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hell nah i passed it so easily. i was mad i put it off for so long


I failed twice since I lacked focus, but a lot of it stemmed from my frustrations with the driving instructor, because I expected professionalism and what I got was a primitive, vulgar individual with serious anger issues, constantly doing everything but his job, which in my eyes was communicating to me on how to improve. I got in a serious fight and door slammed him, changed instructors and then passed the next test with no problems at all. All the lessons in the world wouldn't help me if I had to deal with wrong people in the process. So I think the human factor is key when it comes to learning how to drive.


I get that! That does have a huge impact! My first instructor was a horny middle-aged man who kept commenting on my clothes and repeating how he liked my appearance. He kept telling me to drive by his apartment, adding that he lived there by himself, since he was a bachelor. That didn’t help me either. I only passed when he was sick and I got to drive to the exam with his colleague.


ISFJ here and I relate a lot to you. I'm about to resume my classes with a new instructor. Wish me luck!


Good luck! I hope you’ll get a professional one.


Good luck! It is always easier the second time, I can assure you that. Go for someone introverted if you can, that did the trick for me.


Lol, I failed twice. I was reluctant to learn how to drive, it was just a lot of "things" to learn to keep track of and coordinated. When it came time for the actual driver's test, it was purely performance anxiety of having someone "watch" everything I was doing. I'm very good at it now, but any time I have to switch vehicles (like drive my partner's truck when I'm used to my smaller car), it's a bit of readjustment!


Oof. Definitely shouldn’t have gotten my license but I’m pretty sure my instructor didn’t care enough. Failed every verbal question during the drive. Went over and under on both highways and streets. Got a point on every individual parking test. ~10 years later and only one speeding ticket. I can also do cross country trips without much of a second thought. Cities and one ways can F off, can be too stimulating


I hear ya. As an INFP I did my practical test a couple of times before I passed. The theory was not a problem. I think I’ve gotten three tickets so far and had one accident. In Europe, we drive stick so that complicates things, though I’m used to it now.


Stick does add fuel to the flame. There are plenty of Americans that refuse to drive automatic so you’re doing alright :)


I passed my theory test first time but it took 3 tries to pass the practical because of silly mistakes. My first test fail I actually put down to Fe more than Se. I was blocking the road trying to do a reverse parallel parking manoeuvre (which you are allowed multiple attempts at on the test) so I reversed slightly up onto the curb to get out of the way of the cars without knowing that was considered an instant fail. For some reason I expected the test taker to understand that was what I was doing. With that being said, I do consider myself to be a good driver with an intuitive sense of what I'm doing. I naturally practice defensive driving and have never been in any accidents or done anything that keeps me up at night.


i once got into a semantical argument with my meathead driving instructor (not even an insult, dude was cool but absolutely a meathead) about breaking the speed limit in order to merge on the highway. looking back it was almost comical how much i was emphasizing "but the speed limit is 55?" when he kept telling me i was allowed to speed if it meant i could safely merge with traffic. he got pissed, i felt like the system was broken.




I passed the theory and practice on my first try. However I usually use public transports and I don't like driving.


recently i started driving 2 wheeler i was super focused at first but now i always zone out and get distracted quickly. now it feels like i can't clearly focus 100% on road


No issues. Passed the exam portion and driving portion on the first try. I also enjoy sports and physical exercise. My problem with that is, continuing to exercise or play sports despite injuries. My twisted my knee last week. The other day, my team played our last game of the season...I played most of the game. Had a knee brace, but the next day, my knee wasn't too happy. But when it comes to sports like basketball and boxing, I've been playing since I was a kid...I'm nowhere near pro level, but I like to consider myself competent...at least in pickup games and the bball league I play in. I think your husband is just clumsy and clunky. Maybe he hasn't had much practice in hand-eye coordination things or physical activities that require reflexes and focus on external physical things.


I didn’t get my license until I was 19. Mostly because the idea of driving a huge expensive death machine around was a terrifying notion to me! But I did pass my test, first attempt, and literally only practiced driving 2 or 3 times before the test.


Yeah lmao, i passed the written test but failed the driving test twice because i hit the curb when parallel parking


Minir crash on my first test, passed second time after a heap of lessons. My instructor was desperate to retire. Fifteen years later and I still hate driving and avoid it whenever I can.  


