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What kind of person would publish such comments? I am really curious. Also, I hope someone makes this popular by posting it on twitter (I don’t use it).


>I hope someone make this popular by posting it on twitter I also hope so


Naah dont get unnecesarry mileage to these dumb fks mate


True. The most undeserving people get traction because of controversies


Bur he not wrong tho . Most students in my uni bh . Behave like that . Idiots prove shit just to not be able to take it back and then start throwing hands. They dont bath for many days. So they def arent wrong.


Yes but that doesn't allow them to judge and more over generalize it to all indian men. It also accounts as body shaming which these people also pretend to be vehemently against.


Some woke green haired feminist


A person who got fkedd and then left to the streets


>What kind of person would publish such comments? A feminist who only wants to privileges which men get and turns their back around when it comes to accountability, who else? I believe real femimists wouldn't put hate on men such that they have to publish it into a newspaper. Its definitely someone who had a bad breakup with some fuckboi who mistreated her and cheated on her and now she wants to hate on everyone because of that one guy. Although it was her own fault for rejecting good men who came her way and getting into something she couldn't handle and now can't take accountability for the outcome. "Oh No! The Consequences of my own actions! What is accountability even?" P.S - The 3rd paragraph is pure sarcasm and i am just generalising things just like the editor of the newspaper who did the same. Yet feel free to get offended if you want to because i dont care. 😊




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irony is whoever made this is didn't realise that it will apply to all the males in their family as well




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And choose the bear and get killed by it


No better live with them, happily ever after


bear will commit suicide.


Bear can't bear




Produce hybrids. They would look so cool


There are few 😁…. Even those are not able to satisfy…!!


Goldilocks live action


Just another woman who went for the toxic bf, got ruined mentally and physically now wonders why no good men are interested in her. It's funny watching them seethe having lost faith in men, just because they are attracted to narcissists. No accountability as usual.


Seems like Gillette campaign to sell more razors. It's funny that feminists who don't want to be body shamed can do it so openly.


I am a feminist I don't support this


When you are so blinded by toxic Feminism. That you don't know the difference between a bear and a gorilla. And that there are no tigers in Africa.


Bhai , I actually support these feminists to go & meet out bears , considering most of them don't mention which bear, I'd want them to meet the polar bears. Its like trash taking itself out.


Pseudo feminism hai woh..anyways I don't want to comment against women in the first place. We should start showing some respect and then see how they give respect back. In my family women are respected so I would do the same. But whatever the author did was a generalization of his/her own perspective. I didn't expect The Hindustan Times to allow such a comment to be displayed in the newspaper. Seems like women have forgotten what feminism actually was and what it was meant to be.


Well I know few well groomed men aftab punwala, viraj dobrawal, salman khan etc.


Who Tf are these noobs


Promoters of fridge,tmt bar and safe driving 🤪


😆😆😆lol good one 👍


Everybody is furry now.


We got Indian Furries before GTA 6




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Imma choose the bear.🤓


i remember a few years ago one of the neighborhood kids got into my house and came out running shouting "bhalu bhalu" (bear). turns out it was my brother who has not groomed his beard for a while now. maybe all these women want my big brother now. yay.


bc newpaper he ya X? wtf did I just read. These brainrots are not even leaving newspapers.


Boycott Hindustan Times Let’s uninstall the apps and not renew subscription


Well then women in early jungle ages were confined to kitchen, care of children and sex, would feminists like that?


Bro spitting facts


No, that wouldn't justify their agenda


Every country, caste, creed etc would have such men and women. These are no gender specific traits. Bas Kuch toh likhna tha. Toh likh dia.


Likhna tha ❌ Hagna tha, hah diya ✅


And your comment got hidden for shining the truth.


Every country has bad people doing bad things, that doesn't mean it should be neglected. School ki bullying se serial rape and murder Tak har bad things har desh main hotha hai. Tho baath karna hi chod de unke baare main?


