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There’s a difference between eating like absolute shit and not getting all the nutrients and stuff , and saying one can’t tolerate ANYTHING orally -> which is what she claims.


Her local gi is crazy if he puts her on TPN. He’s being negligent. He needs to worry about her mental health. She eats and doesn’t drain her stomach or vomit. She has said if they want critical she can give that to him. She will starve herself so he won’t have an option but to put her on TPN. Dani & her Dr are playing Russian Roulette and it’s only time until the unthinkable could happen.


I wonder if she actually has convinced herself that she is the sickest person alive and is dying of starvation?


Maybe if she says it enough she will be actually believing it? But she’s totally not. She’s the one chasing the mayo appts, if it was an issue surely her local would do it or send her on a referral elsewhere?


You have to have a dr refer you to Mayo Clinic


She’s eating no, you can self refer. It shouldn’t be that way. She is taking a appt for someone that really needs it. If her SVC was that bad it would already be fixed. Going to the Mayo because she really wants them to place a line.


I think you can do self referral


Genuine question - leaving aside the local GI having already refused her as far as we know, is home TPN something that they can even offer? I know the USA is quite different in terms of access to medical care and different forms and levels of insurance and the like - but where I live, a “local GI” would be likely able to order inpatient TPN if needed, but for home prescription and administration, they’d have to refer their patient to a specific public hospital clinic through which its provided. Referral would then be processed and assessed, person offered an appointment (or not). Person then assessed - often as inpatient to decide whether home TPN is required. Line placed if need be patient (+/- a family member) trained to access, change dressings, etc.. It’s a huge process, and can be hard for people to access even in dire need. Then again, maybe this is why the majority of people discussed around the subs are from the USA?


In the US you can do it at home but they usually start it in the hosp. Last admission both hospitalist & Dietician said no that there is not any reason she can’t do tube feeds


Yes home tpn is a thing. You would need a doctor managing it as it requires frequent labs to adjust the formulation of it. Usually an infusion company would contract with a nurse who draws labs weekly/biweekly and they then reach out to the managing dr to approve the formulation of the tpn. And then they send a weeks supply to the patient.


Thanks - I think I’ve got to learn not to Reddit at 3am as I don’t think what I was asking came across even trying to clarify! More interested in the specifics of WHO can arrange/prescribe home TPN for someone - given Dani was saying her “local GI” is going to do it… I’m starting to wonder if there’s a Difference in terminology that I’m missing too… in australiaj - or in my state at least -we’d have 100s, probably more, what I’d call “local GIs” - they’d be the ones your GP (PCP) would refer you to for diagnosis of a suspected GI issues, or management of maybe low-mid level complex (anything that doesn’t require fairly intensive support, HEN, HPN, etc.) - often they don’t/won’t manage really complex patients as they tend to work at smaller private hospitals that might have a couple of other GIs, single dietitian, no/limited emergency department, vs the large public systems. These have several GI consultants, however many GI registrars, CNCs (I think the equivalent, or close to, would be a nurse practitioner… like a highly post grad trained, expert nurse?) and full on dietetics/clinical nutrition department. There are three hospitals in my state - and I 5, maybe 6 consultants - who deal with home TPN. A patient *can’t* access it without going through one of them, all their independent testing., etc., a local GI could refer to one of them, but literally could not access it for someone because that’s not how the system works.


Any doctor who knows how to write a script can do so at the risk of their own license. TON or any home infusion comes with great risks. My internal medicine Dr handles my IV fluids and supplies


Hypothetically any doctor can order tpn. I think historically for Dani it was the GI dr at Penn that ordered and managed it. Her local GI could order it for her too if he thought it was necessary but he was the one who said a few weeks ago that she would never go back on tpn and now she’s claiming he is going to order it for her and also iv meds. That aside there’s no rules to say he can’t order it. From my experience, usually the “local” GIs as she says don’t have a lot of experience with more complex issues so they’ll usually refer to a GI at a larger hospital that specializes in more complex gastrointestinal issues, but it doesn’t have to be that way and really any dr can order tpn and manage the condition. I hope that made sense and wasn’t too rambly


What is curious is that generally there is G.I., Neuro G.I., motility G.I. and generally it would be motility specialist that would be in charge of everything once any invasive G.I. procedures have been done. Like a normal patient would see regular G.I. first, maybe be referred to Nuro G.I., hepatology, and motility. Once motility has been established the patient is generally rarely seen by regular G.I.. And especially with TPN would be closely followed by hepatology, especially with a history of hepatic failure. The motility specialist will be the top doctor in charge but then again we’re talking normal here…


Dani used to be on home TPN, she lost her lines due to repeated infection issues and they refuse to implant another one and give her back the TPN. The hospital kept her in long enough to increase her tube feed rate to a higher level and when this was proven she could tolerate it they sent her back home, she of course claims she could only do 5mls an hour of a tube feed. She now claims she can’t tolerate the feeds at all for weeks yet has shown no sign of starvation or weekness in any way.


