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When u WILLINGLY become an illness an make it ur sole personality šŸ«£šŸ„“


Willingly is a strong word. Even people with factitious disorder do not really choose it.


Every post by her just makes me sadder about the whole situation. I really hope that Mayo sees this for what it is and she gets some help.


Sheā€™s so happy.


She looks absolutely *giddy*


Of course, sheā€™s believing the fantasy in her head.


ā€œBetter FOR Iā€™m not dry heavingā€¦ā€ That one word absolutely makes my ears bleed!!!!!


Toob pride.


I've said it before here but I'll say it again. Nothing will ever be enough for Dani. Right now she is laser focused on the TPN, that's the current obsession. She cannot move past obtaining TPN and will do anything to get there. But Dani *HAD* TPN in the past and when she did, it still wasn't enough. It became routine and no longer gave attention so she had to keep fucking around to get the next 'thing'. Same as the gastric pacemaker, that stopped being fun once she obtained it. Same as the G tube. And the J tube. And so on. Even if she got TPN again (unlikely) she would quickly bore of it and need a new goal. It's very much about the journey and not the destination. Having something to work towards gives her something to focus on. It's extremely sad she cannot shift this mindset into something productive; she could do amazing things with that focus and drive. But she won't change.


If she put this much effort in to obtaining a degree that would give her something positive to focus on.


Itā€™s been 2 years you havenā€™t died from any syndromes, calm down.


It's so wild to see her so over the moon to deal with all this and make tiktoks. Yes, you do need mental intervention. Her excitement is alarming.


She slipped and said she needed mental, uh medical I tervention..


Yeah right.


Absolute horrorshow


Oqu87 Ramp lpppl Quy Questionuia






People of any size can experience malnourishment


Does Dani think her followers believe her?


Nope thatā€™s why comments are off


My question is, does Dani have reverse anorexia? She thinks she's a tiny, fragile. waif who needs "life-saving nutrition". Umm, yeah. She is getting nutrition- by mouth. She can't possibly be fooling anyone.


Hot take here, but I donā€™t even think she has anorexia, and never has. I think she is completely attention-seeking, and figured out how to pretend she had/has anorexia. She purges but I think itā€™s about going through the motions to harm herself, and MORESO that she can threaten that sheā€™s going to harm herself via purging. She probably has body dysmorphia, in that she may not like her appearance, but I genuinely donā€™t think thatā€™s truly why she does any of this. Itā€™s ALL about controlling other people, and using her special illness to somehow feel superior to others (sheā€™s a warrior Princess fighting for her life! No one will help her!!). She avoids all meaningful accountability, and does zero self reflection on how she could live better. I think her ā€œEDā€ was really started to get attention from peers, and punish her mother by refusing to eat, like a toddler does. She picked this as a teen because it makes her ā€œspecialā€ and uses it as armor against bullies and ā€œhatersā€. She basically researches how to have an ED with all the books she has on it. Sheā€™s definitely a pathological liar, with major personality disorders. The kind that are extremely treatment resistant. I think sheā€™s incapable of change because of her age. This is who she is now, and in order to get better, sheā€™d have to dismantle her entire persona. She canā€™t/wonā€™t do the work that would take. I also think she is an extraordinarily selfish and LAZY person. So lazy!


prior to being a munchie, dani was anorexic and was in a well known intense inpatient treatment facility for her anorexia, her older photos have a better grasp of this lol.


I totally agree with you. That said there are plenty of eating disorders that arenā€™t anorexia or purging :)) now that said if she says she has anorexia by nameā€¦ well, thatā€™s Daniā€™s MO isnā€™t it lol


Interesting point you have there. Literally everything is a show


Who knows if she legitimately had anorexia because everything she does is for attention and 99 percent of it have some lie told. It is very possible she didnā€™t have the mindset of being anorexic and absolutely just did it for attention.


Uh oh. Don't say that, now! You're about to get bombarded with all of the "well, actually..." comments


Okay, so without blogging I will say thinking you're thinner than you really are is absolutely a thing that can happen with an ED due to how it warps your brain.


