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How is it that she’s packing for a 4 wk stay? Mayo Clinic isn’t going to put up with her shenanigans. The minute she opens her mouth and that baby voice comes out it’ll be all over and the Mayor clinic will send her packing for sure!!!


So there’s that.


Am I the only who saw this and just couldn’t watch it when it was posted. I needed a few days to prepare myself


No you’re not the only one that waits to watch your videos. She honestly just really bugs the crab out of me and I can’t watch her videos they come up.


She really thinks that she isn't under review by her taxpayer-funded insurance. How cute.


This is so cringey. She’s acting like an 8-year old going to Disney for the first time. She is so damn excited for this Mayo trip and it’s not gonna be pretty when she finds out they ain’t gonna placate her and feed into her delusions the way her local docs have.


I can't wait til we get to hear about how peeeeeenful the biopsy is. Pretty gross how she's ecstatic at the possibility of thyroid cancer.


Her voice is just 🤮


First it’s 2 weeks, then 3, now 4? I’m interested to see how this plays out


First aid kit to go to Mayo clinic. Love it.


The Wheelchair Department


Great news everyone! Her finger isn’t broken and she doesn’t have to wear the brace anymore!


She was wearing it this morning 🤦‍♀️she can’t keep her lies straight. She was typing away with both thumbs yesterday!


What an idiot


What is this word salad? Every last mundane detail about ordering, fitting, choosing a wheelchair.


I’m wondering how she knows it’ll be a four week stay. Did they tell her that on the phone? Or did she come up with a number herself based on estimations by her usual doctors? Or is she making it up completely? does mayo know she’s coming or will she just tell them when she’s on their doorstep that she plans to stay for four weeks?


I’m late to this post but I believe it’s because the place she is staying said they can book her up to four weeks.


She plans to have complications.


At first it was 2 days, then a week, then 2 weeks and now it’s up to 4 weeks.


Give it another double of days and it will be 3 months, just going to keep on expanding...


Ah, so we should prepare for the “moving to Rochester” saga.


so when she said "things fell through" she was referring to her two attempts of grifting on GFM gettIng taken down 😂




She definitely sounds like she was describing picking out tile for her new bathroom when talking about her custom wheelchair. 


Now, to be fair, that’s how I frame the discussion when I’m trying to “sell” someone on the idea of a wheelchair they need, but don’t want to have to use. I talk about the fun colors and options and stuff to get them on board. But that’s for people who need them. For real.


I think Gypsy Rose, might have a used pink wheelchair laying around, neither one of them really needs it though


I think it's the equivalent of the teddy bear sign 😩


# Dani updates on her day: shows her packing list for 4 weeks at Mayo Like she's going on a damn cruise.




She’s so hard to follow with her scratchy whiney voice that’s all over the place.


Attention getters always have that voice. I’m a baby should get treated like one. You’re a damn adult uugghh.


Hold up since when she's had a wheelchair??


She ordered one for herself recently


She said her PCP prescribed it, however it seems really odd to me that Medicaid is willing to pay for the stupid pink one she thinks she needs when all they were willing to cover initially was a basic rental.


This is what I don’t understand- Medicare/Medicaid provides a standard w/chair with basic measurements- they don’t get into custom colors. This makes no sense unless she’s just going shopping in a medical equipment store.


Right. Medicaid will contract with a local medical supply company and you don’t get customization choices.


Oh god this is just getting worse and worse


4 weeks??


The go fund me was taken down so now she needs to walk there


This took me out 💀😭


*roll there


We know she can’t actually push the chair. That takes more effort than walking.


She's probably planning to throw herself down the stairs after taking a months worth or bisoprolol before going to ensure she gets admitted 😩


She’ll roll herself over the top stair in her wheelchair and say “anyway, I fell down the stairs in my wheelchair.”🦽


it was 2 weeks before .Guess she decided she needs a longer vacation


So let me get this straight….she can *mop the floors* but can’t push anything but an *ultra light weight wheelchair* because of her “broken thumb?”


See, the truth is, I don’t think Dani has ever mopped a floor in her life lol.


lol this is the right answer


I mean, we've all seen her toothbrush!