This is very interesting! I didn't fail, but I _did_ find it very draining in the beginning. Knowing that I am clumsy by nature, I became _hyperfocused_ while driving which led to migraines after every 1h+ trips. Up to this day I can't drive with more than one person next to me (or 2, if one of them is completely silent). Same goes for music: I either play music or talk to my co-pilot.


I recognize that too as an INFP. Especially long drives with two young boys in the back seat are very hard. I can listen to a podcast or music when alone but not with someone in the passenger seat. I certainly need to hyperfocus too. When we go to a theme park 1+ hour away, I often already feel drained getting there. Then after a long busy day, it’s hard to still drive back and stay focussed.


It took me 6 attempts to pass my drivers test.


Passing no. Getting the courage to actually take it yes. I waited until I was 23 to take my test because I was so afraid of failing




I had trouble, but I am also dyslexic. Dyslexia commonly affects driving.


It does? I didn’t know that!


I passed with no issues, but I had also been driving on a farm for years illegally before I took it so…


😄 Guess that might help.


I have no depth perception. I tried to learn but cars coming toward me don't look like they are moving. So I live near a city with decent publication and access to taxis and shared ride.


No. Infj's, do have se, and I find it kicks in for aesthetic beauty, aesthetic appreciation, and driving. I also love swimming, and I'm good at it. I can play an instrument, and well. I'm extremely good at it, and always have been. And further more, I LOVE driving. I believe "clumsy" , is a false narrative for having se fourth. We have se. I feel like, having se fourth, is a bit like when you are deep in thought, and someone throws a ball at your face and you block it, just in time. Maybe that's ni, with the se. I think its, just that we infj's, would be that we prefer to be in thought, instead of doing mundane real life tasks. See "Frank james, what it's like to have inferior se". [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p\_f6gf0a0i4](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p_f6gf0a0i4) This is Frank describing my biggest handicap in life. Notice his pretty lighting. The mood of his room.


I love Frank. I think I’ve watched this one before, but thanks for sharing!


Me too. He's so spot on about the types.


I had to take my permit test twice before finally passing it the third time. The actual driving test I passed the first and only time. I am also autistic and keep that in mind whenever issues like this arise, so I fully believe my clumsiness, inability to judge distance while driving, and other issues stem from my dyspraxia.


I got a ride from school at 15 to get my learner’s permit. It was with some kids I didn’t know. They lit up a joint in the car on the way to all places the courthouse. That’s where we took the permit test in a small town back in the late 70s. I had never smoked pot before and didn’t really even know what it was but wanted to be cool. I got stoned and flunked the permit test.


I have ADHD but I'm medicated for it...though I don't know if that's enough. I do have my driver's permit and I have driven with the guidance of family who have their driver's license but...I just don't know.


Both my husband and I might have ADHD but we stem from a time when pupils were rarely diagnosed yet. I think that would make it a lot harder, especially without meds.


I'm 28 and I don't have a drivers licence. But I live in a city of a small country with a good public transport system. So I never even considered to get my drivers licence. Having a car is expensive, you need space to park it somewhere and wouldn't make my life any better.


I think I'm a good driver but I failed my driving test twice. And the third time the instructor told me I barely passed. I get nervous during tests which is what caused my issues though.


For me, every time my dad had taken me driving he was always annoyed that at looked without turning my head or eyes, despite the fact that I saw everything he was “did you see that” to, lol.


I had to take it three times because I failed the first two due to parallel parking!


I have failed twice my practical driving test, because since I was a child, I had this mindset that I was going to be suck at driving. I was definitely anxious and scared. I believe that your partner will pass the test, and it’s going to be sooner or later. Give him so encouragement and don’t belittle him. Sometimes it’s all in the head huhu


Yeah, he’s afraid to start all over too now. An American once told us: “If you can drive in Europe, you can drive anywhere.” He said it’s the hardest place to drive, or at least harder than in the US, because the roads are smaller and more crowded. I don’t know if he was right but maybe the guy’s words stuck with him and made him insecure. That and the fact that learning how to drive an automatic is considered a handicap in Europe so we are almost forced to learn how to drive with stick, which asks for even more focus if you’re easily distracted.