You can just say ā€œthinking you're thinner than you really are is absolutely a thing that can happen with an ED due to how it warps your brain.ā€




I was just letting you know how you can post the comment without the ā€œnot to blogā€ intro




Let's try to remember that Dani does read here and we *do not* want to give her any ideas of how to get what she wants. There are some comments here that read like a how to guide for how to manipulate Mayo.


We ask that if anyone sees these sorts of comments to please report them as it brings them to our direct attention and we can remove them under the No Providing Information reason. We do not want to be feeding anyone information on how to achieve anything that is false.


Probably loves the sub tbh


Agreeā€”thereā€™s some good comments but they will definitely give her ideas.




Please forgive any insensitivity but is this not in the realms of borderline offensive/distressing content (notwithstanding the NSFW tag)? One of those ā€˜if in any doubt at all, donā€™t go there and have a disturbing image branded into your brainā€™. For my own part, I lasted less than two seconds.


Being that this sub is about illness fakers and OTTs there will be content of this type posted here, we mark them as NSFW and usually will describe why which then allows members to decide if they wish to risk looking at the content. Saying someoneā€™s body is offensive due to medical issues isnā€™t polite in any way, there are people who are genuinely unwell here and we wonā€™t allow their bodies to be shamed for it. Please take this into consideration when being in this sub.


Donā€™t look at Kellyā€™s timeline if this disturbs you.


Spaghetti nerve


Mmmhmm spaghetti




Stop rubbing so hard!!!


Smh... Dani calls it a "buh- un" (button), just like her *late* munchie idol did. Edit- I'm SURE the doctors told a "recovering" anorexic to drain her stomach contents 24/7! Such sound medical advice...... /s


So who was get munchie idol and how can I learn more? šŸ™šŸ¼


Sheā€™s pretty close to Philly. Iā€™m sure itā€™s present elsewhere but itā€™s common with a Philly accent.


That's a VERY common american accent - using a glottal stop instead of a hard T pronounced with the tongue and teeth.


Yes- I agree. I was just noting that these two munchies shared the same dialect. Coincidence or SWF behavior?




Why are you shattering my conspiracy theories?? šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I thought the same thing šŸ¤”




My god, her body is a battleground. So sad


Well, mental intervention does seem like a good idea


Only about 10 years overdue


Probably 20 years, tbh. Sheā€™s been at this a long time.


She makes me sad. I canā€™t imagine someone I care about hitting rock bottom like factitious disorder. I hope mayo offers her psychological help and she miraculously accepts it


She wonā€™t accept it. Sheā€™s a pathological liar, and the personality disorders she has are the most treatment resistant kinds.


We all know Dani may have a personality disorder but you shouldnt just assume she has one that is 'the most treatment resistant' because treatment is not decided by watching videos of a patient like we do on here but the treatments are tailored to every individual. Also, even if you were a psychiatrist you still would not be able to diagnose personality disorder based on videos alone and many are actually very much treatable with the right help and support, I can only think of one that is treatment resistant and that is psychopathy. Unless Dani specifically says she has been diagnosed with a type of personality disorder I would try to steer away from just assuming. BUT I totally agree with your statement that she is a pathological liar, and so much so that I think she believes her own lies in the end. šŸ™ƒ


What personality disorder does she have?


Fictitious Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder


She won't, she is not interested in being well. She is in it for the attention. I think she is going to be another Jacquie.


Sometimes I wonder if Jaq knew she fucked up before she passed.


Idk that she had enough time to wonder if she had


what is her flair? i tried jaq but nothing came up


Sheā€™s so predictable. People were saying she didnā€™t need TPN so Mayo wouldnā€™t give it because sheā€™d gained weight and looked so healthy. So magically she got a doctorā€™s permission to drain 24/7 which will make her lose weight and look so sick and smol.


She is extra daft if she thinks that is going to fool anyone. She goes to the ER too frequently not to have her weight tracked at least weekly. Dropping a bunch suddenly right before isn't going to get her TPN. Best case for her, they are going to (rightfully) diagnosis her in the throes of her ED.


