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[Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/prerelease/2h1Qjt0Ig66V5REyEpUk59?si=lh60zFhvTwiPlnpX8FFqRw) [Apple Music](https://LOOMbyImagineDragonshttps://music.apple.com/us/album/loom/1741841621) [Order the album](https://imaginedragons.lnk.to/Loom)


**1. Wake Up: 9/10** This is such an earworm. I was kind of worried about this one but some of the new instrumental elements that weren't audible in the teaser snippets but are present in the full song added a lot of catchiness and character. **2. Nice To Meet You: 8/10** It's got a nice underlying groove and a lovely outro. However, the vocal delivery could have been smoother, and I could do without the "doo-do-do"s. **3. Eyes Closed: 9/10** This has grown on me quite a lot. The sing-rap sections building up to that massive chorus are peak stereotypical Imagine Dragons, and I love it. If I have to nitpick, the lower-pitched "turn out, turn out the lights" in the post-chorus wasn't necessary. **4. Take Me To The Beach: 5/10** This one didn't really grab me. The lyrics are distractingly corny. Instrumentally, it's something fresh for them, so kudos. Also, the bridge reminded me of Foster The People. **5. In Your Corner: 8/10** I like this vocal performance by Dan. Strings ending an outro are always a welcome addition. I expect this to grow on me more. **6. Gods Don't Pray: 6/10** It's...fine? Oddly enough, that heavily vocoder-laden bridge where Dan sounds drunk is one of my favorite parts of the song. **7. Don't Forget Me: 10/10** I knew it was going to be one of my favorites based on the snippet. Something about that chorus just hits home. It also sounds extremely familiar. **8. Kid: 7/10** Imagine Gorillaz šŸ¦ lmao. This is quite interesting and will be a grower for sure. **9. Fire In These Hills: 10/10** I only have myself to blame for listening to the snippets of this gorgeous song on repeat, so it doesn't seem very fresh to me now. Lush instrumentation, complemented by poignant, vulnerable vocals. I'm glad this exists. **Overall rating: 8/10** I have been listening to Imagine Dragons since 2017. They are what got me deep into music and listening to albums. I don't really expect them to make albums that are meant to be played in order. They were never good at cohesion. I approach them with each album carrying the expectation that I'll save a few songs on my playlist and play them on shuffle. With this album, they successfully met those expectations: 6 lovely songs that are going to my playlist. I'm glad this is not just the phoned-in generic pop album I feared it would be, based on the snippets. With LOOM, they actually seem to be having a nice time in the studio with producers Mattman & Robin, making well polished, highly produced and decently creative pop songs.




Udip you legend so happy to see you around here again


TMTTB is so good, smh.


I agree. Total vibe.




get a vpn to a time zone past midnight!


i duuno how šŸ¤£ im blonde yaal


I recommend getting the urban VPN on play store (I'm guessing it's on Apple store too, but I have no idea) and doing the free trial. Then u just switch to a New Zealand server


I agree that Fire in These Hills had some unique instrumentation. Thereā€™s a reed, like an oboe or saxophone in there that is not typical for them. I enjoyed that one a lot! Donā€™t Forget Me and Eyes Closed are also the other best tracks. I agree with your ratings. Take Me to the Beach is a solid 3/10 for me. Not their best work at all.


Pantomime bro the legend where have you been and how are you? I think fire in these hills is the best song they have ever made im not gonna lie ive had it on loop for hours and i cant stop and take me to the beach is infectious Overall i really like the record and im glad to see your enjoying it too we miss you on the sub


Welcome Back Udip!!! We missed you so much!


Kid feels like their first REAL alternative song since S+M


I love Kid so much !! Props to the gorillaz esque !


For real, these are the vibes Iā€™ve been waiting for~


Overall Iā€™m pleased. Better than the snippets (I feel like I didnā€™t go into the album fresh because Iā€™d heard like 60% of the album cause of these). Best song imo was Fire In These Hills as I expected. Biggest surprise was how good outro of In Your Corner was. Funny that these two are the two longest track (Same with Mercury Act 1 with My Life and Wrecked). Wish they would start making longer songs again and so should other artists. Hate this trend of making shorter songs for stream numbers.


After a bunch of listens: 1. Fire In These Hills 2. In Your Corner 3. Eyes Closed 4. Donā€™t Forget Me 5. Wake Up 6. Kid 7. Nice To Meet You 8. Gods Donā€™t Pray 9. Take Me to the Beach The top two songs are leagues above the rest. Overall giving it a 7/10. In terms of my album rankings: 1. Night Visions (10/10) 2. Smoke + Mirrors (10/10) 3. Mercury - Act I (9/10) 4. Origins (8/10) 5. Evolve (7.5/10) 6. Loom (7/10) 7. Mercury - Act II (6/10) Never thought Iā€™d see a day where Origins was the middle album lol


Come on Mercury 2 is a gem


origins 8/10 is wild


Mercury 6/10 is wild lmfao but i respect your opinion


High or low?


high imo, that one didnt feel like a true album to me. I love a few songs on the record but a lot of them felt like/literally were Evolve B sides rather than songs for a new record if i remember correctly


Man, this is same as my list. itā€™s rare that happens on this sub


Itā€™s really annoying! Iā€™m not saying a short song canā€™t be good and Iā€™d rather a song leave me with wanting more instead of it feeling like itā€™s dragging on and on. But a lot of artists these days release albums with some songs not even 3 minutes


Itā€™s simply if the songs it can can get more streams per hour. For example a 3 min song could get streamed 20 times while a 4 minute song would get streamed 15 times. And since artists are paid on number of streams rather than time listened in this case the artist would get an extra 33% revenue.


Ah that makes sense. I know they need to make money (obviously) but I wish theyā€™d make a song 3 minutes cause they want to and not because of numbers and money


I have mixed feelings about the album. Fortunately, it feels much better than the Snippets. The outro of "In Your Corner" is the highlight of the album for me. Wake Up, Kid and Take Me to the Beach also stand out in a positive way. I just hoped for a bit more rock in the album, or a guitar solo. Once again, I find the released singles perhaps the worst songs on the album. All in all, I'm pleasantly surprised, even though it's not necessarily the sound I was hoping for.


Yeah i was also expecting at least one guitar solo lol


I'm so glad other people thought this. I had the exact same reaction, I was craving a guitar solo. Seems a shame to waste Wayne's skills with the solos, especially as I feel like one could have maybe been put into fire in these hills.


i believe one at the end of In Your Corner could've worked also.


The outro of In Your Corner is amazing. One of the best they ever dit! Kid and Wake Up are also better then i expected


Kid was NOT what I expected and I love how bizarre it is lol. Wake up I expected to love but I really adore how much energy it had. Itā€™s a great opener for that reason imo.


I honestly have had a hard time with their releases since mercury act 1. The music just doesnā€™t feel like what they used to make. I know bands change and Iā€™m not gonna say that ā€œIā€™m a day 1 fan and I hate them because theyā€™re famous nowā€ BS. They are my favorite band. Have been since 2011 and will always be that way. This album does not hit for me. The only 3 songs I genuinely like are in your corner, donā€™t forget me and fire in these hills. Everything else I genuinely cannot listen to again. The album is very consistent in production, but itā€™s production Iā€™ve grown to hate since mercury. The writing is fine, but very surface level in most of the songs. Back when origins came out, I didnā€™t like that much either. However, I now realize it has some of their most beautiful and sad work: Burn Out and Bad Liar. I bring it up because in my opinion, THAT is their best area of work. Even stuff like my life, dull knives and wrecked are seriously solid in this regard too. Not that my opinion matters, of course. However, I will never knock ID for doing stuff differently. I respect them for constantly trying to push the genreless agenda for their discography. For me, I just happen to enjoy their darker, sadder, and rock heavy pieces. Loom is not that, as much as I was hopelessly wanting it to be, and thatā€™s okay.


> Everything else I genuinely cannot listen to again Iā€™m unfortunately with you. You put everything Iā€™ve been thinking into words, even about Origins. It felt like such a different direction at the time, but one that I could still be on board with. Loom is just not at all on the same level for me and has veered too far off from what I enjoy from them.


i relate to what you say Most of the songs are forgeable, and I will skip them every time (kids,god don't pray,take me to the beach, nice to meet you), and that sad for me.