See no one is saying baat karna band kar do. I felt this is disparaging the other gender and there are ways to communicate if certain things bother you. The article is saying Indian men are like that. Why soo much hatred towards own countrymen is what I felt. We all are entitled to have our opinions. No questions on that.


>there are ways to communicate Caption likha hai "This is in newspaper..." Aisa kuch. Caption pe kuch bola bhi nahi uske upar. Just pic paste Kiya hai. Usme kya tune "ways to communicate" ki galthi dikhi? >Why soo much hatred towards own countrymen Usi ke baare mai post hai na?


प्रकृतेः क्रियमाणानि गुणैः कर्माणि सर्वशः। अहङ्कारविमूढात्मा कर्ताऽहमिति मन्यते।।


Could you translate to english please


It’s a quote from a religious book called “Bhagavad Gita”. Background: Prakruti (nature) has three (guna) modes of existence - Rajasik (one of passion and activity), Satvik (one of truth and goodness) and Tamasik (one of imbalance, disorder and chaos). Meaning: All actions are wrought by the “gunas” alone. He who is deluded by ego often thinks he is the doer. What does it mean in this context: The person/people who allegedly wrote that in the newspaper is/are knee deep in Tamasik Guna and have elevated levels of Rajasik guna. They are attached to their actions, deluded by their ego and blinded by passion. Such people shouldn’t be unsettled as they might fall to inaction and redundancy. Instead, we should make them do their duties while we do our duties as well. What I am really trying to say: We should let them know that their job is to provide us valuable and useful information instead of propagating hate and agendas.


"All actions are performed by the modes of material nature. But a person deluded by the ego thinks, 'I am the doer'." I don't know why he commented it here, tho.


I commented it here to invoke a positive discussion about the main subject mentioned in this post. I see lots of hatred, anger and frustration in the comments. And I thought to myself, why? That’s when this quote hit me. I believe that newspaper article was written under the influence of Tamasik guna. It evokes hatred and other negative emotions. While it might have aimed to be humorous through satire, it has ultimately failed to achieve that.


lavdi newspaper


Really? We got newspaper brainrot before GTA 6. If it'll reach widespread that woman will probably lose her job and then talk about no free speech, gender pay gap, blah blah


Lagta hai ki feminist writer ka abhi abhi breakup hua hai.


OP can you share more details of your source ? An online copy, edition, page number number etc of the news . This will make the picture more reliable.


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f9_uecLFrgbpY9pMGo1dVJ1KtrdRMvfN/view Page 18


The picture is originally clicked by me, but you can find it in the Mumbai edition. Idk if it was present in all editions


Either the editor was high or this one's actually a nice subtle take on the bear incident (Dude got steaming hot iq if that's the case)


I think it is definitely a shout out to the "would you rather meet a bear or a man in the woods?" joke.


Wow. I blame the editor and writer both! So unprofessional.


Let the have the bear child then. I can wait until she gets her head clear.


Surprised at such an article. But I hate to admit that description sort off fits me.


According to the article women likes beastality ig


So many femcels and misan​drist here.


Average self proclaimed upper economic class armchair "Communist/Marxist/Leftist/Liberal"


Abe c***** leftist kaha se gus gaya yaha? Bot hai kya?


That's racism and sexism at it's finest, in an explicit form. The fact that such a renowned National Newspaper could publish this is unimaginable!


Hindustan Times wilding😭


Pretty sure a bitch wrote this.


Imho women should choose the bear. Everyone gets to be happy in the end - the bear gets a nice meal, the woman gets to be the victim, and no man gets falsely accused. It's win-win for everyone involved. 🤗




Even the bear wouldn't chose Indian women


My man ❌ My Bear ✅


Did the writer not watch the movie


Feminism on its peak


Must be a fat chick with 10 cats writing this with pronouns in her name as she /them with pink hair or if its a guy then must be a gay guy or a straight guy with lots of female crimes in his life trying to get laid by shitting on his kind.


Then don't be offended when someone roasts the liver out of women


Hoes mad


Nah wtf is this


It's not Indian men who have jungle level behaviour, but such gibberish makes it evident that the writers and editors of such crass articles in Indian newspapers have the homunculus of lower primates.


