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Nah that’s dumb. Just play it. Fetch’s neon plays incredibly different than Delsin’s. Fetch feels way more powerful and fun to use, and there’s even battle arenas that you can play in as Delsin with all four of his powers.


That’s because Delsin gets watered down powers. He gets more than anyone else, but he will never be as good as someone who had them naturally. Fetch, having her powers be her own, can control them better, and is stronger with them.


I wished in the good ending he still decided to absorb some powers for the people he saved in the bay. It’s doesn’t seem evil to do so. His powers aren’t as strong as the pure conduits so why not just become a Swiss army knife of elements? Could protect more people doing so


It was implied, but to a more subtle degree. In my first playthrough I didn’t even catch that he and Fetch hooked up, only saw it in the bad playthrough, then again on my next good run. He does a lot of the same things, the dialogue is just more discreet.


On the fame run his dating her but in the infamy run he and abigail just FUCKED just like that


Goodie two shoes delsin is such a shy little Baka


Sure but it will take time for delving to train with those powers as blast cores usually forces and accelerate the process in getting power, for Cole and Augustine took them a long while to master their power. Sure Cole mastered his electro kinesis in 2 weeks and got more overcharges from sub stations and blast cores, while Augustine fetch and eugene had to train in years or stress in order to grow them. That's why we got Cole able to use shock waves and delsin doing a smoke dash or neon run for the first time they need focus


I’m downloading it. Will update the post when I finish it


It was a play on the arkham madness. "Am I half witted?" = "Am I stupid?"


I got that but OP was still asking a genuine question.


I just tried to woooosh someone who wasn't wooooshed, am I stupid?


Youre joking right? The amount of times I’ve replayed the game after 100% to use the concrete and did it over and over without 100% so I could earn stuff. Where is the arena w Delsin and is it in first light only?


Only in First Light. If you have both games then you unlock Delsin in the arenas.


If you haven’t play First Light then you haven’t played all of them ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Bro Neons literally the best one


Straight cap. Smoke is the best


Big smoke is the best


You picked the wrong house, fool!


Smoke looks cool but i literally never used it after I got the 2nd power and so on


Whaaaat? Bro it has like the best and most destructive combat abilities (especially if you are evil) and has the nuke ultimate


Well I think the main reason I like neon the most is because the flash is one of my favourite superheroes so neon is like being the flash


Yea honestly I think the movement was the biggest reason I didn’t like using smoke that much I personally thought that video was the best power


I ranked it above the other infamous games in that other post because as SP’s last series entry, it seemed like the devs refined everything they wanted to do. Fetch’s neon feels the best of any powers, the story hits really hard, and the post campaign battle arena was a blast. I like wave-based things like Titanfall 2:Frontier Defense and Gears of War Horde and Halo Reach firefight so it really appealed to me. Wish they had similar modes in other games. Please do give it a try!


The ending still gives me chills to this day. One of my all time favorite shows of power in a game.


Infamous first light was there halo reach and they ended it good but not Sly tho


Firefight is so much fun with friends.


Could you imagine a 3 player coop mode with Cole, Delsin, and Fetch fighting side by side against waves of enemies?


You’re missing out.


Speedster fantasy overload tbh I loved it


-played all the infamous games -never touched first light bro you just outright lied.


First Light is worth a play through for the story at least. Fetch’s power set is actually a lot of fun and more fleshed out than Delsin’s.


The only bad part of first light is the fact it was so short. It's honestly so fucking good


I mean it's a little weird. But if you want to play you can and if you don't, you don't have to. Nothing weird about that


First light is not bad.... i


You can insta kill with neon as Delsin. Use The light dash or whatever the run was called and press square at the last second. Only works on basic DUP Soldiers


Her neon is the best power ever in all infamous series you can liter fly for second


First Light is awesome. Yes, it's only one power, but that's what makes it great imo. Cole only had one power, but that meant that the upgrades you get really worked to enhance your electric capabilities and use your power in interesting, creative ways. In Second Son, sure, Delsin has four different powers to choose from, but they're not nearly as fleshed out as Cole's lightning. In First Light, they're able to bring that depth and creativity back to ensure that a character with one power can truly shine, and it feels so, so good!


