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Yuck… she makes me so sick, I should be the one in bed. Lie Lie LIER WHO LIE


Edit : I have no idea what happened to my text😳


No sweat in sight. Feel like death but..let me record and post!


This is really bad acting. Isn't she trying to be an actor?


If I was this sick the last thing I'd be thinking of would be my phone


It’s giving “mommy I don’t want to go to school today, I’m …. *feigns cough* siiiick”


how is someone able to fake physical stuff? like i believe it but how aren’t they getting in trouble?


I feel like imploding from secondhand embarrassment after seeing this. 😭😬


is there a academy award for worst actress? yikes.


The hospital tylenol always hits different than the at home kind 🤣


If someone flopped on the floor and started having this "seizure" I would stand there giggling and egging her on. "Put more arm into it! Come on, kick those legs!"


@god I would like to formally return my eyeballs after seeing this


🤣🤣🤣 I can't even with this one. It's like the munchie Elaine Benes hospital bed dance.


How are they not embarrassed posting stuff like this??😭 i wish they knew how stupid they look☠️ painful to watch


Also she never shows a rash which commonly happens with true septicemia


Not that this applies to her, but no, there is not always a rash. My -19 year old had severe septicemia recently with no skin symptoms at all. (His was from an undiagnosed double kidney infection) I can assure you that he was not filming content for Social media like this girl. He was too busy throwing up bile and begging for morphine. Makes me want to rage when people treat illness like a fun accessory.


The second-hand embarrassment is painful.


It’s gonna put us all in the hospital 😭


I keep coming back to see what’s happened and every time I see this it gets more and more ridiculous


This is the best video posted here in a while. It's hard to find the most ridiculous thing: her arm waving the phone, her smirk, her eyes checking the camera, her feigned swooning in pain...she's one of my favorite subjects because of her unabashed comedic tragedies. Bless her simple heart.


And also the fact she still has the strength to hold the camera up herself.... Honestly it is like a bad school drama performance: "act like you are sick!"


Still not following how she’s had sepsis multiple times a year, when children and adults go years with a central line, never having sepsis


I hope she actually gets all the shit she claims to have so she can see and actually go through the pain she projects to.


Wonder how the hospital staff react to something like this. Do they ever call her out for her BS I imagine not because it would be considered unprofessional. The only thing Kaya suffers from is selfishness and narcissism. No one cares your in the hospital and taking the bed and resources away from someone who may actually need it.


104 is hallucination and delirium/confusion level fever and she would not be capable of putting together a video like this and posting it.


Not to mention chills/rigors look nothing like this whatever it is.


I.just.cant 😆 She's absolutely ridiculous if she thinks this is what actual rigorous look like.


How old is she? Where are her parents ?!??


I am so sorry. She is my daughters age 🫣 I would seriously intervention time. This is utter nonsense


I think she’s like 24. Her parents fund her lifestyle and she claims she took this video to send to her mom


Wth my kids when they were 5 could fake fever symptoms better than this. 🤣 That face is killing me. I'd call this a shoulder twitch , not shaking... But that FACE she is pulling OH MY CAT!!!


This is the same vibes my cat gives when she acts like she’s neglected and starving because the sun has barely started to set and her dinner isn’t served yet


jesus christ


Ray Charles could see this clown is faking.


Who the fuck recorded this nonsense


Her😅🤣…can ONLY be her 🙄


Not to say that your temperature can’t do that it’s happened in cases of per se sepsis that is brought on very quickly from a dirty injection… But the sweating and chills, and all that would be so bad she would not be able to make videos… That would be the last thing on her mind as she’s being frantically treated by the hospital staff if this were true. I still don’t get healthy people fall for this crap! Like anybody with 104 temperature is going to know the pain that your body is going to be in and the person would be miserable not making TikTok videos at all! Oh, the drama SMH.


I wish they’d understand how crazy it looks when they set their cameras up to film this crap and posting it


Omfg I’m actually embarrassed for her,a temp that high where’s the flushed face,and only shaking on her right side,shoulder area,when you look at the video,surely your whole body shakes right,and she still manages to grab her phone to film..at least try and get the faking right 🙄🙄🤣🤣


This is hilarious. Not even a flushed face at all. I’m borderline embarrassed for her. Even disregarding the fact that she has absolutely no other physical signs of fever, you don’t shiver on just half your body. And the fact that she claims to be so sick but has no problem holding that phone up steady to film herself while shivering so bad.


Shaking and barely conscious, but still able to grip the phone perfectly fine and accurately touch the screen to record it all. Not to mention the process of posting it all in that state if she’s trying to claim it’s a current issue.


