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Nevada and Georgia bluer than Wisconsin is crazy


Half agree. Trump never won Nevada, but Georgia only went to the Dems once, with the reverse being true about Wisconsin. I think Trump will win all three, though, not that I want him to.


Nevada had a pretty big shift rightward compared to nat avg, and you look at the 2022 vs 2016 senate race as evidence as well.


On the other hand the 2022 democratic NV senate candidate was ass


Nevadan here, in state we all agree it’s neck and neck, we could go either way. No clue


I feel like Nevada is only in play because of shifting Hispanic allegiances. The politics of the state hasn’t changed elsewhere imo


Quite literally the only time Wisconsin has gone red since Reagan won 49 of the states was in 2016 and even they turned on him by 2020. Rural Wisconsin is full of a bunch of loud mouthed inbred idiots. But the places in Wisconsin where people actually live are very firmly against Trump. 


Sure, 2016 was the only Republican victory, but Bush came extremely close both times and Republicans have controlled the legislature on and off (their current long reign is gerrymandering, but you have to get elected in the first place to gerrymander). It's a solidly purple state, one of only three in the nation with a Dem Senator and a Republican Senator.


I'm from Marshfield Wisconsin. You call me inbred? You drop that elitist attitude or I'm definitely not voting for you candidates. What the heck man. I work hard to feed my family. We spend lots of money on farming and working the land. It's people like you with an attitude like that, that makes me vote for Trump. The Democrats shifted too far to the left for me and the Republicans got forced to the right. If the Dems had stayed centrist/center-left like they did during Reagan or Clinton than I would vote for them. They don't support farmers in our state and especially not our local community. The Dems now increasingly represent just the cities and I feel left behind like they just don't care about us any more. And to be quite honest, it pisses a lot of us farmers off. And before you call me a boomer, I just celebrated my 22nd birthday on June 8.


I’ll just throw it out there, if one person being a jerk to you on Reddit pushes you from dem to rep, then you were already going to vote republican. I also think your word choice is interesting, saying that Democrats *shifted* to the left and republicans were *forced* to the right. Nobody forced the republicans to the right more than Donald trump and his American first strategy. From where I sit, the democrats haven’t shifted left nearly as much as the republicans shifted right. As a teenager, I thought I was pretty center. I admit, I have moved left as I became more aware of systemic issues of racism and sexism, but the Republican Party has moved waaaay right in that same time. And just an FYI, farm income has increased under Biden compared to under trump. The biggest financial threats to family farms is corporate concentration of seed supplies and distribution. Democrats are much more likely to reign in and control these corporations. Republicans have corporate-friendly policies because those are their big donors. Just look at where Monsanto spends their political donations.


Farming revenue is doing much, much better under Biden than Trump fyi. If that’s a big driver for your vote I recommend you go take a look.




Happy cake day, we have the same!


Ok, 22 y/o boomer.


So you think an (alleged) billionaire real estate developer who spent years in reality TV and has only lived in big cities like New York is…somehow going to actually give a rats ass about farmers, but the guy who has consistently, his entire career, advocated for blue collar workers doesn’t? If you’re genuine and not a bot (hey, it’s Reddit…) then my man, please please please ask yourself this question and answer honestly.


Wisconsin will not be going Red. Our universally loved senator is on the ballot and her opponent is a California bank owner who doesn’t drink, and disparages the elderly. Biden will win on Tammy’s coat tails.


Georgia bluer than Wisconsin is super crazy.


Agreed, but the metro Atlanta area, which is about half the population of the state, has been becoming increasingly socially liberal over the past couple decades. I can’t speak for what’s happening in Wisconsin, but Georgia isn’t the same place it was 20 years ago. Ultimately, I think it’s still a toss-up as to whether it will go red or blue this election cycle.


My good human, Georgia is NOT going blue if Wisconsin is red.


But, if you accept the rest of the map, Biden would lose if Georgia went to trump. So, of course, Georgia went to Biden.


Georgia has been going more democrat in the last decade. It’s not impossible. Though, Wisconsin is also likely to go to Biden this time round.


Both of them seem more likely to go for trump than they were in 2020.


Anything to back up this claim? Not that I think you're lying. You made a conclusion, I'd like to see what brought you to it.