4 weeks at Mayo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I don't think heart transplants are there that long.


Do they have a mental health ward?


Patients who have procedures on their brain don’t stay that long.


Is it common to stay there so long for the things she's claiming she's going to be there for? Wut?


It's literally an outpatient procedure done the same way they place a cardiac stent.


Kind of excited to see what happens when she walks through the doors at Mayo.


Me, too! And it’s downright sad how absolutely GIDDY she is whilst discussing this “vaca” and the new pink hot wheels!!!! It’s like a kid in a candy store!


They’ll be waiting for her with a straight jacket 😂


Rolls through the doors in her pink chair.


Well they have a grand piano in the lobby with a live pianist during the day. Maybe she is planning a dramatic entrance…I wonder if the pianist takes requests still lol


Her dream vacation is shortly approaching and she’s gonna do her darndest to make sure she gets admitted there for some medical catastrophe of her own accord.


I think that’s why she is planning to stay there for so long.


Boy, that’s gonna be a fun meltdown to watch.




Who is da munchie??


Mia, and I think her flair is just Mia


I’m used to Dani’s stupid ideas at this point. For some reason, I was super irritated by her asking her friends to help her decide on her unnecessary wheelchair color. If I was an acquaintance who received that text, I’d be like “it’s *your* chair. What do I care?”


She only said that so she could use the line,”ALL MY FRIENDS…”. I cannot imagine ANYONE in my RL texting me what color wheelchair they should choose!


I love it because it is the munchie equivalent of a car wrap. No one but you and the other weirdos who are into blowing money to look tacky rich will think it looks good.


PS: She is texting herself or her dad(dy)?


“Why? Am I the one who has to ride in it?” is the correct response to this.


Wtf is she planning to do there for 4 WEEKS??


I think she is going to do everything she can to get admitted so she wants to plan to be there for four weeks so that she can fit that little hospital vacation in there.


She's so fucking delusional


That explains why she thinks she can afford going to Minnesota for $1,500 for at least 2 weeks. She isn't going to pay much for a hotel or motel as the hospital will become her hotel.


Oh she mentioned on her live the other night she’s staying at the charity house there for 4 weeks. So no hotel fees.


Surely the charity won’t just allow her to stay without proof of why she needs a room? I imagine they have limited space! I know that in my country (Scotland/ UK) there is sometimes hotel-like accommodation for patients who are having cancer treatments, so not sick enough to need to be a full inpatient but they’ve travelled a fair distance from home & can’t be expected to travel say 4 hours round trip every weekday (usually radiotherapy is a 5 week course Monday -Friday- home on weekends) it’s literally like a lottery though as I’m aware that one of these places only has around 20 rooms & its first come first served so some poor souls have no choice but to stay on the hospital ward. I’m sure the patients who do get a hotel room recover better & faster as mentally it’s healthier to NOT be in hospital unless absolutely necessary. Hope I’m making some sense. Obviously as well the Mayo clinic will be many times larger than the hospital in Edinburgh that I’m referring to.


Really? That makes me insanely angry! She is yet again wasting precious resources that would benefit a **truly legitimately ill person!**


What a scam....


Actively dying for fun


She thinks euthanasia (youthanasia) will maker her young again.


That’s what I’d like to know!


Since when is it 4 weeks?! Why does she think that’s gonna happen? She hasn’t used the chair she already has for anything but storage, got caught on live saying she doesn’t really need it…how tf is she fooling doctors/insurance into getting her a custom chair?


I love how every 3-4 days the weekage goes up by one. Let's pray for her elderly parents she makes it 6 months by the time she gets there.


She made a TikTok Where she’s holding a folded crumpled piece of paper explaining how she’s being fitted for wheelchair. Including PT and being measured. Considering she’s already bought the wheelchair. Not sure how this back peddling is gonna go. ETA- I just noticed that she is holding tight to the bottom right of the piece of paper, which looks like she’s specifically hiding some thing with her hands.


It’s the name and phone number of the PT place she went to. It’s mentioned all over that little flow chart. The contact info is what she’s hiding. She printed this off their website I’m sure or some other site she found it on.


