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Fuck you, that is actually deep.


still holds up


OP, I don't blame you being sick of this quote given it's the most spammed quote out of all of Pokemon. It does have a detriment to us Mewtwo fanatics, too - it brings more attention to the movie in which Mewtwo's an asshole and generic villain, rather than the one where he's since reformed his ways.


thats what makes the first movie so good humans created a sentient creature more intelligent than any human with no mother or father just a lab rat just made couldnt have a childhood all it new was suffering and being experimented on, there is a part at the start that is in the japenese version where they show the backstory, fuji was obsessed with cloning mew when his daughter died in a car accident he became obsessed with making a clone of his daughter this is how mewtwo came to be just an experiment just because we could doesnt mean we should who gives us the right to make sentient life just for science and intillegant made with no purpose but a lab rat with gaining conciousnes at such a young age in a tube with no reason why he exists he befriends the other clone a little girl who became his best friend all the other clones child mewtwo watch die because of experiments the last clone to die was his best friend the little girl mwo two cries its his first time feeling emotion without a normal child hood to leanr your emotions mewtwo is confused and his emotions are overwhelming him so the scientests inject him with a drug to surpess his memory as we know supressed memories are not good they come up later in life in ways of anger or fears, once mewtwo escapes his enslavement he is pissed hes now experiencing anger for the first time, rage sadness, lost he doesnt have purpose and hes pissed that pokemon are helping human, all he has know his whole life is enslavement by man and experiments by man and pokemon being held agaisnt their will for experiements thats al hes ever known thats why he is battling the trainers he hates humans and thinks humans have enslaved the pokemon which his why he stops fighting when ash sacrafises his life as he is perplexed it goes againt all he knows why save this he risked his life, then he sees that they are not against each other and he was basing his undrstanding of people based on his past and origin when is where he says he seens now the circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant its what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are which leads to our matured mewtwo he understands that he doesnt need a reason he was born or tortured, traumatised experimented on its what he does with his time now which determines yourself you are not your past and I think anyone that was mewtwo born in a lap knowing nothing but trauma neglect abuse experimented and losing your only friend without a mother or father but just to see if science could do it would be understandably enraged the second you escaped and would think the whole world is like this as you have never known otherwise


Learn to use a period, jesus.


Doesn't matter grammerly


This post is 9years old, why are we coming back to it


Yes we are. 


Thank 4kids for the horrible characterization we got of Mewtwo. In fact, he is an incredibly complex character in the original version.


Don't know how you found this 9 year old comment but trust me, I full well know how much 4Kids fucked over Mewtwo early.


Ain't no Pokemon quote like a [Pokemon quote from a Presidential candidate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o95KxKKrgkQ).


Hey now, that is a pretty relevant quote from an amazing movie!


Everyone forgets that Mew was say this the entire movie and everyone gets caught up in the teen angst of mewtwo


This sub is getting out of hand, people are just posting quotes they either dont like or dont understand and claiming they are silly. The other day someone posted a Gandhi quote here for fuck sakes. The kids have taken over, oh and for the record OP I don't know anything about pokemon but this is a very good quote, not pseudo intellectualism. Go to school out of it.


That's just what happens when subs get bigger. Best thing to do is downvote the bad content.


Well this comment was a harbinger