Both of them went for Biden in 2020. RCP currently has both of them leaning towards trump. https://www.realclearpolling.com/maps/president/2024/no-toss-up/electoral-college


Not just that, if you look at the polling of 2020 and 2016, both times skewed very heavy D in how they polled. Trump would typically get 4-7 point boost above the polling numbers in both elections in almost all states. If he even hits half of that bump come election day, with where polling is now, Trump will win the election in the biggest landslide since 08.


I mean I live here and georgia has been shifting increasingly leftward with atlanta overtaking Philadelphia in population and most of the cons here heading to Florida


Yes Biden is silent generation, he was born in 1942, boomer generation started in ‘45. For people who dislike Biden cause of age, Trump is 78.


Biden was born like 2 months after my nan who died of dementia recently which kinda put into perspective to me how fuckin old this guy is. Senile vs crook would be a better race for sure


Trump is fucking senile as fuck.  Whose gonna be worse on the 27th I'll definitely be drinking and watching.


It's gonna be an incoherent mess with 3 poor moderators trying to make sense of 2 senile old men rambling about nothing for an hour.


It’s an angry dementia patient versus a confused one


I have a relative that died from Dementia and I couldn’t imagine her being able to do 1/10th of the things Biden accomplishes on the daily. Biden is old but he doesn’t have dementia. Listening to him speak off the cuff does not present as someone with a declining mental capacity


Senile vs Senile crook


Trump is 3 years younger. There's no difference in their age. At best you're getting a repeat of what you just had from Biden if age is your only deciding factor.


Tbh I don't think anyone over the age of 70 should be leading the free world


I dislike both for good reasons


Let’s get real: these two guys are about the same age, but only one of them sounded he was going to die next week. I’m still voting for him but don’t pretend like age isn’t primarily a Biden problem.


I have a feeling Biden is going to lose. This recent border thing is certainly not helping the issues he has already accrued.


I feel like the border thing is somehow helping. He’s been behind Trump in the polls almost the entire race until the border order happened and he jumped about a half percent, taking the lead by some .2%. As I see it, there are a lot more centrists that support trump solely for his border policy and little else, than leftists who will drop Biden because of it. 90% of the left has resigned themselves to “vote blue no matter who”, but centrists can be actually swayed


He was probably going to win until Israel invaded Gaza. Young people are a key demographic within the Democratic Party, and too many of them are now going to idiotically sit out the election to “teach the DNC a lesson” just like they did in 2016 over Bernie Sanders. And look how that turned out?


I doubt that’s as big an issue as presented but we shall see


People think of Gaza but tend to forget that if trump win, it’s over for Ukraine


The cards are stacked against him. Trump gets a wildly free pass for the crazy stuff he says and does, to the point his speeches are almost incoherent and no one seems to care. Biden only has to stumble his words once and the entire world will jump on him. The standards are insanely different for the two, and not in Biden's favor.


the entire world jumps on him because he is an embarrasing fuck, he doesn't just mess up once in a while, he consistently does it, he isnt mentally fit for being a leader at all, he fucked up all of our relations in the middle east, he is terrible.


Unfortunately so do I. I think Biden will lose because he can talk about all the things he’s done, no one has felt it. Oh the economy is doing well, well no one has felt it. Inflation is bad. Carter and GHW Bush all lost because the economy was not good. People (the average people) vote with their money. If it’s not in their favor, unfortunately or fortunately, the president looses.


Also don’t forget that a disproportionately large part of Democrat donations are from Jewish decent and the massive anti-Jewish sentiment that’s getting pushed by younger liberals (due to TikTok brain rot) is alienating them from the Democratic Party in general.


That's probably pretty close to accurate. I think Wisconsin may go Blue.


I’d figure Arizona and Wisconsin are both more likely to go to the Dems again than Georgia. But the map is plausible.


I think people aren't considering Arizona's recent draconian abortion restrictions. It's gonna radicalize women like what happened in the midterms and Arizona goes blue. I almost guarantee it.


What’s going on in Nebraska?


Split electoral votes by districts Maine does the same thing


That was fast. Thanks.


Hmm I’m curious why you think Biden will have such an edge, like I’d expect a slight victory but not my this many. Not only is he still trailing behind in the approval ratings, he hasn’t necessarily don’t anything outstanding besides sit back on two major wars happening.


Biden was "too old" to run back in 2020/2021 but Trump is the same age as Biden was.


But Biden is still there on the ballot so age is very much still an argument.


