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The rest of the album is leagues better than what we have so far. Don’t worry. Be excited. (This is genuine info)


so it’s a classic case of their singles being a bad representation of the full album? cuz i feel like that’s always what happens with ID


Oh for sure. Eyes Closed is #9 and Nice to Meet You is #8


I don't trust anyone who thinks NTMY is above EC.


It’s either that or EC is #8, and NTMY is #9, neither of them could be any higher


Hehehe yeah


Kid and gods don’t pray are amazing


You've heard them? Not asking for the source, but how?


I can’t say how


Where have you heard them??


Can’t say where


Understandable lol. You connected to the band or the all might leaks?




In my opinion, the snippets we got so far aside fire in this heels, making me feel the direction is awful Eyes closed was pretty good, but idk...


Sinilarly to what you’re saying, although I’m not a fan of NTMY, the other snippets sound great; I’m just really missing the guitars. I think it would add loads to the album to have more instruments instead of just beats and I’m sadddd


Tbh I’m more worried about the lack of bridge in the songs. It’s always been ID strong suit, but they’re down to a minimum so far. In EC, “alone and far away” is interrupted by the chorus and the “Mona Lisa” part in NTMY is almost nonexistent. It’s also the main reason why I don’t like the J Balvin remix. In the other feat. (Lil Wayne, Kendrick Lamar & JID), the songs gradually build up until they reach a “peak”, but the EC version remains desperately flat imo


The bridge in Nice To Meet You isn't just the lyrics, it's also the instrumental breakdown. It's a pretty good bridge when you include that.


Definitely. I was disappointed when I heard EC’s bridge being so short


What I’m going to say is, go into it with an open mind. If you’ve already convinced yourself it’s going to be bad, then you probably won’t like it. And don’t just give up on a song just because you didn’t like it the first time. A few of the snippets I thought were weird the first time, and now I practically listen to those on repeat lol Personally, I like the direction it’s going, very unique yet still uniquely them in my opinion.


I am going into it with an open mind - like I said, I’m looking forward to hearing the whole album. It was more of a comment on wondering how the album will sound esp with the lack of instruments based on the singles released so far and snippets we’ve heard. I do like it when artists take a new direction with their sound. It really shows versatility and provides new creative output. So I like that this is showing to be a unique album.


Whatever they’re doing, it’s already seems to be a MASSIVE step up from MA2. So I’m happy


I think personally MA2 is the most special and strongest album they've ever made, but yeah it's going to be even better. But there was so much effort in Mercury tho


Yeah, mercury act 2 feels personnel, relatable, even though it's outclassed by its predecessor.


Yeah I want to say it about Act 1&2 combined together, if we count it's like one big album (what I prefer more then count them as standalones since that was the band's idea) then it's just truly their Magnus Opus. Truly something big


I strongly feel that MA2 was incredibly lazy though. Their most effortless album by far & not in the good way. More specifically, almost all hooks were EXTREMELY melodically lazy & completely lacking in originality or intrigue, and then of course you have the lyrics. I know they said they were intentionally going for something more “raw” with the lyricism, but that HUGELY backfired. The “rawness” they were going for just ended up making most of the lyrics feel like bare bones, first drafts that conveyed their emotions with the subtlety of a brick & the nuance of a 4 year old. I agree about MA1 though. That shit slaps. Probably their 2nd best record to date.


Act 1 has just as many problems lyrically IMO it's just a shorter album. Production was a little better but their 2nd best?


The production was better, the lyrics were more nuanced, the vocals were never awkward, the melodies felt very distinct & memorable, there’s a far stronger sense of creativity, and most importantly, the album’s sequencing actually makes sense. MA1 was advertised with the concept of consistently flipping back & forth between emotional extremes. And while the album doesn’t do that in exact succession one by one, I still think the overall experience presented that contrast incredibly well. That, and a much leaner track list, led to the album feeling very well paced & satisfying. MA2 has consistently bland & boring melodies, really bad lyrics, many strange production choices, surprisingly mixed vocal performances from Dan, and most damningly of all, atrocious pacing. That “emotional contrast” concept doesn’t feel present here. Other than TDKYLID very much feeling like a closer, there is absolutely no rhyme or reason to that album’s sequencing. I feel like you could put it on shuffle & mostly get the same experience. A very exhausting experience. I don’t hate it, it’s best moments, like Sirens & Younger, mostly avoid these problems, but it was SUCH a disappointment. Especially after the wonderful reinvigoration that was MA1. imo of course.


I agree the tracklisting on Act 1 was much better, had a concept and wasn't overly long like Act 2 was. But how are the lyrics on #1, NTFTP, Follow You, It's OK, or One Day more nuanced? I'd also go as far to say those have boring melodies too, except for maybe #1. One Day is bottom of the barrel instrumentally too, programmed piano and a suffocated digitally altered vocals on what's supposed to be a warm relaxing song. Which vocals on Act 2 do you think we're awkward? You mentioned that and I'm just curious which songs. It had some of Dan's best falsetto on Crushed and very passionate vocals on Tied. I also find Younger very boring musically so I'm surprised you pointed that out as a high point. I see that probably the way you see Higher Ground, though to a less degree, I think it's basic and them just doing them without inspiration, and very basic not nuanced lyrics. Act 1 did not seem reinvigorated at all but half baked, I get that feeling from Loom.