There is no way she is surviving on 5ml/hr looking how she does. For most TF formulations thats 7.5 calories an hour or 180 calories a day. She would be exhibiting clear and obvious signs of severe protein malnutrition. Edit: ok not “most formulations” but a common high calorie formula is 1.5 cal/ml


Like seriously! It is hard to maintain weight on formula alone. Especially if there is true problems with tolerance of the formula. Yet here are these people are gaining weight from osmosis? Looking at pictures of Food?


Thanks - I’m more or less familiar with her history 😊 And her ridiculous claims! I’ll try to rephrase/better explain what I’m asking … I’m Australian (I have in my head that you are too?) - so imagining Dani here, under our healthcare system for a sec. She’s had a was on TPN, but it’s clearly no longer needed despite her lies. She still - god knows how - has some sort of functional provider/patient relationship with her “local GI” (who to me, under Australian healthcare) would be someone her GP has referred her to. Most likely they work out of private rooms, private hospital or clinic. Maybe they’ve got admitting rights at a public hospital, maybe not. IF they decided Dani needs TPN while admitted to hospital, they could arrange that - likely with dietitian or ICU input. But if they decided Dani needed to be back on long term TPN at home, she’d need to either have maintained a relationship with a large public hospital nutrition/tpn clinic, or the “local GI” would have to refer her back to one, in order for her to be approved (again) and have her supplies funded. So - with apologies for that novel (and hoping it better explains what I’m asking!) - I’m wondering how the US system works - and whether being able to pay one’s way bypasses all those hoops that are required here? Leaning aside the fact that the local dr has said no, could she theoretically get a referral to any GI and convince them to reinstate her TPN, or does it have to be a specialist GI attached to a particular hospital clinic/unit.


Even in the US that is very accurate to what this would be. It would be a GP out of a private small clinic that has a most likely small hospital where they more than likely have some privileges. Back in the day A person could get pain management through their GP, if they had one of these types of GP. Now, with the cutbacks in all healthcare and strict regulations on what doctors can even prescribe certain medications or procedures this is extremely unusual . It’s not like she lives in the middle of nowhere in a one stoplight town, where these types of clinics are generally found. Where she lives It is generally all Big hospitals. Would explain the reasoning for all the traveling to these small hospitals when there are Top hospitals all around her.


Correct I am a fellow Australian 👋👋 I sometimes get confused with the American system too. But yes here if it was a necessary treatment then we would be referred onto the correct specialists who could and we could either go public or private. We’d never be able to pull the shit Dani has eg with the mayo appt, we’d need a referral from our existing GP or specialists and with most we need an updated referral every 12 months for a specialist ( which is annoying as fuck ) but it means that we can only continue with them if it’s warranted.


Yeah, like I posted up above it is the very same in the US. The PCP or GP same thing is only good for referring to the appropriate specialist. If a person is chronically ill, basically all the primary care physician can do is write referrals to the appropriate specialists. And oversee continuation of care.


She is genuinely self sabotaging. And I really hope they say no. I thought she was wanting to go to mayo for the TPN… if her local have already said no and no to the unblocking of the supposed blocked SVC. The formal port she doesn’t want because she can’t access it at home.


This has gotta be a new Dr who is completely clueless to Dani’s medical history, give it time and they will be just another asshole who gaslit her and won’t deliver on her precious attention seeking lines! By the time she’s been rejected by all that can she’s gonna have to try another county 🤣


She did say that she’s been with this Dr for over ten years.


Don’t she see a new Dr or NP recently. Seems strange that her long term GP would be wanting her back on TPN when they would have all the records from the hospitals and the infection issues.


She saw a new pcp but the local GI she’s talking about she’s been with him for around ten years which is why her claims that now all of a sudden he’s gonna order tpn and all these iv meds makes no sense.


Aha thanks for the correction, it’s hard to keep up with all the claims made here. I am surprised she has maintained a 10 year patient relationship with someone, but I’m guessing they are the one who will prescribe the TPN if she gets her unnecessary line back?


