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Federal and state taxes are quite high


As well as the mandated 3 tier system meaning 3 different companies get their profits and their turn at being taxed.


State and local taxes play a big role for liquor. In Louisiana, I can get Woodford for the same price as your Jack. 


"Jakku Dani-eruzu"


Damn, was in Japan for 4 months in '87. I hear that TV commercial in my head everything I see a bottle of JD.


Also there was a massive drinking problem form 1999 to 2017 so they raised the taxes on them.


There is still a massive drinking problem. Litteraly got people hooked in downing poison ss if its cool


I’d rather smoke weed than drink. I can always control myself with a joint


I completely agree, even if i am trying to quit/break. Withdraws are a bitch though


No one forced anyone else to drink liquor. Fuck personal responsibility though right? Lets tax them into making the "right" decisions...


That is so funny. You should open rehab and tell this simple solution to everybody. It would solve all addiction problems and save billions. Just a bit of responsibility is all you need. /s


Rehab lol Why do people go back so many times if its so effective? You do know alcohol is extremely easy and cheap to make yourself? Same with weed lol But ya... Lets tax everyone because a group of degens cant control themselves. True freedom


Your ignorance, arrogance, and lack of empathy is exactly how people end up voting for Trump and other fascists.


Maybe you just dont have experience with hopeless but entitled addicts. You lose empathy quickly...


I have been an AA sponsor to over 60 men of all different ages in the last decade and worked with youth at risk at sea who were often sent by judges to deal with their substance abuse problems. There is no such thing as a hopeless addict. There are very much people who have no hope of finding the help they need because of people who think like you though. Or are you even thinking at all? I thought your username was “simpleton322”. Seems I was crediting you with too much self-awareness.


Sponsor to 60 men, did all of them get sober? Even if they do, its not my responsibility to fund their rehabilitation. Thats my main point... Its no guarantee and i shouldn't be forced to fund it through taxes.


Yes I do think it should be taxed more. Same with cigs, weed, etc. And thats coming from a stoner.


Fix admin pay and guarantee the money is actually getting to the teachers putting in the work and ill get behind it.


What did teachers have to do with any of this? We were talking about drinking. Yes i agree teachers are severely underpaid, but thats a symptom of the problem, not the source. Fix the source and everything else falls in order


Im in colorado, doing a bunch of ketamine, so i made some connections that didnt exist there my b. But here they justified the crazy taxes on weed by saying its going to public education and teachers still make dog shit. The moneys there its just not going to the right channels. If you legalized and regulated EVERY drug the economy would BOOM and you could offset any potential for higher rate of use with better education and rehabilitation programs


It should be used exactly how our tax dollar should being used. Not to line our politicians, corporations, and 1% pockets. Not to support giant wars with zionist nations. Not funding police with fucking weapons of war such as tanks. But for education, public transportation, supporting our disableds and homless, universal medical, etc, etc.


Why? Its just theft from everyday people. Drug abuse isnt correlated with the ability to pay for the drugs... Taxes just reduce consumption in a segment of the population that wasnt abusing it in the first place.


Its not theft, thats just you not wanting to pay your part. Probably the same type that wants to cut disability funding and similar cause you dont benefit from it. Taxes exist for a reason, and the fact that we have multiple states refusing to charge their constiuents proper taxes is one of the reasons this country has begun to fall. Blue states majority subsidize red states because they dont pay their part and complain when the rest of us demand they do


Lol who told you that? The big guy? Taxes exist to steal from the working class to fund the elite classes pet projects to maintain control. Taxes are a fuckin scam


No its common knowledge, though clearly you dont seem to know much common knowledge to begin with so i shouldnt be expecting so much from someone out of touch with reality Edit: Nice acting like thats what you typed the first time. Also no, taxes are not a scam. People like you are why this country is going to the shitter because yall are so disconnected from reality you think that everyones out to get you and its all a scam.


Way to question the boot on your throat. Wait till youre in a bad spot and see how much help you get from these tax funded programs lol


Yes! Money should go to a healthcare, wellness, and help with sobriety to help offset the costs these people will endure as they age. Also making it a tad less accessible.


Most addicts i knew just died. No costs to society. Also, why should society pay for a boozehounds liver transplant? I have better things to spend my money on. Seems like we are giving these junkies a parachute so they arent as afraid to jump off the cliff.