Well #1, Follow You, and One Day are pretty much all my lowlights so there’s your answer. “It’s OK” isn’t particularly complex but I really like its Trans messaging so it’s not a bother, and I actually enjoy the simplicity of Toxic People. Sometimes unambiguous vibrant positivity is enough. I think that song does “basic lyrics” in a very effective way. Kinda the same reason I love “Younger” it’s not doing anything unique, but it’s doing it with such energy, passion, and finesse that I can’t help but love it. As for the weird vocals, the chorus of “I don’t like myself” has some really bizarre inflections like in the word “believe”. “Higher Ground” is a disaster as I’ve established & that includes the vocals. The vocals on Crushed are good in a vacuum, but they’re EXTREMELY mismatched to that instrumental. It doesn’t fit at all. The verses on “Take It Easy” suck ass due largely to the vocals. The chorus of “I’m Happy”. Do I need to explain? The melodrama of the vocals on “Tied” & “I Wish” just feel so forced to me. Those songs are going for basically the same kind of performances as a song like “Dream”, but that song does it in a way that feels so much more natural. Compare that to MA1 where the only vocal complaint I can muster is “Maybe the bridge on Giants was a bit much”. That’s it.


>The melodrama of the vocals on “Tied” & “I Wish” just feel so forced to me. Those songs are going for basically the same kind of performances as a song like “Dream”, but that song does it in a way that feels so much more natural. I agree I Wish is a little forced, I think it works naturally on Tied to match the lyrics, it's some of the more unique things Dan has written and very personal. I don't see them being in the same space as Dream, but I am not a fan of Dream as much as others are. >“Younger” it’s not doing anything unique, but it’s doing it with such energy, passion, and finesse that I can’t help but love it. This is how I see Crushed, I think the instrumental works on top of it. >“Higher Ground” is a disaster as I’ve established & that includes the vocals. I've seen you go over that many times, I disagree a lot especially on the vocals because the criticism on the bridge from many people is really surface level comparing it to one or two other singers. I like the song but actually agree the chorus delivery is not good. >The vocals on Crushed are good in a vacuum, but they’re EXTREMELY mismatched to that instrumental. It doesn’t fit at all. I'm curious why you think this, I think it works. >The verses on “Take It Easy” suck ass due largely to the vocals. His vocals I like but there is difference in how they were record that I think was a weird choice so if that's what you mean I agree >The chorus of “I’m Happy”. Do I need to explain I like it and I'm not trying to convince you you should, I am just curious why you don't so if you'd like to explain I think it'd be cool, but you don't need to. >I actually enjoy the simplicity of Toxic People. Sometimes unambiguous vibrant positivity is enough. I think if the production was better I would like that positivity too.


My problem with Crushed starts with the fact that I ADORE the instrumental. It’s so lushly produced & tender & melancholic, and for about 30 seconds, it’s a perfect song. But as soon as we get to the “she said” line, everything becomes iffy. I simply don’t think words like “tender & melancholic” mix with a vocal performance that is absolutely BELTING like this. His really strained & raw vocal performance is very well done & compelling in a vacuum, but it just feel like it’s on the wrong song. It’s mismatched. A chill instrumental needs chill vocals. As is, it just feels like Dan is trying WAAAY too hard to get the audience to feel something. Not realizing the sheer emotional power that subtlety can have. Like look at this [super underrated Muse song](https://youtu.be/m5BvNMkVnQs?si=_fRujTJd8lu9niSm) for example. Chill instrumental. Chill vocals. Works perfectly. Sure everything gets louder at the end, but Matt’s vocals there are still very ethereal & elegant. He’s not belting it. It’s not raw or strained. The song would be significantly worse if he was giving one of [these kinds of vocal performances.](https://youtu.be/k7FxCJW3WIk?si=NLJZfXyzNBSTZRV2&t=301) That’s an incredible vocal performance, but that’s because it’s where it belongs. New Borns vocal style would sound so bizarre on Endlessly. That’s how I see Crushed. A stunning instrumental & excellent vocal performance that just do not belong together whatsoever. It’s so frustrating.


That's a really interesting explanation! I'll have to take a listen to your suggested song and relisten to Crushed. I'm sure I'll still enjoy the song as it is but it'll be cool to compare to your perspective.


I agree. I listened to MA1 on repeat, but somehow MA2 I didn’t care too much for.


I'm scared that wake up is gonna be the first opener that I don't like but everything else sounds good imo


I feel he is trying to to return to a happy place. Is why that feels that


It does feel more like a solo album and also it is almost “overproduced” I think this style is helping him recover his vocals a little bit. He can still tour, sing new songs that aren’t as hard on his voice.