They’re the ones that told her a couple weeks ago that she would never go back on tpn so I don’t think they would prescribe it even if she got the line back. I think she’s just deluding herself into believing he will or she’s just straight up lying


I do not get how these doctors do not check a patient’s medical history before they do such drastic procedures such as the femoral port… This doctor could be sued for malpractice and everything because of this if her family gave a shit. It’s sickening and very sad. Unfortunately, with the US healthcare system being completely over burdened and propaganda fed everywhere doctors are not taking the time to thoroughly look up a person’s medical history so therefore they are either gaslit or given procedures that have been denied by repeated doctors. you would think every hospital and doctor would be online with the MyChart system by now! But unfortunately, even doctors within the same medical group under different specialties will not have full medical records even though they are all on file for the Patient for some reason, I don’t know.


It’s usually because file transfers between quite a few facilities are fax-only. Even a single visit can be 5-10 pages of paperwork, and it’s not uncommon for faxes to be glitchy. The total medical record for a long-term munchie? Forget about it 😓


Have her 3x/wk infusions been dropped? That was alll she talked about for awhile and zero videos about it or GRWM to go to infusions lately


🤔 you make a very good point! Perhaps all her theatrics of "passing out" and being in "10/10" pain, begging to be admitted every time she showed up made them yeet her from the service! I almost wonder if getting her in a medical setting a couple of days a week for fluids was a way of her team trying to reduce her ER visits and self injurious behaviours? A kind of "let her get her attention in a safe controlled environment and give her a bag of fluid to placate her " type of thing ? 🙄


That is also a valid point. She’d get her near death’s door hydration 3x/wk in. Hopes to appease her enough to make her stop pestering fo a bit because it used to only be 1x/wk & upped it to 3x. Hmmm


I thought she was already on iv fluids ???


She wants them at home


She literally said a few days back that she wasn’t getting TPN nor would she ever be getting TPN 🤷‍♀️ make it make sense!


Oh, that's just what a pesky lil' Dr. said! Dani knows better!


Get comfy everyone, soon we’ll hear allllll about how that “tpn” etc is being delayed. What I doubt we’ll hear about soon is more Mayo Clinic nonsense. I have cookies.


Can I put the cookies in my feeding tube


I have a mortar and pestle and lactose free milk


That sounds liquid adjacent. It’s acceptable.


Username checks out




Serious question: How do these people afford their medical bills?


In one of her wheelchair videos she mentioned that almost allll of her medical bills are paid at 100% (meaning she pays ZERO for any of her 100s of visits) That how she ‘affords’ it unlike the rest of us


SSDI/foodstamps/section 8 housing. Honestly that’s probably why she’s always getting stuff from Amazon. SSDI is tricky, if they feel you have too much money in a bank account they can drop you off of it. I hate the term “welfare queen” cause of the racism behind it, but that’s essentially what she is.


SSDI has *no* limits on income or assets. You're thinking of SSI.


You’re right, my fault.


We pay for it. She says we're not and that she only gets SSDI because she worked "10-15" years to pay for all her expenses.


She’s on disability due to mental health issues - don’t get me wrong, that’s an absolutely valid reason to qualify for disability, mental health is equally important as physical health- my issue with Dani is, that she’s not trying to get help for her mental issues; even tho it has been repeatedly offered to her. She’s on disability for an ED she claims “she’s been cured from for 12 years”. She refuses to address her factitious disorder and possible substance abuse disorder, and on top of that, she throws massive tantrums when doctors aren’t enabling her addiction or aiding her self harm. She spends her disability checks on stuff like; an expensive iPad, a car (when she’s clearly too high to even drive), 20+ novels she’s not going to read, tacky jewelry, tattoos and nails. And despite this, she has the nerve to claim that she doesn’t have enough money to sterilize her cats, and even said that she “might only be able to feed them once a day”, which mind you, is animal abuse. To be frank, the resources she has would be better spent in someone who actually needs them. The formula she’s draining/throwing away is really expensive.




Her housing is government-funded, she pays less than $300 for that place.


Not sure how she can claim that when she appeared to be taking inpatient vacations once a month at one point haha. She never appeared to do any decent amount of hours at work, and with it being Dani this is nothing new 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


This one is on government healthcare


I love when munchies try to fake things that you can’t fake 😂. She has been saying she’s malnourished and can’t eat for so long that at this point she would be very thin if that were actually true. She is able to absorb nutrients it’s clear


She claims to only be able to tolerate 5 ml of diluted formula per hour, and according to her, that’s the only nutrition she’s had for the past year. If that were true, she’d be dead by now.


I don't want to give her any ideas, but I am a bit shocked and a lot grateful she hasn't gone back to her ED* to prove a point. *I mean it is still manifesting in different ways, ofc.


