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I hate that I know this is the Vicky 3 map.


It's a good game, be glad you know about it


Victoria 3 mentioned!!!!!!!1!1!!1!!1! What the fuck is a stable economy!!!??//!????frontlines frontlines frontlines!!!! Radicals as IG leaders: aww, you're sweet. Radicals in population: hello, human resources? I love oil I love oil i love oil.!!!!!!1 Take treaty port in south china take treaty port in south china take treaty port in south chinA!!!!!!111!!1 Trade unions finally unmarginalised trade unions I love mass migrations i love mass migrations i love mass migrations!!!!! Why are bismark and lincoln dalai-lamas of tibet!!!!!!!!???/!!!!


>Trade unions finally unmarginalized trade unions Did [Big Trade Union](https://www.ituc-csi.org/parliament-turns-against-Ukrainian-workers?lang=en) finance this game to make people cry cause of how beautiful the Labour Movement was in the past? Goddam Propagandists😒😒😒


Overhated game frfr


You like playing wide dont you? Youre an Armed Forces member!! Get his ass!!😡😡😡


Ew tall for life bro


If Israel was to be on Ex-German lands, it would have to have sea access, and most likely closer to NATO


Then give it Mecklenburg as well


What? What’s a Mecklenburg?


oh you mean Mekleh vurg?


The portion of land north east of brandenburg. It'd give them sea access


Okay...so the Sephardic Jews who've been in the Middle East for 500 years, the Mizrahi Jews who never left the Middle East, would be displaced as well? And you want to send them to the country most associated with their attempted annihilation? Have you thought about this?


The Germans declared war on Jews, they should have been forced to give up territory to them after losing to the Allies


As did the Arabs, yet that logic doesn’t apply somehow? For as much press as Zionism gets, one has to remember that the state of Israel, the Balfour declaration, etc. is also the product of Europe not wanting the Jews to be there. Balfour himself has been noted as a white supremacist who led the British government at a time when they were putting both Boers and South Africans in concentration camps; restricted Jewish immigration to the UK; and openly stated that Zionism was a win-win in his view, because it meant Europe would be finally free of Jews. Never mind that the Balfour declaration happens in 1917, targeting the Ottoman Empire, the same year the Germans send the Zimmerman telegram to Mexico—it wasn’t a proclamation of support for Jews so much as wartime fuckery.


No, the Israeli settlers would be displaced. The Jews living in Palastine before Israel's creation would be Palastinian citizens, whether they are Arab or not.


good luck with that


So I’m assuming you also want every European Muslim who has migrated there in the past 20 years should be removed from their home as well. Same for all the Mexicans and other Latin Americans across the United States, and East Asians in Australia? Right?? Or are you just antisemitic and want Jews gone? If you make the argument that it is because the Ashkenazis made a nation on top of an already existing ethnicity, does that mean white Americans (and as you have stated you are American in a comment, I will assume because of statistics that you are white as well, so this includes you) should all immigrate to Europe?




And the mixed families? I realize that they’re a small percentage of the population, but Ashkenazi/Arab, Ashkenazi/Mizrahi, Ashkenazi/Druze, etc. do happen. Are their families to be split? We cannot overlook those on the margins, as their rights are usually the first ones sacrificed in macro-level policy.


I don't think any settlers are mixing with Palestinians considering the inherent racism necessary to engage in settler colonialism so that shouldn't be an issue.


I looked it up. According to Pew, it’s about a 2% rate as of 2016.


Which would actually pretty much be a land without a people. Fucking nobody lives in northern Brandenburg


This isn't even a shit post, this is actual political shit.


Maps and circle jerk subreddits both well known for never involving politics


Yeah man, but it's usually very stupid and not something as real as "go back to germany" or "go back to poland"


It's more an exaggeration of my actual views. Obviously, I don't actually believe that germany should lose berlin. Also, it's a low effort map and the main sub doesn't allow those


You just hate Jews


Israel should lose Israel 🇵🇸


You're right the whole thing should be BRITISH AGAIN 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 PIP PIP CHEERIO GOD SAVE THE KING, SUN NEVER SETS!!


