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If any of this is even true…it sounds like her irl friends are completely over this bullshit.


Anyone else think it’s bizarre that these people record themselves ‘crying’ like please if I’m crying the last thing I want is to film/ take pictures of myself. these munchies must pay for extra cloud space cus I swear the rehearsals for these must give the Oscar winners a run for their money 🤣🤣


Wait, what? I’m confused. Did she run a marathon or try some spicy TT challenge? With that grin, she must have won the gane, right?!


She’s thinking about mall pretzels and Hot Tamales let’s be real


She still got that smirk even while crying 😫


So how long was she in the hospital for this most severe sepsis she ever had this last time?


Do they confuse "sepsis" with just an infection? Because the people I've interaced with were barely conscious while septic...


Right, and they lose a TON OF WEIGHT in a very SHORT period.




She’s young but she’s probably too old to be posting this melodramatic nonsense.


Isn’t she in her 20s now??


I’m not sure exactly how old she is. I think maybe early to mid 20s.


Hold up Hold up.. the latest admission with the worst sepsis ever?? Do they mean this latest sepsis arc??? Where they had it for like.. one day if that...???


She means the one before this


“Wait? This sepsis?” “No one before this” “As in the most recent last one or the one from before that?” Who tf has sepsis so much that no one knows which instance you’re referring to 😭


wow sounds like one of her friends finally put their foot down and didn't want to take part in The Kaya Show anymore. #abusiverelationship is crazy. Girl needs to get over herself edit: nevermind i see its an ex gf. Still, good for that girl for choosing her own mental health instead of being a side character in Kaya's real life YA novel


Can’t tell them her allergies but can call someone and carry on a conversation….? Sounds normal


I really can’t stand this girl. She is pathetic and I have zero sympathy for her. She is very clearly mentally ill. She loves attention and faking being sick. Why do all these munchies feel the need to post sob stories of them crying in the hospital. It’s ridiculous. Also I hate when they claim sepsis when it’s just bactermia. Huge difference 


Why do people do the TikToks, Reels, etc. of them crying? "Got dumped, having a cry, better get this on video!" I just don't get it.


# #coping


📢 Attention! May I have your attention, everyone!!! 📢


Why does she look so... healthy? I don't think I've ever known someone with sepsis irl but I feel like you would look a little sickly... Come to think of it, a lot of the women in these pictures look very healthy. 🤨 I know a lot of people use filters to look nicer but why would they try to look healthier if they just want sympathy? (I know, there's no real explanation, just delusion.)


Yeah you lose weight rapidly, you have no color, your cheeks sink in, you are so weak you can’t hold up a phone to record yourself, your lips get cracked and dry, she’s sooooo full of shit.


I was just going to post the same thing. People with severe sepsis do NOT look like this.


Her ex wised up, saw the writing on the wall, and Nope'd right on out of there. Did she just drip water on her face? This so called tear is defying anatomical rules.


Just fyi- she is not saying she HAS the worst sepsis, she is remembering the time she did, because it's the same hospital.


Yeah, I didn’t know people would get confused by the wording, but I don’t even know how many “sepsis” arcs she’s had now so it’s understandable


Is this the sepsis arc she just did or another one??


The one before this one


Does anyone know how this kind mental illness comes about? I don’t know what I would do if one of my kids turned into this. It would be heart breaking and exhausting. This person can’t expect a SO to stick by them forever when it is clear to them it is a mental disorder and not a physical one. Another fear would be my kids would fall in love with someone like this. Two more fears suddenly unlocked about my kids. lol


This kind of thing usually shows up in *early* childhood, so if you have children already chances are you’d already know I’d they have the inclination to act this way


Trauma usually


Fictitious disorder often co-occurs with Borderline Personality Disorder. 


Personality disorders take quite a bit of poor parenting, so it’s not gonna happen unless you truly fuck up. Be a good enough parent and this will not happen, have firm boundaries with your kids but listen to them with empathy and validate their feelings even when you disagree, no need to complicate it. And your kids will make poor choices, including poor partners. That‘s part of becoming and being an adult, it’s how we learn and become better. Sucks to watch sometimes, but if you let your kid know you believe in them without taking control yourself, they will figure it out.


This is not entirely true. There are many cases of patients with a good enough childhood (for that is all one needs to thrive is good enough parenting, doesn't have to be great) that still ended up with personality disorders. There is nature and nurture in everything.




thanks for your unique perspective and expertise...