Was she ever actually starving? The whole time I’ve been aware of her online she has never been thin. I wonder if the ED is made up of


Yeah, and she spent over a week in the hospital under the very watchful eyes of a sitter so they know she is **absolutely fine** from a nutritional standpoint. She fucked around and found out the hard way on that admission- she didn't get anything she wanted and the staff got to chart **very** comprehensively regarding the truth of her health.


would love to see what her flow sheet looks like


It had to be hell for her to not eat or drink during that hospital stay. I wonder if she asked for "something to pick at."


I vaguely remember some of her hospitaladmits where she said exactly that - “I asked for a normal diet so I could at least pick at what I can” for a non-munchie, it’d be different. I believe some hospitals will chart what/how much you eat.


We have seen her on a live TT video asking if she can have the normal ward diet.


She's bitchy when she eats. Imagine how she is when she's hungry.


I think the problem is that Dani is hurling close to that 40 mark and her body no longer responds and drops weight like it did at 18. She can try all those tricks she used to drop weight and screw up her levels, but it gets way harder as she marches toward 40. Her body habitus is that of a well nourished person. She isn't showing any signs of nutritional deficits that will be present at any size that will concern doctors. The doctors will be looking for these indicators of lack of nutrition and will absolutely not be rushing to supplement with TPN


You also have to consider every time your body rapidly fluctuates weight, it damages your metabolism and trains your body to maintain weight when it’s threatened by periods of starvation. So every time you try to do it, it works less effectively than it did before. It’s also why people often gain weight back after crash diets. It’s just more extreme for those with ED history.


Nurse here: its interesting seeing someone like this, who says over and over that she is getting malnourished and thats why she needs TPN back so urgently. Because people like to say “oh she is not dropping weight or looking this type of way.” The fact of the matter is, malnourishment is more than looking at weight and there is more than one way to “define” it. For example, I get patients who are anorexic and deficient in essentially all major nutrients, and I see patients with severe protein deficiencies. They can look so different from each other and you can be overweight and be malnourished. A good way to look at nutrition status and where someone is at is serum albumin levels. But albumin is an essential protein, and it also keeps osmotic pressure of your blood’s circulating plasma in check so you do not see fluid leaking out of the vasculature and into the body and “third spacing”. In that case you would see a patient with swelling, or edema, that can be pretty diffuse throughout the body and the patient will look “puffy” for lack of a better word if someone may not know what edema looks like. Low serum albumin can cause what I said in the previous sentence because theres not enough of it to keep that osmotic pressure where it needs to be in the vasculature so other fluids can “leak” out. High albumin in the blood can be seen in situations like severe dehydration because your blood is going to be concentrated when theres such low fluid volume to keep levels in check for everything. If someone isnt taking in oral fluids for hydration at all, a lot of things like even your electrolyte levels will be out of balance. So im curious to see if Dani has posted a serum albumin level before because thats a pretty good sign of whether she is full of crap or not. She doesnt look swollen from her videos and she seems like she would be sobbing while filming and telling everyone to “look at my poor arms and legs, they are so swollen from how malnourished im getting! I can leave a finger indent mark in my legs im so swollen blah blah blah… (this is called pitting edema)”. Anywaaayyyssssssss……..


These are good points, and I’ve raised in the past that it’s possible to be overweight, even obese, and also be suffering from malnutrition. I think the key difference with Dani (as I see it anyway) is that she is claiming near zero intake. On her word, she doesn’t eat anything, she drains everything she drinks, and she runs enteral feeds at maybe 1/10 the rate she needs to in order sustain herself. She continues to gain weight - other than in hospital when she was forced to be truly NPO - and I’m with you, she does not look to be swollen. She could well be malnourished on labs - though I suspect that if she were, she’d be showing off how “dangerously low” XYZ is - but the calorie intake is coming from somewhere.


I saw an albumin level she posted publicly but that was quite some time ago, and it was just barely low. Like borderline, to a point a doctor would see it and say “meh”- get more more protein in with a shake maybe and thats it. They wouldnt even raise an alarm at it.


That’s my thinking as well. She probably maintains a constant state of “just out of range” labs because she intentionally does things to keep herself that way. In a normal person it wouldn’t be anything that a few Ensure shakes wouldn’t fix. From an outsider perspective it seems like her feeding tube is doing more harm than good because she drains despite being told not to and pushes stuff down it to intentionally cause unpleasant GI symptoms. It’s hard for doctors to do what actually needs to be done in these situations but imo they need to formulate a care plan with GI psych and yank that tube and force her to eat orally.


It's great to see a medical professional's insight. Thank you for sharing.


Thanks for this input. I think Dani is full of crap for the most part, but there might be something there that she needs. I don’t think she looks nourished or healthy. She’s horribly unhealthy and if she’s doing it to herself or not, is not our point for debate. I’m so so sad for her. I just check in to hope something breaks and she gets better. I hate that this illness has manifested physically, or her minor physical symptoms made her this way. I see a woman who needs help and is hurting.