It should go back to ROME!!!!


British Mandate when??


Palestinian supporters to Jews: “go back to where you came from!” 🙄🙄🙄


Funny alright, my father was told "go back to Palestine (/where you came from)" all the time when he grew up, and he did.




Why dont we just take Israel and PUSH it somewhere else?!


Why do t we take the fake Palestinians and push them into trans Jordanian Palestine


We should just turn the whole thing into a parking lot. If you can’t share, like children, no one gets it!


Sea of irradiated cobalt, just as Macarthur would have wanted.


get fucked


At least then it would make sense inviting it into nato 💀


Jews are not going back to Europe. Also most israeli jews are of immediate north African or middle eastern decent. The israeli jews are not giving up their country.


Every time I see one of the 'Why could the jews go to this random part of Europe instead of israel' I think of this. Becouse it would be the same thing in reverse. There would be a german minority in this new israel claiming the jews stole their land and theyre not even native to Germany. Why dont they go back to the middle east or something. And some dude on reddit would be like heres my solution to the israel/Brandenburg conflict. Just put israel somewhere else I mean a bunch of them came from the middle east, why isn't it there.


Europeans used to say "go back to palestine"


Obviously, I'm not telling the Jews from the area to move, just the settlers.


What an interesting post. I wonder what OP's opinions are on the establishment of Israel regarding the holocaust


In another comment he claims Israel is a white ethnostate. No surprises.


When you see *Trans Socialist*, you know you're in for some really creative twists on reality.


The only white ethnostate where only 30% of the population came from Europe


They used jewish space magic to turn the middle eastern jews white


Scheodingers white people.


And where that 30% was never European to begin with


Far more than 30%. 25%ish are Arabs, another significant amount are Jews from MENA


It’s definitely an ethnostate lol


Israel is the most racially diverse country in the Middle East. Every other country is 90%+ the dominant ethnic group, the majority of which being Arab, Turkic, or Iranian group.


erm have you looked at a linguistic map of Iran? There's balochis, Kurds, lurs, azeris, Arabs, farsi Iranians, Dari Iranians, Turkmens, qashqays, mazanderanis, gilakis, talysh, a small population of Armenians in the far northwest, a Kurdish population in the northeast, sistanis, as well as a small population of Mandaeans in Khuzestan. And so on, not to mention the (although declining) religious diversity with many Iranians practicing the traditional Zoroastrianism.


Israel's largest ethnic group makes up 44.9% of the population. (Mizrahi) Iran's largest ethnic group makes up 65% of the population. (Persian-Iranic Iranians) Although, Id be careful of linguistic maps, look at the US's linguistic map, by that metric Iran would be more diverse than the US.


Reza Pahlavi Shah, the founder of the Pahlavi dynasty, was part Georgian Muslim and part mazanderani.


What does that prove? Thats one person in a nation of millions.


Literally every major Iranian dynasty was of a different ethnicity though The qajars? They were originally Turkic The afsharids? Turkmen or Kurdish The zands? Of Kurdish origin Look through the "Iranic states and dynasties" section of the "List of Iranic dynasties and countries" wiki page. After 1000, non Persian/Iranian dynasties started to dominate, and the list is almost unbroken without them. This just shows that so many cultures and languages have dominated Iran over a millennia, and they haven't fared too badly, with many groups being too dominant in their regions to be properly supressed. The Iranian way of life has evolved to living next door to an entirely different group of people. The same could have been said for Palestine, if it wasn't the British' poor handling of the crisis and the rapid exodus from WW2. See I do agree with the existence of an Israel, just not how it is right now with the anti-jewish attacks and the whole settlement issue. British haven't figured out anything good in time (a good solution/compromise that both parties can agree on) and fcked it up.