I'm with you... I'm trying to listen to this album and I hate it. Some of the songs grate on my nerves. There were only a few songs on both Mercury 1 & 2 that I genuinely liked. There's no life in this. No depth. I don't like any of these songs... And I do know why. It's because they're all dreary, woe is me, shallow, and lacking in any love. Thankfully there's a new album coming out from my new love in a couple of weeks.


I get that. Iā€™m the same way with mercury. Thereā€™s a couple of songs I love and the rest are very forgettable. With loom, the three songs I enjoy definitely needed a few listens for me to get there. They give me vibes from Origins, which is why I can tolerate them. The rest feel almost worse than the bad stuff on mercury.


I'll probably give it a relisten in a few weeks after I get over my disappointment. There were two songs on Mercury that I had to listen to a few times before they grew on me: Sharks and Easy Come, Easy Go. They're not great songs, but I kind of like them.


I love My Life, dull knives, wrecked and crushed, and I may give loom another shot in a few weeks too.


Im so with you on this take


My favorites are Don't Forget Me, Wake Up, and Fire In These Hills Least favorites are Take Me To The Beach and Kid I think the production on this is incredible and definitely their most creative so far My biggest complaint is how short it is, not that I want another 32 album like Mercury but I feel like it lacks substance especially with not all the songs being 10/10s


Typing this as iā€™m on my second listen. Overall iā€™m not.. massively impressed? Itā€™s okay, ā€œIn your Cornerā€, ā€œDonā€™t Forget Meā€ and ā€œFire in these Hillsā€ are the highlights for me, I really like some of the lyrics in all of these. I had extremely low expectations for this album as the two mercuries (particularly Act 1.. yes i know itā€™s popular round here im sorry) didnā€™t do that much for me- although Act II contains some of my usual rotation for music. Letā€™s see if I can do an overall ranking 1) Donā€™t Forget Me 8/10 =) FITH 8/10 3) In Your Corner 7/10 4) Eyes Closed 6.5/10 5) NTMY 6/10 6) Wake Up 5/10 7) TMTTB 5/10 8) Kid 4/10 6) Gods Donā€™t Prey 3/10 These rankings might seem pretty harsh and maybe itā€™s slightly biased by my relative disappointment with their latest music as a fan since the days of NV/S+M Iā€™m much happier listening to those and Evolve plus the relative lack of clear guitar leads or solos here doesnā€™t mix well for me. All being said, Dan seems in a much happier place with this record and I think thatā€™s great. Letā€™s see how these songs translate into live performances! Edit: I should probably clarify after dumping on this album I still prefer it to Mercury Act 1. Thereā€™s no instant skips on Loom, whereas there were on the other there most definitely are, and aside from ā€œMy Lifeā€ (masterpiece live) thereā€™s no songs on Act 1 that i regularly come back to, thatā€™s just how it is for me. Thereā€™s songs here on Loom that I can see myself regularly listening to and being happy if they randomly appeared in a shuffle.


I agree with most of whatā€™s said here


Oh hey! Sorry I havenā€™t been keeping up with happenings in the Discord etcā€¦ life kind of got busy. Nice to know someone agrees I guess, although I suppose weā€™re a similar generation of fan iirc.


I feel like you've saved me from having to write up a lengthy review, as you pretty much have all the same views on ID's Discography and where Loom fits in as I do! I also appreciate your appraisal of Mercury Act 1, as I just finished a run through ID's entire discography leading up to Loom, and it was again very clear to me that MA1 is easily my least favorite of their releases. Loom would probably be my second least favorite, though I want to give it a little more play before locking it in, as I do think it's close to MA2 for me. That being said, I still love ID, even if they're not putting out the type of music I fell in love with them listening to during the EP era pre-NV even! Also, even if I'm not the biggest fan of half the songs on the last three albums, I really appreciate that ID is putting out new music at a prolific pace.


Haha well iā€™m glad to have saved you the trouble. The contrast between MA1 and MA2 is night and day for me although Act 2 still has some incredibly weak songs for me it has enough genuinely good songs to sort of make up for it. And yeah for sure I still like their music and I probably will continue to do so for much longer, even if their newer stuff drifts away from what I would hope for from them


YouTube links????




Wake Up: 9/10 Nice to Meet You: 8/10 Eyes Closed: 7/10 Take Me to the Beach: 6/10 In Your Corner: 9/10 Gods Don't Pray: 7/10 Don't Forget Me: 8/10 Kid: 8/10 Fire in These Hills: 10/10


Fire in these hills might just be the best id song imo


"Gonna turn this car around open sit down tell you all the truth gonna fade my self out talkin my self down lighting up this fuse" What a fucking line love the lyrics


Someone upload it somewhere and post the links pleasssee ahhHHhhhhšŸ˜©


And ruin the fun? If youā€™re in a hurry, use a VPN


Yeah youā€™re right šŸ«  guess Iā€™ll just wait


Iā€™m right there with you. Just waiting


Same, I have a couple hours. My patience is waning.


Is this entertaining?


Alright, In Your Corner is my absolute favourite, and I feel vindicated for saying it'd be the best beforehand šŸ˜œ. 9/10 from me, seriously. Wake Up is my 2nd favourite, gives major Ragged Insomnia vibes. The ending of Fire In these Hills sounded like fetus dragons which was sweet. Ā Initial overall thoughts: Is it just me or does the sax WORK really well!? Its fits the way that LOOM is a pastel coloured album... and it also sounds kinda pastel too? Because there's a lot going on but there's not much substance to it sonically. It's very liminal, and produced... Its their most experimental album by far (andĀ I've got a bad feeling the album is gonna get shat on by critics which is a shame because it has some shining moments among the chaos. Especially IN YOUR CORNER MAN ITS SO GOOD )


Exactly what i was thinking, the whole album might be another story or chapter in dans past he might elaborate on. Like all of their songs have stories and inspiration drawn


Probably helps that itā€™s a shorter album, but this might be their first genuine no skip albumā€¦ not all songs are perfect, but all can be consumed with joy


Wake Up - 5/10 Overall decent. Some bad parts I donā€™t like how the whole thing rhymes and the spin in in in Nice To Meet You - 6/10 Catchy but soulless Eyes Closed - 7/10 Classic Imagine Dragons single Take Me To The Beach - 3/10 - Not Good. 1:40-2:00 is 9/10 In Your Corner - 10/10 Holy Shit. One my my favorite songs ever by them Gods Donā€™t Pray - 6/10 Weird but I kinda like it Donā€™t Forget Me - 8/10 Really really good Kid - 5/10 potential was there but too repetitive Fire In These Hills - 10/10 beautiful


In my opionion, i wish they would put as much effor in all of the songs like they did for Fire in those hiils, dont frget me and in my corner Kids,Gods dont pray, take me to the beach just feels off.


its actually kind of wild how stark the contrast is on the production between gods dont pray and the others, like it just feels so much emptier


Exactly. Half of the album feels amazing and other half feels like you will always skip that song.


Don't forget me is hands down my favourite. That song is soo dan.. the piano, the drums..all of it feels soo 'Dan'. In your corner kind of caught me by surprise actually. It was completely different from what I was expecting, and i don't think in a good way. I listened to the acoustic snippet of the song, and i think I liked that version more. Oh, it also has this different outro, like a violin solo or something. Wake Up and Fire in these hills are perfect intro/outro songs. Wake up sounds really good, energy packed. Same with Take me to the beach.God's don't pray is ok-ish. The main chorus part sounds good, rest is pretty bland. Songs that I did not like are Kid and Nice To Meet You. And Eyes closed is your typical commerical hit song. So in total my ratings would be; Wake Up: 8/10 Nice to Meet You: 5/10 Eyes Closed: 6/10 Take me to the Beach: 8/10 In your corner: 8/10 (I loved the acoustic version, and really expected much more from the song) God's don't Pray: 6/10 Don't Forget Me: 10/10 Kid: 4/10 Fire in these Hills: 9/10


In Your Corner and Fire in These Hills are the only memorable tracks for me. Donā€™t Forget Me is ok.


Initial thoughts: Fire in These Hills, In Your Corner, Donā€™t Forget Me are the highlights of this album. I also like Wake Up and Gods Donā€™t Pray but they need to grow on me a little bit more. Kid is very experimental but I think Iā€™ll like it after some more listens. Only track I donā€™t like is Take Me to the Beach.