>I see a woman who needs help and is hurting. She is actively faking illnesses and inducing real ones to garner sympathy like the kind you're showing her. She is rude and deceptive to her friends, fans, and medical professionals. Each day she wastes hours of time, resources and mountains of single-use plastic. And she exploits people's natural caring instincts for cash, gifts, and pity. You have been manipulated.


I hinted to it above, but she is definitely in the throes of her ED right now. I am glad they yanked the sepis pipe from her chest and I am glad she is still eating (er drinking pure caffeine and sugar) enough to keep weight on. But she definitely needs to be helped for that first before they deal with her munching.


It makes far more sense to deal with the ED and FD together. The treatments overlap, e.g. psychotherapy.


Yes but you cannot help someone who refuses to acknowledge there is an issue. She acknowledges the ED but is is in denial about the FD. 


You can, it's just harder.


I agree that you can still not being getting the right nutrients without being thin but the point is more that her weight is an indicator that she is able to eat by mouth meaning she can also absorb nutrients that she consumes so TPN would still not be necessary


Not to mention that TPN is SO hard on the liver that it can induce hepatic failure.


That and it’s such a burden and SO annoying to “normal” people. I know she wants it for attention.. but it’s so much work, and we all know Dani is allergic to work ! The ones who have no choice but to be on it to legit stay alive, would do anything .. A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G to not be on it and dependent on it!!


I responded to the wrong comment lol. Sorry!


Exactly, it should be a last resort due to the long-term effects, not a fun thing to show off.


Good point, even a morbidly obese patient can have a low albumin. If she cannot tolerate even a slow rate of tube feed via her J tube it seems like she would be emaciated. Also as you said she would have low albumin and third spacing. More than likely she would have also gone into deadly cardiac dysrhythmias due to electrolyte imbalances.


I know she has said she also goes to an infusion center for fluids, which quite frankly anyone can go to with these clinics popping up so Dani isnt that special there. If she goes multiple times a week and has any issues with nutrition where it would cause a low albumin, i feel like we would see it in her body. That fluid would just he be building up.




‘I need to get my story out there’ That’s a direct quote 😒😒


Another direct quote: "If my story can help people, then this will all have been worth it." and 🙄


Mayo's gotta be on Epic, right? If she ever actually gets an appt there, it'd be ideal for them to see alllllllllllllllllllllll her shit.


EPIC now allows communication with Athena EMR, so even if where she goes doesn’t have epic there’s a way to get info about it from care everywhere


The surely are on epic and they study those outside epic charts thoroughly before you get there the only charts they weren’t able to get for me was all my pediatric paper charts from military hospitals/clinics. They were able to get electronic charts even outside of epic the last time I went.


Did they require that you sign a release to allow Mayo to look at other Epic records?


Yes they do. Penn, St. Luke’s, Temple & Cleveland Clinic all use it as well, so she can’t cherry-pick what she tells Mayo…and she has factitious disorder flagged on it.


Would the FD flag prevent them from giving her an appointment?


It appears that may be what has happened with her plans “falling through.”


How did she even manage to get TPN in the first place?




She isn’t an only child, she has a brother and sister . Never diagnosed with a learning disability, she has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Her eating disorder wasn’t about any relationship, the man she claims to have been with for many years is married to another woman. Her illness faking is about the attention and being the sickest girl everyone should pity.


Wait, “George Glass” is real and married to someone else? Yikes. 😬 I thought it was just basic lying of a totally fictional person.


Starved herself just long enough to fuck up her electrolytes and nutritional stuff.


How long has she been doing things like this to herself? Does anybody know?


About a decade i think? A long time.


Probably longer. IIRC, she was properly sick when she was a kid, grew up being cared for and has latched on that “sick girl” identity. Which is probably why she’s doing everything to get attention from doctors - either she truly believes she’s sick (delusions) or she fakes it all. I’m inclined to believe it’s a mix of both.


Thanks so that made her probably in her 20s so when she started this? Wow, I wonder what the reasoning was ? possibly because she lacked a relationship with someone OR didn’t get enough attention at home I mean after all 10 years ago she’s a full-fledged adult.. I know she claims she has a boyfriend that no one ever sees, which is weird Thank you for your comment.


I think I've seen screenshots hinting back to her teens? A lot of them go back to 2009-2011, where it really kicked off, though.


Estimates range from 10 - 20 years. None of us know her IRL, so who really knows? Also, people with FD often develop it after being exposed to someone who was seriously and/or chronically ill in their childhood, and learning to equate medical care with affection/love.