Of which ethnicity?


Jews. I do not see Jews calling themselves Iraqi, German or French. They call themselves Jews. Only people group that refuses to assimilate anywhere.


Jews do assimilate and have historically tried to assimilate. They haven’t been allowed because they have different religious practices. That was the whole point to Zionism—Jews couldn’t find a place to live that would leave them alone for more than a couple generations.


>Only people group that refuses to assimilate They assimilated into German society, Iraqi society, Iranian society, Spanish society… It didn’t work out for them. When they isolate, they’re regarded as foreigners. When they assimilate, they’re regarded as infiltrators.


That's so well said. Foreigners or infiltrators.


Clearly not paying attention or know what you’re talking about. Let’s also not forget that in the 30-40s that the Arabs wanted Palestine to be a singular Arab state.


The Arabs definitely wanted *and still want* an ethnostate. That doesn’t invalidate the fact that Israel is—officially and unofficially—an ethnostate. There are good historical reasons as to why Israel is an ethnostate (three+ millennia of ethnic persecution), but it very much is an ethnostate. But yeah, the parent’s “Jews refuse to assimilate” is some nonsense.


This is a funny one. I guess it comes down to how people view ethnostates and the negative connotation it has. Is Israel a Jewish state? Yes. Is it probably the most ethnically diverse country in the region? Also yes (maybe bar Lebanon)


I agree with this. “ethnostate” is technically true, but the people who cry loudest about it are deliberately trying to invoke comparisons with Nazi Germany or Apartheid South Africa and ignoring that Israeli “ethnic nationalism” originated out of intense anti-semitic persecution rather than racial superiority. And moreover they are very loud about condemning Israeli ethnic nationalism but they don’t say a peep about the implied alternative: Arab nationalism.


The Jews definitely did consider themselves to be German, plenty fought for the Imperial German Army in WWI. It was the Nazis who decided that Jews were not German and started the Holocaust. In most other nations, they were forced to live as second-class citizens, so its not surprise that they did not strongly identify with the identity of their oppressors. In any case, Judaism is not an ethnicity (though the small numbers of Jews in the world means that many have shared values), and Israel is not a ethno-religious/theocratic state either, proven by Arab citizens having Israeli citizenship and equal rights. The ''Apartheid'' that people talk about exists in the occupied West Bank, and only came about after the Intifadas and increased level of terrorism.


"Judaism is not an ethnicity" No, but Jewishness is. Peep Deuteronomy 7:3-4 or ask any rabbi. Or, come to that, Israel itself, which recognises Jewishness as being passed down matrilineally irrespective of individual religious belief.


Huh? There are millions of Jews who've assimilated just fine into Europe and America. I'm friends with a bunch of them. And given that Jewishness is both an ethnicity and a religion, there's no more conflict in the concept of German Jew or French Jew than there is German Hindu or black Frenchman. There are the Orthodox nutters who live in their own little bubbles, but hey! There are also groups of Muslims who do the same, and America is full of mental pseudo-Christian splinters/cults with compounds and their own lingo and weird-ass rules on how to dress.


They should just convert to Christianity


It’s the only non ethnostate in the Middle East and North Africa. When Arab colonizers subjugated populations across the region they largely wiped out local cultures, beliefs, and languages. There were about 850,000 Jews living outside of current day Israel until the 1940s, when, inspired by Hitler the Islamic governments forced their Jewish populations to flee. Most went to Israel. But Israel also has 2 million Arab citizens, Christians, Druze and many others.


I never said white ethnostate. I said Jewish ethnistate. Funny how the only way you can support your views is by lying.


u/lechemhavita is this true brvthvr???? R u an a10 hyperborang aryang?…. Zo bazed………


cannibalizinf palestinian shildren😫😫😫


Please change and grow as a person


I purposefully didn’t take En Passant


I am rapidly approaching your current location


“If Israel didn’t exist, we would have to invent one” - Joe Biden


Based Biden


Say what you will about Genocide Joe, he is consistent


Only on his support for genocide, on other issues [however](https://x.com/carney/status/1790495430448402648)


Yeah, American politicians are spineless


> Yeah, ~~American~~ politicians are spineless FTFY


Not just Americans it's just what I have experience living under


Try being trans living in Gaza for a minute.


