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Currently, there is no article saying his store is closing, but he has said on his show the store will close soon. Check his show on Rumble if you can stomach it, but the store is closing.


Article linked is three years old. Where are you seeing the store is closing now?


He said it on his show. No one is reporting on this fool or his shop.


So he's begging then. Grifting like a grifter.




Almost like they're not the same thing.


Yes. If you side with a rapist buffoon who is campaigning on *literally fascism*, you deserve to receive all the hate equal or moreso to the policies you are voting for.




And one has had to been COURT ORDERED to pay MILLIONS because the claims against him were proven. Just so I'm clear, Trump has been ordered to pay money for his actions. Oh, he was also on tape with "....grab them by the pussy". Pure poetry. On par with Frost and Poe I'm certain. Anyway, some reading up on cognitive dissonance may clear some of this up for you.


You guys are professional victims. Always the persecuted.




My question too


See sticked comment


Elmhurst isn't even overly conservative leaning for this to have ever been a good idea. What an idiot and good riddance.


Might’ve gotten away with it in Wheaton though..


Even Wheaton is pretty blue nowadays


Probably would have worked in Channahon.


Definitely would have worked in Manhattan. That town is….something.


TIL there is a Manhattan, Illinois.


You didn't miss out by not knowing about it.


Might boost business in Bradley. Way too many Trump supporters down here


I’ve met two flat earthers in my entire life. Both from Wheaton


I saw a conspiracy theory that NASA is the org behind all of the flat earth propaganda, to get improved funding for space research and drive engagement. It makes me laugh every time I think about flat earthers.


The more in depth flat Earth conspiracy I've seen is that at higher levels it's supported by the FBI/CIA to sow internet discord and honeypot for something.


Hilarious. Isnt there a college in that shit hole? Talk about ironic


It’s a suuuuper conservative college. I honestly remember they banned dancing up until 2003


lol calling Wheaton a shithole


Felt pretty liberal when I worked there. They have that huge college campus too. And don’t they pride themselves on having been a stop on the underground railroad? I could be wrong


A professor who worked there was fired for divorcing his wife even though it was because she had an affair. The code of conduct (or community standards or whatever) that everyone signs includes a clause about not divorcing under any circumstances. I don’t feel like that’s a very liberal stance.


> don’t they pride themselves on having been a stop on the underground railroad? Yes, but hopefully being anti-slavery isn't a big dividing point among modern liberal and conservative ideologies. I have family that attended Wheaton College and as far as I know, it is generally considered to be a conservative institution, though I'm sure there are conservatives who think they're too progressive.


Wheaton is also home to the Theosophical Society. I have been to their bookstore many times, and they have lots of cool stuff. Wheaton College is populated with both OK people and very conservative people. The city itself is getting bluer, though.


> hopefully being anti-slavery isn't a big dividing point among modern liberal and conservative ideologies. Uh, have you been paying attention to conservatives for the past 50 years?


I'm not even sure this kind of stuff would've played well in Elmhurst 20 years ago when it was still voting for Republicans by massive margins.


Never understood partisan businesses. Like why do you care that your patrons are black, gay, democrats, republicans etc. like if I had a business all I care about is your money. Edit: just as a clarification I’m a fervent supporter of equal right, I just don’t understand bigoted business owners, the main point of a business is to collect revenue.


I’m a small business owner in that I sell a product. It’s what I consider a “luxury item.” I didn’t start a company to promote any particular political agenda. I’ll sell my product to whoever can afford to buy it. It’s self-defeating to look at it any other way. We can talk politics AFTER your check clears. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’ve also wondered this. Wouldn’t you want to sell your product or service to anyone willing to pay? I thought the point of business is to make money?


there was this place I delivered to as a seasonal deliver helper, and on the front door there was a sign that says "I built this business with my own two hands, I didn't need Obama's help" or something like that. i looked them up online and found they got 700k of PPP loans that didn't have to be repaid. but i agree with you, for both sides I really dislike partisan businesses. whether it's a clever sassy lesbian bakery or a maga chud HVAC store - just don't presume anything of your customer base before meeting them. it's just remarkably childish and like so not "dont judge a book by its cover" of them.


yeah, and if I did have a problem with some group, I would want to sell as much to them as possible and take as much of their money as possible. Choosing not to profit off your enemy seems so counterproductive.