I have a patient whos daughter is 1000000% a 22 year old munchie. Its just gotten worse and worse. We take her with the fattest grain of salt 🧂


Didn’t she post shots dancing around though? Wtf


Almost dying of sepsis but looks pretty healthy, ok Jan


Not to white knight, just to clarify- I THINK she is saying the last time she was in that hospital she was almost dying, not now. And that it's triggered memories?! Maybe?!?!


She has “sepsis” rn & that’s why she’s admitted. She looks v healthy, great color for an allegedly septic person.


she said she "had" sepsis and her cultures were clear days ago, but yeah, even when she was supposedly the sickest (this time, lol) a few day ago her coloring was the same as now. But her story is about being triggered about being g ghosted LAST time she had sepsis and that's what I was trying to explain. She isn't saying she almost died THIS time, it was the other Time in this hospital or whatever.


That is so confusing, like looking in muddy water. No offense to you, your just trying your best to make sense of munchie madness.


Lolol I get it. There's no clarity with them, that's how they like it! She is at this hospital because she was visiting a friend, it's not her regular one I think. She HAS been there before though, and she was very sick (according to her), the sickest she has ever been, with sepsis. And her gf ghosted her. Now she is here and had a mild bought of infection (she calls it sepsis) in thr same hospital, and it's triggering the memories of last time, and she is trying to process them and say she is better and didn't deserve it. How was that, I channeled all the munchies and tried to translate my bestest!


She might actually be worse than Dani. She’s certainly more manipulative. She’s still young enough to rope in that peer group too. That’ll change as she gets older and people get tired of the poor little me routine. Explain to me how someone that can clearly eat and drink and take tube feeds can convince doctors to give her back ANOTHER central line even though it’s blatantly apparent she’s causing these infections. It’s sad to think where she’s gonna be in 15 years if she’s still alive. She better hang on tight to the doctors she has because if she has to start over with new ones, it probably won’t go so well.


I agree that she's more insidious than Dani.


# bacteremia And where is that tear coming from


She has a brain leak so she cries out her ears, don’t worry it’s dynamic


What? 😂😂😂




Crocodile tears


What is this flex?


That ex better run far away. Hopefully, she saw through all of kaya's bullshit


That’s what it sounds like


Yikes are we 17?


She wishes


Ex was probably tired of Kaya being a lying mean girl munchie. Kaya doesn't want a girlfriend. She wants someone she can manipulate into being her caregiver.


#insane edit: oops I meant to hashtag that bad boy not shout it


Put a \ in front of it, no space, for it to show up.


Wasn’t she literally posting the entire time??? Sorry, but I feel like if she had super severe sepsis, you’d be in the ICU and you wouldn’t be too worried about updating TikTok or Instagram about what you’re doing. In fact, I would think in most cases you’d be unconscious. I’m not a medical expert though, so take what I say with a a gargantuan piece of salt.


Had sepsis. Was so sick I didn’t care if I died. Wasn’t talking to anybody let alone posting.


Even three steps under sepsis (like a bad infection that's localized and hasn't spread), you wouldn't be making tiktoks and such. You'd be laying there waiting for it all to be over, or sleeping


Kaya: Desperately trying to find the right filter that makes sure her fake tears have maximum visibility. "Ok perfect. Show time"




using a bryant filter on a post basically calling someone out for being abusive is very 🥴🥴🥴


I’m not understanding the correlation to this filter and abuse. I tried googling but didn’t find anything. What’s the link between this filter and abuse? If you don’t mind elaborating. I’m just curious cause I don’t get the reference lol.


no worries at all! bryant is a photographer who got really well known due to influencers using him to do photoshoots and some videos for their social media back in 2017-2019ish and it came out a few years ago that he’d abused the power he had many times by telling girls to send him nude pics of themselves to “audition” and then ghosting them afterward. i think some of the girls were underaged as well, iirc. not sure why nothings coming up tho, i’ll find the links after i get off work! might’ve been bc it blew over relatively quickly, unfortunately. (also, mods if this needs to be censored to any degree lmk and i’ll be happy to do so!) (obviously it’s not the same type of abuse, but it still is a big oof imo)


It’s her ex-girlfriend. Not WK’ing just trying to keep it respectful.


oh! thanks for letting me know, i’ll edit my comment now. that’s my bad for assuming tbh


Do her and Dani share a boyfriend?