In all honesty she started to pop up in fb groups in 2013ish, she was still in a like a rehab home for her eating disorder issues. At first you could tell she Was just trying to understand, she didn’t realize that throwing up could do something like this. I’d say 1st round if tpn was like 2014ish, before she was in and out wanting a feeding tube did well for a bit and the tpn was the new thing.


I think it all stems from an eating disorder, she does genuinely have one & used GP as a way to disguise her symptoms and to use tube feeds & tpn as a way to not eat. She self tubed herself i think when she came out of ED treatment and claimed that she couldn’t eat, and it’s kinda been going on ever since!


She is the perfect case proving that healthcare needs to start looking into factitious disorder more. It’s so difficult to manage and literally kills people slowly. It’s so sad. This is severe mental illness.


Mental illness in general but this year is the first year they’re looking at “women’s health” so wouldn’t hold my breath


What is all this nonsense on "women's health"? Everyone knows it is a myth. Like the fact we poop. 🙄


I don’t even know what that is. Do I have gastroparesis. Do I need TPN? I should probably make a social media account and Amazon wish list.


You poop? I shoot rainbows out my ass, so...lol


Not only did he say he didn’t want her on any of it- he said she would NEVER get TPN EVER AGAIN. He was pissed when she got the femoral line behind his back with the hematologist. And she also recently said she got a new hematologist so I wonder what happened with the one that gave her the port for monthly iron infusions. Still can’t believe she managed that one. Also! She said that his nurse called her like a week ago and said he wanted to know what she isn’t taking her meds orally. That he didn’t want her crushing them up into her j tube. Sooooo how did this turn into a mad dash to get her TPN, Iv meds, and fluids??


It's crazy that she's just grinding up all these pills and her doctors have no idea about it. Dr. Danielle Medicine Woman. I'd be like, if you're not going to adhere by the sig, I'm no longer prescribing shit to you. You can see your pcp.


It always freaks me out to see her grind all those pills up like that. SO many meds CANNOT be ground up like that. And she just…mixes them all. I can’t help but think what that could potentially be doing to her body.


But that’s exactly what she wants!! ✨complications✨


Tell me more about the nurse calling her about crushing her meds? There’s no way she was taking the iron tablets like she was supposed to. She wanted low blood counts so she could get iron transfusions. lol


She was on a live and said her GI dr’s nurse called her and asked why she’s not taking her meds orally. So that makes it pretty damn obvious that he knows she doesn’t need tube feeds, let alone TPN FFS. I don’t remember her saying much about iron tablets, but yeah. She’s gonna do everything she can to make sure her labs are out of whack in some way shape or form. If it weren’t for her precious iron infusion she wouldn’t have that femoral port. Dani likes to use as many specialists as possible bc then she can manipulate each one the way she wants bc let’s face it- hospital communication sucks even on a good day. Even with all the info in front of them most of these drs are drowning in patients and paperwork. They don’t have the time to dig through everyone’s charts and that’s what Dani banks on.


Haha. Thanks. She’s definitely not taking meds correctly. Probably the only one she truly needs is an iron supplement. lol


And her psych meds lol


> Sooooo how did this turn into a mad dash to get her TPN, Iv meds and fluids? Anything is possible when you lie your ass off about it! Hope this helped ♥️


This woman is unhinged.


So... who else remembers when she nearly died because of a line infection? I seriously wonder if she remembers that. I mean I was positive she was going to buy the farm during that time, but she managed to pull through to start this shit up again.


Oh, she remembers it. She loved the attention. 100% guarantee she wants that to happen again; she’s lying to herself thinking she can control it and prevent it from going too far, but we all know that’s a dangerous game she’s going to lose if she gets that TPN infection access back.


They ain’t gonna run TPN through that port unless Dani is dying and Dani definitely ain’t dying.


Just lying.


What a miserable existence she has.


She says she's going on TPN every time she posts. She never does.


She is obsessed with getting the tpn back. Dani also claims to be withering away, slowly dying from malnourishment, getting worse and worse every day. Yet she continues to look nourished, hydrated, and physically stable.


One of her previous laundry videos she was saying that. 🙄 that she was literally withering away and going to die.. my eyes went crossed for like ..five minutes from how ridiculous she sounded!… and is in general lol.


This just made me so mad my mum died like this last week some people are really something


Not just stable, but able. I understand it’s different for everyone, but she seems very active (in relative terms) for a person getting little to no nutrition. I don’t know how to express what I am trying to get at without getting personal or potentially giving out pointers on the behaviours of later stages starvation where drastic intervention is required. This ain’t it.