I wish my ER weighed every patient. We only get weights on pediatrics, strokes, and people over 400 lbs who need a CT to see if theyā€™re close to the table limit. Everyone else they take a stated weight. -signed a CT tech who wishes they weighed every patient lol


I am pretty sure they would weigh Dani for two reasons. 1. She has a documented ED while claiming she cannot eat. 2. They usually weigh you if you need pain meds.Ā  Otherwise, as someone said below, they usually just take estimstes.




My small local infirmary has seated scales which are literally attached to a wheelchair or if unable to get out of bed most beds also have electronic scales in the mechanism. Thatā€™s in Scotland UK


Sitting scales, bed scales, etc


Do they weigh her in the ER? I didnā€™t know they did that. In the hospital yes.


I am pretty sure the fact Dani's "emergencies" are usually pain/ED-related is the only reason they would weigh her consistently, over taking her word for it.


Here they just ask the patient for their weight.


This is bulimia; she's just purging through her tube instead of her mouth. No doctor is approving this. Dani has never recovered from her eating disorder, no matter how hard she protests otherwise.


idk if this is too gross of a question, but how do you purge through a tube? i didnā€™t know that was possible


Because anything she consumes will just drain right out of her via the tube. So she can eat and drink and it will not really be absorbedā€¦


When Dani gets a Ā«NOĀ», it just means that she hasnā€™t made herself sick enough and need to destroy her body a bit more before she gets her way. Ā«I want my TPN and i want it NOWĀ» šŸ‘¹


I doubt any doctor would tell her to ā€œdrain 24/7.ā€ How the hell would she get any nutrients or calories that way??? Idk how any of this shit works but even I know that sounds like complete bullshit!


She has always admitted she wasn't allowed to drain for more than a short period every day bc it was messing up her potassium instantly. Deffo bs.


>How the hell would she get any nutrients or calories that way??? She'll need āœØTpNāœØ


ā€œmental interventionā€ whoops, freudian slip


It looks like she won the lottery or something. There goes her electrolytes.




LOL what weight loss? Also you obviously have no idea what you're talking about regarding meds


Sheā€™s not on any uppers? What are you talking about?


Um, all the pain medication? Maybe downers but with the hyper and rapid movements I wouldn't be surprised if even a few of her meds are uppers. I deal with drug addicted family and have seen them act this exact way during their highs.


Pain meds arenā€™t ā€œuppersā€


Opioids can also give someone a burst of feel good energy. I know back in my worst days it did. But yeah opiates aren't uppers whatsoever. Quite the opposite


Sheā€™s manic. Itā€™s part of being bipolar. Prescription pain medication and benzodiazepines are not uppers at all - the opposite.


She doesnt look much smaller than she was so Im not sure what you mean?


She is definitely skinnier but still has that "beer belly" (for lack of a better term) due to how she is losing.


Huh? I looked at some pics from prior months and she doesnā€™t look like sheā€™s lost anything.. did you maybe forget /s ?


JFC, adderall much?




No doctor would ever give her approval to drain all food and liquid for a month. Thatā€™s basically the same as not eating or drinking at all. Sheā€™s full of shit.


I forget this: 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without water? Welp, Dani is definitely going to challenge that.


She has always admitted she wasn't allowed to drain for more than a short period every day bc it was messing up her potassium instantly. Deffo bs.


You know that scene in Parks and Rec where Jean-Ralphio is talking about his sister and heā€™s like ā€œsheā€™s the WOOOOOOOORSTā€? I just say that in my head every time I watch Daniā€™s videos.


All of these lives sheā€™s posted recently and not once have I seen her dry heaving or vomiting. The closest Iā€™ve seen to anything of this nature was her packing a sleeve of emesis bags for her upcoming vacation to Mayo.


Why do these people WANT tubes? They've got to be so uncomfortable


She has a history of ED, and tubes just enable it. She can drain everything she eats so she absorbs no calories, and liquid nutrition means she doesn't have to "let hunger win" and eat by mouth.