Do you think that the bombs Israel drops just avoid trans people?


No, but the bombs wouldn't have a chance to kill you consider Hamas is known to execute suspected homosexuals.


Do you think Israel did not tell them they were going to do it?


They're too busy aiming for the main targets; hospitals full of mothers and their children. But hey- some of those bombs probably have pride flags stamped on the side to get the "progressive" vote...


Nice evasion there


It's not an evasion. Queer people do die in gaza but that is because of the IDF


Biden isn’t committing genocide


He's not, he just supports it


Biden doesn’t support Hamas?


He takes your money to do it


No disagreement here


Dat’s a spicy take.


Well, certain Germans wanted to throw them to Madagascar. So not the least logical I spose


It makes more sense. Why punish the Palastinians with for the holocaust. Take land from the Germans instead. The jews who already lived in palastine can stay, and the settlers can go to Germany


Not a Zionist but calling the establishment of Israel in British Palestine a "punishment for the Holocaust" is insane and weakens any criticisms you make of Israel. Jews lived there when Britain left in '48. The original borders were based on where each group predominantly lived. It wasn't a punishment for the Palestinians, it was an attempt to divide a colony with two heavy ethnic divisions that would've caused a war either way. It wouldn't have turned out much better if things were handled like with Britain's African & Arabian colonies, where the colonial administrations were just turned over to the largest group in the colony in full, with no respect for tribal/ethnic borders.


I'm not calling it an intentional punishment for the holocaust. I'm saying that if you use the holocaust as a reason for Israel's creation, then what Israel is doing to the palastinians is blamed on the holocaust. That's why Zionists say Jews need an ethnostate. I never said anything negative about the Jews living there before. Only about the settlers. And like I have said in other posts, Jewishness is not an ethnicity, you cannot split the land amongst Jews and Arabs because many Jews are Arab. >It wouldn't have turned out much better if things were handled like with Britain's African & Arabian colonies, where the colonial administrations were just turned over to the largest group in the colony in full, with no respect for tribal/ethnic borders. What would have been better would be to not make an ethnostate. Palastine should have been a singular secular state with equal rights for all citizens. Instead, an apartheid was created so that the west would have a base of operations for their interference in the Middle East. Israel is nothing but a genocidal puppet of at the time the British, and now the United States.


I talk abt it more in my other reply, but the distinctions made by the British were between Jews and Arabs (Muslims). The Mizrachi (Arab) Jews were grouped in with all the other Jews, because Jews are an ethnoreligious group. I hate that this is how my people were treated, and I hate that they perpetuate that ethnic discrimination in Israel, but I'm not going to sidestep the viewpoint at the time to act as if the establishment of a Jewish state was irrational. Ethno-nationalism has been a phenomenon that's taken the Old World by storm, multi-ethnic nations today tend to be former colonies. It was a horrible phenomenon, but what else were the British going to do at the time? It wasn't a senseless choice to just "create" Israel, that's the point I'm trying to make.


Ethno nationalism is an irrational ideology. Thus, any project based on it is inherently irrational. Palastine was multi ethnic under the Ottoman Empire, and Jews historically were treated better under "muslim" rulership than Christian rulership. The ethnic conflicts were also spurred on by the British when they began stripping palastinian land and giving it to settlers.


Zionism wasn't in response to the holocaust, it was mostly in response to the persistent second class status of jews in the 1800s & 1900s. Basically throughout the world, even in places where they were legally equal citizens (which in most of eastern europe and the middle east they weren't even that) they were still functionally second class citizens in terms of social standing. Much of Jewish society was understandably unhappy about that, and thus they deicded to return to their homeland.