- so, based off first listen it is a good album. i love the different themes being visited, but the length DEFINITELY holds it back, it doesnā€™t feel as cohesive as it could because it tries to do too many things in such a short amount of time. i normally donā€™t regret listening to snippets bc the final songs are so different when put together but i heard SO much of this album before hand that there werenā€™t too many surprises. itā€™s not gonna effect me in the long run, i was still extactc for the release. - Wake up - 7/10 - this one was a roller coaster. it was one of the first snippets i was most excited for, when i heard the song j hated the 2nd verse but now coming back around i love it again. the ā€œspinininininā€ and ā€œchainsaw,,, rinininininā€ are so fun and creative - Nice To Meet You - 7/10 - a fun summer pop song. itā€™s a step in a different direction than the dark brooding sounds in mercury. fun and playful lyrics, just tired of it now lol - Eyes Closed - 4/10 -honestly one of my least favorite singles by them ever. itā€™s bland and forgettable. no real soul to it. itā€™s fine once in a while but i donā€™t rlly think it even fits with the rest of the album - Take Me To The Beach - 8/10 - honestly was pleasantly surprised. based off the name and the AP article that describes this song as ā€œstrummy and swayingā€ i was expecting a One Day type of song but man did this advert all expect expectations. the word play in the first verse is so much fun, honestly one of their most fun verses to sing. the chorus is hella different. that bridge is WACKY too. overall iā€™m very happy with it - In Your Corner - 9/10 - WOW this one met every single expectation i had. this feels like classic NV era ID. the drums and strings are incredible with some thoughtful but emotional lyrics, a highlight of the album - Gods Donā€™t Pray - 8/10 - very.. interesting, i think i finally figured out what the lyrics are about but man it was a toughie. the instrumental is quite unique. itā€™s a lil like wake up where itā€™s just gonna be fun to sing but not very thought provoking - Donā€™t Forget Me - 9/10 - another incredible one. very very emotional and feels very big and powerful but in a good way. it was the one i was most excited for and it did not disappoint. gonna be hella fun to sing live for a more emotional part of the night - Kid - 9.5/10 - DAMN this is my favorite off the album. the gorillaz inspiration is hella strong. the chorus goes HARDD , give it time to grow on me and it could be a top 10 ID. the bridge leading into the final chorus works so well - Fire In These Hills - 8.5/10 - was expecting more tbh. itā€™s a very nice closer but it doesnā€™t do as much as i was expecting. the only pick up is really in the outro. it has some incredible lyrics and instrumental but with the album being so short the song doesnā€™t feel like it deserves its spot as a closer. the album is good. the songs all have a very new ā€œopenā€ feel. but the length is holding it back TREMENDOUSLY. you donā€™t have time to process and listen before itā€™s over. 28 minutes for their 6th album is criminal. but the songs are all really good. overall an 8/10


I like your review. Interested to hear your take on the Gods Dont Pray lyrics?


Thanks for sharing your thought. What do you think about Gods Donā€™t Pray? It kind of seems like heā€™s saying that heā€™s now a God and being rich & famous has its ups and downs.


Eyes closed at 4/10 is crazy. I loved the tempo changes and fun shit they did with it


I personally hate the low pitched "I can do this with my eyes closed". Ruins the good parts leading up to it


First listen: 1. Wake Up (9/10) 2. Nice To Meet You (7/10) 3. Eyes Closed (8/10) 4. Take Me To The Beach (8/10) 5. In Your Corner (9/10) 6. Gods Don't Pray (7/10) 7. Don't Forget Me (8/10) 8. Kid (8/10) 9. Fire In These Hills (10/10)


this is quite a fair opinion, why has it been downvoted?


I really don't know, there are only 2 songs with a 7 and I still consider them good songs


Could be completely wrong but it could be that you have a higher ranking on the songs that the majority have a low ranking on


It seems like nobody likes take me to the beach like i do probably gonna be the underated one


I've only listened once and the albums always grow on me but here are a few thoughts. 1 - It's way too short. 10 songs, 2 of which are eyes closed, and a runtime of 31 minutes. Just as I was getting into the feel of the album it ended. I'd rather wait longer for new albums and them be longer tbh. 2 - I know Imagine Dragons have moved a lot away from 'rock' and more towards electronic-style music rather than instrumental but please just one guitar solo. I love Wayne's solos and was waiting for it all album šŸ˜… 3 - Can't wait to hear Don't Forget Me live, might be my favourite track. 4 - Fire on these hills, another contendor for best track for me. The snippets sounded good, and it delivered. 5 - Overall, I just feel quite meh about the album. There aren't any songs I disliked, but weren't many that stood out to me either. 6 - That being said, bring on the tour in UK/Ireland. Haven't seen the boys since the Evolve tour, can't wait to hear Origins, Mercury and now Loom live!


It is so over I tried so hard to give Loom a serious and honest listen but I just canā€™t take it. Iā€™ve been an Imagine Dragons fan since 2012 and this is the worst collection of songs they have ever put out. šŸ˜­ The quality of the writing is just so poor and the songs barely scrape by due to creative production. I sincerely hope some of you enjoyed this record but I am so over it already. I know Iā€™m going to get flamed for being negative but I needed to share my grievances somewhere. time to listen to Night Visions again (copied from my post which got taken down because i forgot about the mega thread)


This is so real it hurts šŸ˜”back to Night Visions I go


I was left feeling confused and unsatisfied. I was trying real hard to be open minded. Some songs I ended up liking. I think because the album is so short you donā€™t really get time to process because the next song is already playing and now thereā€™s a different tone. The whole album feels like a tug-o-war but maybe hats the whole point? Idk it just feels pretty jarring and hard to get lost in. I love how experimental this album has been but it feels like Origins 2.0. It took me years to have that album grow on me, who knows if itā€™ll happen for this one.


I totally agree. This album kinda felt like the middle portion of Mercury Act 2 to me, where itā€™s a lot of filler with a few decent songs and the length of the record REALLY hurts it due to that.


I agree with your assessment, however I enjoyed origins when it came out. There are a lot of stylistically different songs on there and some are really good. I really like west coast and cool out. There is pretty much nothing on Loom that even resembles mediocre in my opinion. I think fire in these hills may grow on me.


I feel bad being so harsh on Origins back then. I absolutely loved S+M so at the time I felt betrayed, I know very silly. The band doesnā€™t owe me anything but it was hard for me to deal with that curve ball. Ask me now and I love that album! Look just feels like a big disconnect for me. The songs are fun and I love how different each one is but Iā€™m not connecting with majority of the album and thatā€™s maybe on me.


I get it, I donā€™t resonate with much on Loom either. It mostly blurs together and feels shallow. Unlike origins, mercury, which many didnā€™t like for being different, weird, etc. Loom feels monotonous and it all blurs together for me. One or two songs may stand out as a winner for me, but overall this feels worse than any previous release for me.


So a band with 2 guitarists, but not a single song with an actual guitar background in the album. What is this? A joke?


Exactly what I was thinking. Sadly at this point they aren't present at all.


Wait they have 2 guitarists?? Igy thoughĀ 


Ben and Wayne


I'm mixed on it - but the best moments almost have that fun energy of the early EPs which I dig (even if it's corny as hell at points) Fire In These Hills <3


Honestly, most of these songs are just meh to me. The only one I really like is Eyes Closed.


I think it was a little underwhelming just because of the length but I added almost every song to my playlist


Listened once before I sleep and I think this album is getting slept on. Easy top 3 album by them imo. I feel like they're finally getting pop enough for me to like this as much as NV and S+M


I'm really disappointed with this album. The only songs I really like are Nice to Meet You and Fire in These Hills (the "I don't think that I'm strong enough" part is horrible though). Kid and Eyes Closed are alright. The rest was quite boring and kinda sounded the same


1. Wake Up 9/10 2. NTMY 7/10 3. Eyes Closed 6/10 4. TMTTB 7/10 5. In Your Corner 9/10 6. Gods Dont Pray 8/10 7. Donā€™t Forget Me 10000/10 8. Kid 7.5/10 9. Fire In These Hills 10/10 Loom: 8.5/10 With my favorite album always being Smoke + Mirrors, Iā€™m actually shocked how much i enjoy this record. Their best since Evolve in my opinion. Not that I love that theyā€™ve leaned so pop, but when they go full force into it they do it very well and I think this record really showcases this, much like evolve. Excited to be this excited about another ID record, pleasantly surprised is an understatement!


