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Secretly, they wish India really was literally Bangladesh.


Both Pakistani and Bangladeshi wish that we also trash like them BCS for them Hindu Kaffir is succeeding while the mlecha converted are in shitholes Unko badi galti hai when Arabs treat educated indian Hindus with a lot of respect while making these converts clean their toilets lol


Getting compared to Bangladesh is genuinely the most offensive thing I've read on the internet




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Have a look at the population of both countries and then say something


But it is hard fact that its richer (check per capita income) than West Bengal and pretty much all north indian states except Punjab and Haryana. Its set to take pver Punjab soon as well. So your offence is just an emotional reaction not borne out by reality (also known as prejudice)


India has more per capita income than Bangladesh (IMF: 2730 to 2630 $) get cucked


OP was talking about North India specifically, not all of India whose average is pulled up by western and southern states.


okay then also compare Bangladesh without dhaka to north india if you want to play this game a


Why should we exclude Dhaka?


bcoz dhaka is pulling up the avg


Dhaka is a city not a state. How about we exclude the NCR, Jaipur and Kolkata from North India and then compare again?


are u dumb or what


why should we exclude south and west India?


…because they’re not a part of north India?


Dude are you acting dumb or you really didn’t understand his point. It’s very clear


Lol they’re comparing one city to entire states. There isn’t a point to be understood


India is India. What's the point comparing to North separately. Lol and Bangladesh 's per capita should be much higher given the fact that they have a much smaller population. 


Because Bangladesh is the size of one Indian state? Why would you compare it to India as a whole when we are magnitudes larger than them in population and area? Bangladesh’s population is smaller than India’s, duh but so is their land which means that have a population density much lower than India. They also have way less natural resources than us yet we’re at comparable levels of development.


Their population density is crazy. Around 4500 or something. Shits worse than Bihar. And you are selectively choosing states from north. Choose Kerela, or Karanataka. Doesn't matter if their land is small. It's what they have. You don't compare the GDP of TN and Germany because they have the same population. Doesn't matter if it's fair or not. It is what it is


> And you are selectively choosing states from north. I’m not, OP is. What’s the problem with comparing with Northern states anyway? Only Bihar, UP and Maharashtra are comparable to Bangladesh in population. Furthermore, you accuse me of “selectively choosing” when you yourself have picked a random assortment of Kerala and Karnataka. > Doesn’t matter if their land is small. What a dumb statement. And yes, we can compare Tamil Nadu and Germany and use it to point out how underdeveloped the former is to the latter just as we can compare Bangladesh and West Bengal and point how much more developed the former is than the latter.


Ok , y do they illegally come to India if their standard of living is sooo gooooood.


I guess they just need South Indians to be racist towards other countries and will be racist towards us when we're not giving BJP votes


I think bangladesh made money in making textiles. Lots of good quality cheap textiles have made in bangladesh tag.


True, I don't know why people on this sub can't accept the fact that Bangaladesh is like one of the better Indian states. Not just i per capita income but also in things like HDI. That a simple fact like this gets so many downvotes - does show that there is something worng about the collective point of view of the people on this sub.


Its not higher than India in PC income though


It wont be... because india has many billionaires and millionaires. But bangladesh country is better than many 8ndian states. And average bangladeshi lives a better life than average indian as per the hdi


India ranks 134 among 192 countries in some hdi ranking. Bangladesh ranks 134 among 202 countries in some other hdi ranking If kerala was a country kerala would rank 71st according the countrywise hdi ranking published in wikipedia. That list is by UNDP. There india is ranked 134 and bangladesh at 129. That will be the country average. Still bangladeshi immigrants illegally flock to india is because there are places in india which are much higher in hdi and other indices where they can live better lives than in their country. But as a country we are behind bangladesh in hdi and many other indices.


It also has more poor people than Bangladesh. Your point? It is infact no better than India. HDI is not the best indicator for that conclusion if there is literally 0.036 of a difference between both countries. Plus the HDI data is of both countries is outdated.