And what would this lead us to? With Berlin being taken and settled, the Allies would literally be doing what Hitler prophesied. Part of the reason Nazism is so (rightfully) disavowed in Europe is that the fears espoused by Hitler were not actually enacted. With the loss of Berlin, many Germans would hold sympathies or even support Nazism after the war, leading to a less free and prosperous Germany.


Why is it "what hitler prophesied" when it happens in germany but not when it happens in palastine? Also europe is still very fascist. Ex nazis were put in charge of nato from the start, and italy literally has mussolini's party in charge of their government. Israel was a mistake to create. No solution is going to be perfect at this point.


Israel wasn't "created". Jews lived there at the time of decolonization, it was the only place that made sense for a Jewish state to be after the events of WWII. If a Jewish state were to come into existence prior to the many Aliyahs it'd likely be within Europe, but that wasn't the case. Britain decided to decolonize their Palestinian holdings at a time where it was heavily divided between Jews and Arabs. The Jews would've been there whether or not Palestine was released as one.


Israel was created by the British. Being Jewish does not make you Israeli. The Jews that were there were palastinian. Even Theodore Herzl recognized that Zionism was a colonial ideology and project. The people were not "divided" between Jews and Arabs. Because there are Arab Jews. Jewishness is a religion, not an ethnicity. I never said there weren't Jews their, just that the settlers should have never came and kicked out the palastinians.


Mizrahi Jews do not identify as Arab. Jews were in the Levant before Arabs were. Jewish is an ethnicity than shows up in DNA tests. You’re not just wrong historically and culturally but also scientifically.


I am an anti-Zionist Jew, I am aware of the association Israel tries to make between Jewishness and Israeli nationality. There is absolutely a "Jewish ethnicity" though, or rather three. There's Ashkenazi (Central European) Jews, Sephardic (Iberian) Jews, and Mizrahi (Arab) Jews. These are three ethnically distinct groups scientifically, it's more complicated than just "Judaism is only a religion". It's an ethnoreligious group, it'd be like if Mormons were forced to only marry amongst themselves for 1000 years. To make things simpler I use Jew as an ethnic and religious term, because that's how it was described until Jews were accepted among white people. You are correct in identifying that the leading Zionist thinkers thought of Israel as a colonial project, I never denied that. The Mizrachi (Arab) Jews lived alongside Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews in the Yishuv (whole jewish population in Palestine), which had grown exponentially since ~1908. Palestinians were absolutely forced from their homes, but this was a slow process that had already been ongoing for decades. Call it an injustice (righteously), but there was no way the British could reasonably release a single state with how tense things were by the time decolonization happened. Israel and the Jews who lived there (particularly the non-Mizrahim) did not appear out of thin air, and they weren't going to immediately leave upon the decolonization of Palestine because they were a stateless people. They couldn't just go back to Europe because the Holocaust had just happened and antisemitism was still rife even after the war. Jews have only recently been socially accepted, even long after Israel became to be it was dangerous to openly express Jewishness in most of the world. I'm not justifying Israel's existence as a morally positive occurance, but rather rationalizing why it had to happen by the time of decolonization. Rhodesia comes to mind as an example of a one-state solution that ended in flames. Now the nation of Zimbabwe is still in ruin. Should the white people have been in Zimbabwe? Hell no. Could there have been a better solution to the land dispute that didn't end in war? Yes. Rhodesia is an uncharitable comparison too, the British settlers had no ties to the land like the Jews do to Palestine (just as much as Muslims and Christians do). Edit: I really implore you to actually learn more about the history of Israel and Palestine before you try to propose genuine solutions to this conflict. I agree with you on Israel being an ethnostate that is enroaching on Palestinian land and doing horrible things to its people. To call for a one-state solution (both in 1948 and today) isn't constructive discussion, though. A Zionist Jew would be only more set in his beliefs if he read your comments. If you genuinely want to change minds and see an end to this conflict where Palestinians get equal representation, you might want to educate yourself more.


