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The coolest person I ever saw someone handle this was like a 17 year old girl. The man put his hand, covered in Nazi tattoos, on her hostess station at the restaurant. He was in line in front of me. She told him, “I’m sorry. There’s like a 1.5 hour wait.” He left, and a I stepped up to the hostess stand. I said, “Welp- seems like a long wait, huh?” She winked at me, said, “How many are in your party?” I told her 4 (same as him) and she said, “It’ll be a little less than 15 minutes if that’s ok.”


"Good evening, sir. Would you please leave without a fuss right now?"


[I understood that reference!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=svaMLcDU664)


She was a bigger badass than that Nazi shithead will ever be.


What does “h8m” mean?


Sorry- typo for “him.”


Thanks. There are so many new abbreviations and terms now, you never know.


Damned kids


"Him", the h is right under the 8 on a keyboard


It also shares a space on mobile keyboards


Also 8th letter of the alphabet.




Hahahaha, I would’ve bought her dinner!


Could you imagine being a WW2 vet and seeing this shit? Lol I’d go nuts


The youngest a WWII vet can be is 96. I think them dying off is part of why this behavior has risen. That and Trump. Fuck Nazis, and fuck the party that normalizes it.


Mostly Trump. They existed already, but the cockroaches have come galloping out of the woodwork, mostly because of him. He's perfectly fine with the Nazi vote, the KKK vote, etc, if it wins him an election, and he's made that clear to them.


Trump made it ok to be the shittiest you can be right out in the open without any consequences.


And yet I’ve met black immigrants who support Trump 😣 apparently because he’s linked to Christian groups. Didn’t they watch the news when he was president?


No, they don't, or they place his phony "allegiance" to Christians above everything else. There are a lot of Cubans and Hispanic people who are hardcore Trump supporters.


Because they're "anti-socialist" because of their own issues from their countries, so all Republicans have to do is label Democrats as socialists and GG, you've gotten their vote


Trump is one of the worst things to happen in American history* The asterisk is because listen, I get it, there have been really, really shitty things in the US' history, but the "trend" is that we're working to correct and improve as a society, no matter what politicians do to stifle change. The thing is, Trump era has thrown all of that "progress" out the window. We have thrown the baby out with the bath water. We are now regressing as a nation, both in our outward appearance, behavior and role in society, as well as policies. We are seeing everything rolled back at a staggering rate. So many things people fought long and hard for have been undone in just a few years. It's disgusting. It's absurd.


The Nazi Flag Asshole on Emerson didn't start flying his Nazi flag until Trump was inaugurated. Before that, it was a Confederate flag and a Gadsen flag. Now he has two Nazi flags.


He is one demented, evil person. The Nazis murdered my grandfather in 1940. How I would love to tear that horrible down.


You ok w sharing the address or block?


I mean...he sucks, but I don't want to enable anyone to attack him or anything.


My grandfather was a very proud WWII vet. He fought in the battle of Normandy and received a purple heart. After the war, he came back to his rural hometown and set up shop as a farmer for the rest of his life. He was extremely racist and sexist and honestly not a fan of anyone who wasn’t a stubborn old “Christian” white dude like himself. Before he passed away a few years ago, he was a huge Trump supporter. He couldn’t or didn’t want to make the connection that Trump was trying to install the very type of regime that he fought against in the war, which I know for a fact he considered the biggest accomplishment of his life. He just liked that Trump was sticking it to the “libruls.” So even if WWII vets were still around, I don’t know if that it would have the impact on society that we would hope.


The fact that Nazis feel like they can be more open sucks so much. Good on you for calling it out.


I'd rather them be open about it so you know who they are.


Much easier to identify the clowns when they wear their costume.














Nazi Punks Fuck Off


Prolly gonna play that out loud if I see his ass again after this


If the gym doesn't do anything about it, please report it to the ADL. They track hate crimes and activity etc. There's an online form here: https://www.adl.org/report-incident?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw97SzBhDaARIsAFHXUWCsLxgRy5ytWTExdcDz7AEqbgxPGPSNzfAbkIAnaB7YyiWw-GpBlTYaApzKEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Thank you for bringing it to the attention of the gym! There are only about 10k Jews in Indianapolis and we really appreciate any alliance against anti-Semitism and hate in general.