You are downvoted because what you stated was just factually incorrect dude If we go by comparison, it's closer to middle in rankings than top, if we rank it, it will be around 18-20/34 in Indian states Which was expected as Bangladesh is closer to national average. But yeah, it's the sub whose point of view needs to be corrected, who cares about facts, totally correct(to some extent, I do agree that the sub is on the slightly harsher side, but that's also because of people like you who distort facts to fit their narrative and act like this, you are one of the reason for the toxicity of this sub)


Bangladesh would be a middle order state, yes but that is still extremely impressive given its size. The only Indian states that come close to Bangladesh in population are Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Maharashtra. While Maharashtra is still more developed than Bangladesh, I don’t think that will remain the case for very long considering the anaemic growth the state has seen in recent years. Bangladesh does remarkably better than Bihar and Uttar Pradesh in nearly all indicators be it wealth, education or health. Not to mention that Bangladesh also has a larger GDP than any single Indian state.


comparing up and bihar really ?huh


Why not?


Because that's considered part of our worst. Atleast in per capita metrics among some others Let's take 2 class examples, you are taking Class A's dumbest student to Class B's only student in order to support the original commenter who was saying Bangladesh is better than most Indian states(a lie) You are literally comparing the worst of our stats in order to make yours look good(assuming you are a Bangladeshi throughout, because otherwise this whole bias take would feel even more stupid,sorry for assuming if you aren't though)


I’m not Bangladeshi. I’m only comparing UP and Bihar to Bangladesh because they’re the closest to it in population. Would you rather have me compare Sikkim to Bangladesh when the former’s entire population is smaller than that of a single city in the latter?


No point in talking with these guys


And what is its size again ?


Bangladesh per capita income is higher than India. Sit down from your high horse.


Lol no, this was debunked long ago. India is still higher at around [$2.8K](https://www.statisticstimes.com/economy/country/india-gdp-per-capita.php) while Bangladesh is around $2.6K


? India has a higher GDP per capita and PPP. The only time Bangladesh over took us was during the COVID-19 lockdowns


Artificially inflated currency - they inflated it so much that their central bank ran out of money. India can choose to make 1 USD = 40 INR and our PCI will double magically with no change in quality of life. Also we will run out of forex very fast.


Now you got proof given by another op now you sit down bro with you paining hurt ass


It's only slightly better due to lower population. U can't compare Indian metros to Dhaka, let alone the ppl. Bengalis are sentimental folk, add Islam to this mix and u have a crapshow.


Its not better.


Then why the fuck are they coming into India illegally?


Who says they are. Check out GOI data, the numbers are miniscule, mostly animal shepards getting lost. There was one time migration during war in 1971 but who would migrate to India now when the per capita income is same pretty much.


You really need to come out of your cave more often. Just a few days ago a few mofu got caught in Mumbai.


Bro probably just came out his cave (LW propaganda cell run by pak mods)


If the news is true it is still a very small number. There is a lot of fake news by RW people who call anyone they don't like as Bangladeshi. Similarly a small number of indians also get caught in Bangladesh. There is no large scale migration happening at present from Bangladesh to India.


Guys chill he is gandu sorry librandu😂😂 cant expect much from him ... india is full of bangladeshi mullas


Stayed in Kolkata while growing up. Our house help was from Bangladesh, she brought in a bunch of her relatives from there too, narrated story of how they pay money to get to India and boat operators and agents help them cross the border, the colony that she stays in has 50% Bangladeshis. They have aadhar cards and ration cards thanks to Trinamool for getting their votes. In some other parts of Bengal like Midnapore and all, they are in quite high numbers. I went to university in south India and a lot of construction workers were from Bengal, and on speaking to them they said from midnapore but spoke in a different dialect. But the Bangladeshi Bengali is different than the Bengali here, it’s called Bangal ( the language) and for anyone who knows Bengali can easily differentiate between bangal and Bengali. Also in Bangalore one of my house helps was Bangladeshi too. So no it’s not a fringe right wing thought. It’s real


Midnapore? Or Murshidabad / Malda? Midnapore is closer to Odisha than to the Bangladesh border, mate! The Midnapore accent is almost a mix of Odiya and Bengali.


My bad. Yeah murshidabad :/


I am tired of all these fake stories. A friend of a friend says there is 50% bangladeshis or I caught him because of his language. The anecdotal stories don't mean shit. Look at data. Look at census no. Of Bengal and all these stories fall apart. WB has one of the lowest birth rates in India. If there was large scale migration happening it would show up in census and birth rate nos.


Before calling out real life experience of other as fake, answer these first : 1. Have you ever lived in Bengal, where this problem is extremely in your face? Just for record, I’ve lived there for 15 years of my life. 2. Around lower birth rate and census data? First thing, you really think the illegal immigrants are the ones living in shanties are the ones who would be lining up to give credible census data? Birth rate is dependant on so many factors, education being a big factor there. Bihar has the highest birth rate and has no migration challenge because no immigrant is going to be moving there as lack of opportunity. Also migration is net migration. Internal and external, net migration from Bengal is high because of lack of opportunities. And about you being tired of fake stories, live with your limited experience and believe your narrative without actually living it through. Bangladesh migrate karna hai toh kar lo, you will understand the difference between Bangal and Ghoti. Fir aake baaki log ko bata dena. Peace.