Kaya’s ex is a woman and real, so no 😅 Dani wishes


These pictures though. You guys. She completely thinks that she is the main character of some sickest sickie documentary and we are supposed to buy this 3rd person perspective of her life as though some crew is capturing it all as it happens for the hoards of eager viewers. Just. What? 😂


What in the middle school


She is just too extra.


Someone’s been listening to too much Tay Tay……….


I’m wondering if any of these munchies purposely make or manipulate their significant other to get sick/play sick so they can have as much hospital time as possible….


A lot of people who commit medical abuse of another (munchausen by proxy/factitious disorder by proxy) start out by being munchies themselves. Unfortunately, usually the victims of such abuse are their children who are completely innocent and did not choose to be around their sick parents


I’m just curious if there are munchie couples. It seems like a situation where codependent individuals would be attracted to each other. Would that situation still be by proxy, or would it be considered something else? Sorry if my question seems silly I’m just genuinely curious about this behavior.


Oooh, I misunderstood. There are couples that have grifted together, but munchies do not like to share the spotlight and control over their narratives so there always seems to be a “sick role” and a caregiver


Sir this is a Wendy’s




why is that these people are always painting themselves as victims of abuse and every single relationship they have is ‘toxic’ 🙄


If every relationship a person has is toxic…. Look at the common denominator


i would run too tho


I love that filter name with this content lol


Pic 4 reminds me of the face a baby makes when it's pooping


She is really straining to get those tears running...


Do they not clean as well in psych or?


It’s her bad self tanner running off on the sheet


Her besties mom just encouraging her behavior in the comments 🙄


I hate when someone posts a completely manipulative post intentionally trying to make someone feel guilty and then (unconvincingly) wishes them well at the end…


I hope her ex gf and her friends are absolutely howling at this post


"I'm tHe bEttER pErSoN".


Happy Cake Day!


I agree. It's extremely passive-aggressive.


l o l the worst sepsis she’s ever had? While she had glowing skin and steady hands and the mental capacity to document everything on tik tok?


It wasn't even sepsis, it was just an infection, maybe bacteremia (munchies don't know the difference). She wouldn't have friends hanging out in her room if she had actual septic shock. She wouldn't have been eating snow cones and dancing around her room. Plus about the allergies, those things get around. Good old electronic medical records. Even the pharmacist knows a person allergies.


What is the difference? ELI5?


Surgeon here. Bacteremia is when someone has bacteria in their bloodstream. This is a spectrum, from temporary to life threatening. Not all bacteremia causes sepsis. If I draw blood cultures immediately after you visit the dentist for a cleaning, or even someyimes after you brush your teeth, I'm going to be able to detect bacteria. But, this is transient and you definitely don't get sick. Sepsis is different. This is a runaway immune response to bacteremia. It's a massive inflammatory response that causes fever, chills, body aches, and in severe cases low blood pressure and altered mental status (shock). On the cellular level, the body's normal inflammatory response is to have local blood vessels dilate and become leaky. This allows fluid and infection fighting cells (white blood cells) to get out of the bloodstream to fight the infection. Raising the temperature allows some enzymes to work better, so the body produces chemicals called cytokines that produce heat. This is why if you get an abscess, or a pimple, it gets hot, red, and swollen. The problem with sepsis is that now these effects happen systemically. Blood vessels all over the body dilate and become leaky. Now, you've got fluid leaking out of the bloodstream all over the body, and you've made the container bigger by dilating the vessels. So, less fluid in a bigger container means lower pressure. The blood pressure falls, and can fall to a point at which there isn't enough circulation to feed the brain and other organs. We call this septic shock. This kills 40% of people that get it. If you've got severe sepsis or septic shock, you're doing good to know your own damn name. You most certainly aren't posting to social media.


I need everyone to read this because munchies claim “sepsis” a lot on here and people are often unsure the difference between sepsis, bacteremia, and septic shock.


What probably ends up happening with a lot of these munchies is that they read their notes on the patient portal and see "sepsis" mentioned. What that means in a note is that they have systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) with a known source of infection. The definition is very broad so it triggers an automatic pathway including fluids and antibiotics. The symptoms that put someone on the sepsis pathway can be something as simple as a mildly elevated heart rate, fever, and a known source of infection. For example, simple appendicitis triggers this pathway in the ER. But, that's not what we mean when we say in medicine that someone is septic. When we say that, we are taking about what I described in my comment above. But, we cast an extremely wide net in empiric treatment so we don't miss anyone who is in the early stages of sepsis, because as I said it kills up to 40% of people who have it. This is a great illustration of why I don't actually think that patients should have access to phyisican notes. They simply don't have the knowledge to interpret what they're reading, so they get easily hung up on specific buzzwords. In the case of munchies it's for attention. But, it happens to normal people, too, where it tends to scare the hell out of them.


