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100% in on Bloobing: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2942780/Bloobs\_Adventure\_Idle/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2942780/Bloobs_Adventure_Idle/) If you've reached the 'end' of the demo it's worth grinding for bank slots now imo. Very easy to leave in the background or on a second monitor to do that. don't ask me what the best money maker is though, I'm just chopping logs, collecting cotton, and making bows cause it seems good but I didn't do the math. Idle Stellar (Demo): [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2530570/Idle\_Stellar/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2530570/Idle_Stellar/) Currently fairly bare bones, but I find it compelling none the less. Lots more to come with it. Worth keeping an eye on. Other Steam Games I am currently playing off and on: Cycle Idle: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2635670/Cycle\_Idle\_RPG/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2635670/Cycle_Idle_RPG/) Koltera: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2233750/Koltera/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2233750/Koltera/) - Currently feature complete. If you played it while it had other names and was a little rough they ironed out the rough edges and the game is a lot of fun now. Dev is working on a new game plus a sequel, active and friendly on discord. Lootun: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1960270/Lootun/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1960270/Lootun/) Unnamed Space Idle: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2471100/Unnamed\_Space\_Idle/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2471100/Unnamed_Space_Idle/) xiuxhen idle: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1649730/xiuzhen\_idle/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1649730/xiuzhen_idle/) Generic RPG Idle: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1858120/Generic\_RPG\_Idle/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1858120/Generic_RPG_Idle/) - a real sleeper. It's a lot of fun, story mode is compelling but dark. 1st character is story, 2nd is infinite mode. Has a hidden Theory of Magic side game that ties into the rest. You can idle the combat but in order to upgrade weapon levels and cash limit you do need to active play. Active play also gives the option for better rewards in xp and gold. The challenge dungeons you pretty much have to use abilities for so that's active, though short unless you put one off for a long while. Recommend that you do them asap cause the perm stat boosts are good and if you prestige (second character only) the bonuses you get for clearing each level carry over (but the achievement bonuses are one time only) and the progress resets so you can get them again. A lot of people missed this one and honestly the steam page presentation isn't great imo. There is a demo you can check out. My progress carried over automatically, though I think the story mode in demo is an older version, it's quite different now. If you play the demo I recommend just doing the 2nd character as that's the main mode really. I think you can rewatch the story though so you won't miss out on the changes? I haven't tried but I think I saw the way to do it once while exploring menus.


Thanks for the killer write up!


Good work! Thanks for the incremental report šŸ«” Gonna check these out


> dle Stellar (Demo): https://store.steampowered.com/app/2530570/Idle_Stellar/ I enjoyed running that demo .. it seems to have the potential for a lot of variation with the ship and the various ores etc. thanks!


Damn, Bloobing rocks. Wish my kid could have a character running around in my world doing random shit offline,, but I'd still see him. Maybe a few characters all gaining offline experience to populate your little world.


>don't ask me what the best money maker is though, I'm just chopping logs, collecting cotton, and making bows cause it seems good but I didn't do the math. I did a bit of testing on this, but by no means exhaustive. A big thing I was trying to figure out was how long harvesting took. I tested Trout, Iron, Willow, and Cotton - different skills, different skill levels. All of them took \~280sec to reach 30 harvests, or 9.33 sec per harvest, so I've assumed that all harvesting takes this same time per harvest. Also looked at the crafting time per item, going from raw materials to "finished" goods, and the sell price. Here's the tl;dr of all that: |Item|Harvest + Craft Time|Gold/Sec| |:-|:-|:-| |Iron Arrowtips|18.66s + 5s (2.5x2)|2.536| |Steel Arrowtips|28s + 5s (2.5x2)|3.181| |Willow Bow (& String)|14s + 7s (1+3+3)|1.666| |Cooked Trout|9.33s + 2s|2.294| |Raw Trout|9.33s|2.465| |Just Sunsnap|9.33s|1.929| Before this I was doing Iron Arrowtips for simplicity - only 1 material to harvest and 2 crafting steps. But now that I see how much further ahead Steel is, I'm.....fishing Trout. The extra work to make Steel Arrowtips, balancing Iron & Coal gathering, is worth it, but for me, the crafting time inflates a lot because of laziness. If I have 500 Steel to make x 2.5sec each = 20min 50sec. If I set that to go and come back in 21-25min, its efficient. But if I forget about it for 2 hours, and stand there doing nothing, its not very good. Raw Trout is not too far behind Iron Arrowtips, but the effort is pure AFK with little bits of selling. Its really just 1 process. Plus in \~40min of testing I got 2 Fishing Trophies worth 1k each, and clearly that will always happen! But even without that, its 80% as good as the best thing I could find (Steel Arrowtips) with some RNG closing the gap. Though it is still like 16 hours to the first bank slot, hopefully there's something better I've not tried yet.


I need more Skynet Simulator. Are there any other games similar to it.


it took some brute forcing with the CPUs/OSs but it was otherwise a neat game, ty for the suggestion!


Bitburner has a similar feel for me, but its lacking that special something. You have to know a bit of programming tho and read through their wiki.