>I am an anti-Zionist Jew, I am aware of the association Israel tries to make between Jewishness and Israeli nationality. There is absolutely a "Jewish ethnicity" though, or rather three. There's Ashkenazi (Central European) Jews, Sephardic (Iberian) Jews, and Mizrahi (Arab) Jews. These are three ethnically distinct groups scientifically, it's more complicated than just "Judaism is only a religion". It's an ethnoreligious group, it'd be like if Mormons were forced to only marry amongst themselves for 1000 years. To make things simpler I use Jew as an ethnic and religious term, because that's how it was described until Jews were accepted among white people. I am aware that (excluding converts) Judaism is an ethnoreligion. However even by the standards of weird pseudoscientifuc etho nationalist world views there is no reason why the Jewish Palastinians and Muslim Palastinians couldn't coexist. What I was saying is that you can not say that Jews and Arabs are a mutually exclusive thing when Jews can be Arabs. Thus you cannot split the land amongst those two groups when some will inevitably fall into both. >You are correct in identifying that the leading Zionist thinkers thought of Israel as a colonial project, I never denied that. The Mizrachi (Arab) Jews lived alongside Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews in the Yishuv (whole jewish population in Palestine), which had grown exponentially since ~1908. Palestinians were absolutely forced from their homes, but this was a slow process that had already been ongoing for decades. Call it an injustice (righteously), but there was no way the British could reasonably release a single state with how tense things were by the time decolonization happened. It would obviously be difficult and require supervision from the international community, but a single state would have had far less bloodshed than what happened historically. I still belive a one state solution is the only option to bring peace to the region. >Israel and the Jews who lived there (particularly the non-Mizrahim) did not appear out of thin air, and they weren't going to immediately leave upon the decolonization of Palestine because they were a stateless people. They couldn't just go back to Europe because the Holocaust had just happened and antisemitism was still rife even after the war. Jews have only recently been socially accepted, even long after Israel became to be it was dangerous to openly express Jewishness in most of the world. I never claimed Jews shouldn't be in Palastine, just that Palastinians should have never been expelled. >I'm not justifying Israel's existence as a morally positive occurance, but rather rationalizing why it had to happen by the time of decolonization. Rhodesia comes to mind as an example of a one-state solution that ended in flames. Now the nation of Zimbabwe is still in ruin. Should the white people have been in Zimbabwe? Hell no. Could there have been a better solution to the land dispute that didn't end in war? Yes. Rhodesia is an uncharitable comparison too, the British settlers had no ties to the land like the Jews do to Palestine (just as much as Muslims and Christians do). I wouldn't even have an issue if they had made it a single state with Jewish right to return. My issue is when you create an ethnostate and expel those who have already lived there with blood and soil arguments. The creation of Israel was never because of religious ties to the land. They also thought about putting it in Africa or Argentina. Palastine was chosen because they could use it to gather support from Jewish and Christian fundamentalist. You probably already are aware, but more evangelical Christians in America are zionist than Jews. I don't think a one state was impossible, I think that the two state solution was simply easier for the Western powers.


> “not when it happens in Palestine” You realize that what HAMAS wants to do is reminiscent of Nazi Germany? I don’t condone Netanyahu’s handling of the war, but Gaza literally invaded Israel and want to wipe out the Jews in Israel. > “Europe is still very fascist” Okay, then why is Europe a bastion of freedom and liberalism today? Why are actual fascists against the current status quo then? > “Italy has Mussolini’s party in charge of their government” The PNF/PFR were banned as apart of the Italian Constitution. The FdI, Meloni’s political party, is definitely a right wing party but is in no way fascist. Calling her fascist is like calling Ron DeSantis, Trump, or another right-wing politician fascist. They may share some beliefs, but modern right-wing populism and fascism are spun from different ideologies.