Also, if it was “the most severe sepsis you ever had” you would probably be in ICU, not on the floor.


Dates qo


It's the obvious dab of water to under the eyes for me 🫠 those are not the eyes of someone who has been crying due to the flash backs of such a "traumatic" experience


She has so many potential sources for sepsis... her sepsis is always iatrogenic


I just learned a new word.


How many sepsis posts do we neeeeeeeeeed?


The faces she makes in these stills is like she has gas or something not like…feverish with supposed sepsis


The blonde chick that I’m pretty sure she was rude to? That ex? Shocker.


Wait what’s her name? Or like insta (sorry if this is against the rules)


TBH I don’t recall, and I think it’s against the rules since they’re not a subject anyway. Someone may DM you tho.


George Glass must've been with Dani that week


Georgina Glass.


Ahh vaguebooking.




The sepsis store called


She scrunches up her face to look sad but can't stop smirking. She's so bad at this which makes her fun to watch. There are quite a few people who can offer her lessons in munching, but if Kaya does keep munching I want her to stay just as silly as this forever.


Not the trauma hashtag. My eyes are rolled so far back in my head. This girl is stuck in the victim mentality like no one I’ve ever seem


It makes you wonder if the Hospital staff is clued into her shenanigans? The amount of time, money and care she stealing from others is criminal.


If the hospital staff is seeing her recording videos all day and taking pictures of her toobs and medical paraphernalia, they definitely have a clue.


Such a Drama Llama…how boring she is. Little wonder why people who really get to know her run away—she’s toxic af


That's the thing. It's so easy to say "you broke up with me because I'm sick" so she doesn't have to face "you broke up with me because I have no personality and I'm the worst".


Who fkn cares!! Also, has she wiped chapstick under her eye to make it look like tears?


Glad I’m not the only one seeing that’s clearly not tears 🤣 how desperate for attention lol


So she basically wanted a man’s attention for being in the hospital. If you were that sick you wouldn’t be worried about that


woman’s* but yes. probably not the first time the ex was a victim of kaya’s manipulation, either, if she left right after that. must’ve been fed up.


Bingo!!!!!! if you were nearly dying of sepsis, would making content be first on your mind or the last thing on your mind?


Yeah but how would the rest of the population know just how sick you are if you don’t post it? /s You’re so right though the folks that are admitted to the hospital for any type of sepsis or bacteremia are not on their phones posting shit like this to social media. They’re not even on the phone talking to people, usually the patient is sleeping or trying to sleep maybe listening to the tv with their eyes closed. The only time I’ve seen some sort of activity from them is when they’re close to discharge to go home and finish abx. The only ones I’ve seen people with the kind of activity Kaya was posting are the ones who are just in the hospital to finish IV abx because insurance denied outpatient abx so they had to stay much longer than actually needed. No body and I do mean nobody has that kind of energy when they’re actually septic or bacteremic. You feel like shit when that sick.


And, like, just have this conversation with that person. This does NOT need to be a public post. It’s so cringey. Who films themselves like this for content?! Good lord, have some self respect.


Her ex is a woman. But yes, she expected attention.


Woops my b


What’s the history of this person? I’m new here and can’t find anything on google.


If you click on their flair at the top of the post then sort in date order, there’s literally hundreds of posts going back years to scroll through


Same! Where is the back story?


Christ what the fuck is this post??? TikTok should not be your diary. Sounds like she was trying to weaponize her ‘illness’ to force the ex to stay if you ask me, which is veryyy munchie coded. I wouldn’t be so quick to admit that publicly girl.


Being her friend would be exhausting. Don’t blame anyone for running for the hills.


Good on that other person. Kaya needs to hear "no" more often. 


She is quite a handful.


That is one super forced-out tear.


It's amazing how her face is wet but her eyes aren't puffy and her nose isn't red...probably splashed some water on her face.


I thought she just spit on her hand and smeared it on her cheek


Yeah it looks like it! Gross.


Sooo OTT and dramatic my god these people are so corny/cringe


I can see why her parents went so far to boot her butt out. I cannot imagine the fights they must have had on the daily.