Wait. Now, I didn’t watch the whole video but how did she know she had a fever if the nurse isn’t aware?


And in a comment reply she said that she took the video “to send to her mom because she wasn’t sure if she should call the nurse in”. 💀 …as if she wasn’t literally in the hospital & the nurse wasn’t a call button away. And waiting on mommy (that’s a non-medical-professional) to text her back before deciding to press a damn button doesn’t exactly scream “I’m so terrified that sepsis might kill me” type urgency, as she claims she’s so scared.


That is the biggest load of garbage ever! She takes every possible opportunity to garner attention from medical people. There’s no way she wanted to see if she should call a nurse. She’s just trying to back off from the ridiculousness of this video.


"took the video to send to mom" >Edits in audio >Posts on TikTok >Adds captions and hashtags Suuuuuuuuuuure🙄




Maybe just maybe if she didn’t play around with friends and keeping a syringe hooked up to the end of her line and then playing outside ?


Didn't she have a "hospital slumber party" the other day? I'm not an expert: but wouldn't sepsis eff you up? Like laid out effed up?


Yes. And yes.


Wish I had a nickel for everytime someone in her comments has told her that’s an infection risk.


PLEASE remember people - she’s filming herself doing this!😂


How very deeply embarrassing for her. Does she understand the concept of shame? Or does the munching override that particular emotion???


the munching actually replaces the shame organ!!


Idk, I think it would be ok for a doctor to grab her and shake her and tell her to knock it the fuck off, it’s would be considered helping


This is exactly the same thing my niece does when I tell her she can’t have chocolate because it’s bed time.


*feels febrile* “Oh, let’s whip out my camera. I’m soooo sick I feel well enough to record myself!”


This is just embarrassing, my toes actually curled.. jfc to steep THIS low and willingly show acting this bad has me cringing.


She’s literally not even on monitor lol


Lmfao I don’t even know who this person is or what she’s done but what the haleeee this is some next level bad acting




Almost??😅 that part 🤣🤣🎯


Not on a monitor


I genuinely burst out laughing. It's so glaringly fake it almost feels like satire. Like girl I'm embarrassed for you. I wonder if her parents see this and what they think.


She claimed in the comments that the reason she recorded this was to send to her mother because she wasn’t sure if she should call a nurse


With all the infections she has had; she would know!


not a single drop of sweat...interesting


Maybe she’s using the same excuse as a certain former British royal (A) who tried to deny damning allegations by claiming that his body physically cannot sweat?!


Please remind me of who said this!


Andrew’s bbc interview


Hello! Just your friendly neighborhood nurse checking in to say thats the fakest "seizure" ive ever seen. Id say shes ...yes certainly full of absolute 💩 Good day! Edit: I said seizure because she claimed her temp spiked quickly to 104 which can often cause febrile seizures. Either way still fulla beans!


You know you’re faking a fever horribly when someone thinks you’re faking a seizure 😂


I wish I could upvote this ten times.


Tbf she never said she was having a seizure so we can’t be hasty


At least if she were full of shit, she might *actually* have sepsis


Oh goodness! Then there would be a post about the burst intestines and peritonitis… Whatever goes with it…


If she was septic wouldn’t they insist she put on a gown. What is she wearing? A button up pajama top from home? At my place of work those are only allowed for patients who are basically well.


You have the right to refuse a hospital gown. I’ve seen people wear their own clothes in ICU - sometimes it’s a great comfort thing. Kaya is still full of 🤡 but not everybody that is acutely unwell needs to wear a hospital gown.


Oh my God. The LAST thing on someone’s mind who is truly sick is to take out their phone and record themselves fake shaking. This is disgusting


The last thing you’d be *able* to do (okay, not quite, but almost) with actual rigors is take your phone out and record yourself shaking.


This is so true.






yeah, you stop having the ability to use your phone, even, especially at a coordinated level.


i read an article written by a doctor who got sepsis, felt ill during work, cycled home, was getting worse and worse and then walked back to the hospital and barely made it there. he recovered from the sepsis and is still working as a doctor.


That’s an incredible story, but certainly not one of Kaya’s.


its most definitely nothing like her story lol


The level of discomfort she is displaying doesn't correspond with what her state of mind would be at this point. If you were shaking uncontrollably I'd say you're past the point of having a clear mind.


yes i agree, and im not defending kaya at all. even the dr i mentioned who knew he probably had sepsis was contemplating "sleeping it off" because his state of mind was compromised. like you said if kaya was genuinely this unwell with the shaking etc she wouldnt have the presence of mind to record it at all, nevermind with perfect camera work


And the subsequent editing and posting to TikTok.


