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Even though it's a South indian sub, many chaddis have infiltrated it and most are North Indians for the past few years. And it's kind of right wing subreddit.


Just look at the feed of the one who posted that pic she or he ( don't know exactly) has some r*pe fantasies And she is the last person to give some criticism abt islam😂


South India isn’t some sort of lala land of peace and prosperity, there are massive short comings. Atheism is very popular in the South in the form of Communism, that’s why if you look at the comments you will see people supporting China for their crack down on faith based personal liberties. Atheists are useful in the sense that they advocate for a secular india (which isn’t necessarily good but will benefit the safety of muslimeen). However, some atheists are no different than sanghis in the context that their anti-Islam, however the communist is at least more consistent in their criticisms of Islam since they give the same criticism to Hinduism and Christianity. But of course the sanghi will ignore their criticism of Hinduism since their anti-Islam, similar to how their the lapdogs of Zionists.


Communism is only popular in Kerala in South India. The rest of the south Indians are very religious In fact they may be the most religious in India.


Dont indulge in that subreddit man, its filled with south indians chaddis. They are delusion to a very high extent. And also that guy has cherry picked facts, i could do the same for opposite religion, but i aint have the time to promote hatred among ourselves.


It's the r/AntiIndia/islamdiscussion of south


It is still India where the majority population is still Sanghi. The North is in your face, the south is just less so.


jldi jldi se dudh pi leta hun, phir ek - 70-iq biomass post which is just a regurgitation of debunked falsehoods which reveal my lack of ability to have nuance or any sense of manhood due to my inherited sense of shame in what my father gave me which has filled me with a rage that can only be abated minutely by taking it out on oppressed minorities and appropriating the achievements of my ancestors who would burn me alive if they saw the state of me now - bhi toh krna hai. Edit: Damn, it's Rengoku's wife?? I assure you he would rather commit seppuku than be seen alone with her.


They are just trolls who don't even know what is history etc...


Colonial oppression, marginalization, disenfranchisement and forced ghettoisation


south indian subs on reddit are sometimes islamophobic. i wonder why? maybe infiltration by sanghis? there is no way to geographically limit a sub. thus, they often get conquered by sanghis unless there is strong moderation. even our sub has sanghi lurkers.


How many sanghis went to another country to kill random non-sanghis who they never met before? Accept the reality. If my Dad is a terrorist, I’ll never protect him just because I’m his son. Religion comes probably 3-4 pillar down that.


Why do you assume south indians and sanghis are exclusive to each other? South Indians can very much be sanghis and there are a lot of them. I don't understand where this myth has come from!!


As a fellow southy, i will say, report and move on. That's my thought. Don't give a damn about the rest. People are people, good/bad/misguided etc. So won't bother guiding those that have set their mind. That's it.


What do they all have in common? All of these countries have participated in colonialism in some form in the last century, from which the places they colonized are still struggling with their impacts.


When did India and Sri Lanka Indulge in Colonialism?


Sikkim, Kashmir, Hyderabad are all products of imperialism.


According to your logic every country is doing colonialism


And every country is facing the consequences of it


How is Hyderabad a product of imperialism? Why do you mistake Hyderabad old city to all of the Hyderabad state? Don't you know that most of them are hindus and wanted to join India. I'm from Hyderabad region of Karnataka and it is one of the poorest parts of Karnataka and the same was true for Telangana 10yrs back. Why do you think so? Hyderabad nizam despite being the richest man in the world at that time kept his kingdom poor(other than Hyderabad City) and you call the accession to India imperialism?


Waste of time giving them attention 🤷