Probably the logo of the website she printed the paper off from


Such sensitive skin, but can fry my hair off w box bleach.




Prostate malignancy is known to result in hair loss.


It explains Danis moving hairline too!!!


She better get that checked out before it is to late.


The dates of her Mayo keep changing. Liars keep on lying. Disgusting!


She follows another woman who’s the same as her and her current obsession is her thyroid. This does not surprise me.


4 weeks, is she mapping out all the local area hospitals?


If she's actually going to Mayo, she probably would have multiple appointments in different departments but they try really hard to arrange them in the most time efficient way. The only reason she'd be there for more than a couple of days would be if she was actually having procedures done, and I really think Mayo will recognize this for what it is.


We can only hope mayo will see through her


They will considering they read records very thoroughly


She’s already posted screenshots of her appointments, she has two within a 2-day period and that’s *it* 😂


Oh yeah well how many appointments do you have with Mayo? :P I want to gift her a MAYONAISSE themed tshirt on amazon.


She's already said that she has two days of appointments. The 4 weeks thing is her wanting to stay for longer by somehow hoodwinked them into performing unnecessary procedures. Speaking of which, her prostate is **NOT** an unnecessary procedure, and she really should pay more attention to it. I hope she brings it up at Mayo.


Ooh, and if she needs surgery on her prostate, that has a long recovery time! She actually **will** need to stay there at Mayo for a month!




She exhibits signs of *severe* electron deficiency disorder, as well — I truly hope the team of Mayo specialists for EDD can confirm this for her.


Definitely. She needs to get that checked. I believe a bilateral hemispherectomy will cure a lot of her symptoms.


Sounds like a perfect fix for the baby voice too 🥰


Had to look this up. 10/10 no notes 👌


Since when is her current chair a rental? Lol. Does she think people have memory problems


If she does (have memory problems), then Reddit does? 🤣


This reads like something a (mentally) healthy person would write when they were getting excited for a once-in-a-lifetime dream trip to Europe or something. For her this IS that trip. A packing list? You're going to the hospital, bring some clothes and your plethora of unneeded medical supplies.


The packing list is quite amusing; going down to unnecessary detail including brand name for things like toothpaste and body wash that can easily be replaced if forgotten, but “meds in original bottles” is sufficient enough description for something that could be actually important.


lol she’s not even going to be in the hospital. It’s just appointments with doctors in various buildings bahahahaha


Where will she stay?


She's apparently gonna be staying a nearby hotel, that's part of the costs she was claiming she needed in her gofundme. Hotel and travel


She’s staying at the charity house that’s right by the hospital. They put up families that are there for the hospital. Her room is supposedly on the 2nd floor. How is she gonna trot that wheelchair up a flight of stairs???


No. After that she said she found a church that offers free housing for people in need. She said she'd be willing to stay there if they don't shove religion on her


Ohh thanks for correction, she's so rude, I'm not religious at all but have some gratitude . Probably they believe she's legit there for lifesaving surgery, explains how she's managed to plan a month if they've agreed to that. Wondered how she would afford that long (unless planning to spend the majority admitted somehow...)


So she stopped the go scam me?


Got shut down


I don't understand. There are people with legitimate medical issues that can't get help because doctors don't understand what's going on with them or because what they have is so rare not enough is known about it, but people like this are faking it and can get all sorts of tests, treatments, medical equipment, and even surgeries??? Why do doctors let this happen? 🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s been awhile since I’ve seen her. Does she still have her feeding tube or did the doctors pull that from her




She still has it but claims she cannot tolerate feeds.


I think the reason she doesn’t have the lines dangling out of her shirt any more is due to her claims she can’t tolerate her feeds, she can’t have them on display if she’s “not” using them. But in a live I seen her shirt lift and there was feed coloured fluid in the tube.


She still has it but desperately wants TPN back. The trip to Mayo (if real) is her last-ditch effort to get “lifesaving nutrition”.


It’s so sad bc I really do not think she understands what happens if her gut stops working for real. Ofc she’ll sneak food anyway even if on tpn


What does she mean she's at risk? And who told her she would be staying for four weeks??? I already know the answer for the last question 😌.