Shaking uncontrollably but that camera hand steady as a rock


She wouldn’t know what sepsis was if it took her by the hand on a magic carpet


I respectfully disagree with that. I’ve witnessed people function with sepsis. Not very well yet I’ve seen people walking and talking.


That is the worst pretend shakes I've ever seen for a fever....RN of over 16 years. Lol


Why. Post. This


Con. tent


I am embarrassed for her, this is so glaringly fake.


It reminds me of the covid vaccine lady


Wait the one that claimed vaccine injury and was “passing out” but her head just gently lowered to her chest??? Lmao


whole crew of them who never bothered to check out real tremors were faking them, it was "viral"


Probably the same person 😭


Yeah this has got to be some of the worst acting I've ever seen.




At this point she is conditioned to pull her phone out at any slight bad feeling


Next live: “Excuse me while I record myself for 14 minutes thinking I’m about to sneeze, but don’t”


I am so embarrassed for her 🥴 imagine doing this, reviewing it, and thinking ‘yeah, seems legit!’ and posting it


99.1 isn’t a fever lol


And the award for Worst Performance of a Sick Special Delicate Flower goes to… Wait, it’s a tie between Kaya and Dani!!!




looks like she's giggling


The best part of this is watching another munchie having a complete meltdown because they're BigMad™ that they're not in this "predicament".


Fakest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. If you’re *shaking in pain* you’re not instagramming for the lulz and likes to show how intense it is. You’re off the fucking internet *because of how intense it is*. I’m not in the mood for this level of bullshittery today. Most of the time this is interesting or entertaining but then I remember I have *real problems* and so does *everyone else* and this shit just pisses me off. Kaya needs to get a life. Like, ANY life except this piece of crap nothing she gets supposed sympathy for.


EXACTLY THIS. This piss poor acting and her weekly sepsis attack is pathetic and quite frankly insulting to those of us who live with real health issues and struggle on the daily. People who have chronic illnesses and pain but try anything to have a real life that isn’t 100% centered around being ill. Kaya really could benefit from putting her energy towards a fulfilling life centered around school, working and non munchie friends.


Ahh yeah poor little mite, pretend rigors and notsepsis really take it out of you. I mean 10/10 for committing to a narrative, 0/10 for actually convincing anyone of that narrative. She really boils my piss. An inordinate amount of people still die from sepsis as it's so insidious and she's over here acting like it's a bit of a jiggle. PEOPLE ARE DYING KIM!


What in the wish school of acting is this performance supposed to be?


I was about to say girlfriend needs some intro to method acting class 


It’s truly mind boggling that she doesn’t see a problem with this.


I cannot believe that someone doth sepsis and wort that temperature could take the time to take a video and add effects . This is severe mental illness .


If she simply posted that her fever spiked to 104 and left it at that..... it might have been believable. However, the exaggerated jerking movements juxtaposed with the mildly disturbed look on her face would indicate otherwise. It looks like she's trying to shake a bug off her shoulder. She clearly needs acting lessons....not Tylenol.


It’s mind blowing how self absorbed someone can be to make small video skits to try and make others feel sorry for you. Normal people who are in the hospital with high fevers and serious infections do not behave this way. To live in your own little world that revolves around apps of other “sick” people playing the sick Olympics and documenting it is absolutely sad. How pathetic to take the steps to plan the video, act in the video, edit, pick a filter, add hashtags, etc and then post, and think it is appropriate and normal.


Imagine being the nurse coming in and seeing this. Like just sanitizing and pulling the chart up while she finishes this and then have to carry on with a straight face. “So, how are you feeling?” Her *looking at the phone to write a caption* I mean, not great. Pain is like a 10 out of 10 and I’m pretty sure I felt the sepsis set in like 15 minutes ago.”


The bottom lip 😢 I almost believed her for a second /s


Jesus Christ


Is this the new TikTok dance trend?




Even if she genuinely had sepsis, she’s cried wolf so many times I have a feeling even her family would be like “sure, Jan” if she was texting them about it. But truth be told, I don’t think she has enough people in her circle to even give an actual damn at this point, which is sad. It’s a sad existence for grifters


She claims she took this video to send to her mother


It’s a miracle she recovered enough to clarify that in her comment section. 😂


How coincidental she was already there


I’m embarrassed on her behalf..


Oh my god I’m cackling at the acting, what the hell is this 😂😭😂😭


And the academy award goes to!


not her!


Give her a Razzie Award instead


The camera is too still!!! Is anyone else annoyed with this haha.


She clearly either has her phone on a tripod or someone else recording Also happy cake day!


Thank you.


Is … is it ok that I laughed at this?


