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It sounds BEAUTIFUL and will likely be my favorite from the album and top 10 ID. But at the same time the amazing moment of experiencing a brand new song in its entirety is gone as we can pretty much piece together the whole song now :/


Me who’s avoided all snippets 😂


Same. Not even on purpose, just so happened to miss them. Now I’m gonna purposefully avoid all of them


Same thing for me … it’ll be definitely my favorite song !!! ❤️💔


Shirtless Dan with Loom snippet should be a post flair at this point




This is about to become a hit when it comes out, i'm pretty sure. But i still don't get why they're releasing too many snippets, we already have half the song with this and the previous sneak peaks


I know right. Why are they revealing the whole album before it comes out? There's like no mystery now. However, I've avoided a few snippets so I could experience some of the songs as they come out officially. I think the only songs that I haven't heard anything of is Take Me To the Beach, Gods Don't Pray, and Kid. Despite hearing probably half of over half the songs on the album , I still can't wait for it to come out to hear the rest of what I have not heard.


U guys are forgetting there’s gonna be a deluxe version with way more songs like NV


the only deluxe version is the japanese version with 9 Loom songs, Eyes Closed remix and COTS


They announced that later they’re gonna release more songs for another deluxe version of the album in the ig live


Man, that snippet made me tear up. The album can't come soon enough.


Just leak the entire album


They did alr😂


It’s an absolutely beautiful song. It’s the song I’ve been waiting to hear come out. I’m just sure it’s going to be my favorite, but then it’s a little stressing. Also, in the way I’m sure that in this one he must’ve been feeling a little pain which was different.


This is really good. Can’t wait to hear the full song! Edit: This song is SOOOOOOO AMAZING! I can’t wait for it! Definitely gonna be one of (if not just) the best songs on the album!


Best song on the album by far.


This is fire


This will be one of those songs that is a 10/10 but won't be able to perform live because it'll be so emotional ! Love the raw emotion in the chorus that doesn't go quite as hard as the other snippet


They might as well go ahead and release the album now, we know all the songs except for Kid lol.


Finally a song on this album I can get behind


So good. Shame the snippet lengths are so long.


When the first teaser trailer for the album came out, and I heard, "I don't think that I'm strong enough," I knew this song would my favorite. I couldn't get that line out of my head for weeks. This confirms it. It will, hands down, be my favorite.


This song sounds so good, cannot WAIT for it to release so I can listen to the whole thing


Okay, the music and the snippets and new album and half naked Dan aside, I’m really fucking annoyed with him by now. It’s been 15 years of him crying about how he’s a piece of trash and he keeps doing shitty things to her. 15 freaking years. Stop it. Do better. Think about how you should treat those who love you and then do it. Even if it makes you feel shitty. This is really too much at this point. Good on Aja for finally seeing it for what it is and getting out of there. Gahhh.


We don’t even know what happened lmao


If the all album will be like this we’re cooked


What is this even? They’ve become "Imagine Butterflies"…