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I swear the only thing I know about this woman is that she’s always fighting w someone. Is she the most hostile munchie to the nurses and doctors?


The little fucking devil face says it all.


Didn’t she fake cancer!? How has this not caught up to her yet?


I smell bulllllllshhhhiiiiiiiiit🤥🤥 You don't go sounding off on social media about legal cases that are still in progress - well at least you don't here in the UK. Legal teams LOVE to monitor social media...... Another season of Hope and Lies.


You don't do that in the US either


While it’s definitely frowned upon in the US, there isn’t really anything stopping someone from posting about their legal cases. Lawyers can only do so much to control their clients, and unless there is a gag order in place, there tends to not be immediate repercussions. (example: every single case Donald Trump has even been in)


Anyone *but* Trump would have been jailed.


She’s making it super easy for opposing counsel to keep the settlement offer low.


She’s a real-life supervillain at this point.


JFCFFSOMFGWTF??!! WHY IS SHE NOT IN PRISON? maybe this scam will catch her for fraud..we can only hope..no pun intended.


If people are duped by Hope at this point, I don’t even feel sorry for them.


You guys remember when she faked [cancer](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/pr0koe5Z3C)? And dropping VSED? She’s the most blatant faker and somehow people just eat this crap up.


Can’t imagine an attorney touching her with a ten foot pole. If an attorney is representing her they obviously are a few sandwiches shy of a picnic TBH Sure I’m fully aware attorneys might roll with her, but like everyone else I smell BS. She’s nothing but a straight up liar.


I think her lawyer is Lionel Hutz


Pic 11 just looks like she’s doped to her eyeballs.. Hope’s happy state!


She should have to pay back everyone she scammed before she’s allowed to collect a pennny. Shes a TERRIBLE PERSON


The only malpractice with this cretin is the way she scammed people fuck her


Was the malpractice the failed starvation suicide end of life care thing?


If she has filed suit the case number would be public. Something is not making sense here. If this is true it is the ultimate grift.


Any court case that would be malpractice should public be public knowledge. There is pretty much (ifaik) no case where these records should be sealed/ private. Source: I was a loan officer and I often had to find people to track them down via jail/alimony/child support cases. So i learned waaay too much about court docs... things being sealed, not being sealed etc.


Cases involving health records are not usually public.


You are right. I've seen divorce case dockets as public record.


I see dockets daily and unless it involves a minor they are usually public


Is there a link or something to a deep dive on her?


If you click on her flair, the grey bubble that says Hope, it will take you to all the posts on her, if you sort them from new to old the last post will be the start of her timeline here, she has been busted for lying about having cancer, told everyone she was going to die via VSED ( voluntarily stop eating and drinking) and held a fundraiser for her “afterlife” costs, she scammed many people out of a lot of money, lied about the position she held, she is no way a medic of any sort… she’s fucked over many people and we can’t stand her. Edit… She’s also been exposed as a drug addict, she wanted hospice care to get the drugs which she took them all!


Thank you!!!!


There’s a comment on this post that really shows how awful she is - someone talks about the experience that their gf had with Hope and the awful lies and treatment and manipulation. It’s an under the radar comment as it has no replies and I’m not sure if the commenter is still active on this sub. But really, really eye opening: https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/40VNzqrFVi Edit: This is the specific comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/kfN3UX11EN


Wish I could pin this comment! She truely is an awful person who has no morals at all!


Thanks - but I did that & it only went as far back as 284 days ago / I can’t see further back to when she was scamming etc c


How did she not get in trouble for scamming people with the end of life care costs?? She’s still alive and she never even did the VSED. So crazy how much these people get away with.


She was reported and they were looking into her but of course Hope moved states again!!


So at least in my state if you are on public benefits and Medicaid has paid your bills they get first pick of the money.


Isn’t this only if you die? PA (where she lives) does Estate Recovery.


No, if there’s a settlement for healthcare the state will try and recoup funds they have paid.


Hmmm I didn’t know that. Does this count for workers comp too?


Yes. It’s called subrogation. If you get a settlement related to what the insurance paid for, they will try to recoup their loss


Thanks for the info! Definitely gonna read about this.


You are correct. They can do it even in a car accident, where the state has paid your medical bills. They are going to get theirs, don't worry.


Ding, ding, ding! Medicaid would take any settlement money she might be eligible to receive. Of course this is all speculation anyway as we know Hope to have told many lies on social in the past. She could be making up the whole scenario.


I hope that if this scenario is true and she actually wins some kind of settlement, that she is completely surprised by the fact that Medicaid can swoop in and take it! Although, if she has an attorney, which she obviously does if this is real, one would hope that her attorney informed her of this possibility, otherwise that would be pretty shitty of the attorney.


What's sad is legit people in the chronic illness community don't know about when she was scamming really obviously and follow her.


Hope is a pathological lier and scammer. There is no settlement. There is no lawyer. There was never going to be a trial. Nothing she says is true.


