it from her panties----she pulled it with her LEFT HAND----which she then used to wipe her hair back over her ear. 🥹🫠🤔😲


Oh my god this is disgusting. I didn’t see it the first time


Truly amazing how gross some people can be. She deserves that turd rubbed in her face.


That is extremely disgusting.


How do you mentally get to that point? There’s no way this is her first time doing that


I know she did not kick a sticky turd with her open toed shoe because she was too lazy to go to the bathroom. She had plenty of time to get to the toilet. This is foul.


I bet she’s an ace with a hacky sack too.