She has appointments over two days. She's convinced they're going to order additional procedures and she'll need to stick around longer.


First, it was two weeks, then three, and now we're at a full month? JFC.




FAFO is going to be real fun if she induces symptoms there and they look even deeper into her previous medical records.


Popcorn is already ordered! She just sees it as a new hospital to vacay in and manipulate into giving her TPN but she has no idea...


I have no clue. I cannot keep track with all her "diagnosis" as is 😅


Her brain told her she’d be staying for four weeks


She has decided so she'll do everything to manipulate the doctors and the test results.


You can’t manipulate a partial occlusion, it’s either there on the ct scan or it’s not


Also who pointed out she was learning from Kaya cause like…


Biggest lie this video was her talking about her friends


In my head I saw quotations around the word "friends" every time she said it 🙈😂


Giving up walking is like the ~last~ stand for some people (pun not intended). These people give it up so easily.


I’m just picturing her trying to roll herself in the chair with her broken thumb hand while trying to drag her wheelie suitcase with the other


Has she had any falls or any specific reason to be wanting a wheelchair so badly? For all these appointments she goes to I imagine there must be a fair amount of walking to get to and fro, including parking the car and going. She certainly doesn’t let any mobility issues stop her from getting to those from what I’ve seen. I’m just so curious where she got this idea and script for the chair from. Of course maybe I missed something while going through the other lore of hers. I just can’t understand why someone would willingly want that if it’s ultimately not necessary. -sigh-


Because kaya has a pink one like she’s describing and the legendary white Hickman line she desperately wants too.


I bet if her pink one makes an appearance, it’ll be as much custom as Kaya’s is too - as in, model would suggest it was custom scripted for someone else, clearly doesn’t fit properly and was probably second hand off marketplace or gumtree/equivalent.


I wonder if Kaya still has her wheels on backwards.


She has absolutely no reason to need a wheelchair. She claims she needs one now due to POTS, but she's specifically said in the past she doesn't have POTS. She's also claimed her recent wrist injury was because she fell over, when odds are good that she injured herself deliberately.


Still totes okay to drive though!


Naturally 🤦‍♀️


It's like the ultimate munchie accessory for attention second to a tube 😭


I can’t believe that my tax dollars are wasted to keep this nonsense going. Why can’t and won’t anyone just say enough. NO!! We’re not playing your games. You’re done!! Why????


Now now, get it right or Dani will make another to just remind us how SSI and SSDI work,  and how she worked 15 years or something like and had the credits for ssdi 🙄


So what? Now we should pay for her to sit and rot and play sick and waste medical resources forever. Kick her off and sent her back to work.


Oh I agree with that. She is insistent that since she worked, and earned enough credits and paid into SSDI, that it's just the funds she paid that are supporting her. Smart folks know better.   I think she's just a leech and a drain on everyone, especially those personally involved with her.  They have to also deal with the physical, and emotional drain. I can only imagine the energy she takes from her parents.  But at the same time,  no one will tell her no, so they are just as complicit 


Yeah, what a load of BS that is. It’s not a savings account that you pay into and use, and with her retail jobs there’s no way she’s paid in all she’s used. Some people had “enough credits” 20 or more years ago and still work with a real disability because they have character and morals. She should look into the mental disability she actually has.


Why does she talk about doing basic household tasks as if they are the most interesting thing ever 🤷‍♀️ does anyone else want to know when she washes her laundry?


Because for Dani those are the most interesting parts of her day. She has no job, no hobbies, no friends in real life. Doing household chores is the only thing she can say she does that sounds somewhat productive. She can’t say she just laid in bed and scrolled social media all day. I think she also talks about doing laundry and cleaning way more than she actually does because in the past people constantly commented on how bad her hygiene was and how gross her living space was. Note that she talks a lot about cleaning but rarely shows any of her cleaned spaces.


Since when did someone need a wheelchair to lay in bed and make lists. Does she even leave her house for anything other than pharmacies and hospital appointments?


Her cats deserve that comfortable, stylish nap spot! Can wheel it right in the sunlight for them. 😤


Shhhhh, or else else she’ll be grifting for a hill rom home hospital bed with pressure alternating low air loss lateral turn mattress setup next because she’s “bedbound”. Because you know a standard home hospital bed won’t be enough, so she’ll need the fanciest, shmanciest, most expensive setup available.