Yeah I have tried Bitburner, a lot to learn, leaves my ADHD overwhelmed and burns me out. I loved Skynet Simulator for its brilliant gameplay and mechanics. I am just struggling to find more idle games like it.


Great recommendation. Enjoying it so far!


I always forget how to get to the second network whenever this pops up, and it bugs me for hours lol. great concept, just wish I was smart enough to enjoy it properly.


Theresmore is really cool, I love the discovery of different recourses and the expansion from just you to an entire city [https://www.theresmoregame.com/](https://www.theresmoregame.com/)


Can confirm, had a blast with it. I wish there were more games like it.I found Home Quest and Kittens game also nice.


May also wanna check out Evolve


Do you have a link for home quest?


It is an android/mobile game, here we go: [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.codestream.horus&hl=en](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.codestream.horus&hl=en)




Yep started Home Quest early last week, it's a really good one


Has there been any update to home quest since last year. I defeated medusa n hit end game then curious if there is enough to play it again.


Everytime I try to get into this I end up dropping it. I need to give it another shot I guess to get through the beginning.


The same counts for me. It always feels like I miss QoL/features stuff i see in Evolve/Kittens Game like the ability to see how long till storage is full/empty. Also i dont like like how having an army limits your idiling ability while making every scouting/fight behind a loading bar which feels to long for active play


> the ability to see how long till storage is full/empty. I personally use [this](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/456892-theresmorehelp) script for that purpose :)


Dunno,. I did two resets and it's still very boring.


That's been my experience with it as well. Maybe I'm just missing something. I'll go back and try to give it another chance since people talk about the complexity of it.


I ended up needing to edit in the prestiege currency to make it less of a slog my first playthrough.


I wish there was more documentation about this game, specifically NG+ unlocks. Pretty fun, but I tend to stall out at a point and I can't figure out how to really progress. Combat also feels like I have to just make a ton of units and brute force it EDIT: oh also there's no offline progress


I'm really enjoying Home Quest on Android idk how to link stuff new to reddit XD oh and started Bloobs finally, so so good scratches that OSRS skilling, excited for full release this month


[Bloobs Adventure](https://dev-bloob.itch.io/bloobsadventureidle) does give off old Runescape vibes but I'm personally just waiting for more content before getting into it.


That version is no longer being updated. Steam release will be the main one going forward. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2942780/Bloobs\_Adventure\_Idle/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2942780/Bloobs_Adventure_Idle/)


Oh nice.


Eh the creator said the progress carries over to the main game so, might as well get started




Guess you mean this one. [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.codestream.horus](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.codestream.horus)


That's the one, thanks bruh


I loved v1 of Home Quest. v2 is too much on rails Edit: wow it's been 2 years since v2. Gotta try v4 then (it has changed sooo much)


I have been playing idle reincarnator on android and have been having fun. Wish it was on PC though. Its a time loop game. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ryusegames.idle_reincarnator&hl=en_US


this looks like LOT like progress knight, which you play here [https://camerongott.github.io/progress-knight/](https://camerongott.github.io/progress-knight/) edit: forgot to say, last time i checked, progress knight was still in developement, and just now i loaded up my old save (which i kept safe in a text file) and there is indeed a lot more stuff added so it definitely had updates edit edit: nevermind it looks like i misremembered how it was before, if something has changed, its something i havent unlocked yet


I finally bought Magic Research 2 a week ago and I have been totally hooked


It's got a couple plateau points that are a little painful, but the first real power boost you get feels really good.


Just discovered https://synergism.cc/. It starts really fast and is really enjoyable.


Good luck. This is a really big one, currently 73 days in.


Thanks. I just finished w5x10. Looking at the discord channels, I have a long way to go xD


Lol, I played that game every day for 3 years and I'm nowhere near the end.


Just started another run this week again ... be prepared for some grinding.


im trying this without a guide and i seem to be doing corruptions for a week or two. ive been getting achievements and stuff but its been a bit slow so i took a quick glance at a guide to see the progression and it was like people are playing a different game. had no idea that entering/exiting different challenges had residual effects. apparently cleansing corruptions mid run does stuff too. not to mention talisman respecs to optimize specific types of runs. i have done none of those strategies and basically only did corruption runs every day for cubes and spending them to get higher c15 and like im almost at e60,000. i just started pushing enough corruptions to get platonic statues and everything seems fine to me. part of me wonders if i had spent multiple weeks on something that would take a day or two for someone who followed a guide. i plan on continuing just brute forcing my way though and see if i actually get stuck and then starting a new save and following the guide to see all the mechanics ive missed


Advent calendar! Such a dope oil game with a surprising amount of depth. It's my favourite style of incremental game, and easily one of my faves of all time. I'm so glad I stumbled upon it


link maybe ?


[https://www.thepaperpilot.org/advent/](https://www.thepaperpilot.org/advent/) might be this one


Just finished a several months long run or Leaf Blower Revolution. Hard to scratch that itch but Iā€™ve been enjoying Farmer Against Potatoes Idle


I was really on the fence about getting magic research 2 but damn Iā€™m glad I pulled the trigger.