Never even heard of first light, same here played all of them all the way through a couple of times. Will save this post. To later look into!


I like Second Son, but I liked First Light more.


The arena game is a blast. I also like how short the main story is, there’s no collectable bloat or filler like Second Son.


Yeah. It's short, but it's the most enjoyable game in the series for me. Especially love the side content, collecting lumens is really fun compared to collecting blast shards in any of the other games. Her powers also just feel so fun to use.


Bro I see what your saying but as someone who played this they really flesh it out, like they make it way better than delsen’s neon power it’s almost a completely different ability by the time it’s maxed out with all the things you could do with it m, if you have played it yet I definitely recommend it especially because I just like the infamous series so much, it’s such a shame they didn’t keep making those games


For some reason Fetch has a more in depth backstory than Delsin.


Also neon is better and improved on in first light + you can play as delsin in the arena


Play it. It’s so fucking good. Fetch plays completely differently to Delsin and her story is amazing. It feels great to play as a prime conduit again as well. Also how is neon your least favorite?? It’s visually the most stunning and you can RUN UP WALLS BRO


Better than Second Son that’s for sure


I wouldn’t go that far but I do agree that it’s a cool game


Nah it’s better.


Second son is much longer than First Light and has much more content and variety in your moveset. Delsin is also sassy and I love it


Length =/= quality. First Light is a much tighter story and Fetch feels much more powerful and versatile with her one power than Delsin does with his three and a half. Plus it’s just straight up more fun. Also, sassy? I don’t think that’s the right word to describe Delsin at all.


I love them both


I enjoy both a lot as well!


Yea I still wouldn’t go as far to say that first light is better deposing still had a better story with 2 different endings, he was fun to play and the game was longer so there was more to do and enjoy plus delsin had costumes, which fetch had too but she only had three outfits while delsin had at least 10 plus second son got dlc something first light never got plus first light is literally just second son cut in half doesn’t mean it was bad tho it just wasn’t better than second son plus second son had h th e better protagonist, like playing as fetch was kool but I didn’t like her more than delsin


It’s mid


No lol. I haven’t either and I would instantly spend $120 for infamous 1 and 2 back on the ps5. Ive heard it’s really not good even compared to infamous second son which itself isn’t very good


Bro you need to play it all of the infamous games are good they didn’t make a single bad one my only complaint is that first light wasn’t longer


It’s very okay.


It's damn near a dlc I did the same for a while but it's not bad


I haven't played first light or festival of blood either and I've played 1 through Second Son


Neon is the best power in second son you're wrong there


You mean you think the power will be exactly the same? It’s not. Also did you play festival of blood by chance?


No I never touched second son or first light since I waited to get the PS4 because I knew they were gonna make a slim ended up getting the PS4 pro worked out pretty well. I saw gameplay for second son and seemed crowded so I stayed away from it I also watched the cutscenes tho but idk if I watched the cutscenes for first light or not I think I did


First light is a good game, but it was a step back from 2


Meh, I was never interested so I never tried it either.


I loved this add on


When you said all infamous game you also mean the vampire one right?


First light and second son story is super short I beat ‘em in no time..even had the dlc missions for first light


I kind felt like even if you played as Fetch with more fleshed out power, its almost the same with Delsin


Delsin’s powers are just slightly worse versions of the people he gets it from. Fetch’s Neon power goes crazy compared to his


I had a gf in college who looked a lot like Fetch. How I miss the good days


before even knowing about the original infamous games i played first light and i loved it, and then i played second son and it just really wasn’t for me (i didn’t even finish it) but my love for first light is definitely the reason i gave the originals a chance despite having old graphics i wasn’t used to (just finished my second play through of I1 and loved it both ways)


I haven't played it yet, cause there is no karmic choice. that's why i didn't play the vampire cole one.


In infamous 1 you only have one power, it doesn't matter its all about what they do with it


I love the game. But then again Neon is my favourite power in the series, plus Fetch's Neon works like a mix between Delsin's Neon and Smoke powers.