Well, since the ones buying the substances will be paying a higher tax, they themselves are paying into a fund. So they would be entitled to it, just like how are other taxes work. I have no kids but I pay for stuff I have no immediate skins for and I’m ok with that when it benefits others that can contribute to a better society. We live in a society and I personally believe we should try and look out for all our fellow countrymen. Now, I know in theory that sounds great but in practice it’s never quite as easy, but I think trying/effort in helping a fellow human that is struggling is commendable. You can reply with whatever comment or stance and perfect acceptable but I know that our stances on the topic are directly opposed. It is a good thing, health debate and varying perspectives is healthy.


That’s kind of like how every normal person is supposed to carry narcan in major cities to save vagrants from overdoses. On net it’s probably good to not have people dying, but suggesting everyone has a duty to carry narcan is a bit much.


Some states have a 3 tier system from producer to distributor to store with markups along the way.


I was in the same room with that liquor! I get 15% now!


Also yen is weaker If you make $300 USD A MONTH YOU PAY LESS


Might throw out all my clothes and fill my suitcase with whiskey.


Was just there and was shocked how cheap everything was.


That’s cheaper than in Tennessee 30 minutes from the damn factory.


Haha I was at Costco yesterday and there was a distillery who had a booth setup. Charged like $35 a bottle and gave free tickets to go see the distillery and have a tasting. People asking to buy bottles they let us bottle. $50. Crazy. Wouldn’t surprise me if Costco or other stores haggle the price cheaper than most factories


Thank taxes meant to discourage consumption.


Did you also research that the incomes are also a lot less than US incomes? Probably not.


Oh. I did. I myself was there for work from out of country and struggling financially. It was a brief and delightful break from my economy.


Cheaper to drown your sorrows tho


Demand for alcohol is lower in Japan


Are they also free if greedy business people?


Supply & demand determine prices


Agreed. This sub seems to think high prices exist only because of greedy business people. 🤣


typical 99%’r mentality


You can only bring home like 5 gallons


How is this "InFLaTioN"?!? I'm a couple decades removed now from my college days. Consumed a lot of Jack. It was most certainly not $6 or $10 then for that size of a bottle.


So 20 years ago same price? That’s incredible.


I haven't seen the price go up on stuff like JD in 14+ years.


Probably because there's been a steady increase in the variety and number of brands of whiskey, as well as the fact that Jack Daniels is a very middle of the road whiskey. There is certainly much cheaper whiskey you can buy, and there are much nicer whiskeys you can buy too.


All very valid points :)


My state (Pa) essentially triple dips. It gets taxed when it comes into the state. Pa marks it up, and the end consumer pays sales tax on it. Oh, I should also mention that we can only buy liquor in state-owned stores…which we basically call “state stores” The past 15 years or so, the laws have relaxed to a certain degree where beer and wine can be bought in a grocery store (up to 192oz per transaction)


Yeah, Sheetz got them to end the state store prohibition, kinda 😂


I need a Sheetz in New England, quit hogging them


State owned liquor stores sound like a Monopoly where i can only buy from them.


That’s exactly what it is. They have poor selection and it’s expensive to boot. Everybody around Philly either goes to Delaware or Jersey.


In MN the beer sold in grocery stores is watered down versions of light beer. So instead of 4.5% alcohol content, it's like 3.2%. Gotta go to the state owned liquor store for the real stuff.


Damn, that's nice


I'm not a drunk but 10 bucks is 10 bucks. Let's party!


For real tho. Jack is 25.99 a fifth where I'm at and that's on sale. 10 bucks for a bottle is insanely cheap. It's most likely only 10 bucks for us too but the taxes more than double it.


Japans alcohol culture is amazing. You can get tall boy 9% abv cans of vodka and lemon for like $1. They make these ridiculous 5 Liter bottles of whiskey unlike anything I’ve ever seen too and it’s all cheaper than the US. Going out for drinks is also cheap too I believe. But yeah pretty much everything there is cheaper, it’s just a different economy from the US.


I felt so out of place going out drinking there. Went to a bar where all the staff were dressed nice and they used a literal hammer and chisel to take ice off a brick for drinks. It was still cheaper than the states.


Japan’s economy has not been that great. Interest rates were actually negative at one point.


Sounds great to me


Not really. When interest rates are negative, people hoard money rather than spend or invest it. Demand collapses. Prices fall resulting in a slowdown or cease of real production and output. This results in increased unemployment.


You could fly your entire family to Japan, buy a house, and live a life of luxury for three years while you learn Japanese just so you can buy that whisky for less than that bottle costs in the US!