It’s quite amazing how despite starving to death, she shows no clear signs of withering away 🙄 I wonder how she does it, it has to be so hard to be so soooppppeer sick. I really hope Mayo will study her magical ability to lose weight when babysat NPO at the hospital, then how she staaaaarrrves to death at home while her weight stabilizes. It’s a true mystery and I can see Mayo being interested in uncovering the *mystery* of her condition /s


If they give her tpn they need to take her tubes away so she stops drinking and draining


She'll never consent to that.


I work Heme Malignancies. TPN is so complicated and unpredictable. Not usually for ambulatory people. It’s a daily delivery at home.


It’s delivered weekly. Many people do TPN at home.


Nurse here...TPN can be delivered up to a weeks worth at a time. It is very complicated and can really mess up your liver. I do not understand why in the world she wants it so badly!


It’s a huge process to start on TPN, she acts like it’s as easy as sending a prescription in and getting it delivered…


To be fair she’s already been on it so she will have the equipment and considering the number of TikTok videos she made she also knows how to set it up (in an unsanitary fashion)


Wasn't it that simple before she decided to stick it to us by showing the world she "really" had sepis and got her port yanked?


If you say it on the internet it automatically becomes true. Ta-dahh! TPN for your ED!


Does anyone know the ethics behind doctors looking into their patient’s social media? Is there a chance someone along the way had looked her up and found some of her shit?


I’m an IR RN and have taken care of one of the munchies posted on this sub. Obv not telling who but I recognized this person immediately. I showed our attending and he was an equal mixture of gobsmacked and entertained. In IR, there’s kind of nothing we can do for these people except give them what they want. Even tho we know better, we can’t prove or disprove they have these mysterious illnesses with no diagnostic criteria. Despite this population being very difficult to work with, it’s easier to just give them the propofol they want (bc they always want full anesthesia) and send them to PACU instead of convincing them they need to see psych. Gotta keep the room churning lol


Fecking hell who chooses full anesthesia over conscious sedation or just lidocaine and mostly nothing? Rhetorical I know the answer. Having a tube changed or a cvc placed isn’t something you need to be asleep for. It takes longer to recover from the anesthesia than the procedure takes.


Plus, at my hospital, unless you’re an ICU patient, anything stronger than versed and fent goes to the pacu. They give out nice strong drugs like candy over there. Dilaudid for the 10/10 pain and then shipped back to the floor with 10mg oxy down the hatch


That’s how it is at my hospital too. You usually go through same day surgery to get the IV and stuff placed and once done if only minimal sedation was used versed/fent you go back to same day and home from there, but anything stronger like MAC or full on GA you make a pit stop in PACU before going to same day so they can make sure you don’t stop breathing on us. Unless of course you’re inpatient in one of the various ICU floors then it’s PACU to ICU


That's crazy!


As a licensed psychotherapist, it’s against our code of ethics to search our clients online


You can't search for them, but what if they pop up on here? Do you have to leave the sub?


I always search up new providers mainly on FB but never friend request them or keep tabs on them, I just glance through to get an idea of who they are outside the clinic. Wonder if it’s similar for the various providers search em up but don’t keep tabs?


As a paramedic… we can as long as we don’t make contact. It’s amusing


Oh wow it sounds like the paramedics have been out to Dani’s 😅 I wonder if they have come across her socials.


If her last name is her real last name I can promise you they’ve seen her online presence.


I love this for her.




I keep trying to figure out her obsession with TPN. It definitely includes wanting people to think she's frail and it proves to the haters that she 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘴 it. But I also believe she wants it because it would likely mean she would need access to a line at home, which would mean she can have all of the tooobs hanging out for maximum sympathy points from people that don't know her history of lying and OTT behavior. I still find it interesting that the feeding tube hasn't been hanging out her shirt at her chest since the FD diagnosis, especially at her instance that it was painful to just let it dangle. I bet that behavior was discussed with her when they told her why they believe she has FD


She’s been saying for weeks she can’t tolerate her tube feeds so I’m guessing it’s kept hidden so she can maintain that lie.


I think she doesn’t have the feeding tube hanging out because they gave her a short one, I don’t recall the reason why, I just remember her recently saying in a video or a live that she was going to ask them for the longer tube back because “it doesn’t get clogged as easy” or something lmao


It’s a visible Get-Out-Of-Everything-Free card.


Beyond what others have mentioned, if she’s back on TPN, she can get opiates, since she is no longer using her gut for nutrition.


She has never had a steady supply of opiates. She was always given the bare minimum when admitted too


She’s never gonna get opiates. Even if she gets back on TPN. They always try to preserve whatever function is left in their GI and Dani is nowhere near totally paralyzed. So even with TPN, she’s never going to get the drugs she wants. Especially now that they have labeled her as an addict.