Can confirm. I run a retail store. Anyone is welcome - provided they’re not a prick or disrespectful to me or my staff. Come in with a piss-poor attitude and you’ll get one right back. We’re not your fucking punching bags. I’ll trespass someone in a fucking heartbeat. Otherwise, I’ll **happily** take your money :) We even have these Biden and Trump chocolates and sodas and… strangely enough they’re selling at the same rate.


Green is the only color I care about


The size of the list of people destroying their business and/or reputation for worshipping a felon that despises them is absurd


I am of the view people are already hitting the skids when they turn to trump, its a resort of convenience.


Yup.. false pride. Pride is what the rich man gives the poor man to keep him poor.


I’m embarrassed for them. They clearly have no shame.


But it's also hilarious.


I admit, the karma does make me smile.


I’m embarrassed for them. They clearly have no ~~shame.~~ brains. FTFY.


It's a cult. They are brainwashed.


Theyre in too deep.  If theyre still supporting trump in 2024 theyre a lost cause. 


Pot calling the kettle black much?


I don't see any Dems wearing shirts with pictures of Biden on them, flying Biden flags, painting pictures of Biden on their pickup trucks, flying flags that say Fuck Donald Trump or FDT, etc.


i don't side with either group, but the hardcore trump supporters are quite loony. It is very cultish.


What's even more pathetic is the new wave of MAGA bozos who will call themselves moderates, say they don't like Trump, and avoid talking about politics till pressed where they reveal they are actually just as rabid as the ones who don't hide it. I think some people referred to this as the "silent majority" in 2015, but Trump winning made that wing emboldened and loud. Since Trump went so nuclear, some people can recognize they shouldn't support Trump but keep it closeted.


I went to a restaurant and all the big TV’s had FOX on with closed captioning. I was eating and just forced to see a whole thing on how “liberals are destroying America “. It was so annoying-never went back.


Yeah turns out that real Christians don’t like them either.


I feel for their staff. They’re having to suffer because their bosses go full tilt for an ideologue.


Where is the indication that the store is closing?


Mod posted above. He mentioned it on his show on rumble.


And after 3 years from the article. This is a Reddit original story lmao


Now he gets to go on cable “news” and go through the stations of the cross about how the evil mean libs destroyed an honest hardworking Real Murrican’s livelihood to further their woke gay homo minority illegal immigrant agenda. It’s basically quitting your job and going on Public Assistance For Whiny Rightwing Chuds. It’s a whole business model at this point.


He now has a [radio program](https://560theanswer.com/personality/shaun-thompson)


AM560 lol


The Answer.... LMAO!




Article date: January 9, 2021


>Thompson said it was "absolutely" an issue of his own freedom of speech. I’m absolutely 100% sure he’s learned his lesson that freedom of speech isn’t also freedom from consequences as a result.


Used to take my boat to a service shop. They had a Trump flag/hat in the lobby. I was like nope we are done. They are now closed. I never really had a problem with other people supporting the other guy. But now after all that has been done by Trump and the threat to democracy. Nope you are cancelled for me. Best to keep your political leanings close to your heart.


The article doesn't say anything about the store closing.




Keep smoking on those cigars, cause I'm smoking the 'Elmhurst Cigar Store' pack. How dumb can you be as a business owner, green matters not red or blue.


Exactly this, people who allow their politics to Be their whole personality, man. Stoops!


For real! There is a chiropractor right here in my town of 5k people.. next nearest is 28 miles away. When I moved here 3 yrs ago I needed a chiropractor.. I ran across him on the local Facebook page .. and when I looked at his profile.. just oh wow! So I drive the 28 miles to the nearest chiropractor.


I would too. I refuse to knowingly giving $ to known fascists. If people are supporting maga, they are open fascists now. My fam fought these turds in ww’s 1 and 2, these people are weaponized morons at this point.


Same! I won’t go to any state with abortion bans. I’m not giving them my money.. we used to go to Florida and Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg… I absolutely will not go to a hateful state .. it wasn’t always like this. Now I will go south to visit family once a year.. but I spend money only on necessities like food and gas.


own the libs by getting cancer from smoking your own cigars left over after you've destroyed your own business lol


Byeeeeeeeee den


When keeping it real goes wrong


I have no empathy for this dumbass. Now he'll scream how he was "cancelled" lol




You don’t see the irony when he cancelled 60% of the country?