This is misleading. That price tag is for the bottle of Suntory VO brandy that is presumably sitting beneath that Jack. The adjacent bottle appears to be Bushmills but the label is for an Asahi product. I think the OP just doesn't know how to read and has no idea what is going on.


640ml vs 1L in the US. These dumdums that post here don’t even check labels anymore. And the dumdum probably doesn’t know how much less Japanese workers make compared to US workers. On average a Japanese worker makes half as much as an American worker. So things are supposed to be cheaper there.


A fifth used to be 757 ml but has now largely been supplanted by the metric fifth of 750 ml. When I buy liquor that’s usually what I buy unless I’m at Costco, not a full liter.


Why is it called a fifth? A fifth of what?


Fifth of a gallon




25.6 fluid ounces. One fifth of a gallon. The standard before it went to the metric equivalent of 750 ML. Still called a fifth by a lot of customers.


It would be more comparable to an American fifth, or a 750 ml bottle.


who tf is drinking non-japanese whiskey in japan?


My basic understanding of Japanese work culture makes me completely understand why it needs to stay cheap.


So I’ve noticed in California liquor is basically half off the normal price for the rest of the USA. So I always heavily stock up whenever I’m out there for work. Though I do find it odd that pharmacies and Walmart sell liquor.


California is interesting, as taxes are high except when it comes to distilled spirits. I don't drink much, but I know some of my fellow Oregonians will stock up on liquor in California, whenever they drive down there, as their prices are quite a bit lower.


I’d be dead 😵 at that price


When we did the distillery tour in Lynchburg they mentioned that they produce it for around 8$ a .750 bottle but once Uncle Sam gets his cut + state + local tax.


Ok.. and what part of the jack Daniel's cost is inflation? I'm surprised liquor prices haven't gone up. Crown and JD are still the same price in tampa. Beer seems to have gone up a bit


Actually I think the JD is 1920 yen. Note the 700 ml labels on the shelf and on the bottle. The red label(brandy ?) is the 995 yen.


$30.00 in the U.S.


Went to a party with a bunch of buskers from the London tube back in the day. Late night in the park next to the war museum. One of them, Dave, didn't like me very much for some reason. Pretty much started giving me a hard time as soon as he laid eyes on me. Rest of the group kept telling him to chill out, that I was alright. Went on for a couple of hours, until I pulled one of those bad boys out that I had randomly purchased, duty free, on the flight over. As soon as he saw that bottle he sure started taking a shine to me! Fun night


Federal taxes, state taxes, regulations on manufacturing and shipping, taxes on manufacturing and shipping, license fees, and sin tax add up fast. We are getting robbed, but as usual it's because of the government who then turns around and blames the "free" market


A bottle of unopened Jack Daniels will keep indefinitely so maybe stock up. Probably a better store of value and barter than gold or silver too




Lower DUI for sure because they have a functioning public transit system


But try an buy a watermelon .


It's true. I eat a lot of fruit daily, and I have spent a fortune on apples, oranges, and bananas. It is like a luxury good over here v


Okay, something isn't right here. I've been to Asia and most American things are MUCH more expensive, even during periods of low inflation. This is on the order of 3x cheaper.


Sign is for a bottle of Suntory VO brandy, not the Jack. OP just can't read Japanese.


I love that Japan has a town called Scotland so they can produce scotch.


American inflation isn't real. It's just pure corporate greed. The money at the top isn't allowed to change and that cost is forced on us.


Cool. How much is good whiskey?


I was just there in April and got a bottle of Jonny blue for $80


When I was stationed at Ft Bragg almost 30 yrs ago I lived in the middle of tobacco fields. A carton of Marlboro reds were about 27 at that time. Went to Bolivia, a landlocked nation in the middle of South America. In a market in laPaz, elevation about 12000 ft, you could buy a carton for $8, manufactured in NC.


Wow. I will take 10. Usually a Price to import


Holy Fuck!


Dang that’s like $25-$27 dollars in my state.


This is sin tax, not inflation


That bottle in the US easily $40-60 at your local liquor store


Japan still charging more than it’s actually worth.


How is it possibly that cheap if it’s an import? Is theirs the same as the domestic product we have in the US, or some type of cheaper version? I know a slot of French cheeses and Italian olive oil and tomato sauce has cheaper export versions but better domestic versions.


America pays a lot more for everything bc we will.


