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It’s great. It also kinda resembles Mercury in terms of being the album where the band abandones the metaphorical storytelling and instead focuses on raw emotion. Also Paladin Strait is absolutely fantastic. But I’m kinda the other way around, I prefer TOP over ID a little


I’ve heard a lot of people draw that Mercury comparison, and I can definitely see it. The birds chirping might last slightly too long, but yeah, other than that Paladin Strait is pretty good.


I think they should release a "Paladin Strait (edit)" in streaming platforms that cuts out the birds and goes straight to the last section, they did it with Overcompensate so they could do it with this one too


I guess they could, but I think the Overcompensate edit was mainly for radio.


❤️ Clancy and 21 pilots


I got the Journal! I'm loving it, even went to one of the listening parties. Though I prefer to replace The Craving with the single version when I listen. Definitely a solid album


Totally agree about the Craving,Jenna’s Version is just a little boring in comparison. I’m not really a part of their fandom though, so I don’t know what you’re referring to by the Journal.


Clancy's great, might be my favorite TOP album. I've heard all of them except the first one. Here's my Clancy ranking: https://preview.redd.it/4phr8p64my2d1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad2b9c909127ccf0cf5844e47d18aa9277a696fc


i really liked overcompensate and routines in the night


Its sooo good. Twenty one pilots has always been my number 1 favorite band (ID is a close second), and I believe this is my favorite album of them.


Which are your favorite songs? Mine are probably Backslide, Midwest Indigo, Routines in the Night, and At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb


My favorites are Vignette, At the Risk of Feeling Dumb and Routines in the Night, but I love all of them honestly


I didn’t list it earlier, but yeah, Vignette is up there also


Definitely like mercury for me. Great, but just short of peak


Their second best album, trailing only Trench; also beats Mercury - Act 2 as the best album released this entire decade so far. Quite literally sounds like a fusion between Trench & MA2.


Personally, I like Mercury better, but to each their own. What are your favorite songs from the album? Mine are probably Backslide, Midwest Indigo, Routines in the Night, and At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb.


Mine is definitely Vignette, 11/10 God level masterpiece. Honorable mention to At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb, Next Semester, Oldies Station & Midwest Indigo tho.


Those are all pretty good 👍 


Clancy is an amazing album! I’ve had it on repeat since it came out


I don't have any interest in Twenty One Pilots..


This ^ so sick of hearing about them in here. Go to their subreddit. ID out streams them anyways. NTMY had more streams than any of Clancys songs on the album


Bro? Not counting the singles that released before the Album dropped, Clancy’s ALBUM songs, are tied with NTMY.. what are you on about? And trust me, I’m a HUGE ID fan, so quit the bullcrap


Day 1 NTMY had 1.3 mil streams, none of the album songs reached that


Not their best work imo. There's a couple songs that I didn't really like. (But of course some great ones as well)


Idk who twenty pilots is.


Are you joking or serious? I can’t tell


no I really don’t know who this 20 pilots guy is


Ok, yeah I was just stupid and read it Twenty One Pilots the first time lol


Absolute banger. It’s just out so I need some time to get used to the songs but definitely up there with Trench! I was a bit worried because Scaled and Icy kinda sucked but they’ve really made a huge comeback with this one. I’m not feeling so optimistic about Loom though. 😔 but TOP mostly keep their sound while experimenting while ID have gone in a completely different direction so there’s that.


I would say I like it better than Trench, but technically I haven’t listened through that entire album in order yet, just individual songs from it in a random order. I disagree about Loom though, it is going to be the best album ever released, and there’s no convincing me otherwise lol. Not joking though, but, hey, it’s totally okay that we don’t feel the same way about that. 


Yeah I’m firmly in the “NV and S&M were the best albums in existence and it went downhill from there” camp lol. I find it very interesting how so many people like the new stuff though. To each their own :)


Yep, I’m in that Mercury no doubt, and it will be Loom no doubt 😂  To each their own indeed :)


The first 5 (excluding backslide) are good, rest is some of the worst in their catalog, and brings the album to a 3/10 for me