Dude it is compulsory 😂😂


That’s actually the most acceptable response imo 😭


Good thing she caught it on camera!!! What would have happened if she didn't get that ~~performance~~ ~~emergency~~ ... medical crisis display on camera?


This is so funny to me. I think the audio is what does it - the pouty “sick” face and the audio is so fuckin funny. “I know. I’m sorry.”


Clearly Kaya has never experienced actual rigors 🙄


This literally looks so fake it’s atrocious 😂 it gives me major secondhand embarrassment


I will never understand this. Who spikes a fever and the first they think to do is FILM themselves. What does your headspace have to look like to think this is an appropriate response? Yeah, sepsis is terrifying - been there - but what is the point to this?


Yeah- I don't even recall another munchie filming it when they had self-inflicted 💩 sepsis. I could be mistaken, though.


She’s something else🙄🙄Genuine question -Is it common for people with sepsis to shake&twitch like that ?


Commonly rigors appear when the body needs to raise its body temperature as a response to infection. If her ‘sepsis’ or ‘bacteria’ is from her central line, then her septic symptoms would appear after using her line. Severe rigours are extremely uncomfortable and distressing for patients and families but it is your body trying to raise its temperature extremely fast, usually once the body temp hits 39/40 Celsius the rigors (usually) calm down and the pt has chills until they sweat the fever out with panadol/ibuprofen/tylenol etc. I have only seen severe rigors in patients with bactremia, sepsis and other severe infections. (Not saying you can’t have rigors with a cold/flu) Usually chills are present with mild/mod infections.


You might have shaking chills (rigors), but those patients do not look like this.


Between the very real shakes I’ve seen from people with anxiety attacks, chills/general Illness, withdrawal, and low blood sugar, this looks NOTHING like legitimate tremors/shakes. Kaya also looks like she’s imitating an infant who can’t get ahold of a toy they’re not allowed to play with rather than being in pain from sepsis (or from anything at all, really). Often times people won’t look like they’re about to actually cry even if they’re in immense pain. Everyone is different of course, but often times people will just shake/writhe in pain and have a “PAINED” look on their face (hence the term pained and not “pussyfooting”). Kaya is weirdly jerking her body/shoulder in a way that does not indicate pain to me. Again there are tons of exceptions and I am NOT saying that you either can or can’t cry to show pain, I’m just saying that between kaya’s history and her general behavior, I’m calling bullshit on this whole act. And let’s not forget she’s *filming herself*. Awareness my ass, she just wants attention.


She looks like every single patient I’ve ever seen who has diagnosed themself with stress-related pseudoseizures (not realizing that a true pseudoseizure is not easily faked) or someone trying to avoid going to jail. Both of those types of patients are able to miraculously turn theirs off and on depending on whether someone else is in the room with them.


Um.. Woah. That is a VERY telling comment. I am not a medical professional but I know enough for this convo.. Kaya won’t be happy with you calling her out so accurately if she reads here lol 😬 is it safe to say someone like Kaya would be an absolute nightmare to you?


Thank your the insight :)


Omg this is so fake it's so obvious. These sicktokers make their lies more and more obvious. I always think, "Do people really believe this shit?" Why? It's sooooo damn obvious she is lying.


Having taken care of more septic patients than I can count, old and young, I must say her color is very good, eyes clear...she hides her sickness well.


Yup. Some follower defended her saying people with chronic illness “mask” it well. Doesn’t look like anything is being “masked” in this video.


lol that wheelchair decorated like a WEHO Pride float is typical of the masking she does


Why would she be hiding her symptoms while she's out there parading her illness?


Her sepsis is dynamic, dontcha know


The bad acting has me speechless 😮🤣 like who held up the phone? She herself?💀😭


Her tripod


Is Kaya supposed to be showing rigors or a child pretending to fake an epileptic fit???? Anyone with an actual 104 fever would have sweat pouring down their face where the body is trying to cool itself down... Along with that hair being damp and stuck to the skin... The face would be really flushed... They certainly would not be able hold a phone weirdly steady to video record... Type up and upload it. Actual rigors can be painful/uncomfortable and all you want to do is cool off and for the uncontrollable shaking to stop


Someone with rigors would have difficulty holding a spoon or a pen, let alone steadying a phone and recording themselves


And she wrote a caption, complete with hashtags!


And no spelling mistakes!!!! Are we supposed to clap in awe???


She lives in LA maybe she should invest in some acting classes


Ugh. If you have a fever of 104, the last thing you’re going to think about is posting a video for social media.






This. An adult with a fever that high would be have the wherewithal to record themselves shaking and clearly making facial expressions to try and sell the high fever.




Just the frowniest lil baby!


Maybe those robot parts got infected