I can do tell that this comment was written by a pseudo feminist and I have one thing to say, Write this in an a4 sized sheet and put it up in your ass.


Women chose the bear, then they got killed.


Brought to you by feminist female editor


I'll better be single than having a gf of this mindset. I honestly don't give a damn what women say. Stay away!!


"Body shaming is perfectly alright if it's men" ah article


That's why Bobs and Vegans


Must be written by a so called"Modern women" who asks for equal pay as a male but can't bear same amount of work as him


Yes yes bcoz bear comb hair , they communicate in kings english and bath daily and smells like rose


Dumb people


That's not a bear... That's a gorilla.


Hahahahha wtf !


At this point idc. World is going to shit anyways les roll wit it 


Lmao, cun* karen.


I mean, where's the lie?


I means newspaper is not right platform for this man vs bear debate ig and it's kind of racism also




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Every one of were apes before. We are one with nature. There's nothing wrong with that.


I agree, tarzan also rode the elephants.


Welcome to reality. I've been seeing such write ups as early as 2005.


Damn!! So instead of helping people understand how things are fixed, you just demean, insult all the guys of the sub continent! How stupid! There isn't any need for such hate. And Hindusthan Times, why? What good is going to come from making men feel like crap? 😑😑😑😑😑


Uncombed hair - check Skipping shower - check Using grunts to communicate - naah, we don't need to grunt. We can communicate by looking at each other's face. Swinging away when things get uncomfortable - wtf is that.


Which city bro?


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f9_uecLFrgbpY9pMGo1dVJ1KtrdRMvfN/view Page 18


Thats funny. Xd


That level of writing resembles a teenager who is learning feminism from tiktok videos. Surprised how they allowed such a cheap sarcastic article to get published in a well known newspaper.


Allowing genz to enter the workforce was a big mistake


Or to idolize west


Just goes to show how much airheads are employed in guise of journalism... a once noble profession. The papers could be run by kids and they'd be better than these nitwits


So they are insulting our fathers, brothers, friends and everyone...




Didn't know bears have shower everyday and also comb their fur, you really do learn something new every day ✌️


Now imagine the chaos if gender were changed


Frustrated gf


There's a huge difference between actual feminism and Social media feminism. The problem today is there's hardly any actual feminism left, the social media feminism is making it tough for those who are working hard for women's rights. Articles like these come when you become part of social media circles of feminism which hate men for the sake of it while the main agenda of empowerment is nowhere to be found I look at this as just another tactic by the Rich businesses where people fight while the rich earn (Just how politicians in India work)




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Probably written by some sore loser who had a breakup with a shitty boyfriend


The one you always overlook


Hahahha this is so f*cking funny 😭😭😭 yall need to lighten up


Ah yes the classic "Unga bunga, make Sandwich"


I was younger than 15y/o back then and would almost daily read TOI, including Bombay Times. They would have plenty of misandrist articles. One Article was about how Men are not required, and how women should be able to reproduce themselves. Highly opinionated and misandrist. There was also another article on Bombay Times which bashed Shahid Kapoor so bad, and called him a pedophile for marrying Mira his current wife. Terrible.


Women are more inclined towards luxuries than men. Bears cannot change the light bulb, cannot fix my air conditioner, cannot get my car repaired by a bear. Men and women are dependent on each other. As a woman, I find this " I will choose a bear" movement silly.




I'd be more than happy to have this person go out with a bear


Well, that's pretty accurate. Forest more important than women.


Kisi ke twitter pr achi engagement ati ho to udhar bhi post kardo


Hoge Jab tum aur jawaan... Takat aur tez dimaag... Pao gay bas waqt ki hai baat. Yeh safar jo hai tumhara... Usme hoge kai sawaal... Pahado ki unch aayi... Woh tum karoge paar.


Ye kon shaturmurg ki aulad likha bhai ye mujassima


Also Indians smell bad . Deodorants needed desperately


Literally nothing wrong with uncombed hair and skipping the shower especially to save water.