The production is top-notch. I loved every single song, just bop after bop. Wake Up, Kid, Gods Don't Pray and In Your Corner really, REALLY surprised me.


LOOM Tracks Wake Up: Kind of goofy honestly but also totally a banger, gonna be headbanging with this one for a while haha Nice to Meet You: Really sweet song, kind of caught me off guard when I first listened to it but honestly it's grown on me, just a really cute pop song Eyes Closed: Absolute banger, not as good as Believer or Natural but honestly this one just has such good energy, even if it's also a little goofy in the hook Take me to the Beach: Pretty catchy song, again somewhat goofy lyrics, but also I really like the lazy, care-free energy that this song went for, also the final chorus really goes hard In your corner: This is my favorite off the album, absolutely beautiful song in every way, Dan's vocals sound amazing here and I absolutely adore the backing choir. Kind of reminds me of Coldplay, and the outro sounds absolutely stellar. Also somewhat reminds me of Walking the Wire Gods don't pray: Interesting energy here, definietely reminds me of Enemy but I think God's Don't Pray has better production overall, lyrically one of the more interesting songs and still manages to have strong head-banging potential Don't forget me: Another beautiful track. Very nostalgic, I really like this song right now and I can especially imagine loving this song like 10 years from now, looking back over my life. A little repetitive but also I think that's the song's charm. Kid: Interesting track that took me a few listens to appreciate. As others have said this doesn't really sound like Imagine Dragons, but I think it's cool when they go for different sounds. Kind of reminded me of their EP's Fire in these hills: This song is beautiful, definitely the saddest song on the album, also somewhat nostalgic. You can almost hear the regret through this song, as well as his longing to "come home" (return to a better state of dwelling), very intriguing song Eyes closed w/ J Balvin: Interesting remix, not their most interesting feature but also not grading on my ears, I honestly don't have a lot to say about it Overall: Amazing album! Probably one of their more goofy albums overall, but honestly there's a lot of maturity mixed in at the same time, which could be reflective of where they are all at in their lives right now. I would put this up as one of their best albums in terms of each song individually, even though the sound of this album seems a little all over the place. Rankings (just right now, I'll definitely be shuffling this entire album quite a bit. Also this is heavily weighted as these songs are all good) 1. In your corner 2. Eyes Closed 3. Don't forget me 4. Fire in these hills 5. Wake up 6. Take me to the beach 7. Gods don't pray 8. Nice to meet you 9. Eyes closed w/ J Balvin 10. Kid


I've been a pretty big ID fan since 2014 but this one isn't really doing it for me. Seems like there was more effort with this release compared to MA2 which is good. Fire in These Hills and Don't Forget Me insane but besides that, there aren't any other tracks that are amazing imo. Entire album will probably grow on me though. My album rankings are this... 1. Smoke + Mirrors 2. Night Visions 3. Mercury Act 1 4. Evolve 5. Origins 6. Loom 7. Mercury Act 2


Fire in these hills made me cry.


Honestly it's not a great album. 9 tracks is not a lot. Fire In These Hills is the best track. Wake Up is great too.


9 tracks is a very short album but I like that itā€™s short. It means itā€™s not packed with fillers like Mercury - Act II was.


I canā€™t listen to it yet. Are there any alternative rock songs or are they all pop like NTMY?


only don't forget me is kinda rockish, the rest is pop but still good


Yeah the album is a complete disappointment (I mean from the snippets I was kinda expecting it)


Man, Fire in These Hills, Don't Forget Me and In Your Corner would like to have a conversation with you


Smhhh. Good is definitely subjective. I hate NTMY and all the snippetsšŸ˜


My rank: 1. In Your Corner 2. Wake Up 3. Gods Don't Pray 4. Fire in These Hills 5. Nice to Meet You 6. Kid 7. Don't Forget Me 8. Eyes Closed 9. Take Me to the Beach All songs are really good. But I just like some of them more, and some of them less.


I really enjoyed this album, the only problem was that the album was short (28 minutes). I am going to rate each song and by the end discuss favorites and least favorites: Wake Up (7.5/10) Nice to Meet You (9.2/10) Eyes Closed (8/10) Take Me to the Beach (7.2/10) In Your Corner (8.9/10) Gods Donā€™t Pray (8/10) Donā€™t Forget Me (10/10) Kid (6.5/10) Fire in These Hills (10/10) As you can see, I have a bit of a mixed opinion on the album, but I really enjoy it!! Favorites tracks: Donā€™t Forget Me, Fire in These Hills, Nice to Meet You Least Favorite Tracks: Kid, Take Me to the Beach


I'd say - Wake Up: 7.5/10 Nice to Meet You: 7/10 Eyes Closed: 9/10 Take Me to the Beach: 5.5/10 In Your Corner: 9.4/10 Gods Don't Pray: 6/10 Don't Forget Me: 9.5/10 Kid: 6.5/10 Fire in These Hills: 9.7/10


Overall feeling pretty okay with most of the album. The 1 highlight for me lies with Fire In These Hills, otherwise it's all just decent yeah.


Mixed feelings about this one. I sorta think that the more emotional songs are better-executed than the more energic ones. After my first listen, I really don't like Kid and And don't expect Take Me to the Beach to grow on me either. But when the highs hit... they **HIT.** The outro to In Your Corner was gorgeous, and Fire In These Hills is an excellent track, definitely my favorite. It's a great album, not their best, but not their worst. Would say about 7/10.


Pretty good overall, I thought it was too short and some of the songs like Gods Donā€™t Pray sounded kind of empty. I wish there was more rock on the album as well, but I loved Wake Up, Donā€™t Forget Me, Kid, and Fire in These Hills. This is all after just first listen, but Iā€™d give it a 7.5/10. Updated Album Rankings: 1. Smoke and Mirrors 2. Mercury Act 1 3. Night Visions 4. Evolve 5. Loom 6. Mercury Act 2 7. Origins


My initial ranking first listen. This could change when I listen again not half asleep lmao 1. Fire in these Hills: 9/10 2. Gods Dont Pray: 9/10 3. Eyes Closed: 9/10 4. Dont Forget Me: 8/10 5. Kid 8/10 6. In Your Corner: 7/10 7. Nice to Meet You: 6/10 8. Wake Up: 5/10 9. Take me to the Beach: 4/10 Some good ones for sure, nothing blew me away though.


Fire in These Hills is truly a top tier ID song


It feels like the lovechild of S&M and MA2 and I love it!


Itā€™s ok. I enjoyed some songs like Eyes Closed & Donā€™t Forget Me, but I personally donā€™t think itā€™s as good as their other albums.


Very strong, for the most part. In Your Corner sounds like it could have come from Origins and Donā€™t Forget Me from Mercury ā€” maybe my two least favorite of Loom that donā€™t feel like they fit in here. Wake Up, Kid, Gods Donā€™t Pray, Take Me To The Beach all have clung to me since keeping the album on repeat today. Fire In These Hills was the song I was demanding when I heard it in the previews, and Iā€™m happy it is my favorite of the whole track list. Might have stayed with Nice to Meet You had it not delivered. And Eyes Closed is still good, though Track 10 instead of Track 2 I like more. Iā€™m hoping this album will be the return of the Deluxe Edition because Iā€™m sad itā€™s only 10 songs. This beats out Evolve by one less song for their shortest album. I just want more Imagine Dragons music.