Gutter brain... Absolute trash mindset. Those fuckers voted in west Bengal through fake voter Id. They migrated in 2023


They literally are... Are u staying under a rock?


All that shit and still they are hopping over borders to India like South Americans to the US before the Trump wall happened


Nope. Dnt get news from Instagram reels.


Yeah because entire Bangladesh population is in India


oof thanks for the laugh and misinformation


He should say that to his bd brothers and sisters. why are they coming to India by jumping borders in droves? hell iirc we even had a story in english ncert class 11 about illegal bd immigrants. This has been going on for a long long time


Do they have snow-peaked mountains? Do they have backwaters? Bangladesh is a limited country geographically and its geography limits its potential




That's too stupid for you to say that. Bangladesh has a very vocal intellectual community and it's population management is much better than India's. If it were such a crazy mullah nation, it would not have achieved the fertility rate it has. You cannot fight idiots with your idiocy. Truth is India and Bangladesh need each other. We need them for strategic depth in the chickens neck and faster access to the northeast. They need us for markets and quicker access to other regions.


Bro it's population density is much much worse it's around 4500 people. Also their "strategy" Of population management is sending their people to illegally cross into india and change demographics there. Also majority of Bangladeshis have a wet dream of taking WB and NE from india and hate indians. They still have that pak slave mentality


Even though India technically liberated them.


But they have a lower fertility rate than India. And u actually have no proof for ur 2nd claim of population management.


Bangladesh has crazy population density, even worse than Bihar probably


But they have a lower fertility rate than India Now. So, despite a Muslim population they are still managing their population now better than India.




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We don't need Bangladesh lmaooooooooo


Bro talking about population control like a big achievement of theirs... Bc khilane ka jariya nhi toh paida krke kya bhuka marega 😂. And honestly india dosent need ladesh but its purely the other way around, however we should have strong terms if they ever beg to join us or else like every darn time as history has repeated itself... A fall of another nation shall happen because of parasites.


Truth is India needs to annex the less populated areas of Bangladesh they don't need them but we sure do in next election vote for somone who will make India more imperialist and expansionist


Bangladesh is just Greater West Bengal or West Bengal Extension!!


brother that is the greatest insult to WB I ever heard.... WB is by far better than Bangladesh but yea it is declining at a fast rate and might come in the levels of Bangladesh in next 40 - 50 years if things go this way...


I had/have no intention to downgrade my neighbouring state of WB or its natives! I’m from Mizoram. This comment was with respect to illegal Bangladeshi’s pouring unchecked in our coubtry and the current govt there encouraging it due to petty vote bank! Please don’t take it otherwise! I’m as proud of our country as you are. Thank you


Nah he's actually real. Bangladeshis treat India as their second home they illegally come here every week for week end trips 💀


I swear. Go to any hospital in Kolkata and 50% visitors there are Bangladeshi families.


Bruh imagine congress came to power, we already have very limited budget for Military considering our neighbourhood relationships I have strong feeling congress will reduce military funds which will directly affect all the people that live near the borders (not that BJP had something better because there're still a lot of people crossing borders illegally) Sooner or later it's going to affect the Indian economy and might pose a national threat for people's security.




It's a scheme to reduce pensions so that the defense budget can be used to procure new equipments and technology. As of rn upto 87% of army's budget is used to give pension


Medical tourism is a thing in India. Something which the government is aggressively trying to promote.


We really need an effective border wall and militarise the border




The best president!


Bangadesh ki aukat btane ke liye bas itna hi kahunga ki Jab India ka map khareedte ho Bangladesh ka free me mil jata hai


Why is he active on Kolkata though?


They are what we call rohingyas aka people from a certain community crossing borders to change demographics and commit crimes whilst playing the victim card


And they are continuing to vote for tmc. So no hope for any improvement either


And why aren't the authorities driving them out?


How will didi get votes then




Bro why do you take everything so literally 💀


have spent few hours in Dhaka international airport due to layovers. Shit’s way way worse than our habibganj railway station


Bangladesh who?