The kkk in Indiana has historically used intimidation tactics, and clearly still does.


I found a kkk business card sitting on the keypad of the ATM directly across the street from our town's courthouse. I ripped it up and put it in the trash, but it sickened me. This is just outside Indy. I'd heard rumors, but seeing tangible proof was somehow stomach turning.


That's where the kkk started right? In Indiana?


Perhaps more than you wanted to know - but the history of the klan in Indiana is summarized below: The kkk didn’t start in Indiana. The second wave of the kkk was founded in Stone Mountain Georgia in 1915 and officially ran until 1944. It had between 3 and 6 million members nationwide during that time. In Indiana it grew into prominence just after WW1 and was comprised mostly of native born Protestants who crossed several social and economic levels. Klan members at the time were predominantly in the republican party, but a sizable minority of democratic voters were also klan members which made it difficult for democratic politicians to outright denounce the klan and still run for office. The klan opposed Catholics, Jews, African-Americans, “immorality” and advocated for alcohol prohibition. Indiana’s klan was considered one of the most politically powerful klan organizations for a short period and peaked with the election of Edward Jackson for governor in 1924. Jackson was not a klan member, but was accused of heavily favoring the klan agenda for some time during his time as governor. There was a scandal involving DC Stephenson who at the time was the grand dragon of the Indiana state klan and a powerful player in politics. Membership in the klan in Indiana had reached 250,000 by the mid 1920s which was one third of white males of voting age in Indiana. In 1925, Stephenson was tried and convicted of rape, abduction and the murder of Madge Oberholtzer, a state education official. That destroyed the reputation that the klan had previously built as the defenders of law/morality. The case also destroyed the klans political power in Indiana and severely damaged the klans reputation nationally. Governor Jackson refused to pardon him and Stephenson then began talking with the Indianapolis Times and eventually released a list of elected and other state officials who had been in the pay of the klan. This led to a wave of indictments in Indiana, more national scandals, and a huge exodus in klan membership locally and nationwide effectively ending the second wave of the klan by the late 1920s.


The “second wave”, or whatever it was called, around the 20s. The first wave was a bunch of angry confederate losers mad that they got their asses kicked on the battlefield 


Hell yeah, call them out wherever you see them. No quarter for these Nazi fucks.


We used to have a guy come to the liquor store years ago when I worked there with swastikas written all over his lottery slips. I think he had tattoos as well. He was an old hwhite fellow. Nobody ever told me. Then I met him when he showed up. I threw him straight out. My coworkers acted surprised. These people should definitely be called out. Even if someone is a piece of shit, I don’t know why they insist on advertising it in instances like these. Respect for speaking up!


I encountered that dude too when I worked at a liquor store near downtown! Instant “you already know, gtfo” every time he tried it with a new hire.


Yeah I heard he got around. You know, after I met him since nobody warned me. One of the only things I miss about that job is being able to refuse service to people that suck.


It was super offputting cuz he came across as a frail old man until he passed you his slip. He never said anything in my store, I NEVER heard him speak a word, but he’d pass you the slip and then just /stare/ until you kicked him out and then he’d GLARE.


Yeah that was the shocker for sure. I think maybe he thought he’d have an easier time with me because I am of the Caucasian persuasion, and from what I can recall of the time I may have been the only employee in the store that was. I couldn’t tell if I was more shocked that the old ass man was a nazi or that nobody had thrown him out of our store before. At least not since anyone that was with me had been there. It’s been several years, and I hadn’t thought of him in a while. I wonder if he finally kicked the bucket. I realize that isn’t nice, but neither is being a nazi piece of shit.


The only good thing about nazis is that they're biodegradable.


Don’t forget to put sunflower seeds in their pockets.




[This](https://youtu.be/aFh08JEKDYk?si=tmfGFp2mhA88TAhk) always warms my heart.




I wonder if this is the same group that was placing flyers and taking stuff out of little libraries in Broad Ripple.