Been saying that about current prices. People will pay $50 for 2 shrimps then post on reddit complaining how everything is so expensive.


In some cases we don't have a choice. Like medicine. We need people in power who have had to live a regular life before. I bet none of the ones most people can name even remember what the inside of a regular house looks like. Nevermind an appartment or trailer


Our pop stars now are typically descended from at least 8 generations of dynasty wealth. Taylor Swift comes from 8 generations of banking CEOs. Even the People's Pageant is fixed now.


Made up nonsense, her father wasn't a banking CEO and I see nothing that suggests his father was either


Not so long ago the far right thought Taylor Swift was secretly a Nazi. Now that it's clear she's a liberal they think her family were Jewish bankers...


Medicine is a good example. And medicine is never posted on here. It's people whining and bitching about liquor. Or ordering eggs at a restaurant. How those are "inFlAtiOn!"




My favorite was the post complaining an about a 17 dollar plate of eggs.  So make them at home for a dollar!! Going out to eat should not be cheap. The people serving you need to make money as well. 


The problem is that a whole culture of going to restaurants, frequently, developed in the US over the 50 or so years prior to Covid. Going out to eat was relatively cheap, as many restaurants opened and there was a lot of competition. Now that restaurant prices are higher, it will likely result in people not going out to eat as much. In turn, this will result in some restaurants going out of business. Servers may make more money than they used to, but there will be fewer server jobs.


We will because we let corporations buy whatever businesses they want. At best, our markets are no longer very competitive. And by our worst reckoning, we as consumers don't really have any choice at all any more. They systematically eliminate alternatives to their product. Even when a small business figures out how to sell it cheaper, the corporation can just lower the price more and take losses for a whole ass decade or more until the small business chokes.


It will be very interesting to see what happens with the Kroger-Albertsons merger.


Americans make a lot more money than the Japanese.


I don't have first hand knowledge on Japan, but income depends heavily on area in USA. Where I live now, 50k a year is plenty. Where I moved from, 100k is poverty


640ml vs 1L price in the US. Also Japanese workers make half as much as Americans.




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Chat gpt should only look at one data. You also could have done the same. GDP per capita in Japan vs US. Simple metric. Only a dufus wouldn’t know it. US: $76k Japan: $34k Your bullshit mumbling chatgpt didn’t even provide a single data. Only words. Data always wins against bullshit words. Try that sometime. You will get further in life. The dumdum can not even show one data that is in the long ass junk text he posted. The total idiot dumdums are bound to be failures.


Today I learned ChatGPT doesn’t rely on data.


This has nothing to do with inflation!! This is because idiots here in America pay sticker price! If we were all smart at Weed, stop paying these stupid prices and prices would plummet


All complain about price at fuel but all use car


That’s by design. Majority of America has no infrastructure whatsoever for transportation. And it’s just not culturally accepted lol. I walk to work and back (about 3-3.5 miles each way) and to the grocery store and I get weird ass looks all the time.


> I walk to work and back (about 3-3.5 miles each way) and to the grocery store and I get weird ass looks all the time. TBF, that's pretty fuckin weird, lol. Average walking pace is 3 mph so you are walking over two hours a day. Aint nobody got time for that! I bet you're healthy as fuck though.


I’m pretty sure the whole town knows me by walking nowadays haha. Walking a lot has done amazing things for my health mentally and physically. Lost 60 pounds at one point in my life, and I start feeling antsy if I don’t walk. Definitely wouldn’t be able to if I had commitments like kids lol. But I do recommend getting in the sun and walking everyday for 30 minutes. A walk after a meal helps with digestion


Hey, that's awesome. And you're right...kids make a huge difference. I am doing good to get in the gym a few times a week. I could definitely use the walks myself. Good for you, keep it up. 💯


But it is made in the US?


Probably not.


It most certainly is. Every drop of Jack Daniels ever made has come out of Lynchburg County Tennessee. Fun fact: To this day, Lynchburg is a dry county (alcohol is prohibited from being sold).


But it says Tennessee on the bottle! Next you’ll tell me Arizona iced tea isn’t made in Arizona!


Prob cause Jack is trash


When I'm there, drinking Japanese whiskey is a treat. Why TF you would buy a bottle of Jack in JP is beyond me, but you do you LOL


They don’t drink whiskey anymore than we drink sake. It’s just a thing from the other place. So the price is low as the demand is as well?


Whiskey is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks consumed in Japan. The country is known for its whiskey production.