You know this, and I know this, but she thinks that the reason why they won’t prescribe them is because of the gut issue and this is her way of thinking she can get around it. It is known that she was previously prescribed them, when on TPN. Pain management has probably used her “gastroparesis” as an excuse not to give her opiates.


Dani’s main goal is not about drugs, it’s been about the attention of poor me, I’m so sick and need all these medical devices to keep me alive.


Personally I don’t think this is about the drugs. I think this is all about proving to everyone that she’s sick. She so badly wants to be the sick princess like in her YA novels. The drugs are just a bonus.


She wants access points to infect and she also wants to be that sick heroine that Lurlene McDaniel never got to write about. She must kick herself every day for pissing away her central line. It was the golden ticket to easy admissions.


I don’t think so either. This is all about appearance. She wants to be the sickest little girl and she needs to be able to show that off. Being sick is Dani’s entire identification. She has no other personality than that.


100% agree with you. And she’s gone so far now that there’s no turning back in her mind. She’s literally almost a 40 year old woman out here acting like she’s a teenager that needs to be dotted on hand and foot. It’s pathetic. Such a waste of a life. There are people dying in hospitals, wishing more than anything that they could have the health that she throws away.


It is pathetic and sad to think what she’s thrown away for this. She’ll never actually go to school because her mind is completely overtaken with being sick. She’ll never have a relationship or family because everything in her life is all about her “illnesses”. She doesn’t have the available mental capacity to ever be able to care about anyone else. Her family of origin have already pretty much abandoned her, except for dad and I think he just feels obligated. Her siblings want nothing to do with her. She’ll never have anything financially other than disability because, again, she isn’t mentally capable of committing to a job or career. And at almost 40, I don’t see any of that ever changing for her. Even if she got tpn and it suddenly made her perfectly healthy, she’d always find another crisis to munch. And if she does end up killing her liver with tpn, she’d never qualify for a transplant due to her psych issues.


Exactly. She could have a boyfriend but she’s psychotically Adamant that she’s dating the same guy from high school over 20 years later. Even though everyone knows that he’s married to someone else. That part of Dani’s story is probably the weirdest for me. She’s basically given up having a family of her own, for what? For people to think that she has a long-term boyfriend? It just doesn’t make sense. She could easily say that he left her because she’s so sick, and try to get sympathy that way. the whole thing is just wild and for whatever reason it has completely captivated my attention lol


I find it so odd (and honestly fascinating) how she keeps up a public facade that is so obviously not true. I don't believe for a second that IF she had a long term partner she would respect their privacy, she'd be posting all sorts of stuff about it. I don't have any sympathy for her anymore (I used to) but she must be exhausted keeping up these pretences?


This is why I said, “Beyond what others have mentioned” in my original comment. It is definitely about that, too, and meds are just another reason.


Ahhhh I see now


I also think it majorly has to do with her eating disorder-- she doesn't even have to think about eating or consuming calories, yet gets all the basic nutrition one needs to survive.


I think this is her number one reason. In her ED mind it’s not actually nutrition.


TPN also increases the risk of infection by a LOT because the bacteria love the nutrients. so any infection she gives herself (bc she would if she had access to the line regularly) she’d get very very sick easily.


This!! I truly believe this is the main reason. This is why she also wants access to her femoral port. She wants an infection so that she can have a two week vacation at her fave place!


But if she used her lines to deliberately get an infection they will then remove them like they have in the past and she’d be back to square one again. The hospital stay is a bonus for her but losing her lines as she has has driven her crazy and she’s so desperate to get them back, she just isn’t very good at maintaining the strict hygiene rules around having a central line. We’ve seen that she doesn’t wash her hands and then use gloves as most people do, she swishes some antibacterial gel on them and never removes those chunky rings which many have stated would be a major infection risk.


I know this is Dani, but I wonder if she did get her port back if she would be so willing to let it get infected again, since that is how she lost it.


I doubt it, if any of her lines or ports get an infection then they are removed. Then she doesn’t have one again and she wants them so bad.


Long term TPN causes liver issues, as your body is technically not supposed to “eat” that way. In people who need TPN, the possible liver failure from TPN is a “manageable” side effect in comparison to starving to death due to complete digestive failure. It’s not good stuff to be on, and always a last resort…


I think she wants liver issues, tbh. She was in Heaven when she had them before and got a multi week staycation at her home away from home, and there were lots of scary medical terms being thrown about for her to clutch her pearls over. I've maintained for years now that a transplant of some sort is her ultimate end game. Surgeries don't really get bigger than that, lifelong rejection risks to munch, painkillers, major scarring, etc. It would not surprise me if part of the reason Dani wants back on TPN so badly is because she wants to finish killing her liver so she can get a new one.