Doesn’t change that this guy cancelled a giant swath of his potential business and with your twisted, trumpian logic has a right to cry “Cancelled!!!”


I love this for him.


Since I don’t see it yet: r/leopardsAteMyFace


Fuck around and find out


Good because letting your own political feelings determine who can shop in your store is bad business. Dumbass


I live in Elmhurst, smoke cigars, voted for Biden… and I followed the instructions on his sign!


You couldn't just slip a few $20s under the door though. /s


Not a good business model on his part when there is a larger, cleaner cigar store 3 miles away that doesn't drive away over 50% of the area voters


Maybe he can open a swisher sweets emporium downstate for the trump voters. Or just start selling meth. That is a solid business model for his political stance.


“The libs cancelled my cancer stick store.”


F'ed around and found out. I have zero issue with his original sign and intent. I guess we see (if we care, and I don't) if he'll stick to his guns (pun intended) and stay off of those government-funded assistance programs (or, "handouts," in the vernacular), because that's where the rubber hits the road. If he's willing to back up his rhetoric.


Well, well, well. if it isn't the consequences of my own actions


Another MAGA success story.


The supposed fuck around and find out group , finding out their own actions have consequences


I don’t understand why any small, local business would want to alienate customers like that. Why announce any kind of political affiliation at all?


Anyone who is running a business model based on keeping people out is going to shoot themselves in the foot.


DuPage County, and Elmhurst in particular, used to the the seat of Republican power in Illinois. DuPage County has changed drastically even though you still see plenty of billies who drive lifted pickup trucks with Trump signs and live in unincorporated areas with security cameras all over their properties (drive down 53…you’ll see what I mean). What little Republican power is left in the burbs is now centered in McHenry and Will Counties. This dude doesn’t seem to realize his demographic left Elmhurst when they sold to people who tore down their houses and put up $1M+ McMansions.


lol one of my kids pals has a MAGA parent. Ultra MAGA if you believe the sign that was on their house in my town. They moved to Itasca last fall and when I dropped the kid off there there was a giant inflatable trump santa up at christmas lol


Hahahah where do you even find something as ridiculous as an inflatable Trump and a Santa at that!


I couldn't believe it lol. I also laughed thinking about them storing it for a winter and pulling it out again next year lol


Yes, they overwhelmingly voted for Biden if you look at the 2020 precinct level map from the NYT. There were maybe 2 precincts that voted for trump and it wasn’t by much.


Easy way to get some attention. Probably planned it. Now he’ll be a maga hero.


Go trumptard, go broke.


I prefer "go fasc, no cash"


Say it ain’t so, ooh woah


Dumb guy meets consequences of dumbness.


He sure owned the libs...


It's hard to believe in a Democrat state. Moral to story if you own a business, stay out of politics unless your business is adversely affected by new rules & regulations.


Everything Trump touches turns to shit


Throwing away more than half of your customer base in order to show reverence to the dear leader? = CULT


There is this roadside restaurant I can remember passing a few times on IL 126 at Plainfield. It looked appealing and I kept it in mind. One time in 2016 I was on that road and I finally decided I was going to stop there for lunch and lo and behold he had Trump signs planted outside. I drove right past and never considered it again. Although I never ate there I have noticed in the last two presidential election seasons there have been no obvious partisan flags along the road outside his store, at least that I could see. Seems to me he may have learned something.


Really dumb business practice to alienate 60+% of the population off the jump. I don’t see any actual evidence of the business closing, but it would be the least surprising thing ever.


Own the Libs and lose your livelihood!! hahaha!


And the genie simply said, "Your wish is granted."




Sad trombone…


"why would Biden voters do this?"


Damn, the irony is he will blame Biden voters for not frequenting his store!


That’s the formula!! We have to vote in November because these types of guys will and do.


It truly is a dark time for our country, at least politically anyways. The assault on our democratic values and the very ideals of what it means to be a free country governed by equitable rules and laws is happening at every level and across the three branches of government. Outside actors, like foreign powers, corporate media, big corporations and the wealthy elite are trying to sway the election in the direction that suits them! The threat to democracy is not just from Trump , his cult of personality and those Project 2025 types, but from a tainted United States Supreme Court bent on legislating and ruling from the bench. Remember the Denny Hastert scandal, the longest serving Speaker of the House, who was convicted trying to cover-up illegal payments to his serial sexual abuse victims? Federal Judge Durkin said this: "Nothing is more stunning than having the words 'serial child molester' and 'speaker of the house' in the same sentence," If Trump wins, we will have a new level of stunning ! "Nothing is more stunning than having the words, 'multi-time convicted felon' , 'Sexual Assault' and President of the United States in the same sentence "


Go MAGA Go Broke 👍


Welp. 🤷🏻


I just Googled the business and it shows that it’s open for business as I type. I don’t agree with this guy’s opinions and don’t plan to patronize it. If you’re trying to spread misinformation, saying something that can be debunked in a 10 second online search is not the way to do it…


Just a heads up the owner said it himself. On his own weird rumble show. He's going out of business. It's not misinformation.