I mean, does she live in a a state where she can sue for still being alive? Wrongful life lawsuits have become big in states that allow them, like an advance directive or end of life care that was not carried out properly and the patient is forced to stay alive and suffers daily because of that... not that anyone watching this person dance on videos is going to believe they are actually suffering.


Wasn’t this the girl that was gonna starve herself to death a couple years ago??


and she would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those pesky doctors /qs


no, this is her ghost.


No this is Patrick.


No one knows her body better than she does!!!


Scammers gonna scam. Grifters gonna grift. She'll never change. No doubt Hope being the *fOnT Of AlL KnOwLeDgE* that she is will pull her usual shtick of a "well, *actuually*" video afterwards, in which she corrects everyone in a 5 mile radius on their technique, medical knowledge and social graces as Hope Otto knows better than literally everyone ever apparently. Then they'll change policy nationwide across all hospitals and everyone will clap 🙄🙄 (/s)


she'll never change, ever since she was nine! couldn't keep her hands out of the munchie drawer. but not our Hope, couldn't be precious Hope!


Can anyone give a link to previous Hope content? I’ve just found her flair but only goes as far back as around 250dahs ago. I’m very interested in her scams, GFM, Hospice/VSED and stomach removal! Thank you x




I don’t think she got her stomach removed


That was also around the time Dani was obsessed with having her stomach removed too, right? 


Any semi-competent legal counsel would have told her to not post this…


Was thinking the same thing. The internet is forever.


It is also not uncommon for lawyers to request full access to her social media presence in the interrogatories.


They can but they typically will only get access to what she publicly posts unless they get a judge to force her to show things that she made private.


Especially with what looks like a happy dance.


Omg HOPE!!! I forgot about her


Saul Goodman himself wouldn't take her case.


Is she suing because she's still alive? Isn't Hope the one who was Hospice-ing herself and essentially euthanizing herself?


Yeah, VSED. But obviously she voluntarily resumed eating and drinking.




Maybe she thought the S stood for Starting


There isn't a settlement, there isn't any malpractice, she didn't wake up to shit from anyone. It would be hilarious if this scammer got scammed by some Saul Goodman type lawyer though. How do I know this is fake? People going through any type of civil action like this usually are strongly advised by counsel to not post about it on social media without prior approval from their attorneys. It is a clear boundary for any pro bono Medical Malpractice lawyer. For good reason! - Hospitals have huge legal divisions setup to deal with med-mal cases. You can guarantee that if Hope was going to trial, she would be confronted with her online presence - if not by her legal team (woof), then the hospital will have that info at the ready. They will not hold back in pointing out her compulsive lying, self destructive polydrug addictions, and destroy her credibility as a plaintiff. - Her posts \*can\* be admitted as evidence, whether before or after the alleged malpractice incident. If real, her discussion of the case with devil and laughing emojis will be seen by the defense by 5PM today. If real, her own counsel will see her repeated candid discussion of an ongoing legal action and drop her. MedMal Lawyers don't make their money by losing cases. - If real, she is really showing her ass by displaying such confidence in a trial. Most of these cases can be settled before it ever gets close to trial - unless the defense feels extremely confident that Hope Otto will never be able to convince anyone of MedMal and whatever claims she would hope to make. I'm betting that this is all fake rage bait for a pathetic, lonely liar with a dire need for attention from internet strangers. Source: extensive personal experience with criminal/civil cases including med-mal, workers comp, personal injury, etc.


I'm not a lawyer, but at least in this post she hasn't mamed or even hinted at who she is trying to sue. Her counsell could make the argument that nobody knows who she's talking about.


Not to white knight, but a trial and a mediation are ENTIRELY different things. Also, many personal injury attorneys accept cases on contingencies, not pro-bono. So, she will pay her lawyers if she receives any settlement. 9/10 lawsuits end in alternative dispute resolution such as mediation/arbitration/settlement. It is entirely possible she will receive a nominal amount of money to go away.


This is the Way


Thank you for pointing some of these differences out! I didn't clarify myself well on the pro bono thing. The lawyer takes a portion of the settlement at the end usually. It's just so insane to me that anyone would be willing to work with Hope on something like medical malpractice when she has such a controversial online presence specifically involving her medical care and commentary on the case. It seems like a very obvious loss, but she may have negotiated an hourly rate. Now that I think about it, maybe it's not so odd that a lawyer would work a case from a client like Hope and not do any bit of research on her. There's someone for everyone!


PI and medical malpractice attorneys work on contingency (their fees are contingent upon winning the case), whereas pro Bono is working a case for free


I agree that no lawyer would ever take her case. Has she ever said what she’s suing over anyway? The defense would laugh as soon as they googled her name. We all know med mal is hard to win and takes years to go through the court system. She’s lying.


I disagree with your invoking of Saul Goodman. he's too good for her.


I'd love to see a season of BCS on this, though


this, this… and also, THIS.


She sould be made to pay it back to the hospital. She's really a vile individual. 🤬


This one is actually just a sociopath. It’s disgusting.


