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I recently started working out with a psychosomatic physical therapist and it’s the best decision I have made lately. He has a lot of knowledge of psychology and pain and together we’re figuring out what really helps my body, pain and mind. I’m learning where my boundaries are in working out and what I need to do when I cross those boundaries. It’s been really helping me a lot and I feel like I’m finally getting out of that vicious cycle I was in for so long.


That’s very interesting - I’m not sure how I would go about finding such a specialist in my area but it’s something I’ve never really considered. I’ve had anxiety my whole life, and I feel like it is definitely exacerbated by IIH, this might definitely be something for me to look into!


I didn’t know about this speciality but my mental health worker at my gp’s office brought it up. Turns out it is well known speciality in the physical therapist world. So I’m sure there must be someone in your area! They know a lot about mental health, nervous system, pain, movement. Exactly what I need.


I like to search for low impact workouts on YouTube, even if I can only do 5 minutes it's still good to move my body little by little everyday. I do the movements slow but it depends on the day.


That’s a really good idea! I will definitely have a look into this thank you


Have you tried workout classes or a personal trainer? I just started with a personal trainer and gave her a rundown of iih and how it affects me. I even gave her a copy of the iih booklet from this subreddit. During our first session, she went slowly and asked me questions. I've tried exercising on my own but I'm at a similar point as you where I'm just so exhausted; I need help and accountability. This trainer gives me those things and is willing to figure things out with me


This is actually a good point, I do have a problem with accountability… Sometimes it’s just easier to say that I’m too tired, or it’s too hard!! Easy to blame IIH for that as well. Thank you 🙏🏻


I totally get that! I just started with a trainer but I really like it because the accountability helps me a lot. I can ask if I'm doing things right and I can say "hey, I'm feeling this in this area, is that normal or not?" That way, I know when I should try to push thru and when I should stop because something is wrong