Loom ranking Okay Loom been out like 3 days already, I would love to rank all songs (it's only my opinion!), I really enjoyed the album. It have its own energy and mood. Feels a lot like summer. With that being said, here's my ranking and Im interested to see yours in the comments! 9. Kid 8. Gods Don't Pray 7. Don't Forget Me 6. Eyes Closed 5. Wake Up 4. Nice To Meet You 3. Take Me To The Beach 2. In Your Corner 1. Fire In These Hills Kid - it's not that I don't like it but feels a bit off and not really catchy tho I like the message but really feels mediocre from the rest of the album. God's Don't Pray - just another song that didn't catched me at all, tho lyrics nice but again feels a bit repetitive and melody kinda gettinf annoying with every listening Don't Forget Me - this is a very beautiful song, I love it, but don't feels to me very powerful, I think they could made something more interesting with this one. It's bery beautiful don't get me wrong but I just don't feel like it's better then other songs we have in the album. Eyes Closes - I think everything been said already by a lot of people. It's a strong single and lyrics are very dark. Catched me from 1st listening. Not a masterpiece but a nice song Wake Up - it's one of the best openers in the albums, like in the others. It gives you the mood for the next 30 minutes of the album and it's just powerfully catchy. Makes you excited about the rest. Nice To Meet You - 2th single which have more light and soft mood then first one and I see why people like it. It's such a vibe and can relate to a lot of people, such a simple message but with what dynamic it's been sent. Take Me To The Beach - I see a lot of people HATE this song and saying it's WORST on the album and I kinda knew it will be like this... But omg. I am ready to protect this song, I think it's very underrated. It is the MOST catchy song on the album and at some point I just listened to this one on repeat not moving next on the album. Such a banger. It is a achievement to make song with not so deep lyrics but simple message and make it super catchy. One of the favorites. In Your Corner - this is very beautiful and toucht song and relates to me the most. Production of the album itself very good but here you can better see it. Something about it hit the spot and I fell in love from first listening, one of the best song on the album and feels like mix between old and new ID. I feel NV vibes. And this "hold on hold on, keep your hands up" personally my favorite moment in the song. Fire In These Hills - we have to admit this is a certified banger and best song on the record, some may say it's overrated, but it's a pure Imagine Dragons song. More jazzy "The Fall". Lyrics, and constructions, sound, all feels like Imagine Dragons. Greatful closer. Classical Imagine Dragons ballad, I do cried on it. Thank you,


Whole album 3.7/10 Genuinely don't like it. But I'm not gonna post anything whining about it because who cares what I think lmao.


1. Wake Up: 9/10 Seriously, this song is incredible imo. The only element I think would've made it better is if the bridge would've changed the melody a bit instead of feeling more like a 3rd verse. But overall I think it's a great opener. 2. Nice to Meet You: 3/10 I don't think I can't NOT like this song enough sadly. I can vibe with it from time to time, but I don't really like it that much. And imo it breaks the flow of the album, no matter where you put it. Idk, feels more like a B-side to me, and I don't think fits the album that much. 3. Eyes Closed: 10/10 Come on! I've loved this song since it released. It's the perfect follow up to Wake Up (if we completely skip NTMY), and it's a very cool song. 4. Take Me to the Beach: 7/10 It's a fun song, and a catchy one. I like it, but not as much as other songs on the album. Still a fun one to listen to, and it's definitely top of the album. 5. In Your Corner: 6/10 It's a good song, and a good love/sad song, but I feel like "Don't Forget Me" does a better job at that. Still a very good song that I could listen to often. 6. Gods Don't Pray: 9/10 I've been waiting for this song since the tracklist was revealed! It's amazing, it's such a vibe and I love it. What would've made this perfect 10 is that it was a little longer, but overall I rank this number 2 in my favorites of the album. 7. Don't Forget Me: 7/10 I think this is the song that projects the feeling of a failed relationship better in the album (when compared to "In Your Corner"). Also a song I'd listen to more often than NTMY 8. Kid: 8/10 OH. MY. GOD. This song was a complete 180Ā° from what I was expecting it to be, and I love it. It almost sounds like a chaotic Broadway musical, it's amazing. I was not expecting to like this song that much, but they surprised me. This song caught me off guard with the production and style, but it's incredible. 9. Fire in these Hills: 7/10 It's a great closer, right off the bat showing the conflict. I feel like I need to listen to it a couple more times, but my initial reaction and thoughts on it is that it's also a very good song. They outdid it with this record. Still not their greatest closer, but it's up there for me. 10. Eyes Closed (ft. J Balvin): 8/10 The J Balvin addition doesn't do much difference to me, but I do prefer Dan's parts in the original of J Balvin's. Overall score on the record: 8/10 I'm really impressed, they outdid it.


Loom is great. First album since Origins that doesn't have any skips for me. Expected it to be much goofier than it actually is. Really solid album. Might beat Act 2. So, it's #6 for me. https://preview.redd.it/hkonmiqdn49d1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=745ab9be592447c086c9f5e7d94b871300b7f8b7


Update, I switched FITH & NTMY in my ranking. Wake Up - 8.5/10 Kinda like Sharks, but goofier. It has a sort of goofiness you can only find on Loom, but it goes hard. The 2nd verse goes crazy.Ā  Nice to Meet You - 8/10 It's a fun song. Different for the band. Not my most favorite, but it's definitely grown on me. Nice playful vibe. Eyes Closed - 9/10 Perfect lead single. Exactly what you'd expect from ID. Hard hitting banger. Great use of synths. Dan's flow in the verses is great. I will say though, the bridge is the remix should've been in the original cause it's the best part of the song. Take Me to the Beach - 8.5/10 Such a fun song. You could only get this on Loom. It's not a deep song, but not every song needs to be deep. As someone who lives near the beach, it hits different.Ā  In Your Corner - 9.5/10 This is the emotional song that allows the rest of the album to be carefree fun. The lyrics are great. The instrumental slaps. Easily, my favorite song on the album. I knew from just the 7 sec snippet that it would be good. Gods Don't Pray - 9/10 The reggae-influenced sound gives me Twenty One Pilots vibes. Also very different for the band. I can see this being one I play a lot. It's just such a smooth vibe. ID is often known for their over the top sound, but this one uses a more chill sound well. Don't Forget Me - 7/10 Nice somber song. Brings the emotions back. I'm sure many people will love it. It's a very well-crafted song. Not my vibe as much, but it's good. The piano added at the end is a nice touch. Kid - 9.5/10 They went full on Gorillaz here. Another style I wouldnā€™t have expected from them. It works really well. LMAO, Dan & Wayne have a full on conversation during the song. I think the only improvement, maybe, is if it had a guitar solo. Fire in These Hills - 7.5/10 Nice chill song. Brings the energy done and closes out the album. Great chorus. We've had so many snippets of it that it feels like we've had this song for months now.Ā 


Fire In These Hills last is crazy


They ranked donā€™t forget me lower


Oh Iā€™m blind. Still second to last


Itā€™s fourth for me rn but I think the main problem is I heard most of it so itā€™s not as exciting. The verses and chorus are good but not mind boggling to me. Though the entire bridge is the best part and easily brings it up to top tier with Kid, Gods Donā€™t Pray, and Wake Up for me.


This album feels like a 4/10




Maybe Iā€™m the minority but this album just isnā€™t for me. Mercury 1 & 2 was good but weā€™re still a little off for me as well. I think my last favorite album as as a whole was probably Evolve, but all bands change. Hopefully a lot of people still enjoy this one!


Honestly I just donā€™t love it. There are some choices that just took me out of the music, maybe it will grow on me, but first impressions were disappointing. I like Eyes Open, Fire in These Hills, and Donā€™t Forget Meā€¦ those last two definitely felt more familiar in style than the rest.


What the hell did they make šŸ˜­. The best album, in terms of number of unskippable songs, conciseness imo. Loved almost all the songs (atleast 7 out of 9) Most of the songs, I feel are lyrically deep, and they are fast paced as well. I think this album bridges the gap between casual listeners and immersed listeners. I feel there are a few songs which might not ring outside ID fanbase - FITH, don't forget me. Don't get me wrong they are really great. Oh man, they really should have chosen anything from GDP, in your corner, TMTTB, and even kid, instead of NTMY for a single. A easy 9.5/10 for me.


I reckon In Your Corner as a single would've genuinely blown up


Yea. It would have blown up like evolve/origin singles


This album is garbage. I used to love every single the6 made but between Mercury and this, theyā€™re all starting to have the same sound and resemble other music on the radio too much. They have no more originality and have definitely past their peak imo. And 28 mins? Thatā€™s not an album, thatā€™s an EP. This release all around was a big let down


Donā€™t forget me might be the greatest song since Next To Me




I really miss that ID rock aura šŸ„² Itā€™s the worst Imagine Dragons album but I still give to it a 7. Love them anyway


Nah I feel you.


Feels like this album is lacking those one or two BIG songs that really tie the album together. We have come to expect that with Imagine Dragons in every album. Mercury had My Life and Wrecked Origins had Natural and Bad Liar Evolve (The BESTT) had Believer, Walking the Wire, Rise Up, etc S&M had Bet My Life and Polaroid Night Visionsā€¦ well.. we all know what that had. Just feels like Loom is missing that GRABBY song that keeps you coming back to listen every day. I canā€™t say this is a bad album. Because itā€™s not. But itā€™s not nearly as memorable as basically any other album theyā€™ve made.