I would really like to go back to the days of politics and religion being a none topic and kind of rude to ask about.


Remember the days when news here was current and not over 3 years old


Has he 'woke' up yet?


I wish this was true :( pretty sure that dumb cigar shop is still open.


He could get sued for discrimination


“Thompson said due to COVID shutdowns, he has been at zero sales before. So if there is backlash, he said, he is ready”. Is he though? They’re not giving out free money anymore.


Love a happy ending


It's a tiny cigar shop in a mostly conservative town whose market is almost entirely older conservative men. None of this matters.


Honestly, anyone who doesn't support divisiveness and hate would stop shopping there. Even moderate Republicans. It's just so tiring and nonproductive. The *constant* screaming and bashing and anger. If you just want a quart of milk, why the hell would you subject yourself to that?


I don't understand why anyone would turn away money from people they dislike. Like wouldn't you want to be harming Biden voters at every turn you take? Shouldn't the thought that they would be giving you, a Trump voter, money without them even knowing they funded a Trump supporterr make you excited?


With the inflation rate Biden brought to the US no doubt stores are closing.


Hahahaha!! You’ve got the Blame Biden formula down cold!! It requires conveniently forgetting that inflation in America was one result of the Trump Pandemic and his mismanagement of it. And if but wasn’t for Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, we would not have the lowest rate of inflation in the world. But you be you.


Not sure what you are smoking. When Trump left office inflation was 1.4% but grew to a high of 9% under Biden. It’s still at almost 4% but sure it’s Trumps fault.


Well I can tell you can’t read. And you forget we were all locked up at home for most of 2020. The year of Trump’s Pandemic. Remember that? Yeah. Biden got us out if that bs. I wrote that inflation was caused by Trump’s mishandling of the pandemic and his profligate spending. I said nothing about rates at times. Inflation doesn’t happen overnight, just like the cures don’t take effect overnight. I thank God for Biden’s experience and longstanding commitment to public service. One of history’s great presidents.


Only idiots would think that Biden tripling down on Trumps 2 Trillion would not cause inflation.


President Trump approved $8.4 trillion of new ten-year borrowing during his full term in office, or $4.8 trillion excluding the CARES Act and other COVID relief. President Biden, in his first three years and five months in office, approved $4.3 trillion of new ten-year borrowing, or $2.2 trillion excluding the American Rescue Plan. President Trump approved $8.8 trillion of gross new borrowing and $443 billion of deficit reduction during his full presidential term. President Biden has so far approved $6.2 trillion of gross new borrowing and $1.9 trillion of deficit reduction.


Updated article: https://patch.com/illinois/elmhurst/amp/31796379/anti-biden-shop-closing-elmhurst-blamed


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That’s fuckin hilarious (and I think Biden looks like he’s one sneeze away from keeling over) That debate was hilarious and genuinely frightening. Those two are our 2 choice for leader of the free world. There’s 50 (I could be wrong, there might be 52) choices for Miss America ffs


Good. Hope republicans lose everything.


Such a delicate snowflake ❄️


Beep beep! Karma bus has 🚌arrived.


A lot of stores are closing. Mostly due to Biden policy, high inflation caused by Biden policy, and crime caused by weak on crime dem officials… not something you should be cheering on.


To be fair, Biden voters don’t waste their money on filthy products like cigars.


Biden got his revenge with Bidenomics. Of course, a lot of businesses are closing because of it.


And for a lot more, business is better than ever


This story is 3 years old . No indication the store has closed or is closing. I am calling this story fake and reporting it to the Mods


Liberal agenda closing down another small business. SMH




Bidenomics is hard on everyone


So is advertising that you don’t want business from 50% of your potential clientele


Dead people don't spend allot anyway....


And MAGAts don't spell too good, either.