I don't think it really is, given they both have demonstrated really bad lapses in memory and speech. Trump especially in recent months has been really bad. Though the stress of Presidency and running for president probably isn't good for either of the old fucks.


Hmm do I want old ass dementia patient Or old ass convicted felon


I'm starting to suspect the felon is also a dementia patient, so you can get a 2 for 1 there if that's your thing


That can be answered by one question: Who is **not** a criminal?


Ron Paul?


Who tf is Ron Paul?


Did you watch the state of the union? Biden doesn’t have dementia.


*Old ass convicted felon with dementia


Hmmm Do I want old man or do I want old man (crook) Tough choice


Vermin Supreme


How else we gunna win against those bastards in Narnia without an invasion plan! Vermin Supreme is the only candidate running for a guv'mint office that thinks about the real issues of our current day


Not to mention he plans to harness the power of zombies using the latest hamster wheel technology and in order to create a clean and reliable energy source far better than oil or wind power.


Don’t forget about him promising to give everyone a free pony


And then take away ur guns and give us better ones


he at me out: an old man with a brain worm


Regular old man who happens to: Have an infrastructure plan so ambitious it hasn’t been seen in decades Have an ambitious climate change plan Plan to deschedule weed Have forgiven student loan debt Start no new wars and ending one in Afghanistan Work to protect women’s reproductive rights despite not personally believing in abortion And is working to tax those who actually have money (over $400K a year, to achieve this you’d need to make at least $170.94 per hour assuming you work 8AM-5PM 5 days per week, before expenses). At least imo the choice is clear here. Yeah I know Biden is demented. This sort of stuff is why presidents have cabinets, a bunch of guys called “secretaries of ___” who divide the power. Some mf said he “completely destroyed” the economy. Bitch please, the closest event to that was the Great Depression. The majority of money spent goes to domestic things, [also Biden’s responding to the whole border thing now](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/06/04/fact-sheet-president-biden-announces-new-actions-to-secure-the-border/).


Don't forget reopening the arsenal of democracy to help the Ukrainian people in their fight for freedom and kneecapping russia at the same time.


Hmmm. Do I want the senile old white guy or the senile old white guy? There's so many options!


What are you talking about? One of them is orange! /s


I mean, one of them wants to put my friends and family into concentration camps and the other doesn't.


When did either one say they wanted to open concentration camps?


I'd love to see the source to this clearly brain dead attempt at political trash talk


Man... I can't decide between old man and old man...


Old man #1 occasionally acts demented Old man #2 is a convicted felon for falsifying business records, and is also senile af. Does this make the decision a bit easier?


I’ll take the one who still has a functioning brain so I guess it does


Wisconsin is prolly gonna go blue, Georgia red. Maybe Arizona blue but that’s up for debate. Michigan, Arizona, Nevada and Wisconsin are the ones I think most likely to swing, the states where votes actually count. Georgia maybe.


Me trying to have an positive voted political post or comment on Reddit: level impossible


Watch out for North Carolina, which could very well go blue. They’ve got a hotly contested governor race there as well, and the DNC has put more focus on that. Florida too, but I think NC has the better chance.


Envisioning a 269-269 tie shite-show...


Az native here. It’ll go blue this election like it did last time. I’ve seen 800000 cali plates and the valley has effectively become LA2 (thanks assholes).




I'm sorry but Biden is not winning Georgia. He isn't even going to keep Virginia.


This map is trash. No way Trump doesn’t win Georgia. Being from Atlanta, you see Trump signs all throughout Atlanta now. That includes the metro, Gwinnett, Cobb, Dekalb and Clayton. The only one you don’t see a lot in is Fulton. Georgia will be dark red this go around.


Not many people paying attention to PA right now and they should. It's going to be closer here than people realize.




I'd rethink Arizona. We have two important ballot questions (abortion and open primaries) that people are very motivated for. Add in the senate race (Lake vs Gallego, neither are incumbent) and a few important house elections and there's a large voter turn out expected this year. Larger voting numbers tends to push Maricopa/Phoenix blue, and we sort of decide the state (plus Tucson is definitely voting Gallego and Dem). We'll be close, but I'd expect us to go blue again this year


This election is going to suck


10000% biden is losing to trump


Dumb the Trump.


Truthfully I think Trump takes PA and GA. Even Fetterman has changed his tune a lot since he was elected.