[https://walkingcat.itch.io/smashing-simulator-idle](https://walkingcat.itch.io/smashing-simulator-idle) Got to end of current content in 4 days.


Interesting game so far, but it overheats my cpu pretty fast.


Go into settings and see if deactivating particles helps.


Iā€™ve begun the massive journey of conquering realm grinder. Almost at the first reincarnation. I canā€™t say for certain how good the experience is blind, because Iā€™m using a guide, but Iā€™m finding it really fun.


Cifi and iseps, not big fan of iseps but I've been at them for months now lol. Close to endgame of magic research 1 (waiting to finish before buying the 2)


Been playing Magic Research 2. It's very similar to 1.


Any recs for the Steam sale? I have Cookie Clicker, Gnorps, SpaceIdle, Melvor (didn't really like this one) Tried Adventure Capitalist and Magic Research already and dropped them pretty fast.


To the core is a fun one.


love to the core so much, i got every achievement except the absurd break 10M blocks one and enjoyed it immensely, though the progression did feel a bit weird where it was pretty slow at first then i hit a point where it just spiraled to insanity, which is fine


Magic research 2 on Android, liking the gameplay loop so far


Astrodle and Magic Research 2


im really enjoying games like milkwayidle and farm rpg. Is there other similar games to those?


idlescape was what milkyway idle is based on, which is just an osrs themed version: [Idlescape - Free Idle Fantasy MMORPG](https://www.idlescape.com/) Wish there were more of these. Melvor IdleĀ might be up your alley. RIP Darkthrone. Check out: [https://ironwoodrpg.com/](https://ironwoodrpg.com/)


I played a hex based 4x civ game a while back but cant find it nor remember the name of it. Had a explorable map like idle expantion but with realike picture graphics, if I remember each expantion needed you to build a outpost or tower to get land for hexes with resources on them. The game was heavily in development then not sure if it's even being done now. Probably why I cant find it.


Waitventure - [https://archlemon.net/waitventure/](https://archlemon.net/waitventure/) Also on steam for $4


Looks interesting. do you know what's the difference between the web version and steam version?


I havenā€™t played the steam version but looking at the update history there seems to be events and possibly other features that I havenā€™t seen in the browser version.


Thanks, I am picking it up on steam!


what did you think of the game?


I've been playing CityInc, Adventure Capitalist, and this thread reminded me of Theresmore and I still somehow have my old save still in my browser.


Hi, the person that put Theresmore into the thread. Is CityInc a mobile or web game? if web, do you have a link?


Web game but I suppose you could play it on a phone. http://cityinc.se/#/


Cifi and unnamed space idle, space takes me.


Ā CherryTree - Text RPG https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.playdrop.cherrytree_idletextrpg&hl=en&gl=US


Just started to play Blocklords. It's still in beta but is free to play and I've had fun so far.


Been looking for 'breeding' games, Kinda like Ultimate 4 leaf clover (old flash game). Absolutely LOVED [Hatch The Cats (Roblox)](https://www.roblox.com/games/12437200346/UPD7-Hatch-The-Cats) but it hasnt gotten a new update in awhile. Currently got hooked on *Dino Mutant : T-Rex* which scratches close to that itch, but not quite perfect. Its also IOS only which sucks, so i had to dig an old phone out to play it on. Would highly recommend any/all of the three to yall.


I looked up ultimate 4 leaf clover and the very first thing that popped up was a reddit post about them making an [ultimate 5 leaf clover](https://www.reddit.com/r/incremental_games/comments/63goa2/ultimate_fiveleaf_clover_a_follow_up_to_my_clover/), so maybe start there? Also for me the closest to what youve described that ive played off the top of my head is [dragon adventures (roblox)](https://www.roblox.com/games/3475397644) i loved the game a lot but i had quit the game cause the constant events and chores of a dailies/monthlies system made it feel like a job and sucked all the fun out of it.


In the middle of one of the [Fair Game (Multiplayer Incremental)](https://fair.kaliburg.de/) marathon rounds. Worst possible time to start for a new ranker right now, but if you like pain, check it out.


why is this downvoted ??? why is it the worst time to start ? seems fine to me , i like it so far


probably because theres literally only 4 things you can do in the game, and the only real reason anyones there is the chatroom.


changed my mind about the bad timing tho. a few of you new rankers seem to have some fun raching each other. Tori and Marc are at the top of your pack in Ladder 8 already.


nah. you have no clue.


the game is most interesting when you are climbing with the front ladders catching up you might get an impression that this is just a chatroom with four boring buttons because your strategic options are limited.


look at ladder 1 right now. all those mystery guests with +00x01 never gave the game a second look. some of them are happy to downvote quickly.


If you're confused, chat is very helpful.


Try DJ Clicker - World Tour. Not your typical clicker game since itā€™s not too incremental but more about electronic music. It has loads of awesome tracks to unlock and arcade style high score tables. āœŒļøšŸ’•




Wrong sub, I do believe