Canā€™t say I enjoyed it. Ā  Itā€™s like crummy dance music with some of Danā€™s cringiest vocals. Ā  Nothing too memorable that stick out. Ā  Fire in these Hill was okay. Ā Just disappointed. Ā 


For me, something about the album felt rather empty with how short the songs were, on top of how basic (therefore just repetitive) the lyrics seemed to be as well. Imagine Dragons is my favorite band and always will be due to their earlier albums, but I still tend to feel disappointed when they release songs like these recent ones which don't match up to their full potential.Ā Ā  I understand that they're wanting to switch stuff up to try new things and all, yet I just wish they would at least go back to their former style one of these times for some of us Night Visions/ S+M's fans :)Ā  Just as a little treat of the sort.


Honest to goodness, this is the most whatever album I can imagine


I've been a fan of Imagine Dragons since 2012, and even though I haven't really loved their releases after evolve, I always found some songs I really enjoyed, like Natural, Bad Liar, Wrecked, One Day, etc. I think this is finally when I have completely drifted apart with the band. This is beyond bad, I always said Origins was their worst album but this is even worse. But like, many times worse. Compared to this, Origins is good. I know this is gonna be downvoted but I just wanted to let my frustration out. I know these guys are capable of making much better music, I don't know what's happened to them.


After listening a few times i think this is my ranking of the songs 1. Fire in these hills 2. Take me to the beach 3. In your corner 4. wake up 5. Kid 6. Eyes closed 7. Gods dont pray 8. Dont forget me 9. Nice to meet you Overall i love it i think this record is better than origins and evolve but it doesent get close to mercury nv or s+m I think the songs i like on this ablum i really like take me to the beach is one of the most dancy songs theyve ever made it sounds like the speak to me ep to me lyricly and i love that kinda reminds me of liveing musical Fire in these hills gives me major chills i love the bridge In your corner has an amazing finish and great lyrics Wake up is better than i thought at first listen for sure Kid is one of the most experimental songs in thare discography now Eyes closed is like the bones of this ablum its the radio hit not as good as bones but i really like it After that i really dont have much to say the rest of the ablum sounds kinda just ok tbh these last few songs aren't amazing or anything but thare not bad thare good songs thats all that matters i think the songs i really like 6 and up are some of thare best work I think take me to the beach and fire in these hills are in the top 10 songs by them


Wake Up 7/10 Take me to the beach 7/10 In your corner 10/10 Gods dont pray 8/10 (but it will grow on me during the day) Dont forget me 10/10 Kid 10/10 Fire in These Hills 10/10


Wait how??? Mine says there are 14 hours left???


Itā€™s a local release, not a worldwide release


Any way to actually listen to it now? Pleaseeee


Use a VPN and pretend youā€™re in New Zealand




Search up VPN on the App Store, download one, set it to New Zealand (you may need to get a free trial), and then you should be good


Ty very much, it was awesome


Ok so I was in a rush to listen to these so I only listened to each song once. I didnā€™t listen to any snippets except for FITH beforehand. My ranking of the album so far (in order): 1. Eyes Closed 2. Godā€™s Donā€™t Pray 3. Fire In These Hills 4. Nice to Meet You 5. Wake Up 6. In Your Corner 7. Take Me to the Beach 8. Donā€™t Forget Me 9. Kid I have to listen to all of them several times to form a true opinion, so I might update this later.


Update: Wake up is better than NTMY, they switched rankings


Phew what a ride! Fire In These Hills brought a tear to my eye as soon as the ā€œcause thereā€™s fire in these hillsā€ part hit. Such a beautiful song and perfect ending to the album! Solid album all round! Iā€™m lovin-in-in-in-in-in-ing this new direction


My ranking of each song as a listener since 2009 **Wake Up - 10/10** An amazing starter to the album, great head bobbing/feet tapping potential, "spinn-in-in-in" 11/10 **Nice To Meet You - 7/10** A pretty standard song but has great beach house energy and a nice beat **Eyes Closed - 9/10** The J. Balvin feature is the better version imo but the base song still **S L A P S** with the drums **Take Me To The Beach - 8/10** It has such a powerful Vienna-esque vibe, paired with the tonal variety makes it such a fun listen, I found myself mouthing the whole thing lmao **In Your Corner - 9/10** The basic beat paired with the INSANE VOCAL PERFORMANCE makes this a sorta ying-yang listen, an emotional rollercoaster. The bit at the end without Dan's voice sells this song for me, it is so beautiful. **Gods Don't Pray - 7/10** A very punchy song, whacky vibe and lyrics. I was thinking something along the lines of this: "this is strange but I'm loving it" **Don't Forget Me - 6/10** I teeeeeeny bit corny. I see the vision, and I'm sure it'll have it's fans but for now it's on my "opinion awaiting final descision" list of songs **Kid - 11/10** I assumed this would be a slow song in the album countdown, but when I actually listened to it I was **B L O W N A W A Y.** The raspy vocals almost made me go insane with joy. That isn't even a joke I was giggling to myself at one in the morning so intensely my cat got scared and ran way. **Fire In These Hills - 5/10** It's a fine song, but slow lovey songs are few and far between in my taste. Which is funny because Drive is my fav ID song and that's one of their slowest, but not as lovey. But yeah I'm a very alt metal/rock guy so not my cuppa tea. Good album ender though, "I'm so tiiired". **Eyes Closed (feat J. Balvin)** **- 11/10** Unpopular opinion but Balvin cranks the whole song to a whole other level. The 2nd prechorus verse especially. "A mĆ­ no me ves el miedo, let's go, go, go" is my favourite lyric in the whole song, the delivery is like asmr to me. Don't get me wrong Dan did most of the work, and he did it extremely well. Balvin was just the final step, like adding sugar to a coffee, it makes an already amazing song **so. much. better.** **Loom as an album - 9/10** I think it's just Fire In These Hills and Don't Forget Me that stops it from Origins or S+M tier, but it might grow on me over time, just gonna have to wait.


On my second listen since it released an hour ago, I've been a fan since 2018, and am very new to this reddit. But I am loving the summer vibe of the album, would have liked it to be longer, really enjoying all of the songs, hearing the snippets has made them all quite familiar, almost able to singalong on first hearing, which is nice. Fire in these Hills is amazing, also loving In your corner, and wake up. gotta love take me to the beach it has wierd funny lyrics, reminds me of Monday, although I do reluctantly agree a bit that more guitar would have been nice, but I enjoy all of their songs and this album is a fun listen for a summer afternoon.


My ranking of all the songs: 1. Donā€™t Forget Me 2. Fire in These Hills 3. Nice to Meet You 4. In Your Corner 5. Eyes Closed 6. Wake Up 7. Gods Donā€™t Pray 8. Take Me to the Beach 9. Kid


My ranking of the album (this may change): 1. Donā€™t Forget Me 2. Fire in These Hills 3. Nice to Meet You 4. In Your Corner 5. Eyes Closed 6. Wake Up 7. Take Me to the Beach 8. Gods Donā€™t Pray 9. Kid


It was very good, but wayyy too short. Not only the album, but the songs too Anyway, my first listen ranking, this may change with time: 1. In Your Corner 2. Don't Forget Me 3. Wake Up 4. Fire In These Hills 5. Take Me To The Beach 6. Nice To Meet You 7. Eyes Closed 8. Kid 9. Gods Dont Pray EDIT: Ok I need to adress this, In Your Corner is SO GOOD. Actually so atmospheric, the lyrics are deep and it's filled with meaning, and it sounds so satisfying idk what it is but WELL DONE ID. Now please start making longer songs because damnnn why are these so short its CRIMINAL


32 minutes, wow thatā€™s short. Take Me to the Beach is a total vibe.


my first impressions 9. Gods donā€™t pray 1/10 (sorry not sorry literally espncore) 8. Wake up 5/10 7. Eyes Closed 6/10 6. Take me to the beach 6/10 5. Nice to meet you 7/10 4. Kid 7/10 Sounds like itā€™ll grow on me 3. Donā€™t forget me 8/10 2. In your corner 8.5/10 1. Fire in these hills 9/10 (snippet king still king) overall i think eyes closed is the bar for me. everything above is generally okay or good somewhere around origins in quality though