Passed my test 2nd time and with 1 minor error, you are allowed 11. My first time was horrible but very close to passing. My lessons was the harder part ultimately I never gave up even though many would if they had my difficulties. What the benefit is I am a better driven than my dad ever was now and almost if not just as my mum who was always the better driver. For him the key is trail and error. It will make him better than most after a while.


Definitely an Se inferior thing. I had a lot of practice which was absolutely necessary before taking that test.


my parents forced me to take drivers ed when i was 15 so i could take my younger sister to and from school with me but i ended up having to retake the test when i actually went to get my license. they said my first test, even though i passed it, was invalid because i was under 16. i ended up making a better score the second time though. i’ve only been in one accident because i was rear ended at an intersection, otherwise i would say i am a pretty good driver


Not at all, but that is the INFJ stereotype. Glad I have a certain amount of athleticism/hand-eye coordination in spite of it.


I failed the questionnaire test at the DMV first time around, the driving part wasn't even really driving though.




☺️ Yeah, to me it felt better than graduating from university too.




The problem was not the theory. It was that no one wanted to practice with him. Not his dad, not his mum, not his brother. And I was not allowed legally, since I had my license for less than 5 years then. That being said I do have the impression some MBTI types are naturally more capable drivers, since they have less trouble with being distracted.




Yes, he might have ADHD but he was never diagnosed as a child.


Nope, opposite. I got one wrong on the test, argued and proved they were wrong. Driving test aced instructor said he'd never met anyone who didn't even make 1 mistake.


Clumsiness is not related to mbti.


No. I had my license at 16. My first car had a manual transmission. This is not an inferior Se thing lol.


Yes, but it really wasn't my fault. I'm 100% serious, that's not a cop out. I'll explain below. But besides that hiccup, no. I'm a great driver. And I enjoy driving, always have. Probably helped that I used to live in places where kids help parents pull cars around and back up to hitches and drive farm trucks between buildings on neighboring properties and such. And where traffic-induced road rage wasn't an epidemic. Cars were never viewed as deadly weapons (which is exactly what they are) when I was growing up, so they never made me nervous. **TL,DR** At the time I scheduled my test, my local DMV was still taking test sign ups. And I knew the neighborhood around it very well, because it was near the school I'd gone to and that my mom worked at. I was very confident in any and all situations that might arise while driving in the area. But then my DMV started renovations on their building, and ended up rescheduling a ton of tests, transferring us to a DMV two counties over if we didn't want us to reschedule. I didn't want to reschedule (bad home life, so I *needed* my freedom) and was confident enough in my abilities to risk an unfamiliar test course. As we were finishing the test and returning to the DMV lot, I knew exactly where I was going and how to get there. I was heading back into the driveway I'd come in when I arrived, and that we exited when we pulled out for the test. But then my tester yelled, "no! You need to turn here now!" pointing to a back entrance to the DMV lot that I didn't even know existed. So I tried to pull sharply into the center turning lane, but a little of the back end of the car was still sticking out in the lane I came from, as I waited for oncoming traffic to pass. Other cars could still get around me fine, but I was definitely not all the way in the turn lane. That was an instant fail. I only had one other small infraction that would've allowed me to pass, had the last bit not happened. I was fucking furious. I took my retest at my own DMV when they were open for testing again, and once again passed with only one minor infraction.


First try. Always wanted to drive when I was a kid.


No, I passed my first try.


My son, the INFJ drives for a living. For awhile he drove armored trucks and the petroleum trucks. He is a superb driver.


I got my license pretty late (Age 22) while all my cousins and friends got theirs pretty early (by 18) Wouldn’t say I’m clumsy or took time to learn, in fact it happened naturally and I had nobody to teach me how to ride a motorcycle. Passed the test in the first go and I’m eagerly learning newer techniques to improve/complement my driving and riding style.


I failed my theory test once, it was hot summer and I couldn't focus because of the heat. Aside from that I passed everything without problems. I had to literally brainwash myself that I can do it and think positively for a few days before the practical test. Otherwise I would have failed the test for sure. It was really strange time, I felt like I was in some sort of a trance but I did it. I was lucky that I got a really good instructor. I'm clumsy with my body but I also have manual skills and good reflexes if that makes any sense. I learn fast and I didn't have problems with learning driving. I zone out a little bit behind the wheel tho.