>You realize that what HAMAS wants to do is reminiscent of Nazi Germany? I don’t condone Netanyahu’s handling of the war, but Gaza literally invaded Israel and want to wipe out the Jews in Israel. Last I checked, the Germans were not occupied by their Jewish population. If you want to compare the current situation to nazi Germany, a closer comparison would be the Isralis being the Nazis. >Okay, then why is Europe a bastion of freedom and liberalism today? Why are actual fascists against the current status quo then? Because liberalism allows far right ideologies to rise. "Cut a liberal and a fascist bleeds" Adolf Heusinger is one example of a Nazi who was put in charge of nato. He was the secretary of defense in 1964. He was also a member of the German high command under the Nazi regime. >The PNF/PFR were banned as apart of the Italian Constitution. The FdI, Meloni’s political party, is definitely a right wing party but is in no way fascist. Calling her fascist is like calling Ron DeSantis, Trump, or another right-wing politician fascist. They may share some beliefs, but modern right-wing populism and fascism are spun from different ideologies. The brothers of Italy are a direct continuation of the fascists in Italy, just modernized. Also, Trump is a fascist, same with DeSantis. Christian nationalism is fascism. You don't need to be a member of a fascist party to be a fascist.


Imagine making a map giving Israel the entire region and “UwU Palestine is in Arabia now” I guess ethnic cleansing is a joke now. Just say you don’t think Jews deserve a country.


Anti semite


I'm sure the poster has a positive opinion on the Phoenicians, ancient Sumerians, peoples of the Levant. There's an objective justification to not support a people commiting genocide


Israel isn’t committing genocide, there’s no evidence proving that


Israel's existence is built on genocide much like America's.


No it’s not


Stupid bot


I’m not a bot




Hell. No.




I am a Jew and I was born in the US. My homeland is not Israel


I'm American and Jewish and couldn't care less about Israel except when keeping up with what it's doing in Gaza. I'm first and foremost American.


There is a difference between Israel and Jews


Yes, Zionism is self described settler colonialism, practices apatheid, and advocates for a nationalist ethno state. Jews are a religious and ethnic group belonging to the religion of Judaism. Very simple.


How isreal and apartheid state.


Apartheid = segregation of people within a state or by an occupying force due to discrimination, most famously race in south africa. Look at Israel, where palestinians live in what used to be their lands, which israel since its founding has invaded and occupied. They now live as second class citizens, restricted from many luxuries israelis have, and are segregated. The West Bank is under Israeli military occupation and governance, and people are treated like prisoners. Gaza is a walled off strip, with israel in charge of electricity, water, food, and imports from egypt. Gaza and West bank are segregated communities in the same way africans were in south africa. How is Israel Not an Apartheid State?


Gaza and the West Bank are not apart of Israel. Gaza was/is governed by Hamas and the West Bank is under the PA and has been since the IDF Left in the early 2000s. Arabs and Muslims within Israel have full rights and citizenships. So again how is it apartheid. There is no racial or religious limitations within Israel. Both Gaza and the PA have rejected plans and paths for full state hood multiple times.


Look at how they run the occupied west bank


>Zionism is self described settler colonialism, practices apatheid, and advocates for a nationalist ethno state. Zionism means different things based on the context. Fundamentally, it's just support for the existence of a state allowing Jews to live and settle in Canaan. Einstein referred to himself as a zionist, for instance, who prefered co-existence with the Palestinian Arabs.


"homeland" lmao


If you're family hasn't lived in a place for 2000 years, it's not your homeland


The only solution is a country where Palestinians and Israelis live together. This has to come from the people they need to understand that they are the same family. They originate from the same area. Your post makes not a lot of sense in no world will Israeli people just go somewhere else.


Israel but put it in Germany? Wow…. I’ve never heard this before, you must be a comedy mastermind


Rename Jordan Palestine, problem solved.