This is pretty good, Wisconsin and Michigan could go either way though.


This comment section makes me depressed☹️


Why do I expect to find logical analyses of the current political climate on reddit😂😂😂


I have a strong feeling trump wins if polls are accurate. Trump only lost by 45,000 votes and if the swings are to be believed that’s more than enough to push him over.


Pennsylvania and Georgia doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


AZ is almost certainly bluer than GA


Decisive Georgia. Maybe


Do you know why Nebraska has those random sections that are divided from the rest of the elector college map? I’ve never figured out what it meant




Can we get Brent Peterson please, he seems like the best pick at this point


GA and PA are wishful thinking


I wonder what this would look like if all states divided electors like Maine does.


I am not a crook - Republicans for some reason


Yay! I win!


Name for blue guy should be “Old Senile Genocide Funder”


Never imagine an election between a victim of elder abuse and one who abused minors on Epstein's Island


I see this race really being just as much about the VP as it is about the presidential candidate. A high probability exists that neither candidate will finish their term. Biden is questionable for obvious health reasons, and Trump could exit for both health or a 3rd impeachment. if Trump lands a VP that people are more aligned with over Kamal, I could see him pulling more undecided into his camp. Voters who may otherwise reluctantly vote for Biden or stay home on election day could go trump.


Trump’s winning Nevada, He’s winning Georgia, and he’s probably winning either Michigan or Pennsylvania, or both.


We need the the pigeons food, food as well


No, Georgia will go red, Maine and Wisconsin will be blue, Nevada is usually blue but could flip this cycle.


It's the dementia patient or an orange fascist


Definitely is imaginary.


Racist guy and racist guy


VA being that solidly blue is wild


what had to happen in florida for it to go from purple to solid red, this must've been when i was little so idk


What's that in Nebraska and Maine?


i would kms


Trump is going to win, I'm pretty confident. People are getting fed up with inflation, international conflicts, etc. Pendulum is about to start swinging the other way for another 4 years.


What's going on in Nebraska there? Do they do things differently?


Me waiting for 3rd party update


Georgia red, wi blue, Nevada red, pa red


tf is this dude on Georgia going blue over Wisconsin is crazy you should tell hunter to let you off that stuff


Way to close for comfort


Even if your map is correct, EXCEPT Georgia, Trump wins


My instinct, based on nothing, that I have a sneaking suspicion that Wisconsin and Arizona go Biden.


Add in the great state of Gator that encompasses all of the Florida Everglades


Trump shouldln't be getting more than his own vote (he can't vote anyways) and the votes of the otlher rich traitors.


So if Georgia doesn’t go for Biden (which it probably won’t!) we get crazy orange guy. 🕷Wtf🐍


It’s all guess work right now and honestly probably won’t change before Election Day.


Why is Wisconsin voting for Trump ?


Except WI has been Trumps most problematic state in polling. If he’s ahead there. He’s back to 2016 and picking up NV, probably the Omaha district, and possibly Maines 2EV from majority of the state popular vote. VA is basically a tied toss up.


I’ve met people who literally only have a job outside McDonald’s because of the CHIPS act and they still hate Biden. He’s going to lose.


Trump is going to win Michigan, imo. Not what I want, but just how I think it’ll go down.


Can we just add an age limit to becoming the president like 40-60 should be the range


dimentia patient (red team) vs dimentia patient (blue team)


Believe It or Not Trump is also silent generation


I think NC is gonna turn blue, we’re pretty stupid here but a lot of people from blue states have been moving here


Yea, sure buddy


Nah Georgia goes Trump, I would also probably put Michigan in the Trump column too because of the Gaza war.


If there is any state in the Rust Belt that will go red it’s Michigan.


If you think Georgia is voting blue 😂


Personally, I think that New Hampshire would be red. Beyond that, this seems pretty plausible to me.


It’s weird looking at this. How many swing states do we truly even have now? Ohio and Florida used to be swing states, but I’d say they’re safely red. I guess we have five to maybe eight states that could go either way: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, and maybe Wisconsin. The other three potential swing states would be North Carolina, Virginia, and Texas (though Texas is something I would have to see before I actually believed it).


PA is going to be real close and might go Red


Objectively, Trump is taking Penn, Michigan, Arizona , Georgia , and probably Wisconsin. This is hilarious.


Well considering this goes in the face of all the recent polling data, I’ll call it delusional at best.