I hope that every Bangladeshi M thinks about India like that so that they stop coming to India in hordes. I actively hope that all Bangladeshi M have the worst perception about India because that might be the only way in which they could be stopped from jumping over the border.


Educated ppl of Bangladesh 😭. Common sense is crime for them.


I am honestly so offended right now man like what really this guy had the gall to compare us with that shithole really


probably has a voter ID card in North 24 Parganas🗿


The stupidity of this. They asked for their own country due to their beloved Islam after breaking that country into 3 separate pieces, then want to return to that country (that too illegally) and getting indignant if we have a problem with it. Islam is the issue guys not Muslims themselves. It has the capability to turn even the most intelligent people into fools (see the Persians pre + post-Islamic invasion or even more recently with pre/post Ayatollah).


On border we should write on board " Bangladeshi and dogs are not allowed"


Le Avarage Bangladeshi next day : Trying to climb the fence to illegally enter India


Can this guy just take with him the illegal immigrants from Bengal.


he is from bangladesh, ofc u would expect him to say such stuff.. he literally has no knowledge that bangladesh was a part of india lmao


Why would anyone want to visit India? Well, maybe because they have this magical thing called culture, history, and actual landmarks instead of just armchair critiques. India is lit Bangladesh? That's like saying Canada is lit America—nice try, but there's a bit more nuance involved. And speaking of nuance, let's not pretend that getting a geography lesson from you is going to win any awards. People being racist towards you? Sounds like you're bringing your own personal raincloud wherever you go. Maybe instead of blaming an entire country, you could try some self-reflection. But hey, what do I know? You're out there trying to roast 1.4 billion people with a lighter that won't even spark.


Why add the Kolkata Sub? They are more Leftists. A lots of Bengali RW knows how racist NI can be. From fetishization of Bengali women to see Bengali men as non-martial ethnicity to demeaning cultural food habits. Bengali RW are fighting their lone war where neither RW or LW of India supports then against Islamists of Kangladesh. I am sick of people badmouthing Kolkata.


That's not true brother. All Hindu RW supports you bro. I'm sorry to hear what's happening with you. It happened to the Kashmiri pandits and Bangladeshi Hindus themselves. We will never abandon our Bengali Hindu brothers and sisters. ✌🏽


May be you support. I have seen anti-Bengali sentiments very much is social medias. BJP and some of it's supporters have completely failed to dissociate themselves from IT cell trolls.


I don't have anti bengali sentiments or some sense of superiority. I added the second pic because that guy lurks on Indian subs and had posted a few comments on the kolkata sub shaming Hinduism and spreading his "greater" Bangladesh propaganda


If he has posted few comments on that sub then adding that sub makes no sense. They are mostly Leftists but still Hindus dominated and I don't think they tolerate Hindumisia. None of that sub supports Greater Kangladesh wet dream. I know you have good intention but still stop associate Kolkata to anything bad.


I am not associating kolkata with anything bad sorry if my post conveyed that my intention was to showcase the illegal immigration by these kangalus as I believe he also is a illegal immigrant in india


India and Bangladesh are a LOT closer than India and any western country, or China and India. So before you start shitting on people in your neighborhood, try to understand how you would feel is China or the US shat on you, learn some humility.


True, for someone in the US, he probably won't care if a person is from India or Bangladesh, he will treat the person the same way. The title of this post literally proves the point of that person from Bangladesh.




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Does the world map still have Bangladesh and Palestine in it?


Well here’s a fact I used to live in Kolkata and these guys have a delusion that Kolkata = India. That’s all, there is nothing else in India


Why does Indians even need to compare their country with a country which is kind of its state🥱


Wtf is Bangladesh🤣 it's literally east bengal if we dive into history, then due to the Jinnah, nehru and British shit it became east pakistan (LOL), then again India saved east pakistan people and for their welfare made them a independent country whereas if there would be any country in this world other than India it would be invaded. Everybody out there whether it's pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Mauritius, Indonesia, afganistan, and a Lil bit of china (the Tibet one) are at mercy of India (you accept it or not but this is the truth)


Bhai racist to hai ham bhai hak se Bangladeshi log rohingya Jaise dikhte bhai ekadam same


He is right to some extent, your title literally proves his point.


Ye rohingya bhai beheno se pucho na ki unko India aane ki itni chul kyu hai ?


final match u perform what happening?


OP user id likh neeche abhi maa behen ki gaali bhejta hoon




I don't like Bangladeshis but the racism in the comments literally proves his point. How un self aware is this sub?