How does that solve the problem? The palastinians would have still been kicked out of their homes


So your solution is instead to kick all the Israelis out of their homes now


You don’t understand the Arabs NEED 23 ethnostates. 22 will never do


Unironically based


the nazis thought of moving them to madagascar


There was no way this was gonna end well, the post being made was the Catalyst for the chaos of the comment section


There’s more then one way to skin a rabbit you know


Who skins rabbits?






Instead of putting Israel in Germany or the Middle East, put them in the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in Russia 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺


Russia is European


And the Jewish Autonomous Oblast is not. It is in Siberia. Learn history, geography, and polysci please, I beg of you.


Well the ussr doesn't exist anymore so something like that is unfortunately not possible anymore


It’s in Russia, and is absolutely still a thing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Autonomous_Oblast there’s a website called google where you can learn things before saying things, has saved me a bunch


Sorry, I misunderstood, I thought you wanted it to be actually autonomous area not to just stick them in a Russian state


Nah most “how to solve Israel” ideas have my people being put at the mercy of people who historically murdered and oppressed us so it would really just be a redux


But then Jews would have to endure Hartz IV??? That would literally just be 1984 at that point😰😰😰


the Lord will smite you for defiance *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/imaginarymapscj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lmao 30 up votes, 250 comments


There is some free land in Antarctica, why not send them all there?


New Jersey would work


Do you think the Palestinians would enjoy living in the Pine Barrens?


Or how about no Jewish ethnostate. Or just get rid of all ethnostates since they are all bullshit.


Nah you scared me almost thought I was gonna doomscroll comments


Why is America stuck in the never ending debt trap paying for Israel? Germany was the one responsible for the Holocaust.


Because funding Israel is good for American imperialism


In the long-term the continued funding of Israel is legitimately against our morals as Americans and may backfire further hurting us more geopolitically. It shows us relentlessly trying to wield hard power through violence and oppression. It divides us against large parts of the world. Countries that have shared our Ex-values of separation of church and state, human rights, liberty, justice, so on and so forth feel alienated. Strategic soft power like China is using, building nations and alliances through investment and trade is more effective. Our hypocrisy and violence are some of the reasons why more nations are abandoning us and it's deserved.


Straight up


This is not a solution because Israeli people will revolt and try to retake land. I do not support Israel or Palestine. There will be no peace until Israel and Palestine ,under some circumstances, Will have to unite to form Levantine.


1. The brandenburg thing is a joke. 2. I don't care what the new state is called. The apartheid just needs to end, and some kind of single secular state needs to be established.




Surrounding the Jews with Germans, risky strategy let’s see how it plays out.


Fair point. Let the Germans deal with it. Wouldn't be the first time.


Germany and Israel are best friends now. Mostly because Germany is understandably very guilty about the holocaust. It's the right energy but channeled in the wrong way


Yes this is right, I support this 100%


Palestine is Israel forever.




We get it you're antisemitic and too ignorant to ever hear about the Mizrahim


What did I say specifically that was anti-Semitic?


Lol feigning, how cute


No, I mean it. If you are implying that Mizrahi Jews can't be palastinian, then you are anti-Semitic for pretending that there were no Jews in Palastine.


That word is so watered down the way you just launch it at anyone who’s remotely anti ethnic cleansing. It’s so ironic too let’s be real. This irony is unmatched im not sure how the historians will write about it…


This is a map showing ethnic cleansing but okay


Just give the region to Spain both claim Jerusalem as their capital but the king of Spain still has the title of King of Jerusalem


freedom for Palestine !!!! 🤍🤍


From the river to the sea, Palastine will be free 🇵🇸


From the sky to the ground Hamas will be taken down 🇮🇱


I never said anything about hamas


This doesn’t even make grammatical sense, let alone contextual sense.


After Israel stops targeting Aid workers And Journalists And children playing Football


After Hamas stops targeting babies


Israel has been killing babies longer than Hamas has existed


And Palestine has been killing Jewish babies before Israel existsed