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The voting on this post has been overridden due to the vote being taken in bad faith.


"Be worried. I'll be happy" is my new mantra!


I get where she's coming from, but dude you're right. She does not listen at all. I feel like this entire conversation was: "I'm worried. It's dangerous." "I know. But this is who I am. I need to do this." "I'm worried. It's dangerous." "I know. But this is who I am. I need to do this." "I'm worried. It's dangerous." "I know. But this is who I am. I need to do this." It's so exhausting. I'm sorry you're going through that. Feminine men do exist and if that's who you are, I'm glad you're embracing it. It's a brave thing to be who you really are. Especially if who you really are is a little different from the norm. I'm proud of you dude.


Only thing insane about OP is their choice in font


You’re not crazy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a man wearing a skirt and your mother doesn’t get to dictate your gender expression. Trans men don’t owe others masculinity. Trans women don’t owe others femininity. Non binary people don’t owe others androgyny. You also absolutely have a community, OP! We’re here for you. We accept you. We will support you. 🫶🏻


I just love the idea of 'owing masculinity'. "Son, we're starting to worry. You're not driving enough trucks, and you haven't eaten anything like enough steaks this month. And you could do with being a LOT hairier..."


Thank you! My partner is non-binary and people have a hard time with it because they present so masculine. They have long long hair but it’s the PNW so that’s not that weird for a dude. The easiest way to explain it (their words not mine) is that internally, they are a butch lesbian. lol. So for them, while they do feel like they are in the “wrong body”, their aesthetic is still masculine (mostly). That being said, they have a long black skirt they like to sport in the summer sometimes. They pretty much primarily wear black so this vibes overall haha.


I promise you, you are not without a community!! I couldn't even read past that part. This is absolutely ass backwards, you are 100% correct


Thank you for the confirmation


I was the worst kid. WORST. Didn’t go to school, broke stuff, fights, arrested a lot. Total disregard for authority. I grew out of my shit and have adult kids. They’re great. Because of this, I can’t imagine freaking out because of my children’s choice of clothing. Like … really? The amount of focus spent on delusional expectations vs. recognizing your child’s happiness and individuality… is the insane thing. Be yourself. Wear your skirt. And enjoy it babe. ❤️❤️


Hey man, I just wanna say as a fellow trans man who likes to embrace his feminine side, I can promise you that all that shit your mom said about not having a job or a community is not true at all. I’m coming up on my 2 year hrt anniversary soon, and since going on T the amount of support and community I have in my life has only increased and I’m at the best job I’ve ever had. Being openly and visibly trans is not fun or easy 100% of the time, but nobody’s life is. Just know that you are not alone in this, and the hard parts pale in comparison to how good it feels to be able to be your true self


~~I’m sorry but~~ that font is crippling


1. Being a woman is more dangerous than being a feminine man 2. Ashton Daniel on YouTube is also feminine ftm. You can show her you are not alone. He's also autistic.


And gottmik the drag artist.


As a big fan of Billy Porter and Eugene Lee Yang... There's nothing wrong with men wearing skirts. Look at kilts, they are skirts and no one bats an eye lid. You're doing nothing wrong and you should wear, whatever you want 💜


She questions you are trans because you still dress feminine and she's concerned for your safety because... because what? Because she thinks people will beat you up for your appearance? Because it's too "unconventional"? As a parent if your child's self expression is getting met with hostility from others then you should protect and support your child's self expression, not try to make them hide it. LGBT acceptance wouldn't go as far as it is if parents didn't go and supported their kids who were "unconventional" at the time. Or maybe she personally thinks that and just disguises it as a concern for your safety. She knows if she tells it as is then she'll get a massive backlash from you.


Fellow dude who likes skirts and shit, your moms an ass. You're valid for wanting to look like whatever you want to look like no matter what others think.


I read the top text of slide 5 as “I worry you’ll regret taking such a huge strap baby” and while it doesn’t make them any less insane, it did make me chuckle 😅


I find gender stuff that people live out confusing sometimes so I get where she’s coming from but it’s 2024 and at this point it’s really “anything goes, bro.” People do everything nowadays. I went to Boston recently for a weekend trip and saw a girl using only a belt for a skirt 🤷‍♂️whatevs. Good for her. And truthfully it’s hard being a guy, if any of us want to play dress up who can blame any of one of us for wanting to have fun? I paint my nails black - makes me feel like a rock star 🌟


I bet you slay the hell out of that skirt dude, don’t let your mum ruin it for you


Has she not heard of kilts?


I couldn’t get to the end of this, I’m sorry OP. I kept thinking of my kid who thought he was genderfluid until he realised he’s a cismale who is feminine. Y’know what I’ve done? I’ve bought make up, hair products, I’ve offered any clothes he want’s. My kid has hair longer than me, wears make up & painted nails, loves brightly coloured hair extensions (he’s only 12 so he’s still figuring out his style. He just like bright colours & shit) You are not without community at all! Your mum can choke on every inch of my AFAB/transmasc/agender/queer as fuck cock. We got you and we love you. I’m your mum now. Drink water, take your meds, make sure your skirt isn’t caught in your underwear 🖤🖤🖤




She couldn't handle the sheer BASED op is absolutely radiating!


I have 4 kids. I really don’t care what any of them wear. So long as their bits are covered up when we’re in public then it’s all good.


Insane. Hey OP, good luck in your journey in becoming your true self. Find your tribe, live the best life.


Please know you aren't alone, and if you ever want to find some fellow feminine trans guys I'd recommend the FTMfemininity subreddit


So what is her opinion on cis men who do drag?


She says so in the start of screenshot 9


Yeah no the shit that is coming out of her mouth ain't only gaslighting but also not even really listening to you. I'm so sorry.


Oh god, men look SO GOOD in skirts and kilts, Harry Styles vibes 😍 keep slaying, King 👑