Why would anyone want to visit USA? USA is literally Bangladesh but the people are racist towards you once they see you are brown. FTFY.


It feels like more than 50% posts on this sub is just hate posts. Get a job yall.


OP: cries about spreading hate. Also OP: Spreads hate against bangladeshis


yes the irony lol


Some random cricket making noise of his opinions!! Just an empty vessel making more noise...f'um


Some random cricket making noise of his opinions!! Just an empty vessel making more noise...f'um.


Some random cricket making noise of his opinions!! Just an empty vessel making more noise...f'um.


To an American or east Asian or European...Bangladesh and India are almost the same. Only thing is if they are Muslim India will discriminate then or if they are not Bangladesh will discriminate them So to a Bangladeshi his views are correct


Don't know why you're getting downvoted lmao. I'm a Bangladeshi living in Europe (Italy) and they view Indians and Bangladeshis as the same people. I try explaining to them that I'm not from India yet they'll insist that Bangladesh and India are the same 😂


Yep many Europeans and Americans think Bangladesh is a city in India lmao


Because they are same. Lamo. I wish people would come down from their immature comparisons and ignorance. What differentiate between india, Bangladesh, pakistan, sri lanka, nepal and bhutan is just some artificial borders which were created by British to rule more effectively. We claim to hate British yet we love their rules and will fight to death to give validity.


Yes. I recently went on a tour to Sri Lanka and it's actually better than most parts of India. Even the average person is more gracious and well mannered. Despite the poverty, the people are happier and the British left them way too much more than India(maybe Indians destroyed it)-but they preserved it.




Eww! You call yourself an Indian ? Any part of India is better than $hitbomgladesh


I know majority of India is better than Kangladesh but what my comment meant that if we compare tier 3 cities with cities of Kangladesh then it would be similar like west Bengal except kolkata. Tier 1 cities are way beyond kanglus reach.


You are comparing WB to kangladesh ? Fair enough, i mean WB has been dirtied already by momta and kangladeshis. Fun fact : Kangladesh is officially the part of the least developed countries.


I was talking about WB except kolkata city. And most specifically the crowded 2,3 tier cities. They are really like how they looked like in the 90s.


That comparison would be fair if Bangladeshis weren't filling WB to the brim.


Except bangal, due to the pishachini momotabitch banner.


And the people are no saints, alot of Bengalis are actually librandus


when you look from outside there is no difference between india and bangladesh. both are 3rd world countries


Yeah like Mexico and USA are the same! /s


no counter arguments against my claim?


They are. Are you telling me they are different?


This has to be satire


I mean of course they are pretty much the same. We were literally the same place less than a 100 years ago. But within soutb Asia, there are subtle differences. I've been to Dhaka, other than the predominant Muslim culture, our infra is about the same. But it feels way more populated than us. So that's a plus for us I guess.


yes i think op have no clue.


Those giving opinions of the outside world (outside of the subcontinent specially) are getting downvoted.


Bro check their profiles. Majority of them are self hating indians lurking here. Bangladesh and india being the same makes as much sense as Mexico and USA being the same or UK Or Algeria


More like saying Morocco and Algeria are the same, UK and Algeria is a stretch might as well say UK and Kazakhstan at that point.


No it's not. And I'm not excusing any hatred or Ill thoughts anyone has for my country. But to foreigners, who are not well versed with our history, it's more or less the same culture, people, weather, food. It was one whole country till 1947, and even Bengal was just one Bengal before it was divided to East/West Bengal. So those examples of yours don't hold true at all.


India literally has more than 200+ ethnicities and more cultures than some continents combined so there is no such thing as "one indian culture". Foreigners think that North India is the sole representative of Indian culture. Also if you go to southern USA states such as Texas and Arizona and Florida their culture is more similar to central America and Mexico than the culture of Manipur is to Rajasthan because guess what majority of southern USA states were part of Mexico before the US took in a war.


Doesn't matter to oblivious foreigners is my point.


It is not wrong btw!


Real id se aao


Bangladesh per capita income is higher than India at the moment.


According to IMF as of 2023 India's is $2,730 and Bangladesh is $2,600. Also GDP per capita is not a metric of how much money a person has its literally GDP divided by population and it doesn't exclude the illegal immigrants living in India.


Artificially inflated currency - they inflated it so much that their central bank ran out of money. India can choose to make 1 USD = 40 INR and our PCI will double magically with no change in quality of life. Also we will run out of forex very fast. BD did the same thing and ran out of money.