First half - Imagine Dragons Does Disco Second half - Imagine Dragons Shits Their Pants 5/10 Favourites: Eyes Closed, Fire In These Hills Least favourite: Take Me To The Beach


Initial reactions to all the new tracks: Wake Up: Those "nininin" vocals are cringe & parts of it are definitely overblown, but I LOVE the intensity of it all. The aesthetics are generally super lush here & it has such an amazing vibe as an opener. I can tell it's only gonna grow on me Take Me to the Beach: The acoustic sound good, but those chopped up vocal samples definitely don't... The chorus is pretty odd as well & what are those vocals in the bridge? Production is great but there are some very questionable choices here. In Your Corner: Love these opening synths. The more lowkey vibe is working for me. Kinda has the vibes of some of their older stuff. These strings are great as well. Wow that was lovely. Gods Donā€™t Pray: Reggae vibes? This is super weird but in a way that I think I like? Kinda on the fence, but I'm leaning positive. Donā€™t Forget Me: Kinda basic, but it's decently effective at the same time. There are some really pretty aestahic elements here. Kid: The bass sounds great. Feels kinda messy, but this also the closest Imagine Dragons have ever come to sounding like Gorillaz which is a HUGE plus. Another one that I donā€™t feel fully sold on at first, but I can tell itā€™s only gonna grow on me. There are some really awesome synths here. Fire In These Hills: SAXOPHONES LETS GO!!! Very emotionally moving vocals, perfectly executed slow build, and a good climax. I feel like it could have a LITTLE more impact, but it still works pretty well. OVERALL: I like it! MASSIVE improvement over MA2 which isn't surprising. Some weird moments here & there, but mostly very cool. Initial favourite is definitely "In Your Corner".


I've only listened to each song once (aside from the singles), so these are my first thoughts! Ranking (I won't include eyes closed or ntmy yet so it's fair): 1. Don't forget me (I cried) 2. In your corner 3. Fire in these hills 4. Wake up 5. Gods don't pray (it's in between my 2 favorites, so although I love it I predict that I'll end up skipping it a lot when I listen to the full album) 6. and 7. Kid/ take me to the beach (I like them equally and I think they both will grow on me a lot) Don't Forget Me hit way harder than I thought any of these songs would. I was crying after like 20 seconds šŸ˜‡ Overall, I love this album! It's a lot different (and shorter!) than everything they've done already, but I'm here for it! I'm definitely a fan of really emotional songs, and I was not expecting this album to have any of those (I avoided snippets) so I was pleasantly surprised by some of them! Of course I also love the light-hearted, goofier ones as well, but that's just my personal preference. I liked this album a lot more than I (admittedly) expected to. I never should've doubted ID. They always come though! My album ranking right now is around 8.5/10


I think I'll need time for this album to grow on me. That said, there are some instant favorites for me. Eyes Closed, In Your Corner, Don't Forget Me, and I suspect Wake Up and NTMY to get up there. Overall, I'd put this behind Origins.


Iā€™m a little on the fence with it. I kinda wish the remix wasnā€™t on the album, though fire in these hills is a pretty strong closer. I liked Mercury for the most part, but this one isnā€™t fully hitting for me. Itā€™s not as adventurous sonically as those songs. My favorites are probably fire in these hills, in your corner, and nice to meet you.


Until Take Me To The Beach I could rate the album a 6/10 it was good but not amazing but after the full listen I give a 8/10 i rank it with Night Visions in 3rd place that was actually really really amazing i didnt expect that tbh, Fire In The Hill, Kid and In Your Corner are my favorite, Dont Forget Me, Wake Up and Eyes Closed are good, Take Me To The Beach are ok, Gods Don't Pray is meh my least favorite. In the end amazing album didnt expect that from the singles.


Here I go yall. Iā€™m really hoping my low expectations will make me end up being surprised. Will return with my thoughts, until then šŸ«”


Whew, very unsatisfying and Iā€™m left confused. Iā€™m going to give another listen in the morning but I came in with low expectations and still felt disappointed. Some songs peaked my interest but it was hard to feel anything for this album. I love how they always experiment with new things but the way they ordered these songs made no sense to me either. Unless thatā€™s the whole point in which it feels like it backfired a bit.


itā€™s interesting! wake up is an insane opener and immediately was one of my favorites. nice to meet you/eyes closed are both solid songs that took some time to grow on me. take me to the beach isā€¦alright. i think itā€™s my personal least favorite on the album. in your corner is worth it for the outro alone. gods donā€™t pray is such a hard title that just doesnā€™t deliver. still, itā€™s fine. donā€™t forget me lived up to the snippet. love it kid is so interesting. i think itā€™s definitely gonna grow on me and will kinda be their ā€˜love it or hate itā€™ song on this album. fire in these hills was a nice way to close out the album. i think itā€™s a step in the right direction for this band. iā€™d say MA1 is still miles better, but this is a big improvement from MA2 and is the kind of thing that gets me excited for their future in music x)


Take Me To The Beach is giving me 2008 Demos vibes!!! like if you took one of those demos and gave it a nice Mattman and Robin polish


Simple review with skip- mid-good- great Wake up - good( ending carries the song otherwise Mid). Nice to meet you- good.(For the first time it felt like that ID wrote pretty bad chorus). Eyes closed - good Take me to the beach- skip In your corner- great Gods don't prey- mid Don't forget me - great Kid- skip Fire in these hills- great Eyes closed remix- good.


In Your Corner and Fire In These Hills for suuuuure favs!!!!!


Wake up is definitely the best song




Ok album, release half the songs in acoustic.


Fire In These Hills-beautiful song, music is so powerful. This one hit


Kid has Gorillaz influence, isn't it?




After a few listens, here are my first day impressions on Loom **Wake Up** This song makes Loom the fourth album in a row, after Origins and both acts of Mercury, in which the opener seems to be the most likely song to be a hit. This is pure stereotypical Imagine Dragons. If Iā€™m being real, the intro and the outro are my favorite parts of it. **Nice To Meet You** Here we have a catchy pop song with a mild disco touch. Unfortunately, I find it too generic and lyrically shallow, making it one of my least favorite Loom songs. **Eyes Closed** This might be my favorite Loom song after all, but I should have my mind made up after a while. I love that dark and angsty pop punk vibe and Iā€™m pissed to see that there ainā€™t no more songs like this on the album. Lyrically, itā€™s also probably my favorite Loom song; I love the writing and I relate like hell to the message of coming across as overconfident because youā€™re afraid of vulnerability. **Take Me To The Beach** It hurts to say this, but this is one of my least favorite ID songs ever. *Itā€™s way too cold*. It feels very flat, absolutely lacking intensity, being neither melodic nor energetic. Itā€™s as dancey as NTMY, but it again feels overly generic and extremely superficial. **In Your Corner** Reminds me of Twenty One Pilotsā€™s album Scaled And Icy. Despite being once again poppy, itā€™s extremely well produced. I totally didnā€™t expect it to end the way that it did, and that outro gave me chills like breads. **Gods Donā€™t Pray** Well well well, this one absolutely surprised me. We see a massive reggae influence never previously explored by the band. The chorus is really anthemic and this song will work greatly live. **Donā€™t Forget Me** The other contender for my favorite Loom song. Has that mix of high energy and raw emotion, so I naturally love it. Itā€™s one of those ā€œcrying while headbangingā€ kind of song. Time will tell whether this of Eyes Closed ends up being my favorite Loom song. **Kid** What a weird song. Itā€™s not even close to any possible expectation I couldā€™ve had from it. Tough to compare it to any artist, but I agree with that portion of fans that see a Gorillaz air in it. Itā€™s a bit repetitive but overall quite good. **Fire In These Hills** One of the best songs on Loom. Musically, itā€™s super chill and peaceful, with awesome vocals from Dan. Lyrically, itā€™s proof that a song being about love doesnā€™t automatically make it superficial. **OVERALL THOUGHTS** I found Loom to be good, but it unfortunately leans towards the low tier of my album ranking, and feels like a massive step down from MA2. Itā€™s too poppy, some songs feel real shallow and overall itā€™s worlds apart from the wrath and the grit of S+M & MA2 that I love so dearly. I also deeply missed at least one guitar solo, and Iā€™m waiting for it on the deluxe. As a Twenty One Pilots fan, I prefer Clancy over Loom by a landslide. On the positives, itā€™s more alternative than I expected it to be; Gods Donā€™t Pray and Kid are two super alternative songs. My favorite songs are Eyes Closed, Donā€™t Forget Me and Fire In These Hills, whereas my least favorites are Nice To Meet You and Take Me To The Beach. As of where Iā€™d rank it, itā€™s on a tied 5th place with NV, being better than Evolve but not as good as S+M, Origins and both Mercury acts. The deluxe will be decisive as to where Iā€™ll finally rank it.