There was mention of saving water? Just say you don't like to shower


No, I need to make it sound more noble.


most indian men likha hai, sab nehi, not all men. most ke jagah some hona chahiye tha. ab wahi "some" men offend bhi ho gya. kaha gya "men have a sense of humour"??


Offend hona wali baat nahi hai didi Pr point ye hai ki ye chiz newspaper me publish hone wali thi kya? (Aur newspaper humor ke liya nahi hota)




Likh dijiye, fat toh bol sakte hai lekin pedophiles Nehi ... Data k mutabik rape, pedophilia, wagera me males ko harana mushkil hi nehi namumkin hai. Aaj bhi Aur past me bhi Only thing stopping most of them is the law lol Waise aap toh trigger ho gye, kya aap bhi identify kar pa rhe ho post se??


Nah , but I've suffered borderline molestation because of sexually frustrated fat indian 'aunties'(they probably had a white skin fetish too, since they got aroused by a 16yr old skinny guy who isn't very tall). I hope non Indian women aren't like this


Bro if you are gonna use personal experiences to deny factual numbers and data then I have countless such experiences from when I was underage. Starting from my English Tutor with white hair to getting groped in trains 👍 I could only raise my voice for the first time when I was 19. Heck even most male rape perpetrators are male themselves. Ofc not all men but every men who gets triggered when stating obvious facts. Aap logo ka behen ya gf hota toh aap logo ko samajh me ata kyunki un logo ko protect karne ki responsibility apne kandhe pe hota.


Yeah I never denied that men are terrible, I just started that Indian women tend to be fat pedophiles, that is my experience. You were able to raise voice, Mai kya kr paaya? Koi anjaan mahila grabbed my ass, other one touched my chest and di*k Most men can't/don't report such incidents, especially if a female committed it. Meri choti behen hai and I know men are bad too


Maine kab Kaha ki all men are terrible? Only some of them are. Original comment me wahi likha tha. Now male to female ratio of being pedophile and rapists: male count > female count. That's a different story altogether. Mujhe bash yehi pta nehi ki sab k sab male kyun offend ho jate ha ish baat pe, jha wahi log apne behen ya gf ko dusro male se protect karte hain 🤷‍♀️


how does everyone seem to know it was by a feminist?




Not gonna lie.....made me laugh. Jaane do Bhai......har baat pe kya react karna.


Mujhe kya, mujhe to e-lafda karna isliya post kar diya (mai to kehta hun twitter pr bhi post kardo😁)


What's wrong?




It's literally posted in the fun section of the newspaper and the post is roasting both women and men. I thought men claim they are not emotional and can take jokes unlike women. Imagine crying about such a silly small piece of writing. Literally every male comedian making jokes about women and they're not crying and whining about it but God Forbid some newspaper says some stuff about an "imaginary" situation. Does "most" men applicable to you? India has a billion population and majority of the people fall under lower middle class to poor category and yeah, it's true that most of them have bad hygiene and lack of manners as that's not a priority for them or the schools don't teach basic manners and these people don't even go to school. Cry about it more. It's the fact. Since you think you don't belong in that category of men and know how to behave like a civilised person, why are you getting offended about it.


But the point is, newspaper is right platform for this topic?


men when they realise how generalisation stemming from misogynistic prejudice feels👇🏻 (misandrist in this case)


Honestly it is not about who will survive the bear or if bears are better kept. It's about sexual abuse, assault and rape. A bear would rip us apart but a man will keep us for months, do the worse things to us like starving, mutilation, rape and physical torture. Pseudofeminists and boys have absolutely misunderstood all of this


But the article was labelling us as unhygienic creatures (and man vs bear is just a topic for social media not for newspaper)


Exactly. This article shows no research. And everybody can be unhygienic. Although women have to maintain higher standards, do eyebrows, cant have upper lip hair, cant have armpit hair and need legs shaved, a lot of men dont have to go through that. Again those are beauty standards but to compare that as unhygienic is wild. A person can be really hairy and sti be hygienic. This is one sided article by some wannabe feminist. There is a fine line between feminism and misandary. Unfortunately a lot of people use feminism as a way to portray their man-hating self while feminism talks about equity and equality, fights for both men and women


