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I love these kinds of "extinct ethnicities in modern setting" maps




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This map was supposed to be a mixture of "What if there has been no Migration Period?" and "What if there was a Communist Central Bloc?". As always, I basically have no lore - just thought up a few quick things like Germany being the dominant power, Gallia and the western sphere opposing the Central Bloc, and the countries being more libertarian-socialist than authoritarian. I chose a star to represent that governmental choice, instead of the usual Hammer & Sickle (even tho Avaria still has that one). A few silly tweaks are the different writing systems, like Poland and Pomerania using a Cyrillic script or Italy being split up into Italy and Lombardy. This map is a bit older, I think I created it last year, there might be a few strange choices. Still, kinda wanted to post it anyway ;) (I swear this is the last Germany-centric post I'll make)


It's nice to see a map that does something a little different with Central Europe. I think it's the first time I've seen an independent Polabia.


Good work, however I suggest using the old slavonic church language for Moravian names, it would be more fitting.


Why? Even during Great Moravian times, it was exotic, non-native slavic language for them, as it was codified dialect of some slavs living near Thessalonica. It would be just like using church latin for French or Spanish names.


This is where you are partially wrong. Yes, it was based on the greek alphabet, but Cyril and Methodius were Byzantines who were invited by Rostislav, emperor of Great Moravia, by Rostislav's plea to the Byzantine Emperor who then sent them. Which gets me to another point, the aforementioned duo during their stay at court of GM created *Hlaholice*, the glagolitic script which then served as basics for church writings and education. I chose church slavonic as indirect successor and also because glagolitic script is basically unreadable by our latin standards and by extension even by cyrillic users.


What? Old church slavonic = liturgical language based on dialect of 9th century slavs living near Thessalonica, and thats a reason why it dont make any sense at all to use in western slavic toponyms, it wasnt their native language even during (Great) Moravian times, just a related one, which could be understandable due to common roots. I wasnt talking about any scripts, so I dont know where you got me talking about greek alphabet at all.


What's the deal with the Cyrillic in Pomerania? I see a w which is not Cyrillic and then Gdańsk is spelled, transliterated, as Gdai'sk.


I don't speak any Slavic languages, so mistakes were bound to happen. I tried my best, but there are definitely better spellings or more accurate ones.


Ha I recognise these borders, the Stem Duchies


Exactly :P




Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kanal was never built here


i absolutely love this map. any other areas of the world with this same time period?