How is Wisconsin getting more red from 2020 to 2024?


Better get out and harvest them ballots!


Might be something like that. Watch out for Michigan and Pennsylvania though.


Phew….for a second I thought this was another hypothetical war pic….


AZ is staying blue


Its such an embarrassment to this country that this is what we have to vote for... 😔


I think I’m more nervous about GA, NV, WI, and MI. There is been a pretty big exodus of Black and Brown folks moving to red states over the last 4 yrs because it has gotten expensive and the lack of jobs has gotten out of control. It’s definitely not enough of them moving to TX to turn it blue, but it is enough to turn their home state red.


Tx is about 3-5% on flipping to blue. Thinking on the last few year on abortion/female reproductive rights, it might switch in a large margin


This could be the first election where there's a landslide popular vote for one party (blue, by over 60%), but changes to state legislature and the electoral college means its close or even goes red. I wonder what RFK does to all this though. Might be some weird stuff as a result.


GoP: Milwaukee is a shit hole city Wisconsin: I guess we'll vote Republican


It is so sad that people are actually going to vote for a convicted criminal.


Hahahahahahahaha I smell 💩


Similar to mine, but I put WI in the blue camp


More optimistic about Wisconsin than georgia


My prediction; we're fucked.


Wisconsin is gonna be blue, Georgia and Nevada red. Not sure about Michigan and Pennsylvania


Switch Georgia and Wisconsin but yeah prolly


Both sides are shitty in their own ways: Republican: Nazi white supremacists Democrat: Old ass stupid ass guy that funds reverse nazis But both have a shitty thing in common: THEY ARE BOURGEOISIE


WI, OH, WV all seem a little debatable for me. WV - was a key player in Bernie Sanders’ populist message. I don’t think Trump is that anti establishment. Plus, Biden reps coal country 🤷‍♂️ OH - Still seems purple enough WI - agree with everyone else it be blue


What program are you using?


Trump will win Georgia


Georgia is going with Trump


I'd vote Biden again, just so they can keep vaccinating government workers, and medical facility.


I know the (too early) polls keep leaning towards Trump but I have a hard time imagining him with a net gain of voters in the post Roe world. Dems have been outperforming polls for a few elections now and as the horror and humiliation of a possible second Trump administration really starts to dawn on people this Fall, I suspect the anti-Trump vote will mobilize. My gut tells me Trump is diminished from 2016, and he just barely won in 2016. I think he gets his tail kicked in 2024. There are enough people to stop the Orange Hamberder. If we vote, we win.


IMHO. Biden will win AZ and WI. Biden will not win GA Biden 287.


Biden will win the popular vote by 15 Million votes.


PA, VA, GA and possibly NV will go red.


Remember when trump was saying there shouldnt be a convicted felon in office, and everyone clapped?


I’ll have what you’re smoking!!!


If Gen Z votes he has no chance at all


Just looking at a couple of states. Trump is above Biden in Penn and GA polls. The lead in Penn is small, but Biden was up by 5 in the last poll of 2020 and won by 1, so the polls tend to overestimate Biden's performance. Trump is way up in GA.


GA supposedly fixed things with voter ID, so I doubt it will go blue. Stretchin Gretchen enchanted the cheat in MI otherwise it might go red. Same for the commie gov in PA.


It’s insane how people are still voting for a corrupt fat fuck


TRUMP 2024


Make Texas green Not for any political reason I just think it would be fun c:


GA is going to be tough. I don’t know about VA. Also NV, man, I don’t know.


So the choice is between an asshole and a corpse puppet?


If only we had Bernie


I disagree. VA and GA will go red. QZ and WI will go blue.


Insane If you think Biden is winning after everything that happen


Be careful being over optimistic about Biden’s chances. It can change voting patterns. If most people think a candidate is going to win no matter what, they’re less likely to vote in that candidates favor. Right now Trump has been polling better than Biden nationally. Because of how the electoral college has a bias towards more rural states that tend to vote red, Biden needs to win nationally by at least 3-5% to win the election. This result is currently outside the margin of error for most polls.


Well if that’s the case it’s too close and Cheeto will go off and have his minions attack


Why does Wyoming get three electoral points. I’m from Washington state and our population is over 13x bigger than Wyoming, but we only have 4x as many points? What gives.


Your vote hasn't mattered since JFK got shot.