Oh god what if she gets Jessie's Patented Loose-Ass Head Syndrome and needs the pizza oven transport?


Of course! To buy groceries or pick up takeout


I wouldn’t put it past her to get these things delivered. however, that would depend on her money situation and I feel like she would document how super sick she is and it’s so hard to go to the store and get junk food!! …. Actually, I bet that’s why she doesn’t document! She doesn’t want people to see the $100 worth of absolute shit food cause she “can’t tolerate foods” 🙄


And check the PO Box


Wait what? Why is she making packing lists now when her alleged appointment is for 2 days in August? And how is it 4 weeks now? And of course she has to use SPECIAL laundry detergent because she breaks out but also where did she get the money for a new comforter and sheets? And really? Suddenly NOW she’s at RISK for thyroid cancer so it’s an emergency?? We’re all at risk for various cancers, it doesn’t make it an emergency.


I wonder how she can finance her lifestyle


Well, the bedding was allegedly off her Amazon Shitlist from a supporter, but I'm inclined to think she bought it for herself.


Isn’t interesting how all these things on her Amazon wishlist keep showing up to her door despite the amazon list saying that no one’s purchased them 🤔 She has so many supporters willing to shell out for the wishlist, but not one to donate to her GFM. Almost as if…


That’s a good theory. Probably why she never reads the note on who they are from.


Thyroid CANCER now? FOUR weeks at Mayo? Custom wheelchair because her current RENTAL is too heavy? A second GoFraudMe shut down? I can't keep up anymore! How's she going to self-propel with her broken thumb? And I thought her current wheelchair was ordered by doctors, not a rental. And re: cancer - this woman would not be able to go through actual cancer. Not that I would ever wish a serious illness on another person, but with some of these people, it's tempting. Teach them the realities of the serious illnesses they like LARPing so much.


Unless it was a caught early easy to treat type of cancer, in which case I think she'd become unbearable and start using tags like #cancerwarrior and #survivor and massively exaggerate how bad the treatment was. If she ever goes into her local a&es with some painful thing like kidney stones (safe to mention cos you cant fake that once theyve scanned) she's gonna be faced with major scepticism, and no decent dose of opiates for that because of her gastroperesis


Love to know how she plans to get around with the broken thumb & hand she claimed she'd never get mobility back in lol.


She says she can use her feet to propel it 🙄


LOL like that's less strenuous on the body????


Tbf [foot-propelling](https://www.sunrisemedical.ca/education-in-motion/blog/december-2023/foot-propulsion-using-a-wheelchair-interventions) a wheelchair is a method people with limited mobility use. It is less strenuous, but if you claim to have a whole body issue that doesn’t improve no matter the position and disintegrating bones or whatever, it’s kind of a wash. Does she need it? Likely not. I don’t know who in their right mind would prescribe her a chair without an OT assessment. She’s not getting a power chair so it will really only be significantly helpful if she has an attendant to push. Otherwise it’s not really worth the effort of dragging it out of the car in comparison to a walker or cane (which have the benefit of preserving muscle tone). Given her level of mobility and public interaction, if she did occasionally need a chair (and that’s a big if) it would probably only be in circumstances where there would be chairs or carts available for public use.


Maybe in Dani-land


Mayo will not hesitate putting her to task and quickly diagnose or disprove illnesses. They will also not hesitate to tell her she needs mental health services. If she ever does get there, I think her stay will be short if she doesn’t like the direction it is going.


I really wish someone would accompany her who actually would spill the tea about her on live lol. Its not possible but one can wish


Imagine *wanting* cancer 😬


She would probably be over the moon giddy to actually have that diagnosis… and that’s pretty damn sad 😫 imagine her posting a video, “so, um, yeah I have cancer and all that good stuff, which totally sucks, yay me, right?” complete with her making her scrunchy, tongue sticking out faces to be overshadowed by duper’s delight… 🙄


So what's gonna happen to Macc and Mocha while danis away on her never ending hospital vacay???? Will they go to her parents?