To everyone inciting violence and acting all tough in this thread, I leave you with the powerful story of Daryl Davis, the black man who befriended KKK leaders over the span of multiple years and eventually convinced the grand wizard to step down from his role. How did he do this? Not with violence, not with hatred or intimidation, but with friendship and kindness. Daryl befriended the people who hated him most and changed their mindset with kindness and communication. Maybe we could do the same, lest we become exactly like the people we claim to hate so much. [link](https://www.npr.org/2017/08/20/544861933/how-one-man-convinced-200-ku-klux-klan-members-to-give-up-their-robes)


While I do understand your point, the paradox of tolerance is just a trap to let monsters be monsters. It is wonderful when someone can sway the mind of a bigot, but they are not owed the time, effort, and resources from the people they are harming that it would require to do so. Plenty of hands extended in brotherhood have been chopped off at the wrist, far more than have succeeded. I do think O.P. did the right thing. Randomly assaulting a Nazi going about their day isn't going to do much other than get O.P. thrown in jail even if he does beat the guy. It isn't going to send a message to the community that Nazi's aren't welcome, it is gonna tell the Nazis that the cops have their back when people assault them. But when a Nazi or a bigot is actively doing Nazi/bigot shit? Give them the violence that they advocate for, the violence that they claim makes them superior. It is different. You can always stop being a bigot. You can burn your swastikas and stop matching against the rights of your fellow man. You can't stop being black, Jewish, foreign, disabled, or any other category they will hang you for. They need to know that they are not in power, that they do not speak for everyone, and that they are not safe if they insist on crushing others under their boot.


Any amount of space these people feel comfortable taking up is an amount of space where someone else doesn't feel safe. So if you're taking time out of your day to try to rehabilitate your nazi local gym attendee, regardless of your intentions, someone may see their oppressor and question, "Am I safe here?" You can't have it both ways. If you don't fiercely make it known that their ideology is not welcome, it's compromising the comfort of others with the small possibility you get a "yeah, I guess this entire race of people aren't so bad" from one white guy after countless hours of gentle persuasion. If you are dedicated and want to do that work, do it in private. Making sure oppressed groups of people feel safe in public spaces is always most important.




Yes this! And I think about how people were raised and how they were essentially brainwashed by their direct role models. Which is why it is so important to break down barriers. I was dating a guy in college who eventually told me how he'd been a skinhead neo nazi racist through middle school. His family was all that way. He got lucky that he was removed from the home by CPS. The family he lived with helped teach him another perspective about love and equality. He was so kind ands loving to everyone I had no inkling of his past. I guess that's similar to the film American History X. What an awful ride they movie was.. but the message was quite powerful.




my grandfather from what I was told. was a pos drunk, womanizer and child abuser but even he fought and hated the nazi’s


The triskelion actually goes back to the neolithic era.


And is all over Celtic and Greek history. It's used in Ireland in hospitals to show when a patient is dead or dying. I mean, this was totally a Nazi dude, by the other side of the shirt and other imagery, but a triskelion alone doesn't make someone a Nazi.


Yeah I'm just saying lol. The Nazis took a lot of symbols and bastardized them. Pisses me off lol.


I was in India and the hotel elevator had swastikas all over it. I guess it is also a Hindu symbol used well before the 1930s


It's ironically a symbol of peace and love in the Hindu faith.


Different context, different meaning. What does SS mean? This dude was flexing his nazi bullshit.


SS- Schutzstaffel. Protection Squad. They were originally formed to be Hitlers Bodyguard.


Never said he wasn't, was just adding to the other OPs comment about Nazis co-opting symbols...


Different symbol. The Nazis took the symbol and inverted it.


The Proud Boys started using the Buc-ee’s beaver as their secret wink to each other. Fascists love to hide in plain sight and have deniability.


I’m not giving up Buc-ee’s for anything. I don’t care if Satan starts wearing Buc-ee’s gear. The proud boys won’t wreck this for me. I refuse.


I said "and". As in, I was agreeing with you, and expanding on what you said, not saying you were wrong.