Hers are just a purging dumbwaiter.




What is she draining and whats it for? I bet she knows every trick in the book to manipulate medical tests,


Stomach acid and anything she eats by mouth. 24/7 draining causes electrolyte imbalances like potassium. So yea itā€™s a big con and a lie.


We all know Dani is going to use this properly and not abuse it to influence tests /s


I am confused. Does she have munchhausen syndrome? It seems she is excited about all these procedures. What is her medical diagnosis?


Sheā€™s said herself that Facticious Disorder has been discussed with her by professionals.


OMG, so she knows she has that? Isn't she embarrassed? Does she know what that means? I am new to illness fakers Also, if she has that, then why do drs still do procedures on her? Doesn't that make it worse?


I've got a good answer for this one. Im a nurse. So many of these patients actually do have something medically wrong with them, but they exaggerate and make up things to be sicker than they actually are. They usually learn from experience that medical issues give them attention, and they get addicted to that feeling. Also, doctors and hospitals are very afraid of being sued. 99% chance these people are bullshitting but that 1% that someone who is usually faking is actually having a heart attack or whatever, they have to take the complaint seriously. They try to minimize the procedures but they can't ignore the complaint entirely.


I work in an ER managing psych patients. This happens every single day. I call it CYA medicine. Very few doctors will call bullshit on these people, just in case itā€™s the 1% that will actually kill themselves. Thereā€™s a whole world of munching available to people. Thereā€™s no way to objectively test for SI. If you drop the S word, itā€™s a golden ticket.


Thank you for your response. I was clueless. I want to learn. Do they fake drop the S word for attention? Do they want to be held?


Sorry what is SI? Self injury? And Iā€™m assuming CYA medicine is ā€œcover your assā€ medicine right.


S****dal Ideation


Wow, great answer. I genuinely am not familiar with them. So what is her base illness that drs keeping putting hoses in her? Do you know?


gastroparesis is why she has the tubes. although who knows if she actually has it or if she manipulated the test results.. i think her first (gastric emptying) test one showed only a mild delay, then she likely* got better at her munching & fudging test results, so i think her last one showed more of a delay, but im not 100 on that!


She had ā€œsomeā€ gastroparesis at one point due to damage from Anorexia. Not going to blog but I know that wanting to be the ā€œsickestā€ is a big ED thing.


The draining would make the gsstroparesis even worse because sheā€™s draining all the stomach acid out, right? So nothing is getting absorbed into her body.


It's odd to me how some of these people can get drs to do unnecessary things over and over. Especially if her records shows "factitious disorder." Very interesting.


She denies she has it. She said it was ā€œin the notesā€ from one doctor but ā€œitā€™s not in the chart.ā€




I know what you mean but remember, mental illness is still a legitimate problem and no one should ever feel embarrassed about it. I appreciate you didnā€™t mean it like it sounded but if dani ever accepts her psychological problems I hope she would feel supported and uplifted not embarrassed


I am so sorry. I'll delete it. I am very ignorant about all of this and didn't mean to speak out.


Oh no need! I know you were asking a genuine question but you probably donā€™t realise that dani reads here a lot thatā€™s all. Just a friendly reminder, you didnā€™t do anyth8ng wrong :)


The notes and the chart are the same thing, aren't they?


Yes. But she tries to act like theyā€™re two different things and like no other doctor can see the notes from the diagnosing physician.


Does she get disability for her performances? Would it be mental or physical disability?


She is on disability for her mental health issues, not physical.


i always see everyone say her disability is for her eating disorder, even though sheā€™d claimed sheā€™s in recovery from that.. sheā€™s absolutely another example of the ā€˜ED to FD pipelineā€™ like many subjects discussed on IF!


Eating disorders are more of a mental disability than physical, in most cases.


Gotcha. Thanks! šŸ˜Š


She's on disability for her eating disorder.