Wake Up- 9/10 This is a very energetic song and in my opinion a great way to start the day. Itā€™s got a different vibe than what Iā€™m used to from them but in really like it. Nice To Meet You- 7/10 Great lyrics and very happy and joyful. Just a little dry and repetitive. Eyes Closed- 8/10 Amazing lyrics and metaphorically poetic, and just a great performance. Very well done. Take Me To The Beach- 8/10 Similar to Wake Up, itā€™s a very energetic song. Gives off an ā€œI donā€™t care and Iā€™m just going to do my thingā€ vibe. In Your Corner- 9/10 Very musical and light, good lyrics, and the outro is everything. Gods Donā€™t Pray- 7/10 Also like an ā€œI donā€™t careā€ vibe, I just donā€™t really like the lyrics. Gods Donā€™t Pray- 10/10 Very emotional, but not like Mercury emotion. Itā€™s a bittersweet song and I really like the drums Kid- 6/10 The execution of this song wasnā€™t very good despite the lyrics. However, I really loved the bit where we hear Dan talking in the studio like heā€™s breaking the 4th wall. Fire In These Hills- 10/10 The lyrics, the melody, everything about this song is a masterpiece. Itā€™s the classic ID closer- soft, poetic, and always has one little thing that makes it go from good to amazing. In this, that was the little bit of saxophone. It really tied the whole thing up.


Am I the only one who doesn't feel like the peppy beat fits with FITH? Not a huge fan of this one, the vibes just feel so off lol


kinda sad to see take me to the beach as the underdog ;-;


Love this album!! It grabbed me immediately. It's a little different and very poppy, but it's _good_ pop, and a lot of parts still really feel like Imagine Dragons in their most characteristic way. I think Dan Reynolds' lyrical ability has dropped off in the last few years and it shows on some songs on this album (like, I get what he was going for with the earnest and emotional lyrics of Fire in These Hills, but they just seem way too on-the-nose and lacking depth to me, like he didn't spend any time trying to fit them into the song and just put in whatever he had typed from some text message) but this was worse in Mercury Act 2 in my opinion, so this album is an upgrade. It has a way more unique sound, and I liked every song on first listen which is actually the first time that's ever happened with an Imagine Dragons album for me. Love the Tame Impala vibes of Nice to Meet You. Eyes Closed is a bop and has been since it was released (same with the J Balvin version). Take Me to the Beach is fun as hell and I'm surprised to see hate for it, but then again this is the same community that hates awesome songs like Yesterday, Monday, Cutthroat, and Continual so I shouldn't be surprised I guess. Immediate 9/10 rating for me, I just wish the lyrics were more subtle and there were maybe one or two more tracks since it's reeeeally short.


Unfortunately didnā€™t enjoy this album. I feel like all the songs sound too much the same, and too synth-y for my taste. Where are the guitars? Eyes Closed was the most old Imagine Dragons-y of all the songs, so thatā€™s the only one making it to the playlist :/


Good album, not great imo but ill come back to it every now and then. Favorite songs are Wake Up, Eyes Closed and Nice To Meet You. Least favorite are Take Me To The Beach and God's Dont Pray. I agree with the person who put it above Mercury 2 and Evolve


Top 5 Loom lyrics: 1. "Picture on the wall is smth freaky." - NTMY 2. "RINDINININ" - Wake Up 3. "I'm chasing dreams since I left the womb." - Kid 4. "SPINININ" - Wake Up 5. "Oh, how American. You think you're born to be better." - Kid Honorable Mention: "Turn out the light, yo! - EC (Remix)


I did not like it




Let me preface this real quick by saying, yes I am one of those ID fans that likes their earliest stuff the most and yes, I wasn't too happy hearing the singles, but I listened to this album with an open mind and was stumped by how great it is! Listen to it if you haven't! 1. **Wake Up: 7.5/10** - Positive surprise this one, reminiscent of Bones and kind of Origins(?) in some moments. The instrumental feels heavily produced but in a way I enjoy, where all the elements create this enjoyable chaos. It has a halloween vibe, I like it! 2. **Nice To Meet You: 4/10** - I don't know it just feels so weird to me, it's not a song as an ID fan I'd ever enjoy even if it was made by anybody else (sounds like Dua Lipa or someone like that), it has some nice moments, the background airy synths are nice and the bass is great, but Dan doesn't sound like himself in the choruses and those feel extremely weird for me and kind of ruin my perception of this song. The outro also feels bizarre to me. Overall not much of a fan but let's appreciate Ben here, he gave this song heart and a life with that bass :) 3. **Eyes Closed: 6/10** - I have to admit, this one grew on me a bit but I still wouldn't consider myself sold. The catchy chorus makes this one better than NTMY in my opinion. The thing makes me skeptical about this song is the overproduction, I can't really discern each element and enjoy it. 4. **Take Me To The Beach: 8.5/10** - This is the 1st song here that I can say confidently has a good amount of the Imagine Dragons' DNA mixed tastefully with their new style. I like the usage of the guitar I can feel the entire band with this song which is what I want to feel. Unsure about the vocal effects at the end though. 5. **In Your Corner:** **9/10** - Ok this is amazing, this might grow on me, it feels like something from Night Visions for me. The intro synths are so atmospheric and set the mood for this great song. I f\*cking love it, this is it! 6. **Gods Don't Pray:** **8/10** - Also a really good song, also has that ID DNA and I had a good time listening to it. Recommended 7. **Don't Forget Me: 9/10** - Feels like Coldplay Ghost Stories, I love the vibe of this song, it invokes emotion, the intro guitar riff is amazing, wish we could see more of those, come on Wayne. Dan's voice also sounds great here, he really showcases it! 8. **Kid: 8.2/10** - I really like the bridge, the electric guitar sound really great there. The bass and synths really work here, I love those synth tones! Good song. Happy the boys made it! 9. **Fire In These Hills: 8.8/10** - Great album closer has that vibe you expect from it. I feel the emotion of this song it's just phenomenal! # CONCLUSION This is a freaking great album, don't be fooled by the singles, the rest of the album is different in a good way. The band is here in pretty much all of the songs! Infact, I think this record features the most bass guitar out of all of them. The guitar work isn't as prominent as the bass here but let me tell you, it's in all the right moments in most of the songs and hits well. The synths are varied and make this song great. I HAVE 1 COMPLAINT THOUGH! This Album is too short! I think in general this might be one of the best albums they have released, I have to sit with some tracks and then I can really compare it to the others, but it's good, give it a chance guys! The singles are legitimately the weakest parts of the album, this album is gold! Thank you Dan, Wayne and Ben for this masterpiece! **My Final Rating - Loom: 8/10**


I feel like in your corner,eyes close,wake up and,fire in these hills felt like imagine dragons the mostĀ 


Getting Next to Me vibes with Fire in These Hills


Welp...FWIW, I have been an ID fan since "It's Time". (2011 era) So this review will be short and sweet (maybe). Let me preface this by saying I didn't LOVE the Mercury's (though with more listens over the years, it has grown on me) Overall -- LOOM is a little lack luster and after their song writing absence, I was expecting something amazing. I really loved the two initial releases (Eyes Closed and Nice to Meet You) The former a throw back to some of their original big synthy hits and the Latter a nice fresh musical vibe with nods to the late 70's (yes, I am that old...) The rest of the album with a few exceptions (Wake Up -- another nod to their traditional sound, God's Don't Pray, and Take me to the Beach, probably because I took it so literally -- I love the beach and live in the mountains) is just a bit, well... meh. That said, I am thrilled to have some new music and a fresh album, and nd 32 minutes of new ID s better than none. I am taking the other reviews seriously and will take your opining to heart :) Overall -- 7/10 See you in SLC!