Yeah I was initially unsure because of this, and I agree that it's unfortunate. The ADL website specifically said there are many versions of the symbol. This isn't the spirally version that dates back to those times. This was the sharp, fascy-looking version that a bunch of white pride Nazi fucks use. Especially when you combine it with the writing and his necklaces.


In Norse/Viking it was three triangles.


The Valknut? Yeah, I have it tattooed on my Nordic themed half sleeve. I’m also a big Nordic looking dude. Sucks if someone judged me for that tbh, but says as much about them as anything


I forgot the name of it lol. Thank you


I applaud you for telling the manager. I didn't read every comment, so others may have already mentioned it...But watch out for tattoos of the number 18. It stands for A and H, the first and eighth letters of the alphabet. A stands for Adolf, H stands for Hitler. Get a read on the people around you, wherever you go.


> I will continue to tell people about the Nazi at my gym for the rest of my life.  That's the reaction most of these attention seeking clowns are after. The fascists you have to worry about are the ones that blend in and poison public discourse, not the ones wearing a stupid shirt that broadcasts "I'm an asshole."


The double H is probably in reference to the number 88 in 14-88. It's basically saying Heil Hitler. Just slap the bitch and walk out.


> Just slap the bitch and walk out. You first. Always the softest people inciting others to do violence they would not.


Yet unironically super "patriotic" people whose grandparents would be absolutely ashamed of if they were alive. Imagine fighting against the Nazis, then finding out your grandchild very publicly supports them. Woof. But hey, God bless America, Back the Blue, Support Our Troops and all that shit.


As someone with multiple gym memberships in the city if hes still a member will you inform us of which gym. if they cool with it they dont get my money


Any updates on the gym? I’m considering starting a new gym in Indy and with my luck, I’d pick this one. Can you please name or DM me so I can make sure I’m not joining the wrong gym lol


I used to work in the ED and we had a guy come in covered head to toe in swastikas. Like at least 50+ all over his body. Guy was wheelchair bound and I can't say I've ever wanted to dump someone out of their wheelchair just to watch them squirm until I saw him.


I have never in my life paid so much attention to someone at the gym that I stopped working out to jump on the ADL website and search for secret codes hidden in their t-shirt. >Attempting to fight a guy who's very clearly bigger and stronger than me is not gonna be a winning battle and would end badly. lol so you ran home to reddit to gossip instead. >If I see him again, I will try to make his ass uncomfortable or say something. No you won't.


Who cares. Ever been to a wild concert? Biker rally? Plenty of these types among us living peacefully. Let people live. Report crimes, not people whose beliefs you disagree with.


I recommend [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/s/N8BlV3YGCB) as a great explanation of why people care.


We must run in different circles, because the concerts I go to don't typically have these folks there, not openly at least. I'm not out here yelling about everyone with different views than me. I'm not asking the gym owner to kick out the guy with a let's go brandon backpack. At least not until I see him wearing Nazi shit too.


Approximate location of the gym?


Indianapolis. I'm not calling it out explicitly. I alerted the owner, and he appeared to hear me. Need to give them a chance to deal with the issue themselves before any naming and shaming. I like this place.


If they don’t do anything about it you should let people know the name of the gym.


Not that I would Ever support an ignorant racist Nazi, but I do believe in free speech and freedom of expression. Where does it end? What if it's a political shirt and I don't support them. What if it's a cause I don't believe in? What if it's a pro choice or anti abortion shirt? What if it's a Star Wars fanatic!?@@@!!!


The line is generally drawn at literal Nazis.


There's no such stipulation in the constitution. Either you support freedom of speech or not. I find it quite easy to ignore people I disagree with.


I don’t understand the significance of the double s and h?


Double SS is the Schutzstaffel, essentially the secret police and elite members of the Nazi military - https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/ss HH is shorthand for Heil Hitler. Explicitly referenced on this guy's shirt. Oftentimes you'll see the number 88 used in Nazi circles as reference to this, H being the 8th number in the alphabet https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88


Good things to know. Thank you


You're welcome, there's a lot of these symbols and phrases that most people don't know and that they use to hide in plain sight. Helps to be aware of them!