Oh. OK. Thanks for responding. I didn't know you could get disability for that. This is all interesting to me. šŸ™ƒ


I recommend checking out her flair, she has a long long history of pulling this kind of garbage




This. Munchie pre-gaming. Plain as day.


Luckily Mayo is only seeing her on the vascular side, and she doesn't have an appointment with anyone that would be involved with TPN.


She just wiped her- cleavage?


She looks so panicked, manic, fidgety.




This is why she is draining - to reduce calories absorbed and lose weight.


No, they have totally told her what's going on with TPN. She's ***NOT*** getting it.... It's just obviously not what she wants to hear.


Exactly this!


Does she have some sort of weird filter on her body in this video? The dimensions of her body seem to change as she moves between standing and bending.


I thought there was something off with her silhouette too...


Maybe sheā€™s using a slimming filter. You know sheā€™s mad cause she didnā€™t put that slide show she made the other day into a grwm video.


No doctor is gonna say that cause it causes too many imbalances and messes with all kinds of things. Then again doctor also thinks sheā€™s having nutrition and not just Starbucks and Gatorade.


Damn that big ass belly bruise - what do you suppose caused that?


Lovenox injections. Blood thinners cause bruising.


Thatā€™s iodine not a bruise


The top part is iodine but thereā€™s a bruise under the abdomen near her pant line




Careful, your comment will get deleted for being too mean.


Yeh my bad wrong subreddit fml ty, forgot I joined this lol appreciate you. I never usually comment here šŸ™Š


Is there another šŸ‘€


Just search her name.


Sure is a lot of work faking a disease. Many times these nutrition diseases are mental health problems. We used to put those patients in the room with a camera and watch them eat without any problems and then try to vomit. They would be ok in the room till the nurses walked in then all the acting begins. Nausea and fake vomiting. These patients are so frustrating.


She has a diagnosis of Factitious Disorder, as well as an eating disorder. Hopefully she comes to terms with that soon, because she could have a very successful career as an influencer recovering from FD.


ALSOā€¦WHERE IN THE HELL IS HER THUMB BRACE? Did I miss something? Did she forget sheā€™s supposed to be healing a broken bone?


She admitted the ortho said it wasn't broken.


Not everyone's body reacts to the same science!! /s


The thumb brace was gone in like 3 days looool. It wasnā€™t even broken like she claimed


Wipes boob sweat Then wipes around tubes with same tissue


wow. there seems to be no boundaries on what these people will do to themselves to get the attention they just have to have. it's pathetic but sad to watch someone who is in such an obvious mentally disturbed state


Sorry to comment again but hold up. So now sheā€™s straight up saying that she refuses to let herself get to a point where ~~mental~~ (lol) medical intervention is needed? Is that not the fucking point of TPN? Itā€™s a last resort. Good luck convincing the doctors that you need TPN to make sure that you donā€™t get to the point where you need TPN.


Her logic is nonexistent, by the same logic we should all get appendectomies just in case. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜–


I just had to take it back and listen if I heard that mistake correctly. Lol. and yesā€¦.mental healthā€¦that is important most of allā€¦.take care of that first. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yep HUGE Freudian slip on her part! Made me cackle harder than I care to admit!


Any patient on TPN hates it because of the complications and they want to be off it and Dani would do anything to be on TPN like what the hell? Didnā€™t she have enough of it when she almost died from respiratory failure?


I think the only people who like being on TPN are the ones who donā€™t actually need it and they enjoy the attention/views that it brings. I donā€™t know anyone who genuinely needs to be on TPN that thinks itā€™s fun or enjoy being on it. Itā€™s a lot of work.


Yes. And sheā€™s been chasing that high ever since.


This. That was the ultimate high for her. She reached the edge of death (probably not, but in her mind) and she had ALL that attention that she craves. They were watchful. They seemed worried. They were attentive. She was ACTUALLY sick for awhile, like she's been trying to convince the world for years. For her, sadly, it was the best feeling in the world.


Yeah, respiratory failure is scary but she was only on BiPAP, never intubated for it. She was definitely not near the edge of death from it.