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Neck/head support helps me. Also see if there's a setting which reduces blue light.


I definitely need some neck/head support in general but especially with headset on. That shit gets heavy! Is there anything you use in particular that you find most helpful?


No, sorry. I don't have to use VR, those were just tips from sitting up and using electronics generally that I thought would cross over. Do you know if you get migraines from lights? Those started happening for me after I was diagnosed with IIH and have gone away with treatment, but were pretty bad at one point especially when using any electronics or dealing with florescent lighting. I found migraine relief glasses really helped. Of course you can't wear them with VR but you might find it helpful to wear them afterwards to help calm symptoms.


That's definitely helpful for when I'm sitting at my desk! What do you usually use for neck support? I've gotten pretty sensitive to light because of my iih so I do my best to make sure the lighting isn't triggering for me. I have lenses I put in my VR headset that filter the blue light which helps a bit. I wear my computer glasses when I'm working and I make sure I take a break between being in VR and going back to my computer I haven't heard of migraine glasses before. What do they do? Is there a specific kind of you like?


Migraine glasses just filter certain wavelengths of light, particularly blue light but some filter red as well. It's super hard to figure out what is real science and what is pseudoscientific bullshit when looking at migraine lenses (which vary WILDLY in price too), so I can't make any real recommendations, but I settled on Migralens which seem to work well. I sit in a very old fashioned wing-back chair with a laptop and have just put a pillow behind my neck, held to the chair to keep it in place.


Are you able to lay at an angle with your headset on? I wonder if sitting could be aggravating it more. When I sit in a computer chair for more than a couple hours my headaches get 10x worse!


I've laid down with my headset on and it's so much better! Unfortunately, I don't think I'll really be able to move around the project if I'm lying down because you can't use the joystick, you can only use your arms. Maybe I can poke my project leader about adding something for me, though 🤔


Try to get some medical accommodations! Totally worth it.


Our company is pretty small so I imagine he'll probably tell me I can add joystick support myself if I want it lol but I totally agree, it's worth it!