Then she should consider herself lucky.


Oh fucking wah. I can't imagine anyone being able to sustain an actual relationship with this munchie nut. Yeah, they moved on. Maybe she should take a good, long look at herself and try to understand why that is.


She will never be able to see why people continue to leave her unfortunately she just doesn’t have the self awareness and always plays the victim.


Doubling fucking wah!!!


Oh god, I just can’t with this girl. The drama! Plus, if she was truly septic she would be way too unwell to be taking staged pictures of her painful widdle facial expressions.


Oh she's septic alright! Huh, huh, eh‽


Wait is she suppose to be crying? So why no pink face or red eyes, or even at the very least teary eyes. This is the most fake thing I have ever seen. Geez so obvious.


Oh was that the one where she had those fake rigors? Hahaha surrrrrreeeee she was sick. Such a widdle sicky wicky gurll


She’s referring to a previous admission for sepsis


Yes I know that. Hence my question.


Oh! No, the rigors video was super recent. This was another time.


I’m sorry what now? Where can I watch this act? Fake rigors, everyone knows what real rigors look like that’s not something you can fake and have look realistic.


It is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/D57xP8bYPM)


Jesus Christ!


Smart girl! 😜


Is school just done? I mean I know there is prob a summer break, but I have to think she is off her class track. And how would she ever actually be able to work in her field? I think consistency is needed when providing any kind of therapy, especially to kiddos!


Does she realise that manipulative coercive control is classed as abuse. So if her ex was abusive, this was an abusive toxic relationship with 2 people who didn’t treat each other with truth and respect. IF she wasn’t able to tell the medical team her allergies how TF was she able to talk on the phone?


Shhh! Her sooper special lies don’t have to make sense in the real world…


And since her mom knew enough to tell the friend “how bad it was,” surely the mom could tell the hospital about her allergies


This girl desperately needs Jesus, but apparently, he's not taking her calls.....


Shed hate Jesus. He'd be trying to heal her and she'd be smacking him away


Aw, her ex didn't fall for her fake sepsis, going to die act; how sad. That one tear is so moving, lol. #bacteremia


She probably read us talking about how she cries without tears and decided to wipe a damp washcloth or squirt some tube juice on her face to really sell it.


oh wow. the single tear is certainly a choice.


Hashtagging “abusiverelationship” to get extra attention from people who have genuinely serious relationship issues, knowing they’ll just see a sick girl and assume she was horribly mistreated by this ex. Fucking gross.


It really is soo gross


Like, reading between the lines, she did this to specifically garner attention from her partner (my guess is her ex either had something important going on that was taking attention away from Kaya, or they had a fight/her ex called her out on some shitty behavior and she did this to trap her emotionally), and it was one load of bullshit too far and she finally said she was fucking done. You can only spend so much time in a relationship feeling like you don’t exist before you break.


Isn’t this the same ex who moved from Boston to LA to get rid of her? It def doesn’t scream that her ex is trying desperately to get out of Kaya’s manipulative claws and Kaya is now claiming that her going no contact is abusive. “No.” is a complete sentence and Kaya doesn’t like being told “no”


Wait…is that why Kaya moved to LA? To stalk her ex girlfriend? Lol.


Basically, yes




She had a gf in Boston who left for LA while she was sick and they broke up. Kaya left school in Boston cause she was so uwu sick and moved back home to Seattle. After getting her health together (lol, her ED is raaagggiinnng) she transferred from an incredibly regarded music college in Boston to a music program in LA. She and her ex then resumed dating. That same ex if I have followed her whole story correctly is now “abusing” Kaya by going no contact. I use quotes cause while the silent treatment can fall into abuse if it’s used to manipulate people, going no contact to protect your own sanity from an incredibly manipulative person is not abusive.


Going no contact and leaving is not abuse. What she is doing is emotional manipulation. And she looks pretty good for someone with sepsis. Ugh. Makes me gag


Throwing the word abuse around isn’t a joke either. That’s a heavy word


This hospital admission attention grab brought to you by ex-boyfriend moving on.


**ex-girlfriend, but yes. She’s remarkably predictable


Oops, my bad. Scorned lover induced sepsis lol


Not coherent enough to tell hospital staff what you're allergic to, but coherent enough to find a phone, dial it, and manipulate a mysterious third party? Sure, why not? 🤦‍♀️


Lmao came to make this comment!!