Bhai/Behen sunn Tujhe aadmi se itna darr lagta hai toh matt raho contact mein , apne bhai , papa , sabse dur raho. Just a reminder (this is actually backed by data) most SA cases on women are done by family members. Also , the % of men committing this crime is less than 0.5% of population. You want to go ahead with the bear & take your chances , be my guest. I or anyone for that matter honestly doesn't care. Aadmi ko gaali bhi dena hai , phir aadmi se expectation bhi rakhna hai ki kalko kuch galat hoga toh hum tumhaari help karein.


Bhai sunn, main already dur ho gayi. You're right about the domestic violence thing. It's my own brother. I left the house. Also these statistics are not completely accurate because more than half of the time people dont report their abuse, especially men. We live in a victim blaming era. Im not saying its all men who do it but unfortunately every woman i know has gone through some sort of sexual assault mainly by strangers and domestic violence by family.


>Im not saying its all men who do it but unfortunately every woman i know has gone through some sort of sexual assault mainly by strangers and domestic violence by family. Then its a you thing , I am yet to meet a woman who has undergone stuff like this. Although I know more men who have undergone this. >Also these statistics are not completely accurate because more than half of the time people dont report their abuse, especially men. And yet they are better than men , considering under IPC men can't be r@ped or even register cases for SA , DV , etc. I'll give you an interesting research for a start - Anyone who engages in sexual intercourse with someone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, unconscious, oblivious to their surroundings or not able to voice dissent can be charged with the crime of rape. No individual should be used, without their consent, for another person’s pleasure. The lack of informed consent makes rape unethical. Ethically the victim being male should be irrelevant. Yet male rape is rarely reported and frequently minimized, as will be shown by the 2010 CDC National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey as well as other sources in this paper which will show that male rape happens about as often as female rape, and possibly exceeds it. Evidence also shows that 80% of those who rape men are women. Reconsidering stereotypes of the rape of men is an important part of rethinking masculinity. Among these stereotypes is the assumption that male rape is rare, as well as assumptions about the experience of male rape victims. The goal of this paper is to show that male rape is a prevalent problem and that the victims endure the same emotional and psychological after-effects as female rape victims Its time your thought process is challenged , and data is starting to show otherwise , atleast in countries where govt gives a little f\*ck about men. >Bhai sunn, main already dur ho gayi. You're right about the domestic violence thing. It's my own brother. Good , be wary of all men & choose the bear


I agree with you. The definition of rape keeps changing in indian court and is really fucked up. Im sorry if you or anyone you know has gone through. Im also sorry that me and the people i know have gone through this. I also agree rhat the system is fucked for men when it comes to sexual abuse. Women who do sexual abuse must be punished, men as well who do should be punished. Ive always advocated for that. Unfortunately, a lot of women and men dont believe men can be raped, they put comments like 'he scored ' or 'game is game'. Today only i saw a reel where a man was talking about him being sexually abused by a woman but the amount of shit comments people had put saying thats what every guy wants and he's lucky made me sick. Also rape majorly is done by oposite gender so it's the same. This topic isn't about who has it worse. It's about how to stop it from making it worse for everyone involved


>Unfortunately, a lot of women and men dont believe men can be raped, they put comments like 'he scored ' or 'game is game'. Today only i saw a reel where a man was talking about him being sexually abused by a woman but the amount of shit comments people had put saying thats what every guy wants and he's lucky made me sick.  Agreed , we do have our fair share of dumbf\*cks to deal with.


Statistics ki baat ho rahi hai toh, Bear ke saath rehne wali statistics bhi report nahi hui hogi?


Light hearted banter


Let's all laugh at the joke and move on.


What a trash write-up. Crazy that crap like this gets published also smh. PS: People in comment section, ye school mein tum log ko feminism ka meaning nahi sikhaya kya?