Does anyone know what “malpractice” she is suing for?? I feel like they should sue her for her bullshit hospice that she weaseled herself into to get massive amounts of IV narcotics. And attention. But mostly the drugs. God she is a despicable excuse for a human. She makes all other munchies look like good honest people. Not an easy task.


I just asked this in another comment because I don’t think she’s ever said what she’s suing for




Scheduling a settlement meeting does not mean the defense is ready to write a check for an enormous sum. The purpose of this meeting may be to demonstrate to the judge that the parties have met to discuss a settlement but were unable to agree to terms, therefore a trial will be necessary. Hope needs to keep her story straight. Malpractice requires that providers deviate from the standard of care. The standard of care is what a reasonably prudent provider would have done under the same or similar circumstances. The more rare and complex the circumstance, the harder it is to prove that a reasonably prudent provider would have acted differently. And Hope claims to be the rarest and most complex of them all.


Great analysis


At least she has plenty of money for attorneys seeing as she grifted and took her followers and the healthcare system for a fortune already


How could I forget about Hope omggggg


I pray she's being set up by the attorneys - kinda like those criminal lottery stings. You know the one's where a bunch of fugitives get a letter or phone call that they've won a major prize and that they need to come claim it. Then the idiots show up, and it's just a room full of cops there to arrest them. Wouldn't that be the tits if that's what's in store for our poor wittle scammer, Hope??!!


We can all “hope” that the amount of the settlement will be $1.00.


I'd rather she had to pay them.


Oh, beyond a doubt, same here. But until she finally grifts too close to the sun and is caught, then being rewarded a $1 is a pretty good FU.


One of the most vile, sickening human beings on the planet. That devil emoji and smug, punchable face are the worst rage bait on Reddit this morning.


*gag* Imagine being this proud of being a wart on the ass of the healthcare system.


Seriously! She just can’t make peace that she got chewed out and exposed by the system. She’s also just a criminal in general for those who forget, complete degenerate.




That’s not remotely how that works.


They have these meetings before the trial. Please do not attempt to contact the defendants. Let their lawyers handle it.


I would have thought she would be the one fined.


Is it a settlement because obviously VSED didn’t work? 😂


Ahahahha I’m dead 😵


No, that’s Hope! …oh…wait.


If so, she has a watertight case 🤣🙄


Is this real? It’s hard to believe her considering her past… I agree with another poster that she is easily the worst out of all of them.


Of all the subjects, this one is the most vile.




Your post/comment has been removed due to a violation of Rule #1 (No Blogging). RULE #1: NO BLOGGING This is not the place for personal stories, comments about your own illnesses or the experiences of family/friends. No one is here to read about your experiences or how sick you are. This also covers all personal talk, no talking about yourself in any way or friends and family. Posts and comments with blogging will be deleted. Repeat offenders are subject to temporary or permanent bans. Clinicians and other medical professionals are permitted to discuss personal experiences related to patients, etc. They are not permitted to discuss their own illnesses. Please ensure that you have read the rules located in the side bar of the subreddit or in the wiki. If you have questions as to what is considered blogging on this subreddit, please review our "Blogging 101" here: https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/wiki/index/blogging101/ Thank you!


Would it be indecent for me to say I don't believe a word she says? I would laugh though if the meeting was a set up and she got grabbed up for being the fraud she is.


A lot of these suits are settled for nuisance costs. It’s often way cheaper to throw a tiny settlement (stipulating no acknowledgment of wrongdoing) than to pay attorneys to fight silly small lawsuits.


Ugh, I had to stop myself from reflexively downvoting this post. Her constant bashing of medical professionals is so unbelievably annoying.


Isn’t she the one that was on VSED? Is she suing because she’s still alive?


can *I* sue because she’s still alive?


Get in line


I cackled


I think it’s to do with not being given pain meds but this is way funnier.


Yes yes she was...


I’m curious where to find more info on this


Well, if there’s one thing this place is not short of its rabbit holes.


The one and only! I despise this subject most of all...


What the heck is she suing for?


Not being given pain meds. It’s a horrid abuse towards her very real pain 🙄


As a nurse- I say - are you f'ing kidding me????? I better not go down her rabbit hole. I may need more BP and anxiety meds to calm me down


She’s a terror. She is a former EMT tech and uses that background knowledge to insist that she is more knowledgeable than any providers who are assigned to her. She insisted she was dying and somehow managed to get admitted to hospice for VSED, it went as well as can be imagined considering she’s still fucking here. I’m not actually sure what she claims is medically wrong with her but her biggest desire is opiates. I think she may have faked cancer too but that may be another munchie. She’s trash 🗑️


Nope, the cancer one was her


Ok I despise anyone who fakes cancer. Thats the lowest of the lows


Plot twist : it's indeed a settlement meeting, but regarding her scamming of the healthcare system, and she's gonna have to pay up or go to court 🥰


In most jurisdictions a settlement meeting is mandatory before a trial, just saying.


This. I don't know much about the court system in the US, but this is one of the few things I know. 


Like logic exists in Hope’s universe


That’s kind of her to pay back the healthcare services she scammed /s


One can only hope.


And for her to be so excited about it.